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M The children of the sky.



Nov 3, 2021
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(Started as a JP)
Writers involved: A Bibor Farkas, Aistiva.
Location: Continent of Drokai

Across the verdant twilight sky, came a massive white ship, now enveloped in flames, the systems strained by the chaotic magicks of the planet, pulling one million souls abruptly to the ground. The flames could be seen by both continents, as the glowing orb began to streak through the sky. As its trajectory changed a quarter of the foriegn ship broke apart over ravaryn, screaming to the ground in various smaller pieces, followed by the larger chunk of the Ship. The alarm still wailing as the largest piece makes its home near Moloka’i beach scattering pieces of metal, scrap and even bodies throughout a 2 kilometer radius, the electrical systems still sparking after the crash into the soft sand. Scattered around the wreckage are large Sarcophagus like containers, their windows fogged so as to not see what was inside, The crash itself could be heard throughout the region, causing smaller secondary explosions, sending supplies, parts, and more scrap across the Beach. The explosion caused several small fires around the vicinity, some of the Sarcophagus like containers were broken, mangled and shattered bodies or worse, appendages of humanoid creatures also dotted the area, the gruesome scene at last became eerily quiet after the initial carnage, as the death throes of the alarm could still be heard until the reserve power finally gave way to the damages.
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the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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The disturbances came in waves of scattered light flickering over a star speckled sky as the gods rained their magick down, a guard gasping for breath as he hurried to her quarters. There was an abrupt knock, fist pounding against the chambers of her door. Anaru straightened in her seat at her desk at the violence of the notion, irritation plain across her face. Pastel and cream wings tightened, feathers stretching stiffly as she cocked her head slightly in the direction of the door. “Sha?” (yes?) came her short snap as the door flung open. Anaru turned looking up and down his quaking shaking frame, judgment - and disappointment lurked in those golden pools as he fought to grasp for oxygen and the reason for his intrusion. “Yu aren’t keeping ai waiting cyril are yu?” (you aren’t keeping me waiting Cyril, are you?) it made him wince, fumbling but finally gaining traction he quickly shook his head. “N-no ma’am, but you...you have to come see this right away. Eleutheria rains down upon us” Anaru’s eyes would widen ever so slightly, a genuine smile touching her lips as she rises from her desk and glides from the room. An epitome of grace, and power.

“Kom op,” (come) a single phrase commands them, Cyril among a small following consisting of another guard and a priest fall in line with her. Always a step behind. The sky is alight as they break from confining walls, her angular face tilting up watching in awe as the pillars of magick descend, falling stars finding their way home. The entire village is awake now, pouring from their homes to gaze skyward, some scared, some wondrous. There’s a hushed echo of voices that begins to rise and many of them attempt to start forward hungrily. Anaru’s gaze snaps to the guard at her right, a command whispered to keep them from bombarding the object. Although many have already stopped once they see their Dame’s presence, and the others are handled quickly, ordered to stay in the village until they know what’s happening. For their safety, she tells them, leaving them to watch their brave Matriarch disappear into the fray.

Once they are beyond the village, it only takes a glance before the woman is in shift. She tucks her wings against her hips she is followed curtly by her company now a small pack of large wolves huddled close as they cross the sands. They approach the scatter of pieces left behind as the screaming noise dies, flames lapping at her peripheral, unphased Anaru’s amber hues are locked on the prize. Pulling ahead masking the excitement by keeping her strides delicate. Bringing the party to a halt at a relatively safe distance with the pause of her steps, long tufted ears draw forward. The scene before them is a canvas of death. The priest nearly doubles over himself, and the guards look on with wide eyes in stunned horror.

Anaru observes quietly, dignified - empty.


Nov 3, 2021
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The Scene before the small group was an eerie calm, despite the violence of the crash. Several of the large Sarcophagus looking containers began to make a loud beeping noise. Before one sound overtook any and all other noises in the vicinity. A loud boom as if thunder crashed directly in front of the small group. Boom, again the inhumanly loud banging erupted from near the torn entrance to quarter of the Ships fuselage.

From inside the cryo pod, the emergency protocol began its starting faze. As the blood began to be pumped back into her body, the system slowly heating the pod up to assist in the thawing process. The alarm went off on her suit, activating the armor panel mounting. With a loud hiss the pod had finished its mounting and blood transfusion. As the systems did their job, Violent flashes of a burned out world, buildings crumbling and. Bodies everywhere assaulted her mind, her heart rate increased more and more until with a violent gasp for air, she was awake, her emerald eyes looking at the red lenses, her HUD now giving positive diagnostics to the wearer. As the second alarm began to sound, she knew it was the door. But this time, it did not lift open. Something felt wrong, as the door jerked to lift, its seal never broke. The door was not moving. With a quick thought still fuzzy from the thawing process, nauseous and tired, she began to kick at the door, again…...again…...again and finally the seal broke, her cybernetics whirled to life and ejected the door skyward before it crashed down on the mangled fuselage of the ship.

