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AW [Secret World] Luminocity

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Nov 3, 2021
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Justice was mildly curious about the new member. Alone, in a bathroom, drinking from the water...

His suspicion was minor but he wanted to make sure. Justice was staring at the man as the rest were deciding on what to do, watching him, peering in such a way that he would pierce the lonely man's skin and feel what he felt. Justice wanted to check him, make sure these spore things didn't get to him, even a single breath could be enough, he truly didn't know.

Besides, what man would be healthy, physically or mentally, willingly drinking from workplace bathroom sink water without taking a required amount of painkillers to bear through the rest of a shift? Why was he drinking water anyways? It had barely been any time since they breached the office.

Maybe the settling headache was getting to him. Maybe he was just a bit tender from experiencing a curb stomp, maybe he was right.

Either way, regardless of what he felt, said or lack thereof, Justice peered into the face of this man.


Nov 3, 2021
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Tower looked to the doors her eyes re adjusting after the bad headache she recieved from whatever entities continue to mess with her mind. The ringing in her ears stopped and a blank stare quickly took hold."we need to find those two or they are dead. Let's go north." Her small frame started in the direction of the norther most door, ensuring her ammunition was still topped off, the pistol feeling heavier than normal."I am not sure how much use I will be but we need to move now."
Her hand touched the doorframe, waiting for only a moment before heading through the door leading into the two separate doors and hallway.


Nov 3, 2021
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Forever influenced by the impulses of others, Moon followed Tower without any deliberation... Though the intensity of their time deadline was also starting to weigh heavily on them, Blue's eyes feeling like daggers as they no doubt shot the pair a disapproving look.

"Briskly we must act, sister... let our mortal coil becomes twisted and entangled..." A whisper that carried it's weight to the shorter woman's ear, the voice somehow clearer and more precise than it had any right to be. "Consider Kay. Consider ourselves. The longer we do-est dally, the more creatures we shal-est need vanquish~..."

Looking at their pistol again, the ghostly wraith considered how it was completely the wrong tool for dispatching these creatures quickly.

Before they'd even left the doorway of the breakroom, Moon yanked a cable out of the wall, then pulled it along with them like yarn from a sweater.

If there really was a horde of aberrant things just around the corner, she'd need to use it sooner rather than later...


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement bit the inside of his lip as he attempted to decide on the best course of action. They could reach their objective, but those people needed their help. But if they did, help, would they draw too much attention from the monsters? What should they do?

When Tower spoke, Judge shook his head in an attempt to clear his head. She was right. They needed to at least try. He looked back to her and nodded. "Agreed. We can't stand here and do nothing." Besides if they didn't at least try to help them, then Judgement wasn't sure he'd be able to live it down.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Mollay matched Justice' stare with a blank deadpan of his own at the shorter psychic. There was no discernable way for him to inspect the man with his still burgeoning powers without considerable time and invasiveness that would likely be rebuffed. When he and the others made the descision to detour and Moon started fraying cables from the wall none of them needed to directly look behind them to sense the two OIA agents sharing an unspoken conversation through the glance they gave each other.

Blue was an unreadable book from his heart rate to his emotions. Mollay was skeptical at best. Regardless the two Followed up behind with even Blue staying at the rear decidedly waiting to see how things played out as he gave the psychics some proverbial slack.

Continuing north was barely thirty seconds of walking before they reached the two corpses. The myclocepean abberation was different in proportions to the one they had encounters being half the size but with a short and fat pear-shaped body and arms twice the length of its body. Before even a single heartbeat had passed the group was able to pick out minute features of it compared to their sample ranging from the fungi-buildup on its digits and extra jointed arms to the protruding knees. Turning their attention to the human body confirmed any hypothosis as to how the monster killed and just how it killed the agent.

