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Nov 3, 2021
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"The rain tastes weird," Magician said more to himself than anyone, shaking his shaggy brown hair much like a dog. Siddling up next to Judge, he spoke quietly. "Man, couldn't the Lady have found a better planet for us? It's just nothing but darkness and rain. In a couple of generations will all look like Vampire over there and eating nothing but fungii." He gestured towards Death. It was no true insult, rather it was just that Magician thought of everyone with the same attitude. Well, almost everyone now...

Squashing down the ember's of grief and outrage and hate inside, he turned towards everyone, eyebrows peaking over the sunglasses.

"You think they actually need to be so hush hush about what we need to do or they just want to tells us at the last minute?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Location: khandar military facility.

Time: unknown.

Tower paid little mind to the group conversing, until... Lady Astarte Dubrant. Feeling the Sailors hatred, the anger and disgust, a soft smirk crept up Tower's freckled visage. The pattwr of rain finding their mark as Tower took the moment to look up, and enjoy the cool water and breeze. One that is so desperatwly lacking in the Columbary. The heaters felt almost over poweribg as she assessed the utilitarian structures, more importantly the cautiousness of the group.

Orders were simple. Do not engage in coversation. However, the fine line had been easily cut short with Lady Dubrants questions. Tower hanging behind briefly, looked to Astarte, before opting to join her siblings. " dont worry Empy, the politics tend to settle in your stomach. And Magi I believe they are afraid of what they don't undersrand. Especially on a new planet, where the creatures arent the only concern. Why else would we be here? Detective?" she asked playfully. Still calm, collected more than ever before. It was like the outaide and now the hanger air did some good.

Her small hand softly planted his shoulder before stepping closer, assessing death." Another major Arcana.. things here are getting curiouser and curiouser." A devilish smirk found its way across the young girls face. A clear indicator wheels were turning, conclusiins were already connecting. The only question in her mind, was where did the new Arcana fit in all this? " Hermie, what do you think of Death, and Emporer?" She asked playfully, her eyes never leaving the two.


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Nov 4, 2021
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"You're supposed to be smart, arent you?" Katherine stated more than asked to Hermit as she came over, the trooper chatting up the sailor able to be read by her like a book at such proximity from his body language and facial features.

Weariness, distrust, suspicion.

It was not hard to guess why. Despite her age and the unclear situation the OIA were always treated with a distant respect that was more forced than earned. Heavy handed in their methods they had rarely acted against the citizenry of Babel but when they did; In such cases of terminating espionage or traitors attempting to weaken babel, they were merciless and left few examples needing to be taught a second time.

But now, without enemies besides the rumors of a split in the councils unity it was not reassuring that the officer had not only downgraded in its duties but had even grown in manpower and influence despite a desperate need for able bodies for the colonization effort.

The soldier before Hermit saw her as a knife when Babel most needed hammers in their hands.

A snap of the fingers drew her attention back to Katherine, clearly noticing her attention wane.

"You were never in BAMF so it cannot be helped." He sighed, clearly gearing up for a lesson.

"When the Lady Persephone first forced the vote for the formation of the armed forces as its founder a series of major changes was made to the contracts and assets that the citizenry of Babel enjoy that gives them their rights. First and foremost was the separation of leadership between civilians and military. The Babel Armed Military Forces; or BAMF would hold separate contracts that Civilian leadership with higher-status ones could not order or requisition from.

Likewise BAMF had semi-autonomy and even some power over civilians in specific scenarios. But had the tradeoff that all that BAMF could requisition; Their weapons, their mechs, the very boots they wore. Were all the express property of the council, and by extension the Conglomerate itself. Which meant they were dependent on the civilians to keep them armed and fed, and the Civilians needed us to keep them safe in such tumultuous times.

As such there is a divide between the authority of contract holders between a Civlian such as yourselves; And the Office is very much a civil department. And an officer of BAMF.

The... Lady Astarte is a civilian but is also the direct subordinate to a high-ranking BAMF officer. She holds no actual authority over these marines and cannot actually order them requisition from them. But the commander of the 2nd Shock has delegated some of her authority to Dubrant unofficially. The marines will follow her suggestions as though their commanding officer gave them, and the Major will confirm them as having been her orders all along.

Their demands that we treat the Lady Astarte with respect are twofold; Do not potentially interfere with the orders of their commanding officer through the medium of her choosing, and a much more unofficial request that you, as civilians, do not mistake where you currently find yourselves and that if they as the garrison of this base request from visitors such as ourselves that we respect and follow her orders as though they were from a high-ranking officer than it would be unwise to not do so."

