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Nov 4, 2021
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"It's supposed to be me!" Kay harumphed after even more of the augurs made guesses that ranged from mundane shapes to eccentric and complicated scenery. "Maybe um a bit more curvey n' the shape of the dress is off but, come on?" She chided, clearly defeated as the not at all described visage of Scathach Kay faded and only darkness and their new sense of perception remained.

As her griping went on, slowly the augurs natural healing took place as their body saught to restore itself to a right state, and burned the proper amount of fat and calories as it took dead-mass from their body to restore the synapses in their eyes as easily to all of them as breathing.

Kay, was sitting a ways away at one of the tables pulled from the ground with her head in her arms on the surface while she mumbled muffled curses into the tabletop. What was more disconcerting was that at some point three figures had entered the Columbary from the sealed airlock-hatch at the far end and stood appraising the group. Of them was two of the familiar agents of the OIA in their well-kept and tidy suit-jackets and slacks, while one of the proctors of the AUGUR project stood alongside them in his opened lab coat and scrubs where he was taking notes.

In their new perception all the psychics knew at a fundamental level that they wouldn't be able to sneak up on them again to that level even if they were blind. The arrival of strangers to the Columbary always got most of the young Psychics excited and a murmur started to rise and more than a few extended their senses towards the newcomers but retracted when Kay had stopped her faux-tantrum and mentally exerted herself as she looked up and at nobody in particular to more or less reminding them of their manners.

It was not uncommon for some of the first generations to be taken on by the OIA for occasional duties, and it was well known that Kay had left the Columbary quite a few times under the supervision of the office of internal affairs for various duties and had even been given an alpha contract and the codename Hierophant by the office, to which many in the second generation had begun to copy by referring to themselves by callsigns with a few exceptions such as Judgement who had no memory of his actual name and had been named as such by Kay personally which she had stated annoyed the bean counters to no end.

"Miss, kay, I hope you have not exhausted yourself already?" The coated man from BTS asked with genuine concern as the two suits from the OIA, one cliche tall-muscle head of a man and a thin wirey woman with a whipcord thin frame casually looked over the ring of psychics stumbling back to their feet on numb legs. impassively.

"We're all good, doc!" Kay threw both hands up and began to arch her back considerably while she stretched until she was resting flat against nothing like she was laying on a solid surface as she used basic telekinesis to show off before she casually rolled over the invisible surface and back to her feet and continued her trend of not quite looking at who she was speaking to but instead off to the side of them despite the fact all the augurs present knew she could see perfectly fine in her own way even if some details could be left out if their recent experience was any indicator as to the beginning of what she was capable of with her terrifying perception.

"Today the day?" She asked, turning before she could even see the man nod and the two suits take a step forwards to answer before she turned her backs on them and towards the circle of psychics.

"OK! Judgey, moon, magic, herm, and tow you're up! Mostly cause you guys already got names and we can avoid the paperwork!" She clicked her teeth conspiratorially at them as the others took their cue and filtered off to the rest of the Columbary for their own individual training with more than a few longing looks. "You guys ready to see the outside?"

Behind her, the BTS doctor had begun to ramble at Kay, looking to the two OIA agents who only shared a look and through an unspoken agreement looked past the man and back towards the psychics making the decision final, leaving him defeated where he instead slunk off towards a group of Augurs to instead watch their progress.

"Trust me, you guys are gonna love it," Kay headed the selected augurs to the two agents where she shuffled towards them and with her hands out started to blatantly feel up the larger man's chest and stomach as if she was actually blind. "Agent blue?" She cooed as if the man's six-pack under his clothes was braille and she was reading more than his name off of it which the man simply looked down at her with an unreadable expression.

"We've been over this, hierophant." The woman admonished, plucking one of Kays hands-off by a finger and earning her a hurt expression from the blind girl as if she had done something wrong. "You can- Gahk-" The more emotive woman chided and then sucked in a breath as Kay then did the same to her, causing the woman to flinch when her side was poked as instantly the illusion of the emotionless and efficient agents was dispelled by a ticklish woman in a suit.

Ignoring the plight of his partner the man left her to her torture as Kay began peeking under her jacket and attempting to un-tuck her dress shirt in her usual display of ignoring boundries.

"My name is Blue, my partner here," He nodded to the woman whose ears poking out from behind her tied-back bun of black hair had begun to turn red "Is Ms.black. We are agents from the office' liquidation division. From this moment forwards, should you care to participate, you will be upgraded to an alpha-contract like Hierophant, and proceed as a part of the OIA on duties outside of the Columbary under our supervision. While you can choose not to accept this offer and remain here, accepting will require you to behave and follow all the rules of myself, Ms.black, and the office in general. Failure to do so can have consequences including incarceration, revoking of contract status, or being placed back into cryostasis indefinitely.

Knowing this do any of you have any questions, concerns, liabilities, or stipulations on your duties before we proceed?"

Behind the man, an eep sounded as Ms.black declared that Kay had somehow unhooked her bra using 'mind powers'


Nov 3, 2021
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"Huh. So Miss Kay is actually a geometric shape? I mean, aren't we all geometric shapes in some way?" asked Magician, mostly mumbling to himself. Then the rozzers showed up. He liked that word, rozzers. He read in one of his books when talking about dirty cops. Felt appropriate considering the situtation.

Still he couldn't help but geek out a bit. "Oh man, this is just like that scene where James Blackstone has to help secret agents fight space demons in the moon." he said, grinning. His grin widened even more as Kay mentioned the outside. Magician was very excited to see the outside. He wanted to be able to feel, hear, smell anything other than the artificiality of this place. He wanted to feel the sand in his toes, the sea in his arms, the air through his face and more. He wanted to see the planet.

Containing his laughter from watching Miss Kay torment the agents, Magician raised his hand and asked what was in his head the most pertinent question possible.

"Will we be given new clothes? These things are waaaaay too breezy"


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgment blushed in embarrassment at Kay's explination. "Sorry Ms. Kay..." He mumbled apologetically as his vision returned to him.

Then the OIA suits walked in. At Kay's word. He quickly moved to stand infront the Agents and Kay.

"You read to many spy novels Magician." He replied good naturedly. Looking to Agent Blue, he asked in a more serious tone. "Sorry if I'm jumping the gun Agent Blue, but what is it the OIA needs us to do?" He asked as he eyed Kay harassing Agent Black. He had to force away a smirk that was creeping across his lips.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit's stomach had been performing little flips until her mind went back into its lockdown. She hated when she had to open herself in such a manner. It felt... invasive. Invading her privacy, sanctity of her mind. Even as she found her feet and Kay ushered them forward, Hermit still held on to her mutated orange. Watching her teacher going about her pseudo-blind lady act. The younger Augur had learned to take her elder's eccentricities in stride. Even asked to be taught a little here and there. But her lips pursed at Magician's exclamation.

