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M The weight of responsibility



Nov 3, 2021
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Location: Ashiaver

Across the verdant twilight sky, came a massive white ship, now enveloped in flames, the systems strained by the chaotic magicks of the planet, pulling one million souls abruptly to the ground. The flames could be seen by both continents, as the glowing orb began to streak through the sky. As its trajectory changed a quarter of the foriegn ship broke apart over ravaryn, screaming to the ground in various smaller pieces, followed by the larger chunk of the Ship. The alarm still wailing as the largest piece makes its home near Moloka’i beach scattering pieces of metal, scrap and even bodies throughout a 2 kilometer radius, the electrical systems still sparking after the crash into the soft sand. While the main body of the ship continued past the continent of Drokai, the now torn and flame enveloped fuselage flew and wailed like a beacon of the end of times, Harolding in an Ill omen among the people on Praeth who call the Direth mountains home.

As night quickly approaches, the bright flames begin to die down, becoming a large dark wailing entity that can be heard for miles. The ship's alarms screaming out desperately while it's skeleton crew prays to the Lady Ishtar that they will be safe. However for the merchant town of Ravndal….they find themselves not so lucky, as the evening settles in, the people in the town prepare for vaesen activity hearing the wailing, guards rush to the small towns wooden walls. While visitors, now unlucky bystanders stay in their rooms, at various inns. Praying that the assault will not breach. In what may seem as the towns final moments, a massive shadow seems to rapidly come closer as the wailing is almost too much to bare, the town guard scramble in a wasted effort to protect themselves and their people, as the ship finally passes over the town and part of the mountain range, it's shattered hull still burning as it makes contact with the onexofcthe smaller peaks. The commotion of the bustling merchant town now lays silent, a portion of it's easternmost walls shattered like twigs in the forest, it's denizens crushed, from the massive concussive blast of the large white beast as it rapidly fell to the frozen ground. The nose of the ship created a massive trench where a once proud peak stood. Now creeping up one of the nearby snow covered mountains, destroying the landscape, the blast throwing trees, stone and snow in all directions changing the landscape in this valley forever.

The ship's final resting place was at a severe incline, the torn quarter of the hull, now lay in what remains of a nearby valley. The terror and commotion, frantic cries for help drown out by the wailing of alarms and now flashing lights as the ship begins to start its intended purpose. With most systems destroyed by the impact. Many cryo pods are left lifeless, never to wake from their nightmares of the heavens war. While those that begin to wake, now must endure the cold embrace of the Direth mountains.
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Nov 3, 2021
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He was first.

Well, of his section, a shard that had broken from the stresses of planet fall and crashed into a small shop left now to be speckled in red and dust.

He stumbled and fell into the rubble with only one or two joining him, veins searing with a will not of his own.

What is this cruel birth? Training commanded, he obeyed, his next movements were lifting him and his armor from the ground and reading his pistol for combat. This pounding headache and faintness isn't helping him focus on his irons, what is he thinking? He's thinking something but can't process what it is.

Where is he? Is this home? That's it. He's thinking of home. Is he home? He looks about him, to the old buildings in the distance, stone and wood stabbed by a few splinters of metal superstructure. This isn't home or if it is, he has failed.

Failed? He had a job? Who is he?

He looked up from a small clearing to the snow-laden clouds and the small burning streaks still falling like stars. He dropped his dog tags from a clutched fist as he fell, holding his beating head. They read...

Arthur Wellington

The rest wasn't terribly relevant for the moment. But he, that's his name. For whatever reason it was a surprise but he was Arthur. He started walking, thinking through a fugue, stepping through burning snow.

Who am I?


Nov 3, 2021
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The gods were bastards, Thorrfen decided as he laid on the ground, aching muscles and bones screaming at him.

They were not content to just curse him. No, they had to hurl a star at him too. He remembered now, watching the falling star grow closer and closer until it thundered above him, splitting the sky open. He tracked its fall until with a mighty roar it fell upon the mountain. So mighty was the impact that he keeled over himself.

