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  1. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    There was no time for a spell, and even healing as he was already though his magic and tether no time enough for words. But it mattered little as through blurry vision Tarkus could see a form behind Sparrow as three somwhat familiar forms moved up on her. By the time the Nekomata noticed and...
  2. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    Tarkus didn't have air in his lungs to scream out in pain as his body exploded in agony. Despite it all, one thought passed through his mind. 'Did this guy seriously call me an edge lord...? A warrior of the light...!?' Despite it all Tarkus chuckled breathlessly. "You seriously think I give a...
  3. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    Taking a few steps forward Sparrow stopped several paces short before crossing her arms. "You are not acting normal." She accused them unironically as if lecturing a child the way she once did Sachiko. "We are guests here. You are being irrational Tarkus Zoren." Tarkus's head tilted to one...
  4. Char

    P Red Moon Rising

    Falke Station - 9.2ly North of Kalis Lightyears away from the nearest bastions of civilization was an insignifigant speck of a rouge planet drifting about on the very fringes of civilized space. Little more than a waystation of miners and prospectors it carried a half hundred names by the...
  5. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Bellow. The breaker room led simply into a smaller room barely larger than a walk in closet. Stacked tool-cubbords full of zipties, fuses, cables both thick and thin, and miscellaneous maintenance items were the only occupants. Through another open door was a larger room with a vaulted ceiling...
  6. Char

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Ereshkigal "Never did get those commercials. Always seemed like they were trying to explain the entire premise of a mystery-murder novel in thirty seconds some of the-" A marine droned on to one of his comrades as they passed Morgan by. There was a general mustering into a more relaxed...
  7. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Cautiously sliding between support girders, insulation, and stray cable that despite being severed cleanly still had a detectable current passing through it and to its severed counterpart above the young Psychics were able to slip into the room one by one after a concerning if harrowing ordeal...
  8. Char

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Memories always came in the brief but everlasting moment between stupor and rebirth. Like waves on a silt shore beach, they were distant at first like a whisper or an echo before the tide inevitably pushed in with the weight of the ocean itself and they crashed hard like brutal waves upon the...
  9. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Rapelling down into absolute nothingness what not nearly as terrifying as it might have first seemed. The ability to use telekinesis to anchor and also lighten oneself made the trip down alot more secure than sliding down a rope as thick as ones finger may have seemed. Seperated from the light...
  10. Char


    Bellow. Even for all their computations a Golem was still just a human mind with more time to think. So when Ares looke at Morgans gun arm even though it did not show on his face there might as well have been a embarrassing pause before Ares pulled back one arm until his wrist was level at...
  11. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    There was little to see. And what there was actually hurt the psyche to try to understand and non-geometrical shapes floated about just outside judgements vision. Meanwhile, to answer Moon Blue simply shook his head and tapped the earpiece several times to wordlessly get through that it was...
  12. Char


    Underground. The giant form of Magni slumped back as his braincase was essentially pulped at close range; The body leaning against the nearby bulkhead motionless. As it was, had the Macro type had his warmask paired with the tight confined it would have been unlikely the two smaller Gol...
  13. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Hall While everyone collected themselves there was a clear distinction in personality and processing between the enhanced Augurs and Blue and most normal people. They had already processed and made their conclusions and compartmentalized the strange phenomina of the door and the drop while Blue...
  14. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    The tak tak tak of the electronically driven thorium-laced rounds punched holes a quarter-large in the face and petals of one monstrocity; tears off one flesh-petal and turning the back of its head into a fist-sized exit hole in the same instance as the bulb-shaped head snapped back momentarily...
  15. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Hall. The first abomination jerked its head back from the impacts of the kinetic rounds that hit it with a dull thud and passed through its head and into a wall but otherwise did not slow it even as the second shot stitched it again. It continued its loping towards them, Mouth petals opening to...
  16. Char


    Caelus The Mk-II Cabbit was a small thing. Barely up to the waist of the disparted manticore it was essentially a lightly armored box with four light HE rockets and both a twin-linked 20mm autocannon and four smaller 12.7mm machineguns. With its spotlight turning a cone infront of it into a...
  17. Char


    Morgan <Confirm.> Ares head was placed on a pedestal after its owner was none too gently disconnected, the disembodied head being plugged in to the diagnostic of the body behind it. <Off-inventory unit, colonial guard; Nomenclature unknown, age; Seven months,-> He began reading off...
  18. Char


  19. Char


    The Golem-net was a simple thing. A broadband frequency bumping around from standalone networks to a system in a satellite in orbit no larger than a small car the net was one part private communications system between Gol at faster-than-thought codec and part cogitator offloading a Gols normal...
  20. Char

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Mollay matched Justice' stare with a blank deadpan of his own at the shorter psychic. There was no discernable way for him to inspect the man with his still burgeoning powers without considerable time and invasiveness that would likely be rebuffed. When he and the others made the descision to...