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P The Black planet's Boon



Nov 3, 2021
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After the fateful meeting of Dr. Kiraly and the 2nd Shock. His talents were decided to be utilized, differently from regular ground forces. In one of the many warehouses that lined the Kandar military base, one led to a set of stairs, which descended into a clean grey and white room. The room was slowly filling with flora and fauna samples of their new home. With only a handful of researchers at BTS' disposal currently, it was hard to refuse Dr.István Király's formal request to document, observe and provide priceless intelligence about the plethora of both Flora and Fauna on the black Gem's surface.

István having his own little slice of personal paradise, in that very same Laboratory. Several maps marking out locations of possible flora that grows with a bioluminescent stalk and veins within its leaves line near by tables. A dark colored cigarette, fashioned just barely before the war, pressed tightly to his lips, as he inhaled the sickly sweet scent of the burning cylinder. With a cloudy exhale, the young doctor smiles, his golden eyes peering through circular spectacles, at a recently received report from the research teams Security force. "Area is clear from any currently known predators, research location is now within the current safe zone." Tapping the ash from his cigarette into a makeshift ashtray, István quickly stood from his chair, removing a large sample kit from its rather organized tool mount. Which seemed to be a contrast to the desks seemingly lined mixtures of data pads as well as paper notes, attempted hypotheses and other various theories and findings, of his new home.

Heading for the door with his bag, István would stop, briefly looking to one of his research assistants. A thinner young man, eager to learn and discover, with a little too much faith in his 'goddess' for the good doctors taste, but a reliable assistant nonetheless." Ammon, contact your fellow assistants and have the team meet me at the bus, bring the environmental suits and additional rations. If we can find what this damned Bush does to our local wildlife, for one we might be able to harness it, since they don't seem to like the leaves, as well as it's bioluminescent qualities have been paramount to the 2nd Shocks work in the tunnels." Ammon nodded briefly waving another one of the doctors clouds away from his face, slightly grimacing." I'll make sure we are there Doctor, but could I please ask that you not smoke in the Lab?" His request seeming to fall on deaf ears as István quickly donned his oiled leather coat, similar to the marines uniforms, only varying enough to see he was no soldier. Continuing into the cool breeze, always made colder by the perpetual rain of their new home, this time putting his cigarette out,pressing its now wet contents into the dark colored mud. Shortly arriving to a large motor Poole, a modified transport bus waited, it's engine humming with a low growl, with an older man, gruff in his appearance through the artificial light that cascades through the motor pole, allowing mechanics, technicians and BAMF ground forces alike, to store, maintain and upgrade their equipment. The gruff man stood at roughly six feet, his thicker frame at a glance may have seemed like he was rotund, though not all of his mass was so. A muscular build could be seen closely, the aging mechanic came from a peculiar group of Lusaid refugees that made Ereshkigal their new home. Silverio as he was come to be known, had the bus prepped and waiting for the now eager research team. One by one, all four of István's assistants arrived. All dressed similarly, they began piling onto the vehicle, knowing a briefing would come as they left the safety of the base and its lighthouse.

István counted to himself, taking note of the equipment on board, and the suits that lay in their racks." Everyone, listen- we have a chance to see a massive variation of our current research. Make a note we will still require a name for this damn plant, but for now I'll refer to it as a glowing fern." The team groans for a moment before falling back in line, István chuckling to himself over their anguish." I know you love my original names, anyways...this location is about two kilometers from kandar, at the base of another large hill. Though I'd say it's closer to a small mountain, but I'll argue semantics later. Back to the topic at hand, the largest reported glowing fern is at the base of this hill, I want soil samples, clippings from this specimen and keep an eye out for any dangerous flora. Most Fauna stay away from the area, and that concerns me slightly. So do carry your emergency sidearm. If a storm begins to kick up, return here to the bus and we will wait out the storm. Silverio as always, will stay with the bus and ensure we may return with a vehicle and not on foot. Document, report, observe and take samples. Our work is important for helping out our fellow coworkers. That includes, especially BAMF OST. They have been good to us. Also, this will be yet another triumph to hit that passive aggressive bitch Andrasté over her corporate kowtowing head."