The trooper next to him, Hale, nodded slightly to confirm that Katherine was in the right train of thought as Black, Hemiea. And the liquidator, Tuesday returned from the rain, the latter actually walking behind the former and differing to Black as she spoke first.

"Liquidator Tuesday has turned over the investigation to myself and my team. With your permission, lady, I would brief them and only any who have the clearance to know so."

Astarte nodded before dismissing the two marines and then waiting until they moved out of the rain before pressing an earbud and speaking into a throat-mic she had.

"Ares, please make a lap around the bay, don't rush." There was a form that darted from the darkness deeper into it unnaturally fast that not even the Augurs had noticed that, with the context, had to have been a Gol which put a few people on edge. Black, Katherine, and the liquidator-Tuesday, seemed barely to care as if they had expected it as Astarte pulled out a dataslate and began to scroll down it as she spoke.

"Aproximately 149 hours ago, ereshkigal time, one of our recently launched cartography satellites picked up an artifact when doing a Passover of this region. Due to the software and electronics used to penetrate the twilight and cloud-cover it was disregarded as a glitch until a meteorology team out of the Atlas shipyard referenced the daily snapshot to correlate a tropical front for a report to chaldea.

Upon noticing the glitch report the doppler-team manually reviewed it and noticed an unnatural shape estimated to be approximately 144-meters of the ground, be at least seven-meters long and a two wide. After comparing that to the heat-map the object was decided not to be a local species that we know of or have cataloged.

After reviewing the report and tracking its path from the shutter speed of the optic and its direction the incident was sent here, to Khandar and an analyst team was able to determine the approximate location it likely touched down. After deploying a team of marines six marines from beta-company to determine the source at the target location the marines came into engagement with an entity on the ground at approximately 0300 hours yesterday morning. After losing four of the six marines to..."

She paused, drawing out the next statement exageratingly and quoting something on her pad exactly, continued.

"A series of bright, camera like shuttering flashes that made corporal Ludens entire right side just disappear between the flashes; Did the final marine, Trooper Yu, manage to identify the location of and then engage the entity with an explosive device."

"From there the entity as well as the bodies of the five other marines that were able to be located were transported back here to Khandar. The major, following the Baker-protocol began an investigation and requested auditors from the Officer of Internal Affairs."

from here, Tuesday took over.

"The entity is male as far as we can tell. Five foot nine inches, approximately one hundred and nintey pounds." Her next statement was something else altogether.

"It is humanoid and DNA testing confirms a 22% distant relation to humans but it ends there. With just a single asset I was unable to determine much more, that's where your group comes in."

She spoke as though casually declaring that aliens were real was everyday gossip.

"We need to know where the craft it arrived in is located. If there are any more of them or its species in the area. As well as translate its language and determine the use whatever we can discover about what little of its belongings are. When we can decipher its language and communicate with it there will be an interogation led by myself."

Black followed up from there.

"The entity, named by Liquidator Tueday as Hma-I(1) as well as all its belongings, the surviving marine, the corpses of the other marines, as well as all of its equipment we managed to recover are all being held in a secure location here on base for investigation and the information quarentined on a need-to-know basis. Our objective is to translate and catalog its language for further study, determine the location of what we believe was a surface vessel of some kind that it was transported in, identify and determine the usage of its technology, and interrogate it for information. Is that clear?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Judgement smirked at Magician. "Well it wouldn't bother me at all. Not like I can see what we all look like." He replied.

Listening to the big reveal. The Augur cocked his head to one side, then the other. "I can work on the linguistics." He offered. With his abilities, it should make deciphering the alien language a bit easier than it was for the others. "Agent Black, is the somewhere that I could listen to some recordings of the subject?" Judge asked.
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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit corrected that error in Judgement's remark. She leaned over and began whispering to him. Describing the people they'd met in the Hangar to him. She then waved a hand in front of Judge's face, looking at Magician as if to reinforce Judgement's point.

But even so, Tower's earlier question had nagged at her. She'd not responded in kind. Just shied away a little giving the girl a look as if asking: 'Who are you?'

Sitting there, she'd crossed her legs at the ankle mulling over the briefing. Judge seemed to offer his services on linguistics. "Agent Black. You know my specialties." The Augur focused on her biokinetics, clairvoyance, and empathy. It would make her a hell of an interrogator: observer, lie detector, or healer.

"If Judge is working on linguistics. I could examine the corpses, or assist in speaking to the marine." The Augur offered.


