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  1. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer sunk into the table between the two. Her body almost looked as liquid as a snake's in how far she sunk. The tiredness was returning to her eyes. "I would offer to show you, but truth be told we might never return. I cannot control the thing, see..." She rambled on with her honeyed...
  2. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    “Well, it is hardly ordinary, is it not? I figure that by just coming into the possession of the thing, I must be a deity, if I were not already!” The Dealer let out a light, mischievous giggle. Having not received the barrage of questions she was expecting, she simply raised a reptilian...
  3. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer's mannerisms flipped like a switch. Her smile dropped into a mild; tired frown, and her shoulders slumped. She flapped her wings twice, before sauntering over and sitting opposite Maylis. She swished her cocktail, took another sip, crossed her legs, and began talking. The tension in...
  4. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    “Well?~” The Dealer insisted expectantly. Her smile was growing larger, eyes squinting, and a plethora of sharp; needle-like teeth glistening from behind her lips.
  5. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer took a less flattering swig of her drink, clearly unamused by the goings on. She gulped, then sharply turned towards Maylis as the woman passed Leyla. The Dealer made direct eye contact, with a stoic expression that said she was holding her cards close to her chest. “Les murs ont...
  6. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    There was a chilling silence after Maylis telepathically communicated with the snakes. One of the snakes looked down towards Maylis, raising in an upright position and fanning out a pale; white hood from its neck. This was the same snake who had commented that they 'like the creatures'...
  7. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer was looking down at Maylis when she started speaking. When Leyla spoke in her voice instead, her head snapped around and gawked for a moment. Within a handful of seconds, she put it all together. A brief chuckle escaped her before she continued looking on, smiling. "Well, yes. Your...
  8. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer held her cocktail glass by the stem, pinching it deftly between her clawed fingers. The drink inside was a smooth, putrid sludge. She took a practiced sip. The Dead Shuffle was a noxious nightmare. Meaty, musky and bitter all at the same time, with the familiar punch to the nose which...
  9. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    She leaned back, lounging in her seat. Her tail flopped out the front of the seat between her legs, which she then crossed. She seemed to take the comfort completely for granted. It was almost like if it were any less comfortable, she would had barked at the nearest waiting staff for it. Taking...
  10. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    "...City?! Aaahahaha!~" The Dealer exclaimed, highly amused. She began laughing haughtily, her tongue lolling out from behind monstrous teeth. It was a vicious; malign cackle, though Leyla could tell it was likely force of habit for the Dealer, rather than being proof of ill intent. "Ooo...
  11. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    The Dealer seemed a little surprised by the sudden use of cleaning magic. She did not seem impressed, but there was a sigh of relief when the quality of her dress was restored. It was now dark as the night, with subtle; swirling patterns in a lighter black. The Dealer followed in observant and...
  12. P0rcelain

    AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

    When the door opened, it was a startling sight. A tall woman, about 6 feet, wearing a slick dress. The dress looked ancient, like it had been robbed from the tomb of a hundred year old pharaoh. It was probably originally black, but instead it was only a muted grey. There was a tear in it around...
  13. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    An assault of deadly projectiles started snapping and pinging against the former captain's exo-suit as he continued his adrenaline-fueled sprint. His suit was absorbing some fire, but he could feel and hear it rapidly failing with each strike against his legs. Soon after, he reached the ridge in...
  14. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    Mavrine's leg was holding him back significantly. His limp was getting worse the longer the chase went on. He was sweating and gasping for air. The gunfire did nothing to jumpstart his adrenaline. Too many years shooting and being shot at. Even so... This alien planet. The uncanny vegetation...
  15. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Lilwen was still running towards the group while questions were getting asked and answered. Her body language was exaggeratedly exasperated and desperate; it was clear even from a long distance that she cared that she was missing out on 'class time' despite what one might assume of her from...
  16. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Lilwen, head bowed, nonchalantly kicked a rock off the cliff. It was not a mighty kick, like she might usually give. It was only a gentle, modest nudge. The rock tumbled down, smashing against other stones and earth on its way, dust flying up in sputters of violence before it eventually reached...
  17. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    Lilwen stared at Maeve for a moment, shivering. Suddenly, it did not seem like this was the first group of people to call her ‘Tatts’ arbitrarily. Her face was confused in a condescending way, as if to say ‘What? No, people just call me Tatts.’ Perhaps revealing something insidious and...
  18. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    As the narrator assigned to this individual’s experiences, I feel it necessary to apologize for what you had read earlier. It is rare that anyone is afforded a glimpse into the mind of somebody like Lilwen Dee-Ellis. Unfortunately, for the past few days she has not been in her soundest mind...
  19. P0rcelain

    AW Backwater Reserve

    The captain quickly reached into the pack and took out something chewable. Some ration bread. There was not a lot of time for a luxurious meal. He put it between his teeth and began wearing it down. His mouth was dry, so he took a quick gulp of water. These things would help his daring escape...
  20. P0rcelain

    AW Samhain, Somewhere

    A repeated, droning clicking sound... No. Tapping. The sound of one wood instrument being repeatedly struck against another. A gentle, yet stinging sensation against the skin with each strike. Taptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptaptap... Rhythmic, merciless. Intentional. Artful. Ink seeds being sowed...