With its short legs and small body it walked on its hands and like a locust or cricket could bend and leap great distances and essentially blungeon prey with a great leap and slamming its bullet-shaped knees into a target. The armored vest and dented magazines in two of the pouches likely saved the man from the initial ambush when he turned the corner and gave him a chance to fight back.

One of the long arms still hilted to the wrist through his groin and into his stomach and the mess of the chest of the monster where its parasite-puppetmaster was turned into pulp by automatic fire when the two traded had ended them both simultaneously.

Through some unspoken agreement, the two OIA agents sidestepped the psychics and rummaged through the corpse' belongings with Mollay retreiving a square ID tag from his neck and a couple salvageable magazines while Blue stored a plastique box of some kind in a pouch with no small amount of care and an electronic device of some kind in another.

"Ramsey." Mollay read off the dead mans tag. "2-sections EOD."

They sensed the tension in Mollay as he noticed the two enemies down the hall a second before they sensed them. Blue, not even turning to look flattened himself against the wall and the two men had their weapons up before any of them could even turn around. Following the example of the liquidator neither Mollay nor Blue fired as the two odd monstrocities shambled fully around the corner.

Like the newest abomination and the one before both of them were completely asymetrical to each other. One was lanky and tall at almost seven feet and was inhumanly thin with most of its heigh coming from its legs and into a body so thin that were it human all of its organs would have no room between them. The second was about the height of a man and also rather thin but with the exception that its double-jointed arms each ended in a second set of hands splayed out and coinjoined with the first like a waving frond or fern and with fingers twice as long with ribs and ridges no doubt for gripping.

The two abominations paused to size up the much larger group as they swayed and twitched in a strange rhythm as burbling built up in their chests and the petals of their faces opened up to belch out the tails of their tounges that flecked about in the air curiously.

It didn't take much context after the first one that the parasite tongue was also a reception organ for locating and discerning prey in greater detail. With disgusting slurping sounds they sucked their tounges back into their bodies but left the petals opened as they burped and burbled a challenge of some kind at the group then began shoving each other as they loped forwards trying to close the barely stone's throw distance between them and the Augurs to be the first one to find prey.

With blues example, both he and Mollay held their fire at the back of the group. It didn't take being a genius for them to figure out that he expected them to take the lead.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement followed the group forward, finding the two dead bodies. 'We're too late...' he thought. The AUGUR felt raw emotion tearing its way through his body. He felt pure anger. Anger so strong the other AUGURs would easily be able to pick up on it. "Let's move. Hit it's head like the others." Judgement said moving in front of the group, pulling his side arm. Leveling the pistol at one of the monsters' heads, he looked forward in time to see what would happen after the first shot. He saw what way it was going to dodged. Once he discerned that, he pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit looked to the two monstrosities, her mind’s expanded capabilities were still new. A hatchling spreading and testing its wings. Not having the strength of the Firsts. Not yet. She was still building herself up. Flexing the mental organ strengthening herself. But observing the behaviors and varied ‘types’ as she now classified them as. It seemed they shared some similarities. Tasting the air similar to a snake. And working in tandem only long enough once they found prey. Then trying to be the first likely to kill and feed. To lay claim.

As Judgement fired at one, Hermit reached out with her mind toward the other. The lanky one loping toward them. Bringing her arm up, she closed her fist and yanked. Using the visual cue for emphasis on what the Augur was going to do. Pull the leg right from under it with all the force she could muster in that moment. Likely the thing would fall backward, if they were lucky, forward and allow Blue and Mollay an opening. Or her fellows. Taking one off the board for a brief time would give them an opportunity to bring its friend down.


Nov 3, 2021
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Overcome with invasive waves of revulsion, Moon was slow off the mark, not quite sure if they were somehow mentally connecting to the walking obscenities, or simply receiving the rest of the team's abhorrence like a sort of mental echo chamber. Frozen in place, it took a great deal of willpower to filter out the separate streams of sensations- No, that pallid mouldy sloughing mess was not her skin. No, the gaping hole in the human corpse in the corner was not a feature of her body.