Rising, he noted that apart from the present pain, he felt no broken bones or split skin. Good, nothing to hinder him. Quickly, he went over to the makeshift sled that he'd been draggin' behind him. It was a nothing but a greatshield with rope and a cloak tied to it. All of it's contents were intact and his grandfather was... still intact. And still needing a proper burial. He had to hurry to Heimsdall before it was too late. He had to burn his grandfather or he would not be able to join his ancestors in the hallowed halls of the afterlife.

As he picked up the reins, a thought struck him. He remembered a glimpse of metal and lettering. What had fallen was no star hurled by the gods. It was flying vessel. Built by mortal hands most likely.

He looked at the great billowing smoke that came from the west. It was bit more to north and closer than Ravndall, by his estimate. And right in the center of vaesen territory.

The smart thing to do would be to carry on and continue to Heimsdall. To ignore the people behind him.

But Thorrfen Vilkas did not have that luxury. For the harm he had the done. For the curse he carried. For the honor of his house. If there was even an inkling of a chance that anyone could be hurt by the monsters of the dark, he could not look away. So, with grim determination he turned back. He had passed a small cave awhile back marked by an oak tree. He could lay his grandfather there for awhile and then hopefully return later.

"I'm sorry Grandfather, I promise you I will return for you." he later swore, upon said cave, carrying his blades and his father's bow, made of deor antlers. He felt guilty, as he had not yet earned it, but he was unwilling to abandon it.

And thus he flew across the snow filled plains and hills of the Heimslands, icy air stabbing his lungs as he pushed his tired legs forward, seeking a vessel that came from the heavens above. Like a hero from the olden songs. 'Hah!' He let out a bitter chuckle at the thought. 'If only that was true. If only was not giving the role of monster.'


Nov 3, 2021
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The Wailing continued to pierce through the night, the flames licking at the cold taking hold of nearby trees. Machinery, cryopods and bodies littered the valley. The commotion causing a stir in the mountains, the soul tearing shrieks of veasen could be heard over the commotion of the initial crash. The marines aboard the Colony ship and detachment of SPG operatives started their thawing process as 275 pods began wailing, their alarms activating as the systems replaced the cryo fluid in the occupants bodies with blood once more as well as a fierce combat stimulant, the systems pressing the armor to their light Enherjar suits, adding light, medium and heavy armors to their respective teams. One at a time the teams began to step out from their frozen coffins. Red glowing eyes could be seen through the steam as the ship continued to wail, the loud clanking of armored boots against the catwalks attaching the cryo pods together added to the cacophany of alerts and system diagnosis. Their feet landing against an angled walk way, moving down to the nearest Armory. The leader of the demons in black, was distinguished by a golden and black left leg. An almost alien prosthetic, as his armored glove pointed to the armory, bodies moved with little additional noise. Their radio systems barely working but short range seemed to work well enough.

"This is Sargeant Major Levente Barná; 3rd Pl 1st company "Lightning" Battalion 13th regiment. Calling all BAMF forces, grab your weapons and create a beach head. We need recon on the ground, and damage reports. The crew is possible KIA. I am taking current command of BAMF forces, current officers are MIA. Utilize frequency 103.9 and adjust for short range communications." As he spoke, the Marines began to funnel out of the damaged ship, as several squads of men broke off and began an assessment of the ship. During the commotion, another large lightly armored man stood near the Sargeant Major." SM Barna, I am Command Sargeant Icarus, callsign "Sun" we have two platoons of my SPG that will recon the ship and ensure vital systems are functioning. Take your company, and set a Base camp and proper Perimeter. There is a possibility of first contact, so let's not fire unless fired upon." The two nodded in agreement as they separated to take hold of the chaotic situation.

