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AW [Secret World] Charades

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*Why the fuck....* Those were the words that passed through Xander's mind as he looked with his hand at his nose bleeding. It wasn't the first time he got punched by the first gen, and sometimes even second gen, the motivations were as obnoxious and stupid as they can get, if not even childish to his own perspective. Starting from the tarot, which he didn't choose but unwillingly served the rest of the augurs as a mockery for an unknown element within them to be defined as a spoiled petty and arrogant. This deduction came very early in his mind. But it was the first time he didn't remembered of being punched.

Despite Kay's comforting words, his brain was slowly reasserting the situation, slowly because anger had to be suppressed for opening the doors of the cold rationality. An anger fueled by the fact that it seemed he had lost part of his present memory, being numb, sedated or any other thing effecting his mental resolve was something he didn't stand. But unfortunatly those doors stayed shut, deforming themselves into the corridor of dejection. As his eyes rested on the void place where the dead body of Enkidu was just a couple minutes before. He deducted that Kay was trying in her lunatic way to ease the tension, as his hand pinced the nostrils to stop the flow of blood he said "Who killed him?". His now nasal voice trembled as he emitted those words.
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Nov 3, 2021
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"You do?" Magician interjected, surprised to hear Tower's agreement. "Oh. That's cool."

Magician glared lighty at Judgement, before sighing. He had a point. They were outgunned and possibly outnumbered.

"Right, our advantage right now is that they think we don't know what happened. They don't know that we know. So we have to make sure they never know that we know. Real sneaky stuff."

Looking at Hermit, he grimaced slightly. "And they'll probably be keeping an' eye on us. We don't know if they knew that Enkidu had the smoking gun as it were, but for safety, they probably suspect us."


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit listened in silence, having huffed at Judge's destroying her creation. But the message was received. She eyed Tower seating herself closeby. Hugging her knees, chin propped on an arm encircling them. The very picture of someone bored or distressed. But, she placed a hand on Tower's shoulder. Reassuring having taken note of the sweat forming on her brow.

"You're welcome." She murmured loud enough for the bald AUGUR to hear. And the others. It'd been a gamble, just to see if her little stunt could get the right reaction. To see if he understood. The die had been cast and for the moment the outcome had been in her favor.

"When they pumped the gas into his room, Magi, I went down after you. But," she punctuated the word, frowned, taking her hand from Tower's shoulder. "The nerve agent?" With a deep breath and exhale she tilted her head a little, "It had something different in it. Kind of hard to explain to all of you."

"The best I can do is say, you have food or a drink in front of you. You know what it is. What it should be. But when you take a bite. Or a sip. It isn't what you would normally expect. Something was added to that gas. And I ahhh... huh," She grimaced, "Tasted it. Three weeks is long enough for almost if not all of it being gone from my system."

Drumming her fingers on a forearm now, Hermit hated when something squeaked past her when it came to her specialty. It only caused her to obsess over it. "I've been trying to analyze my entire body for some trace. Even a simple molecule. Something. Anything."

"If I knew more. Understood what I can do with better clarity, maybe I could've." She curled her toes, hiding the lower half of her face until only the bridge of her nose, and her eyes were visible. "Kay even said she wanted to make up for lost time. Make us put our noses to the grindstone. All she can teach me is how to see, " Blue eyes roved over to Judgement, "No offense." The rest of her face disappeared, her forehead now resting on thin arms. "The only way for me to get better more quickly would be to practice like hell. Or, go to someone a lot better than I am. And that could urk Kay."


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Nov 4, 2021
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Columbary - Play Room

Kay mused, looking not at Xander though he could feel her perception on him as she did her usual shtick of talking at the wrong person or direction when they all knew full-well she knew exactly where the people near here were as old as the bit had gotten in recent months.

La'gran and I looked into it, Death too." She hummed, contemplatively, "He tried to leave and the Golems tried to stop him. He resisted a bit too much and you know those machines arent really human anymore; They cant feel. Not even pain or emotions without pumping them full of drugs and they just~" She followed up her description by making a vague gesture that likely implied Enkidus gruesome death.

"But we are sorting that out." She continued, using emphasis on the plural as it wasnt hard for Xander to pick out a number of the first gen loitering around not too far from them but without the subtle hostility of the first group that pressured him.

