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M The Dreamer's Cycle: Ep1, "Starfish in Wonderland"



Nov 3, 2021
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Red joined Azure and Ivory, his stride quiet despite his weight. He said nothing of the predicament, as was his way. He instead chose to focus on the markings and the carcasses, shining his lantern upon them.

"Look, Ivory, Azure." he called out, choosing to focus on the task at hand, "Tracks of our quarry, I believe."


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Nov 3, 2021
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Reaching the bottom, the Black Knight took a quick glance to make sure Ivory was alive and being attended to, and then surveyed the new environment as if Ivory hadn't just fallen down a pit. "We're not alone in here," he stated, looking for evidence of how recent the markings were. "We may be able to get back out the way we came. We shouldn't linger down here."


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Jun 11, 2022
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"Agreed" said Amber to the Black Knight, now seriously concerned. "We're a ways from the target now as well, we need to move quickly to get back into position before the crossover." He now turned to Ivory. "I can give you a stim if you need, but either way we need you up and moving right away." Soon after saying that, he realized that whatever stims he had probably wouldn't work with alien physiology, though his attention soon shifted to the tracks in front of them, scanning them almost frantically for any indication of recency or behaviour of the creature.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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"Roger that, Doc." Ivory groaned through his mask and scarf with duty. He began fidgeting with his armour, brushing off giblets and adjusting straps.

The markings were tracks left by a living seolforwyrm no more than twelve hours ago, though no less than six. It had slithered itself about, rubbed its carapace around the walls of this place, then darted with alarming speed down another concealed, winding tunnel that seemed to lead somewhere further away, roughly diagonal from where the crossover was forecast to become active. At least, that is as much as the tracks and other markings told. From this epiphany, something that was previously hidden unexpectedly became obvious. This was the station of a tunnel system. Dozens of hidden shafts and holes littered this place, each concealed with hides, bones and sprawled out skin. The behaviour seemed suspicious. What use would a seolforwyrm have for such efficient travel? Either this individual was up to something scheme-ish, or they had a vast territory far more massive than was normal for their kind.

Over Yandere

Nov 4, 2021
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"Back up the way we came down or further in?" Azure asked with clear hesitation on the latter half of her question but her gaze was fixed directly on Ivory. As such a new member of the team she didn't know about the experience of the others and only looked to the one designated as leader. That resonated with her emotionally for some reason even if she didn't understand why. As for their quarry well it was beginning to seem like chasing a f'shryn in her home sphere. Wily little things that they are, one could spend infinity trying to catch one in the Nowtsphere and while she possibly had that kind of time Azure was vaguely aware that her teammates did not.


Nov 3, 2021
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"This is not a good place to stand in. Too many blindspots." Red agreed as he gripped his axe, his helmet's eyeless gaze scanning the tunnels. "But the wyrm has passed here, without a doubt. We could follow and finish it. We have the greater numbers. Overwhelm it, rip and tear it apart..."

He spoke with a low growl as if anticipating a fight. The great silver axe that Red carried shone a wicked silver gleam as if sensing its master's killing intent. But then he paused, and the growl was gone and the axelight dulled.

"What do you think we should do, Ivory?" he asked, turning towards the little spider.


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Nov 3, 2021
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"The seolforwyrm has the advantage down here. Clearly, it knows these tunnels. We do not. And we do not know which tunnels lead to another exit," the Black Knight explained. But after some thinking, he added "Although... this is not the usual work of a seolforwyrm. A tunnel system like this is uncharacteristic of one."


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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"Back up the way we came down or further in?" Azure asked with clear hesitation on the latter half of her question but her gaze was fixed directly on Ivory. As such a new member of the team she didn't know about the experience of the others and only looked to the one designated as leader. That resonated with her emotionally for some reason even if she didn't understand why. As for their quarry well it was beginning to seem like chasing a f'shryn in her home sphere. Wily little things that they are, one could spend infinity trying to catch one in the Nowtsphere and while she possibly had that kind of time Azure was vaguely aware that her teammates did not.

Ivory seemed surprised by her question, then looked around frantically and unknowingly. It took a few seconds, but he soon noticed the hidden entrances and tunnels all around the group. He almost jumped with the revelation, then kept looking around, flinching each time he saw a new tunnel entrance.