Like a swarm of angry hornets, the marines and Shock troopers rushed out of now derelict ship. The cold lightly fogging their heads up display. The group broke into respective platoons, as the radio crackled alive once again." 1st and 2nd platoon, your job is base Security and operations. 3rd, we will push out and scout for any signs of injured. Hold this position until the last man so the ghosts inside can keep the ship from blowing." The radio then fell silent for a moment before a resounding " orders received Sargeant Major!" Could be heard. Leventes platoon broke up further into several smaller squads as they began their search and rescue operations. From the surrounding mountains, the vaesens shrieks echoed again into the valley, as the overwhelming smell of death and decay began to roll down the mountain side, brief flashes of grotesque monsters with large animal skull like heads and emaciated human-esque bodies with elongated arms, legs and fingers began to appear in large numbers. 1,10,20, maybe 40 or more of the creatures began to make their way down the mountain toward the currently unsuspecting soldiers.


the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Echoing from the treelines comes a new sound, the shrieking of Vaesen blends with a guttural growls of natives taking to their original forms. The skins in which they belong, as the nearby village stirs to life with the shake of the pressing threat. Some may run, but the natives of Ashiaver - they lycans, they who have taken the land from every other pursuer. Chased other species into the crevices of their world and spat in the face of mighty dragons; largely act before they think. They barrel toward the source of the threat, determined to defend their own.

His parents are among the scuffle, and Marduk he's already in bed with the quake rips through their village. His parents are in a fit of sorting out what's going on when the boy comes bolting from his room clutching around his mothers leg. She is able to offer him only a wayward glance as her eyes rip back to the attention of her mate, and an unknown threat lurking up the mountainside. Too close to their homes. Marduk remembers her face as she scoops him up. Clutching to the warmth of her chest ─ a blanket of safety refusing to watch as his father rushes from their home, disappearing into the darkness while she tries to tuck him back into bed. The boy stays there, remaining for several moments until the house goes quiet; but his mind won't. Clambering out of bed as he fumbles onto the floor, the fall changes his form. Resulting in the clumsy and awkward frame of the little wolf pup with a pelt of ebon and slate. He sneaks through the house, glancing around to find it empty he pads across the creaking floorboards until snow finds the floor under his paws - and he trails the prints that lead into the woods.

The boy presses through the treeline, his fear urging him on to find them. Perking up as he spots the flash of their undeniable dark pelts. Whining over the blaring as he stumbles through thick snow trying to chase after them. The boy huffs, his chest heaving in attempts to catch his breath as he plops down as they pursue the aliens. He does not dare to continue as his eyes find the monstrosities that have assaulted their home.

He can only watch with wide eyes as they breach the treeline, alongside other warriors of their village; for the band of foreign troops.
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Nov 3, 2021
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Arthur stuck out like a sore thumb. Between hardly knowing his name and only really knowing how foreign it is, his standing still with his holotags and pistol in hand made him was an obvious chance for any officer to beam him with orders were there any.

His radio constantly barked various communications from a... the voice was someone he faintly knew. A very faint familiar reaction he could barely keep hold of. As Arthur looked around for Levente, the world almost seemed to drag. A slow viscous blur as what should have been chaotic, what should have choked and stole the air from him was drowning. He saw a familiar writing. His armor and everything else too blurred to discern was as bog standard as all of the other figures rushing around like ants but that was the familiar man.

Arthur stumbled forward until he only needed to raise his voice to be heard,

"Sir, where am I?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Thorrfen's legs cursed at him as he charged through snow covered fields and mounds. It reminded him of simpler times hunting with his father. Times that seemed so far away and distant. As he paused to catch his breath and drink from his waterskin upon a small hill, he saw for the first time the ship. At first Thorrfen was perplexed, wondering how he'd been so fast. But then he realized something. The ship was of such great size that even know at the this great distance, he could see it.

As the thundering heartbeat in his ears receded, the young hunter soon began to hear it. The monstrous symphony of the vaesen.

"Gods, there must be hundreds of them." he muttered. For a moment he was unsure of this was the right thing to. If this was not a fool's errand and that he should run back to Heimdall. But the wailing continued. But then he remembered the beast that tore his grandfather apart. That killed him because Thorrfen had been weak and slow and stupid!

"NO!" he growled as he set forward into his flight once more. Perhaps he would be quick enough this time.


