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AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

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Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko of SachiTech was all smiles full of excitement and amusement at that moment as she carried her daughter to daycare. Sachiko had a list of plans to do that day, and some of it was exciting. “Now I want you to be a good girl, ok Freyja, be good to your caretakers!” Sachi said to her daughter. “And when I come back from my trip, I’ll get you a surprise!” She added for extra persuasion. Though the Cyan-haired mother knew she didn’t need to do that, with how well she and Vivi had been doing in raising the toddler, Freyja was a good and sweet girl.

Sachiko said her goodbyes to her daughter and kissed her on the cheek before handing her little one to the station’s caregiver. She waved goodbye before she left and went first to her office, and sat at her desk. “Ok, the first order of business get sign-up sheets set up... Wait, no I don’t need to do that, I have access to the station’s communications. I can send a message through that! I can ask them to meet up in... The station’s lounge, if they’d like to come! I’ll also send a message to the Senti. I’m sure they’d be interested in joining and likely have expertise in this kind of work too. “ She said to herself and smiled before she got to work.

A few minutes later, everyone on the station, got a notification, which announced her plans to organize a salvage operation at a System (some length away) from Kalis, and that she was asking for volunteers. For those interested, they are being asked to meet at Eselberg’s Lounge. At the same time, through means of communication she’d received from a last job she’d undertaken, the Senti were also sent a message asking if they’d be willing to send something or someone to join her on a salvage operation she was going to conduct.

Both were warned, though, about potential danger to lurking pirates or worse, Shadow Demons that likely made their home there.

With the messages sent, she got ready and made her way to the lounge. “My first salvage run, this is exciting!” She said to herself and got herself a snack to munch on as she waited. She’d sent Vivi another of her messages of love that she enjoyed sending, and her promise to hug and kiss her lots when she saw her.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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A chime from Sachi's phone would signal the receival of a new message. Enclosed were some rather private pictures of Vivian at the bridge of the clan ship, along with the actual message, "Got the twins warming the engines, we'll be ready soon. See you aboard my love~ <3".

A few minutes after, four grey heavily armed and armored people strode up. The one in front removed their helm, revealing to be Jericho. "Heard you had some high risk work, and salvage ma'am. Don't suppose you have room for four more?" The other three bowed their heads briefly in greeting from behing him.

"We're working boys, and have grown a bit soft sitting on our rears. Please, if you need trained guns, were always on call. We owe your mother for letting us stay here on the station too.", Jericho added in explanation. Good thing they'd eaten before hand, the team wouldn't have wanted to miss this opportunity.
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Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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Unnoticed in the lounge prior it had come to Sparrows note about Sachikos' announcement as she pondered her scarce obligations for the next several weeks. Her commitments to her sister notwithstanding even Sparrow could tell when even her doting eldest sister needed space, and that being cooped up on the station had been giving her a considerable stir-craze as of late.

There was a pugilist bout she had been considering in a system a weeks travel east and wanted to drag Kyoko to and toughen up her baby sister. And it would be good to get some space away from Tarkus and his sisters after the... Incident at falke station that had enlightened her so.

She could dash two birds with one stone this way by getting out and finding some common ground to bond with Sachiko over. Her niece was smart; Too smart for Sparrow to relate to unlike when she was younger. Most of what she said went clear over Sparrows' head and whenever she went on about her projects the most Sparrow could do was stare blank-faced and stoic like usual and pretend she knew half of the words her former ward must have been making up.

Already standing over Sachikos shoulder, Sparrow could no longer loom like she wanted, but could still try as she looked over the girls shoulder at her goings on.

You are your mothers daughter. Sparrow thought to herself a quirked brow at the hardly appropriate images scrolling by, and the afterthought of And Set is too much our fathers' daughter as well.

It was a shame that Sparrow was the only one amongst them with zeal while the rest of her family leaned towards... Vigor.

With Jerico's arrival, however, Sparrow resumed her reserved glare she held for those outside of her family and more often than not Klaus, though it seemed he never noticed the difference. Making an effort to sweep one of her slippers and make some actual noise to at least be noticed by Sachiko and not make it obvious that she had been standing over her niece for well over a minute she came around where she had been snacking and joined her wordlessly as she slid alongside Sachiko should to shoulder with impassive affection anyone outside of her family would never have known had no experience with her nuance that only they would know to pick up on, and the fact that her presence alone there confirmed her participation in this expedition.