"This is not a good place to stand in. Too many blindspots." Red agreed as he gripped his axe, his helmet's eyeless gaze scanning the tunnels. "But the wyrm has passed here, without a doubt. We could follow and finish it. We have the greater numbers. Overwhelm it, rip and tear it apart..."

He spoke with a low growl as if anticipating a fight. The great silver axe that Red carried shone a wicked silver gleam as if sensing its master's killing intent. But then he paused, and the growl was gone and the axelight dulled.

"What do you think we should do, Ivory?" he asked, turning towards the little spider.

"Um. Shoot." He adjusted his legs and stood in a more regal, thoughtful pose. His right claw reached to stroke his chin, but met the scarf and mask he was wearing, then stroked anyway. His other claw formed a loose; alien fist that he allowed his elbow to rest on. He thought like this for a moment before answering, his brow furrowing.

"Ah," he said, his brow raising and his right hand raising to point a single claw towards the ceiling of the Carnesphere, "we should try to see if these are related! Yep, makes sense."

He produced a small, glass orb with a little pin rotating in it. It was a metamagical compass specifically designed and calibrated for Rift navigation. Each of the members of the group had one tucked away somewhere, though some used them much more than others. Ivory puzzled over navigation for a brief few seconds while the Black Knight put in their two cents.

"The seolforwyrm has the advantage down here. Clearly, it knows these tunnels. We do not. And we do not know which tunnels lead to another exit," the Black Knight explained. But after some thinking, he added "Although... this is not the usual work of a seolforwyrm. A tunnel system like this is uncharacteristic of one."

After, he pointed with his unused claw towards a fleshy wall. It clearly had another hidden entrance behind it, although it was a little better and more rigorously hidden than each of the others, curtained with flab over flab of flesh and skin.

"The crossover should be that way from here. So..." he looked at it, a smile visible in the corners of his eyes, which quickly released their muscles as he frowned. "O shoot."

He scratched his head. "I think there might be a tunnel in the direction of the crossover. I do not think we can ignore this!"

Anxiety touched his voice and he walked towards it, then dramatically peeled back the layers of flesh and held his head with both claws nervously. Behind, the tunnel kept going straight for some distance, disappearing into blood-mist and darkness.
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Jun 11, 2022
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Amber was relieved to hear that the mission was still on track, but still unnerved by their detour.

"We should have someone more sure of foot take the lead this time, perhaps Black or Red?"

With his eyes on Ivory for direction, the spider's anxiety concerned Amber even more. After a moment, he queried.

"And what is it this time, sir? More traces of predators?"

Over Yandere

Nov 4, 2021
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Azure nodded in agreement with Ivory's statement about the tunnel, this seemed like an astute assumption to her. "I'm quite happy with being in the middle," Azure added as they began to discuss a sort of marching order for the exploration / traversal towards the convergence point. She then looked to the others to see if they agreed or not. From what she understood, such things were important to outsiders. Agreement and all that not to mention the the collaborative process of decision making.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Amber was relieved to hear that the mission was still on track, but still unnerved by their detour.

"We should have someone more sure of foot take the lead this time, perhaps Black or Red?"

With his eyes on Ivory for direction, the spider's anxiety concerned Amber even more. After a moment, he queried.

"And what is it this time, sir? More traces of predators?"
Ivory's eyes frowned at the mention of changing the marching order. It did not please him, but he was too embarrased by his blunder to object. Though, he would had liked to. Verily. Instead, he latched onto Amber's last comment.

"It's important! I know it is!" He fidgeted with the flab of meat in his claws as he squalled.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The Black Knight could tell Ivory was getting flustered, though, he was not sure it would be a logical idea to attempt to claim temporary leadership of the group using this opportunity. Instead, he attempted to press Ivory on his reasoning. "How do you know it is?" he asked bluntly. "We only just discovered this area."


Nov 3, 2021
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Red turned his helmet towards his companions as Black Knight questioned Ivory. He felt a pang of annoyance. They should be moving on or retreating. Hesitation was a sure death. His old self would have tried to assert dominance, to command but then again his old self didn't care for anything or anyone. He was best left in the past.

