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AW Tales of the Morfisphere

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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Tahlula Expanse - The Corporeal Rift

Please read the plot page before posting.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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A woman wearing a dark brown cloak crawled through a landscape made entirely of books. She had an olive complexion and ginger hair mottled dark gray. There was a hole sewn into the back of her hood, from which two rabbit ears poked out, one for each of her hair colours. A wooden, intricately carved bow was slung behind her back. One might think she was in the Libersphere, though in truth, only in part.

She clambered over a hill of untidily piled books. It was suspiciously clean of legged servitors.

"I suppose I do not remember any." She thought.

The woman paused at the top and looked up from her path with her black eyes. A strange, swirling structure was laid ahead of her, adjacent to a beach of the Libersphere's wine. It was like an enormous, twisting beehive with tree roots, all seemingly made of polished and varnished wood.

She spoke aloud this time. "Aa, I know this memory."

For a moment, she seemed worried. She pondered if she should turn back. There was potentially sensitive information here. Then, she considered some of the more nuanced implications of this memory. There was metamagic that could influence what could happen here. After this, she figured it was likely this sensitive information was safe. Still, there was no rush to retread what she already knew. She sat down on the hill and picked up a book to flip through. It was incomprehensible gibberish, but she found it amusing nonetheless.
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Sep 4, 2022
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Rain stormed down on a dark alley, thunders glimmered the cloudy sky, sounds of clogs pawing the road of cobbles. The neighing of horses signed the abrupt end of their journey as the stomps of boots falling on the ground gave a hint of what was to come. A dark robed figure moved his right arm up, the clacking sound of a jaw screw ready to fire. A second figure appeared right behind the first one, unsheating its rapier.

"We don't go back from here, Kleis." The first spoken, a hoarse and more than mature voice of a man, his words full of anger and anticipation. The second one, whose name was Kleis turned around looking at the alley, the horses quivering impatiently as the night storm broke down of their backs. He looked down upon his hand clad in a dark glove firmly gripped on the handle of the sword. He raised up his head "For Clarice". At those words, the old man kicked with brutal strength the wooden door.

The two men stormed inside, screeching sounds of inhuman aberrations followed. "Not even your deaths will give back my doughter!" The old man shout as his pistol brightened the entrance, with a brief flash of light the darkness gave space to unspeakable creatures. White eyes full of void, tall and slouched, deformed mouths stuffed with teeths chaotically sharped venting horrendous screams. They were many, some seeked refuge from the light running in more inner ravines of the abbandoned house. Others swarmed towards the men.

A metallic mechanical sound preceeded another shot, the man called Kleis rushed towards the aberrations, his sword glimmering of silver and crimson lights as it ripped the chest of one of the beasts. Excruciating cries cames from the creature as its white eyes became black with its body falling on the ground devoid of whatever kind of distorted life could it ever had. The teeths of another of its kind came near the right shoulder of Kleis as he rapidly turned, darting his blade yet again for a mortal wound. Blood splashed all around the dusty walls, trampled by the boots of the two men who pursued their revenge.

"That fucker must be somwhere under this house! Kleis look for the entrance!" The old man spoke as he stopped again, shooting towards an open door, screams again taunted the room and the corridor where the two men stopped. Kleis turned "If we split it's over!" he shout with his young yet strong voice, the voice of a young man.

"Don't worry, as long as these creatures live i will!" He said struggling as the creature from the room where he shoot came out seeking for blood. The old man punched straight for the face, then a kick to its sternum and another shot to its end sealing its end.

Kleis stared for a moment, absorbed by the thoughts of leaving his father in law surrounded by those beasts. "Go Kleis! Find that danmed doctor and bring him to me!". Such words shook him up from the inside. Kleis gave his back to the man and runned to the unknown, only illuminated by the light of a flickering vial he had on his belt.

Screams, shouts, shots, echoed in the abbandoned house as the young man pursuit his objective, more beasts came to stop him, in prey of their hunger, yet he killed them all, growing more and more weak at each slash of his rapier. Aware he had to keep his energies, he stopped fighting the endless herd of aberrations, avoiding them and making them grow on his back.