"Soft." The shrined maiden and embodiment of strength agreed with Jerichos' assessment of his men while completely missing the light hearted sarcasm.

She, alone, was strong.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko’s lips curled upwards as she saw the message from her beloved Vivi, and her cheeks turned a reddish hue as her eyes saw the private pictures. She giggled to herself before she spotted the approach of the gentlemen she recognized from the group that brought Sacre and Maradia. Indeed, because of their aid and their military training, her mother, Setsuya, had kept them on board. The cyan-haired hybrid thought it was for extra protection. Something she wasn’t interested in going without.

Her lips curled up into a smile once again as Jericho spoke to her. She was blushing at being called ma’am, but she forced herself passed that. The piece of snack she’d been eating, faced its doom as she wiped her lips before speaking. “I think there is room for you on the Spriggan! I appreciate your interest in joining up. Your weapons are enhanced by magic to do magical damage too right? If not, there should be some on the ship. My partner is there now waiting.” She said before she heard Sparrow, and smiled as she noticed her.

“Aunt Sparrow!” she said with pleasure and happiness in her voice. Clearly her aunt had a special place in the young inventor’s heart. “I’m really happy you're coming too!” she said to her and passed over some snacks she’d been snacking on.

Meanwhile, she made a mental note of the participants in the operation and knew it couldn’t hurt to have more.


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Nov 4, 2021
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"Of course, Sachi-cat." Sparrow offered one of her warm, genuine smiles; Looking partly like a mixture between enduring a stomach ache and recoiling from a bad smell it was still a work in progress as she accepted the tray with one hand and gently pat-patted her niece on the head.

"It should never have been in doubt." She reinforced, covering her mouth with the fingers on one hand as she stealthily placed a cracker in her mouth.

Sparrow was impaired when it came to knowledge on magicks and the like. Sachiko, Set, and others knew better, But for Sparrow the extent she knew was that she didn't know enough.

were easy enough to understand. They waved their hands about and spoke words that were not really words, and relied too much of their mumbo-jumbo. She had delt with their kind time and time again and was usually oft as easy as closing the distance with speed and hitting them repeatedly and with consistent force until they could no longer make their funny gestures or chant their strange words of power.

Magical 'things' were different. She only knew that breaking them often made them explode.

Magical weapons she knew a bit better if only on the concept that they were deceiving. She also considered them a handicap for those who could not cultivate as she could and-

What had she been doing again? Sparrow wondered, lost in thought as usual as she looked at a now empty tray of snackfoods and wondered if Sachiko had been offering her but one though now it was clearly too late as she casually hid the tray out of sight as if there wasn't a room full of people clearly looking her way but as the most casual action in the world the way she did so.

"Who else will be joining us, Sachi?" Sparrow asked, skillfully (in her own mind) diverting the conversation elsewhere. "One of the Herricks? Perhaps Kyoko?" The clear difference in emotion between the lusty witch or the demons, and her precious younger sister making it clear that not including her bias against magic she was clearly trying to not make it obvious she was hoping for more people she was at least comfortable with in her very small social circle that extended to her family and practically nobody else but for a scant trusted few.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"Wouldn't be our first tango ma'am, though plasma seems to kill 'em well enough. That being said, we do have our own magic, among other tricks.", came Jericho's stoic response in a matter of fact tone. And that wasn't untrue, or sharing too much, but this was good training and a chance for further recon. If all went well, it might expedite things back home to urge a response to contacting the UNS, though for now they were keeping their identities and origins hushed. Their armor were just matte grey, their visors a dull blue glow that was very feint, much like the finish and lights of their equipment as well.

There was the four of them, a team that could be useful to the young lady running the show here. It was frankly in the group's best interest to watch out for her, she was the administrator's daughter afterall, and the admin was kind enough to let the team crash on the station for the time being. Obviously with the understanding that their services and skills, were up for their use on demand with no questions asked. Even if the boss lady hadn't requested the team go on their daughter's little trip, they would have likely chosen to anyways.