"Yes, Magi, every one of us. And we're all unpredictable. And it never happens at the same time. And we're irregular geometric shapes." her words cut and dry while peeling off another slice of the fruit. Caloric intake and nutrition were important. Especially when dealing with the blind Augur. Even as the muscle-bound OIA agent spoke, and Magician once again piped up, and then Judgement she remained silent. Instead observing the two women, one going about her play, the other suffering.

Chewing thoughtfully, the bitter pith pickled her tongue as surely as the sweetness and sour taste had in equal measure.

Once the OIA man said his peace, Judgement asked his question, as did her other counterpart, Hermit's blue eyes looked the snappily dressed agent up and down.

"Two by two, with Agent Blue," she mused allowed, leaning to the side at the 'Eep' and accusatory mumbling. Then peered up at the taller Augur.

"If they came to get us, Judgey, they want us to do sneaky things. They think we're ready to do things. Or ready enough." looking back to the agent, and his harassed accomplice. Her eyes narrowed shrewdly.

"Cheesecake. And..." looking off to the side, licking her fingers clean of juice. "I want to know if my sisters are okay." then back, eyes narrowed still, "I'll know if you're lying." whether or not any of the others had exhibited it, Hermit had taken to biopsychokinesis like a fish to water. So insular, always examining things, studying them, it was why she'd liked the name she had gotten. She wouldn't lay a finger on the agents of course. But Hermit had just made it known she wouldn't be happy if lied to. Her wants had always been far and few, besides staying in the tank content in her own thoughts.

Clairvoyance had also been of special note and possibly empathic reading to some degree the way things looked. She was not the jack of all trades like Magician or had Judgement's abilities, or Towers or Moon's psychometry. Part of it was in relation to her eldest sister and her knack for such things. Others because she had since put two and two together, with some misguided hope of maybe trying to fix things. The latter she kept to herself and instead passed it off as simple fascination and complimenting her view and interests.

Then pointing a finger to Magician, "And keep him from spy novels, for a month. Do you know how bad it is when he tries to act out scenes? Or quotes? He's terrible!" she was one to talk. She preferred science fiction and straight fantasy. Spy novels were for scrubs! But she hadn't really reacted to the prospect of going outside. Oh, but there had been a slight fidget.

Her words came back to haunt her. Dead name for a dark world. Hearing some of the First Generation mention the outside, Erishkigal as it was, it all made her long for sunlight from back home. Even if the memories were hazy, filled with her own unique perspective and interpretations. Waking up so far away from home to what was described to her had been a daunting thought she was still trying to wrap her head around.

"And what are the terms of the contract? Fine print stuff." this time squinting as if she were reading a particularly small font.


Nov 3, 2021
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"Speak not with deceit, my fine knight of aquamarine~." Moon hadn't bothered to rise from the floor, instead sitting cross-legged and perched with a wolf-like candour. Her platinum hair was now completely messed up due to rolling around on the tiles, hanging over their face so that only one fatigued eye was visible. It was quite possible their hokey, grumbling whisper of an accent was being played up intentionally just to mess with the man. "Our lady Hermit is a psychic, you know. A savant. She knoweth all about being dealt a bad hand."

The cackle that they made was just about forced back in, becoming a grunting giggle whilst they looked back into the floor.

Looking at, moving around... Just some hairs?...

She was thinking about the vision that Kay had put in their heads. Moon thought that she had seen a song, a waveform, but maybe it was part of a silhouette? Half the outline of the shoulder, neck and head?

"...Most perturbatory..."

They actually agreed with Magician, though. New clothes and places and things could really swing this. Moon somewhat liked the idea of being around blanks more, being a big fish a small pond.

...There was also the problem of... Well, having intense sensory abilities, but not much new to sense. That was bad...

Standing up, she gave him a narrow look at some straight, savage teeth. It was attractive but also wrong, somehow.

"...You have mine soul, of course, but only an unwise man might lie to Hermit..." A whisper, getting a bit too close into Blue's personal space. "Restless, all of them... and minds like... knives..."


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Nov 4, 2021
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Blue looked from person to person as everyone listed their demands and responded to not a single one of them. Hermit was right to watch him due to the fact that while his outward expression remained a neutral deadpan all of their empathic abilities triggered the intense annoyance at them from the man.

Black, for her part, managed to extricate herself from Scathach and clear her throat as she attempted to strike the blush from her cheeks with the diversion of re-tucking in her blouse and adjusting her tie to buy time.

"Seeing as your contacts are on lien by the office, the exact details are not up for review. And regardless of what Hierophant has said the contract change is not optional; You were all picked weeks ago to augment Hierophants... Eccentricities..." The way she stated the last part gave off the clear empathic sense that Black was more than doubtful about that part but was vocalized by Blue with a clear and dry "Immaturity." Which garnered a fake gasp from Kay.

"And here ah thought we were getting along so well, blue!"

"Regardless," Black, the more sociable of the duo took control before it would clearly be derailed by Kays' antics "The office has assembled several such teams for various duties to help with the enrichment of the subjects of the program. Yours is just the latest and will join Hierophant in her support duties."

The Columbary was a unique experience to the Augurs when first experienced. Deep underground its walls were lined with a thorium shield that stopped the psychics from tampering with the structure, walls, and from being able to see through them like some of the more powerful perception types like Kay were rumored to be capable of. So it was always a point of interest to know and have the ability to see what was outside of the underground compound, and visitors always were a point of attention.

What's more it was a natural point of curiosity for any of the psychics when something beyond their perception managed to evade detection. So when they all became aware that the sealed bulkhead had once again opened and two new figures stepped into the Columbary excitement mixed with caution and even fear as two Assault-type golems strode into the open chamber in perfect unison.

They were roughly 5'11 and wore matching OIA suits that bulged slightly in some places where external weapons on their armor no doubt stood retracted and it was not at all a stretch to believe the suits would be torn to shreds in an explosion of fabrics if the two war machines exploded into action. They wore thick leather dress shoes, and even leather gloves to match the look but the one thing that screamed what they really were other than all of their ability to sense their titianium bodies, feel and analyze the wright with every movement, and the context clues were the two identical warmasks; Triangular helmets that covered the entirety of the face and wrapped around the head and looked like an aggressive wedge that could split steel if they hit hard enough with it.

The two stood off to the side of the hatch and stood with inhuman stillness. A couple of the Psychics from the training who had lingered to watch the OIA agents had retreated to the far end of the room where some half-dozen psychics huddled protectively in both curiosity and fear.

