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The golden band episode 2: Desperate Push for a Beachhead


Dec 12, 2022
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Threw the various heads up displays of the battlefield the horror of war comes into view of the desolate landscape of Everan's coastline. The remnants of the failed first wave are scattered across the beach, with half-buried drop ships and shattered cruisers serving as grim reminders of the fierce resistance they faced. Smoke rises from the ruins of the nearby city, where alien machines clash with the beleaguered defenders. The atmosphere is heavy with the stench of battle, and wounded soldiers struggle to find cover amidst the debris.]

the coms of the waiting Infantry on all dropships onboard the second wave fleet transports crackle to life as a voice of a old but grizzled man speaks with clenched teeth. "Golden Band 2nd Wave, this is your commander. We're pushing through no matter the cost. We need that beachhead. Move, move, move!"

[ OOC: for those taking place in episode 2 will be split into two objective groups Infantry objective and mech pilot objective please designate in your post which group your in to keep things understandable.]

Objective 1 Break threw the defenses: Golden Band Infantry Units are tasked with a critical mission to break through enemy defenses on the beach and establish a secure beachhead. The success of this operation is paramount for further advances into the heart of Everan and the defense of the city against alien invaders.

The success of this operation will pave the way for subsequent offensives and contribute significantly to the overall defense of Everan. The Golden Band relies on the skill, courage, and determination of each infantry unit to secure victory in this critical mission.

Objective 2: Golden Band Mech Lances are assigned a pivotal mission to penetrate enemy defenses, locate, and neutralize key artillery positions posing a significant threat to the ongoing operations. Success in this mission will not only safeguard our infantry units but also disrupt the enemy's coordinated assaults.

Success in this mission is critical for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the Golden Band's overall operations on Everan. The Mech Lances' prowess and strategic acumen will play a vital role in tipping the scales in favor of our forces.



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Oct 2, 2023
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The infantry unit from Whitehorse had arrived at the battlefield, ready to fight alongside the advanced mechanical forces. Their mission was to breach the enemy's defenses and gain ground in the war. As they advanced, the sight of fallen soldiers lying in the trenches served as a haunting reminder of the harsh realities of war.

In the midst of all the chaos and destruction, Kathryn remained determined. Despite the treacherous terrain and the constant danger, she pushed forward with her fellow soldiers. Her combat helmet was covered in blood and dirt from the trenches, and the ground was littered with injured soldiers those who are been hit
. The enemy's infantry pillbox bunker was heavily fortified, brutal for Kathryn and her unit to make any progress towards tactical advantage.
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Nov 17, 2021
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“Again, Request immediate suppor-“ The voice cut off as Aaron turned comms to their squad channel. The infantry requests for their support started from almost the moment they dropped, almost overwhelming the combined channel. It wasn’t that the Genemod didn’t want to help them however, as the burning remnants of one of his fellow mechs he was using as concealment pointed out, they had their own problems. Namely, a pair of anti armor energy cannons. At least a pair…

Aaron had seen the shot that had obliterated the poor bastard in the wreck in front of his mech, hopefully, whoever it was was trying to get themselves out if they could, optimistic as that hope was, it had given him a location, and his scanners were focused on the area.

“Come on, come on…” Finally, after a seeming eternity, the scanner locked, clear firing solution. Forget heat buildup, this scrap pile could take a shutdown, that gun had to go. Aaron had the PPC selected already, eyes fixed on the display, he squeezed the control sticks trigger, and fired.


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Oct 2, 2023
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"Break through the enemy forces no matter what, huh? Seems like we're just a number to the head honchos up on top. No matter we gettin' paid for this and not like I ain't know what was gonna happen. I signed up for this shit anyway!" Dallas says with a small smile as he and his comrades push forward.

As he continues to move forward with his group he takes a look around seeing all the death and injuries before making a comment. "No one wins 'cept o'course the dead. Finally being able to rest eternally is the only prize you get from war, ain't it?"


Dec 12, 2022
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The battlefield was a tumultuous canvas of destruction, with the remnants of mechs strewn across the scorched landscape. Golden Band Legacy Mechs, determined to breach the first defensive wall, had faced fierce resistance. Despite their valor, several mechs lay in ruin, testament to the relentless assault they had endured.

Golden Band Pilot (Radio Transmission): "We've lost Bravo and Charlie squads. Pushing forward, but we're getting hammered. We need a breakthrough!"

