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The Federal Republic of Huzar: tale of two worlds [tap and shadowwalker]


Dec 12, 2022
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It would just be one of those many trips for the FRAV Dela Rosa. They are one of the many frigates assigned to patrolling the frontiers of Republic space but at the same time also going on navigation missions to chart and update the maps on a regular basis. Senior Researcher Joseph Marseille, part of the Scientific societies of the Republic was assigned on this ship to be a co-captain with its ship captain being Ensign Ion Talmak. They were just there doing their regular survey of the location having an almost fully functioning crew. Wondering if there are any other contacts they’ll meet other than fellow FRAV ships and the occasional traders coming in and out of the system in a semi-official capacity. Just sitting and watching in the vast emptiness of space. Joseph Marseille would just look out into space as he wonders what is he even doing here considering he’s just here to help out some fellow scientists run their machines to map out space. His specialty was more on things such as planetary exploration and specimen observations. “Merde…..I should’ve expected this trip to be one of those boring ones again…..why did I sign up….I have the money….” he would say to himself as he’d just check on the survey machine onboard too see it’s status as it contninued to do it’s work.

A signal would be sent out from the deep vastness of space. A distress signal to be precise as The small colony vessel of the Nalden. Coupled together from patchworked scrap metal and sub par welding jobs the colony ship was dead in the water as they say. Trying to hail any nearby ship. “This is Nalden colony vessel we request assistance as our drive system went down. We have about a hundred colonists from our homeworld and sparse military onboard. Requesting help…this message will repeat.”

FRAV Dela Rosa would receive the signal but they wouldn’t understand it. They were actively looking at the signals they were receiving which were some what faint. However soon enough they would just be asking what to do. Ensign Ion would soon enough call up the fleet command on the matter as they were in the area and nearby. They were given the green light to investigate as other frigates and ships were too far but a back up will come as soon as possible. The nearest back up ship being the FRAV Antoniscu. Meanwhile Joseph Marseille would begin preparing first contact protocols as the ship would begin rushing towards the signal. He would take out this small device like a phone that would soon enough get plugged into the ship’s mainframe. It was a “universal” translator in some way. Soon enough the ship would try to make sense of the signal and the words but the sign of repetition could mean distress signal as such they would soon be closing in. It would take a while but the ship would soon be in sight.

When the ship was in range it would attempt to hail again. “This is ISS Orian of the Neldan people, My name Is Captain Sorsina would you be willing to help us fix the engine and if not tow us to the nearest port?” The captain stated from the bridge.

The translator would try to understand what they were saying, only letters would be coming out. Both Ion and Joseph would look at each other as they would proceed to ready a mission. The ship was much bigger then the ISS Orian as the warship, the FRAV Dela Rosa would be around perhaps 8x-10x the size. Soon enough the FRAV Dela Rosa would launch a shuttle with Joseph on it as they would approach the ISS Orian. Meanwhile Captain Ion would remain on the ship redirecting the ship to prepare to tow the ship if it’s still space worthy. The shuttle would soon stand beside the ISS Orian and soon enough a team of soldiers and Joseph would move into space walk as they would proceed to knock on what appeared to be a door and hope to Equilibria they have a functioning airlock.

The airlock hissed as it would open up when the team was inside they would see a red light inside the airlock eventually change to green when opening up. The hallways of the shuttle were large fighting clearly visible on the metal walls in bullet holes blast marks or blueish blood stains. Walking by that, a open doorway into what was once arguably a gym has wounded and dead humanoid creatures their body covered in a thick obsidian exoskeleton. The former were frantically being tended to similar humanoid creatures with Marble skin the ladder however were left on the floors or beds were they passed.

Walking down the hallway twords them a obsidian skinned female figure dressed in a tan uniform with a few medals on the breast of it. A rather archaic pistol in comparason to the team was holstered at her side. <I hope we didnt startle you.> she states within their mind.

The squad headed by Joseph would move in. Until they would get the psionic message the would stop and have their bullpups aimed. The men in white were members of the Aerospace Force Spaceborne and Joseph was wearing the same suit as they were. Soon enough Joseph would tell them to lower their guns a bit at the figure. He would unshade his visor showing his face. Taking a deep sigh he would speak and think in his mind the same: “My name is Senior Researcher Joseph Marseille, I am with the Federal Republic of Huzar. Please introduce yourselves.”