Golems were not a new development for Babel. In fact, all of babels citizens knew what they were and had a rough idea what they were capable of from the war. But they were a rare sight, and few had ever seen one let alone two of them up close. The machines, still technically human if only a brain still had some grasp of emotion and intent if they were young enough to have not grown apathetic; Gave off an unsettling and unnatural feeling to anyone who saw them.

It was unclear if her intent was to diffuse the possible buildup of tension. But regardless Scathach Kay was already on them as soon as they arrived; Casually ignoring their personal space to look about their pockets, and even pull the waistband of one of their trousers where she peeked down the groin as if she could actually see if anything was still there.

"Molay and Lasko are only a precaution," Black was a second behind Kay in that regard. "I'm sure it's your first time seeing them; They act as the semi-permanent security for the Columbary and aren't here to harm any of you, see?" She attempted to reassure them and nodded to Kay who was now pulling up one of their pant legs to gawk at the fact that one of them was "actually wearing socks?!"

They will follow us out, but only briefly. Blue and I are responsible as your handlers and we've yet to hear of any of the subjects of the program running afoul of their handlers yet to the point disciplinary action was taken. So come with us and let's see the outside, shall we?"

All of them could sense how genuine Black was. But the apprehension at being near Golems even briefly was ingrained in all of them and warred with the sudden claustrophobic desire to get outside. Seeing the hesitation in some of them Blue grunted and weighed the scales in favor when he groaned out an annoyed "Theres food."

Being fed mostly high-carbohydrate and high-calorie protein supplement in the form of a slightly off-white bar the size of a candy bar but twice as thick and with the texture of stale nuget and the taste of expiring rice it was extremely rare for any of the subjects of the program to get more than the occasional fruit or bread from which a few of the more savvy psychics had recovered a few seeds and had been growing in small earthenware jugs and advanced the growth of genetically by directly applying proteins through advanced matter shaping and biological manipulation.

Upon hearing it was time to go, Kay made the decision for them and casually strode past the two stoic metal statues. With her in the lead, And the Black and Blue combo behind them there was little other way to go.

Beyond the Columbary was a single long hall that lead to the iconic sliding doors of an elevator for which off to the side was the usual post of the two Golems as noticeable by the scuff and scrape marks on the floor and was reinforced when after following the group at a distance the two silently took up post at the sides of the door and stood there for a tense few minutes until the elevator arrived with a cliche ding to announce it. The ride up was long. At least several minutes, and peering beyond it with perception gave all of them the impression that the shaft was cut directly into the bedrock. When it finally slowed to a stop there was the sense that it could still keep going up but deposited them into an open room with clean white tile and several benches and a row of lockers on each side of the room.

"The lockers on the right are for the girls, the ones of the right for the boys. Changing rooms are through the door, Blue and I will help you change." Black helpfully announced as she started opening lockers and handing folded clothes in plastic preservation bags. For the women it contained simple slipper-style dress shoes, long socks, stockings, pencil skirts of a seemingly fire-retardant and also water-resistant material that was not unsoft, a short-sleeve black undershirt with a turtleneck, a long-sleeve jacket made of a thicker version of the material shared with the skirt with the tower of babel logo on the front over the breast; An oiled leather belt for the waist, and a brass collar piece. Beisdes that it came with leather gloves and a gray-green beret the same color as the jacket with the OIA logo on it.

The men received the same kind of unisex shoes and socks, dress slacks of the same resistant material with loops for a black leather belt, a black undershirt with a gray-green vest, black tie, and a black suit jacket with a thicker version of the resistant material with a small Tower of Babel logo over a breast pocket. Black gloves, and the same OIA beret.

Each uniform had been tailored specifically for the individual and after changing each of them was also given an empty leather holster that could go on the waist for the women and under the armpit for the men, and a pair of sunglasses that upon wearing them brightened up the ambient light in the room several times for which they were advised to wear at all times. As it was obvious to all of them the purpose sans for Judgement who couldnt see it but was well aware that each of them had an unnatural glow behind their eyes that was hard to pass as a trick of the light when passing.

There were other doors, and the walls weren't lined with Thorium so it was possible to see through them but none of them were given enough time before being ushered into the elevator again where Kay was waiting in the same uniform as the other girls sans a holster for obvious reasons. She oddly enough didn't acknowledge them and stood silent with her eyes closed in what was obvious to only them as each of them could passively feel her taking advantage of the lack of a thorium shield to examine her surroundings.

The second ride up wasn't as long as the first and was actually quite short as the elevator stopped and deposited them into a large, open garage where several large, unmarked black vehicles and vans sat alone at the end of while a large gathering of well over a hundred people lingered about in a makeshift command-center like operation as people milled about around folding tables with laptop terminals while the largest group of mostly-military looking types in black-fatigues sat on folding chairs in front of a display projector where an older man was doing some kind of briefing which was drowned out by the ambient noise. Few noticed or cared about the new arrivals, who were guided to a corner section where another, smaller briefing was taking place in front of a slideshow-style presentation where only five occupants sat; The senses of all of them and the similar uniforms alerting them all that these five where also psychics.

Blue stood back and spoke quietly with two other OIA agents; Clearly the handlers of the other team, while Black urged the team on to take some time but not to bother anyone.

Nearby was a folding table with an assortment of foodstuffs like cheeses, crackers, snakes, and sweets for which Kay made a practical dash towards. There was also the other group clearly immersed in the slideshow from which they seemed to be going over, in another part of their corner of the garage was also hard-plastic crates opened to reveal what was clearly intended for all of them and was filled with alot of ingots, bricks, shafts, planks, and all-around raw materials as well as fabrics, leathers, vials of fluids, and other clear crafting materials from which a breakaway from the other group sat at a table near; Slowly molding a chrome metal into several symbol-shaped discs the size of large coins which she laid off to the side in a neat stack for each one she finished.

Finally, there was a group of clear support-types milling about with a couple of people in labcoats and a couple of men in flight suits who clearly didnt feel the need to be in the main briefing.


Nov 3, 2021
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Moon froze on the spot upon the approach of the Golems, visibly regarding them as a dog might a bad piece of taxidermy. The way they mechanically strode in, utterly devoid of emotion, was anathema to her empathic powers, making them feel somehow stationary and moving at the same time. They just felt blank, inanimate, soulless.

Feeling what Kay felt at least calmed them a little, her lackadaisical nature quite contagious. The cyborgs were, after all, head-to-brow shorter than Moon, even if they were quite awkwardly shaped.

She approached, and... Just smelled Kay's glossy red hair, continuing to use the blind savant as a sort of human emotional periscope.

"Metal... They feel like... A cage..."

Time scrolled on.

The trip up through the changing rooms didn't really improve their mood. It had originally taken a week to make Moon wear the medical gown, and the so uniform felt quite tight and restrictive to her. Black and Blue basically had to do all of the work, and by the end the psychic was physically sweating, feeling like they had an invisible plastic bag over their head.