The remaining Legacy Mechs pressed on, their pilots gritting their teeth against the onslaught. Among them, Mech Sierra, battered and worn, carried the weight of the battle scars.

Golden Band Pilot (Sierra): "I'm taking heavy fire! Trying to make it to the wall. Cover me!"

As Mech Sierra pushed forward, enemy fire intensified. The air crackled with energy beams, missiles streaking across the sky. Despite the onslaught, Mech Sierra trudged on, determined to breach the defensive line.

Then, a critical moment unfolded. Mech Sierra, battered but resolute, initiated a risky maneuver. Overloading its core, it became a beacon of impending destruction. The energy surged, visible arcs of power dancing across its chassis.

Golden Band Pilot (Sierra): "Clear the area! Brace for impact!"

A collective gasp echoed among the surviving pilots as Mech Sierra unleashed its explosive payload. The detonation rippled through the air, a cataclysmic burst of energy that rocked the battlefield. In its sacrificial blaze, Mech Sierra created a massive breach in the first defensive wall.

The infantry, waiting in the shadows, seized the opportunity. With the breach now gaping, they surged forward, racing toward the compromised defensive wall. The explosion had torn a hole in the enemy's defenses, opening a pathway for the ground forces to advance.

The surviving Legacy Mechs, their frames battered but spirits unbroken, regrouped for the next phase of the battle. Mech Sierra's sacrifice had become the catalyst for a breakthrough, a moment that would be remembered in the annals of their struggle for Everan's survival.

The battlefield, already scarred by the remnants of fallen mechs, witnessed another chaotic twist. As the surviving infantry rallied to exploit the breach in the first defensive wall, an unforeseen glitch in one of the anti-vehicle turrets added a grim note to the unfolding drama.

Golden Band Commander (Radio Transmission): "We've got an opening, push through! Secure the breach!"
The surviving mechs and infantry, emboldened by the successful breach, advanced cautiously. Aaron's mech, bearing the scars of the intense firefight its armor pock marked and slagged in various places from the firepower of various anti vehicle turrets were taking its tole eating threw the cover he hid behind while taking bites out of his own mech so much so that after firing the PPC it had a malfunction bricking itself. his shot from the PPC might have just been the best shot so far in the battle. slamming into the structure stripping armor and causing it to spark up and lose its effectiveness as it began to short out. Its once calculated aim devolved into erratic chaos. It swung wildly, firing indiscriminately in all directions.

Golden Band Pilot (Radio Transmission): "Something's wrong with that turret! Get clear!"

As the turret malfunctioned, its unleashed firepower cut through the air like a storm of death. The unintended onslaught found a tragic target – a group of infantry taking cover behind one of the downed shuttles, half submerged in water.

A bright burst of energy erupted from the malfunctioning turret, vaporizing the upper torso of a hidden infantryman. The lower half tumbled forward, in the midst of the chaos, a female Golden Band Marine, known by the call sign "Whitehorse," had sought cover behind the shuttle. The lower half of the vaporized infantryman tumbled onto her, adding an unexpected weight to her already perilous situation.


total enemy casualties
4 anti infantry turrets destroyed
1 anti vehicle turret destroyed
1 defensive high wall destroyed