Upon the guns being poined at her she would close the miniature openings usually ment for tendrils to leave and manipulate tools. <I am Captain Sorsina, My people are fleeing our homeworld along with many other colony ships scattered among the stars when our engine failed. Were a good distance away from our homeworld but as you can see its been rough> she says threw their mind jestering to the room of the wounded. <We were invaded by beings from beyond the stars and fighting lasted 5 years before we left.> the captain added, looking at each of their uniform and the face of Joseph she heard one of the child like creatures giggle and say something earning a scolding from the captain. Before she returned her attention to the research team.

Joseph would soon gesture the Spaceborne to lower their guns. “Very well Captain Sorsina, we will assess the ship accordingly. This ship has gone through a lot. If the ship isn’t worthy to move about being towed, we will have to ask you to board ours. Prepare to take any belongings you need just incase.” Soon enough he would radio in about the refugees and would have members from the engineering team from the shuttle to examine the Orion with their scanners. After that he would look back at the Captain “Right then Captain, permission to come inside to see the structure within?”

The captain would give her approval <just fallow the green arrows they lead to the engine room> she stated before returning to the bridge.a mariade of children Naldens would run around often time between and around the visitors.

Joseph and his squad would move inside the soldiers looking at the kids and saying hi to them. Meanwhile Joseph needed to know one thing, how capable is this ship for FTL. He would see the ship being a bit of a mess not to mention looking like it was all scraps welded together. It likely was he thought in his head. Soon enough he would reach the engine examining it only to find one thing….this ship is a walking coffin that has the ability to move. The engine was diesel and it only made him realize one thing. The ship is far from FTL capable… He would soon begin contacting Ensign Ion about the matter and the need to transfer these people onboard the frigate, which does have room but it wouldn’t be comfortable.

The Naldens would begin gathering their things up in the cargo bay, the dead were left in the ship as they all waited in the cargo bay. The captain would meet with Joseph <Thank you for the aid, we dont have much atm but we can offer you knowlage. In the form of how to build a slag rifle, and how to learn psionics.> she would say to him via her mind as she wondered the hallways of the rickety old ship.

Joseph would look at the Captain “Well it would be against our morals to leave you like this….you’ll need to transfer everyone on to our shuttle, we will get a connection up and running from there we will move everyone into the frigate. You’ll have to excuse the accommodations as the Frigate’s hanger which houses the shuttle will be where you’re gonna have to stay.” As he said this, the shuttle was already in position to load people in, extending a tube that would allow the Naldens to get onboard the shuttle. “Just get your people on board then we will have to process you on the frigate. Our guys are taking note of the ship’s designs and what not through scanning but other then that; the ship is being abandoned.”

The captain would make sure the civilians would get on the shuttle first fallowed by the military escort of 10 remaining soldiers plus herself, and then fallowed behind one individual who seemed bound around the hands and cybernetics clearly present on his chest and face.

Upon scanning the vessel the scans would come back showing the ship was a living creature mixed with machines. How it died might have stemed from the deisle fumes in the vacuum of space.

Joseph and his squad would be the last to get onboard, with Joseph walking towards the Captain asking the simple question of “what was that…our scans came back and well, that thing was alive?” he would ask as the shuttle would begin to leave and return back to the Frigate in where at the hanger bay they would prepare for the shuttle’s return and set up for the refugees.

The captain looked to Joseph before sighing. “That was a engineer caste, we are warrior caste. Engineers when they get old meld themselves in machines like lumbering war giants or grand ships of old, but they were one of the few engineers before the war still star fairing.”

“I-I see…..” Joseph would be taken a back…. Soon enough the shuttle would land and the Naldens would be told to go into some processing, mainly quarantining. The Ensign would soon take Joseph away for a talk about something. It was still in visible view of Captain Sorsina. The two would eventually agree they need to take it further into private matters. As such Joseph would talk back to Sorsina. “Excuse us for a moment, there are matters needed to be discuss between members of the federal government.” He would say before signalling the Ensign immediately to go to the meeting room they had planned.

The captain would nod her head before excusing herself. When they went into the next room, She began tapping into Josephs mind to listen into the conversation. Arguably the attempt would be hard to do, due to the lack of frequency so it wouldnt go unnoticed to those who knew what to look for to those that didnt you might get the feeling on hair sticking up on the back of your neck or the feeling of wrong.

