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The Golden band episode 1: Shifting Sands.


Dec 12, 2022
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Crews of transport units ferrying armor plating and large amount of spare parts for mechs vehicles and troop armor suits. Armorers transporting large racks of battle rifles and personal explosives. Russing their stockpiles alongside medical crews with their stockpiles of medical items. All of which being put into large frigates about to take flight into the unknown towards the PMC forces first warzone as per contract. A large gathering in a parade field near the makeshift fleet. Consisting of a modest sized pmc force of Pilots and security personnel. In forest camo stand at parade rest before a squad of hand picked mech pilots and the pmc platoon leader. A strange man with a skeletal face covered with some sun glasses and wearing a desert camo uniform. A wispy black smoke dotten with yellow eyes mimics his shadow.

As he shows up all but the hand selected mech pilots leave to get onto the transports.
Turning to the selected mech pilots he addresses them. “At ease, as you know you have been selected for your skills to be sunrunner pilots for the MFL PMC force. With that title comes its benefits of hire pay and benefits. Each of you will be giving 3 shares in the PMC force as well as additional shares in competitive pay per confirmed kill. This being said, because of the cost of feilding these mechs measures are being made. You will be tasked with keeping your mech repaired maintained and armed, using your shares you may purchase weapons armor and upgrades as well as being able to influence new R&D for said sunrunners so that you may upgrade it as you see fit if their are any questions I will answer them now if not we will proceed to quartermaster Jester for your kit and standard rifle for when your not in your mech. Afterwords we will be making our way to frigate Hades, so that you all can receive some combat practice using the holo pods.”

A fairly tall, fair skinned and red haired man with a mechanical arm relaxes after being told to be at ease speaks up after hearing what his new boss says. “So it’s just like back at home ‘cept instead of fixin’ and maintain’ cars, it’s mechs. Sounds simple ‘nough. Though I gotta be askin’ is there anyway we could fix me a pistol or small side arm over a rifle? Just more suitin’ for me, sir.”

The platoon lead looked to the tall cyborg. “I'm sure we can get you a plasma pistol or two if that suits you better, the neldans already on the planet have a handful of weapons they haded us including a heavy looking gun blade thing, one hell of a assault rifle and a couple crates of plasma rifles, so pick your poison though personally id go for the battle rifles unless you want to deal with the massive kick their weapons give off as subtlety doesnt seem to be in their vocabulary.”

“What do we have in the way of shields?” asked a tall, broad man whose features might have once been handsome, but were now overshadowed by a collection of scuffs, scars, and the type of visible weariness that belonged to someone who had spent an abundance of time in the field. “I don’t know how nimble these things are, but I’d feel better with something to eat a few shots.”

The maintenance and the like didn’t bother him too much. He’d worked on his fair share of mechanical guts and gear over the years. These Sunrunners would be something new to learn, but he didn’t expect to mess it up too badly.

The platoon leader would look black at the whispey shadow of his before moving his attention to Garr.

“The Sunrunner is equipped with a forearm based shield made up of the same structure and plating as your mecha, so its able to eat a few hits before you do. That being said, you can also detach it should it become useless in doing so you can store the axe and granade on your mechas waist and back.”

Garr nodded thoughtfully and gave a gruff sound of assent. It wasn’t nearly as big as he was hoping - but it would do for now. If he could “buy” upgrades for his new unit, that would be on his list. The tank operator wasn’t thrilled to be so much taller

Watching from afar, the Major sent to keep an eye on these mercs would just see them be introduced to the items they were going to be using. Since the whole purpose of having a member of the Defense Department observe the PMC was purely to ensure that they wouldn’t simply disobey the Republic that and to observe their actions, needing to be close to them was not on the job list.

Yulia would just fiddle around with a pen. A quarter arachnid sykian, unlike her more taur like relatives, her arachnid features were more so 4 “arachnid legs” behind her back. This is aside from her ability to make webs as well through various parts of her body. She wore a nice Federal Army uniform and a patched on that uniform showed her affiliation to one of the more elite mechanized corps yet were not fully deployed as they weren’t considered special forces.