As the bus rumbled along the start of a makeshift path, the vehicle veered to the right, taking, finally; a new path now towards the base of the large hill, whose shadow now began to creep closer and closer. Without delay, the bus finally made it as far as it could travel, reaching the start to a semi dense forest of shadows. The thin trees seeming spindly in appearance coiled around each other, missile entailing other plants, creating a knotted mess for the group. As the bus stopped, large metal arms dropped, sinking into the soft wet soil, as part of the bus opened giving their new temporary lab both light and a place to work. The team quickly exited and donned their modified EVA suits, grabbing bags, data pads and various other tools and instruments, as they began their slight ascent. Once a path was created through the black yarn trees, nicknamed so due to their messy branches, István did his best not to use the bright shoulder mounted light the suit had, opting to use an enhanced visor in his helmet. The team quickly split up, already knowing their duties, as István finally stumbled across their objective. A massive glowing fern, easily as tall as a house, it's almost dull glowing veins and stalk indicated that through the dark and the rain, it was still daytime. Eagerly the young man began taking small clippings of the stalk and leaves, notating every aspect he Could as the others continued their research elsewhere. This was the part he enjoyed the most, the silence. Only work and beauty.
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the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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They'd been observing the new bustle of life from a distance, curiosity driving the enormous creatures on the outer edges of the growing settlement keeping a safe distance as they observed. Their gathering causing heightened conflict amongst individuals fighting amongst themselves, a bustling chaos of snapping teeth, roars and screeching disagreements in competition for the best perch or vantage point. Creating a warning echo for the newcomers of foreign beasts lurking on the horizon.

Sol had been airing on the side of caution with the rest of her kin for a week or more. Something about these newcomers was alluring, and the threat of the Varcolacs inflicted terror acted as a plow; pushing the territorial dragons into each other's space played a role in their current interest in their new company. Sol stretched, rising from the ledge she'd grown content to rest on the rugged mountain. Large black and gray splattered wings rose far above her back reaching skyward as the front half of her body dropped to get that perfect torso stretch. Large jaws gaping simultaneously in a yawn before giving a quick shake of her head, wings gently folding back against her sides. From her aerial view she could see a good majority that occurred below, offering a tilt of her head as the rumble of some metal box fell on her ears. She watched quietly as the clunky object stopped, sinking into the earth and peeling away from which it poured her curious companions like insects spreading out amongst the forest. A single puff of air pushed through her nostrils as she took a step forward, craning her neck over the drop off to try and get a closer look, and without another thought let her wings lift her into the air.

Speckled eyes, dusted like fire opal, would scan the terrain as she glided silently above, landing quietly as she could near the bus - which still made the ground rumble as it took her weight folding her wings tightly against her sides. Sol was wary, knowing nothing about these creatures, instinct assured her she didn’t want to be spotted. Huffing she stretches her neck out and leans down carefully sniffing at the upper corner of the bus's frame. Taking careful steps around the soft soil peeking at the open inside and the clutter of foreign items unaware of the driver, exploring further Sol pushes her nose into the opening on one of the spare suits, the hook on her nose catching the material. Her tail lashes with agitation, a rumble bellowing in her chest taking steps back to pull free knocking loose objects from their tables as the suit drags over them. The suit still stuck leaving her trapped and blind she gives a few quick forceful shakes - no luck. Finally resorting to talons she drops her head and stands on the material shaking her head as she pushes down and pulls the suit releasing after it tears an opening big enough to clear the ridges. A final snort at the tattered pile, before she turns to follow the scent of people deeper in the forest.