total golden band casualties
first wave 996/1000 soldiers KIA
Second wave soldiers 25% of 1000 KIA with another 15% wounded
4 dropships destroyed
5 mechs destroyed
4 mech pilots killed 3 from enemy fire 1 from self destruction
1 pilot punched out current whereabouts unknown
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Oct 2, 2023
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Whitehorse woke up after being knocked down by an unknown lower body, a vaporized body of an unknown infantryman who got hit with an energy turret gun malfunction. Whitehorse hurled half the body of an unknown soldier off her own body from being crushed by the weight of the lower half of a mangled corpse covered with pools of bodily fluids and blood and dirt all over her battle suit in combating during the heat of battle and at the same time drenched while hiding in coastal water where taken cover near beside the impaired shuttlecraft. She must continue to stay low to the ground as the enemy's snipers could still be in the areas where Whitehorse was hiding inside the shuttlecraft that had been sitting, away from the danger of being shot down everywhere by the enemy infantry’s gunfire. As climate conditions in the sky surrounding the beach and clouds were darkening, brutal thunderstorms and tropical rainfall will be even more hazardous battlefield conditions as downpours, evoking some possible flooding across prominent parts of the beach besiege Whitehorse’s current location.
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Nov 17, 2021
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Even through the auto dimming of the viewports, those facing the blast that was formerly Mech Sierra were overwhelmed, forcing Aaron to shield his eyes with a hand for a moment.
The bright flash dimming, he briefly took in the sight of the anti armor turret he’d targeted explode, though his elation was somewhat tampered by its uncontrolled fire stream wiping out at least a squad of infantry before it finally exploded. His combat display alerted him to worse news. With all the return fire his mech had taken, his PPC had malfunctioned, showing a critical failure. The only way that was getting repaired was back in a bay, provided this heap even survived to that point. While the rest of the display wasn’t critical damage, it looked like he’d worn out his welcome sitting behind the wreckage here.
“Trojan 3 to all, my PPC is fried, someone else is going to have to take that other cannon out, unless I get a lot closer to it. Moving to support the infantry, over”
Putting action to words, Aaron moved his mech towards the breach Sierra had died to make, leaving his radio to receive the local infantry squad’s frequencies. He powered down the PPC completely, diverting all power from it. Might as well not take the chance an errant shot might set off something important, he was already enough of a target out here as it was.
Nearing the breached wall, he leveled his 20mm just beyond it, firing at an enemy group setting up a firing line at the breached wall, hoping to slow their response to the wall’s failure.


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May 10, 2023
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The ships in orbit prepared to unload its complement of orbital drop pods. The first wave of pods where decoy pods filled with bomblets and other explosive ordinance to clear the drop point of enemy forces and anti air defenses while the second wave was the attack force with some pods filled with extra ammunition and weapons.

"Green light, green light." The drop bay controller said followed by the thunk of locking clamps disengaging and pods shooting out of the ship.

The mission was fairly simple in practice, the pods of the first wave would release its cargo and then the second wave not far behind would engage the enemy in the rear while also destroying heavy weapons. Sam was attached to one of the squads thats was dropping and she was realizing this may have been a very dumb idea after all. However not only did she have a armored shell but also her mech to protect her.

Beep, Beep, BEEEEEEEP. the lights in the board in front of her pod changed from red to green and she was released with a dull thunk. And for the next ten minutes Sam was dropping rapidly to the planet below.

The glow of re-entry suddenly became brighter as the anti vehicle cannon in attempt to hit something grazed Samantha's pod, her mech could in theory survive re-entry on its own but she panicked regardless. "Im hit?" She said and watched another beam pass by her pod.

"Focus suga. The grim reaper wont come when your ready for him." The familiar voice of Samantha's mother Orias sounded in her head. "You don't have to tell me twice." She responded.

By this point she was free of the heat of re-entry and descending quickly. "Emergency bail out." She said over the tac net and slammed her mechs hand on the explosive bolt release. Once the hatch was blown off Samantha wasted no time to jump from her pod however instead of falling she floated in the air as her pod, now a makeshift weapon plummeted to the ground. She looked over the battlefield before angeling her mech towards the cannon and flew towards it, a armature swinging over her mechs right shoulder to deploy a energy shield and she fired her plasma rifle at it.


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Oct 2, 2023
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Kathryn Whitehorse is the last surviving infantry member of her unit following a beachfront bombardment conflict in the early stages of the war. Currently, she's been assigned to the gold team, but unfortunately, radio communication has been disrupted due to ongoing combat and orbital warfare. All Kathryn could decipher was that she needed to clear out the enemy's second cannon area. After confirming her current position, she collected additional supplies and ammunition from the containers dropped at her location, reloaded her weapons, and launched an attack on the enemy's second artillery.

It's still unclear why Kathryn Whitehorse joined the military service draft as a career choice for her future.


Dec 12, 2022
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As Aaron's mech, Trojan 3, trudged forward towards the breach in the defensive wall, the weight of the battle pressed down upon him like a heavy burden. The landscape around him was a grim tableau of destruction, with the bodies of fallen comrades littering the ground and the waters filled with the wreckage of crashed dropships and scattered mechs.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, Aaron remained resolute in his mission. With his PPC out of commission, he relied solely on his 20mm cannon, unleashing a barrage of firepower upon the enemy forces gathered at the breached wall. The air reverberated with the deafening roar of gunfire as Aaron's shots found their marks, forcing the enemy to scramble for cover.

But even as Aaron fought valiantly to hold the line, the enemy's counterattack was swift and merciless. Incoming fire rained down upon his mech, the impacts jolting him violently with each hit. Sparks flew as armor plating was torn away, revealing the vulnerable internals beneath.