One red armored glove grabbed the side of the pod as Elise began to lift herself up. Her red lenses of her helmet heads up display flashing their crimson glow. As she stood her head began to turn, slowly, surveying the world she had landed on, and quickly realizing, this was not their destination. Detaching her M5 Spatha type sidearm from her side, she continued to look around, before seeing a certainly strange sight. Three possibly four...wolves, and one that appeared to have wings. The confusion upon her face, hidden by her respirator and helmet, was slowly falling back to concern as she watched the group carefully.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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The scene was unsettling, a shower of foreign materials littered her home, the likes of which none of them had seen before, shards of metal, and deafening screams parallel to the great serpents who owned the seas. None except for what was believed to belong to the elusive Elivagar, which outsiders could only observe from a distance. She stood composed, head seated high upon her shoulders, her eyes shifting only to scan their surroundings only to lock back onto the cocoon that blared against her ears. But if Anaru felt any concern, or fear - she didn’t show it, not allowing even a sliver to surpass the bulletproof honeyed glass of her eyes.

It was the loud crack of thunder that brought the woman to shift her stance slightly, craning her neck, eyes trailing skyward in anticipation for the flashes of light bound to follow the noise. The guards followed her notion. Nothing came, the evening sky clear, the woman furrowed her brows as the sound came in repetition. Anaru’s lips began to curl, hackles raising down her spine, a predator's eyes locking onto the beast. However her attention would be pulled swiftly as Cyril moved in her peripheral he took two strides forward pushing her back with his body. Whether the shove was intentional or not Anaru didn’t care, her jaws gaped in a snarl, teeth snagging his ear as she shoved back into him to retake her place at the front of the pack.

Just as the brief dispute took place, the chunk of metal launched from the pod, and the tension, fear and anxiety among her small group bubbles. Their insistent low growls are like nails on a chalkboard. But all fall into a short silence when the strange creature draws itself from inside the metal shell, while her group secedes to their fears, Anaru’s ears perk slightly in peaked interest. ...What is this? Her thoughts were cut short as her secondary guard launched his attack before she could stop him.

He uses his rear legs as a launch pad to rapidly close the distance between himself and the threat, it only takes a few strides for him to reach it. Mouth gaping wide he aims to clamp down hard on the creature's forearm, a nasty crunch against the steel that rattles his jaw. It gives under the pressure of his bite, contorting and caving in, now jagged pieces slicing into his gums. He clamps down hard, digging his claws into the soil, eyes narrowed and ears flat against his skull a loud ripple of growls reverberating through the material.

She could stop Cyril however, he moved to follow suit but Anaru was faster. She pivoted on her heel with a snarl, her teeth wrapped tightly around his muzzle (not quite making it halfway around his snout) pushing her weight into him. Cyril went to the ground with relative ease and a loud thump, knowing better than to resist.


Nov 3, 2021
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Elise watched the beast begin to dart towards her as her proximity alarm began to ring in the helmet. The crunch of her armor came as a surprise, as it's inner gel lining cushioned the bite, causing little to no issue despite the overall damage. The initial force of the attack rocked her body, the servos whirring wildly in her legs as the system planted her weight, digging into the ground. The pistol in her hand clicked but to no avail. Dropping it from the armored glove now in the snarling maw of the beast. Elise growled in frustration, an armored elbow coming into the ear of the wolf. As it staggered, letting go of her gauntlet. Taking the miniscule chance to clear the drop pod. Elise stood now in the open, seeing the other two fighting. Only confusing her further, before looking back at the beast. Drawing her long khukri like service blade, the red lenses staring unwavering, , as a hand motioned for it to come.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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The beast ignores her empty threats, naive to the weapon she points at his skull, he tightens his grip. Clamping down tighter, giving a sharp shake meant to tear flesh from bone. But the armor would only grind and groan beneath powerful jaws. Like nails on a chalkboard the foreign material sent chills rolling down his spine, bringing forth a low guttural growl in the base of his throat cut short by muffled collision and searing pain through his ear canal. His sensitive ears rang, releasing his grip with a sharp yelp as he shook his head violently, a paw coming to his face as he stumbled. Regaining his focus the brute huffed defiantly at the demons taunting hand mouth gaping with a snarl as he lurched forward. Barreling at its chest he appeared initially to be charging like any beast would, head on and blinded by fury certain to deliver his bite again. At the last moment he would turn, giving his shoulder instead to try and knock it off balance and into the dirt.


