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  1. Shadowwalker

    The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.

    Crews of transport units ferrying armor plating and large amount of spare parts for mechs vehicles and troop armor suits. Armorers transporting large racks of battle rifles and personal explosives. Russing their stockpiles alongside medical crews with their stockpiles of medical items. All of...
  2. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  3. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  4. Shadowwalker

    P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!

    Frank would pick up his coms and answer back to his two girls. "Sorry for being a big ol worrying parent, Just your mother would kill me if something happened to either of you." he stated before keeping an eye out in his vehicle. Buzzing his radio he contacted Pathfinder Nugen, "So is there...
  5. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  6. Shadowwalker

    The Chorus of Decay: Abandoned factory - Beau and Zotar

    Beau walked through the ruined hallways of the abandoned factory, the floors were covered in dirt and debris while the walls barely held with scores of crack running along them. He was convinced when he first came over the ridge and saw the factory, it would collapse and kill him within minutes...
  7. Shadowwalker

    P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!

    Frank chuckled at We's joke. "Well we all I know for certain naming convention aside is we will get along great." he stated with a govial chuckle. keying his coms he called over to Elizabeth, "Hey when's the next rest stop, so we can get out and stretch our legs and servos?" frank asked before...
  8. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  9. Shadowwalker

    M The weight of responsibility

    Frekki coughed a few times after receiving the blow to his armor. As he attempted to regain his breath, he looked up at Arthur with a sneer. "Aye sir I'll keep that in mind." Was all he said in response. Loading a fresh mag into his pistol as he sat there in that trench. thinking about...
  10. Shadowwalker

    P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!

    Frank thought for a moment for the best way to answer We. "Sure give me the serial numbers I might be able to come up with something." he says rubbing his eyes, He feels his old age catching up to him the constant pushing his body to its brink and past that over and over before settling down and...
  11. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  12. Shadowwalker

    AW Backwater Reserve

  13. Shadowwalker

    P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!

    Frank would be riding with We, before answering his question. "I'm pretty sure an industrial cutting machine would either be gummed up with all the vines or get stuck in the muck of this planet pretty easily." thinking for a moment while riding shotgun he would turn to yell back to We. "Hey out...
  14. Shadowwalker

    Curiosity didnt kill the cat. [Tap and shadowwalker]

    It was the end of class and Elia was finally free. A young member of the Acquiri people of who were assimilated into the Federal Republic. She is part of the generation that was born after the Republic arrived on their planet what they now call Nuevo Hassan, as for their people never really had...
  15. Shadowwalker

    The Federal Republic of Huzar: tale of two worlds [tap and shadowwalker]

    Several months had passed since the quarantine. The Captain, no longer keeping the rank of Captain. Instead, Sorsena had the rank NCO rank in The Federal Republic of Huzar. She was sporting several new scars and bandages. She tried to spare Joseph From feeling her pain let alone hearing it...
  16. Shadowwalker

    The Federal Republic of Huzar: tale of two worlds [tap and shadowwalker]

    It would just be one of those many trips for the FRAV Dela Rosa. They are one of the many frigates assigned to patrolling the frontiers of Republic space but at the same time also going on navigation missions to chart and update the maps on a regular basis. Senior Researcher Joseph Marseille...
  17. Shadowwalker

    M The weight of responsibility

    Fallowing close behind, Freki would shoot at the creatures wishing he had loaded the underslung in the gun before hand. "Why cant we hit these things?" he stated as he fired. his head still ringing from the fall earlier. adrenaline keeping him going, shot after shot he fired until the...
  18. Shadowwalker

    M The weight of responsibility

    Freki Stumbled out of the shop and into the snow blinding light just past the shop door. Looking around he was able to spot Arthur, However still dizzy from the fall the marine leaned up against the door frame. "Any Idea were we landed?" Freki asked between the chattering of his teeth as the...