For her, making sure these mercs do their job is what matters to her. Nothing more nothing less. If something goes bump in their operations, it’s her job to rectify it if it hurts the interests of the greater nation as a whole. Wether she cares if they die or not…well that depends if she somehow builds any connections to these people.

An aid of hers would soon approach handing her some tea which she would drink as she looked on the mercs. From what she heard, these men are going to have one hell of a time.

“Got an actual supply to get those parts from? Livin the dream then are we?” Asked a rather jovial sounding voice. That voice belonging to a Genemod horse, leaning casually against a pile of stacked crates. He shook his long head slightly, tossing his black forelock of a mane to one side, black muzzle split in a grin. His head (as most of his coat) was an almost dark blue color, and the tip of his left ear was missing. “Be nice to not have to tear off any ol scrap that you can find to keep running for once.”

The shadow beside him would begin taking a humanism form outside of the yellow eyes. Clasping his hand on its shoulder. “My other half will escort you lot to the armorer to get your kit then escort you to the hades to use the training pods.” releasing its shoulder he moved to walk in the direction of the of the major. Only to turn around briefly and point a acusitive finger and the humanoid form of the shadow. “Dont fuck this up.” it holding up its hands or claws it nodded.

He turned and continued to walk twords the major while the shadow looks twords the new pilots.

“Thisss waay Recrtuitsss.” it hissed out leading them to the armorer. At the armorer station sat a person wearing an oiled leather tan trenchcoat. Black gasmask with lenses giving of a soft blue glow. “Greetings pilots, here is your Kit.” taking a large but old looking backpack. He set it down in front of them. “Inside is a weekly supply of MRE’s, a week emergency MRE, A IFAK kit, one Darkstar hybrid plasma pistol, Four batteries and Four mags for it, hip holster. Two sets of Mech FL uniform, a pair of boots. Two sets of socks, and one multi roll PDA where you will be getting paid from, and receive mission orders from. To the left of me here are several weapon racks each with your choice of a battle rifle, a cased plasma rifle or supplied via the Neldans the Neldan battle rifle chambered in explosive tip .300 blackout. Simply grab your pack, take a manual and place your hand on the keypad below the gun you wish to have assigned to you via dna sample.”

Dallas grabs his pack and takes out the hip holster to attach it to his side before putting the plasma pistol firmly into it. He puts his pack over one shoulder before smiling at the armorer and speaking up “I don’t reckon you got any more cqc type weapons, like a plasma knife or battle knife or somethin’ along those lines? I ain’t really one for shootin’ with a rifle, this pistol is perfect n all jus wish I had a bowie knife or the likes for when things get real rough and dirty.”
Aaron watched as the man who introduced himself as thier commanding officer appeared to literally split from his shadow, which then proceeded to form into some kind of shadow being itself. He cocked his head, as the others started nonchalantly following their non shadowed leader. “Anyone want to talk about that? No? Alright then” he shrugged, pushing off the stacked crates, his hooves echoing slightly off the hard packed ground.

Hefting his pack, the genemod pulled the holstered pistol out, checking the action with a familiarity that spoke of prior experience before attaching the combo to his belt, then doing the same with his selected battle rifle.

His ears turned toward the sound of another voice addressing the armorer, glancing over, he saw it was the man with the prosthetic arm, asking again for some kind of blade.

Grinning, he pulled a sheathed ka-bar like knife out of the cargo pocket of his fatigues, tapping the man on the shoulder with the hilt.

“Here mate, no need tae worry about getting one from supply. Always carry a blade, am I right?”
The shadowy version of their Commanding officer would begin escorting them to the ship to show them their quarters. “For the record you will be known assss Fireteam one, your barrack matessss are fireteam 2 and you both make up echo ssssquad.” the shadow hissed out to them, directing them into the ships ramp and down one of the many corridors to their Berrics room.

