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  1. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    Ty lowered himself onto the Cot, his cybernetic jaw clicking softly as he settled into place. The air around them was filtered through advanced 3D-printed bone, courtesy of the cutting-edge resurritech technology that had brought him back from death over 300 years ago. His focus was intense as...
  2. Shadowwalker

    Golden band episode 3.1: training day

    The petite fighter, Snowblind, gazed up at the towering figure known only as Frank. A sly smirk played across her lips as she couldn't help but think to herself, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." With a burst of determination, she dashed forward and crouched low, aiming a punch at his...
  3. Shadowwalker

    Golden band episode 3.1: training day

    It had been a month since the Golden Band's beachhead mission, and they were still recovering from their botched battle strategy. The Enemy forces seemed to be licking their wounds as well, giving the Golden Band some much-needed breathing room. In response, the command team made the decision to...
  4. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    **Medical building** Ty would make his way to the medical room after the surgery was complete. "Aaron was it, I need a favor and I need you to be descreete with what I'm about to ask." Passing a glance to the girl on the other medical bed who had her hand replaced from combat injurys the day...
  5. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    Holly Shook her head and pointed to the Skeleton borg who just publicly executed a officer. "No I didn't opt for it. what actually happened is that guy over there is paying out of pocket with funds I didn't even know he had to cover Alpha grade milspec cybernetics for all who need replacement...
  6. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    Frank looks down at the man and shakes his hand. "Well, 250 deaths from Trojan company 500 wounded and 250 are fully capable of fighting, In Serra company all 1000 were killed outright, and about 25 shuttles much like the one we are riding in were shot down and were still getting casualty...
  7. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    === On the Incoming Transport === With the happy-go-lucky Faris's questioning. he would see a large 7ft tall man with greyish-white hair and a handlebar mustache. Built like a hulking dump truck the man looked around like he was listening to something. "One floor up in locker 23, th'names...
  8. Shadowwalker

    Golden Band Episode 3: Reinforcements and Alliances

    Inside the medic tent and the newly constructed medical building, chaos reigned amidst the cacophony of pain and despair. The stench of burnt flesh hung heavy in the air, mingling with the sharp scent of disinfectant as medics worked tirelessly to tend to the wounded. In the crowded tent area...
  9. Shadowwalker

    The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead

    In the fading light of evening, amidst the wreckage of battle on the desolate shores of Planet Everan, Golden Band stood battered and bloodied. The echoes of a fierce onslaught still reverberated through the air, mingling with the sorrowful cries of the wounded and the mourning for the fallen...
  10. Shadowwalker

    The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead

    As Aaron's mech, Trojan 3, trudged forward towards the breach in the defensive wall, the weight of the battle pressed down upon him like a heavy burden. The landscape around him was a grim tableau of destruction, with the bodies of fallen comrades littering the ground and the waters filled with...
  11. Shadowwalker

    The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead

    The battlefield was a tumultuous canvas of destruction, with the remnants of mechs strewn across the scorched landscape. Golden Band Legacy Mechs, determined to breach the first defensive wall, had faced fierce resistance. Despite their valor, several mechs lay in ruin, testament to the...
  12. Shadowwalker

    The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead

    Threw the various heads up displays of the battlefield the horror of war comes into view of the desolate landscape of Everan's coastline. The remnants of the failed first wave are scattered across the beach, with half-buried drop ships and shattered cruisers serving as grim reminders of the...
  13. Shadowwalker

    Tears in the Rain

    The NDC Cemetery is a solemn place, a testament to the sacrifices made during the Century War. Rows upon rows of graves, both simple and ornate, stretch across a landscape that bears the weight of a century of pain and loss. Ty Sibo stands amidst the gravestones, his cybernetic hand clutching a...
  14. Shadowwalker

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    Dolly looked up at the gene mod her face slightly white with fear. "I-I guess so...well hopefully it goes well." the intercom in the room crackled to life cutting off Dolly and gaining the attention of most of the crew. [The vast expanse of space stretches beyond the bridge's viewports, with...
  15. Shadowwalker

    interview with ice-horse

    Thomas Began flipping threw his notes and looked back up to them. "Alright how is your leadership skills and do you know how to use exoskeleton suits." he asked sliding a set of documents over to them. "If you sign here confirming your okay to work under contract for the next 10 years with the...
  16. Shadowwalker

    interview with ice-horse

    A strangeMercanary enters the room with the new recruit his name was Thomas Sibo. Thomas Sibo is a rugged and formidable male mercenary in his early 30s. He stands at 6 feet tall, with a well-built, muscular frame that speaks to his years of combat experience. His skin is tanned from years...
  17. Shadowwalker

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    The ship lurched forward as the last of their company of troops loaded into it taking off. The ships intercom would key up to all barrics rooms. "All units please report to your squad leaders. we are heading into LZ Lema ETA 10 hours Gets some rest and chow in you all your gonna need it." As...
  18. Shadowwalker

    M The weight of responsibility

    Frekki leaned his head back against the remains of the building he was sat by. The sizable dent in his armor pressed up against his brused skin as he took several breaths. the sickly sweet smell of death and gunpowder stinging his nose causing him to cough. "Arthur, what do we do now?" Frekki...
  19. Shadowwalker

    Galactic News Broadcast: Reporting on the Everan invasion

    Narrator: "Good evening, Galactic citizens, and welcome to the Galactic News Broadcast. I'm your host, Xara Quill, reporting live from the remote desert planet of Everan, where a valiant fight is unfolding against an alien invasion like no other." [Camera pans over a vast desert landscape...
  20. Shadowwalker

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    Looking up to you all as you enter the room he tips his boonie to you. While the redhead keeps rambling. “All Im saying is what if we run into unknown poisons or pathogens while there i wanna be protected you know?” she said to him as she kept working. The shadow turned to the group. “I’ll...