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Nov 4, 2021
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Babel Capital City 'Chaldea' - Columbary, OIA Underground AUGUR Observatory Facility.

In sensory deprivation where Augurs spent half their day instead of sleeping there was seldom ever a disturbance. Self-contained and floating in a tank of still heavy water, submerged but for the face itself it was the depth of the void itself where young psychics secluded themselves to cultivate their minds.

And by extension, their powers.

For there was no greater method yet discovered than to simply separate themselves from all but their minds and perform hyper cogitations and self-experimentation for hours on end much like a computer running simulation. While their minds processed at near computer-like speeds parsing mental data their bodies went into a near torpor and as the heart slowed to barely a few beats per minute their bodies could rest even if their minds never did.

For an AUGUR never actually slept. They could enter this trance, they could be temporarily disabled into a near unconscious state. But they never entered a state of REM and this state of sensory deprivation was the closest that they could allow their minds to run and drift off into a form of near-sleep and some of them could even swear they could dream...

But as there was little that could pierce this bubble of sensory null. It was not impossible for beings such as them to do so from the outside.

It was not a word. Not a projected thought. Comparable to a scream inside their heads and then a sudden spike in psychic emanation before being snuffed out it was like ice-cold water being thrown onto a sleeping person and each psychic came into clarity. Some were confused, others scared. Some thrashed and inhaled the water of their tanks and started retching.

But every single Augur in the Columbary awoke from a joint period they all had scheduled to spend in torpor at the start of each month.

Naked, there was the ever-present locker with a robe or shift as well as those who had field work; Their OIA issued uniform as AUGURS. With the situation at hand and minds racing as fast as computers by the time any of them reached the lockers they had already parsed information such as that they were not alone due to all the psychic probing in other rooms of their adopted family of psychics and that amongst the psychic and mental waves there was a passing feeling of dread and sorrow and grief as one or more of the earliest to rise discovered something and did not suppress their emotions which were picked up and passed on to the others within range.

Throwing on a robe or shift and a pair of slippers many of the psychics flooded into the long hallways of the Collumbary. Few exchanged words as they all came to the conclusion none of them knew any more than the last and the plap-plap of slippers on the tiled floors were abundant as were the sliding open of doors as every single psychic in the facility all convereged on the same location; The play room.

Play Room.

The play room was simply the name given to the main room roughly the size of a stadium interior that all the dorm rooms connected to. Containing various deployable and constructible modular facilities it was where the Augurs performed tests of their powers, and experiments with the researchers of BTS and the OIA.

As dozens of them crowded into the massive and bright dome-shaped room a hundred meters across at its widest point there was a collective pause as all of them processed what they saw and were in turn by the combined emotions and emanations of their psychic kin.

There was a body. In the center of the play room a form lay sprawled and motionless. Young, perhapse only twelve years old he was wearing the same shift as many of them and by the slowly lowering body tempeture they could pick off of his surface readings and the lack of any mental eminations it was clear that he was dead.

An Augur. Just like them...

His head was twisted 180-degrees around to face the wrong way. But even that was survivable for an Augur. No, what had killed him was what could and would kill all of them; His head had been caved in at the temple and the brain clearly destroyed beyond even their ability to self-heal from the baseline they all had. Curly ginger lockes fell over lifeless blue eyes that no longer glowed like theirs.

His name; And they all knew each other like family for each other were all the Augurs had, Had been Enkidu. He had been a war orphan just like the lot of them and like all of them shared an obsession towards some form of research or another.

Enkidu, who had yet to receive a designation from the OIA like some of them did of the tarot, had been striving to study the Baseline of the Augurs; The mental image each of them shared of their health that passively restored when given enough biomass. It allowed an augur all but dead to eventually right themselves so long as they could spare the calories and their own biomass they could heal themselves...

But not from this. Not from them.

For standing over Enkidus lifeless corpse were two assault-configuration Golem warmachines. Still in their bulky OIA suits they somehow got into and usually guarded the one entrance into and out of the Collumbary one now stood over Enkidu while the other leaned, clawed fingertips extended over the scene of the crime proverbially red handed...


