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P The One Two Endragon Boogaloo



the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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They stayed here, locked in the rush of emotion and memories; their lives flashing before the others eyes. A way to get up to date on information about the other. For Sitara, it was a name, a short life hatching in the high caves of the mountains and the early days of her youth. And the avoidance of the Varcolacs, those monstrous creatures that would ensure her failure as a fledgling. Sitara only stared, tail following a casual cat like sweep back and forth, back and forth. An attempt to self soothe. "How should I know?!" her lips would twitch slightly as the voice rung in her head, annoyance blending with the confusion and awe.

"Doctor.. why did it stop moving? make a decision or I will!" the Dragon shifted, craning her head toward the two legged, the gathering of Sherry's mind and memories brought with it an understanding of their tongue. "The creature has stopped moving, get that damned gunship ready, we seem to have a moment, if it moves its dead." a guttural growl sounded from the beast, her feet planted, but still very aware of the ones around her. "Call them off," she demanded the woman, eyes narrowing.

"I-" a slow exhale from the dragon. "I-It talks." "....and you understand me" she was talking to herself more than anything, trying to allow it to sink in. She understood her, and not only that, but she knew the entire story behind this one. "I understand this no better than you; but if they back down - I'll refrain from eating them. At least....for now, until we can figure out what's happening to us." calm and collected wasn't really the fledglings style, but it did appear to be the only option.


Nov 3, 2021
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"It talks?" Laura half-questioned, half-exclaimed into her comms. "About what, the fucking football game?" The Lusiad demanded, scoped eye peering down the cave entrance.


They were hungry. Always hungry. From the moment their eggs hatched to the last spiteful breath, a Varcolac hungered. It was the only thing they feared. That gnawing at their core. The first taste of flesh from it's mother's still fresh corpse did not sate it. The morsels of it's weaker kin did not sate it. Even the flesh of the mighty Endragons, equally hated and coveted, could only keep the hunger at bay for so long.

So when they caught the scent of a young Endragon, they could not resist. Why should they? It's who they are. The hungering shadows of the dark world.

The Skirmishers came first. Throught the deep tunnels they came, the constant footfall the only warning as they burst into view. Six limbed and sleek, open mouths letting out sharp hisses. One skittered up the cave walls like an insect, dropping on top of the Endragon, hungry for their flesh and seeking their weakpoints. While the other, kept to the ground and lunged for the humans, wishing to to have the assurance of a quick snack.
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Nov 3, 2021
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Looking up at the massive creature, attempting to process all of the insanity before her. The Volgan Liquidator Sighed heavily, gritting her teeth for a brief time. It took a moment or several, lowering her weapon just low enough to light another cigarette, inhaling deeply as half of the small cylinder wisped away, followed by a deep exhale. Laura knew what his meant, but the good doctor was going to find out quickly."что дальше? Ты собираешься трахнуть его!? Это одна из самых больших трат моего времени! Она, блядь, говорит, сука, блядь…" as her outburst came rather loudly, the sound of heavy footfalls, as more of the planets vicious denizens decided to make themselves known, this timing however...could not have been more perfect.

seeing the creature lung for both the Dragon and for Her principal, Lyudmila's hands moved faster than her mind, the safety of her weapon disengaging before controlled bursts came next. Now moving off of her centerline, the Volgan grabbed Sherry by the coat, pulling her back the direction of the Gunship." Laura, we need Overwatch you useless fish monger!" again the bursts rang out causing the lunging beast to hit the ground hard.