When Sol finds him, he’s turned with his back to her, enthralled with the glowing fern in front of him. She approaches slowly, against everything that should be telling her to flee - or attack, drawing her wings in tightly to try and avoid snagging them on the gnarled twists of the trees. Sol’s body is nearly invisible in this setting since she matches it perfectly, her glow kept at a mute green. With no alert to her presence; and no sudden moves she finds her courage and walks right up behind him. Lowering her head to smell, a powerful exhale through her nostrils on the back of his neck ruffling his ponytail.


Nov 3, 2021
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As the dragon shook herself from the suit, the commotion had not fallen on deaf ears. Silverio stumbled back onto his backside, struck dumb by the size of the creature. Watching it as it stormed away, his whole body frozen. An unwillingness to press forward. His mind rushed to the team, yet his hands and feet would not do what they were supposed to do in such a scenario. Finally after what felt like an eternity, the older man felt the almost paralytic stone break from his limbs. Darting into the bus he began to frantically yell over the radio. "There is a massive creature here!! Research team be careful it was just at the bus, it shredded the lab. I'm calling for BAMF support! They told us this area was clear!"

Unbeknownst to the older driver, the radios came through, muffled and covered by a thick blanket of static, all of his yelling only came through as a garbled mess. As for István, his radio was turned off, instead replaced with headphones leading to a small device attached to the suits belt. Playing music, loud and melodic, humming to the tune the Doctor continued towards his glowing fern. Ignorant to the massive reptilian beast behind, taking his helmet off to light a cigarette-taking a deep breath in the sweet smelling cloud filling his lungs as he exhaled through his nose, the soft, cool rain pelted his now exposed hair and face. Reveling in the sensations around him, István had finally noticed, his glasses fogged instantly, followed by a sudden surge of air, slightly projecting him forward. Entirely unsure of what could cause such a thing, his curiosity got the better of his instincts. Frozen for only a moment, his body slowly and stiffly turned around, meeting the gaze of a massive winged reptilian beast. His eyes grew wide with surprise. Slowly pulling the headset to his neck. A look of wonder instead of fear came over his Visage, lost in the dark shades, and size, yet mild bioluminescent features. This creature was a wonder, a new species to be discovered...if he survived. "Hello there, I'm not sure...what to call you...you are incredible." A gloved hand instinctively began to extend out pressing gently against the creature's nose.


the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Sol studied the creature before her, watching expectantly as he slowly pivoted to face her. Her tail slowly snaked back and forth brushing gently against branches and tree limbs pushing against them and causing a slight rustle as if mock wind beckoned them to sway. Sol blew another plume of warm air from her nostrils, her speckled eyes dropping to meet gold hues behind panes of thin glass, in a fleeting moment that would alter the course of their lives forever. The world around them would fade, blurring her peripherals and subtracting reality from her grasp. She quickly became enveloped, enraptured by this man.

A rush of memories and emotions that were not her own flooded her mind and heart. Overwhelmed by the foreign sensation. Thoughts, emotions and souls intertwining in the breath of a single moment. The bioluminescent lights along her body rippled like a wave of chills ricocheted down every cell. She huffed, adjusting her stance slightly, body rocking with her movement as she considered him before slowly pushing the tip of her nose into the warmth of his palm. "You may call me Sol…" she rumbled, her soft words echoing through the man's thoughts.


Nov 3, 2021
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Seeing the sparkling eyes of the massive beast in front of him. István could only stand, a statue frozen in awe of the wondrous creature before him. His golden orbs dilated as memories of locations, feelings in ways he never connected, or correlated. ”You…You… can speak? Better yet? I understand!?" A breathy chuckle escaped the doctors lips, lost to the sounds of his radio screaming for his attention. "Sol…my name is Doctor, István kiraly. You may call me István” he chuckled in disbelief, his hand rubbing softly the large muzzle of the large reptilian beast in front of him. Snapping back to reality. Isvan could hear his radio again.”Doctor Kiraly!! Istvan are you there!? A massive animal is heading your way!! You need to vacate now! We are abandoning the mission! I repeat we are abandoning the mission!” The younger doctor looked up into the sky, the cool rain falling on his face once more, before looking again to the creature called Sol.” You are amazing. I have so many questions as I am sure you do as well.” a gloved hand pressed against the radio.”This is doctor Kiraly, everything is fine, I have made contact with the animal and we have made a breakthrough gentlemen. I will be here for some time.” his hand once again slowly pressed against the face of his new companion, running along the side of her neck lost in the amazement of their connection.”This is truly wonderful.”