"That brings me to something and I think you would be a darling for the job if you helped me with one little thing. " Her tone became softer and softer as Kay brought two fingers together in the universal gesture of something small between them.

"My kids and I," She started again, referring to the group of second and a couple of first generations she doted on and oversaw personally as some of the first generation liked to do with the second, "Will be going out of the Columbary today to do something about what happened to Enkidu and I would like to invite you~" She cooed at him, finally turning to xander to wave an arm out searchingly before finding his shoulder to give a materanal pat.

"As well as a couple of others. But it's time you kids got to stretch your wings and this is the perfect chance while getting a little sneaky revenge in the process. In and out, barely a few hours and we'll be back. What do ye say?" She offered a nuclear smile dotted with dimples and freckles on the blind woman.

Columbary - Whoevers room it is, I forget!

As the augurs spoke conspiratorialy there was a pulse. Not invasive or threatening in any way but more the way any of them might announce their pressence outside anothers room when knocking was unlikely to be heard in the sensory deprivation tanks.

It was short, refined, and controlled. And to some of them even perversive and familiar as La'Gran, The Fool followed up by knocking softly on the door to the room they were all in.


Nov 3, 2021
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As they all spoke amongst themselves, Judgement held up a hand just as LaGran sent out her pulse. Holding a finger to his lips, he stood and moved over to the door. Inside his mind, he began shielding his thoughts, building a mental fortress around his thoughts. He only allowed the ones that the big three would have wanted to see.

Opening the door, he gave a half hearted smile. "Hi, LaGran. Is there something I can help you with?" He asked innocently.


Nov 3, 2021
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Understanding quickly what was happening, Magician did what he did best. Background noise.

"... And that, is why Ajax Jones is the best Phd professional in book history. Not only does he disrepute that 'learning is not cool' but he does while punching bad guys in the face and wearing the coolest hat. Ever." He saw, as if he had finished a school lecture.

At least, what he imagined school lectures were like.

"Oh, hey dude." he called out to Fool, nonchalance on his face.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit hadn't moved from her position. Nor changed her posture. She was the picture of a young woman in mourning. Depressed. Helpless. One of the first things she'd learned was to keep herself emotionally locked away. Barrier upon barrier. Lock upon lock—wards within wards and shields. You may as well have thrown in a kitchen sink. Like the others, she too felt that pulse. So very much like a doorbell ringing. It is a polite sort of way for Augurs to announce their presence when going to another's room. All the better considering startling someone with what could be construed as a demi-god's power on the other side could end messily.

As La'Gran entered Judge and Magician greeted her. All she could do was hold up a hand in Magician's direction. And lift her middle finger at his 'lecture'. Both because it was piss poor with the added effect of her having none of it and keeping up appearances as her body language continued to convey. 'I'm depressed. Fuck off.' To La'Gran she said nothing. Not so much as a peep.

Merely turning her head away and letting a cheek rest on one of her thin arms staring toward Judgement's sensory deprivation pod as if she wanted to hop in. Just to shut it all out. To think. In truth she did. But in her room. Would it be safe? A gamble? What were the chances she'd be cornered by Kay or Death? Or La'Gran while on her own. Better to travel with the group for safety's sake and appear to trying to seek comfort among those closest to her.


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Sep 4, 2022
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Columbary - Playroom

A hard sniff followed Kay words, the rapidly coagulated blood inside Xander's nostrils went violently backwards, for a moment his pianist's fingers cleaned his humid eyes. As the young woman proposal progressed his expression turned more and more disgusted, he may have been slim, he may have been young, but the accusatory gaze he gave to Kay was something that wasn't easy to forget, even by blind standards. Xander may never had the will to fully show it, there was a motivation for why they nominated him *The Emperor*.

"You what?" He took a straight posture and looked directly into Kay's void eyes "Going out of the columbary is treason, and if you keep explaining things in such a distorted way i will never follow you. I am not the like of your kids, that follows you because they have mother issues. I am not going to waste the sacrifice of my parents for some vague vangeance." Only in that moment, his voice while keeping it low, sounded way more authoritarian than you could expect from him, every word had the weight of his personal grief which might have been a lighter sufference than what Kay sustained, but nonetheless for him counted more than anything else.
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Nov 4, 2021
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Columbary - Play Room

Was what Kay seemed to take from Xanders outburst as she clutched a fist against her chest dramatically. "I'll have you know little-bit, I'm barely twenty two!" She jibed back at him non-seriously before looking skeptically.