“....You’re aware what the government will be doing right?” The Ensign would tell Joseph. “Yes, all too aware. Talk about bureaucratic hell, and you know I’m dealing with this to the end.” said Joseph. “Well…yeah you’re the one responsible for them now, isn’t your family members like topshots within Congress, I’m sure they could do something like better treatment then the usual maybe rush citizenship?” the Ensign would suggest. “No no no, we aren’t doing nepotism and as it stands I still owe my life to the federal council, the President gave me this job and that’s that. I’ll stay with these people when we get back on our systems. For now, we will have to host them. Prepare for the biological examinations as well for the ship and crew. Fuck I hate being quarantined…” as Joseph would sigh and hit the wall. “Well…that’s protocol for you, so I suppose these people will just get there when they get there?” Ensign Ion would ask. “So far….that’s the only path for them, this isn’t first contact but this is definitely first contact with new biological life. Fucking quarantine is going to be a bitch and a half. Can’t wait to see what the Bureau would do to us.” he would say as he’d leave the room in just pure bitterness as the Ensign would return back to the bridge. Joseph would on the other hand begin to initiate the process for quarantine protocols.

The captain had her arms folded. <So my people are being quarantine? Im sorry for any trouble this brings you.> she lamented. As she unfolded her arms Looking over to the bound member of her species. <I will advise to keep that one in a cell. Hes not a bad person but hes what we designate a bazerker. Shock troop warrior they arnt exactly mentally stable they lost the ability to use psyonics and instead get hyper healing and energy syphon if you could disipher our language mabie you could find a use for him.> she added.

Joseph hearing her in his head would be taken back for a bit and somewhat annoyed. “So I suppose you some how managed to merge my mind or some shit. Fuck my life…..” he would say as he was working on the paper work. “Well then since you told me that fine….” Soon enough he’d be walking back towards the captain. “Just so I don’t look insane I’m walking with you around me for a while so we can talk. Seems like you have a habit of just poking into my head.” he would say as he had his arms folded and somewhat annoyed. “So tell me captain, what exactly amd I dealing with in regards to your psionics, especially since my government would definitely be poking around with this.”

Walking with him she would continue, <Psionics, in short depend on the application. We can mass communicate or individually communicate your mind was simple to do this as it hasnt been ment to stop psioics if I had to guess but> nodding her head twords the bazerker <sometimes psionics could be used to temporarily or permanently effect others biology or for combat capabiltiys you could throw your psionics like a projectile think of a railgun firing a mass of energy that can interact with matter. Thats psionics for us in a nutshell, can be used for military combat aplication, scientific and communications.> to keep him from looking like hes crazy she would say the same in her native tongue like to seem like he could understand her.

“Hmmm I see….I’ve heard of psionics in theory before. But I haven’t dealt with it directly. Sounds like Division 13 is going to have something to try out soon. Not to mention the Federal Government would be interested to try and understand your biology and what not. Especially since they would likely enjoy the scientific, biological and communication aspects. Though the military aspects will also likely not be simply forgotten.” he would soon just take a breather and sigh as he would lean on a pole. “You see some of my men that don’t look like me, the one with the tails or the weird looking ears or limbs. Those are what we call genemods. If your biology could be manipulated to help my people, god knows what would be done. In exchange though; I have no clue what we could do to even help your people.”

<well if you could help overthrow our current invaders we have a desert and sparsely filled with jungle planet rich in fossil fuels. But our dna could be manipulated in theory I mean thats how we got the bazerker, he wasnt originally neldan he was at one point just a simple robotics project that was enhanced with dna and psionics so its possible.> she stated before stopping to look at him. <So what now, we gonna be poked and prodded like lab rats?>

“...Poking and prodding would be the thing of the Bureau of Quarantine. Not the labs, the labs would just be testing genetic samples from you people and try to understand how it could benefit us.” He would say as he’d take out a flask and open it. “If I had to be one hundred percent straight, worse thing they could do is physical examinations and those are just going to be humane. We don’t need to rip you apart since scanning and what not exist for that reason.” soon enough he’d take a sip from his flask. “Since you’re telling me you already played with your DNA….well that just made the fucking sykian genemoders jobs much easier. Man I do not want to hear the fan girling of those spiders. But looks like that would be the case.” He would soon take another sip again.

