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  1. Gunhand4171

    M The Coming Storm

    Planet Maelstrom Frostbite Much had occurred in the several months since the colony ship landed on the plateau. Several large holes had been drilled from the surface, creating covered landing pads. On the surface, that seemed to be all that was done. However, inside the plateau itself was a...
  2. Gunhand4171

    M The Coming Storm

    Conference Room Refinery Vessel Alchemist A cloud of smoke filled the air in the packed room, light from the many displays casting shadows amongst those assembled. The room held a long wooden table with a display screen built into its center. Screens on all four walls displayed what the table...
  3. Gunhand4171

    P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!

    In the front IFV Dr. Graves scribbled notes onto a tablet. At each stop he would take a soil sample and analyze the microorganisms it hid. At times he would not speak for long stretches, only focusing on his work. At We's suggestion and Idaho's reply, the Doctor added. "Distrubing the...
  4. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement had finally recovered from the psychic barrage the monster. He sat there on his knees for awhile still getting his senses back under control. "Welcome back Hierophant..." Judge called from his spot on the floor. At Mollay's comment, he turned his head towards the man. He wanted, with...
  5. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgment's head began to swim as the mosnters began their attack. "You assholes..." The AUGUR cursed, bringing a hand up to his head. He attempted to steady himself, but ended up dropping to one knee. His overly sensitive ears were making the dizziness 10 times worse. "Would someone shoot these...
  6. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Oh this was bad... Moon had began fighting off the monsters and Magician was providing covering fire. He then sensed friendlies further down the hallway. "Fighting retreat! Cover Moon while we make our way back to Mollay!" Judgment called. With all his friends around him, trying to fire his gun...
  7. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement head turned imperceptibly towards the jack hammering sounds. "People up ahead." Expanding his mind, he attempted to peer further ahead. "Come on we should try and link up with them, whoever they are." He said, making his way down the hall. They needed to hurry up and go home already.
  8. Gunhand4171

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Typhon had indeed began retching as soon as his pod popped open. Thankfully he was able to stop himself from throwing up inside his helmet. "Please tell me I won't get sick after every damn drop..." He muttered as he finished settling his stomach and began making his way to form up with the rest...
  9. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Once Judgement was back on solid ground, he reached out once more with his senses and took in his surroundings. At Moon's comment the bald boy shook his head. "Moon you know that's not true. We do care about you." He then placed a hand on Hermit's shoulder for balance. "As to your original...
  10. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement looked to Hermit and sighed. He guessed they were doing this. Espically since two of them had already gone down the hole. Moving over to the hole, he took hold of the rope gripping it tightly. After Hermit had made her way down, Judge closed off his senses to avoid the ear splitting...
  11. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    "Oww..." Judgement cursed, bring a hand up to his eyes. Attempting to peer into the abyss caused the AUGUR to develop an ear splitting headache. "I can't see through it." He explained. Then Blue just up and left... plus the others were starting to get antsy. Moving over to Moon, Judge placed a...
  12. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement helped Moon to her feet and smiled weakly. That's when he felt Hermit's hand on him, and felt the tingling sensation of her power. He sighed as felt the aches and pains start to recede. "Thanks Hermit." He said as he moved to stand with the others. Moving near Blue, he attempted to...
  13. Gunhand4171

    Eselberg Station: What is the nature of your, oh it's you...

    Carmelian Expanse - 009015:5 (Eselberg Station, Kalis System) Medical Center Were they living in some urban center, there'd be a wailing siren going as an ambulance vehicle screamed down the road, barreling it's way towards the hospital that was its destination. However, here on Eselberg...
  14. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement breathed heavy as the monster layed atop him, slain. He couldn't hear anything but his own heart thumping in his ears. Then as his heart slowed, he heard Blue's "Disapointing" comment. "Fucking asshole..." He murmured as the bastard step over him without even trying to help him out...
  15. Gunhand4171


    Typhon cursed as the mech turned his way and continued to fire, trying to give the others a chance. However before his luck could run out, they got a mech of their own. As the two titans fought, the sniper offered a prayer to the lady and shifted his fire. Loading a fresh magazine, he shifted...
  16. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement lept into action as Moon went down. With a guteral roar of pure anger, he slammed his fist into the incoming monster. As the monster attempted to land attacks, the AUGUR would side step the attack or didgeridoo away, before landing his own blow. After a few hits, he jammed his pistol...
  17. Gunhand4171


    "Well this is FUBAR..." Typhon said running to the edge of the building and setting up his rifle. Fanning several magazines out in front of him, he glanced back at the others and said "Better relocate! Things are gonna suck up here soon." To punctuate the statement, he began firing his sniper...
  18. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement followed the group forward, finding the two dead bodies. 'We're too late...' he thought. The AUGUR felt raw emotion tearing its way through his body. He felt pure anger. Anger so strong the other AUGURs would easily be able to pick up on it. "Let's move. Hit it's head like the others."...
  19. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement bit the inside of his lip as he attempted to decide on the best course of action. They could reach their objective, but those people needed their help. But if they did, help, would they draw too much attention from the monsters? What should they do? When Tower spoke, Judge shook his...
  20. Gunhand4171


    Typhon fired and shifted to the next target. Rinse and repeat. That was until the OSTs fell out of the sky like shooting stars. The marksman smiled wide. It was a sign, the lady had heard his plea. Waving back to Alexander he picked up his kit and regrouped with the others. "In our defense LT...