Nov 3, 2021
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“Yeah, this place is perfect for you. Next thing you know all Augurs are gonna be like you.” Magician grumbled.

The young Lusiad gasped. He could not believe it. Tower had given him a nickname! She must’ve been in one of her nicest personalities.

But just as he was planning a monologue and how to secure a fedora, the grownups came and changed genres. Gone was the thriller. Now they were entering sci-fi.

“Holy crap. An alien,” he said. Because it really needed to be said. 22% dna match. Even Bananas had 60% match. But something gave Magician pause.

“Those bright flashes that injured corporal Ludens, were they heat, kinetic based powers?” he asked Astarte.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Site-1, Khandar Military Base.

After a rather lengthy walk through the rain and the surprisingly firm and unmuddy roads of Khandar the group was led to a nondescript building that could have been just another set of barracks; Two story, multiple room doors and windows with curtains over them and some lights, and looking rather unsecure. After going into one of the rooms that should have been a four-marine dorm instead were met with another door looking significantly more secure than was warranted that the Lady Astarte got them through with a retinal scan and then...

The entire barracks was a facade. After they were hit with a wave of warm air from above as soon as one of them passed, blowing a lot of the rain clinging to them off onto a grate on the floor and permitted them into the blacksite. The door opened up to a rather large and sterile looking room devoid of much furniture or any signs of being lived in, All gray walls and too-bright abundant lighting in a single room that was maybe thirty-foot across and twice that long.

Upon the wall immediately to their left were a series of folding tables, each holding transparent evidence bags and tag-marked devices of clear alien origin in abundance that required closer examination to determine. Next to those was at least five heavy black binders each with likely seven or eight hundred pages and close to ten smaller packetsand folders all with long nomenclature subject matter such as 'Subject-1 cranial diameter and X-ray summary report 3/5' and 'Subject-1 body-posture analysis'

On yet another wall was a series of wall-mounted terminals with at least seven or eight screens all with various data and subject matter that a pair of uniformed marines were both engrossed in, silently typing or cogitating while occasionally a scanline printer of some kind on the far end of the desk printed out some piece of paper that one of them would place into a folder much like those on the table.

Finally was third wall. Made up on a rather impressive floor to ground seamless screen it was turned on to show a picture as seen from above, before it changed to another angle, or a drab gray room consisting of nothing more than a cot on which a humanoid form was currently laying with most of its body under a blanket. The screen changed again momentarily to show a marine, if the tattoos were to be believed of the 2nd Shocks logo and several OST tattoos and markings laying on a hospital bed in a room with machines hooked up to him, another marine, this time in uniform, sitting in a chair next to him before the screen changed to show the room they were in from a rather well hidden camera and then back to the sleeping obscured potential alien.

The only ones to enter the room other than them was Katherine, Black, and Liquidator Tuesday. All the marines including the Lieutenenat and even the lady Astarte after letting them in had moved to a nearby building, likely some other installation, and left them to their own devices. Though the two troopers of Katherines had remained outside to either side of the door, covered only slightly by the rain by the balcony above them though neither seemed to notice it much.

"The subject is in an adjacent part of the building which cannot be accessed by this room for security reasons though can from a secure room simular to this one. The surviving marines are on the second floor currently undergoing a quarentine process though we may access them.

On the tables are all the recovered technology and artifacts from the possession of Subject-1, and also a full intelligence dossier that Lieutenants Harper and Nile from BAMF intelligence here on Khandar have compiled for you to integrate into your research."
Tuesday informed them as black removed her coat and Katherine stared piercingly at the screen of the alien hidden under the blanket as it gently rose and fell.

"We can play back some of the recordings we have of the subject in our attempts at interogation. We have so far recorded close to one hundred and twenty-four different words of its language and syntax that you can use to compile a translation as well as document any other relevant data you may need to build a full dossier.

Special Projects Group OIA-special team 'Counterfiet', our deadhand team, is currently awaiting a break in the weather and will likely be arriving by morning to recover the subject and any material related to it as well as whatever information you have compiled to move to a secure blacksite. The group as well as BTS places the highest priority on discovering the subjects potential vessel location so I am authorizing your Augurs, as well as lending for the duration my own asset and clearance to extract and compile any and all information on the subject and this matter short of killing the asset or performing irreparable brain damage.

You may have access to the subject as well as the marines; Though the later group are protected under the Babel-subjects treatments act and are not subject to enhanced interogation you may verbally interrogate them of any testimony they are willing to give. Subject-1 however you are forbidden from entering the same room with unsupervised though a two-way communications setup has been prepared to interogate it remotely unless Trooper Katherine accompanies you in the room with it.