Nov 3, 2021
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Gemini, Aka: Tower
Columbary rooms.
Play room.

Floating in her chamber, the young Gen 1 Augur, never spent much time floating at once. Reminders of their trip to Erishkegal would slip in and become its own form of mental training and gymnastics. This day was different, a cry of pain, the feelings of loss, anger, confusion. All welling up from her mind, not usually guarded in this state. Her grey and gold eyes sprung open as the girl gasped. Taking in some of the heavy water, before coughing and sputtering most of it out. Her hands slowly lifted the capsules lid, water now sloshing about. The wet plan sound of her feet, echoed in the empty white room, using her robe to dry off, the young girl threw on her OIA uniform, taking a breath to try on not let her other sides take hold. Keeping them in check was extremely important, since her failure previously.

Opening the door, seeing the crowd moving, murmuring and some making various shocked, surprised noises, everyone's pain was palpable. From sadness to anger, and confusion, everything was an ocean of Psyonic echoes. Moving through the crowd, the sounds of her boots Clicking against the tile, started slowly with her pace before she broke out into a sprint. Seeing the body of Enkidu pushed everything in her brain to change, to let the others out and tear these Golems limb from limb, however logic was needed here. Why would the Golems kill Enkidu? A boy who had not yet been given a new name, one who did not manifest combat abilities well? For now the young girl, clasped her hands together, resting them on the floor, creating an open topped dome around the three, with one walkway in."Let's take a moment...guys, he is family, I don't want you all staring at me like this when I'm gone! It's too many eyes, too many minds. Let him rest, we will find out what's going on....I promise." Tears were welling under her eyes, Enkidu was soft, in comparison to others, his curiosity always getting the better of him. They always would be in similar test groups, despite their differences. As she spoke, the emotion bubbled it's way up, as she began to cry, still standing, keeping watch at the door, waiting for the others.


Nov 3, 2021
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Gemini, Aka: Tower
Columbary rooms.
Play room.

In the depths of one of the tanks a bald augur floated. The gen 2 spent all of his time attempting to hone his precognition. After all his practice he was able to see several seconds into the future. Regardless he was not prepared for the psychic wail that had awoken him.

Judgment carefully extracted himself from his tank and made his way to his locker, only avoiding collison with other Augurs because of his precognition. The problem being he was effectively blind without his powers. Grabbing his robe he slipped it on, hopping it wasn't inside out, he rushed out to the playroom to find pandemonium.

As he did, he felt the familiar presence of Tower, then heard her voice as she began to cry. It was then he heard who it was they lost. Enkidu. He hadn't interacted much with the boy, but the times he had were always pleasant. Judge moved to Tower's side and knelt beside her. He didn't know what to say in that moment, all of the anguish, outrage, and pain washing over them all like a wave. He hoped his presence would be enough for her. He stayed there for several long moments before he acted, the overwhelming emotions breaking through his own mental barriers.

Standing again, his baritone voice boomed out, directed to the two Golem's. "What happened here!?"


Nov 3, 2021
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Babel Capital City 'Chaldea' - Columbary, OIA Underground AUGUR Observatory Facility.

Magician had dreams. Well it was better said, he felt he had them. Every time he woke up, they vanished like mist in the morning. They left something heavy in his heart. Something between joy and sorrow. But as he awoke in the sensory chamber, dry heaving, the sorrow did not fade. He followed after the others, knowing this was reality.

Nightmares were never as scary as real life.

Play Room.

Magician stood frozen, having squeezed to the throng of Augurs staring at the body. "Is that Enkidu?" a voice cried out. Later, he realized the voice had been his. Before he could say anything else, Tower's words snapped him out of it.

"Back up," he said, voice still a bit raspy. Then pouring a mote of psychic will in his voice, to get all their attention, he commanded,"Back up! Those without Tarot names, go back to your dorm rooms. Please, we'll take it from here."