Given that her and Tower had taken point, the things were getting hazardously close. But she still felt like her hands were not her own, racked with a sort of pins and needles. Muscle memory, broken at the most basic level, forgetting which components were which.

Somewhere within that, Moon thought about how she had to break the other end of the wire to use it as a weapon... and somehow, it came true?

Yanking the long reel into a spiral, and then into a loom that combined in there hands, they thought about the muscles performing the action, regardless who they belonged to.

Moon told the tall, pale girl to move to the right, avoiding her comrades with the reverse build-up. They she guided the fantastic whip-strike like a ghost, following it down the muscles of the arm, into the deft fingers, projecting down the line as it cracked with a small sonic shock- Putting all that force into coiling around the shorter, bulkier thing's neck-type area.


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Nov 4, 2021
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The first abomination jerked its head back from the impacts of the kinetic rounds that hit it with a dull thud and passed through its head and into a wall but otherwise did not slow it even as the second shot stitched it again. It continued its loping towards them, Mouth petals opening to disgorge its tongue again for another vibrating burp before retracting again the abomination then shifted directly towards Judgement with its long arms extended and sphincters' puckering to reveal carbon-like black hooks of claws that pustulated in and out as it flexed.

The other was successfully tripped up and fell face first into the ground with enough force that would have shattered a human mans lower jaw but instead it just scrambled its hands against the tiled floor for purchase and like its fellow revealed its organ in what was quickly proving to be some method for how they sense their surroundings when after the burping vibrating belch resounded like echolocation it also turned its gaze towards the front most of the psychics; Judgement.

It squelched shut prematurely as the frayed wire-lash hit it like a whip and wrapped one arm to its chest with the wrist pinned to its neck. The pressure being felt by the more fragile parasyte within began to roll and thrash to escape its confinement, only managing to wrap itself further as it rolled and created a coil which had the effect of dragging the much lighter Moon forwards off her feet and prone on the ground ahead of Judgement and the others.

Blue still did not act and Mollay followed suit being static as the first abomination passed right by the prone Moon and lunged its sphincter-extended claws out at Judgement while its petals opened to reveal the parasitic organ to better see.

While this went on the other did the same and now locking onto the prone moon began kicking off the floor and flopping towards her with one arm extended and the same biological weapons only six or seven feet away delayed only by one of its legs still being somwhat jerked by telekinesis while its upper body was unable to gain purchase now entangled as it was.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement lept into action as Moon went down. With a guteral roar of pure anger, he slammed his fist into the incoming monster. As the monster attempted to land attacks, the AUGUR would side step the attack or didgeridoo away, before landing his own blow. After a few hits, he jammed his pistol into the creatures mouth and unloaded the magazine.

In his mind though, Judge had died quite a few times. He saw futures where some of the blows land and end his existence on the spot. He was going to have to deal with that little bit of existential crisis when he was back in his bunk though. At the moment he had finish off the monster infront of him and then the one trying to get at Moon.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit's nostrils flared at seeing the in-action of the two adults in the hallway. "Will you two do nothing? And let corporate assets be destroyed?! Children?" her voice pitching high as she glared at the two men. The mental math of how much it likely costs to train, feed, and expend other resources on Augurs, in general, must be staggering for a fledgling colony. But without more input, she could only make assumptions based on present data and allocations. It would have felt lovely to just throw the pair of them into the monster's paths. But some niggling urge not to do so sat like an itch in the back of her mind.

She muttered a string of curses while Judge roared out his challenge engaging a mushroom man in fisticuffs. She grunted and strained. Holding something like that back was like a mental tug of war between the still superior First Generation and the fledgling Second. The chunky sidearm slid free of its holster, sweat beading her brow as one arm was caught up in its visual aid of holding a monstrosity back. The thin girl braced herself if she snapped a wrist at firing the thing one-handed.