With each passing moment, the situation grew increasingly dire. Aaron's ammunition dwindled as he continued to engage the enemy, his mech battered and bruised from the relentless onslaught.

The enemy cannon, caught off guard by Samantha's sudden arrival, unleashed a flurry of retaliatory fire in a desperate attempt to defend itself. however it mattered not as with a decisive burst of energy, Samantha's plasma rifle found its mark, the searing beam slicing through the air and striking the enemy cannon with pinpoint accuracy. The cannon erupted in a brilliant explosion, its defenses overwhelmed by the sheer force of Samantha's attack.

As the smoke cleared and the echoes of battle faded into the distance, Samantha surveyed the battlefield with a sense of grim satisfaction. The threat had been neutralized, if only for a fleeting moment, thanks to her quick thinking and unwavering courage.

The second cannon loomed in the distance, a menacing silhouette against the backdrop of destruction. With determination etched into the faces of gold team their numbers diminished but their resolve unbroken. Despite their battered and bruised state, they knew that failure was not a option.

With grim determination, Kathryn led the charge towards the enemy's second artillery position, her comrades following closely behind. The air crackled with tension as they advanced, their weapons at the ready, eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of movement.

As they neared their objective, the enemy's defenses sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of fire upon the beleaguered survivors. But Kathryn and her team pressed on, undeterred by the hail of bullets and explosions that erupted around them. they pressed forward, inch by hard-won inch, determined to silence the enemy's guns once and for all.

As golden band forces of gold team pressed on even with the reinforcements, units started to get cut down as the rushed the final cannon held by the dug in enemy.

he toll of war had been staggering, with casualties mounting on both sides.

The Legion of the Lost had suffered a devastating blow, their forces decimated by the relentless onslaught of the Golden Band. Total enemy casualties were extensive, with the majority of their infantry units wiped out in the ferocious fighting. All anti-infantry turrets had been destroyed, along with two of their formidable anti-vehicle turrets. A defensive high wall lay in ruins, its once-imposing structure reduced to rubble.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the Golden Band had fought valiantly, their courage and determination unmatched on the battlefield. The cost of victory, however, had been steep. The first wave of Golden Band soldiers had suffered near-total annihilation, with only a handful of survivors remaining from the initial assault. The second wave had fared marginally better, but casualties were still high, with half of the soldiers killed in action and another quarter wounded.

The toll on equipment had been equally severe. Five dropships lay in ruins, their twisted metal carcasses a testament to the ferocity of the enemy's defenses. Eight mechs had been destroyed in the heat of battle, leaving only one remaining - Aaron's mech, battered and worn but still standing as a symbol of resilience amidst the chaos of war.

But despite the losses suffered by both sides, the battle was not yet over. In the distance, a lone squad of Legion Gauss riflemen and a pillbox filled with heavy plasma gunners remained, their weapons still trained on the Golden Band's position. And amidst the wreckage, one plasma artillery piece still stood, a potent threat to any who dared approach.

As the survivors of the Golden Band regrouped and took stock of their losses, a sense of determination filled the air. Though battered and bruised, they knew that the fight was far from finished.

total enemy casualties
all anti infantry turrets destroyed
2 anti vehicle turret destroyed
1 defensive high wall destroyed
all but 1 enemy infantry units killed leaving 1 squad of legion guass riflemen and a pillbox full of heavy plasma gunners remained
1 plasma artillery distroyed and 1 fully operational

total golden band casualties
first wave 996/1000 soldiers KIA
Second wave soldiers 50% of 1000 KIA with another 25% wounded
25 dropships destroyed
9 mechs destroyed
2 mech remaining that being arons mech and sams mech


