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P [Sirris II Expedition Stage 1] Remember kids, the local wildlife is not your friend!



Vaigarin Elder
Nov 3, 2021
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Medusa Expanse - 011030:6 (Sirris II, Sanctuary System)
The Obsidian Wilds (Local Name: None Provided)

The trip to Orgar City had thus far, proven to be taking far longer than expected. This was primarily due to the flora which the convoy was having to fight it's way through to reach the city, as they were taking the directmost route there as opposed to following the already existing trails and roads. On most worlds, the terrain wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem since the vehicles that comprised the convoy were designed for extremely rough terrain in the worst conditions that Duskarian (and Hassani technically since some of it was that old of a design) minds could come up with for nearly any planet they found. What they hadn't bet on, was a forest that had seemed normal until they entered it four days after leaving the walls.

From afar, it looked like any other kind of forest that one could find in textbooks and on the many Duskarian colonies on other planets in the stellar region. But as the convoy approached, they realized that the trees just kept getting larger. And larger. And yet larger still. Soon they entered a forest that had trees large enough that their width was nearly the same as that of the vehicles the convoy was using. And were tall enough that they rivaled Obsidian City and Skylador's skyscrapers.

But it wasn't until the expedition managed to get into the forest proper that they encountered the real majesty of it all. The tree canopy here was so thickly woven together that it was like they'd all been plunged into night, with only the glow of luminescent mushrooms and other assorted flora like ferns and some grasses that kept it from being impossible to see with the naked eye. The headlights of course, helped matters, as did the spotlight someone hastily mounted onto one of the trucks so they could swing it around and look either side of the convoy and see what lay beyond.

Of course, the challenge that faced the convoy now, was that the root systems of all these behemoths of trees made traveling a very uncomfortable and extremely bumpy ride, when they were able to move the vehicles at all forward. As it was, the Pathfinder was busy talking with two of the security personnel while holding up a holographic display of the convoy's formation and pointing at it.

Elizabeth herself was sitting on the top of the lead IFV, her eyes steadily sweeping the forest around them. Sure, she had another cigarillo in her mouth, but this one was unlit and her hands were firmly holding the black powder rifle she had laid across her lap. They'd been in this forest for, by the Duskarian clock, 3 days now, and if the projections were correct, they'd made a whole of 20 kilometers of distance fighting their way through the trees and foliage around them. On one hand, this was exactly the sort of thing the expedition was supposed to learn and figure out. On the other hand though, it was almost disheartening to know that their progress could very well be this tedious in many more places, since this was considered 'truly natural' terrain, untouched by any kind of civilization in all of known history.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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We, the sentient machine of the group, was riding on the tailgate of the rear vehicle. A magnetic launcher was braced on their shoulder covering, plunging path marking devices deep into the dirt as they went. Without the support of satellite under two layers of thick canopy, this would provide the next best form of tracking. Those back at the other end, could keep track of the daisy chain's length, as well as gauge idling time in between additions to said chain. The idea was simple, even if what was needed, was not.

"Current progress denotes, that efficiency would have been greatly improved with a industrial cutting machine leading point. Given density of local flora, would it have not been more prudent to have brought an efficient means of cutting a path?", the machine asked as it communicated it's findings on the expedition's open channel. Data was always accumulating in its trio of cores, the three throwing their own fields of knowledge at its understanding. One could almost say that We was like a person, who had a brain with three lobes instead of two. Even if in truth, the three parts, used to in fact be separate entities long ago.

It was not the leader, neither did it carry any desire to be so, but the data still gave it urge to communicate such thoughts. In the act of itself, was a small pleasure to the AI. Which seemed to make it, as it had a fondness perhaps? Something about sharing data and ideas was so fascinating, and elicited such natural positive stimuli for it.


Dec 12, 2022
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Frank would be riding with We, before answering his question. "I'm pretty sure an industrial cutting machine would either be gummed up with all the vines or get stuck in the muck of this planet pretty easily." thinking for a moment while riding shotgun he would turn to yell back to We. "Hey out of curiosity do you mind if I call you something other than We?" he asked genuinely curious. he paused to look at the world around them as they traveled around. the breathtaking beauty and serenity almost make him forget how dangerous it is.

Pinging the twins he would ask over open channel. "you two behaving yourself in your vic?" he would ask more playful than stern abeit worrying in the back of his mind if it really was a good idea to bring them along as if something bad happened to them his wife would probably kill him.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"Mr. Sterling, most vehicles in the NDC catalog of vehicles and machines, were designed to specification to endure much harsher conditions. Any of those conditions if so severe, would have proved hindering to what is currently listed in this convoy.", We answered in a matter of fact manner, before launching another spike into the ground as they crawled on still. The question however, was not immediately answered, as its three optics spun and adjusted in thought for what seemed like a long moment. After it had, We simply piped up with its findings, "As of current, it is the only designation We have found appropriate.... If you prefer, We can list off our serial codes, for all three primary cores of this entity?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Idaho Harris perked up from his seat on the lead vehicle, eyes looking away from glowing mushroom cluster they had just passed. "If I was a guesser, I'd say the reason we don't disturb the flora is because of the fauna, Tinman." he said into the open channel, settling himself more comfortably in the seat, looking moments away from a nap.