She would nod and stay Silent but she did feel uneasy you didnt need to be a mind reader to see that. <Our people had once told stories about our beginning we once were described as a weapon a virus that eventually evolved. Honeslty I couldnt believe it but with everything I have seen with regards to your people, I dont know it seemed too fictional hell the most in form of advanced tech we had was the slag rifle and bazerkers i mean psionic implants could be assumed an advanced tach but I honestly couldnt tell you how much our tech differs.> jestering her arms at everything around her. <this is all just very jarring, out of a combat zone and into what could best be jdescribed as a fictional story.>

“Think of it as this, our species evolved differently and resulted into something else. As such our technologies also went down interesting paths. Especially since you lot have invaders that we don’t really know about.” he would take a moment to think. “As it stands you’re essentially living breathing embodiments of batshit theories from biologists in my point of view at least. Evidence that those folks weren’t all crazy. However I digress, as it stands we are already on the move heading back to one of the stations. We’ll be entering FTL soon and once we get to the station, everyone is going to be under the subjection of the Bureau of Quarantine….” He would say annoyed.

The captain nodded. Probing his mind a bit more she would attempt to say sorry albeit due to a lack of lips and complete understanding of the language she might have sounded really silly. Before staying silent and fallowing him around.

Joseph would soon enough just continue filling out forms and the likes. Taking down numbers and trying to figure out things. Soon enough the notice for an FTL jump would occur and people would mostly get ready through the means of just simply making sure things are secured. Though thanks to the artificial gravity that can support living beings to stay firm at least during an FTL jump, it was all fine and dandy for everyone as the ship would jump it’s way into the sector where the Aerospace Force had kept their forward operating station. It would be in view for everyone to see the place where supplies and minor repairs would happen. It was somewhat grand in its scale but the ships that stationed around it varied in designs and some of them were even civilian looking.

The captain would look on at the operating station and gawk at the structure in amazement. Turning around she bowed her head to joseph, <I must check on my soldiers and keep them out of trouble>

“Very well, I’ll be meeting with the Bureau of Quarantine people, please keep your people in check. The government tends to get iffy especially since they will likely come in walking with masks or hazmat suits especially after how I described your abilities to them.” He would say as he’d walk out and proceed to wave good bye as he would walk towards one of the entrances of the frigate. All while said frigate was preparing to dock on the station.

She would wave goodbye before saying in his head <If you want to do a shared study on the anatomy of my kind let me know.> she stated in his hea before smirking.


Dec 12, 2022
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Several months had passed since the quarantine. The Captain, no longer keeping the rank of Captain. Instead, Sorsena had the rank NCO rank in The Federal Republic of Huzar. She was sporting several new scars and bandages. She tried to spare Joseph From feeling her pain let alone hearing it. when they decided to take tissue samples from the military caste of her and her soldiers, to begin research on exoskeleton armor, having stripped her of command of her soldiers and in her eyes cut pieces out of them she was less than willing to be helpful when asked to oversee the research involved and that a Scientist would be checking in with you soon.

Using her hand she didn't bother looking at who opened the door nearby as she used a hand with her psionics to massage her shoulder. Were bandages have covered it, cracks in her exoskeleton reach past and across her neck from the damage caused by “collecting samples.” In using her syonics she would speed up the process of healing the fissures and cracks but this would take weeks. And the main area that has been bandaged requires several months.

Joseph would just be moderately stressed and tired from the fact over what they had heard during the tissue collecting situation. He was placed under another head’s command to over see the situation and Nalden examinations to those who willingly placed themselves under the command of the Federal military. The man he was under was the director on extraterrestrial studies, Director Michel Arnaudo, a Sykian Drider gene mod of Division 13(D-13) under the Armed Forces of Huzar (AFH). Director Michel was studying the possible implementation of exoskeleton armor and other things such as hybrids and the likes. Considering the wide possibilities the Nalden can offer to the Republic. In this case one of the first tests is exoskeleton armor.

Joseph would just sigh as he was put into the same boat with Sorsena in the sense where he’s being screwed over to deal with the occasional scientifical madness of the drider gene mods who are known to be good manipulators of DNA. However because of that, they are also feared in some degree over the fact that they would do anything to get their end result to work. It was a such the government often kept an over watch on them. Hence Division 13’s over hold on the current studies. As he was thinking about the situation he was placed in. He would just enter the same room Sorsena was in looking stressed over the matter of what she specifically has been going through.

