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  1. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Blacksite "My men will be ready within the hour, I should like to commission your Augurs as on-site support and-" Lt.Sun began, looking to Black and Tuesday who both nodded and almost in unison began typing on dataslates likely some official authorization while the SPG officer turned to the...
  2. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    Sparrow was not actually in the medbay, surprisingly. In a rare feeling of Malaise she was half sprawled out on a rather pomp C-shaped half moon couch sunken below the main floor with every single silken purple and velvet and royal blue tasseled pillow piled up around her while a small pile of...
  3. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Landing Pad Six Griffin VTOL Transports, all in black touched down at the landing pad of Khandar military base several hours later as the tiny pinprick of the sun almost penetrated the clouds and the lighter rain of the still dark twilight of early morning. Ramps descending close to sixty...
  4. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Main Room "Theres a secure room on the other side of this one." Black stated, to the point, a finger pointing at the wall of screens idle as she rose and hovered over Hermit, her still strange feel to the auditor dyed with concern but also apprehension and caution. "We didn't give them...
  5. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Interogation Room "You've got five minutes. Dont kill the damn thing or injure it beyond what the 'Office can put back together. If you think my group is a pain in the ass you haven't seen anything yet when it comes to the Deadhand group the OIA has coming for this guy and the red tape they're...
  6. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Blacksite The BAMF junior officer looked side-eyed at the nonsensical babble but refrained from commenting. He did however type down every single word and eventually printed out a piece of paper to put on a nearby stack. The writing was a strange archaic cuneiform indeed. But what was most...
  7. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Blacksite. One of the marines stopped typing and looked side-eyed at Magician. There was a lot that went unsaid with the look the junior officer gave him but for the most part remained unsaid. "Diet seems to be mostly herbivoric in nature." He began, a nasaly voice undercutting the serious...
  8. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    Spriggan - Bridge The twins were as irate as ever as to encroachment into the now cramped confines of their sacred bridge. More their quarters than anything most of the time it was a small affair for the corvette-sized craft with a few usually unused stations with most of the arrays and...
  9. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Site-1, Khandar Military Base. After a rather lengthy walk through the rain and the surprisingly firm and unmuddy roads of Khandar the group was led to a nondescript building that could have been just another set of barracks; Two story, multiple room doors and windows with curtains over them...
  10. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Hangar. "You're supposed to be smart, arent you?" Katherine stated more than asked to Hermit as she came over, the trooper chatting up the sailor able to be read by her like a book at such proximity from his body language and facial features. Weariness, distrust, suspicion. It was not hard to...
  11. Char

    AW [Plot] Porcaria Run

    The devious duo of questionable sibling relations half scattered between a display of jeers, gestures, and obscene remarks in a language none of them knew but could at least interpret from context. They could be relied on to be at the ship and have it running. That much could be sure. But they...
  12. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Khandar - Airbase There were a handful of an unofficial caste amongst the Augurs of the Columbary known only to themselves, and a few psychiatrists who spent their days watching the psychics like a 24/7 nature documentary. The Zeta Group was what the BTS psyches called them. Those who, even...
  13. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Griffin "Im not at liberty to say," Black answered Judgements question as she smoothed down her pantsuit that was water resiliant but likely none too comfortable in the humid interior of the Griffin. "The mission gets elevated if the liquidator on the ground sees fit to use us. Otherwise you...
  14. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary - Play Room At Judgements joke the Sailor barked a very unexpected laugh and the lighthearted statement of "Dont give them ideas, Boy", echoing in the empty stadium-sized playroom very uncharacteristically for one of the boogeymen some of the first generation had been made out to be...
  15. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary - Dorms "So many questions~" The Fool put on a facade of mirth that otherwise might have been genuine before ansering them. "It's very rare anyone wants to speak with me. Can I not indulge just this once?" She guilt tripped them slightly, none of the innocent like many of the other...
  16. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Dorms "All our normal stuff is in the secure room like usual." La'gran answered towards their equipment. While the Augurs were smarter than most anyone else in Babel most of them understood the safety requirements of the OIA about unsecured weapons. As for their uniforms and everything else...
  17. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary - Play Room "Mother?" Was what Kay seemed to take from Xanders outburst as she clutched a fist against her chest dramatically. "I'll have you know little-bit, I'm barely twenty two!" She jibed back at him non-seriously before looking skeptically. "Fifty-two if you want to be...
  18. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Columbary - Play Room "Hm." Kay mused, looking not at Xander though he could feel her perception on him as she did her usual shtick of talking at the wrong person or direction when they all knew full-well she knew exactly where the people near here were as old as the bit had gotten in recent...
  19. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Room With judgement now aware it wasnt hard for the high-perception-based Augur to let them know when it was safe to speak freely as everything unraveled. It was hard for judgement with his connection to Kay. But all the Augurs were rational to their core and as soon as the truth was revealed...
  20. Char

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Judgements Dorm The columbary felt off. Not for lack of any pervasive emotions from the whole ordeal as they walked the halls as Augurs tore down hazard tape and woke their fellows but more a sense of wrongness in the very facility itself as those few now awake augurs now very much reserved...