"And there's probably also the cooperation aspect of it. Can't repay our new accomodating neighbours by starting to deforest their planet." Turning towards Elizabeth, Idaho raised himself from his seat.

"Hey." he called out, just loud enough to be heard. "Any idea how long 'till Orgar?"


Dec 12, 2022
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Frank thought for a moment for the best way to answer We. "Sure give me the serial numbers I might be able to come up with something." he says rubbing his eyes, He feels his old age catching up to him the constant pushing his body to its brink and past that over and over before settling down and starting a family makes him feel like his mana battery seems like it keeps holding less and less charge over the years. leaning against his seat he pops some meds. downing them with his canteen. before looking back to we. "Tinnman seems to be fitting, what do you think We?" Frank asks before keying his radio.

"hey Potatohead, Why did you join up for the expedition if you don't mind me asking." Frank asked as he sat there.

Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
The three optics in it's head casing rotated in thought, "50% acceptable, gender undefined, man inappropriate labeling. I believe this is where I respond with [insert hurt tone] "Did you just assume my sex?!" as seems common by organics?" Maybe it was an attempt at a joke, but to the machine, it was all experimental interactions in trying to understand such non-sensical things. However, they needed to try if they were to learn, and perhaps develop their own way of conveying such behaviors as some point.

The conjecture by Idaho seemed to get a swift response, but could that be said to be irritation perhaps, or was it just a need to correct the data. It could be said that both were one in the same, but for a machine, they were incredibly different from a logic gate standpoint. "As for your extrapolations Doctor Harris, that seems highly improbable. Exploitation of available resources is inevitable, it is the very nature of prosperity, but progress is learning how to most efficiently use and replace said resources. Fearing to remove in ignorance, is to be narrow minded in the process of the world by ideology. To insert further reference to organic social habits, "You deny your tools their purpose"."


Vaigarin Elder
Nov 3, 2021
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Looking down at Idaho Harris, Elizabeth shrugged. "By this path, at this pace? A month?" She mused, turning her gaze once more on the forest surrounding them. "Hard to say honestly. Most of hte People and the Guardians don't blaze a trail like this without already knowing that they plan to forge a trail or road intended to actually be used, and thus prepare for such an activity. If we were to be traveling from Skylador along it's road, I could tell you that we'd have reached it by now." She pointed out.

After all, 20 kilometers over hte course of three days was not a very high speed or rate. Which the automaton had pointed out. And Elizabeth confirmed. She kept her grip on her rifle steady, eyes shifting from one side to the other.

Pathfinder Nugen sighed. "The main reason we didn't bring any of that was because we're trying to work out just how difficult it is to traverse the landscape on foot without such equipment." He said, looking up from the display he was reading. "Knowing just what kind of difficulty we can expect when attempting to expand developments or even establishing settlements instead of just blazing ahead will help us greatly. On top of that, getting a better view of how things are from down here in this sort of situation helps us understand the ecosystems and the geography and how it's shaped the way this world works." He finished. "Jon, what's the word?" He asked over radio.

"Looking better than now. Got a large clearing ahead. Looks like a perfect place to set camp for the night and not be a jumbled mess for once."

"Roger. Make sure we don't have any unwanted guests awaiting us there." Nugen replied. "Good thing it's almost dinner time."


Dec 12, 2022
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Frank chuckled at We's joke. "Well we all I know for certain naming convention aside is we will get along great." he stated with a govial chuckle. keying his coms he called over to Elizabeth, "Hey when's the next rest stop, so we can get out and stretch our legs and servos?" frank asked before turning his attention to the trees around them searching for any sign of hostile intent while he waits for a response.


New member
May 10, 2023
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The two kittens sat in there vehicle and kept watch, heads and ears swiveling seeking signs of trouble. "Yes father we are keeping out of trouble." Said Auska.


Dec 12, 2022
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The two kittens sat in there vehicle and kept watch, heads and ears swiveling seeking signs of trouble. "Yes father we are keeping out of trouble." Said Auska.
Frank would pick up his coms and answer back to his two girls. "Sorry for being a big ol worrying parent, Just your mother would kill me if something happened to either of you." he stated before keeping an eye out in his vehicle. Buzzing his radio he contacted Pathfinder Nugen, "So is there someplace where gonna setup camp?"
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Friendly Radical LDP (totally not anarchist)
Sep 5, 2022
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Medusa Expanse - 011030:6 (Sirris II, Sanctuary System)
The Obsidian Wilds (Local Name: None Provided)

The trip to Orgar City had thus far, proven to be taking far longer than expected. This was primarily due to the flora which the convoy was having to fight it's way through to reach the city, as they were taking the directmost route there as opposed to following the already existing trails and roads. On most worlds, the terrain wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem since the vehicles that comprised the convoy were designed for extremely rough terrain in the worst conditions that Duskarian (and Hassani technically since some of it was that old of a design) minds could come up with for nearly any planet they found. What they hadn't bet on, was a forest that had seemed normal until they entered it four days after leaving the walls.

