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  1. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement sighed at the orders coming from Black's mouth. Splitting up was how all cheap horror stories started, just before everyone got killed. The whole situation was FUBAR. First Floor: Judge followed closely behind Blue, relaying everything he found as they moved. Listening to Magician's...
  2. Gunhand4171


    "Aye, aye." Replied Typhon as he watched N-14's opponents become crimson mist. 'Well that makes things simpler...' he thought. "Morgan, get moving. I'll watch your back." The marksman said as he sighted in the next closet target. "May the Lady watch over me." He prayed as he prepared to pull...
  3. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement had to let go of the monster as Moon threw an unending number of objects the beast. Rolling away, the AUGUR took several deep breaths. Hearing Blue and Black's proclamation, he groaned in disappointment. Judge wanted nothing more than to be out of this place. It was apparent that he...
  4. Gunhand4171


    "That's not good..." Typhon cursed as the generator kicked on and started illuminateing the AO. He didn't think he was spotted yet, so he trained his rifle on one of the soldiers nearest Morgan. If they tried to go for a weapon he was going to drop them. His sights were trained on the...
  5. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgment let out a frustrated grunt as he held the abomination down. He was now being soaked by the hose Magician had popped free. 'I'm so going to make him pay for this...' he thought. As he held it down he pushed his gun into the beasts side and unloaded the clip at point blank range. "Would...
  6. Gunhand4171


    At Motts' order, Typhon trained his weapon on one of the two guards and waited for the word to execute. Fortunately they chose to ignore Sherry. The marksman let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and relaxed. When Morgan made their request, Typhon whispered. "Affirmative, wait one."...
  7. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgment looked towards Magician and nodded. "Yeah... I'll be fine. Just need to get out if here." Then the AUGUR watched in horror as the monster flew in. Before he knew it Justice had jumped onto the creature in an attempt to restrain it. He needed to figure out how to kill this thing...
  8. Gunhand4171


    "Damn it..." Typhon cursed. "Repositioning." The marksman said over the comm, as he grabbed his equipment. Moving further down into the mud, he began to cake himself and his clothes in muck. Moving slowly, he positioned himself on the ridge so that he had a clear line of sight as the convoy as...
  9. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Office Judgment took several long seconds before rising back to his feet. The whole time he was battling with his stomach to keep it from sending its contents from spilling all over the floor. Looking back down the hall, he saw the figure that shambled by. It was only after it had moved on that...
  10. Gunhand4171


    Typhon was rewarded for his efforts when the last target dropped like a stone. Picking up his kit he rejoined the others to assist with clean up. --- As everyone split up to search the area, he moved to the lip of the plateau and set up his rifle. "I'm set up to provide overwatch." He said...
  11. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Lobby Judgment kept quiet as Kay relayed the information to Black, trying to keep from spilling his guts all over the floor. Pushing his precognition and sight well beyond what he could do on his own took a toll on the young gen II AUGUR. As Black got Kay back on her feet, he too slowly rose...
  12. Gunhand4171

    Wholesome fun

    Eselberg Station: Tarkus and Verena's office: After the Zoren siblings were finally reunited, Verena and Lotara had quickly settled into a routine. Lotara began her work with the security department and Verena had settled in as Tarkus's assistant. "Tarkus! That's it for the appointments...
  13. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    As they were all shuffled in the elevator Judgment gave a slight nod to Justice in greeting as they waited. He spent the entire ride to the reactor in silence, contemplating what they might find, only breaking the revelry to listen in on Black and Blue's instructions. Once they arrived...
  14. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Garage Judgement nodded to each of the Cups as Hierophant introduced them. He turned to Four of Cups and smiled. "Nice to meet another precog. I'm Judgment."He said introducing himself to the other AUGUR. Then Blue inserted himself and dooled out the briefing packets. A packet that he...
  15. Gunhand4171


    Typhon, from his vantage point, leveled his rifle onto the attacker and let his breath out slowly. Factoring in wind, bullet drop, humidity, and a few other odds and ends he dialed in his scope. "AP round incoming." He said calmly into the squad channel as he slowly pressed the trigger until...
  16. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement turned to take in Magician, eyes glancing from his face to the tie. After several seconds his face softened from it's normal stoney exterior and gave a soft smile. "Give it here." He said holding out his hand. "My eyes make tieing a tie on someone else a little hard, but I can get...
  17. Gunhand4171


    "Aye aye." Typhon replied moving forward on the hill. Unslinging his pack, he set it on the ground and went prone. Pulling his extra magazines he arranged them in a row next to his rifle. Resting the sniper rifle against the pack he sighed in the vehicle. "I'm in position to provide...
  18. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgement turned his gaze from Blue to he Golems a few seconds before Black spoke. 'Intresting... surely there if we decided to be uncooperative.' he thought. He could feel Blue's annoyance. Judgement would need to keep an eye on their OIA handlers. Quietly he followed them down to and went to...
  19. Gunhand4171


    The debriefing was an arduous affair. With his cybernetic eyes, he was forced to share the share the footage with analysts over and over again. Once they were finally given an assignment again Typhon could only thank the Lady that he wouldn't be sat across a desk from another agent for awhile...
  20. Gunhand4171

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Judgment blushed in embarrassment at Kay's explination. "Sorry Ms. Kay..." He mumbled apologetically as his vision returned to him. Then the OIA suits walked in. At Kay's word. He quickly moved to stand infront the Agents and Kay. "You read to many spy novels Magician." He replied good...