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  1. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Garage The older woman appraised moon with a single arched brow and a distant look of contemplation as she took a purposeful drag from the ciggarello and let out a long exhale of wafting grey smoke; The smell allready overpowering before amplified psychic senses were involved as every single...
  2. Char


    Road While Morgan was able to more or less go unnoticed on her scaling of the truck the last action was less than stealthy. While she was a Golem and had thew ability to make more fluid movements than any mortal she was still a Hunter Killer type and not a scout-type that specialized in such...
  3. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Garage "More ah less." Kay answered judgment and hermits' queries as she plopped herself down in a metal folding chair, waving a particularly fat pickle around before taking a noticeable loud crunch from the gherkin; Scratching her cheek while she tilted her head clearly thinking back...
  4. Char


    Armory "This aint no library, got others waiting in the rain if you please, my lady." The armorer barked before softening the last statement with an edge of clear annoyance and sarcasm before placing a fullsize caliburn rifle on the armorer's table and a handful of helical magazines for it...
  5. Char

    P Boundaries of Blindness

    My name... What is my name...? Those words rang out in the vast darkness. The boy who was suspended in the tank couldn't for the life of him remember... anything. He would get flashes of memory. Sparks that lasted only a moment before being lost to the ether. He remembered running. The...
  6. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Columbary Blue looked from person to person as everyone listed their demands and responded to not a single one of them. Hermit was right to watch him due to the fact that while his outward expression remained a neutral deadpan all of their empathic abilities triggered the intense annoyance at...
  7. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Columbary "It's supposed to be me!" Kay harumphed after even more of the augurs made guesses that ranged from mundane shapes to eccentric and complicated scenery. "Maybe um a bit more curvey n' the shape of the dress is off but, come on?" She chided, clearly defeated as the not at all described...
  8. Char


    "You dont fucking say?" The corporal mumbled as she tried to peer through a day-night monocular to little luck with its own 3x variable zoom function. "That's definitely not us." She stated sagely, getting the interest of the first team. "How do you mean, corporal?" One of them asked...
  9. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Columbary "Okie, enough youthful spunk antics. Come take a seat~" Kay cooed to the group as she didnt even try to hide the calming, soothing aura targetted at everyones empathic senses. "We're going to continue on from where we left off earlier in the week and work on your nodal perception...
  10. Char


    Tunnels Their kit together and the sleep broken from them the team slowly followed the pace of their corporal up the winding dug-out tunnels. Those who checked their chronometers would see it was still early morning at 5AM; Not that any of them had been outside to see their new homes red sun at...
  11. Char

    set ye profile picture you lousy BUM!

    set ye profile picture you lousy BUM!
  12. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Columbary "Very good, judgy!" Ms.Kay clapped twice before moving onto the next as the last few Augurs where still shuffling in. Most wandered about, collecting materials from nearby bins or on tabled pulled from the floor with the last groups own tests spawled about as one by one each of them...
  13. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Columbary. At Ciaphas' usual and unnecessary shouting a few responses were elicited. At least four other rooms had their occupants shift their attention his way and it was obvious to all of those near Ciaphas that the negative emotions from the waking psychics that if they could have harmed him...
  14. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    The thing that got one's attention was that there was nothing to get their attention. The silence was loud and annoying in the way that even the beating of the heart and the sound of blood flowing was as loud as a burst dam when someone in sensory deprivation came back to lucidity out of the...
  15. Char


    Atlas Shipyard. There was no recognition noticeable on the lieutenant's face when he came to appriase Sherry, cae, alphaeus, or typhon. For his part the young man had filled out; From what could be seen the neck up as gaunt chin and cheek lines had once again filled out when brought from...
  16. Char


    "And each of you are given a standard copy of your new contract for review with your issued equipment, where you can read the full details on the new terms and conditions-" Astarte continued on as some like Sherry seemed lost in their thoughts and contemplations; Slowly winning the crowd back...
  17. Char


    Bus. With a growing uproar brewing, the marine at the wheel of the bus slowly began to slow down to a stop while the other spoke into a mounted radio. When the bus had finally stopped the two marines took up positions just behind Dubrant; Hands off weapons but still making it obvious that no...
  18. Char


    Cafeteria - Sherry, Alphaes, Caelus, AND GUNHAND ONE. OF. THESE. DAYS. "My name is Astarte Dubrant." The overly friendly and uniformed woman answered Sherrys' bite with a reassuring and conversational tone, her blue eyes oddly piercing as she maintained eye contact with Sherry; The woman's...
  19. Char


    Cafeteria - Sherry, alphaes, caelus, AND ALSO GUNHANDS CHARACTER. Sherrys' abrupt and sharp curse sent more than a few people at the neighboring tables jumping or flinching as it broke the quiet. While it earned her more than a few sets of hushed curses and retorts it garnered more of a...