From afar, it looked like any other kind of forest that one could find in textbooks and on the many Duskarian colonies on other planets in the stellar region. But as the convoy approached, they realized that the trees just kept getting larger. And larger. And yet larger still. Soon they entered a forest that had trees large enough that their width was nearly the same as that of the vehicles the convoy was using. And were tall enough that they rivaled Obsidian City and Skylador's skyscrapers.

But it wasn't until the expedition managed to get into the forest proper that they encountered the real majesty of it all. The tree canopy here was so thickly woven together that it was like they'd all been plunged into night, with only the glow of luminescent mushrooms and other assorted flora like ferns and some grasses that kept it from being impossible to see with the naked eye. The headlights of course, helped matters, as did the spotlight someone hastily mounted onto one of the trucks so they could swing it around and look either side of the convoy and see what lay beyond.

Of course, the challenge that faced the convoy now, was that the root systems of all these behemoths of trees made traveling a very uncomfortable and extremely bumpy ride, when they were able to move the vehicles at all forward. As it was, the Pathfinder was busy talking with two of the security personnel while holding up a holographic display of the convoy's formation and pointing at it.

Elizabeth herself was sitting on the top of the lead IFV, her eyes steadily sweeping the forest around them. Sure, she had another cigarillo in her mouth, but this one was unlit and her hands were firmly holding the black powder rifle she had laid across her lap. They'd been in this forest for, by the Duskarian clock, 3 days now, and if the projections were correct, they'd made a whole of 20 kilometers of distance fighting their way through the trees and foliage around them. On one hand, this was exactly the sort of thing the expedition was supposed to learn and figure out. On the other hand though, it was almost disheartening to know that their progress could very well be this tedious in many more places, since this was considered 'truly natural' terrain, untouched by any kind of civilization in all of known history.
Salvador would just be looking out of the equipment vehicle's back. It's been a week since he arrived and first started. All unconscious and knocked out. He was able to get himself up and was now fiddling with the drones that are part of his surveying equipment. The drones scanned their path as the vehicle would continue driving. Just looking at the screen, the statistics, area level, and such. Not to mention the drones having the ability to scout ahead for the group. Nothing important so far either. Just the local wildlife that hasn't so far attacked them yet.


Nov 3, 2021
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In the front IFV Dr. Graves scribbled notes onto a tablet. At each stop he would take a soil sample and analyze the microorganisms it hid. At times he would not speak for long stretches, only focusing on his work.

At We's suggestion and Idaho's reply, the Doctor added. "Distrubing the ecosystem could cause untold damage to the local environment." He then added. "Besides the extra time allows me to collect more samples."


Nov 3, 2021
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"Gotcha. Always good to know how far you are from civilization." the Doctor responded to the guide.

"Why, Frank? Fortune and glory, what else." Idaho said, answering Frank's question about his purpose on the expedition. Turning towards the Pathfinder, he nodded and simply said, "Slow and steady I suppose. Beats grading papers back at the university."

Rolling his eyes at We's reply, the archaelogist replied, "Alright then, Tinbox, you wouldn't sing the same tone if you'd been the one nearly crushed by Onikaris after an accidental... sacred plant incident. And not the good kind of Oni crushing, lemme tell that."

Keying up the comms for the equipment vehicle with a sly grin on his face, the doctor asked, "Had a good nap Mister Salvador?"
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Jack Pine

Archduke of the NDC
Nov 3, 2021
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"Dr. Idaho, that is a racial slur among many sentient machines, we would advise avoiding such terms in their presence.... There is a good Onikari "crushing", is that a sexual euphemism? Your terminology seems rather vulgar today doctor, we extrapolate that your approval rating among opposite gendered individuals would be drastically low, but you seem as if that is the intention with how prolific said vocabulary is. Do some humans simple not have a drive to attract biological mates, if so, this is new data that must be filed and analyzed." With the neutral delivery, it was practically impossible to tell if the machine was roasting the archaeologist, or just curiously trying to wrap their processor around all the confusing terminology of organics. As another sensor spike was fired into the dirt finally, the faint clicking of said processors could be heard going as optics spun like loading indicators.

"Guide Elizabeth, is this common among your own race, or is the doctor an anomaly to you as well? The mix of races among this contingent do not offer adequate baselines, however, alternative perspectives on the data set is appreciated", We finally added after a long moment, seeking to ask for input from the guide they had neglected communication with for a bit now. Not out of any need to avoid them, but simply having not felt a need originally, but current company was only offering logic errors with ongoing dialogues.