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Nov 3, 2021
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Columbary, Playroom

Hermit floated silently within her tank, her eyes closed in serene meditation. While Augurs did not sleep, Hermit possessed the unique ability to confound her technicians, doctors, and all the associated bureaucracy. It wasn't exactly sleep but a deep meditative state that emitted heightened delta waves. Her heart rate slowed to a crawl, often prompting her attendants to check on her, fearing the worst. Yet, she would invariably awaken with a scowl, akin to someone rudely interrupted from a pleasant dream. For Hermit, it was simply her version of 'Zen,' a state that harnessed her body's natural healing abilities, mirroring the rejuvenation of REM sleep. Her prefrontal cortex, the regulator of thought, action, and emotion, was particularly interesting to the researchers while in such a state.

But this tranquility was suddenly shattered. Hermit flailed within her tank, thin limbs thrashing, and she coughed as her tank rapidly drained, ha fist clenched over her chest. A profound sense of wrongness had washed over her, jolting her from her blissful meditation.

After regaining her composure, she opened her pod, hastily drying herself off without a second thought for modesty. She quickly dressed in her robe and undergarments, slipping on slippers on still-damp feet. With determination, she charged toward the exit, brushing past newer Augurs as the overwhelming sense of wrongness threatened to engulf her. She strengthened her mental defenses, but it persisted like an insistent knock on the door to her mind, reduced to a buzzing background noise.

Her blue eyes locked onto Judgement as he exclaimed, and she tugged at the larger Augur's robe, hoping he would recognize her. Magician's shouts directed the lesser Augurs, those of lower rank, to retreat. Her gaze shifted from the fallen body to the imposing Golems, a sinking feeling telling her it was already too late for him.

Enkidu had always been a sweet and caring young Augur, the kind who would share her hoarded treats with the Gen 1 Augurs. While Kay taught her own group, Hermit had taken on the role of an older sibling for Enkidu, offering assistance and lending a listening ear, much like Judge did.

Her long strawberry-blond locks had been neglected in the rush, left to puff out in some places while retaining a dampness in others.

All she could do was echo Judgement, allowing a trace of anger and mournful emotion to slip through the constraints.


Staff member
Nov 4, 2021
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Columbary - Play Room

Augurs were rational beings to their core. All able to process the same information more or less they all had started putting together the clues but for some of the first generation who were both more and less than their 2nd generation counterparts they lacked the same degree of processing and dissasociation that the entire second generation shared in being able to separate their feelings from logic.

Unable to do so the same as the seconds; Six Augurs of the first generation moved in, unable to disassociate the feelings around them from their own as many of the others moved back full well know what was about to happen.

Locke, Phillis, and Muse all were of the first generation and shared mentalist traits amongst them while Six of Swords, Emperor, and Star all had OIA tarrot designations with a wide variety of psychokinetic abilities between them.

Rage and sorrow sported all their faces as space itself began to warp and distort around them as the first gens flexed their mental might. The two Assault Golems, blind to the psyche of sensing it regardless understood the posture of the six closing in on them with violent intent and rose.

The two Golems did not have weapons. Despite each Golem being a warmachine and a weapon in and of itself the Assault configurations were closer to Golem-Soldiers in that they often had less offensive modification and relied on external and carried weaponry. In their duties guarding the one entrance to the Columbary the two were more deterent and ceremonial guards to keep the Augurs from trying to slip out than anything...

"Subjects, Cease and return to your quarters." One of the Golems intoned with the tinge of machine sound in its voice as it reached out to clamp a hand and no doubt use its considerable weight to press down on Muse as she came within reach.

And then... Space distorted as six Augurs dismantled the two Golems. Using telekinesis and matter shapping the two assault Gols realized too late what was happening and moved to react a moment too late as matter stripped from their frames into smoke. Not a fast process one of the Gol shot a skeleton-metal hand as its outer layers were stripped to close around Muse' neck only for Emperor to place both hands on the Gols chest as the lights in the ceiling fifty meters above them dimmed and the Golem began to spasm and smoke.