Sorsena looked back when the door opened. Buttoning up her bdu she spoke having had time to practice a bit with their language skills. "Your scanners seem a lot like scalpels and operating tables I cant wait to see what other high tech advances you're people do." She said a little bitterly without looking at him. She would Sigh and slide a section of

paperwork over to him. "Our ghosts, have begun contract work or wet work to become in extra funds for our people thought you should know," leaning forward she would calmly state into the microphone wincing slightly at the frequency. "Test number 1 matching payonic wavelength to biomass and host."

Joseph would just reply: “Well….scanners cant do everything.” He would say as he’d look at the paper work and see what is going on. “Your people sure do move fast….” Then once she said about the testing, he would be confused. “Wait…what do you mean test matching? I just came here to check what’s going on. Had free time so I might as well see what was up here.”

Sorsena looked over to him, "didn't they tell you. Division 13 wanted you to be the test subject given your limited but only one so far to be compatible with the payonic communication without passing out." She said referring to her talking in his head.

“....What…WHAT” Joseph would shout. “Fucking Division 13 at it again, so what is it this time. What did they tell you and what did they make you do this time and what are they making you do to me.” He would ask. “You know technically I am a higher rank then you… However….fucking Division 13 trumphs all…”

Sorsena shifted. "Look I don't like this probably as much as you do. They carved me up like a slab of meat harvesting my biomass for the test." She said her emotions causing a slightly red aura to form on her hands before fizzling out. She took a breath. "Just… let's just get this over with." she said not wanting to think about the other tests they preformed on her. Passing him a sterile bodysuit she would say. "Please disrobe and put this on so we can begin the testing I'll walk you through the process."

“.....” Joseph would be in a state of shock or rather just stillness before he would start disrobing and soon wearing the bodysuit. “Alright then, what now….” Joseph would quirk. He wasnt thinking anymore because fuck it better to consent to it rather than be forced to it.

Walking over to him she would take a small jar of a moving goo. Grey in color she would open the jar and let the goo latch onto the bodysuit before taking notes. "Just relax it should be painless… mostly." She stated before taking notes. "Subject zero for test 1 seems to have no I'll effects to the biomass as of yet. Will update when the nural link is established." She said into the microphone. Turning back to him she would notice the biomass had begun to spread itself across the bodysuit. "Well they were right the body suit does leave little to the imagination. Given the circumstances most males would probably be boasting about being inside part of the female." She said most likely getting the phrase wrong.

"Unfortunately for you you might feel a slight pinch fallowed by a headache in a moment when it peniteates the suit to bond with the nervous system… you might want to lay down. " She said pointing to the cot.

"To be frank with you Sorsena, I'm not really sure I'd be celebrating to be inside a woman right now. Particularly in this case." He would remark as he would allow the lime to go around him before getting the pinch. "Fuck what was that…..wait wha-." Soon enough he would just begin to experience said headache giving him a massive migraine and as he would stumble to the cot he would only make it on top until he just falls on it.

Sorsena walked over to the cot and sat down next to him. "Well it seems to have paired well with your nervous system so this may be strange for you and I completely understand. But when your able to I want you to imagine yourself covered in body armor. It may take a clear head but once you can if you can say one of testing should be done." Walking back to her checklist she asked "also what are these hybrid tests they keep talking about multiple female and male neldans have been volentold or volenteered for it.

"Hmpfffff" He would say as he would regain himself trying to flip around and have his face be able to speak. It was a bit challenging as the attack on his nervous system would just paralyze him for a moment. "Grrr" he would grunt and try and be cohesive. It would take a while but soon enough he would get back to some facial control. "Merdeeeeee, so wait let me have my explanations first. This is a part of you that is now an exoskeleton of mine or what and I can make this thing retract sheerly by the use of my mind?" He would say as he wanted that question out of his head. "Also, that hybrid thing, essentially it is trying to see how compatible our races are. They are using bio-organic nano machines to splice with Malden DNA. I've heard they've been successful to get things to be compatible. Now it's just having adults and breeding tests." He would remark some what lazily as he was trying to get himself together.

Sorsena nodded "that is correct the biomass goo is a mixture of my DNA and nanomachines. Using a clear head it can form basic structures like mine in the form of humanoid forms or armor. Protecting the squishy real you underneath even in its current form its capable of deling with temperatures exeeding 900°C and leave you feeling slightly warm with no adverse effects.” she stated. Walking over to her notes. She would continue “We Neldans have a true form and it exists under the exo skeleton we wear for protection. But im sure you figured that out already.”