"Fifty-two if you want to be semantic about it but you're no kid in that noggin of yours either, you know." She tutted. "You may not have yet noticed, I cant-" Kay waved a hand in front of her milky-white eyes to enunciate her blindness "Read your file as to why they never let you outside yet but some of us get to stroll around with the office every now and then and help fix their problems.

It's why they give us the cliche codenames; Mines ; Hierophant if you didn't remember. Not a fan of it but Beauty wasn't in their nomenclature."
Kay admonished. It was true that some of the first generation were often taken out in groups by the OIA and Kay and her second-gens were one of those groups. But rarely were any details forthcoming and many played it off or didn't care altogether to instead fish for details of the outside world.

"As for your family-" She paused, her face softening to a concerned mess of freckles in his direction. "Like it or not we are your family now, siblings all. Sometimes siblings act out or argue or take things out on each other but for the most part we look out for each other.

If you're scared I won't make you go outside. But you should experience our new home at some point and not get cooped up inside all the time."

She looked at him, not expectantly but clearly not leaving until she got an answer that would satisfy her.

Columbary - Dorms

"Judgement?" La'gran questioned, his imprint of her in his senses giving the impression she was scrutinizing him in some way. "You knew it was me? You're getting much better." Her tone was mirthful as, even with his senses and reflexes it was too late to avoid it when the slightly older psychic placed a gloved hand on his shoulder reasuringly before looking past him into the room.

To his senses, nothing happened at the touch.

"Hello, all!" She greeted, the usual cheerful demeanor of The Fool shining in like a spotlight as, lacking some of the same supressive skills the second generation had, The Fools surface emotions might as well have been written on her sleeve or shined in their eyes like a ray of optimistic sunshine.

"I'm glad I found you." She made no mention to invade their privacy overtly by the unspoken rule of the columbary to barge into another psychics cultivation room without permission. "Scáthach was looking for you guys and I needed to stretch my legs so I figured i'd stop by. You guys know you have a mission, right?" She looked down on them but without reproach, eyes glowing a soft purple hue at them.

The Fool was for all descriptions a mentalist. Her research and theories that her powers were derived from was on a concept already proven false by others in the same field. That mind control was not within the wheelhouse of a psychic or any neighboring fields. Instead what La'gran was, was a very heavily-leaning empath with almost a trivial weak amount of ability into static manipulation.

Through vibrations in the air, the manipulation of the bodies natural pheromones, subtle vocal cues, and physical touch to transfer electrical signals to trick the chemistry and chemicals of the body and brain made her what many would call a hypnotist.

In most fields she was weak even for a member of the first generation. But when it came to the combination that made her field she was quite possibly second only to Scáthach Kay in the rankings of the most dangerous of the Augurs as judged by the psychics of the Columbary who knew a thing or two on psychic matters.

Her power, however, made her something of a black sheep in and out of the birdcage. Researchers and OIA staff would not go anywhere near The Fool and were subject to extreme scrutiny and mental evaluation if touched. And even the Augurs themselves knew by theory and even some experience that her ability in some capacity could affect them even if never permanent due to the baseline making her something of a lepar amongst their family unit.

And finally there was her disability as a member of the first generation that gave any scrutiny.

La'gran was, even confirmed, lobotomized as her wound. She had parts of her thalamus and frontal lobe chemically damaged; La'gran could not feel any of the emotions she portrayed and saw the world in a shade of mental-gray where the feelings of herself and others were mute to her.

She understood them. Her ability to hyper-cogitate what the right facial features were and actions/re-actions. But to all the world who knew, La'gran was playing the part of normalcy and not experiencing it beyond an outsiders perspective even if she had never shown any sociopathic tendencies or anything beyond accurate portrayals of normalcy, It gave the older psychic a sort of uncanny disconnect between her adopted siblings.