Jericho spun his helmet between his hands idly, a sort of tick for when he was thinking. However not only while thinking on what they might face, decided to seek more info from the lead for this herself. "Question ma'am, is there anything we should know, or any rules or such you need us to know? Otherwise, where you want us sitting why we wait for this roadshow to kick off?", the man asked Sachi before adding towards Suzume, "And I would assume you are the younger of the two elder Therwood sisters? Suzume I believe?"


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko smiled as Sparrow called her Sachi-cat, an old childhood nickname her aunt used to call her. Then she received a gentle head patch on the head. This caused a blush to form on her cheeks before her attention went to the men and Jericho. She smiled as he told her about their weapons being capable and that they had skills with magic.

Since they seemed interested in joining her, she wasn’t going to say no. She thought despite her hopes that the operation will be successful that it couldn’t hurt to have more firepower to shoot just in case. The Cyan-haired Nekomata-Elf hybrid leaned forward slightly and picked up the pad she had resting before her. She pushed something, then flicked her finger. At which point, Jericho’s helmet as well as those keeping their helmets on will ping with a location alert.

“Those location marks I just transferred to you, and your team will take you to the clan ship, where my Vivi is. She’ll get you situated there. Though unfortunately on the ship you’ll likely see some horrible eyesores, the ship we’d taken from bad guys was a slaver ship. Hence, one of the reasons for the salvage op, if we can bring back something, a new ship hull, or at least a broken ship that my SachiTech can work on, that would be great.” Sachiko took note of Sparrow’s actions, causing her to smile with amusement, as one of the lounge staff brought a new bowl.

“I’m in charge of the whole operation, but Sparrow is in charge of medical concerns, with my Vivi assisting me in handling personnel concerns and such, as for rules, all I ask is watch each other’s backs, we will be leaving the safety of Eselberg, and Kalis. I know I don’t have to say it, but I won’t tolerate fooling around. Mom said you and your team are capable and she has her trust in you, so I shall trust you too. I do appreciate you joining us.“ She said, keeping herself calm, despite never doing something like this before.

She glanced at Sparrow as she asked questions. “No, Aunt Kyoko ill be staying back, I think she’s needed here, for logistics, but if she wants to come I won’t say no, same with the Herricks. I know that Chief Makoto won’t be, but she might send someone to aid us too. I’ll also be contacting my contact in a migrant group, a species called Senti. I think they have skills we could also use, and I did a job for them a while ago too, and we might see if that Captain’s group could spare someone as well.” She said before glancing back to Jericho.

“Her name’s Sparrow.” she said, having remembered that when the clan had arrived, they’d had to change their last name, and Sparrow had also changed her first name too.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Sparrow, looking nothing like a medical professional in any capacity intoned her head to her once ward without any of the disappointment she felt towards her wayward and sometimes antisocial sister. Sparrow simply wanted to spend more time with Kyoko, though it always seemed her youngest sibling always had somewhere else to be or something that had seemingly come up just moments before to task.

For the newcomers, though?

She would tell them that in her people's tongue she was Benisuzume, The one-time Supreme Matriarch of her clan. The shrined-maiden and purified embodiment of strength, the nemesis-sage herself. She would tell them they were unnecessary and that she alone would suffice to keep her kin safe and hale.

Instead, despite Sachikos' introduction she simply honed in like a laser on the mention of her beloved older sister as her eyes narrowed to slits.

"My sister is not seeking any new suitors."

It was never too soon to nip such things in the bud early. Setsuya was perfect and the envy of the galaxy at large who shone like a luminescent sun. If it was all Sparrow could do to keep her hidden away on Eselberg from anyone else with impure thoughts of her, let alone any more slavers that plagued her race for their ageless beauty of which her Setsuya appeared a queen among peasants and the prize no dread baron would not give their entire fortunes to aquire?

It was just common sense. Klaus Therwood could deal with the rabble in Sparrows absence in the meantime.

She intoned the statement in all seriousness before adding as an afterthought "And neither is Kyoko."

The newcomers had not mentioned her younger sister. But it never hurt to cover all her bases in the case they made an assumption. Kyoko was too young, and too busy to worry about such things. As for Sparrow, though? Her own prospects, like usual, simply never came to mind as if compared to such sights as Setsuya and the others she was not worthy of comparison.

All of that out of the way she inclined her head back to her niece and changed her tone to soften and admonish slightly.

"You know the twins are very proud of the Spriggan, Sachiko. It would distract them from their duties to think any of us do not recognize them or their ship."