Her steps felt leaden closing the distance by only a few inches to better enhance the odds in her favor. Its side-screen flipped open and aimed for the petaled organ and mass. Hissing in a breath she fired.
Nov 3, 2021
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Justice's annoyance had grown. Between Tower's jumping into action and the lack thereof from Blue and Mollay. He quickly moved himself from the slow fester of anger against the men and directed it towards the fight at hand. He couldn't do much, not much comfortably anyways. Judgment had already stolen fisticuffs when Justice would have gladly drop kicked these flower boys and zipped them up with the little handgun he had with systems he could barely care for. Instead, after a few shots placed carefully to avoid friendly-fire, Justice connected that disgusting burp and pause for action these fungal things had.


Justice screamed and hollered curses as he stepped forward. If he can be the bigger, louder target, he can draw attention and just run off. At the least, Moon can stop laying on the ground and get to the fight. Few more shots, try to sink a dead-eye direct in it's dumb throat and piss it the hell off.


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Nov 4, 2021
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The tak tak tak of the electronically driven thorium-laced rounds punched holes a quarter-large in the face and petals of one monstrocity; tears off one flesh-petal and turning the back of its head into a fist-sized exit hole in the same instance as the bulb-shaped head snapped back momentarily on the upright abomination.

It didnt kill or even seem to wound it as the breif exposure showed the organ-tounge barely visible in the back of the throat cavity.

It lurched the same time Hermit tried to admonish the two agents who seemed pretty content in the back it lurched forwards again and the remaining petals flared as the tounge extended and burbled its echo-location; Exposing itself to find its prey. Judgement did not realize when he wrapped one gloved hand around the slimy organ but when he took notice the abomination made a new, groulp sound and pulled back defensively.

AS it pulled one way the psychic was forced to pull the other to stay on his feet. There was resistance and then a sliding sensation and finally like pulling a fish out of the sea the fleshy-pink organ was pulled fully out with a disgusting plop and judgement was forced to overcompensate when almost four feet and twenty pounds of mass suddenly slapped him in the face as it flailed and brought him to the ground.

The once-tounge, still very much alive, was flopping about and was a massive of calcium-like studs along its length that were clearly made for holding itself inside its host and was a spiked mass of exposed teeth and one end where the visible tounge had been before flaring out like a pear into a much fleshier looking sack the size of a softball. As it flailed it was able to constrict suprisingly well and managed to flop its flared end up and smack judgement right in the face like a visible blow.

The flesh deflated slightly and there was a feeling of pressure as it covered his face as it actually tried to force itself past his lips and teeth and into a new host but found obvious resistance as he instictually began to flail and hit it back.

It was Mollay who acted first, grabbing it by the toothed-end and with as much momentum as he could swung it like a bat directly into a wall where it made a disgusting splat noise and stuck slightly before he then slammed it onto the floor and stitched seven rounds up its length until it stopped moving.

The prone one met its own end when Justice round traveled through the top of its head and directly through the tounge as the kinetic force easily ruptured the organic creature and it flopped limp on the ground.

"Well," Mollay spoke first, "That was, uh..."

"Dissapointing." Blue finished, caring little enough to acknowledge Hermits attitude as he stepped past the still prone moon and judgement, and the unmoving tounge to the pron abomination.

"Control." he stated, putting another round into its spine in some kind of precaution.

"Control." Mollay agreed, and another was put into the flat-tounges bulb on the ground before the sense of alert tension off the two men simply washed away from their felt emotions.

"They arent bad." Mollay defended the group as he removed the half full magazine and swapped it with a fresh one before casually wiping abomination-juice off his gloves onto the wall. "Just no frame of reference or experience like some of the others."

Blue grunted with little more than a "They'll learn." Before he started down the hall, clearly expecting them to follow.

Mollay, the rearguard, moved to the back of the group but first reached out for an adjacent door to clear the interior. He pushed it slightly open and simply fell right through the door and, of all things, down and out of their perception as if he had fallen through the floor.