the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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She stood, leathered skin rippling as she took in this new sensation, memories, emotions, thoughts. None of them her own, and yet within the blink of a moment; all of them were. Her powerful breath causes her nostrils to flare slightly as Sol cranes her head in response to the man's surprise. "I - suppose..yes...although this has…never happened before" she mused, her thoughts hesitant at best. Her ears ringing against the screaming of his radio, multi-colored eyes remained focused on him as she carefully pressed the tip of her snout into his hand so as to not knock him over.

She pushed out a heavy breath, leathered skin quivering against the noise that rattled from his hip. A reptilian clicking emanating from her throat was a shear sign of her distaste. “Certainly,” she rumbled softly, eyes following his hand, her head pivoting as he trailed along her neck, following the speckled light that trailed her skin like thousands of fireflies. She felt completely safe here, “Istvan - how did you get here?” you…and yours, even what she didn’t say would be clear to him. Every intent, every emotion, and every thought - spoken or otherwise.


Nov 3, 2021
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The curiosity of both individuals weighed heavily on his shoulders, as István took his time to think of a proper explanation."My people came from the stars, to find a new home. The leader of our people traveled here long before we ever thought to leave, to give us a new chance supposedly." His words danced from his lips with a facetious mockery when referring to Lady Ishtar. "We landed some time ago and have begun making excursions like this one, to better understand the local flora and fauna. To better live with it, and how best to use this planet's resources to better our lives, so we may colonize other planets and people will not need to live in fear of constant war…not like before." His words became cold as flashes of the heavens war filled Sol's mind as István became lost in them for a moment. The pain, disgust and loss was almost palettable.

Stepping back for a brief moment, the Doctor pulled his radio out, taking a deep breath. "Team, leave all of the water and rations, as well as one terminal. I know my way back, I will stay here understanding this…endragon, this creature. My reports will be in mass detail. "The radio gre silet for a moment before it roared alive once again "Understood, we will vacate for now. We will return with BAMF support." István sighed mildly annoyed before pressing the radio once more." Understood. Tell them to approach slowly when they do, she means no harm to us." The radio began to crackle
Before giving out. Turning back to his new companion István chuckled once again, still lost in her reptilian form and bioluminescent spines. "Once I have my supplies we should return to a cave, away from predators and have a full conversation. Do you understand?" His last words more to confirm the two understood each other completely.


the Dragon of Sol
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Nov 3, 2021
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There came a slight tilt of her head, nose pitching to a gentle angle as he told his story, her flecked eyes mimicked the galaxies Istvan called his place of origin, a blue base and a thousand yellow stars within. Many creatures might be opposed to this, strangers making a home out of a land that was not theirs. But with their newfound bond, something inside her knew - there was certainly no way they could be apart. And with him, carried the chance at opportunity; to free her kin of their own demons. Their memories came in a shared collision weaving between each other as Sol’s mind too flickered to memories of past wars.