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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The comments from the woman called Sparrow, was met with a pause and an almost unified tilt of helmets. "I'm taken thanks, appreciate the warning though... I guess?", was all Jericho seemed to deem adequate for a reply. Admittedly he let it be a little more terse then intended, a bit of his defenses raised by how the woman seemed to be passively breathing the energy of promised death threats. However, it was something that the captain would try to ignore unless she saw fit to persist, but didn't see that likely to happen at least. "Just out of curiosity, and if at all possible, would we be able to lay a claim as well if we can handle moving it? I'm not actually expecting to find anything, but you never know. Just wondering if this is a joint, or all for one commission, not that I'm saying that in any negative light if it sounds like such ma'am."

One of the other team members stepped up, a medical marker on the bottom rim of their helmet, "Sparrow was it" they asked. It was the man they just casually referred to as 'Doc', their medic and support member of the team. "If I may ask, are you combat medically trained, or civvy? I'm hoping to get a handle on the group composition so far. I'm a combat medic, with surgical training, so regardless I look forward to working with another medical professional. Hopefully maybe I can learn some things from you and vice versa." The man offered a hand, hoping to shake with the nekomata in lighthearted greeting to ease earlier tensions.
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Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko glanced over to Sparrow as she spoke, which like the men and Jericho only confused her. She knew, of course her mother is not seeking suitors as far as she could see, but she wasn’t aware of Kyoko’s thoughts on the matter. Instead, she simply patted her aunt on the arm gently, before glancing to Jericho who confirmed that he was taken on a tone of voice she kinda thought was very terse to the young clan inventor.

She wasn’t sure what to add, since she’d confirmed that she herself was taken, when she mentioned her Vivi. Instead, she focused on the next topic, namely what they could claim. There was a part of her that wanted to say no, but she knew she should be diplomatic. “I’d say it's an all for one commission, but also joint in terms of the groups joining us. As for claiming, as long as we can bring something back for Eselberg’s use, and SachiTech’s use, in particular, I don’t mind if you want to claim something for yourself, indeed, as long as you can get it moving.” Sachi said, hoping she said it correctly as it was her first time doing something like this.

She looked back to Sparrow as she admonished her and blushed. “I’m proud of them too, ” she said, hoping she hadn’t just pulled a faux pas which she was thinking had happened. Jericho’s team’s medic soon spoke distracting her.


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Nov 4, 2021
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"Yes. I have done service as a medic in combat. I use no fell magics or devices of otherworldly origin untrustworthy as they are." Sparrow acknowledged the man, doc, before her with too much pride as she tilted her chin up and puffed out her chest. "I also have little experience beyond triage and stabilization in the field. I have never practiced surgery before unlike yourself."

She admitted not her shortcomings but instead simple gaps she would someday rectify. Her trade had fallen to the wayside as of late since her families exile to Eselberg where beings such as Tarkus defied to laws of nature with his inappropriate tentacles that had largely made her redundant lately.

But she had him and his fell shortcut magiks beaten if her foggy memory of Falke Station was any indication; The recollection of the Red Moon Cult caused a nearly imperceptible twitch in one eyelid as the feeling behind her eyes and in her mind she had largely ignored. She wondered what the demon did with Fyodrs cane-weapon and if she should track it down and throw it out an airlock before Tarkus did what all annoying magic-types did with powerful artefacts and meddled with it in proximity to any of her precious family.

Like usual, however. She had zoned out for a few seconds and was simply staring down with intensity the mercenary man before her oblivious to her inner thoughts.

"I have little of the same equipment or tools at my disposal, however. Should we encounter any substantial injuries in this salvage the Spriggan has some facilities we can make use of to compensate." She reached past the medic's hand to clasp his wrist tightly in acknowledged greeting; The man not knowing such simple gestures and the effect it had on Sparrows disposition, simple as she was, as she raised as his status well over the rest of his group from the potential threat and contamination to her bloodline to another brother in arms she needn't think about his intentions.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"That is more then acceptable to us ma'am. We have an armed craft we are currently using, which can act as ferry and escort among tighter clusters of debris as needed. We have a few drones that can stand in as crew for both hauls as well", Jericho added with an appreciative nod. "We're hoping to find a larger vessel to operate out of, and have more space as a home away from home then our cramped little gunship. Likely something as larger as a corvet perhaps at the least, but a frigate would be better and would be large enough to tow other finds back."