The door, now open for them, simply opened into a black void with no room they knew should be there, no oposite end, no interior.

And no floor.

Blue swung around at Mollays sudden muffled cry and was already bringing up his rifle and cautiously but urgently pacing their way.

The first one brav enough to look through the door was as if the world itself simply ended. To either side was cut off walls, distant rooms several feet away, and nothing but the dark as if someone had placed a building at the edge of a cliff and never continued to build out over the edge.

Bellow them, pipes simply ended, cut off, as water spewed out into the void... Upwards... Like rain falling in reverse. Above them, perhpase seventy feet up, was the rest of the facility it had been cut out from as the water flowed up and into the pipes above to continue their journey into the above-facility seen beneath all its lain cable and pipes and insulation.

The part of the facility they found themselves in was somehow raised or lowered into...

Into what was unsure. As looking out was simply black looking back. And those with the perception to know otherwise hurt to look too deeply.

Bellow them, however, they could just barely see the lower levels of the facility some twenty feet bellow them as they looked at what must be the ceiling of the next floor. And Mollay had fallen right through it...

Somwhere in the facility where psychic emanations had once been felt now dwindled to near nothing as Kay and Black finished their own fight.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement breathed heavy as the monster layed atop him, slain. He couldn't hear anything but his own heart thumping in his ears. Then as his heart slowed, he heard Blue's "Disapointing" comment.

"Fucking asshole..." He murmured as the bastard step over him without even trying to help him out of his current predicament. He squirmed his way out of the monster's carcass, slipping free and coming up to one knee. Changing out his spent magazine, he slammed home a fresh one and slid it back into it'd holster. He then moved to Moon's prone form and offered her a hand. "Come on. No time for resting, we have to keep moving." He added.


Nov 3, 2021
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Through the fight, Magician had been quiet. Focused on supporting his fellow AUGURs, both with pistol shot and psychic might. But truth was, Magician was scared. He wished he could be like his book heroes, brave and sure of themselves. He wished he knew what to say to all his friends.

What he did was join Hermit. "Come on, let's go help judge and moon." he said, smiling softly. "The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can all get out of here."

Looking out through the door, Magician's eyes boggled. "It's like the space between floors was stretched out. Should we go pickup Mollay? He might still be alive."


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit glared at the back of Blue’s head, wondering if he kicked puppies in his spare time. Magician’s words cut through her agreement with Judge’s assessment of the Liquidator. She rubbed at a temple with one hand, the other holstering the large weapon when she neared Judge and Moon. The bald Augur was familiar with the younger’s presence. She laid a hand on one of his arms. The slight chill and tingle of her ‘inspecting’ him. Checking for injury. A few bruises, a scrape maybe, of which she took care of, mostly.

“You’ll live, Judgey.” she took a moment to stare down at Moon, unsure if touching her was a good idea. The ‘Oracle’ as she figured her friend as could go all sorts of squirrley depending on what it was she touched, felt, and the Lady knew what else.


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Nov 4, 2021
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While everyone collected themselves there was a clear distinction in personality and processing between the enhanced Augurs and Blue and most normal people. They had already processed and made their conclusions and compartmentalized the strange phenomina of the door and the drop while Blue simply stared at the disassociated space with unreadable emotions that would likely lean towards gawking had he not been wearing the gasmask.

Everything was simply down. That was all there was too it. With no way to understand how and having already run the mental gymnastics of it in faster cycles than a normal person the psychics could simply just accept it as it was while normal people would still be trying to comprehend it.

There part of the facility, from what any of them could tell from poking their heads out and looking around, was roughly seventy feet bellow where it should be; With dirt and the ground simply replaced by some kind of unseen and unfelt matter as if the rest of the world was simply floating above them on a calm see while they remain submerged. Water that flowed from piped continued up (or down) where it re-entered the connecting pipe it was seperated from, and fibre optic cable and wiring cut off cleanly from its source still had some connection despite being somehow physically disconnected.