Nov 3, 2021
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The massive wolf came barreling into Elise's hips, the sheer force, upon just waking up, had a less than optimal halt. Instead, the impact pushed her, armor and all to the ground, striking the helmets, emergency detach switch near where the ear would be located, as the HUD shut down the respirator ejected forward as the upper mask lifted above for head of the helmet, detaching from the suit with a hiss, her lip now bloody. Ears rung as her eyes adjusted, before the sudden gasp for air. Now realizing the force had knocked the wind from her lungs. Then came the coughing as air rapidly returned, in a rush, the woman rolled closer to the beast throwing a kick from the ground that landed with a sickening crack, her cybernetics whirring. Before scrambling to her feet, spitting blood from her mouth. Elise took a breath, using a gloved hand to slick her hair back, followed by the sudden snap of a specialty sheath. Her long, heavy headed combat knife now in her right hand, looking through the beast. Her emerald eyes ignited like a copper fed flame. She stood waiting, like a predator for prey.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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His body barrels into it, hitting roughly with a violent thud of flesh against metal followed by the satisfying collapse of the beast, and for a moment it almost appears as if the wolf is smirking. Teeth barely visible beneath his lips in toothy grin, ears sliding atop his crown at attention as the face of the creature distorted, peeling away in a horrifying manner like flesh being peeled from bone. But there was no blood spewing, no sound of the ripping and tearing of skin and muscle. He huffed, audits drawing back pinning against his head as he whipped his head around to look at Anaru and his comrades in question. Searching for answers upon his Matriarch's face like she might have some clue what the hell was happening. The moment where his attention faltered came with swift punishment as the strike hit him square in the ribs. A sickening crack followed by sharp gasping yelps. The brute stammered away from her a few steps, quivering at the welling pain but adrenaline pushed him forward. His head whirling back to face the creature, lips peeling back in a snarl ─ only to pause lips falling with the hint of confusion building in golden eyes, the rage that burned in his chest suddenly dropped turning into a rock in his stomach.

It - no.

The man gave a brief shake of his head to pull himself back to reality, eyes catching Anaru and his brother in arms with his peripheral, there was no turning back now. He’d have to finish what he started. The lycan propelled forward, jaws gaping as he lunged to tackle her to the ground. Her.


Nov 3, 2021
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A light yet gravelly voice came from the blond haired woman. Her emerald eyes locking on the charging wolf. "Come on you fucking mutt! For being a big bastard, you aren't too bright." Her hands come up on the defensive, stepping to the side as he blindly charged towards the armored woman. They begin to dart at each other, one after the other. Elise with her blade, cutting deep gashes into the beast, while the large wolf continued snapping his jaws, glancing off of her armour several times before biting down on her armored forearm again. Another crunch was audible before Elise kicked the beast to the side jumping back to make slight distance between the two. Her maneuvering gear jets to life,slamming into his side, raking the blade across the beast's throat, releasing a torrent of crimson blood, steaming as it begins to rush out from the beast. Elise steps towards him as his legs begin to lose their strength, kicking him into the ground before sitting down on a crate, her bloodied glove slicking her blonde hair once more, brushing some of the crimson spray from her face smudging it further, slamming a boot on the muzzle of the wolf as she gains her footing, looking over to the other two. "What the hell are you two looking at? You mutts want to end up like him?"


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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“And now I’ve locked my sights on you ─
There's a million reasons you should run away
But you look like a fighter”

Slowly she let Cyril up from her grasp, jaws peeling back away from his, keen auric eyes fixed on the scene unraveling before her. Her company righted himself, softly shaking his head Cyril's eyes flicked to Anaru, catching the predatorial look he’d seen so many times before. Even as she let him up, and he moved away her eyes did not budge. It still made him uneasy and in turn he took a half step back before his eyes went back to the fight. Anaru became entranced in every move and the world around the edges of her vision got lost to gray. A flicker of possession growing alight, she knew an asset when she saw one.

As an outsider looking in, she could assess the situation carefully and calculate every detail. From his chosen approach, to the sound it made when his muscles collided with this creature - the sound alone told her it wasn’t flesh that covered this thing's body. Her attention focusing heavily on the foreign beast than her own, she cared little about the man's fate and determined a likely outcome only halfway through the battle. His sacrifice would be a necessary learning experience.