It also meant having a potential source of local tech, as well as databanks to send back home. They needed to learn as much as possible if they were to stay out here for the foreseeable future. There was also the other matter that it was hard to send secure transmissions from the gunship, which has to be moored here most of the time. Sure their little ship had managed the trip here, but that had been while docked with the spriggan after the slave raid. The team neither had the range, nor supplies to make the half-year trip back.

Doc on the other hand, suddenly felt fond of the show of comraderie, soon returning the gesture. "I can put a kit together for from my spare stocks and give you a run down. Having two of us sacked and strapped will be important if we're expecting danger. So I don't mind parting with the supplies if it helps the operation", the suited man admitted, with perhaps a bit of a pleased smile on his face.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko smiled as Jericho found her thoughts acceptable, which pleased her for the extra security she knew she’ll need. “Certainly, I hope we can find a corvette or frigate on our operation, if not, than I’d be willing to build you one!” She said with a smile on her face which shifted with pride as she listened to her Aunt talk.

She was always so proud of her aunt, which showed, as her aunt Sparrow explained that she had experience as a medic in combat. Sachiko had known very well what her aunt was capable of and she trusted that she could be of great help as much as Jericho’s Doc had. She also listened politely as Sparrow also mentioned she had limited medical equipment and tools but that the Spriggan had facilities they could use. Sachiko was familiar with the facilities, as she, spent time learning about them, along with the twins teaching her.

She thought back to her comments about the ship, and realized it was because of some of the other things, and its past she disliked, not the ship itself. But as the Hybrid listened to her aunt and the man talk, her mind began thinking of other ideas. Specific other ideas, unrelated to salvage even, no her thoughts went to love.

The Hybrid Elf-Nekomata had always hoped that Sparrow could find love, like her parents had, and like she had when she met Vivi. Now, she thought it would be Sparrows turn, though she was saddened that she and Tarkus didn’t date or grow as a couple. She hoped her aunt and this doc, would be better suited due to their backgrounds. She thought only time will tell.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"Rigs, you mind getting Doc that other med-ruck and two more IFAKs?", Jericho asked one of the others of his squad. A slightly shorter man then him and Doc, who happened to be the team's demo and engineer.

"Yeah, give me twenty and I'll have it all ready and back. Just don't go derelict picking without me, you know I hate to miss out on a good breaching", the man referred to as "Rigs" said with a chuckle. They quickly headed off to get that done, before their fourth elbowed Jericho. "Hey Tones, how about asking if that Juliet danger noodle can come along", the man asked in somewhat serious, yet jesting manner.

"Right, um-well... Ma'am, would you be opposed to Miss Maradia coming along as a comms operator and onsight liaison for this? She's rather trained in doing so, and she's very... Mobility challenged, to put it.. kindly. I think a trip off the station for once, may be good for her", Jericho offered in suggestion after clearing his throat. It was mostly to hide his nervousness about the woman in question, and the one who had taken a man such as him.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Sparrow got lost in references to unsafe pasta and its relation to mobility causing her to shift into consternation that made her look deep in serious thought when in reality she was attempting to juggle the logistical challenges of how much semolina constituted a hazzard and just how many carbs each of these men would have to burn if their diety constituted a very carb and sugar-heavy pasta diet.

The ship could certainly hold alot of it. But Sparrow would find a way to beg off any attempts of making it a staple for the next several weeks. She disliked pasta in that she could never get more than a pittance skewered on a fork or chopstick, unlike rice or meats. It certainly was a challenge she admitted that they were experts in that field no doubt and would try to gleam some of their secrets to the dish and its consumption to show off to Setsuya later on when they returned.

As if thoughts of the ship could summon them the two debaucherous dvati twins of the Sadistic Spriggan found their way into the room with the sound of a sliding door as the only indication of their arrival. Identical in every way even down to the fashion of the day of matching turtleneck sweaters and thigh-length skirts and of indeterminate gender the two wordlessly took a shared a breif scan of the room and all its occupants as not literally but so in sync they might as well share the same mind came to their own conclusions to each individual.