Nov 3, 2021
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Location: Nearby Forest
SGM Levente Barna

The several squads of heavily armored OST Marines and Shock troopers staggered keeping 15 to 20 meters apart from their sister Squads. the heavy footfalls of the armored groups came upon the mixture of cold ground, fresh and wet snow. a metallic crunch with each step. The rear guard were the first to see movement along the their makeshift path. "Squads 1 and 2, eyes at your 1 o'clock and 3 o'clock, movement in the tree line, could be local fauna." Levente's report was brief as the other teams continued through the woods, 3rd squad waited for a moment to protect the rear of the element. the uneasy stillness that many of the men and women of 1st company knew all too well. breaking the silence, was a lone radio call "Sir, where am I?" Levente knew this was one of his marines, but that seemed to be it." Unknown radio signal, this is Sergeant Major Levente Barna Give us a location, we will have a squad pick you up how copy?" as they stopped for the SGM to respond, massive shadows darted through the trees, Glowing eyes danced through massive fur covered frames, taller then some marines, and easily the size of some Golems. The Marines proximity systems on their rifles began to beep, as the field went from showing a blank radar, to 12 or more dots closing, "incoming, ready up 12 possible targets incoming!" the Marines began firing in volleys, after the massive shadows in the trees. Their fate to soon be determined. At first onto in their favor, one of the marines watching the perimeter, was snatched into the bushes, and with a growl, he quickly cried out, following with a sickly crush of sinew and bone. Leventé looked to the dense treeline, still only making out massive quadrapedal frames, as they darted closer, snatching another marine into the darkness. Before several reports of rifle fire could be heard, ripping into one of the shadows, a yelp and whine followed suit." 3rd squad will hold this position and take care of the locals. 1st and second squad continue forward!" The Sergeant Major's orders came calmly over the chaos of the situation, soon me with snarls, and bristled hackles of a 6 foot tall wolf, stepping from the treeline as if to warn the squad to leave.

2nd Squad continued on, pushing to the secondary noise, the mountainous terrain carrying the shrieks of the Vaesen down near the base of the great Direth mountains, the growing numbers of the rotted emaciated, corpse like creatures continued to grow, flashing again and again, to different places. as the Marines began to notice the large number of creatures, several attempted to shoulder and fire their weapons. To the horror of the first three, their mag accelerated weapon systems, malfunctioned, causing the weapon to Jam. "Squads 3 and 1 this is 2nd squad, check your weapons, additional hostile fauna located, mass casualties, I say again we have taken mass c-" the radio transmission was cut off as several creatures jumped from the trees, ambushing the men and women. its sickly, elongated fingers, punching through the soft spots in the armor, as their deer like skulls opened wide, their jaw almost separate as the creature bites into the neck piece of a lightly armored Marines. The first combat casualty of their excursion to this distant world. Through the chaos the young Marine squad leader, begins to call to arms, as a volley of fire echoes out, the mountains carrying the loud, thunderous snap of the Caliburn rifle they carry. in the chaos, two more Marines were ambushed, their cries echoed in the heads of all of the other Marines and Operatives. before desperate gunfire could be heard until finally it too was silenced by the beasts.
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Dec 12, 2022
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Freki Stumbled out of the shop and into the snow blinding light just past the shop door. Looking around he was able to spot Arthur, However still dizzy from the fall the marine leaned up against the door frame. "Any Idea were we landed?" Freki asked between the chattering of his teeth as the marine stand there thankful of his heavy armor the shock trooper felt his body to make sure he was still in one piece.

With his knife in its sheath and m5 Gladius in his hands the Marine made his way over next to Arthur "So what's the situation?"


Nov 3, 2021
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"Gods, it's enormous" said Thorrfen, as he witnessed the full scale of the metal ship. Even in this battered and broken state, it made him feel very small. From his vantage point on the hills, he could see the small fires beginning to spread to what remained of the once enormous forest. It felt strange to see an ancient forest that featured in many a Heims' nightmare being brought low in a single moment. But as Thorrfen began to once again pick up the death screech of the curse vaesen he knew.

The cursed land might've been hit, but it wasn't down yet. And it was very, very angry. Even now, the young man could see glimpses of the monsters flitting across the woods.

Yet, golden flashes and booming sounds that reminded him of cannons told him two things. The ship did have passengers. And they were fighting back.