Time scrolled on again.

The meeting rooms were noisy. Full of strange people. Hard to strike up conversations with anyone with this constant barrage of sensations in her head. Were Hermit, Judgement and Magician still here?...

There were... pictures... people, that looked like them?... But too noisy... Couldn't... hear-feel them...

Calmly, but in a jittery, rigid way that suggested they were not at all calm inside, Moon took a block of cheese from the snack table and then sat directly under it, bundling their arms and legs into a protective barrier.

"A rat-thing, s-s-subterranean." She ate the cheese. "It is unto it's abode, p-peace and still. Y-yess... N-nothing to fear... n-n-no..."


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement turned his gaze from Blue to he Golems a few seconds before Black spoke. 'Intresting... surely there if we decided to be uncooperative.' he thought. He could feel Blue's annoyance. Judgement would need to keep an eye on their OIA handlers.

Quietly he followed them down to and went to the changing room to put on his suit. Pulling the beret over his bald head he was tempted to look at himself but figured he didn't want to give Blue a reason to be upset so he just got up and waited for the others to finish getting dressed. He used the opportunity that the lack of Thorium walls provided and expanded his awareness as far as he could, exploring the compound.

After reaching the next level, Judge moved off to grab a snack. Even he couldn't pass up actual food. Moving next to Kay, he grabbed one of the sweets and popped it into his mouth. "Does Blue always have a stick firmly wedged in his ass or is that a new development?" He whispered to Kay as he snacked. He continued to practice expanding his awareness as they stood there, waiting for the order to roll out.


Nov 3, 2021
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"Oh, that reminds me! I need more books! And it's not a spy novel! It's a urban fantasy novel with a spy subplot for the book."Magician grumble. Listening to Hermit and Blue speak about the contract stuff, Magician couldn't help but pipe in. "I don't know why you're so insistent on contracts Hermit. What are we gonna do? Report them? I'd be surprised if there's even records of this place. Only thing holding them back is how useful we can be and how dangerous we are. Ain't it so, Mr. Blue?"

Following Judgement into the changing room, he couldn't help but marvel at the uniform. It fitted so nicely! It was so sleek! It had pants! And pockets! Truly life was looking better already. As he slipped the tie around his neck, he cursed and turned to ask for help from... from...

Who was he trying to ask help from? He'd worn a tie before, but he could never get the knots right. He'd always have to ask ____ for help. Who was ___? Why couldn't he remember? It's right there just on the tip of his tongue. Why can't I remember?! It felt important, it felt personal. He tried and tried and tried to remember but it just started to hurt. Like static drumming out his ears. He had experienced these episodes before. And he only ever found one answer.

Accept the chasm in the mind. Accept your loss. Move on.

Calming himself, Magician meekly approached Judgement and tugged his sleeve. The usual confident swagger Magician had was gone. In it's place was a shy uncertain shuffle.

"Hey Judgement... Can you help me... with my tie?" he asked, unable to stare into his fellow augur's blind yet aware eyes.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement turned to take in Magician, eyes glancing from his face to the tie. After several seconds his face softened from it's normal stoney exterior and gave a soft smile.

"Give it here." He said holding out his hand. "My eyes make tieing a tie on someone else a little hard, but I can get you most of the way." He explained.

He had it down to muscle memory. He deftly threw the tie around his neck and began to make the loops. He paused then and started over. "Watch closely." The taller boy said, slowing his movements as he tied it. Once it was done, he put it around Magician's neck. "Now pull that little tail down until the tie is snug around your neck." He explained as he smoothed out the collar to hide the tie.


Nov 3, 2021
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Tower watched in silence, her previously obsessive demeanor seemed to fade quickly, to an uninterested look. Letting her hair loose, she sighed and tied her bangs back showing her pale face and grey left eye, taking the time as blue became annoyed with the group to braid two short tight French braids to drape down her face and shoulders. Keeping most of the hair from her face. Tossing the ball, it's shape melded from the ball to a rubber blade, hiding it in her hands as Tower pretended to meekly follow, a devilish smirk playing on her Visage. Seeing the Golems came a a bit of a surprise, though it seemd as though she felt more at home around the metal "people" then she did most of her Gen 2 counterparts.

Tower continued to keep to her self. Taking in as much information as possible, finally feeling the Thorium reinforced walls falling away as the group headed into the locker rooms. Doing as she was told, she quietly put her uniform on, setting the beret on her head and lastly clasping the belt, Tower approached Black without a sound, motioning Black to lean closer to the younger girl." Who do you want dead?" Last contract you had me do we got rid of a " problem for you....and so long as Mr. Blue keeps to himself, I won't break the other toys this time." She sat back on her heels, sauntering away, leaving the rubber blade in the waistband of ms.Black. The group was a lot louder than Tower had experienced in a while, looking back to Hermit as she began to tap her finger, seemingly faster and faster." Kay how long will this....ah, food.... I don't want food, I want this damn information already! Or let's just go outside. My patience is only as long as these two are useful....." The young girl spoke with a low almost growl coming from her small frame. The glasses, only just hiding the dim glow of her eyes, as they danced around the room, searching for exits. Sitting next to Moon, she sighed in frustration." Don't be so afraid Moon, they are less like rats and more like ants. Little worthless insects that mull about their mindless day to day lives never knowing what's right under their feet." She huffed again. The crowd grating at her already short temper.
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Nov 4, 2021
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"More ah less." Kay answered judgment and hermits' queries as she plopped herself down in a metal folding chair, waving a particularly fat pickle around before taking a noticeable loud crunch from the gherkin; Scratching her cheek while she tilted her head clearly thinking back.

"Wasn't so bad at first before black heard me say ah see through clothes. He's a real professional sort and caught me leering a few times outa curiosity; Cause ah cant just turn off my eyes and such. Bad impressions and all get ya context clues, ye know?"

Without looking she placed her thumb and forefinger together on her free hand as one of the other Augurs small metal disks flew into her grasp as she used telekinesis and began examining it closely before it was snatched back from across the table by the psychic just as casually and without looking who neatly placed it back into a sorted pile.

"Three of swords, Bloodhound like me." Kay gestured at the psychic who at the mention of their designation looked up only briefly to reveal a young boyish face with tied brown hair behind his head and the trademark glow denoting a psychic that emanated from his almost emerald green eyes. The psychic opened his mouth with a clear statement to make but was cut off as Kay pointed in turn to the other Augurs sitting at the metal chairs before the projector as she purposefully chose to interupt the teenager at every chance.


"Four of swords, the skinny one, precog,"

"Will you-"

"Five's the kid next to em they say got the olive skin but sounds like ah girl; Not that I can tell, he's sweet on Four I think but four don't swing that way. Oh hes real good at biomancy and such like some kind of surgeon,"

"Will you please-"

"Ace of swords is the real serious one im sure you'll meet soon; Real twerp, but the best at telekinesis in your generation ive seen."