As the doors hissed open they would be able to meet the rest of the squad. Near the back wall of the room squatted a shirtless man with various tools at his feet tinkering with a rather large not standard issue firearm. To the right hand of the room a short red headed girl was meticulous organizing her stockpile of medical equipment, having to push up her glasses ever few moments. Next to her however is a man, if you can call him that. Listened to her ramble on and on while he/it was cleaning their sniper rifle. He wore an olive green uniform with a biosuit underneath it. Cybernetics in the form of eyes, voicebox and various pneumatic systems allowed the 3d printed bones laced with metal to operate.


Dec 12, 2022
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Looking up to you all as you enter the room he tips his boonie to you. While the redhead keeps rambling. “All Im saying is what if we run into unknown poisons or pathogens while there i wanna be protected you know?” she said to him as she kept working.

The shadow turned to the group. “I’ll leave you to get acquainted with your ssssquadmatess. While you wait for the CO to get back so you may practice mech training.”

Dallas grabs the knife from the man and speaks up with a hearty smile “Ah thank ya kindly! Knives just feel so much better in ma hands, ya know? Names Dallas, Dallas Blues. I reckon we’ll be together a lot from now on so good to be on a first name basis. Gotta know who Imma be savin’ later down the line.” The last sentence Dallas says is in a more joking manner, not expecting his squadmates to need saving often but he will always do his best to keep them safe or rescue them.

“Well, if we be needin tae rely on a knife for fighting out there, we really be out in the void then!” The Genemod replied. “Though, it’d at least make us feel better about it than just our bare hands! Name’s Aaron, Dallas. Maybe open a bar tab for when whoever saves who needs a drink, eh?” He replied, his muzzle splitting into a grin, as he understood the joke.

Leaning forward in his bunk the skeleton cyborg would light a cigar. “So, you be ex criminals or volenteers? I personally had a death sentence before being sent here. Ill be your lances anti light mech sniper. Wanted for assassination of various political figures. Dolly here is a Med student who disagreed with how a local goverment was running things so she got thrown in here with me.” Pointing behind him to the muscle bond guy. He would continue, “the wall of muscle over there is Atraue he’s one of the crazy and or stupid ones who volunteered for this warzone. As it would get him and his family a new life.” after he finished introducing the small group he offered the cigar to each of them after taking a long drag himself.


Dec 12, 2022
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The ship lurched forward as the last of their company of troops loaded into it taking off. The ships intercom would key up to all barrics rooms. "All units please report to your squad leaders. we are heading into LZ Lema ETA 10 hours Gets some rest and chow in you all your gonna need it."

As the various members in the room began filing out of the room the medic girl would walk over to the horse gene mod. "Names Dolly whats yours. she said with a bit of pep in her step as everyone would meet up with their individual platoon leads. While they were waiting one of the tech guys in the platoon began messing with his radio boosting the signal with the ships to tune into where their going. looking up to everyone the man shouted out. "Hey quite down I think I got somthing, possibly radio chatter from those already on the ground listen." The young man turned up the volume on the radio

[The sound of gunfire and distant explosions fills the background, punctuated by intermittent radio static.]

Soldier 1: [Breathing heavily] "This is Alpha Team, we're pinned down at grid 23-45. Requesting immediate support, over!"

[The faint cries of wounded soldiers can be heard in the distance.]

Soldier 2: [Voice trembling] "Medic! We need a medic over here! Man down!"

[The radio crackles to life with a dispatcher's response.]

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, this is HQ. Reinforcements are on the way, but they're ETA 10 hours. Hold tight, over."

[More gunfire and shouts in the background.]

Soldier 1: "HQ, we can't hold much longer! The enemy is closing in fast!"

[Another wounded soldier groans in pain.]

Soldier 3: [Grimacing] "I've got two wounded here! We need that support now!"

[The sound of distant artillery fire grows louder.]

Soldier 2: [Panicking] "Incoming artillery! Everyone, take cover!"

[Explosions erupt in the background as the soldiers scramble for safety.]