Invigorated by this knowledge, Thorrfen tore down the hill and entered the forest. He idly remembered, all the times he'd been taught to never go too fast into the forest, to always go quietly and slowly. That stealth was of the upmost importancy. The crashing ship, burning fires and incessant cracking of cannon fire changed that. They couldn't have given the vaesens a bigger target... And opened their backs to Thorrfen.

Slowing down from his sprint, Thorrfen pressed himself against a tree, taking deep breaths as he'd been taught. He checked his quiver. He had about a score of arrows. His father's antlered bow. It would take him one maybe two well placed headshots to takedown a vaesen. Even now, he could hear them passing by

Ten Vaesen. Not enought, not nearly enough for what they took from him. Stole from him. KILLLED FROM HIM. He felt it. The seductive song of the rage in his tainted blood. Urging to let go. To tear them all apart.

No. He couldn't do that. He would not lose control. He pulled three arrows into his hand, clutching each one between his fingers. Now was the time for calm. Now was the time for precision. It was just like target practice. Just target practice.

He took a quiet breath. He leaned out of cover, found his target and loosed his first missile. A target was struck. He pulled back a second arrow. Loosed. Another target struck. But not down. He pulled back his third arrow as the target grew closer and closer. He loosed. The arrow pierced the target's skull, making it stumble down at Thorrfen's feet.

He moved on.

There were more targets to shoot down.
Nov 3, 2021
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Arthur's world was stuck in sludge. He looked about him, to the ask of his position, to the constant staccato of caliburn fire and drone of screaming men. "Barna, Sergeant Major, this is..." He forgot break, but needed the time to look down at the name on the tags. "...This is Wellington. Headed for engagement, will meet there, over."

Arthur looked down at Freki, taking too slow a moment to read and toil with all the missing connections trying to find its way to broken pieces and shards of knowledge he should have down to muscle memory. It was the same armor he was wearing, he could treat it like him. He couldn't remember rank, nor would even a more concision Arthur be able to keep track of what he was at the time. Too moral and self-righteous for command but too good of a soldier to discharge. "We're goin' fightin', Freki." Arthur advised in his thick drawl as he began forcing every nerve to move, every end calcified with crystals of ice shot awake with a cocktail of drugs.

Arthur began running, sprinting, gripping the pistol as he approached the line of men and women fending for their lives against these beasts Arthur would have only known as mountain things not to whistle to. He stood tall and fired at what moved, thin lanky devils too durable for their appearance. Most of the shots did hardly anything as they pierced through thin skin and bone that didn't care for being broken and bleeding.


Dec 12, 2022
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Fallowing close behind, Freki would shoot at the creatures wishing he had loaded the underslung in the gun before hand. "Why cant we hit these things?" he stated as he fired. his head still ringing from the fall earlier. adrenaline keeping him going, shot after shot he fired until the unmistakable click of the empty sidearm. Reaching down to his holster he felt for a spare mag but eyes bulged wide as they must have fallen out in the fall. looking at the beasts as they tore threw allies he unsheathed his knife. No words were spoken as he looked to Arthur and back to the creature. He was a soldier hailing from Middenheim, If he was to die it was standing up. "See you in the meadhall Arthur..." he said before charging the nearest creature knife in hand.


Nov 3, 2021
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Location: Direth Mountains, Ashiaver
Hadal Chasm 0830(approximate time)

The Sergeant Major's surprise at the effective nature of his native counterparts, seemed to go fairly unnoticed. keeping his rifle trained on the large wolf like creature. Levente watched carefully as the wolf began darting toward lone Marine, running from side to side as if he knew the man was going to fire. Though in a strange turn of events, the creature, now seen as a massive wolf, stopped just before the Sergeant Major, looking to the forest. The creatures ears pinned back as it seemed to whine for a moment, before looking back to the man. As he no longer needed to aim, the warm muzzle of the rifle pressed to the temple of the creature, A single shot rung out in the chaos of the forest, the front half of the creatures head ripped apart from the base of the head and the neck, slumping to the ground quickly. Levente's rifle scanned the trees quickly after before moving back toward his other two teams." 2nd squad this is 03 actual, sitrep." the radio was silent, before the sickening sounds of chewing, muscles and viscera being torn from their original place as another screech echoes from the radio before cutting off one final time. Levente knew the second squad was lost completely." first squad fall back, we need to regroup, the ship is being assaulted." he took a breath, for just a moment before calling out again." all stations all stations this is 03 actual, fall back to the crash site and regroup, enemy numbers are much greater than anticipated." as he spoke through the system, his red HUD scanned for any additional squad members, seeing only one active monitor in the left of his HUD, moving toward the signature past the massive body of the wolf like creature.

