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AW Backwater Reserve

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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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The sound of metallic boots thumped frentically on the grassed soil. The two security guards rapidly reached for the other side of the landing zone, thanks to the integrated exoskeletons of their combact armors. While still running, they both moved their hands to the pad placed between the wrist and the elbow, selecting the thermical vision. After reaching the location of the airlock it didn't took much time for them to spot the two as Thompson was slowed down by Mavrine. "Contact, two crewmen, one with combact armor." The guard following sergeant Kohlberg warned.

"Stop running! Identify yourselves!" The sergeant ordered through the speakers of the closed helmet, but to no avail as the two continued running. The guards began to chase them when at a certain point Thompson started to shoot them while on the run. "Fuck!" Kohlberg shouted as he dugged behind the tree. "This is Sergeant Kohlberg to Nightingam, the fugitives are opening fire on us. I request an immediate check on who is missing inside!". He then turned to the man following him "Move and fire." The other nodded as he was also taking cover behind a fallen trunk, the guard turned and started opening fire with its loud assault rifle, while the sergeant rushed towards them.
An assault of deadly projectiles started snapping and pinging against the former captain's exo-suit as he continued his adrenaline-fueled sprint. His suit was absorbing some fire, but he could feel and hear it rapidly failing with each strike against his legs. Soon after, he reached the ridge in the terrain. He scurried over the rocks and disheveled soil. His legs stiffened in an organized curl as he began sliding down the slope on the other side. Under his helmet, his eyes were trained. Mavrine's hand quickly raised, and with it, a gentle glimmer peaking from out of his palm. A sharp, confident tossing motion, superpowered by the suit's strength enhancements. The knife given to him by Thompson was now soaring through the air, aimed with exactness at the dead center of the bulky, prism-like helmet of the sergeant's own exo-suit.

Mavrine did not believe in any reasonable capacity that it would kill him, but he hoped it would distract for even a mere second. Better, it might leave the sergeant temporarily concussed. A relieved smugness swelled through him, seeing that his aim was still lethal as ever, before a loud; shrill ka-kling echoed throughout his exo-suit. The sound reverberated numbly through his bones from the palm that had just thrown the knife. He was not feeling pain. Yet, he knew what he had felt was bad. Very bad.

He had been shot in the hand by a stray bullet. Likely due to the sudden movement he had just made, sliding down the hill, away from sight. Sure enough, the gunfire ceased in his direction as he disappeared even if just for a moment.

Leaves ripped and rustled around him as he continued his descent, finally stopping once his boots had destroyed enough terrain and flora to brake his gentle fall.
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New member
Jul 23, 2022
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The sound of gunfire made the filthy figure in the tree hug the branch she was perched on tightly, pressing her skinny form flush against the bark. Loud bangs sounding nearby. She remained as still as possible with her eyes as wide as dinner-plates for a moment until the shock had worn off, replaced by curiousity. She climbed a little higher in the tree, trying to gain a vantage point to see what was happening. It was all very exciting; if only star farers fell more often!


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Nov 3, 2021
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"Actually I'm not still in one piece..." Nina said, taking a moment to gather more of her splattered slime. She was about ready to jump on Angela Morwen to check for injuries, before she noticed the colors on the pad. "How many did we lose? Are the red ones...?" she asked. The slime didn't have much time to get an answer before she heard gunfire. "No, wait, hold that thought," she interrupted herself before quickly crawling off to try to find the source of the sound. She was clearly leaving a trail of slime behind and was only half-formed, not actually properly using legs and instead just sliding along the floor with her oozey Mooze body.


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Jul 23, 2022
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While the starfarers nearby chattered amongst themselves, the figure in the trees descended, trying to remain unseen and unheard. She felt confident that the strangers weren't dangerous, but she also didn't want to get tangled up with them (unless that entailed more food). Instead, the local dashed across open ground once she had climbed down from the tree, heading straight for the starship. She snatched up a stick from the ground, stopping just short of making contact with the vessel's hull, and poked it a few times. Then she gingerly tapped it with her elbow. Once she was sure she wouldn't be burnt, or anything else of the sort, the strange woman grinned with delight and began touching and feeling all around the hull of the ship. She'd tug and pull on anything sticking out of it, seemingly trying to rip off bits of the ship, albeit without any success as of yet. The local drama amongst the newcomers didn't seem to interest her at all.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Angela's movement did not do anything to hinder Nina as the medic slime went through her. She literally flowed around Angela and reformed, with the end result being that Angela had received a hefty coating of red slime and Nina was still going. "Sorry, can't stop now. I'll be fine," she remarked, banking on her highly adaptable Mooze nature to ensure her safety. "Now where are the injured?" she asked over the comms as she goopily paced through the ship towards an exit.