Three of Swords simply sighed and went back into shaping the metal disks, clearly done with Kays antics.

"We-" he began before looking at Kay to make sure he wasn't going to be interrupted again, "Are the strike group under Liquidator Mitzi. Take it you're with Hierophant on the support group now; Good to have you." He spoke without really looking up with a tone that implied he was only partially paying attention to them and was engrossed in his work.

"Yeah, Mitz is the older broad over at the main group, you'll hear her before seeing her I bet. Just on the early stages of menopause and she assembles a group of virile young men to follow her every order an such, makes ye wonder?" Kay looked back at Three of Swords clearly expecting a response but garnering none as the other psychic seemed to engrossed in his matter shaping.

Clearly not getting to anyone the older Augur simply went back to masticating the pickle.

"So, anyone wanna guess todays OP; That means an operation for ye guys ifin ye dannae know. With all the liquidators about I'm guessing contract breakers, three?"

There is a briefing, Heirophant." The Augur responded before pausing and looking up and towards the projector still rolling a slideshow that his teammates were at clearly having not paid attention himself.

"Facility lockdown..." he mumbled to himself

Two Minutes Earlier - Moon

Inserting herself with the familiars of her group Moon had found a seat when shuffling about only made her anxiety worse. Kay, anchor that she was paid her only so much attention as the older psychic despite her power could only focus on so many people at a time and kept glossing over the tallest of them despite the clear mental anguish that should have shown like a candle to all the other Augurs present yet everyone seemed remarkably oblivious to her empathic projections.

Before the possible abandonment issues could set in, however, Moon became aware that she wasn't alone. Sitting next to her in a metal folding chair she was sure wasn't there before; Let alone its occupant, A woman in her mid-forties sat in a crisp tailored gray pantsuit with an OIA pin on the collar. With long almost silver-white hair tied behind her in a bun and a piercing gaze with both arms crossed and one leg casually draped over the other displaying a stockinged leg with a long-cut black heel that all implied she was not with the military-types, she was looking directly at Moon with the same gaze a lion might a wounded deer with a single brow arching slightly in curiosity.

She continued to stare at the tall Augur in apparent curiocity before a slow but sudden movement broke eye contact as the woman pointed something at her. Without knowing where it came from or even seeing it appear in her hands the woman had produced a thin metal case of some kind and opened it to reveal cigarillos of some kind; Each placed in one of twelve small loops to keep it in place with three of them already vacant. With practiced ease and confidence the case was flipped open and one of the small brown tubes was retrieved and placed casually between the older woman's lips without disturbing her lipstick.

Before lighting it with the classic flip-lighter between two of her fingers she nodded back at the case where it was still held open and out to moon; Clearly offering one of the burners to her.

Somehow nobody had yet to notice the newcomer despite her being in their midst...


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit had worn a frown at the food, and Magician's words. There was a paper trail. Always a paper trail. How could the floofy haired turd not understand something so deliciously simple? If the OIA knew of them, and the others amongst them knew, someone higher did as well. And on and on. Maybe a number someones, or just the singular. Chin tucked low, the snake received a cursory glance, the strawberry-blonde leaning down and simply seemed to stare; moved on to the next and next time. Let'em gorge on all that richness. If it made them sick it was their own fault, and Hermit wouldn't play tummy-fixer.

The only things she had really gone for were reminiscent of home. A couple of varieties of cheeses, a few simple crackers chosen with paired care, and a withering look at Kay as she snapped a raspberry tart up before the older Augur thought to do so.

Seated as she had been, besides one of the more colorful varieties of Tower's personalities, she had offered the older Augur a choice bit here and there. Even a bite of the tart, all while listening to Kay now snacking loudly on a pickle and introducing the others.

As if in a challenge, the thin girl narrowed her eyes at Five, then stared back at her small plate. She had only finished a quarter of it.

But she did return Three's greeting in equal measure before looking back to Kay. 'I already hear her' she thought quietly to herself with a frown. Placing a calming hand on one of the short-fused (Today it seemed) Tower's and giving it a small squeeze.

"I'm already listening to the briefing," her voice low in response to Three's statement accompanied by a slow blink of her eyes from behind the glasses. To read the room, her empathic senses widened, avoiding taking in too much detail of those that burned brighter than all the others.

But a question did burn, and with a raised hand went on, "Miss Kay? Then she would be between forty to fifty, yes? Why not offset this with the uptake of phytoestrogens? Estrogen levels drop during that time... it could be like you said y'know?" she could list a number of natural remedies, all well within the scope of whatever hydroponics BTS may have begun setting up, or already had.

But really, she was fucking around at this point, wanting to share in the older Augur's shenanigans for once instead of brooding.
Last edited:


Nov 3, 2021
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Moon tried to listen to what Tower had told them, mentally grasping at the annoyed sentiments, only to have them slip through her fingers. They were like ants for ignoring the things below them... Except ants were the things that were below them?...

Weren't they? Oh, that was an Earth thing, though... Were ants ever real?...

"N-no, I am the rat! It gnaws meekly and knows it gnaws!" Was the only thing she could say back, realising half way through that she was only channelling Tower's agitation back at them, like an echo chamber. "We all live so d-d-deep, s-swallowed up down here... and now! The...T-the n-n-n-noise!..."

It was useless. The returned look of confusion was expected. She just couldn't focus.


The approach of the stern, grey-haired woman wasn't noticed until Moon could hear the shifting of their fine clothing, the smell of their presence. They shot a look upward from their clutched brow, as if to confirm they were real... But was paralyzed by the sight, and the implications of what they could say which would be taken with offense.

Hands moved, and before she knew it, a lit cigarette was within her own lips, dusting her esophagus with a foreign odour.

Moon knew that she liked it only because this woman liked it. Wasn't like they would have gotten the chance to get used to this sort of commodity, with this supply situation... But emulating that kind of personality gave her a rock to cling to for a moment, a chance to reorganise the barrage of incoming senses.

"...Are you here?" Their mouth seemed to move on it's own again. The more youthful wraith of a girl still looked haggard, but had taken some of that stoic attitude and adapted it as her own. "...I mean... are you... like us?"

Peace be. Moon whispered down her own ear, in her mind, pleased that part of herself could make a functional sentence.


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Nov 4, 2021
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The older woman appraised moon with a single arched brow and a distant look of contemplation as she took a purposeful drag from the ciggarello and let out a long exhale of wafting grey smoke; The smell allready overpowering before amplified psychic senses were involved as every single latent ingredient in the burner was instantly disseminated and identified through enhanced mental calculations, including the foreign and natural unidentifiable ones catalouged to their purpose as native counterparts to the new world.