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Oct 2, 2023
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Subsequently, in a brutal conflict, Kathryn Whitehorse and her infantry battalion gathered to take the last objectives and bring the war to an end. However, the severe weather outside made it incredibly challenging to advance, and the remaining troops banded together to combat the final phase of the war. As Kathryn witnessed countless soldiers marching towards their deaths at the hands of the enemy, she couldn't help but wonder if she would be lucky enough to make it out unscathed or if she would be left traumatized. Following the head of command's instructions, Kathryn's infantry unit was directed to attack the final objective, and she looked on as the remaining members of her battalion formed up to regroup and continue their assault against the enemy robots stationed near the final battle on the enemy's defenses. The sudden enemy grenade exploded, hitting Whitehorse in the right arm blown off in the process with Kathryn’s infantry unit that she only has a few soldiers left trying to attack the enemy infantry, and assailing on the defense stronghold. During the chaos of the fighting going Kathryn’s right arm is missing nothing but blood gushing out of her where her right arm used attached but showing pure bone being shredded off.
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May 10, 2023
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Samantha was surprised that out of the entire drop force she was the only survivor, especially when she was the one that took incoming fire. She opened a side compartment of her mechs cockpit and pulled out a yogurt like substance, it was to provide the nutrition of a meal as well as hydrate the person who choked it down. She kept on alert as while the battle may have been over there where enemies in the area. She looked over the wreckage of Golden Band mechs and an idea was forming in her mind. The machines had weapons hers did not and converting them to be handheld wouldn't be that large of a problem or even making of them compatible with her mechs hardpoints.


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Nov 17, 2021
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“…..ojan 3, Trojan 3, do you copy?”

The genemod awoke, the grey tunnel vision finally fading, as Aaron raised his head, shaking off the last of unconsciousness. He took in the blood spattered, cracked status display, wondering for a moment what had happened, before a sharp pain in his right hand brought focus. Oh, right..

His right hand was a mess of bloody bandages, med foam, a large piece of something imbedded in it, missing two fingers and lastly, cinched below the wrist with a tourniquet, as the med foam in the aid kit had expired over a decade ago and had been basically useless in stopping the blood loss, explaining the blood all over the cockpit of his mech.

At least, what was left of it, if the displays were any indication. Beyond the cockpit breach (of which there appeared to be multiple), just about all of his status indicators were yellow or red. Mostly red. It appeared most of the mech’s armor was shot to hell, along with near all of the gyros, essentially he was now near an impromptu bunker. This thing wasn’t moving anywhere fast, if at all.

His ammo indicators weren’t much better. Three SRMs, maybe 40 rounds for the chaingun, which was indicating a feed jam. Because, of course it would be…

He heard his callsign on coms again. “…I’m still here….Trojan 3 copies…” the response was almost immediate.

“Holy hell, brother, we thought you were dead from the way your mech looks! You alright?”

“In a word…no. Every indicator is saying this things had it, and I’m about zero on ammo, not to mention the only weapon I’ve still got functional seem to be my SRMs. I’m pretty solidly out of this fight, unless someone’s got a spare mech sitting around..”

He leaned back in his seat, the harness straps auto adjusting. His head still hurt. Why his head? He reached up with his uninjured hand, encountering something not part of his helmet. What the…?

Removing it, he found a large piece of shrapnel imbedded in it, likely it was part of his mech’s armor plating, though from where the twisted and blackened chunk was from was anyone’s guess. While cracked, the helmet had mostly done its job, keeping the battered fragment from punching into his skull, avoiding becoming a rather gruesome looking unicorn for the salvage crews to find.

Frankly, he’d rather be back on a falling apart ship in the middle of the void, at least there the enemy was easier to deal with. The void may be unforgiving, but at least it didn’t shoot at you…


Dec 12, 2022
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In the fading light of evening, amidst the wreckage of battle on the desolate shores of Planet Everan, Golden Band stood battered and bloodied. The echoes of a fierce onslaught still reverberated through the air, mingling with the sorrowful cries of the wounded and the mourning for the fallen.

The beachhead, once envisioned as a gateway to victory, now bore the heavy burden of loss. The casualties were staggering – 1500 soldiers, 20 mechs, and around 50 planetary shuttles lay strewn across the scarred landscape, a grim testament to the ferocity of the conflict.

Despite the devastation, the surviving members of Golden Band refused to yield to despair. With determination etched into their weary faces, they set about their grim task: scouring the beach for their fallen comrades, retrieving the bodies of their brothers and sisters in arms from the sand and surf.

Amidst the chaos, the wounded found refuge beneath makeshift tents, tended to by medics amidst the clamor of construction. Trench lines were hastily dug, sandbags stacked, and rudimentary buildings erected as the company fortified its position, preparing for the inevitable counterattack.

But amidst the carnage and destruction, a flicker of resilience burned bright within the hearts of the Golden Band. For even in the face of overwhelming adversity, they remained steadfast in their resolve, ready to stand as one against whatever trials the unforgiving planet of Everan would yet unleash upon them.