Treeline and village adjacent

The Vaesen continued on, through the village, after tearing through most of the Marines and 2nd squad. several moving in the direction of the shouting marine and his amnesia ridden counterpart, their heavy stench visibly rolling into the shattered broken structures like their own Miasma. From the thick tree laden hillside, another much louder shriek came. louder than the gunfire, the shrieks of other Vaesen and the sounds of battle. its heavy footfalls could be heard from the shattered village, one after another. As a massive, hulking Vaesen began to come into view one antler left, full of broken arrows, spears and two swords embedded deeply within the creatures back, its opposite antler has clearly been cut. its stench overpowers everything completely, as several other much larger creatures appear next to it. the much smaller creatures begin to fall back, almost in fear of the larger beast, its massive elongated claws, and tall thin frame contort and crak with each step as it lets out another earsplitting shriek, now moving in the direction of the two men and the town itself.


the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Marduk's Mother

Once upon a time, all was well, life was good their harvest bountiful and their families safe. Ashiaverns had seen the sky people before, and while their remnants littered the earth; the materials from their great iron ships used for resources, their shapes studied to teach the Ashiavern people how to change. They were nothing more than stories of old, but here they were, legends peeling themselves from the pages of history books. Shattering every sense of false security as the woman bolted through the treeline after her mate to face to impending hell that fell upon Praeth. For not only had they destroyed her home, they had awoken the mountain. The screeches of Vaesen piercing her ears as her eyes darted wildly between threats that came from either side. The soldiers of the sky, and the swarms of death both colliding into Campis settlements. She came to a skidding halt as her mate's eyes found her own, she knew the look, 'get out of here, go back to our son' and it was her moment of hesitation that would change everything as the single shot like canon fire rung through her head. Her ears pinned, jaw falling as she watched her mate slump in a mangled lump of flesh and blood. There was no reason that could stop her, not her son, not her parents, her home, nothing - no one as she bolted into the clearing, her eyes tunneled onto the man. The monster. She moved without thought, without rhyme or reason, and with no plan what she would do when she got to him. Her body lurched forward. Rear legs worked like springs to lunge for him, her gaping jaws backed with thousands of pounds of bite force knew no mercy - she went directly for his face and throat. The weight which came from the impact of their collision like getting hit by a truck as she pushed to attempt to shove him to the ground beneath her.

She is followed shortly by the onslaught of Campis warriors seeking to defend their home.

Marduk Salas

A yip sounded from the boy as the pup calls as he attempts to catch her before she bolts from the treeline. His little legs pushing him faster, tripping and stumbling more than he's moving. He plops onto his rump where she was once standing, his golden eyes wide; hackles bristling instinctively as he watches with a pounding heart as his mother goes after the strangers. And in front of her a slumped, mangled frame he almost can't make out. He changes his focus, getting up ducking under the cover of some brush he lays on his belly and closes his eyes tightly. Using his paws to cover his face, and ears "Wake up...this isn't real, wake up, wake up" he thinks to himself, pleads softly.
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Nov 3, 2021
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When Frekki turned back and gave that final grin, that last face even the broken memory of Arthur could remember from the many men that died soon after, he found himself moved.

The combat drugs found their hold in his spine, in his legs, Arthur's chest twisted and before he could even unravel what the hell his own body was doing and feeling, he was next to Frekki.