There was no time for answers as the combined and focussed gaze of several psychics was perceptible without moon even needing to look as the new invasion of the senses tripped their empathic link to all suddenly become aware of her presence.

The Cups were looking over their shoulders, while their fellow at the table had paused mid-formation to glance up. Kay paused with the pickle inuendos perked on her lower lip as for once the perceptive womans eyes slip to the side to appraise the situation instead of just looking away from the object of her focus.

"Oh, lady?" Kay gestured the final third of her gherkin at the woman and relaxed as at the same time the cups also registered the clearly familiar woman and sat back down after offering differential nods.

The older woman took another slow drag of the burner before letting it sit idly between her index and middle finger as the cherry of heat flushed ever so slightly.

"Heirophant." Was her acknowledgment in a sharp rasp of a no-nonsense tone. She passed her gaze around slowly at all the other psychics, never quite lingering on any single one of them but neither did she simply seem to look past them as their senses told them that this woman was one who paid attention to detail if nothing else as the saccade movements of her pale hazel eyes twitched ever so slightly to take in enhanced and minute detail.

With further preamble, the woman simply smoothed the hem of her pantsuit and dismissed herself without a word towards the larger group of military types where she effortlessly inserted herself in the periphery of another group soon to be aware of her sooner or later.

"She gives me the creeps when she does that." Three mumbled with his head still down but his hooded eyes following her departure.

"Gotta be some secret spy stuff the office designed to hide from us; Like super anti-psychic threads in her bra that always keeps them perky too, or high-heels that muffle sound perfectly." Kay agreed with a sage nod before putting two fingers in her mouth to savor the final dredges of gherkin flavor.

"The lady Tiamat?" Black asked, having not snuck up on any of them unlike the former individual as the liquidator came to their table with a sundry armful of items before placing them down in the center of the table where the movement and shaking disturbed one of Threes towers of disks causing him to carefully straighten it again with near OCD levels of perfection.

"Oh, that must be your first time meeting her?" She answered her own question as she slid a long and loose plastic evidence-style bag infront of Kay that gave off a clear radioactive sense to the others even if only latent, and started putting identical objects infront of each of the group sans for Three.

Each object was a bulky makeup of ceramics and polymer each of them knew the moment they touched it with silicons with some equally radioactive material that each of them could tell was thorium as their senses practically treated the object to a mental x-ray as the interior held some thirty cylindrical-


Bullets wrapped in a plastic caseless shell with a lead core forged with a thorium jacket inside what was clearly an aesthetically bulky and non-standard configuration pistol of some kind. As they investigated the device even longer the shape of the magazine and the internals of what was clearly a weapon began to take shape down the length of the interior barrel, the internal electrics of some kind of sensor, a flip-screen on the side with a reinforced plastic and metal-carbon screen and case. There was also some kind of physical lock on it attached to a sensor that locked the trigger into a safe position being unable to fire that each of them could follow the electrical signal of back to Blue standing off with the military groups and no-doubt to some device he held but was unresponsive to any of their mental prods or interactions.

"She gets some taking used to, kind of like you guys, yeah? Oh but on to these; These are what the office calls psypistols. I know, I didn't name them. It has thirty thorium lined bullets you should take the time to analyze carefully because-"

"Cause when ye as good as me ye can alter them using rapid cogitation and telekinesis briefly to make cool trick shots!" Kay interrupted to a reserved look from Black.

"Using your senses you can actively choose to alter the trajectory of the round by using the radioactive signature on each round to a minor degree." Black finished her statement. "They have a short-range scanner to identify surface materials from a distance which you can read on the screen allowing you to adapt to surface materials for matter shaping without needing to actively touch them. A few of Heirophants generation have even learned to interpret the scanner's data and signals in real-time without needing to actively divert their attention using their perception and other strengths.

Each one has a tamper-proof lock that Blue has the activator for to avoid negligent discharge outside of combat situations; Which you will likely never find yourselves in as part of the support group but is useful to have nonetheless."

"We all knew how to use one the moment we tried to shoot it." Three mumbled helpfully but still loud enough that each of them could hear perfectly with their enhanced senses. "It also has some PID sensor in it that doesn't let us shoot each other or the liquidators due to something they have on them." He finished, sliding the dozens of metal disks into plastic sheath-pouches on his belt underneath the suit-jacket.

Black nodded at the statement as she waited for Blue who was now making his way over as something else drew everyone's attention.

Kay had torn the plastic seal and withdrew a long item that looked an awful lot like a three-and-a-half-foot-long tuning fork with a ten-inch smooth metal handle that branched off into two forks each almost three-feet long with barely an inch of space between them. From context clues what could only be some kind of weapon made a strange humming sound as she moved it at waves of distortion only visible at a hyper-perceptive level followed the vibrations before they stopped abruptly as Kay held both forks; Stifling the vibration and placing it gingerly on the table.

"Todays OP." Blue inserted as he joined the group, placing packets infront of all of them; Including Judgement and Kay who couldn't read them, though the man seemed to care little. Black for her part helpfully briefed them.

"One of the experimental zero-point reactors that power the city tripped an intrusion alarm yesterday morning at approximately oh-seven-twenty. While this isnt a major problem the alarm persisted for over thirty minutes with no explanation from the facility. When a security unit tasked to the facility informed the group that no inside personnel could be reached a state of emergency was declared and the facility was placed under lockdown.

Due to the important infrastructure of the facility that it provided to Chaldea a BAMF force stationed in the city was mustered and a three-block radius around the facility was cordoned off."

"Task force epsilon nu mega; Call sign Night Fox and his liquidation team and four AUGURS of the first generation for support were deployed from the office into the facility at approximately Oh-ten-four." Blue followed up but the following moment of silence made it clear that Black was clearly the more talkative of them.

"As of two hours ago it has been six-hours without contact from Night Fox or his team. Though the facility transmitted a biohazard lockdown warning three hours into their insertion which is grounds for the facilities reactor to begin immediate shutdown procedures; Which is considered odd because..."

"The reactor is clean." Blue helpfully added.

"And if it went critical the entire city would be a parking lot," Black continued without pause, clearly used to her partners' habits. "And the facility is still running, albeit dark; No communications from within. The shutdown sequence was clearly activated but the reactor is still online."

"So two liquidation teams are inserting this time."

"Callsign Mitzi and her team will be clearing the facility alongside a strike-team from the office," Black nodded to the large group of fatigue-clad men now all checking gear, webbing, and retrieving Caliburn carbines, pistols, and other weapons while others checked biohazard mask seals or tightened helmet straps. "Our job is to follow in behind them when a route is clear and secure the reactor and Blue or I will initiate a shutdown with the codes the office provided us."