You have nine hours from this point until we begin breakdown and prepare for asset retreaval."
Tuesday concluded.

"I would like to speak to the marines if anyone will join me." La'gran offered, looking up in a direction as if she could already tell what room they were in.


Nov 3, 2021
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Magician rolled his eyes as their questions were not answered. As usual. A part of him couldn't help but be impressed with the efficiency on display here. All of this for an alien, but they couldn't give 'em burgers? Man. he should've been an alien.

"I know it's not standard procedure but maybe we should split the party? Everyone grab a corner and then strategize?" He asked turning towards his fellow augurs. "Also I got dibs on the dossier. I'm a fast reader."

Approaching the LTs Harper and Nile, "Alright boys, what's the stitch? The low down? The moola?" Sighing, he rolled his shoulders and held out a hand, "Gimme the short of it before I go through your folders."


Nov 3, 2021
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As they entered the barracks blacksite, Tower stretched, the knuckles in her fingers and elbows popping." Id like to see the Language and syntax first, then ill join the fool, before speaking to this, thing. Matter is my specialty but, i might be able to work out how to communicate with this entity."

Her comment was curt, unfeeling...despite the devilish smirk, slowly growing across the young girls visage." If I am to understand this liquidator, do we have the chance to truly communicate with the Subject, or will you attempt to hinder our communication attempts, especially since physical coersion is off the table?" A finger twirled slowly in thought around one of Towers pigtails.
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Nov 3, 2021
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Judge followed everyone into barracks, frowning as he stood in the middle of the room. After listening to all their options, the blind Augur moved to stand before Black. "I want to get to translating, but I need some help. Can you set me up with the alien's recordings and the initial interrogation on repeat? That should be enough to get me started." Judge asked.

He planned to use his abilities to find the patterns in the alien's speech. From there, he could better understand its language.


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Sep 4, 2022
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The young green haired man followed the group from the hangar to the barracks, he remained silent. The answer given to Fool seemed like it silenced him, althought it wasn't Xander's objective, he wasn't unsatisfied with the result. He dind't like to be there, but at the same time he didn't like where he came from, the columbary. So avoiding the subject was the best thing.

When the dossier was given and the sense for their presence finally revealed, the whole situation seemed rather obvious on Xander's own perception, he was surely proud to have been right once again, as his deduction on a possible contact with sentient alien forms proved to be the true meaning of the whole operation. But also, the never ending thirst for scientific breakthrough was the actual motivation for why they let the alien live. And for Xander it was stupid, there could be much more to learn from another civilization rather than just practical and technical things.

When he finished to scrutinize the dossier his green eyes raised to look at Tuesday "I want to see the subject in person, I would prefer to not use them but maybe it will take less time to actually tap into its mind as 22% of the genecode is enough to at the very least define a neural system similar to those of our world land creatures." He gave a brief sigh knowing the hazard of his choiche "A similar neural system means similar emotion patterns, and from there the language can be deducted. Therefore, i'll try to ease the mind of the creature while you take care of actually communicate with it verbally. Lets define a specific hour from when we can start our interrogation on it, enough time to at least let you read and memorize enough of the language." Xander posture moved to cross his arms and the eyes glancing to each one of the augurs "Meanwhile i'll be already in the room with the creature to evaluate behaviour and to create a mind connection. It will take several tries but maybe its our best line of action, and the faster we do the faster we leave... so..."

He turned to see Katherine "Please mr Katherine would you accompany me to the xeno?" He made a very evident nervous smile, because even speaking to that guy seemed like a death sentence.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit had moved on, taking a blank sheet of paper the Augur was steadily folding and crimping, folding, and stretching it idly. Not looking at it while pacing back and forth along the folding tables’ length staring at the tagged and bagged effects inside. Hermit didn’t touch any of it. Just continuing her little project with the paper.

“Emperor,” Hermit finally broke the silence, her voice steady and calm. “You’re assuming that a twenty-two percent genetic match is like having one foot in the door. But in reality, it’s more like having a toe on the doorstep.”

Her slender fingers smoothed out a fold in her little origami project. “Consider this: humans and some simian species share a common ancestor. Yet, over millions of years, we’ve diverged so much that we’re as different as a mouse and an elephant. Both mammals but wildly different mammals.”

The paper darkened and expanded in size under her deft touch. “Humans share nearly ninety-nine percent of their DNA with some ape species. Yet, we’re worlds apart in terms of cognitive abilities, behaviors, and physiological responses.”