Soldier 1: [Voice strained] "HQ, we're under heavy fire! We need those reinforcements ASAP!"

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, hang in there. Air support is en route. Hold your positions!"

[The radio falls silent momentarily as the battle rages on.]

Soldier 3: [Whispering] "Stay low, everyone. Reinforcements will be here soon. We've got this."

[The distant rumble of approaching vehicles and the roar of jet engines can be heard.]

Soldier 2: [With hope in his voice] "I think I hear them! Reinforcements are coming!"

[The sound of approaching helicopters and fighter jets grows louder, drowning out the gunfire.]

Soldier 1: [Relieved] "Air support has arrived, boys! Hold on just a little longer!"

[The roar of aircraft engines and the whoosh of missiles being launched fill the air.]

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, this is HQ. Air support is overhead."

the cyborg skeleton walks over a clicks the radio off. "Seeing as were going down into that hell its probably best we dont listen into it much longer."


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Oct 2, 2023
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Crews of transport units ferrying armor plating and large amount of spare parts for mechs vehicles and troop armor suits. Armorers transporting large racks of battle rifles and personal explosives. Russing their stockpiles alongside medical crews with their stockpiles of medical items. All of which being put into large frigates about to take flight into the unknown towards the PMC forces first warzone as per contract. A large gathering in a parade field near the makeshift fleet. Consisting of a modest sized pmc force of Pilots and security personnel. In forest camo stand at parade rest before a squad of hand picked mech pilots and the pmc platoon leader. A strange man with a skeletal face covered with some sun glasses and wearing a desert camo uniform. A wispy black smoke dotten with yellow eyes mimics his shadow.

As he shows up all but the hand selected mech pilots leave to get onto the transports.
Turning to the selected mech pilots he addresses them. “At ease, as you know you have been selected for your skills to be sunrunner pilots for the MFL PMC force. With that title comes its benefits of hire pay and benefits. Each of you will be giving 3 shares in the PMC force as well as additional shares in competitive pay per confirmed kill. This being said, because of the cost of feilding these mechs measures are being made. You will be tasked with keeping your mech repaired maintained and armed, using your shares you may purchase weapons armor and upgrades as well as being able to influence new R&D for said sunrunners so that you may upgrade it as you see fit if their are any questions I will answer them now if not we will proceed to quartermaster Jester for your kit and standard rifle for when your not in your mech. Afterwords we will be making our way to frigate Hades, so that you all can receive some combat practice using the holo pods.”

A fairly tall, fair skinned and red haired man with a mechanical arm relaxes after being told to be at ease speaks up after hearing what his new boss says. “So it’s just like back at home ‘cept instead of fixin’ and maintain’ cars, it’s mechs. Sounds simple ‘nough. Though I gotta be askin’ is there anyway we could fix me a pistol or small side arm over a rifle? Just more suitin’ for me, sir.”

The platoon lead looked to the tall cyborg. “I'm sure we can get you a plasma pistol or two if that suits you better, the neldans already on the planet have a handful of weapons they haded us including a heavy looking gun blade thing, one hell of a assault rifle and a couple crates of plasma rifles, so pick your poison though personally id go for the battle rifles unless you want to deal with the massive kick their weapons give off as subtlety doesnt seem to be in their vocabulary.”

“What do we have in the way of shields?” asked a tall, broad man whose features might have once been handsome, but were now overshadowed by a collection of scuffs, scars, and the type of visible weariness that belonged to someone who had spent an abundance of time in the field. “I don’t know how nimble these things are, but I’d feel better with something to eat a few shots.”

The maintenance and the like didn’t bother him too much. He’d worked on his fair share of mechanical guts and gear over the years. These Sunrunners would be something new to learn, but he didn’t expect to mess it up too badly.

The platoon leader would look black at the whispey shadow of his before moving his attention to Garr.

“The Sunrunner is equipped with a forearm based shield made up of the same structure and plating as your mecha, so its able to eat a few hits before you do. That being said, you can also detach it should it become useless in doing so you can store the axe and granade on your mechas waist and back.”

