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  1. P0rcelain

    M The Dreamer's Cycle: Ep1, "Starfish in Wonderland"

    "I... Uh..." Ivory scratched his head with a claw, holding the compass in the other. "Well, they are definitely somewhat smart, right?" "I think they have politics and territory disputes or something," he elaborated, "maybe they have 'battles of wits' too?" He clearly was not very...
  2. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    Mavrine grasped the knife, and while looking him directly in the eyes, deftly hid the knife somewhere on his person despite his arms being bound. It happened quickly, like a flourish. Did it end up in a pocket? Under his belt? It was a mystery to all but the captain himself. The proficiency at...
  3. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    "Well, I do not have much of a say now, do I?" Captain Mavrine whispered back in a low, grumbling tone, being careful not to be heard. The 'cell' he was in was makeshift, his own quarters, to which he was confined via being tied to a chair, and the chair tied to his office desk. It was silent...
  4. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    What the four saw when they stepped out of the ship was like something out of a fairy tale. It was night on the surface, but the landscape was bathed in an eerie sapphire glow brighter than a typical moon. The light shined through the smoke of the wreckage like sun on a sea floor. The source of...
  5. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    The first strike from the bear, Tatts was off guard. In a last ditch effort, she deflected the knife with her own as a desperate measure, which then flew out of her hand. Weaponless, she hopped backwards, out of the way of the second swing. A sign of weakness to her attacker. The third swing...
  6. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Still scanning her peripheral, the moment a rocket launcher got fired, Tatts' fighter instincts immediately took over. She sped forward with deceptive speed, braked just as quickly, outside of the black bear's apparent reach, and stepped around it so as to be hiding as much of herself behind the...
  7. P0rcelain

    M The Dreamer's Cycle: Ep1, "Starfish in Wonderland"

    The group had walked for some time down the fleshy, blood-mist ridden tunnel. Compared to the terrain they were trekking through above, this was easy. The floor was smooth and at a gentle incline. It would had begun to occur to some members of the Rift Knights that at any moment the tunnel could...
  8. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts leaped out of the way of the circling school bus with the deftness of a rogue ferret, sliding across the dirty ground with precision. Her robes billowed around her as the still air and dust flying up from her slide pushed them like a jellyfish's skirt up her body, revealing the tattooed...
  9. P0rcelain

    AW Tales of the Morfisphere

    She did not seem much less on guard after he removed his hand from the hilt of his sword. She could sense his uneasiness, and was wary of a confrontation. The people who believed they were in danger tended to be the most dangerous. “Not quite. I am a traveler. I am exploring these dreams...
  10. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts lingered on her stare towards Aisling for a few seconds after Mairead appeared. At first it seemed like she was being stubborn and persistent, but then she turned around and almost jumped when Mairead continued talking. After that, she was quiet and attentive. She was still shaking. She...
  11. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts took the flask with fragility and held it close to her body, still shaking. It clearly meant a lot to her, but perhaps more like a scrap of food taken from a dining table matters to an unruly cat. Then, she looked at Ringlets. She lifted the flask to her eyes to look at it too. Something...
  12. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Before sleeping, something intelligent seemed to weakly crawl out of Tatts. It was like her mind had undergone a subtle gear shift. She spent the evening badgering and pestering other students about their encounters. She asked all sorts of questions. Expected ones, such as "Did ye get close...
  13. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    LOCATION : ??? A loud crash of wood and thatch snapping under weight echoed through the cold, brittle air of the night. Soon after, a series of very loud but distant crunches and snaps, followed by a ruckus-like roar of displaced stone and dirt, also distant. A village was startled awake by...
  14. P0rcelain

    M The Dreamer's Cycle: Ep1, "Starfish in Wonderland"

    "The tunnel goes right to the crossover! It's- This isn't normal!" Ivory exclaimed, flabbergasted that the others were not taking to what he thought was an obvious lead. Seeing Red shrug, Ivory read; and also understood through logical conclusion, that time was of the essence in this situation...
  15. P0rcelain

    M The Dreamer's Cycle: Ep1, "Starfish in Wonderland"

    Ivory's eyes frowned at the mention of changing the marching order. It did not please him, but he was too embarrased by his blunder to object. Though, he would had liked to. Verily. Instead, he latched onto Amber's last comment. "It's important! I know it is!" He fidgeted with the flab of meat...
  16. P0rcelain

    AW The Ghost of Ashville: Act 1

    She was looking at Ires still. Her face deadpan and expressionless. Her eyes had widened more than usual, as she stared Ires in her own. A subtlety was in the air at that moment. A feeling that no one else would be able to feel even if others were present in the service station. Ọya lifted her...
  17. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts heard Channel's confession of future-violence amidst her pondering and slowly roused. She fumbled and slipped the card back into a pocket, seeming startled. After Channel disappeared, she held her head in a palm and gripped into her straggly hair with her fingers. "...Fuckkkk..." she...
  18. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Embarrassment tickled at Tatts as the stranger made this comment. Memories surfaced she did not appreciate coming up. "It's-... They're-..." She muttered, fighting against both the 'ghost's onslaught of words and her own anxiety on the subject, "Ugh." She gave up. Tatts blinked twice, yet...
  19. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts was busy cutting something at the command of another student before the ghost-like person appeared. When they first spoke, she stood up and swiveled around like a Lazy Susan. At first she just stared; squinted. When they seemed to 'teleport' behind the other girl, Tatts jumped, startled...
  20. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Tatts was taken off guard by Maeve's sudden physical interaction with her - In a good way. Finally, someone who spoke a language she was familiar with. She poked and prodded at Maeve jokingly many times while she answered her question. "Aw, shucks, well... Ay, have been known for a short fuse."...