Always reserved about themselves but outward and agressively so towards others the two twins were the self declared property of the Therewood clans head, Setsuya, despite the local government of the UNS and eselberg station having laws against indenture and slavery. Their past as life-wards; Slaves raised from birth made the culture of their semi-adopted clan easier to ignore when the alternative was letting two chaotic and apathetic twins into the subsector at large with their lack of morals.

Tarkus had seen it first hand at Falke Station when their conditioning at seeing an associate of their old master had triggered deep-rooted indoctrination and had been prompted to claim them personally alluding that their current master had only as much control as they allowed and she and all the others on Eselberg were future slaves just waiting for Komoe and Tomoe Therewood to come across someone who could identify their nature and allow themselves to be claimed as life wards willingly and lead any number of unsavory groups on an out of the way station of desirable Nekomata.

"Why the hells are you already kitted up?" One of them frowned at Jericho and his group. The girl that was now identifiable as Tomoe spoke while crossing her arms with all the haughtiness the mischievous and more extroverted of the two could muster.

"The Spriggan will take weeks at most." Komoe, the slightly more masculine-sounding boy agreed with his partner as Tomoe found her way to the tray of snacks and liberated it for herself as the more professional Komoe continued, looking from the familiar Sparrow to then Sachiko.

"Spriggans ready when you are." He nodded before adding a very unconvincing "Chief."

They listened to Setsuya as their perceived master, sometimes Kyoko, and only occasionally Sparrow but to all others their was a clear divide of superiority that they projected at others which was the bane to much of the station of their Haughty attitude, pranks, and troublemaking.

"Yeah, you can use the Bosses quarters if you want," Tomoe mused to Sachiko between mouthfuls of some small cheese snack even as she prodded her lover/partner/sibling other half in the cheek ineffectually with another. "Just might want to change the shee-" She made an Eep noise as Sparrow snatched the tray of snacks away from them and glared unclear as if to their requisition of the finger foods or the alluding of her older sister's personal quarters might entail.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Like her aunt sparrow she was confused by the reference to a danger noodle, and someone named Juliet. She decided that since Sparrow wasn’t asking, she would ask, but she didn’t get the chance to do so, because Jericho already made his request. She’d remembered Maradia, and she’d felt bad how her previous attempts at helping her hadnt quite gone well, yet. The salvage operation was one of the reasons she thought of could help her. maybe they’d find some advanced technology that could help her better than anything she could make. “Sure! I’m happy to bring her along if she’d like to!”

That’s when the twins have made their arrival. Her eys blinked as she listened to the two talk, and attempted to ignore their hauphtiness. “thank you” she said in reference to the Spriggan being ready, and nodded. She wasn’t sure about using the quarters her mother used, but wanting to be with Vivi probably required that.


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Nov 4, 2021
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The devious duo of questionable sibling relations half scattered between a display of jeers, gestures, and obscene remarks in a language none of them knew but could at least interpret from context.

They could be relied on to be at the ship and have it running. That much could be sure. But they wouldn't make the trip any more comfortable than could be expected without Setsuya to run heard over her unwanted self-appointed servants. With that in mind Sparrow made a mental note with so many followers on for the trip to secure at least a spare blanket on the off chance she ended up taking her quarters on the floor of one of the cells to make sure that Sachiko and Vivi had ample room and privacy and their tag-alongs got at least basic quartering.

She could sleep anywhere. And despite the cramped interior she had never found the cells disturbing as some and even peacefully quiet compared to the ambiance of the rest of the ship and any of its passengers.

With nobody else looking to her as wanting to dawdle aimlessly any longer the tall Nekomata projected all the support she could to her former ward as she once again ruffled her Nieces hair.

"Ready whenever you are, Captain." Her lips twitched ever so much in what for Sparrow equated to a smile.

"Lead on."

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"I'll retrieve her then, and bring her aboard. I'll also be aboard to coordinate with my team on our gunship, as the communication systems don't match with those out here. I do appreciate for the chance to do some work, we aim to make you proud ma'am." Jericho gave a small form of salute, before waving the others off to go to their tasks to shove off, before with a nod making his exit to bring Maradia to the Spriggan with him. It was going to be an interesting run, and a valuable chance to gather intel for their benefactor while out here. It was time to get a lay of the land, as well as some samples to study. He was only half hoping for action, even if just shooing off some vermin, but hopefully nothing to the same extreme as what brought them out here.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Sachiko smiled as her Aunt Sparrow called her "Captain," a title that filled her with an overwhelming sense of honor and pride. The responsibility and respect that came with the designation made her chest swell with determination. Her cyan hair shimmered under the station lights as she turned her head to listen to Jerico. His voice was steady and reassuring as he promised to bring their Cyborg-enhanced Naga, Maradia on board the Spriggan as well. Sachiko nodded in approval.