Garr nodded thoughtfully and gave a gruff sound of assent. It wasn’t nearly as big as he was hoping - but it would do for now. If he could “buy” upgrades for his new unit, that would be on his list. The tank operator wasn’t thrilled to be so much taller

Watching from afar, the Major sent to keep an eye on these mercs would just see them be introduced to the items they were going to be using. Since the whole purpose of having a member of the Defense Department observe the PMC was purely to ensure that they wouldn’t simply disobey the Republic that and to observe their actions, needing to be close to them was not on the job list.

Yulia would just fiddle around with a pen. A quarter arachnid sykian, unlike her more taur like relatives, her arachnid features were more so 4 “arachnid legs” behind her back. This is aside from her ability to make webs as well through various parts of her body. She wore a nice Federal Army uniform and a patched on that uniform showed her affiliation to one of the more elite mechanized corps yet were not fully deployed as they weren’t considered special forces.

For her, making sure these mercs do their job is what matters to her. Nothing more nothing less. If something goes bump in their operations, it’s her job to rectify it if it hurts the interests of the greater nation as a whole. Wether she cares if they die or not…well that depends if she somehow builds any connections to these people.

An aid of hers would soon approach handing her some tea which she would drink as she looked on the mercs. From what she heard, these men are going to have one hell of a time.

“Got an actual supply to get those parts from? Livin the dream then are we?” Asked a rather jovial sounding voice. That voice belonging to a Genemod horse, leaning casually against a pile of stacked crates. He shook his long head slightly, tossing his black forelock of a mane to one side, black muzzle split in a grin. His head (as most of his coat) was an almost dark blue color, and the tip of his left ear was missing. “Be nice to not have to tear off any ol scrap that you can find to keep running for once.”

The shadow beside him would begin taking a humanism form outside of the yellow eyes. Clasping his hand on its shoulder. “My other half will escort you lot to the armorer to get your kit then escort you to the hades to use the training pods.” releasing its shoulder he moved to walk in the direction of the of the major. Only to turn around briefly and point a acusitive finger and the humanoid form of the shadow. “Dont fuck this up.” it holding up its hands or claws it nodded.

He turned and continued to walk twords the major while the shadow looks twords the new pilots.

“Thisss waay Recrtuitsss.” it hissed out leading them to the armorer. At the armorer station sat a person wearing an oiled leather tan trenchcoat. Black gasmask with lenses giving of a soft blue glow. “Greetings pilots, here is your Kit.” taking a large but old looking backpack. He set it down in front of them. “Inside is a weekly supply of MRE’s, a week emergency MRE, A IFAK kit, one Darkstar hybrid plasma pistol, Four batteries and Four mags for it, hip holster. Two sets of Mech FL uniform, a pair of boots. Two sets of socks, and one multi roll PDA where you will be getting paid from, and receive mission orders from. To the left of me here are several weapon racks each with your choice of a battle rifle, a cased plasma rifle or supplied via the Neldans the Neldan battle rifle chambered in explosive tip .300 blackout. Simply grab your pack, take a manual and place your hand on the keypad below the gun you wish to have assigned to you via dna sample.”

Dallas grabs his pack and takes out the hip holster to attach it to his side before putting the plasma pistol firmly into it. He puts his pack over one shoulder before smiling at the armorer and speaking up “I don’t reckon you got any more cqc type weapons, like a plasma knife or battle knife or somethin’ along those lines? I ain’t really one for shootin’ with a rifle, this pistol is perfect n all jus wish I had a bowie knife or the likes for when things get real rough and dirty.”
Aaron watched as the man who introduced himself as thier commanding officer appeared to literally split from his shadow, which then proceeded to form into some kind of shadow being itself. He cocked his head, as the others started nonchalantly following their non shadowed leader. “Anyone want to talk about that? No? Alright then” he shrugged, pushing off the stacked crates, his hooves echoing slightly off the hard packed ground.