"Could still be caused by contract breakers." Kay chimed.

"All possibilities are plausible until we know the full picture". Black agreed, albeit regretfully.

"The strike team should secure the facility. Any combat duties are left to them; You kids are just here to back us up and it shouldn't be more than a simple field trip for you so theres no need to worry. Any final questions or time to fabricate before we load up?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement nodded to each of the Cups as Hierophant introduced them. He turned to Four of Cups and smiled. "Nice to meet another precog. I'm Judgment."He said introducing himself to the other AUGUR.

Then Blue inserted himself and dooled out the briefing packets. A packet that he couldn't read. "Thanks..." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Pushing the document to the next AUGUR in line.

Listening to the briefing and to what Kay said, he frowned. He could make an educated guess as to what a "contract breaker" was but he wasn't going to open his mouth. As it was he didn't want to give Blue or Black any reason to pull him or his fellow AUGURs from this trip. Judge would have to carefully monitor their surrounding once they get to the reactor.


Nov 3, 2021
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"...Stabilizing fin, discarding physics." Moon milled the bullets around in her fingers, still inside the baggie. She was tempted to screw with their shapes pre-emptively, but then they wouldn't fit in the gun anymore.

It took time, but the continued contact with the others centred them, calmed them down. They probably didn't know it, but the familiarities of their surface emotions, their general demeanour, was a sort of anchor for Moon's stability. Not that she talked enough to make that obvious. Simply put, she was calm because they were calm.

"Biohazard sensors... You said the reactor is fine, but..." She was taking a page from Black's calm professionalism, here. "Could it be the wildlife on this planet? Or some other spook?"

The gun just felt like an emotionless cold lump in their hand. The augur wondered if it would gain it's own personality with use.


Nov 3, 2021
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Catching only a glimpse of the person they called 'Lady Tiamat' sent chills down the younger Gen 1's spine. a rarity for this particular personality of Tower. Quickly shaking the feeling as Blue handed out the bags, the light forms of radiation giving an indicator of the contents. Tower's small fingers gripped the plastic covering looking back to Blue, listening intently to the Two OIA Agents. As her small frail looking hands gripped the bag, it began to melt away, showing the weapon inside, including the magazines. Catching the Items she checked one magazine into the weapon, and placed the others in its respective holder. waiting calmly for a Moment to interject, her bright gold eye bounced from the uniformed men back to the group." Will we be able to squash the fear that those like Mr.Blue have of us, if we follow these orders? or can we do what we were created to do? you give us weapons, that have restrictions. that seems a bit excessive considering you keep us in cages when not stealing us and cutting into our heads." Both eyes locked onto Blue, before taking the packet from judgment, with a chuckle. looking it over, reading over the map, each entrance and exit becoming solidified into her mind. " What happens if we run into this mysterious opposing force? Also to reconfirm we are here for back up incase the soldiers cannot complete their mission? Why not just send us and this Mitzi, the rest seem like obstacles to me." her words still coming off as borderline arcastic, yet her eys began to dance between the two handlers, clearly she was pushing for a reaction. but her questions seemed valid in her mind. was it a test? or a progress report of Sorts? only time would tell, and that is what upset the young AUGUR, patience never sitting well for her, more chance for another personality to attempt to take hold.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit had held that split second look from this... older woman and did much the same. Taking in the details. How was she even able to hide from them all in such a manner? The smell of the smoke caused the edges of her lips to twitch ever so faintly. It wasn't a pleasant scent to her, but neither too terrible. But it had been the eyes that gave her brief pause after the unknown woman departed and all was revealed.

And she knew now the eyes of a dragon. With a little start at the sound of Black putting packages in front of them. Looking down at bulky and ugly contents, Hermit ran a finger along the weapon while it was being explained to them. Her mind wandered but a portion of her attention remained on what was being said.

"How can something like that even be real?" finally saying aloud at the offer of answering questions. "It... doesn't seem possible." her initial question and then comment left vague and then honing in.

"A reactor like that?" knowing the questions would likely not get answers. Especially with Agent Hardass standing there. Waving it away, Hermit began looking at the various chemical substances and picking at them.


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Nov 4, 2021
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"Ah'm not any scientist, technically," Kay chimed into Hermits questions while throwing a casual arm around Moon as she took on a contemplative look. "But am real smart egg these days; Enough te know the loons in BTS been pulling stuff like this out that dark cavern in their backsides long as, iffin not longer than I've been brightening up tha world before. Real revolutionary shorts, not that any of that fancy junk did us much in the end back home, ye? Besides-"

"Quite the mouthy types you stacked your deck with, Blue," A terse and immediately grating voice cut Kay off short as a woman fitting a prior description and through context clues of being amongst the now active Swords group of Augurs strode over with a staggering amount of bravado.

At a tall 6'1" for female standards and almost anemically thin, liquidator Mitzi had a perpetually creased face of discomfort or disgust as if she was perpetually stuck in a bad smell. With tied back thin graying-brown hair and cauliflower ear mixing with a chin that looked like it had been taken to a cheeze grater with all the old scartissue under her jaw the woman stared diligently down at Hermit first before locking her not quite hostile gaze onto Tower.

"Your kind was created on the whim of the Lady Tiamat for reasons beyond the boundaries even your mind can fathom, child," She sneered at Towers assumptions in time for Three of Swords to rejoin his team before the primary group of Augurs strode off in the direction of the milling military types all loading into now idling armored personnel carriers while their handler lingered defiantly.

Their own handlers were remarkably quiet as Blue simple stared impassively at the older Liquidator while Black shuffled over with yet another Augur from the elevator most of them would recognize from the previous training session; The Columbary housing only other Augurs making it impossible not to know each and every one of the other residents of the psychic training facility at least in passing.

"Justice here will be joining the support group," She patted him on the shoulders reasuringly, her blaise ignoring of the older liquidator earning her a harumph before she too broke contact and with considerable strides of her long legs caught up with her charges.

"He's received the same briefing as you all, and his potential team excluded him on the preference of his selecting handler so for the time being get along, ok?" She spoke like a supportive teacher trying to insert a longer student into another group as if Justice was some outcast in need of friends despite the fact they all knew each other in intimate ways beyond ways non-psychics couldnt comprehend when any of them can literally see and feel the mental soulstuff of their fellows.

When Mitzi was out of earshot, however, Black heaved a relieved sigh and gave Kay an appreciative nod; The first-gen being uncharacteristically quiet as she looked off casually at nothing, in particular, the whole encounter with the liquidator with a nonplussed expression plastered on her face and her emotions as neutral as any of them could sense.

With the departure of the other group she quickly recovered with a clap of her hands, making the actions rather awkward with one arm still around the back of Moons shoulder.