"Are you guys up to go outside?" She asked, her lip quirking slightly in contemplation as if judging if they, themselves, were the fit ones mentally. "You guys can stay here and help me with some stuff if you, maybe, want to instead?" Her tone seemed open to the idea of them helping with whatever it was The Fool did not that anyone spent enough time with her except at a distance to know.


Nov 3, 2021
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Feeling the pulse Tower took a breath, "Another one to observe." her outer expression was similar in effect to Hermit." Magi, your stories suck." she said quietly, leaning against Hermit, still holding her knees to her chest." What do you want Fool?" Tower looked up slowly, her demeanor still sour, and the constant fight to stay in control took most of her power and over all energy. The conflicting personalities roared their justifications as her now main personality stood triumphant. Wishing for a bit of silence, answers and Revenge. "Lagran I know you mean well, But at the very least understand we are mourning. a mission is a mission. If they finally have a job for us to do, get tothe point."

Her facial expression was unchanged, now standing looking up to the older AUGUR. her eyes softly glowing in their respective gold and grey hues. Uncharacteristically calm, exhaustion showing its head, more than anything else. The tension would be felt if it were not for the Fools lack of genuine emotion, rather causing closer to an uncanny valley effect for the young AUGUR. " Why were we not informed officially like normal? are our uniforms and equipment available?" Towers flip into her questions was again almost jarring from what many have seen thus far of their, mentally delicate 1st Gen companions.


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Sep 4, 2022
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Columbary - Playroom

Xander remained cold, listening and evaluating Kay's behaviour, his arms crossed as he looked the undeniably pretty young woman explaining herself, to some extent he admired her resolve and the softness of her words... on the other hand...

"It's not about emotions Kay. It's about you, you contradict yourself. You behaved all lunatic and affectious a few moments ago and now you show how you actually are able to communicate properly. You talk about not been a mother figure, maybe its not voluntarely but thats what it is." He voice was still low, he didn't want to make a fuss on the whole thing, trying to keep it as private as possible "And they way you call them, kids, its a proof that you see us as childish creatures that needs some learning and help, i call it motherly behaviour even if you keep deny it. I tested you if anything else, i wanted to see if i could trust you but..."

He sighed longly and avoided her glance for a moment "Of course i want to see the outside world, i can't deny that, but i haven't recieved permissions for it and the way you proposed the offer before..." He took a couple of calculated steps back "It seemed like you actually need something from me that i only showed on the tests. Do you think i enjoy using my abilities? My powers?" Xander tisked as he looked down "At least not at the level of those who deleted my memories when i woke up a couple of minutes ago, i am not that stupid to not realize that someone punched me in the face and got my mind numbed not by consequences but by someone's volition. Is this how a family behave? If that's the case i prefer to have a dead family that i respect and love than a bunch of beasts."


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement flinched at La'gran's touch. He knew what she could do. He would have to get Hermit to check him over to make sure she hadn't done something to him. He turned slightly at Tower's voice.

"Tower has a point, what is the nature of this little outing? Did Kay mention what exactly we would be doing?" He asked, turning and moving to sit back down on his bed. He suppressed the feelings of uneasy the Fool gave him, only allowing a pang of grief to show on his surface thoughts. He played the part of an older sibling, trying to keep it together for the others. It was, in fact, how he felt. But he used that to his advantage and allowed the thoughts to roam free on the surface of his mind, masking the roiling thoughts of worry benath the surface.

He then turned to Magician and cocked his head to one side. "And to your point, Ajax is a tool with a stupid hat boot." He deadpanned.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit wanted to groan at Judgement for his final remark. Not because it wasn't true. But he'd deviated from an admittedly unwritten and rehearsed script. She kept her face turned toward his tank. Yet she could still 'see' everyone. To an extent. Not to Kay's level of clairvoyance, that, she surmised would require Herculean effort via training. But it'd been enough for her to memorize where everyone had been before La'Gran's entrance. And with the older Augur's movements, she tracked her through the smokey haze her sight allowed. If Hermit focused on one specific thing, she could see better. Much better. But it left her as blind as the bald Augur and Kay when it came to clairvoyance's nuances.

Empathy came easier through greater practice. But Biokinesis was at the forefront of her abilities. Combined, all three could very well make her a human lie detector, an excellent search and rescue individual, and an interrogator of any number of things. She liked the versatility.