Finding no useful words to bring out, he shrugged.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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The Black Knight could tell Ivory was getting flustered, though, he was not sure it would be a logical idea to attempt to claim temporary leadership of the group using this opportunity. Instead, he attempted to press Ivory on his reasoning. "How do you know it is?" he asked bluntly. "We only just discovered this area."
"The tunnel goes right to the crossover! It's- This isn't normal!" Ivory exclaimed, flabbergasted that the others were not taking to what he thought was an obvious lead.
Red turned his helmet towards his companions as Black Knight questioned Ivory. He felt a pang of annoyance. They should be moving on or retreating. Hesitation was a sure death. His old self would have tried to assert dominance, to command but then again his old self didn't care for anything or anyone. He was best left in the past.

Finding no useful words to bring out, he shrugged.
Seeing Red shrug, Ivory read; and also understood through logical conclusion, that time was of the essence in this situation. He looked at the Black Knight, then Amber, then Azure and Red.

"Ok. If I am right, we need to move now, anyway. We might not know for certain where that tunnel goes." He points to the straight tunnel going directly where the crossover was meant to occur, "So, we should continue the way we were already going. Quickly."

Over Yandere

Nov 4, 2021
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Azure listened to the exchange with great interest, her helmet shining in Ivory's direction in such a way that it indicated she was staring at him. Possibly, the light even becoming a nuisance depending on how sensitive his eyes were to such things. Though at the same time indicating that she was listening to him intently. However once he suggested they move quickly she nodded softly and just turned to begin walking at a brisk pace down the indicated tunnel to the crossover. Something about the exchange between the others seemed to put a bounce in her step. A light green, almost bordering on a slight yellow, misty aura floated around her fingers like a mini nebula as she moved. However it began to fade the further she got away from the group. "C... C'mon boys lets get to it..." she called back to the others with a slight twinge of unease to her voice.


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Jun 11, 2022
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Despite his concerns, Amber reluctantly concurred with the others.

"Nothing much to be gained by sticking around. Just please, for the love of Turcen, don't be jumping down any more holes this time. And keep your eyes wide open. Something's definitely off."

As if this whole mission didn't feel off from the start, he thought to himself before following behind Azure.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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The group had walked for some time down the fleshy, blood-mist ridden tunnel. Compared to the terrain they were trekking through above, this was easy. The floor was smooth and at a gentle incline. It would had begun to occur to some members of the Rift Knights that at any moment the tunnel could make a sharp turn, wasting their time, despite their reasonable assumptions. Yet, even with this source of potentially tremendous anxiety, the burrow never turned or swayed. Perhaps finding the correctness of his theory a little hard to believe, Ivory took out his orbicular compass again to make absolute certain that the tunnel was not sneakily making an extremely subtle turn somewhere while the group walked. The needle of the compass did not move.

"Not even a sudden spin." Ivory remarked quietly to himself. If the compass had made such a movement, it would be indicative that they had encountered non-euclidean terrain. Although, admittedly, this occurrence was unlikely in the Carnesphere, which was naturally euclidean.

At this rate, it would had seemed that the group would make it to the crossover faster than if they had trekked normally. Although relieving, this was also even more concerning. It meant that this seolforwyrm, if it truly was responsible for this tunnel system, did indeed require fast access to the location where the crossover would appear. Who would even know why?


Nov 3, 2021
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"Ivory." Red's gruff voice called out from his place in the rear. "Remind me again, why does the worm seek the crossover? Is it merely attempting to migrate like a beast or does it harbor some nefarious intellect behind its eyes?"

Red would be the first to admit he was the most attentive student of lectures. Usually, the simple matter of his axe was enough to cull any beast.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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"I... Uh..." Ivory scratched his head with a claw, holding the compass in the other. "Well, they are definitely somewhat smart, right?"

"I think they have politics and territory disputes or something," he elaborated, "maybe they have 'battles of wits' too?"

He clearly was not very knowledgeable about this particular creature. All of his intellect was used in deciphering these tunnels; At least to the extent that he had already managed.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The Black Knight gazed at Ivory. Despite the fact that it could not be seen under his helmet, he was most certainly raising an eyebrow. He was concerned about how unsure Ivory was of this situation. On top of falling down in the first place, it now seemed like the spider knight was using pure guesswork. "You... think?" he asked, matter-of-factly. His tone showed he was suspicious of this theory's credibility, though open to hear the reasoning.