Arthur stabbed his arm through the air of these woods, now soon-to-be frozen wastes as combat and trench began to spread and writhe in the dirt like necrosis. The gauntlet of steel and wire grabbed Frekki by the collar, the plate of armor dropped as Arthur's arms swung the legs of Frekki from the snow and into a carry over Arthur's shoulder. The rust of ice and nerve damage shook off like an old race engine taking it's first few breaths after what felt like years of fading away in frozen stasis. An old fire shocked his arms and legs as he was handed back control the moment a terrible thing beared down on the two.

Arthur sprinted back to the firing line, dodging rounds intended for the thing behind him and dumped the young man looking for martyrdom behind the beginnings of cover dug by what few hands could be spared. Before his voice could rant and rave about how utterly stupid that plan was, Arthur experienced the feedback of his fist slamming into Frekki's chest. It was a merciful punch for power armor, but still threatened to bruise or crack a rib. The words left his mind and he just followed his own cues,

"Stay." Arthur pointed, commanded to Frekki. He took from his own stores two of four spare pistol magazines and pushed them into the tender spot he had punched. "You go for Valhalla again, I'll make sure you only ever see me."


Dec 12, 2022
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Frekki coughed a few times after receiving the blow to his armor. As he attempted to regain his breath, he looked up at Arthur with a sneer. "Aye sir I'll keep that in mind." Was all he said in response. Loading a fresh mag into his pistol as he sat there in that trench. thinking about everything up until they landed in this hellhole unfortunately its mostly if not entirely a blur for him. 'What went wrong, why were we being sent to die on this ball of ice against creatures we cant even kill.' he thought to himself.

turning his head to see a set of large creatures one with battle damage of arrows and a sliced antler and a rather frightening amount of blades and spears sticking out of its back. the stench of which burning his nose and making his eyes water. "Arthur we got contact its a biggin!" Frekki shouted as he began to shoot for the creatures center mass.


Nov 3, 2021
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The shrieking of monster rang across the forest. It was the only thing that hid Thorrfen's breathing. His heart hammered away in his chest, even as he breathed in and out into an old rythm, his father had taught him. His hands shook as he loaded a new arrow into his bow. He was ducked behind an old gnarled tree, a crooked and twisted thing, sure to give children nightmares. And he could smell the vaesen, just feet away of his position.

But then the call of the eldests of these living nightmares echoed out, and Thorrfen knew he had a chance! He bolted out of his hiding spot and drew the deor antlered bow, the prize of any bowman. The sighting and aiming was instant. The vaesen was distracted, looking for the source of the terrible scream, vulnerable. Thorrfen loosened the arrow.

He missed.

The quarrel struck the horns of the vaesen, and bounced off uselessly. The young foolish archer didn't have a moment to curse, as the beast's head whipped back and stared at him. Thorrfen imagined that if it could, it would've smiled at him. He try to step back and gain some distance, but the monster was fast. Too fast. Sharp claws scythed out towards Thorrfen, who was barely able to raise his arms and bow in defense. He managed to block the claws, but not the unnatural strength of this fiendish predator.

Thorrfen was taken off his feet and sailed through the air slamming into a tree. He felt bones snap inside of him as he lay on the bed of the tree. He fought to stay awake But the adrenaline was running out.

" Gods," he moaned out. "I am tired." As if waiting for those words, he heard the vaesen slowly approaching towards him, obviously enjoying the anticipation of easy prey. For a moment, Thorrfen considered giving up. Just lie down. It would be over soon. Maybe... he would see his family again.


A voice rang out in Thorrfen's ears. A memory of a meeting and an oath. His heartbeat quickened. He put his hand below himself and pushed himself up to his knees.


Thorrfen turned to look at the approaching when he saw it. His father bow. Fair and keen it was, made from deor antlers. A mark of a great hunter. The mark of a great father. And it was broken.
His father's bow was broken! By this vile piece of FILTH!!!


Thorrfen screamed. It was scream of anguish and pain and suffering and outrage and hatred. It was all the pain and grief of his family, now gone and the outrage at the men and monsters who did it. And he let it all out. Like kindling to a fire it ignited something in him. The scream continued as his bones cracked again. As his flesh began to shift, and needle points of hair began to spread throughout his form. Tears ran down his eyes that shone with such rage. And the scream became a howl as his gums burst apart, and from them came sharp fangs.

