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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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A loud crash of wood and thatch snapping under weight echoed through the cold, brittle air of the night. Soon after, a series of very loud but distant crunches and snaps, followed by a ruckus-like roar of displaced stone and dirt, also distant. A village was startled awake by yelling and rancor, if the initial noise did not wake them first. People slowly began peaking out from their shared homes, strong and able-bodied first. They made their ways towards the sounds in the night. There was no rush, because as far as they knew, a tree branch had simply rotted and collapsed over someones house in the night. It could had been bad, true, but it probably wasn't given that no one was screaming.

"What happened 'ere? Branch drop on you or somethin'." A male voice consoled in the dark, lit only by candles.

"No branch I' ever seen. Damn it all." An irate, deep voiced man responded. He was tall. At least twice as such as the man asking.

The voyeur in the void approached the small group forming around the two, holding a candle of her own. She felt its warmness against her fingers. No one looked towards her. She walked straight towards the door. Once she was near, the men finally looked down at her. They stepped aside as she went through the doorway of the house. They continued talking.

"Well, damn. S'pose we oughta get to fixin' it tomorrow. Yall accounted for in there?" The softer voice asked.

"We'are, thankfully. Any'o'yous got a guest bed?" The deep voice shouted in query. By 'guest bed', he meant a pile of straw. A common rural idiom.

She scanned the room she was in with the dim light of her flickering candle. A pale, exaggerated face stared at her from the darkness, shaking. The family's child, of course. She nodded at the traumatized kid, then looked to the hearth. Debris were everywhere; wooden planks from the ceiling having fallen through to the dirt floor underneath. In the center of the fire pit was a moderately sized chunk of... something. It was shiny. She brought her light closer to it. Some kind of iron. Shaped in a strange way. Similar to a pot. She reached her hand out to it, curious. Quickly, she withdrew it. It was warm. If she had touched it, it would had burned. She looked at the ashes of the hearth. The amount of heat it was giving off was not enough that it would be from sitting on hot embers. Not in this amount of time. She brought her candle close to her body and stroked her chin. Very unusual indeed.

Cold air was drafting in from the hole in the rafters. Outside, the grumbly man seemed to find a place to stay. Probably for the best, it was already getting chilly in here. She turned from the mess in this house towards the door frame, and walked through it.

"Whatyathink?" The soft, masculine voice asked.

Her voice hummed thoughtfully, then spoke in a hoarse, high-pitched tone. "Surprising craftsmanship. I do not know why it came from the sky."

"Craftsmanship...?! What fell exactly?"

The larger man responded in place of her: "Some rock. A metal thing." He waved.

"An eruption, maybe?"

An older woman replied from the small crowd. "Nay. Hasn' been an eruption in generations."

"Whatever it is, we're fixing my damn house." The giant chuckled. The laughter was hiding genuine anger that anyone in the village would understand.

And with that, they separated. The man recovered his child from the abode, and the people returned to their own housing. Morning did not come with much difficulty, aside from some late night pondering. The woman arose early, at the very cusp of dawn. Her eyes were already well adapted to the dark. She started gathering some standard gear. Cloak, unstrung bow, quiver, sword with sheathe, some stale bread that she stuffed into her pack. Most importantly, she took her trap setter, her treasured ropes, and some fresh wooden traps she had not yet set. She quietly left through the door. There were others still sleeping in her house. She then skulked through the half-lit darkness towards the trail not far from her house, that stretched through a field towards the deep of the woods.

No one was stirred by her leaving. This was routine. In fact, someone was eating some bread of their own, staring at her as she left. That was more unusual. But they raised a hand at her in greeting, and she did the same, otherwise not acknowledging the encounter. Now she had to do go to each of the traps she had previously set, check on them, reset them or take them back if needed... Of course, the hope was that one of the traps had something in them. Alas, that would be a privelege, not a given. She kept walking down the trail in the field. This year, this field was fallows. Soil with small patches of vines creeping in and ferns poking out from the earth. Nothing was growing here for the time being. She looked passingly at the livestock grazing there in the dark. They were like yaks with longer necks and thin, snaking tails behind them. She wasn't bothered by this. They were normal animals to her. Reliable, even.

Soon, trees began surrounding her. Seeing the trees, she was suddenly reminded. After the sound of that metal contraption smashing through that fellow villager's house, there was another sound. Like trees snapping. Maybe she should investigate in that direction. She was on trapping duty, afterall. It was important for her to keep up to date with the area. She nodded to herself silently as she continued her trek. She would do precisely that.
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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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What the four saw when they stepped out of the ship was like something out of a fairy tale. It was night on the surface, but the landscape was bathed in an eerie sapphire glow brighter than a typical moon. The light shined through the smoke of the wreckage like sun on a sea floor. The source of the light was coming from a distant, blue star radiating on the horizon, just over the canopy. Following the smoke into the heavens like a plume of strings, they saw a small; orange moon in a crescent phase hovering over everything as though it were a hand guiding a puppet stage. The stars were stunning, even despite the light of the distant star. They were a plethora of little, colorful lights dancing and intermingling in all directions. A beautiful band of freckles and plumes of light stretched across the sky; a projection of the galaxy itself.