La'Gran was on another level than she was. Yet it felt like an emotional void entered the room. Spoke with its voice. Its tone all friendly and cheery. Just for show. Nothing more.

"If it was important, wouldn't Miss Kay," she still used the polite form of address for their teacher, "Come and get us herself?" her voice was a little distorted given how her head rested on her arms. But her question was a probing one. Why hadn't Kay come herself? Was it vital if she fobbed it off on The Fool? Usually, Kay seemed to be a bundle of enthusiasm when it came to taking her charges out. Did it pique Hermit's interest at all what this mission was? It is a simple question with several layers that give just as many opportunities for answers in turn.


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Nov 4, 2021
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"All our normal stuff is in the secure room like usual." La'gran answered towards their equipment. While the Augurs were smarter than most anyone else in Babel most of them understood the safety requirements of the OIA about unsecured weapons.

As for their uniforms and everything else it was about uniformity in the columbary. And if it wasn't a bathrobe it was a simple shift considering most of them spent half their time in sensory depirvation pods filled with water...

"And Scatchatch is mourning just like the rest of you," The statement, easy to miss for most did not fly by them the rest of you, the girl with fake emotions said, "She's just helping others through their hard times right now too. I'm not her but I think she would make a jest at you all about being selfish assuming all her time like that, you know."

La'gran offered a slight, sincere smile trying to reassure some of them like Tower.

"As for where. I cant tell you, it's a surprise. You're handler... Black? Will be with you as well as myself and scathatch. As well..." She paused, giving an unreadable look as she did. "That the office thinks I can be a part of a team aswell. Scathatch is helping me pick some of them out on the count that I rarely get to spend any time with most of you."

She waited expectantly but not leaving the doorway as she did.

"You'll get to ride in a griffin." She offered a moment later as an incentive.

Columbary - Play room

Kay didn't respond to Xanders remark about messing with his memories. In fact she glossed over that entirely.

"We do try our best, you know." She stated, without admonishment or any negativity as it seemed Kay was incapable of being anything but optimistic as she likely referred to the 1st-generation of Augurs and the psuedo-mentor role many of them had taken on. All of the augurs were war orphans of one kind or another and had found in their fellow psychics a loose family unit.

Some like Kay had stepped up and were literally the first person some of the Augurs saw when they woke up for the first time. They were the unofficial then official spokesmen of the psychics to the intimidating Office of Internal Affairs that defacto owned all of them and their contracts. And were the middlemen between the organization and themselves. And were the ones who led the few scarce teams that the Office took out to do various odd missions and jobs.

Kay ran one such team.

"And if some of you want to look at me as a mother figure and not a potential girlfriend then it saves me the trouble of letting you all down by the drove for pining for all my attention." She woo'ed dramatically at him with the same lackadaisical tone as always she used in serious and un-serious conversation alike. Being the polar opposite of the intimidating and older Death, Kay was at least easier to talk to even if unlike death who seemed like he was glaring into your very soul it was entirely possible with Kays hyper-perception skills that she actually was.

"Personally I don't need you, Xandy. I have my team," She used a tone as though she was letting him down. "But this isn't about me. I'm helping La'Gran form a team for the Office; You'll go with her and some others on missions like my team does for the Office. You'll get to see our new world firsthand instead of waiting until the council finally passes some law that gives us a contract with our rights back!"

"Plus if you come today you get to ride on a
Griffin" she poked him playfully, referring to the large military VTOL transports BAMF marines used.


Nov 3, 2021
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"Guys..." Magician said, pouting and clutching his heart as if pierced by arrows. He knew they had to keep up the charade, but still... But beyond all that, something stirred in Magician's heart at Fool's words. Something that, despite all the deprivations of a childhood sustained by the OIA, still drew breath in the heart of Magician. He would feel guilty about it afterwards, but just for a moment, all was cast aside. Enkidu, Kay's betrayal, the razor's edge they stood upon, nothing could compare to that single heart of just the promise of the childlike wonder of soaring the skies.

"A Griffin?! A real one? With antigrav and jet engines?" He asked far too happy. At any stares, he'd shuffle in embarassment, and mutter. "What? I'm a Lusiad. We all like things that go fast." A stereotype if there ever was one.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement stared at Magician, an eyebrow quriking. 'That's all it took to break you...?' He thought. But what blind augur was focusing on was something else La'gran said.

