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  1. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary With all assembled Black cleared her throat. Far away as she was it was still audible to their enhanced senses as the Liquidator straightened her posture and gestured them over. Dataslates for most and in the case of Judgement and Kay a nearly 50-page stack of papers each in braille...
  2. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Enkidus Room Enkidus pod was suspiciously untouched. The interior lacked the presence of having been used at all recently, the water was fresh and smelled entirely of ozone, the lid had no internal condensation from the heat of a body. Whats more despite their spartan and austere quarters...
  3. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Play Room Judgment, Death, and Pentendra all arrayed around Enkidus limp form examining it. While the first two psychically inspected every inch of the deceased Augur, Miss Penny; Still a psychotherapist in BTS with a background in child psychology and pharmaceuticals carefully peeled his eyes...
  4. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Play Room The line of gunmen stopped several meters in a line from the group of Augurs as if the distance was any more safe than being across the room itself. Carefully, Black, her emotions strained to the brink carefully took several tentative steps forward. "Kay, what happened here?" The...
  5. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary - Play Room Augurs were rational beings to their core. All able to process the same information more or less they all had started putting together the clues but for some of the first generation who were both more and less than their 2nd generation counterparts they lacked the same...
  6. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Babel Capital City 'Chaldea' - Columbary, OIA Underground AUGUR Observatory Facility. In sensory deprivation where Augurs spent half their day instead of sleeping there was seldom ever a disturbance. Self-contained and floating in a tank of still heavy water, submerged but for the face itself...
  7. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    Sparrow got lost in references to unsafe pasta and its relation to mobility causing her to shift into consternation that made her look deep in serious thought when in reality she was attempting to juggle the logistical challenges of how much semolina constituted a hazzard and just how many carbs...
  8. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    "Yes. I have done service as a medic in combat. I use no fell magics or devices of otherworldly origin untrustworthy as they are." Sparrow acknowledged the man, doc, before her with too much pride as she tilted her chin up and puffed out her chest. "I also have little experience beyond triage...
  9. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    Sparrow, looking nothing like a medical professional in any capacity intoned her head to her once ward without any of the disappointment she felt towards her wayward and sometimes antisocial sister. Sparrow simply wanted to spend more time with Kyoko, though it always seemed her youngest sibling...
  10. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Hall With Moon and Justice prone, and the rest thoroughly out of the way there was a thrush of pinpricks felt just over their heads as from down the hall Mollay opened fire with his jackhammer. Between the psychic assault and the mass-driven bullets flying over head each of the psychics felt...
  11. Char

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    "Thank you, Unit." The Lieutenant actually patted morgan on her shoulder, the sleek wet surface make a pat-pat sound. "With any luck, you shouldn't be necessary other than to scare our asset out of hiding. Your build is appropriate for the facility; Most of the non-restricted spaces are full of...
  12. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Hall Justice' prayers were terse and clipped. The intense feeling of unease permeating his head like someone was violently shaking his very brain as the off-sounding frequency of the abominations affected him and the other augurs and a shared trauma. The inner ear, disturbed, would not...
  13. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    "Of course, Sachi-cat." Sparrow offered one of her warm, genuine smiles; Looking partly like a mixture between enduring a stomach ache and recoiling from a bad smell it was still a work in progress as she accepted the tray with one hand and gently pat-patted her niece on the head. "It should...
  14. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    Unnoticed in the lounge prior it had come to Sparrows note about Sachikos' announcement as she pondered her scarce obligations for the next several weeks. Her commitments to her sister notwithstanding even Sparrow could tell when even her doting eldest sister needed space, and that being cooped...
  15. Char

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Landing Pad As Sherry, still wearing her troopers stripes until her new, as of yet unannounced promotion was filed arrived with Astarte Dubrant in tow arrived the squaring-up concluded and the naval officer beckoned them under the shelter of the Griffin transport as the rain began to pick up...
  16. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Shock was not something an Augur could drop into. So fine was their biological control that even as moons very muscles tore and ligaments stretched she was able to disassociate from it as her mental faculties processed what she was trying to do. It was crude, ineffective, and unoptimized. The...
  17. Char

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Khandar Military Base The sheer size of Khandar was intimidating enough with the thousands of BAMF marines running about with no small number scrambling on the soakpad around the griffins as marines disembarked and made for the armories to disarm and move into the dry and warm buildings for...
  18. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Lower Levels i Right about the time they decided to advance in the safest direction was the same moment their consistent adversaries came onto the scene. Like all the abominations thus far they seemed completely unique to one another and asymmetrical in their designs as first one, then a...
  19. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    "You too should be going." She spoke to the four of them but lacked any of the hostility one might expect and instead spoke with casual patience. "As soon as those who whitnessed the Sanguinette are collected and chose to adhere to its cause we will leave this place. The wars here are over and...
  20. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    Tarkus groaned as the amazons pulled him out by his horns and ears but he was thankful none the less. It was then that the armored man was brutally crushed by Fydor's magic. "No..." was all Tarkus could manage. At the man's word, Tarkus looked back and nodded. 'I will make your sacrifice worth...