Hermit paused, her gaze steady. “So, imagine what a seventy-eight percent difference could mean. It’s like comparing a bicycle to a spaceship. You could end up killing this being in your attempt to calm it, simply because you’re not considering the vastness of that difference.”

Hermit finished her origami project - a paper fedora.

She walked over to Magician, placed the fedora on his head, and tilted it at an angle. “And being in the same room with it is like playing with fire. You’re not only risking your own life but potentially the lives of others as well.”

She flicked the rim of the fedora. Giving Magician his detective's hat, her expression serious. “We need to approach this with caution. Because in the end, we’re dealing with a life form that’s more alien to us than anything we’ve ever encountered. That I know of at least." Hermit looked meaningfully at Auditor Black and tried to convey what had happened in a certain power facility.

"But, I can't stop you, if you want to walk in there and try. Maybe you'll get lucky." She shrugged.

But looking at Tower, her expression softened a bit, "Are you going to try going in there too, Tower?" Worry in her voice. Both for Tower, and what she may or may not do.


Nov 3, 2021
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Tower took a step away from hermits direction, the smirk falling." Not yet, I need to understand it all first. Their language is a good key, then I can speak to it in its head. They just said don't kill it." Her shoulder shrugged heading to the table to decipher what they had of this alien language.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit just walked up to Tower. One hand reaching for one of the other Augur's. While the other hand cupped Tower's cheek. Looking into her eyes behind the sunglasses. Taking Tower's attention from the table littered with linguistic data about the alien's language. "There you are." She murmured, staring at the girl she tried to care for as best she could given Tower's usually fragmented state when it came to her various personalities.

"Are you okay?" Hermit asked, voice filled with concern, running her thumb along Tower's cheek. "You know you can speak to me." Her voice filled with concern.


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Nov 4, 2021
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One of the marines stopped typing and looked side-eyed at Magician. There was a lot that went unsaid with the look the junior officer gave him but for the most part remained unsaid.

"Diet seems to be mostly herbivoric in nature." He began, a nasaly voice undercutting the serious military vibe the junior officer gave. "We had it's stomach pumped; Mostly some kind of fruit and carbon-based lax not dissimilar to some types of cereal grain. But it's teeth elude to a mainly carnivorous diet. Muscle and fat masses conclude this as well that the pale has a cyclic feeding cycle."

He began to explain the very dry nuance that would be lost on anyone save a professional analyst like himself or someone with a nearly computer-like brain like the augurs. The xenos that the marines had nicknamed the pale one was a clearly predator-species in mid-evolution of some kind to supplement it's species diet with fruits and grains to store fat and carbs. They hypothesised it primarily fed on meat and showed a dental scan of two rows on an X-ray of shallow-rooted single rows of twenty teeth each one a sharp spike with a small flute-like shape that once clamped down on something tough like meat would come loose if the xenos thrashed and leave hypo-like flutes that much like a needle allowed blood to flow out of but where surprisingly smooth and would be hard to pull out making a prey animal bleed rather fast.

"But clearly they have evolved past the hunting stage of their species and have prepared or readily made foodstuffs hence the change in diet; They've evolved to eat more frequently and diversify their diet but cant eat like a hunter without losing all their teeth before they grow back." He continued for some time, reaching over to the table and pulling a small clear evidence bag with three inch-long cone and flute-shaped teeth in them with the small red-brown discoloration of blood on the root where they had been pulled.

While this went on the screen changed as a recording was put up. Showing the same room the alien was in but backdated several hours. From the perspective it showed the back of a marine if the uniform was any indication, and the profile of the very same Analyst talking to Magician as he moved out of frame and they got their first look at the pale.

It was certainly humanoid. Just under six foot tall and broad of shoulder it had pale white-gray skin almost like an albino with matching mud-stained white-gray hair that almost looked green at the roots that was long to the shoulders and braided slightly on one side with small beads and white chips woven into it.

Two hands were attached to a loop in a table, with six fingers on each pale gray-pink hands with small black spots and nails long and either broken or filed sharp.

It... His body was arranged in a type of black fabric vest and trousers, his bare hairless chest over a set of gill-like slits on the ribs and spiraling, tribal like faded black tattoos obscured over the chest which were helpfully put up without being covered on a side screen. If his body was humanoid his face diverged to look clearly more alien; A slit nose and sunken, beady eyes, sharp cheekbones and leathery skin made it look human but clearly not and uncanny to look at almost like trying to make out an imposter.

It appraised the analyst with uncanny and jerky movements like a predator though the marine still sat across from it clearly unphased.