Hefting his pack, the genemod pulled the holstered pistol out, checking the action with a familiarity that spoke of prior experience before attaching the combo to his belt, then doing the same with his selected battle rifle.

His ears turned toward the sound of another voice addressing the armorer, glancing over, he saw it was the man with the prosthetic arm, asking again for some kind of blade.

Grinning, he pulled a sheathed ka-bar like knife out of the cargo pocket of his fatigues, tapping the man on the shoulder with the hilt.

“Here mate, no need tae worry about getting one from supply. Always carry a blade, am I right?”
The shadowy version of their Commanding officer would begin escorting them to the ship to show them their quarters. “For the record you will be known assss Fireteam one, your barrack matessss are fireteam 2 and you both make up echo ssssquad.” the shadow hissed out to them, directing them into the ships ramp and down one of the many corridors to their Berrics room.

As the doors hissed open they would be able to meet the rest of the squad. Near the back wall of the room squatted a shirtless man with various tools at his feet tinkering with a rather large not standard issue firearm. To the right hand of the room a short red headed girl was meticulous organizing her stockpile of medical equipment, having to push up her glasses ever few moments. Next to her however is a man, if you can call him that. Listened to her ramble on and on while he/it was cleaning their sniper rifle. He wore an olive green uniform with a biosuit underneath it. Cybernetics in the form of eyes, voicebox and various pneumatic systems allowed the 3d printed bones laced with metal to operate.
Nice work


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Oct 2, 2023
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Dallas speaks up to the cyborg skeleton "Nah I ain't never been in trouble with the law. Signed up for this of mah own free will like my daddy and his daddy did before me! Wanted ta do somethin' useful with mah life outside of borin' manual labor, ya know?" He says with a smile before politely rejecting a cigar with a shake of his head. As the intercom speaks, he quietly listens to what it says and watches everyone file out of the room, content with just listening to what the remaining people have to say.

As the radio comms play he listens carefully to what is going on before the cyborg turns it off. "Well seems like a mighty poor situation they got goin' on down there. Hopefully by the time we get there, there'll be some survivors we can help out..."


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Oct 2, 2023
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Dallas speaks up to the cyborg skeleton "Nah I ain't never been in trouble with the law. Signed up for this of mah own free will like my daddy and his daddy did before me! Wanted ta do somethin' useful with mah life outside of borin' manual labor, ya know?" He says with a smile before politely rejecting a cigar with a shake of his head. As the intercom speaks, he quietly listens to what it says and watches everyone file out of the room, content with just listening to what the remaining people have to say.

As the radio comms play he listens carefully to what is going on before the cyborg turns it off. "Well seems like a mighty poor situation they got goin' on down there. Hopefully by the time we get there, there'll be some survivors we can help out..."
Icehorse heads over towards Dallas asking” if you have any need for my service support for the battlefront with the current situation with cyborg skeletons? “


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Oct 2, 2023
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Icehorse heads over towards Dallas asking” if you have any need for my service support for the battlefront with the current situation with cyborg skeletons? “
"Hmmm I'm sorry could'ja run that by me again? I don't quite get what'cha mean by that?" Dallas rubs the back of his head with his mechanical and gives a light chuckle. "By the way, name's Dallas. Pleasure to meet'cha!"


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Oct 2, 2023
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All right then I was just wondering if I could help you out, I’m Kathryn Ice-horse I one of the new arrivals


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Nov 17, 2021
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The ship lurched forward as the last of their company of troops loaded into it taking off. The ships intercom would key up to all barrics rooms. "All units please report to your squad leaders. we are heading into LZ Lema ETA 10 hours Gets some rest and chow in you all your gonna need it."

As the various members in the room began filing out of the room the medic girl would walk over to the horse gene mod. "Names Dolly whats yours. she said with a bit of pep in her step as everyone would meet up with their individual platoon leads. While they were waiting one of the tech guys in the platoon began messing with his radio boosting the signal with the ships to tune into where their going. looking up to everyone the man shouted out. "Hey quite down I think I got somthing, possibly radio chatter from those already on the ground listen." The young man turned up the volume on the radio

[The sound of gunfire and distant explosions fills the background, punctuated by intermittent radio static.]