The onslaught of beasts that hungered their hearts. Varcolacs. Hideous monsters that ripped young dragons from their clutches and worked together to bring down the adults, the two species had been at war for as long as she could remember. Driving the Endragons to the edges of their territories, into distant mountains and every ruinous corner of the world while they thrived on the misery of her blood. Silence settled over the pair as they shared in each other's strife, nostrils flaring with a strong breath, she blinked and rose her head to find the man's eyes again. “We…share a similar fate…” she mused grimly. “We can aid each other,” she affirmed. “I can help you navigate this world…if you will help keep us safe behind your walls, I can lend you my strength, my wings, and my knowledge”

She fell into silence allowing him a moment to consider her proposal as he worked to communicate with his kind, through that…strange box. Sol allowed herself to become distracted in observing it, clicking and rumbling her vocals adjusting her wings that were still tucked neatly against her sides as it crackled and roared. She turned back to him, dipping her head in a nod of acknowledgement, “I can take you to mine” she proposed, it was high up, secure enough from the monsters that lurked on the floor.


Nov 3, 2021
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This breakthrough was sure to go down in history. István stood before this..Endragon, dark frame only contrasted still by the glow of the large bioluminescent fern behind the pair, it's soft blue glow dancing off of the shine provided by the perpetual rain. The Doctor pondered for a moment on The words of Sol, as he began to form his own." I would like that, I believe we can come to an understanding and I may have answers to how our people can assist your kind. I must speak with my superiors once I return,for now."

The Doctor made his way through the foliage and returned with a large bag containing his supplies."Let us get away from the rain, I will build a fire and we can keep warm and discuss more about one another. I have so many questions. Is it alright if I refer to you as Sol? What is your culture like, this planet's regions, how do they differ?" It seemed his questions could go on indefinitely however, he stopped to catch himself. As the man took a deep breath his excitement still showed plainly on his face." I am ready to leave, I trust we will be safe for the time being. I…just seem to know, you are Genuine and truly wish to see our people working together. I would agree, our struggles have shaped our peoples lives. Let's do our best to ensure that mission will continue." With that said the man stepped near Sols shoulder a gloved hand still tracing her muscular arms and legs. Slender yet dense with muscle. Her leather like skin was dense yet not so much so that pressure meant nothing


the Dragon of Sol
Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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" I would like that, I believe we can come to an understanding and I may have answers to how our people can assist your kind. I must speak with my superiors once I return, for now." She only nodded, her agreement would be able to be felt by the man. She didn't understand how she knew she could trust him, take his words for truth, a stranger, an alien to her world. And she was prepared to lay it all on the line, let him understand her home, and hopefully be able to convince others of her kind - to do the same. These aliens could be great allies, and she knew, through some otherworldly force that she could trust him; him alone. It didn't speak on Sol's outlook to the rest of his people. Speckled eyes followed him as he made his way through the dense foliage, disappearing for a moment, Sol raised her head at the distant cries of foreign beasts her eyes returning to him as he came back. "Let us get away from the rain, I will build a fire and we can keep warm and discuss more about one another. I have so many questions. Is it alright if I refer to you as Sol? What is your culture like, this planet's regions, how do they differ?" the corners of her lips played up in an amused smirk at his growing interest and excitement she could feel as if it were her own. The dragon gave a light shake of her head that rippled down her back. "Sol is fine, that is my name after all," she rumbled. "My culture?" she chuckled. "I'm not sure we have one of great significance - we don't exactly get along" she added.

"I am ready to leave, I trust we will be safe for the time being. I…just seem to know, you are genuine and truly wish to see our people working together. I would agree, our struggles have shaped our peoples lives. Let's do our best to ensure that mission will continue." her eyes followed as he came alongside her, admittedly impressed by his bravery, many of the smaller fauna here fled at the sight of the dragons, apex predators, second only to the Varcolacs. And these creatures lacked in both size and strength. No wings to carry them, no size to aid them, no sharp teeth or claws. Their skin bare of any defenses. Peculiar little creatures; a wonder they survived. She craned her head to acknowledge him before adjusting her wings and lowering onto her belly, brushing her nose against his shoulder in a light nudge. "Come on, up you go. I can't expect you to walk you'll never make it" she offered her front leg so he could use it as a step, though even so knowing he'd likely need a push - there wasn't exactly anything to grab onto.