The only thing that seemed to be unconnected was them as proven by Mollay falling through nothing and down to a lower floor. By all estimates, the phenomena likely started as soon as the strange pressure subsided.

It also meant that there part of the facility and their target elevator was still within reach. Though with the ability to descend here somehow was still a possibility.

Testingly, Blue tossed a single plastic case that encompassed the bullet for his gun out the door. When he lost track of it a glowstick followed; The light did do something as it fell as it passed by and visibly scattered like a school of fish shapes in the darkness like withdrawing tendrils.

"What is this?" He demanded of the only other people around as he looked up into what should be the ceiling of the next room but instead was the underside of the same floor they were on, unclear as to if he was acknowledging them as all being smarter than himself or if he just wanted someone to rationalize the situation.


Nov 3, 2021
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Moon's eyes had been open the entire time, though glazed over, thrown into a state of utter confusion by the blow to the head she had suffered a moment before. Visually she regarded Judgement with appreciation for saving her, but the words hung in their throat. She ended up just patting him on the chest, and awkwardly nodding in approval. The glance at Hermit was more like they were just embarrassed.

The destruction of the two monsters did cease their interference with her psyche, at least- Or perhaps the group's collective psyche?- Only to be replaced by a lowkey agitation towards Blue and their closeted approach to the situation.

In order for him to react in such a way, didn't that imply the baseline human was specifically trained for this? What did the higher ups know that they weren't telling the Augurs? Did Kay disappear and act on their own because they knew something else was going on, too?

"...Radio... Can't you call him?..." Was the wispy, distant response she spoke to their NCO, hanging around behind them as if the darkness was some kind of animal gazing at them. "We could climb... with these wires, but... What if the map is all wrong? Is this even the right way?..."

Was the map always wrong? Was this covering up something? Or was the building somehow changing over time? That was supposed to be the more impossible option, right?

Her head hurt...


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement helped Moon to her feet and smiled weakly. That's when he felt Hermit's hand on him, and felt the tingling sensation of her power. He sighed as felt the aches and pains start to recede. "Thanks Hermit." He said as he moved to stand with the others.

Moving near Blue, he attempted to expand his consciousness once more, to see what was possibly beyond the space. All he could gather so far was it was a giant hole in space... "Give me a minute, I'll see what I can find." He said concentrating. Judgement was going to need a nap when this was over.


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Nov 4, 2021
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There was little to see. And what there was actually hurt the psyche to try to understand and non-geometrical shapes floated about just outside judgements vision. Meanwhile, to answer Moon Blue simply shook his head and tapped the earpiece several times to wordlessly get through that it was anything but functional in the strangeness abound.

Blue still seemed shaken if lacking a proper response to what he was seeing. He simply could not process it the way the Augurs could and instead opted to turn away from the door and busy himself with removing his bag and rummaging through it.

In short order he had a long coil of rappelling rope and some kind of long bar with hooks at the end threaded through another to make some kind of grappling hook with arms long enough to fit across the doorframe. He absently left the only rappelling harness with the gear and a handful of caribeeners and some high-strength unactivated glowsticks.

Seeming for all the world like he was about to follow Moons idea he turned away and started back the way they had come. He was a few paces away when the man seemed to remember himself and turned back towards him.

"Find... Mollay..." His words seemed distant, the visible pupils through his gasmask dilated as he shook his head and continued away from them with muffled mumbles about finding Kay and Black and getting some kind of word outside. None of them seeing much point in following the cold operator they were left in a hall full of monsters and blood with a single rope that lead off into an infinite space of pure event horizon and roughly into the ceiling of what might be a lower part of the facility.

They were left alone.

In the direction Blue went off there was a very distant burping sound followed by a half douzen gunshots as the OIA liquidator seemingly dispatched one of the abominations that must have found their hole much easier than the first one they had come across.