"We're going to try this again." He stated, placing a piece of some kind of lead stick on the table and paper and sliding it over where the pale grabbed it and studied it and the paper; The intelligence in his eyes clearly understanding instantly as he tapped the end of the safe writing implement to the paper and drew a line to test it somehow.

"Correct." The lieutenant intoned without praise or displeasure. He then took a piece of paper for himself and wrote a series of words in large letters.

"Lieutenant Niles." He read off what he wrote, pointing to himself and then the name on the paper several times to enunciate before putting it back down and then sliding the paper over where the pale began to appraise it.

"Gn-ames." The pale tried, the marines name clearly unfamiliar as it screwed up it's face. The way it pursed it's lips showing the full array of sharpened teeth as it practically hissed the name.

"Niles. Let the record show that the subject has differentiated my name from rank." he spoke out loud.

"Nilesss." The pale tried a second time, much more on point as with a concerning fluid grace copied the Lieutenants name almost perfectly on the same sheet of paper, then began writing underneath it in small, photographic language of sharp pointed lines and strata as he put down close to forty characters on the paper before running out of room.

"What does this mean?" The lieutenant asked, leaning over before pulling back deftly as the pale lurched forwards against his restrainted, snapping his teeth violently in front of the mans face as two marines in heavy OST armor stormed in and manhandled the xenos to the ground thrashing.

"Fifth attempt concluded the same as the last. We will try again in thirty minutes..."

The video cut off to show still frames of the alien and recordings of their conversations, the alien never seeming to speak except to imitate and only in a few unreliable occasions using a foreign word.

"The written part should be easy with this much." La'gran mused, looking over copies of it's writing before frowning.

"But we're going to have to get it to speak at length to get anywhere concrete." She looked up as the screen changed back to a live feed, the pale stirring under it's blanket.

Interrogation Room

Escorted briefly into the rain and into an adjacent building, Katherine, The other lieutenant Harper, La'gran, Emperor, and those others who chose to join entered and were briefly greeted by an OST armored marine in full armor on the inside of the door. Inside was a room much like the one they had left save for the only furnishings being a small table that was loaded entirely with marine equipment, a couple seats that clearly couldn't bear the weight of armor that required an exoskeleton just to move the weight of, and two other marines in various states of armoring up as they entered.

"Trooper Katherine, Special Projects Group." Katherine greeted them warmly and the one marine without his helmet on reciprocated.

"Cata Strophes, Corporal, Second shock." He pumped Katherines hand and gestured towards a clear but sturdy wall that showed the entirety of the interogation room that was clearly a two-way mirror and a sturdy looking metal door.

"Your turn?" He asked as they suited up clearly ready for trouble.

"Yeah, any SOP?"

"No weapons or loose objects it can grab. Dont get close enough for it to grab you; Fucker is like a chimp it's hella strong."

With that, Cata strophes and the two other marines entered, one blocking the door while the two others approached the bed. As soon as they got close the blanket launched upwards and a pale form darted between the two slow marines and was briefly out of sight as it clearly went for the lone marine at the closed door. There was a scuffle as the two others caught up with it and within a minute after bear-hugging the xenos they were able to wrestle it into the metal chair bolted to the ground and it's hands into a pair of tight leather straps connected to a loop on the table.

"Alright!" One of the marines shouted, clearly out of breath as his voice played through some speaker in the room and the door was opened and the group was allowed in. Harper took the other seat across from the pale, a marine on either side behind the xenos.

"You remember me?" Harper asked, the Xenos fuming and hyperventilating as it slowly controlled its breathing and hissed out the name 'hopper'.

"Very good." Harper monotoned before looking over his shoulder at the Augurs and Katherine.

"It can tell if you are talking to me or it. Try not to confuse it. If you have something you want to say or ask and think it will answer tell me and I will try to communicate. If you have to speak to it directly do so one at a time not all at once."


Nov 3, 2021
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A sudden flash of gold and silver from Tower's eyes, looked back to what seemed the only person who could tell. her petite hand bringing Hermit's own hand to her side. "Hermit, none of us are okay, but I've realized one thing; being underestimated is going to work in my favor." That devilish smirk came back as the girl turned back to the book, flipping through the pages several times before sighing." the written language is similar to an older Cuneiform the language is almost Archaic in comparison to our current modern iterations. but this is...." her fingers trailed over it again and again, obsessively scanning each row, before taking a deep breath." I believe Ill be able to write and speak with this entity. Hermit, I wont fail my only family again. I am the Arcana Major, Tower...both order and chaos, a beginning and an end. its about time I remind myself and the OIA why I'm useful." her tone was cool yet again, no major jump of emotion or episode, just....focus.