Soldier 1: [Breathing heavily] "This is Alpha Team, we're pinned down at grid 23-45. Requesting immediate support, over!"

[The faint cries of wounded soldiers can be heard in the distance.]

Soldier 2: [Voice trembling] "Medic! We need a medic over here! Man down!"

[The radio crackles to life with a dispatcher's response.]

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, this is HQ. Reinforcements are on the way, but they're ETA 10 hours. Hold tight, over."

[More gunfire and shouts in the background.]

Soldier 1: "HQ, we can't hold much longer! The enemy is closing in fast!"

[Another wounded soldier groans in pain.]

Soldier 3: [Grimacing] "I've got two wounded here! We need that support now!"

[The sound of distant artillery fire grows louder.]

Soldier 2: [Panicking] "Incoming artillery! Everyone, take cover!"

[Explosions erupt in the background as the soldiers scramble for safety.]

Soldier 1: [Voice strained] "HQ, we're under heavy fire! We need those reinforcements ASAP!"

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, hang in there. Air support is en route. Hold your positions!"

[The radio falls silent momentarily as the battle rages on.]

Soldier 3: [Whispering] "Stay low, everyone. Reinforcements will be here soon. We've got this."

[The distant rumble of approaching vehicles and the roar of jet engines can be heard.]

Soldier 2: [With hope in his voice] "I think I hear them! Reinforcements are coming!"

[The sound of approaching helicopters and fighter jets grows louder, drowning out the gunfire.]

Soldier 1: [Relieved] "Air support has arrived, boys! Hold on just a little longer!"

[The roar of aircraft engines and the whoosh of missiles being launched fill the air.]

Dispatcher: "Alpha Team, this is HQ. Air support is overhead."

the cyborg skeleton walks over a clicks the radio off. "Seeing as were going down into that hell its probably best we dont listen into it much longer."
“Aaron. Seems we’re all stuck in this cluster togther, eh Dolly?” The horseman replied, grinning. The Genemod was about to say more when one of the soldiers tuned into the radio chatter. What followed was the usual. A sobering reminder of what faced them all. After the broadcast was silenced, he looked toward the medic again.
“Seems like you’re going to make more than a few friends out here!”


Dec 12, 2022
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Dolly looked up at the gene mod her face slightly white with fear. "I-I guess so...well hopefully it goes well." the intercom in the room crackled to life cutting off Dolly and gaining the attention of most of the crew.

[The vast expanse of space stretches beyond the bridge's viewports, with stars and distant galaxies dotting the cosmic canvas. The bridge is abuzz with activity as crew members, dressed in uniforms displaying the Golden Band emblem, monitor control panels and engage in discussions. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation and a sense of duty.]

Intercom Voice: (Over the ship's intercom system) Attention, all crew members of the Golden Band. We are now approaching the planet Everan and will be arriving in just a few hours.

[A hushed wave of excitement sweeps through the bridge as crew members exchange glances and nods of acknowledgment. They've been preparing for this pivotal moment for weeks, and the time is finally at hand.]

Intercom Voice: (Continuing) Please report to your combat stations and prepare for battle. All mech crews, be ready to embark upon your mechs as we approach our destination. We'll be hot-dropping into the thick of the battle upon arrival.

[The announcement triggers an immediate response from the crew. Soldiers swiftly move towards their assigned combat stations, each person checking and rechecking their equipment with focused determination. Mech pilots, in their exo-armor suits, head to the hangar to board their towering war machines.]

one of the countless marcs in the room: (Whispering to a comrade) It's time, my friend. We've trained for this

the other: nodded to him "Time to go make out pay."

[As the crew readies themselves for the imminent drop into the heat of battle, a sense of unity and resolve fills the air. Their transformation from diverse backgrounds into a cohesive fighting force is a testament to their shared mission – the preservation of cosmic harmony and the protection of the Neldan people.]