His eyes saw another light, passing through a closed door, he opened it, in desperation to find the end of his run. Kleis slammed the door right behind him as he entered in the room, he turned from right to left to find something to block the entrance. The warm place was filled with libraries, filled with old books, a table with a still flaming candle and just but a chair. He aimed for the table. Kleis rushed towards it and blocked the entrance right before the beasts could start sharpening their claws on the wooden door.

As he felt that now the worst was passed away, his breath became more relaxed, he loosen his awareness as he looked just for a moment the door. Then another more gasping breath followed his. He turned just to see the voidness of those white eyes right over one of the libraries. The creature was awaiting its moment despite the fear of light, the predatorial insticts were stronger. The aberration jumped in all its weight towards its prey. Kleis moved, the already swinging bookcase suffered another impact as Kleis slammed his shoulders on it to avoid the attack. And as the creature screamed and rushed towards him books before the entire wooden structure fell.

"It didn't end in that way."

The face of a young man, red hairs, blue eyes. Emerged from the soil made of scribbled papers, his tanned and scarred skin was soaked by unfamiliar lights. He struggled to bring his body out of all of that mess, his black cape, coat, gloves and then boots finally reached the surfice. Kleis looked all around him, a giant hive, one that looked also for him, very familiar.

And then a figure, sitting on a hill. Kleis moved towards it, for who knows what peculiar encounter the Grey Eminence had prepared for him.
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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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“A rather inventive rendezvous that one. The Morfisphere works in mysterious ways.” She hummed in a low, husky and almost raspy voice.

She did not look up from her book, though an ear poking out from her robes twitched in his direction. Peculiarly, her book had momentarily stopped being gibberish and instead narrated what Kleis had just ‘survived’. That is, before he burst from the paper and hardcover terrain a little ways down. Now the book was nonsense again. She flicked through it, confirming this fact, then nonchalantly tossed it over her shoulder.


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Sep 4, 2022
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The young man paused as he looked at the woman, there was something in her he couldn't figure out at that moment. Was it her phisical similiarity to him? Or rather her attitude.

"Randezvous..." He uttered slowly as for trying to understand the implications of her saying, nothing was obvious in the Dream. "I wasn't meant to be here, an entity forces me to face this Dreams as it calls them. Yet you seem to be aware that this was on purpose." His hand moved slowly towards the grip of his still sheathed sword. Was her a representative of the Grey Eminence, an adept of its will? As of now, he only faced different timelines of his past, the Dreams for him were just a punch on his memories, reminding him of what he could and should have done instead of what he did, preventing or worsening the tragidity which was his life.

But this was different, it felt different, never before he faced with something completely detached from his memories.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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She paused, concern on her face before she realized where the source of confusion was coming from. Her rabbit-like ears twitched and perked slightly under her hood as her eyes lit up.

"...O! You are not from here." She frantically started explaining, "Things work differently than you are probably used to here. I was reading a book and the writing started describing you."

She stood up slowly and cautiously, making no attempt to grasp at the bow behind her back.

"That sort of thing is normal for me. I was born here. Well, somewhere like here."


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Sep 4, 2022
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Kleis looked at her for a moment that seemed to be eternal, his serious glare, the deadly glance of a hunter, not changing. His mind tried to elaborate what the woman said, but to no avail, either it was an excuse to cover up her identity or.... even worst, the truth.

He slowly nodded with a hum "So you are part of this dream, i understand". He decided to play along the words of the woman, as he moved away the hand from the grip, "How much do you know of what is outside of this place? And what is that for you?" The young man asked slowly as his head signaled briefly in direction of the giant hive, he seemed calm at first glance but in truth all his muscles were in tension, ready for any weird action from the stranger.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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She did not seem much less on guard after he removed his hand from the hilt of his sword. She could sense his uneasiness, and was wary of a confrontation. The people who believed they were in danger tended to be the most dangerous.

“Not quite. I am a traveler. I am exploring these dreams, hailing from outside of them. We are in one of my dreams now.” She elaborated. Not a single smirk or cheeky look in her eyes. Whether or not she was lying, she was dead serious.

She went on, answering his other questions, “It is a memory of the Libersphere; another place I have been outside of here. It looks like the Libersphere, but we are in the Morfisphere now. It is a place of dreams and old memories. You could say I know my way around.”