Nov 3, 2021
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Magician raised an eyebrow at Hermit. His other eyebrow joined as she approached him with THE HAT. It was strange... getting a present like this. It felt nice. But as the Marseillesian flicked his hat up, he knew it was time for the case. So he shoveled all his excitement into the back of his brain, for now.

"Thanks. You're not so bad for a baguette lover." The detective said to the dame, knowing she was the most dangerous of them. He turned to the eggheads who began droning like the worker bees they were, already wishing he could have one or two shots of apple juice to go down with all of it.

"So it loves meat and could use a dental plan." Detective M mused, eyes flickering to the screen. He'd say the alien was as pale as Death, but it was even paler than her. Perhaps migrating to this dark sunless world? Or maybe it's actuall a well tanned specimen for it's species. It was short on details, like the meals at the Columbary were short on flavor.

"So, Niles. You interviewed the thing. What's your take? Did it make you feel... abnormalities?" He asked, trying to see if Niles was human himself or just a human computer in service to the Lady, like many others. And trying to see the unspoken thing. Could this creature have any hypergeometric abilities? There was always the option that it was not an alien, but a mutated creature. Mutated by something or someone.

Weeks ago, it would have seem stupid to have such suspicions, but now it seemed only sensible.

After Niles' response, the sleuth tipped his hat at him and went to the folding tables. It had more evidence than the Augurs had issues. Cracking open one of the binders, he went at it the only he could. Hardboiled style.
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Nov 3, 2021
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Judge turned slowly, hearing Magician's "detective" persona. His mouth slightly open, the cringe causing the blind augur to go slack jawed. He was quickly becoming the victim of secondhand embarseement. Like when a younger sibling says or does something stupid in public. Turning his head back to the recordings, he shook his head. "Who let that kid in here?" He asked to no one, trying to pretend he had never met Magician until today.

In his mind, he dissected each word slowly attempting to discover a pattern. He would repeat the same word over and over again, deciphering the sounds and syllabus.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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The BAMF junior officer looked side-eyed at the nonsensical babble but refrained from commenting. He did however type down every single word and eventually printed out a piece of paper to put on a nearby stack.

The writing was a strange archaic cuneiform indeed. But what was most interesting to it was what beyond the first example it was written on. On the table, in bags and some unwrapped were the pales contraband confiscated belongings, each and together telling a story of its owner.

What was clearly a knife. With a crescent-moon hilt and a curved blade without a point that ended in a tapered tip with the blade only on one side it was clearly meant for slashing and cutting compared to stabbing or thrusting. The hilt was made of some kind of bone and leather cord wrapping with streaks of yellow and blue string and multicolored bears interwoven into the strands. The tag attached to the blade had the interesting line of Blade material: Uknown origin. And even to an Augurs enhanced hypergeometric abilities felt like a type of metal-based carbon like Damascus where multiply alloys were overlaid and fused together. Except somehow it felt like the blade was made of Gallium and cobalt which should otherwise be impossible to bind. Several cuneiform symbols trailed up the blade, painted on.

The next was a small palm-sized stone object made of a soft yet firm carbon material. Flat but for a slight bump in the middle it had several runes at each of the three corners and a large multifaceted rune in the center. When pressing down on the lump it gave slightly like a bubble and clicked and something inside lit up the runes only to go dim.

After that was a leather wrap about six-inches across and four wide. Unwrapping it from the leather tie revealed what could only be some kind of hygiene kit. With a small finger-sized blade, vial of some kind of wax that a note designated was found on the pales hair, several small files of varrying grit, and several small grooming tools.

After that things got interesting. Lieutenant Niles, noting the next object watched on with anticipation as the perfectly round sphere with a single round set of runes on it was examined. The note on it described it as Object removes all light from surroundings regardless of source; Device screens, overhead lights, even small flames. Converts it to darklight of a type. Light sources muffled by object still function perfectly to all know tests but lose visible spectrum.

It didn't take any of the Auditors, the liquidator, or Katherine to know that it was clearly a source of Hypergeometry. The note continued 'The subject seems less irritated in this light. Suggesting that the device is a source of more natural light to it possibly a flashlight.

While this went on, Lieutenant Niles looked at Magician like he was a particular type of bug whose existence plagued him. But said nothing of the kind.