Sitting down she looked over to him. “In short the first test was to make sure it would pair well without killing you so resounding sucsess given this is the first time it was being tested. Next tests involving the armor program would be creating a frequency switch and probably a psyonic implant. When do you think youll be available for that? She asks before jotting down a few more notes. Also would you be trying out the hybrid tests with Neldans if your interested in that?” she asked. The last question was a bit softer than the rest.

"....I mean we can do it now if you don't mind since I don't mind on the subject. Though good luck if I get knocked out and tired for the next few days." Joseph would shrug as he would get up trying to get back to his senses. "Fuck that really digs deep doesn't it….." he would moderately agonize. "As for the last question……..I'm supervising it since your people are essentially my responsibility since the government dumped that on me. So….I might be either way especially since my weird compatibility with your people." He would say tiredly.y

Sorsena would shake her head. “Get some rest first I worked out the details on the tests so it would give your body time to heal and get used to it as for the suit itself it might get strange here in a bit. She stated noticing the goop begin to take form matching his physical features starting with skin tone. “You might wanna put your clothes back on. As the exoskeleton is melding with you. Think of it as a second skin. Outside of the implant and the suit tests im still waiting on Nix to finish up the frequency device Looking back to Joseph she would sigh. “Look if you really want to do the frequency tests we can but it would involve you meeting Nix, hes my brother, and where I took up being a military officer of my people he became a ghost….they are basically mercenaries assassins and bounty hunters. Half of what they make goes back to our people. This being said hes a bit of as you people call it a holeass I think?” she states filling out the paperwork.

"Let's just get it over, I'd like to see how it goes." He would say as he'd get back his clothes on as the exo skeleton would become part of him. "As far as I'm concerned I just need results and to get things done as soon as possible." He would also sigh for a moment. "So they went PMC soon after, I mean it's not uncommon for people to do that in the republic it's just getting annoying to know theres another one of those groups out there. Yes the law permits them and what not still just another headache to the feds if anything." He would mutter as he'd poke at the areas where the exo skeleton is at. "So I have a question, this exoskeleton, it's a part of you isn't it."

Sorsena nods ” that's correct the suit was a part of me, Currently its own entity but there might be artifacts in form of memories or thoughts that might spring up during sleeping. The Ghosts arnt exactly PMC’s I mean that's the job they do but there more than that, we call them ghosts as they are a subspecies of our kind they are also rare and not at all common. The cause of what made them Ghosts is still unknown even by our people. Basically, they are Neldans who have died in combat but whether some strange quirk in their DNA or psionics they came back different and so on.” she states looking down at her pager. “Well hell be arriving here shortly I guess you'll see what I mean.”

The exoskeleton he would poke would react forming hard as rock just befor the poke in that space.

"I see I see so they're not just one organization. Got it, well it's still just more hired guns that are disorganized. The usual ever since the Hassan war ended in the whole world being absolutely destroyed…" he'd take a breather for a moment. "Well at this rate I wouldn't bother meeting him them, it's as if I have anything better to do them supervise the hybrid stuff down the line. As for the part of you now in me….welp can't wait to see what nightmares I'll have to suffer soon enough."

The doors to her lab opened op revealing a rather large even by Neldan standards. Ghost Nalden wearing a black flak jacket and grey cargo pants he looked different. Where as the Nalden species exoskeleton was smooth and more normal like almost like skin this one had a more jagged stone look a jagged jack o lantern smile in the exo skeleton with inner tendrils and veins showing threw the cracks of the exoskeleton and coated the arms. His eyes were more like black voids with a bioluminecent red dot were ones pupils would be. Walking up to Sorsena. He would open up his chest cavity showing rows and rows of teeth in his chest before removing a simple sealed container before his chest closed up on its own setting down the case. It spoke, “Theres your frequency device. Im going to get some food and rest.

Sorsena nodded. “My rooms down the hall help yourself to the jerky and get yourself some rest.” he grunted before looking at Joseph. Growling slightly He spoke up. “That you for helping my sister.”

“....No problem” Joseph would say as he would look at the frequency device touching it. “So…how the heck does this work exactly.”

Nix looked back. “Think of it as training wheels. Until you figure out how to use your psionics you can use the frequency device to harden the suit against weapons fire. Albeit it likely will not be as strong as if you used your psionics.” pausing for a moment Nix then added. “Also you look weird compared to the other humans…” he said before walking out.

Joseph would just look confused as he would just hold the device and try to figure out how to use it. Then he would apise for a moment. "What did he mean I look weird compared to the other humans?" He would ask as an open question.