Flora surrounded the spacecraft on all sides, with exception to the enormous skid of broken trees and disturbed mud trailing quite far behind. Where the plants were not disturbed, it was a lightly packed forest. Trees reminiscent of conifers and eucalypts filled the landscape. Between them, ferns, shrubs and night flowers bloomed. Many of these shrubs and ferns were shades of green under the starlight, but a handful were in clusters of bright orange, which made them look dark and striking as they absorbed as much light from the star as possible. A great number of vines crawled their ways through the leaf litter and climbed up the bases of trees. These vines had pale lime-green leaves that were soft and wide, but each leaf only barely the size of your palm. They shivered in the cool, night breeze as the trees gently swayed in greeting.


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Jul 23, 2022
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...Tonk... ...Tonk... ...Tonk...

A dull clanging of metal could be heard nearby. The rhythm was stable enough to be mistaken for something mechanical at first, but there were slight variations in the time between each noise. It sounded almost like a hammer striking metal, or maybe rocks being thrown at the hull of the ship which the crew had just stepped out of. With enough scrutiny, it could be seen that this was indeed the case: In the dark beneath one of the trees, a strange, hairy figure was crouched beside a pile of pebbles that appeared to be almost the same size as it. A long, gangly arm could be seen extending from the hairy silhouette to pluck pebbles one by one from the pile and hurl them at the hull in different locations. Judging by the many scattered stones near the side of the ship, this steady, muted onslaught of pebbles had been on-going for some time now.

Then, rather suddenly, the arm froze up just as it was about to throw another pebble, coinciding with the figure apparently noticing the group of off-worlders. A pair of gleaming eyes reflected the light as they fixed upon the crew briefly before the figure sprung into motion like a startled cat, or maybe a spider. With impressive speed, it crawled up a nearby tree, abandoning its painstakingly stockpiled pebble ammunition and disappearing into the canopy with merely a rustle of leaves. In the midst of this motion it could be seen, even in the dark, that the figure was some sort of lanky humanoid with a rather long mop of messy hair.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Remaining on the ship Corporal Thompson stood watch at the captain's cell. As the away team left to scout ahead he was left alone with the captain. "Look
Johan, If you still plan on keeping your head attached to your body I may have a plan as long shot as it is to get you to safety, How fast can you run?' he as he stood with his back to the cell constantly watching to make sure no one was watching them. quieting down if anyone moved by the room.

"Ive have and still am loyal to you but in order for this to work I need you to trust me okay?"
"Well, I do not have much of a say now, do I?" Captain Mavrine whispered back in a low, grumbling tone, being careful not to be heard.

The 'cell' he was in was makeshift, his own quarters, to which he was confined via being tied to a chair, and the chair tied to his office desk.

It was silent for a moment, before he responded to the second question. "I haven' been much good running for a long time. Bad leg."


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Mavrine grasped the knife, and while looking him directly in the eyes, deftly hid the knife somewhere on his person despite his arms being bound. It happened quickly, like a flourish. Did it end up in a pocket? Under his belt? It was a mystery to all but the captain himself. The proficiency at which he did this was certainly a strike against his character. Alone, it was not that alarming. However, accounting for the fact the crew were currently stranded on an alien planet, in his vessel? Hm.

After this, he nodded knowingly. “Will do,” he said simply.


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Jul 23, 2022
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A stone dropped from the tree and struck the scientist directly on top of her helmet; not thrown this time, but still enough to cause a sore head if it had landed upon her bare head. As soon as the stone hit its mark, the figure returned, dropping nimbly down out of the canopy to land in front of the lady. The scientist would catch a glimpse of pale, hairy skin, sparse and tattered clothing sewn together from mismatched animal skins, wild, piercing eyes and a mischievous, delighted grin. Then, as quickly as it came, the thing had scrambled back up into the tree, with the nutrition bar in hand, having snatched it from the scientist's grasp with surprising strength. A few vocalisations followed from the darkness of the foliage: Strange, gutteral jabbering that could've been words, or maybe coughing and gagging. It was difficult to tell.

The branches rustled, and a few more stones dropped to the grass, leading the onlookers to wonder just how many had been gathered by this... creature for the purpose of hurling at their ship.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Thompson kept up the watch over the captains room while occasionally stepping away to gage the best possible escape plan. Biding his time till the security and science team got a good ways from the ship. Making his way back the the captain. he brought a ration pack from his own gear and untied the bound hands of him so he may eat. "Eat quickly because with the science team and security team checking out the sound among other things our window is now." he stated leaning against the wall.

Dropping his pack next to the desk. "Inside the bag is rations for a few days a sidearm and ammo as well as some survival equipment in case I dont make it to the treeline with you. Good luck sir."
The captain quickly reached into the pack and took out something chewable. Some ration bread. There was not a lot of time for a luxurious meal.