Intercom Voice: (With unwavering conviction) Let's stand together, Golden Band. Everan awaits our aid.

[The bridge remains focused and determined, a beacon of unity in the face of an impending battle. The ship continues its journey towards Everan, a symbol of hope and protection in the universe.]

Dolly turns back to the genemod. "well I guess we should get to where we need to go, Ill see you planetside." she says with a smile trying to stay hopefull.
the skeletal at unit speaks up over the crowd of troops. "alright you heard em, infantry and exo units make your way to the drop ships mech pilots to the hanger Good luck.


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Oct 2, 2023
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Whitehorse heard the alarm’s over the intercom as she gathers off her equipment to fighting putting on her helmet ,loading spare ammunition into her combat backpack along with her tactical pistol, assault rifle. She walks out along with her other battle buddies and and all the commanding in the battle group regiment.


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Oct 2, 2023
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Dallas listens to the intercom before smirking and putting his weapons away and then follows his new comrades to the position. "Well looks like we're gettin' right inta things. I hope none y'all bite the dust after I just metch'yall!"


New member
Oct 2, 2023
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Whitehorse was listening to her colleagues carefully conversation while she was inspecting her combat equipment while she was listening to her squadron mate’s voice then she said “nice to meeting you”.


New member
Oct 2, 2023
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Whitehorse nods her head as she walks to the assigned area where she has been paged by the intercom grabbing her already packed up rack sack for the combat with her weapons.


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Nov 17, 2021
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Dolly looked up at the gene mod her face slightly white with fear. "I-I guess so...well hopefully it goes well." the intercom in the room crackled to life cutting off Dolly and gaining the attention of most of the crew.

[The vast expanse of space stretches beyond the bridge's viewports, with stars and distant galaxies dotting the cosmic canvas. The bridge is abuzz with activity as crew members, dressed in uniforms displaying the Golden Band emblem, monitor control panels and engage in discussions. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation and a sense of duty.]

Intercom Voice: (Over the ship's intercom system) Attention, all crew members of the Golden Band. We are now approaching the planet Everan and will be arriving in just a few hours.

[A hushed wave of excitement sweeps through the bridge as crew members exchange glances and nods of acknowledgment. They've been preparing for this pivotal moment for weeks, and the time is finally at hand.]

Intercom Voice: (Continuing) Please report to your combat stations and prepare for battle. All mech crews, be ready to embark upon your mechs as we approach our destination. We'll be hot-dropping into the thick of the battle upon arrival.

[The announcement triggers an immediate response from the crew. Soldiers swiftly move towards their assigned combat stations, each person checking and rechecking their equipment with focused determination. Mech pilots, in their exo-armor suits, head to the hangar to board their towering war machines.]

one of the countless marcs in the room: (Whispering to a comrade) It's time, my friend. We've trained for this

the other: nodded to him "Time to go make out pay."

[As the crew readies themselves for the imminent drop into the heat of battle, a sense of unity and resolve fills the air. Their transformation from diverse backgrounds into a cohesive fighting force is a testament to their shared mission – the preservation of cosmic harmony and the protection of the Neldan people.]

Intercom Voice: (With unwavering conviction) Let's stand together, Golden Band. Everan awaits our aid.

[The bridge remains focused and determined, a beacon of unity in the face of an impending battle. The ship continues its journey towards Everan, a symbol of hope and protection in the universe.]

Dolly turns back to the genemod. "well I guess we should get to where we need to go, Ill see you planetside." she says with a smile trying to stay hopefull.
the skeletal at unit speaks up over the crowd of troops. "alright you heard em, infantry and exo units make your way to the drop ships mech pilots to the hanger Good luck.
“Yep, guess we should” Aaron replied, giving Dolly a grin and a wave as the pair parted. “If you do, here’s hoping I’ll still have all the bits I landed with!” He joked, before making his own way to the mech bay and whatever lay beyond.