Sorsena turned to Joesph and shrugged. “I dont honestly know, could be he thinks your weak as a number of humans hes met and or fought were military types and not lab junkies.” she stated before looking back raising her hands. “Not that im calling you a lab junkie.”

"......" He would just have a poker face for a moment as he would just get a bit spiteful but he would laugh it off. "Good joke, probably that humor runs in your family. Any how, well yes…that's true, fair amount of the population had fought in the war while people like me are part of the new generation that didn't suffer the Hassan war."

“I guess thats true given that you rescued one of many evac ships that were sent out as our people have been fighting a decade long war with well primitive tech against an enemy with laser weapons. We all in some way have been shaped by it.” sorseana chuckles. “I guess it would be a bit jarring for him.” Looking at the device. She would turn a few nobs and dials. So the problem with this is its old tech and not even ready for use yet as we still need to dial in a frequency. But in short until you get a handle on your psionics you can basically set the frequency on this push a button and your armor as Nix stated should spring to life giving you the necessary protection against some small arms and heat based weaponry but further testing would be needed. “

She would think for a moment and add. “And no the body full of teeth thing that my brother did isnt a Neldan thing thats the ghost sub speacies alteration again we dont know much about that and I highly doubt he would willingly go under a knife to study that.”

"Well there's no fooling him with the other half of the sample collection. Probably a small piece of whatever sample they can get." He would say as he would start playing around with his new exoskeleton, figuring out how to use the thing Nix gave and at the same time getting use to the exoskeleton. "If adults are capable of becoming hybrids I could definitely see this being applied soon within the military aspects. Question would be, if this thing is just as alive as your outer shell or not."

Sorsena shrugged. “The Shell or exoskeleton if you will is as alive as you are if you get sick it gets sick, its a symbiotic parasite much like ours and coincidentally it learns from its wearer so potentially based on how you use it it will take initiative and do what its supposed to do based on your use of it up until that point.” she stated as she began tweaking the device.

"I see I see…. That makes sense." He would say as he'd continue playing with the exoskeleton and touching it as well. "Now….a stupid question, what if I want to remove this how would that work. Or is it already stuck in me." He would ask with a sarcastic light hearted remark.

Sorsuna would pause for a moment “Uhhh, I dont….know.” she sounded like she didnt think about that bit for a moment. “I mean Best case scenario is we can have a ghost pry it off of you. If you cant get it to come off on its own.”

"......WELPPPPP we will get there when we get there" He would exclaim. "Now we…before I try removing this and not ripping my spine out or my nerves what are the features that this can do in theory. Then we will rest those theories."

Sorsena would turn to him, well outside of using this as armor. It can envelop your body including your head allowing for the wearer to see threw its eyes. It can provide you with oxygen as its breaths carbon monoxide which you breath out and in return it breaths out oxygen so in a sense its a biomechanical rebreather. Outside of that its a decent armor system and can function as a environmental suit in extream temperatures of hot and cold. Ranging from 900c to −78.5 °C.”

"..... Wait if it works as a rebreather and such that would mean space suits would essentially be useless for special forces of they do boarding actions if you're telling me what you're telling me. Well maybe some sort of protection but still" He would make notice and start writing notes down as the exoskeleton was still more of like a proper exoskeleton and somewhat like armor rather than any of those functions she would say. "This is fascinating on its own but that means this would actually greatly help efforts all over the republic in general."

She would nod “Well thats just in its current state you see once you add psionics to it some more prominent features come to play. Observe.” she states unclipping the paper she was using to take notes on the metal notboard. Using her psionics the exoskeleton around her free arm started indenting and making a small but focused hole. From there her psionics formed a tendral that due to the focused hole allowed her to use the mass of energy to cut into the board like a cutting torch. ”Psikokenetics is possible with your psionics and the suit allowing you to use your exoskeleton to form energy based tools or weapons based on your caste. The Possiblilities arnt endless but rather based on the intensive training a elder can provide.”

"Hmm that's interesting…wait I just realized how are the elders like and what are they specifically. I hear them every now and then but I didn't get some clear explanation." He would ask as soon he would cover himself in the exoskeleton's armor before undoing it and making him look normal again. "This is admittedly, to use a term not so formal, cool."