"The pale is clearly an evolved xenos species with distant human relatives down its genus. The fact alone that aliens are not only real but possibly native to this world alone is an abnormality. Nobody but the council and two dead admirals left behind who arent talking on the subject even know how we found Eresh and the fact that the Lady Persephones ship found its way here as well alludes that this planet was known and catalouged beforehand but nobody I know from BTS ever heard of it before the exodus.

The valley we've landed in is sheltered by mountains on three sides and we've made barely and expeditions past Hassans pass since the incident with the colonial guard. They know more of whats out there on this world than we do and they arent telling. But the fact they militarized en-mass after landing here makes me guess that it wasnt the local wildlife despite how deadly they are that require an entire military presence in response to."

He only partially answered the Augurs question. Clearling using the topic and the lack of many others in the room to get something off his mind.

"Its tech doesnt make sense what little we've seen. But doesnt mean it isnt tech. Go give a tablet to a volgan pre-exodus and they'll claim it's magic because they were so backwards and behind even the rest of the world you'd be hard pressed to find more than one plasma LED screen device in a hundred miles of each other."

From the screens in the room, La'grans voice could be heard.

Interogation Room

"It's not showing any efffect." The Fool stated, clearly being vague for the sake of the marines though her psychic counterparts could tell from their baseline being active that the fool was veritably pumping the room full of some type of pheremone from her sweat glands.

The Pale was simply looking at them, its head not moving but dark beady eyes snapping like a predetor from one of them to the other. When it spoke, its words were short, thick, and enunciated as Lieutenant Harpers brows rose in suprise.

"Deh-part-ment ahv inter-nahl aff-ares?" It sounded out, reading the too-small text on the embroidered patches on their berets that shouldnt be easily recognizeable except up close almost like it was sounding it out, unsure if it was pronouncing it right as it looked about at them quizically, clearly noticing the difference in uniform if nothing else seperating them as something new by the inteligence in its eyes.

"We..." Harper paused, clearly trying to remember. "Havent given it acess to any written text. Any subject matter would have been only what we have written and even that has been breif. It barely understands a thing we say unless you enunciate or pantomime." Harper pointed out, brow scrunching up in agitation and confusion.

"How well can it understand us?" La'gran asked, her gaze never leaving the pale.

"A few words. Mostly the concept of names from context."

"If I touch, it, maybe-" L
a'gran started before she was cut off with a terse "No." from Katherine with finality before the SPG sailor looked at the other augurs and then to the other marines.

"Give us the room." He stated. The marines didnt move but for one tilting his head slightly, the faintest twinge of a signal reaching the augurs telling of some kind of radio traffic. After a moment, the three marines and even Harper hesitated before leaving the room.

"Cameras off!" Katherine shouted and waited. After a moment there was a bang on the mirriored glass in some confirmation. After a loud click it was clear that whoever was on the other side turned even that off and they were completely isolated with the pale who seemed rather ammused if the slight pulling of its lips and flash of the tips of its sharpened teeth were any indication.

"We've got five minutes tops. If you're gonna do anything keep it localized to this room. I want its name, childhood sweetheart, its favorite desert, and while you're at it the location of its ship if you can be so kind." Katherine stated half jokingly.

It wasnt clear if he knew, though from context likely, all of their capabilities. But any one of them could pick up a languadge from the syntax of just a few conversations much to the chagrin of their BTS researchers who studied them. The fact any of them could now speak Volgan, or Yuen just from hearing enough of it in passing meant that unless it was beyond even the ability of psychic human supercomputers they could learn its languadge with its written languadge eventually but over the course of hours they didnt have.

Or they could learn it alot faster with its writing and its vocal context and syntax.

"Ill go last if anyone has any other ideas. I might ruin them otherwise." The Fool stated.


Nov 3, 2021
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Judge cursed as his translations were taking too long. They were running out of time. Without another word he stood from his work station, and made his way into the hall. As the marines filed out to give the Augurs the room, Judge slipped inside.

Slipping off his glasses, the blind boy opened his eyes slightly allowing the glow to become more prominent. He could sense where everyone was in the room, except for Katherine but him being a blackhole in Judgement's sense told him where he was regardless. Dropping his walking stick he turned to Katherine. "I have a plan. Don't intervene unless things go sideways, please." Judgement requested.

The bald augur took a few more steps towards the xeno. However as he reached the chair and table Judgement's leg lanced out, launching the table into the wall with a resounding 'CRACK!' His head turned to look towards the Xeno, his face cracking into an overly wide smile, his eyes still half lidded. His hand reached down towards the Warhammer at his belt with twitchy, jerking movments. He just needed the damn thing to talk!
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