"Lets get to it then, ye?" Her grin returned and she casually threw her chair back with a too-loud scrape of metal on pavement.

Armored transport

Ushered into one of the non-apc vehicles but still armored enough to likely take a light anti-tank rocket the group was alone in the back of the vehicle in benches against the walls facing one another while Blue and Black sat closest to the armored hatch at the back; Both sporting complex but functional rebreather masks with bubble visors that would cover their entire faces that hung loosely under their necks while not currently in use as the vehicle rocked back and forth as it sped down the length of the city in a convoy of some ten other vehicles.

"You should all be aware that your bodies enhanced ability to dissimilate foreign bodies like pathogens and viruses that attempt to alter it from the base imprint you subconsciously have of your biologies should adapt rapidly and protect you from any potential biological contaminants that triggered the facilities response puts you at safe odds inside. But for obvious reasons, I'll reiterate that under no circumstances should any of you take undue risks with biological contaminates if you feel your abilities aren't properly responding to contaminates." Black lectured as she gave a second briefing identical to the first with some added afterthoughts.

"Don't touch anything either," Blue interjected for the third time to practically rub their nose in the orders that they were under no circumstances to approach or interact with the reactor if in proximity or any sensitive (meaning any) equipment whatsoever.

"Killjoy." Kay quipped at him lightheartedly, her arms crossed as she leaned against the bench; Her body staying perfectly still and unswaing despite the rocking like some kind of gyroscope or humanoid owl.

"The operation is also very heavy-handed in its deployment. But for such a critical and sensitive piece of equipment, all the stops are being pulled for this. And while there is no expectation of hostilities be it domestic or native wildlife the standard response is to secure the facility, secure and detain any personnel we find and stabilize the facility until a decontamination team inspects the facility and gives the all clear." She continued.

"Don't expect hostiles, but take no risks." Blue inserted. garnering a nod from his partner onto a new subject.

"He's right. We still don't know if we're alone out here, or who might have snuck on the ship in the last-minute scramble and might be harboring a grudge; And leveling the last city of babel and all its inhabitants into a crater would be right up the alley of any of the old worlds governments and any sleepers they might have inserted."

"Thirty seconds!" A voice called back from the driver as the vehicle began to perceptibly slow; The veiw from out the windows and the drivers-front window when not full of other OIA vehicles being of a seemingly non-descript three story basalt building of brutalist aesthetic with a central rectangular annex in its center that was taller than the rest of the facility as they sped past a very thick and obvious perimeter as spotlights and armored personnel carriers took up positions off the side of the road and black-coated BAMF marines from the previously mentioned unit stood sentry as they passed.

The convoy entered the large open parking lot in front of the facility after passing through a large gate and metal protective wall. Immediately turning to skirt the interior of the wall instead of driving right up to the front door the some ten vehicles made an L shape against the corner of the wall as the vehicle stopped and Blue pushed open the rear hatch, his and Blue's masks already dawned as he slid out first.

"Stay with us at all times, if you get separated keep your pistol on you and stay put. The tracker in it will let Blue or I find you. If you lose it follow the same orders and Hierophant will come find you when its safe." Black informed them as she began shuffling them out one by one until she was the last to exit.

Ahead of them the first liquidation team with Mitzi and the Swords was already stacked up off the side of a set of side-doors with their liquidator at the rear while the military types took positions between the facility and the vehicle; Rifles trained in every direction and just waiting.

One of the swords, Three from the looks of it, gave an all clear as he clearly used his advanced senses to attempt to search beyond the door without opening it and as soon as the all-clear was given another one of the augurs stepped up and within a matter of seconds the security hinges were disassembled and removed by him and the door was psychically yanked out without much effort as the first team streamed inside.

"Move out." Blue spoke into a small antenna-like microphone inside his mask as all the OIA forces began to stream either after the first group or stacking up at the main facility entrance which was likely to be breached alot less quietly if the clearly explosive-charge breaching devices were placed on the door.

With a remarkably quiet pop the front doors were also blown open by the charges and they streamed in leaving the second team alone in the parking lot. The whole entry by the OIA teams were unsettlingly quiet as most of them experienced the well-trained professionals seamlessly and efficiently enter the facility with some of the first time any of them had seen such military grace. The steady and warm rain was louder as it made pat-pat-pat noises when it pelted them from above than anything that had just happened.

"Lobby's clear, begin operation." Blue intoned, the psychics sensing from his intent that he was speaking to them as his and Black's bearing and feeling changed drastically as both of them became more rigid and gave off such serious feeling of killing intent focussed at their surroundings all of them could feel it without even needing to try.

Without being prompted Kay took the lead as the she psychically projected force around her to divert the rain. The first generation augur jogged towards the facility with her long tuning fork held towards the ground like a drawn sword as Blue took measured and tactical steps after her, an imposing smg at the ready and scanning the already cleared parking lot.

"Just follow their lead." Black prompted them forward as she took up the rear, an identicle weapon as her partner flowing left and right as she covered sectors opposite of Blue.

Facility, Lobby

Following the raid of military types through the front entrance instead of the first team. The open and almost 2,000 square foot lobby was already a mess in a way two dozen booted and uncaring tac-team members trampling through it could manage as despite the only one-minute between the first teams and them entering was a starke contrast as just about everything was thrown or kicked about with fresh and wet bootprints still settling on strewn paper and a tiled floor.

Their senses were already on alert and at the ready when the immediate sense of wrongness overtook their empathic senses. An indescribable pressure assailed them, and clearly only them as by the time Kay sank to her knees and pressed her head to the floor in psuedo prostration Blue and Black paused and took up a ready stance.

"Hierophant?" Blue grunted out, seemingly unconcerned as if it was commonplace.

"What Is that?" Kay mumbled, clearly uninjured as she focussed her senses around them palpably as an invasive force seemed to linger around them. When it continued and even she couldn't pinpoint the cause even she relented and got back up to her feet. "Its... wrong..." She concluded.

"identify and locate, Hierophant," Blue ordered as he and Black eased their tension but still took up positions near the only possible route of egress beyond an empty reception desk and an already breached hallway beyond.

Without needing further prompting Kay kneeled down and rested her tuning fork on her knees as she closed her eyes and bobbed her head down in concentration.

"One of ye give me a hand, the rest of ye be useful but stay close, ye?" She mumbled, easily audible to their enhanced hearing as she began projecting her senses outwards.

While Kay began investigating the odd pressure the silence continued. Nearby a framed map of the current floor and its fire-safety evacuation procedures was listed out, ahead the reception desk was mostly untouched and still had a lit computer terminal at it, a phone, and other clutter. Around them clues could possibly be discovered in the lobby as to the facilities personnel, and an unmarked security door to the side with the sense of alot of equipment beyond it could be sensed behind the reception desk.