Her gaze danced up to him as the man whirled on his heels, and when his eyes met her own it was clear he knew too. Anaru offered only the slightest dip of her muzzle, so subtle it would be difficult to notice in the flurry of excitement. As the Matriarch her acknowledgement to his sacrifice would assure him that Eluetheria would be waiting to honor him, he had a warm welcome coming. And finally ─ he fell, in a cardinal shower, his lifeless frame slumping as the victor slammed her foot upon his skull. Cyril tensed, but Anaru offered him a warning look, and stepped forward, unsure what exactly the stranger was shouting at them.

Graceful strides carried her closer, as her form began to change, a delicate face replacing her muzzle, with full pastel pink hair tied back in the same beads which had tamed the fur around her neck. The tips of her hair dusted with a rainbow of pastels. A thin, lightweight fabric covers her pale skin, and her feathers and wings remain, she harbors no weapons and no armor. She pauses a fair distance from the woman tracing her fingers along a large piece of metal from the wreck, “...Where yu don kom op kom?” (where did you come from?)


Nov 3, 2021
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Struck dumb with what she had witnessed, now able to breathe for a moment. Elise walked back to dust off her side arm, flipping a switch with her index finger to reverse the mag rail conversion. Allowing the weapon to fire chemically, before holstering it. Turning back to the now one giant wolf and the woman now dressed in an almost palpable amount of pastels, she couldn't help but laugh in bewilderment. "Are we going to ignore that you just changed from that?" She pointed to the now dead guard, "to...that…" motioning Anaru's frame up and down. "Your language is different from mine but I can barely understand pieces. I came...I...I crashed." She looked around at the Carnage, the reality of what had happened now sinking into the confines of her mind.

Taking in the Scene, she breathed shakily, and picked up her helmet in one hand. Pointing to the sky with a flat hand moving it up before making her digits seem like they were flying,then making a noise and balling her fist. Hopefully symbolizing the idea of a crash. pushing her hand out from the center, fluttering her fingers to simulate the explosion. "We crashed, but there might be other survivors like me. And if you two decide to attack, you will be deemed an enemy of the Company. Therefore termination is required." Her piercing green eyes locked with Anaru's hoping the last bit of her sentence was understood, despite the barrier in language.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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The woman gave a soft tilt of her head at the strangers laughter, a natural response to her confusion, in all honesty this body felt...foreign, and she much preferred her true self. But it proved useful enough, especially in a situation like this. She studied her equipment, what they thought was a strange beast, was actually a person…clad in metal. Her words were foreign, but there were pieces of similarity between the gaps, ignore, changed…words she understood paired with the woman's motioning was enough to stitch it together. Anaru’s pale arms crossed over her chest, folding tightly against the thin fabric and otherwise bare skin prickling against the cold.

Cyril tensed as she reached for the item, a subtle enough hint of body language, but Anaru extended a hand, a sharp “Nou” (no) snapping from her made him flinch, ears dropping as he took a step back. Her eyes never left the stranger, studying the signals, so they came from the sky? The realm of Eleutheria - she’d need time to ponder what exactly this meant. She nodded, though the next words perplexed her, only able to pick out a few, but the few she could were…concerning. Anaru’s brows furrowed, her jaw tensing. Survivors, crashed, company, and termination? There was more, would they attack blindly? No, there was more to this, she said more…but what was she saying? “..company?” she echoed, hoping to express the uncertainty.


Nov 3, 2021
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Elise stared blankly for a moment, the pastel woman before her, looked as lost as a toddler learning to speak. Her head tilting to the side, in most cases would be considered…almost cute, certainly distracting for the Sargeant. "T-The company….Babel." She pointed to the flag on her armor. "Lady Ishtar's own, I am a Soldier…stranded here…my people are lost." Her words trailed off for a moment again, a combination of the side effects from rapid deployment, and the damage she received now reminding the trooper she was still alive. Her gloved hands placed the helmet back on, the respirator hoses, reconnecting with a hiss, before pressing another button that was flush with the chin. Causing the eyes to protrude and lift into where the forehead plate was, as the mask opened dropping down slightly from the face. "If…you" She pointed to anaru with a gloved finger. "Betray or hurt, my people, blood will have blood." Her words hopefully sent a clear message as the armored finger made a thrusting motion, pointing back again to the deceased guard. "Now, can…you…help me?" She spoke slowly and deliberately, this woman was obviously important. But the Sergeant was unsure of how important that truly was.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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Anaru observed quietly, eyes casting to the symbol upon the woman's chest, Babel? Safe to assume this was her people since she wore their emblem on her clothes. She nodded as the woman carried on, able to pick out the words and piece together the story. Soldier, and people - kru it sounded similar enough, stranded here. Anaru’s gaze danced skyward from where the stranger's star had fallen, her eyes coming back as the woman placed the helmet back on her head. She narrowed her eyes briefly, confused as to why she felt she needed it, she only gave a soft shake of her head.