She lifted her drink, savoring the moment before taking a long sip. The liquid warmed her from within, a small comfort amidst the myriad of duties she had to attend to. Setting her drink down, she meticulously checked her weapon, ensuring that the holy-enhanced bullets Makoto, the Chief of Security for Eselberg Station, had provided were loaded. These bullets were no ordinary ammunition; they were crafted with sacred rituals to ensure maximum efficacy against the dark forces they might encounter.

With her weapon secured, Sachiko began her purposeful stride towards the Sadistic Spriggan, her clan's formidable starship. As she approached the docking bay, she felt a sense of belonging and purpose. The Spriggan, with its sleek design and powerful engines, awaited her command. It was time to lead her crew into the unknown, to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resolve.

Sachiko’s mind raced with the plans and strategies they would need to employ. The mission ahead was fraught with danger, but she knew that with her leadership, the loyalty of her crew, and the advanced capabilities of their ship, they stood a fighting chance. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the journey ahead, and stepped onto the boarding ramp of the Sadistic Spriggan.

As she entered the ship, Sachiko made her way to the bridge, where her pink-haired wife, Vivi, was already hard at work. The sight of Vivi brought a radiant smile to Sachiko's face, and she hurried over to embrace her. The hug was tight and affectionate, a silent testament to their deep love and the bond they shared. Vivi's warmth and presence always had a way of grounding Sachiko, giving her the strength she needed to lead.

Reluctantly pulling away, Sachiko moved towards the captain's chair, her eyes scanning the room to ensure everything was in order. She noted Jerico's arrival, accompanied by Maradia, their Cyborg-enhanced Naga. Maradia's serpentine form and gleaming cybernetic enhancements were an impressive and reassuring sight. With everyone now settled and ready, Sachiko felt a surge of confidence.

She pressed the button for the ship's communications system, her voice calm and authoritative as it resonated throughout the vessel. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us on this first salvage operation. We are heading to the Porcaria System, a space riddled with starships, from fighters to dreadnoughts. This is a chance for us to gain new technologies, and especially for my SachiTech to discover something new."

Sachiko paused, letting her words sink in. The Porcaria System was notorious for its dangers. "There will be risks," she continued, her tone unwavering. "From the possible Isferatos—shadow demons—to pirates wanting to steal what we find, but I know we can handle it." She glanced towards Vivi, and smiled at her.

"Our mission is not just about salvage," Sachiko added, her voice filled with determination. "It's about discovery and advancement. Every piece of technology we recover could lead to new innovations, new possibilities. This is our chance to push the boundaries of what we know and to bring back something extraordinary."

She took her seat in the captain's chair, feeling the weight of responsibility settle comfortably on her shoulders. With Vivi by her side and the crew ready for the challenges ahead, Sachiko felt an unshakable certainty that they would succeed.

"Prepare for departure," she commanded. The engines of the Sadistic Spriggan roared to life, and with a final look at Vivi, Sachiko focused on the vast expanse of space before them. The journey to the Porcaria System would be perilous, but the potential rewards were immeasurable. As the starship surged forward, Sachiko's heart beat with a mix of excitement and determination. The adventure had begun.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The animatronically-powered Lamia was practically lifeless until she was deposited in the Spriggan. With a tail big enough to make her a giantess compared to everyone else here and a body full of metal, she was super heavy making it a difficult task to transport her to the shuttle. When she was plugged into the shuttle she booted back up, able to move under her own power again (or rather, the shuttle's, as far as her power cord would let her). She jerked robotically as her body turned back on and looked very scared, trying to get her bearings. She wasn't able to see on the trip to the shuttle without power; she had been without her senses for a brief period again, half-alive and half-offline. With a whirr coming from her body she tried to find somewhere to hide, mostly made difficult by her tail's gargantuan size. She didn't say anything as she scanned around for Jericho, attempting to find someone she would be more familiar with, although at the same time she would be shy to approach him in person like this.