He put it between his teeth and began wearing it down. His mouth was dry, so he took a quick gulp of water. These things would help his daring escape, but as being caught now could mean death, he put the rations away just as fast as he took them out. He had slung the bag over his back, fastened it, and was now silently pacing out of his makeshift prison. He did so with grace and efficiency, considering his age.

Both Mavrine and Thompson knew just about every corridor and every exit in this ship. Yet of course, so did almost every other crew member. It would make escape quick and easy, but only if they were fast enough to keep their head-start, before their absence was noticed.

Ducking through corridors, hiding behind corners, listening carefully as the captain passed one or two of the crew. Fortunately, the ship was larger in size than there were crew. As he finally arrived at an airlock, his gait was already awkward. He started opening the airlock, pulling levers and turning cranks. He knew that the airlock opening would be logged on the ship’s systems. It did not matter. There were cameras all over this ship. As soon as he managed to get to the tree-line, all that security, with all evidence of his escape, would be for nothing. He quickly took a suit and put it on. Yes, he knew the atmosphere was breathable. Although, there was no knowing if there was something toxic in the air of the local area. He flipped more switches and levers. The chamber began taking the ship’s air out and the planet’s air in.

Blast it all. He thought.

He waited impatiently, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. The process would be finished soon, so he held his hands over the valve of the door. His crew would be after him by now. He did not have much time. A green light glowed. He quickly twisted the valve and pushed the door open. He saw the eerie, dim rays of the distant blue star. The flora. He did a quick scan. He saw the closest trees. He did not see a recon team. Hopefully they were on the other side of the ship. He climbed down and hobbled towards the vine-covered woods, limping every step.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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As the young woman positioned the tools and started analizing keeping a pad next to her to check the results another communication was transpitted to the group from the inside of the ship "Sir, we have an unauthorized exit from the vessel, section three second hatch". Hastily sergeant Kohlberg made rapid gestures indicating one of the men to follow him while the other kept an eye on the woman. The two started to sprint on the direction of the side of the ship were the fugitives were making their run.

Fallowing close behind the captain as fast as he could. when they made it to the airlock he listened to his radio and swore. "Captain we've been made, Soon as this door opens run like hell ill be right behind you." he stated. When the door to the airlock hatch finally opened he would moveout first. Shooting and scooting doing his best not to hit their tailing ex comrades. aiming over their heads near and next to them even shooting the dirk in front of them. trying his best not to hit them but rather pin them down. Every 10-15 meters ran he would repeat the process so that the captain would be able to escape safely.

Mavrine's leg was holding him back significantly. His limp was getting worse the longer the chase went on. He was sweating and gasping for air. The gunfire did nothing to jumpstart his adrenaline. Too many years shooting and being shot at. Even so...

This alien planet. The uncanny vegetation, the stars, the moderately wooded forest... He saw some small nocturnal creature on a branch of a tree. It was hard to see in the dim light, but it had wings and fur-covered legs. It was spooked by the guns. It stared with enormous eyes at the two as they hastily approached, and soon seemed to fly off. It knew trouble when it saw it. It knew what was good for it. This was Captain Johan Mavrine's last stand...

But does it have to be?

Do you not know how to fly, Captain...?

With no warning, he broke into a sprint down the last 30 meter stretch. That adrenaline he needed was just a late shipment, it seems. The pain was gone. He knew he would be feeling it later, but who bloody cares. A small payment for another day, if he was lucky.

The forest ahead was shrouded heavily in entangling vines. There was going to be a sharp, downhill slope. It could be cover from fire, but not for long. In the best case, it would serve as a way to break contact for just long enough to disengage and lose the recon team for good.


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Nov 3, 2021
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LOCATION: Ship Medbay

The walls of the medbay had red goo all over them. This was not the remains of an unfortunate patient though, or at least not directly. The goo was a translucent red slime that had come from the crew's Mooze medic. While it was normal for there to be slime all over the medbay, it appeared there was more than usual now as a result of the rough landing. "Goodness," a voice spoke as the slime medic quite literally pulled herself together, materializing from a puddle on the floor. This Mooze, a slime creature, was entirely a translucent red exactly matching the goo that was all over the medbay. It took her a moment to regain her bearings. Some of the organic material she kept stored in the medbay to repair patients with her unique slimey methods had spilled out onto the floor. There were even what appeared to be some spare organs that had fallen out of special containers, though she didn't seem concerned as she collected them to put them back because any damage they had sustained was minor and could be easily repaired. When she was done tidying up the medbay (despite it still being very messy on account of her leaving slime everywhere), Nina crawled out of the room as an almost-humanoid blob to check if anyone had been hurt from the emergency landing.


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Jul 23, 2022
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From the trees, the disheveled figure quietly watched the off-worlders scurry around, shouting strange words. She was busily munching on the bar provided by the scientist, examining the unfamiliar flavours on her tongue. Soon, she had finished eating, heralded by a belch that she took delight in making as loud as possible. She glanced back down to see if the off-worlders that had provided her with the food were still present, hoping to slink away while they were distracted. The fallen craft they had arrived in was a treasure trove that she wanted very badly to get a closer look at, now that she had finished throwing stuff at it.