The woman regained Anaru’s focus as she extended an armored hand. “Jus drien jus daun'' she stated with a curt nod of her head. A respectable practice here on Ashiaver. “Betray? Nou” (no) she answered, trying to keep her sentences short so she could understand, picking out the words they shared. Her eyes dropping to the mangled corpse of her ally casually, “He attacked without Ai hedplei, he got chit he deserved'' (He attacked without my command, he got what he deserved)

She offered a nod when the woman asked for their assistance, much to Cyrils dismay, but Anaru wasn’t stupid, and knew a good ally when she saw one. Not to mention where they could have originated from, both of these things considered it was an opportunity she would seize. Gently she lifted a hand, pressing it flat against her chest, “Anaru,” she introduced herself, “Matriarch kom Seirá” (Matriarch of the Seirá) she turned slightly looking the direction they came, and back again.


Nov 3, 2021
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The conversation finally seemed to be going somewhere, Elise listened carefully as the now understood Matriarch Anaru spoke,” Sergeant Elise Calloway BAMF Shock Trooper 1st pl 3rd company "lighting" Battalion 13th Regiment ‘Lady Luck’.” We Serve as Lady Ishtar’s spear, I need to find my…crew,” she stopped taking a breath and a moment to wipe blood from her eye.” You said he got what he deserved? The attack was unprovoked then, I see…” her words trailed off looking past Anaru and her guard, seeing a faint glow in the distance, one that obviously wasn’t additional debris.” Seira? Is that the nation or town?” Her question was simple, still hoping to break through the language barrier. Knowing full well She needed to mend what wounds she had received, as well as gain some sort of orientation. While her suit functioned, it functioned at its weakest capacity, that did not help considering she might be only alone.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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The…introduction was definitely a mouthful, but Anaru was able to catch most of what she’d said. Several of their words correlating, she was able to gather that the woman's name was Elise Calloway, a Sergeant among her people, the ranks weren’t too different for her to put it together. Things got a little jumbled in the middle there, but, crew was well understood, Elise needed to find her people. Anaru gave a few nods, following Elise’ gaze as it drifted to the direction Seira lay off in the distance. “Sha, a town, Ai hou” (Yes, a town, my home) she mused softly. “Kom op, Oso na get Yu fixed up en den Oso na help Yu look gon bilaik kru” (Come, we can get you fixed up and then we can help you look for your crew) she explained, unsure if Elise had much of an idea of what she was saying, so she turned toward Seira, took a few steps and then paused to look over her shoulder, hoping Elise would follow.


Nov 3, 2021
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Elise looked confused slightly but understood enough. Nodding briefly she stepped towards Anaru.”lead the way then, a gloved hand motioned toward the village as she looked back to the wreckage.” I hope we aren't all gone.” the flames danced around the beach burning less than before, as she looked back to the two shifters.” what is that ones issue?” she motioned to Cyril before moving slowly in the direction of the path.
Nov 3, 2022
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No sooner had the estranged party began moving towards the path, a heavy pressure began to befall them. Brilliant wisps of light crackled amongst the ever billowing smoke emanating from the haft of the shipwreck. For a few moments a most forgein sound echoed throughout the husk of the ship’s hull, in a deafening yet muted manner, almost like Ashiaver itself was crying out in agony.

Greg’s eyes parted slowly as an unnatural reverberation pierced his skull. He was becoming increasingly naughtious, so much so it was as if his soul was being ripped from his bones. Fighting through the debilitation the frosty glass of his cryochamber began to materialize. Instinctively his hands pulled for the emergency release, but the door stood unaffected. In his stupor, he repeated the action a few more times, before his cognition violently flooded back to him.

Now fully aware, Greg began to panic. He couldn’t comprehend this predicament he found himself in. The last thing he remembered was agreeing to help a hydroponic farm on a military ship. As his mind fluttered, the nausea and sound intensified. Crimson ribbons streamed from his bloody fists as he began beating the door in a blind fit of anxiety.

Amidst his barrage he caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of the door window. His immaculate combover had somehow morphed into a bald headed man, his eyebrows missing, and his veins were glowing through his skin. Before he could react, thick streams of red electricity began obscuring his vision. His nausea was replaced by a sensation of dying and the sound in his head became a voice… his voice

“Let me go”

In an instant everything goes white. (Greg loses consciousness)