She's was making her own team, and was coming along to 'scout' members for her team. This meant, they were going to try and break them up, or at least they were toying with the idea. If any of them were selected for the Fool's team, they could be regularly indoctrinated. To the point they were nothing but a mindless puppet... It was the worse case scenario, but given what had been going on so far it wasn't out the realm of possibility.

"Heirophant would say something to that effect wouldn't she?" Judgement replied, his face and tone neutral. "Well let's get going." He said, standing from his bed and placing a hand on Hermit's shoulder. He tapped Morse code with his thumb on the back of her shoulder, detailing his hypothesis. To everyone else, it looked like Judge was holding onto the girl so she would guide him.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit just listened to La'Gran's explanation. Her mentions of a Griffin. Still, she would not look directly at her. At that emotional void in human-form. "You never really approach us to begin with, Fool." she muttered. Loud enough for the older Augur to hear. But as Judgement got to his feet, resting a hand on Hermit's shoulder. The girl placed her own atop his. Letting him know she acknowledged, but making it seem she was accepting comfort as well as to guide him.

"Maybe they moved the table back." She offered, rubbing a thumb on his larger paw of a hand. It didn't make much sense. It wasn't morse. Just a simple and seemingly empathic method of accepting what he was offering and what he seemingly asked for. She got to her feet, offering her other hand to Tower.

"We don't want him to trip and fall again."


Nov 3, 2021
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Moon had remained in the corner, facing the wall during a lot of this idle non-talk, seditious subtext. Occasionally banging their head against the metal panels was less a deranged compulsion and more a lunatic form of practicality, using the dull pain to force their consciousness out of a ravaging feedback loop.

A tall white haired waif doing this looked cliche, enough to almost appear commercial, of course. But for the psychic, there was an underlying current of disjointed, manfunctioning emotions.

Now as ever, she was other people's feelings. They flowed through her like a warm breeze, no defense whatsoever. Which was to say, the paranoia the others were feeling was triplicate. Magician's unblemished optimism and sense of adventure, Judgement's current cold skepticism, Hermit's brooding deception... All blended and jabbed by a dozen other intruding ghosts, just out of mental grasp.

At least it didn't give the secrecy of the four's secret pact away. Moon wasn't entirely sure she wasn't an insane, delusional, blithering imbecile... Was that a feeling from the others, reflected back on them too?

La'gran was different. Moon just saw a hole where their face should be. No unclean sentiments to leak across. Nothing for the mirror to reflect. Only... Some sort of concrete will, behind the empty headed puppet that danced to its tune.

Was it bad to feel envious? To feel compassion for the unworldly thing that could feel none? To wish they were the same?

"...Peace be still." Moon turned slowly, as forcing themselves to remember how humans act. A puppet playing a puppet. Dainty, long porcelain fingers unabashadley hung forwards, unreserved to the concept that La'gran might grasp them. "What was the other matter you require our help with, sister?... You seem... ever so enthralled..."


Nov 3, 2021
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The griffin was a low tier treat, towers almost Dainty fingers curled around hermits standing up with a small sigh. The infighting had ceased, and most emotions with it for a brief time.
"La'Gran did you request this? If the others including Moon, want to go with you.. then I'll join you as well."

Slowly approaching Moon, a slight twinge of guilt still lingered, before towers small fingers softly rested on their shoulder. Her opposite hand still holding onto Hermit, pulling the group forward slightly l.
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Sep 4, 2022
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Columbary - Playroom

Xander sighed longly while closing his eyes and tilting his head down. He annoyingly raised his hands in a surrendering gesture before saying "Ok Kay, you got me in." He couldn't deny to himself that at this point her arguments and motivations were valids and abiding to the law, so there was no motivation to keep on resisting. Plus military vehicles were cool., even for a wannabe mature guy like him.

But his glare remained serious "Hope there are shovels and knives in the Griffin, one as innocent as Enkidu doesn't merit to be just cremated and forgot. At least i can make a cerimonial grave while i am at it. Do you know perchance if it is doable?" The young man tone seemed very concerned, he could have been as detached from the rest as much as he wanted but death wasn't something he wished to anyone he knew even barely.