The vaesen watched as what he assumed had been prey began to change. It started growing and shifting like many other prey. But something was different. The vaesen hesitated. That was it's last mistake. A green eyed shadow came upon the vaesen, fast as lightning. And a howl greater and fiercer than any vaesen had ever heard was let out. It spread across all the forest, roaring above gunfire and dying men's screams.

A creature of myth and legend had returned. The wolf that was not wolf. The monster of monsters. The Therion was back.
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Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
Location: Direth Mountains
approximate time: 0831

Not three steps had been taken by the heavily armored OST trooper before he was launched from his position, The force of the collision was enough to knock his Caliburn rifle from his hands, sending the man tumbling back as his helmet landed side first, damaging components of his Heads up display. The heavy, snarling wolf took their Immensely strong jaws, biting into the helmet and system, causing the system to call out with an alarmed tone as the helmet made an Emergency purge. Doing so seemed to be enough to distract the beast just enough, The thin pale and sweating face of the Sergeant Major looked to the desperate wolf, the stinging cold quickly grasping the beads of sweat that had already been accumulating on his visage. small ragged clouds formed with each breath as Levente rolled to his side, seeing the beast begin to rush again, giving barely enough time to return to a standing position as his right arm was met wat the massive bite force of the beast, denting the armor more and more as her massive, snarling jowls tightened their hold. This however was their undoing. as the beast scratched and bit down further, with a quick assessment of what was around, the Trooper raised his hand slowly, using the assistance of the Hard-suit his hips turned first as servos began to whir rapidly, dropping to a knee, with his arm rapidly pulling in a downward motion. The beast lifted, being pulled from their position, to be slammed hard into the ground, with enough force to stun. In that rapid motion, with practiced precision, Levente drew his sidearm and fired into the massive wolf's neck and head until the weapon as empty. each shot ringing out muffled only by he familiar thud of a projectile meeting flesh, bone and internal organs. In that moment a ground shaking howl echoed through the forest. Upon hearing this, the wolves began to retreat back from the direction they came.

Location: Direth mountains, Campis village.
Snow finally beginning to fall again, muffling some of the horrendous sounds. as the Elder Vaeson watched its prey shift into what was now perceived as a large predator, the beast let out a massive shriek before, rapidly retreating back into the forest. the lesser, more starved Vaesen they begin to turn their attention to the Therion, the scent of the beast was far more alluring than the metallic smell of armor and blood. several larger Vaesen appeared before the bipedal beast, lashing out from different directions, eager to feed from its very essence.


Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
The Beast's black ichor covered maw turned to the Elder Vaesen's challenging shriek. The wolfman's hate filled gaze narrowed, baring it's sharp fangs, growling that seemed like a rising thunder. The small corner of the Beast's mind that recognized it was outnumbered drowned out by the roaring, burning rage.

The almost frail forms of the most desperate Vaesen burst forth, claws extended, maws open in endless hunger, faster than crossbow bolts. Few were the creatures as fast as the foul Vaesen. Few, but not none.

With a stretched claw, the Beast battered one of the monsters out of the air, crashing it into a nearby tree. Its other clawed hand jabbed out like a umber javelin, slamming the ghoulish jaw shut and taking the mometum to slam it unto the floor. Its raised sharp claws and bristling fangs to end such a pitiful creature, but only it's enhanced senses and near forgotten muscle memory saved him.

The Beast's raised arms caught lashing claws and vicious teeth. But it had teeth as well. And rage. It had such fury that wanted nothing more than to drown the world in oceans of blood. Thus it bit, and clawed and grappled and trottled and smashed into Vaesen, it's growls and howls like a taunt to the hungry darkness of the night.


Dec 12, 2022
Reaction score
Frekki leaned his head back against the remains of the building he was sat by. The sizable dent in his armor pressed up against his brused skin as he took several breaths. the sickly sweet smell of death and gunpowder stinging his nose causing him to cough. "Arthur, what do we do now?" Frekki called from his position as he looked around. Getting up from the ground he begins moving to help the wonded assisting them in treating their wounds.