Sorsena paused again before looking up at the ceiling. “Well its hard to explain what exactly they are as we arnt exactly sure ourselves. What we do know is they created us they were travlers from the stars much like you. However when they made their way to our homeworld they became the black mountains the life tree, the singing mist and the violet oceans. Now that may seem to you like mythology but we mean it in the literal sense on our world these areas are alive and they speak to us much like i did to you in your mind threw them we are taught how to use these gifts they provided for us. And well outside of that during the time of war we found ourselfs in, its belived they created the ghosts but we cant say for certain as no ghost will tell us but they seem to be well aware of who did it but the wont say.”

".... That's well that seems interesting, looks like we're going to have to look into this eventually. Especially once we send an expedition to your home system and planet. I've heard there's progress being made in that regard as well but they don't know how much fire power do they need to fight what exactly you're dealing with in your home world. Rouge biological AI? Seems to be a danger over all that no one knows what to do other them continue fighting against it. Yet how come your Elders particularly since they are like gods have yet to help you end that threat?" Finishing the mouthful he had to say.

Sorsena shook her head. The elders called the attackers a plague. They faced them before they made their way to our homeworld. As they described them they are entirely robotic sentient ai. The enslaved what they can and harvest what they want eventually bleeding a planet dry until theres nothing left.” She would get up and upen a small box under her desk inside is a primitive weapon system by the repulbic standards a automatic gunpowder based machine pistol. “This and weapons like it where what we had at the time on the conflict. As well as shaped charge explosives launchers. Heck we just launched our first satellite into space a year before the invasion ten years ago so weve been fighting them as best we can luckily the machines dont travel far from their domed city and our planet is rather large with fauna and other landmases when we saw pictures of your homeworld we thought it was a small moon originally by comparison to our planet.”

"I see….I see" he would just contemplate. "Well I could imagine what the old men upstairs are planning and what they are looking to do in the foreseeable future. Either send a contingent and keep distance or go full in and try to control the crisis. Either way equals moderate blood bath. I'm sure some members of the government would be familiar to something like this in the sense of bio warfare and destroying what is essentially a planetary cancer. Which is what those invaders are really." He would sigh "that would mean lots of surgical strikes and maybe EMPs if those work."

She would nod. “In the meantime we will work to get the kinks out of the exoskeleton, aside from that I believe Nix was working on a new type of plasma weapon for the Naldens based on your peoples plasma weaponry.”

"I see well that's going to be interesting to see in the foreseeable future. Welp let's see what else we need to fix for my exoskeleton"

After the constant poking and messing with the frequency device a majority of the suit outside of a portion of it turning into a black strip around his neck would remove itself painlessly from
Joseph leaving the blackened strip of itself on his neck and spine before taking a humanoid form albeit without a face as it stood there next to him in its blackened form. Sorsena would pause. “Well it seems it removed itself for you so that you dont need to worry bout that….I guess this means you have a shadow now.”

“.....Huh….wait so that will stay with me and walk around with more or will it just be something I will go into when I want to wear it?” he would say as he would see if it would mimic his movement. “And if I touch it or let try to absorb it will it go back to being an exoskeleton. Also most importantly…will it stay behind if I want it to stay….” he would say as he would continue observing it.

The suit would mimic his movements while Sorsena explains the basics. “Well it can fallow you around until you need to use it, think of it as a extension to yourself. In its current state as your psionics are underdeveloped or non existent at the moment. It can do basic tasks for you like fetching you a item or weapon, scouting for you, and relaying back via your mind what it finds. Shapshifting to match objects of equal size to blend in, but dont expect it to be able to fight back even with weapons until your psionic implants are installed”

“I see…I see….and if I want it to stay…..” he would think of it to just stay still and he would check if it would mimic him and follow him around. He would look to check if it stayed in place. As he looked it would stay in place. “Well looks like next thing I would need to try eventually is range which can be tried eventually. Seems to be very useful in the future.” He would say as he would just look at it again and touch it to see if it would become his exoskeleton again.

Upon touching it the suit would reform to him forming around him as it once was. “The max range of the exoskeleton would be 1000 kilometers. Unfortunately even with psionics thats the limits of its range.” Sorsena would say as she continued to take notes.

“Well thats fine then.” he would say as he would fit the armor on. “Fits on like a glove, that’s nice. Well I guess that might conclude our tests I suppose?”

Sorsena nods “I believe thats correct, I need to take a shower and get something to eat before Nix eats all of my snack stash.”

“Righty then, I’ll test about and see how this goes over the time. See ya around” He would say as he’d leave and walk about back to his quarters.