Within seconds the two Gol were stripped down as limbs were seperated and plating and synth-skin were converted into gasious matter.

"Stopstopstopstopstop!" A voice cried out as a form jogged in from the still open vault door of the Columbary as Miss Pentendra; Known as Penny to the Augurs, one of the few minds as sharp as their own who acted as a teacher in several subjects for the Augurs, therapist, and friendly face rushed into the Columbary on her short mousey legs as she pumped her arms and legs to rush through the group of assembled psychics and towards the six enraged ones currently seperating the head from one Golems neck and rendering the other to little more than a bust.

None of them reacted to her, however, blinded by their anger and as most of the present Augurs saw the outcome comming too late Miss Pentendra against all survival instinct reached out to grab Emperor by the forearm who, in turn, turned his grip to grasp her forearm as one of the few genuine allies and confidants to most of the children in the Columbary gasped and slumped as the living taser put enough current through her body that had been disabling a Golem a moment before.

A dozen psychics then prepared to act, no longer able to stay idle when for a third time everything changed as a psychic pressure so great pushed on all of them that many dropped to the floor in an instinctual reaction to protect themselves as three forms moved to the six psychics fighting against the psychic supression and turned their ire at the newcommers.

Scathatch Kay; The Hierophant.
Homer Lumens; Death.
And La'Gran; The Fool

Three of the strongest of the first generation easily supressed the other six and most of the other Augurs present as Kay moved towards the six who began to back off reflexively while Death backed her up and The Fool moved to Penny and began to probe her.

Like the sound of the ocean in their ears and the pressure in their heads at being supressed many of them had thought themselves deaf up until the moment Kay spoke as clearly as if she were sitting beside any of them.


Like a renewed wave each of the six attackers began to lower down until they either sat, kneeled, or in the case of Emperor were sprawled on the floor as if an elephant sat on him. Kays tone devoid of its usual mirth as, while she did not look at Miss Penny her mental focuss was on the woman felt all the same.

"Her heart." Kay intoned to La'Gran who placed a hand on the womans labcoat right over the heart and began to psychically massage the vessel until a moment later the woman began spasming as her heart started again.

"That's enough, Kay." Homer; Death said as the two of them lightened up on their wide-area supression and most of the present Augurs could find they could breathe not knowing they had been holding their breath in. At that point a team of fully armed OIA gunmen stormed in, forming a firing line pointed dirrectly at the Augurs as Black , the female Liquidator of the OIA carefully stepped forwards with a voice amplifier despite the fact that any of the Augurs could hear her at that range if not read her lips.

"Subjects. Return to your quarters at once until further notice!" She sounded downright on edge as many of the OIA trigger pullers could be sensed in their open hostility and fear, ready to pull the trigger at so much as a twitch.

"Heirophant. Death. Fool. Stay put and Do. Not. Move." Black put emphasis on the last words as Kay, disregarding the woman turned her back to look away and in the wrong dirrection as she spoke.

"My kids stay here too. The rest of you go back to sleep." Kay ordered as her own students and underlings like Judge, Magician, Hermit, Tower and a couple others she told to stay with her.

"Kay-" Black warned as the younger woman waved her tone off even as she did so at the wrong place being blind as she was.

"If you're sure, Kay." Death sounded tense before slowly lowering down to sit showing no sudden moves as twelve OIA trained killers began moving at a slow and deliberate pace to close the gap with them one step at a time with Black at their head. "You kids okay?" Death asked them, well aware what he, Kay, and La'Gran had done was the equivalent of psychically strangling them all and was hardly the least traumatic this they could have done in the situation.

La'Gran for her part still hovered over Miss Penny, carefully tending the confused and delirious woman.


Nov 3, 2021
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Columbary - Play Room

The precognitive Augur watched as the others began to move seconds before they actually did. He wanted to stop them, but he was also angry. He was overwhelmed by everyone's emotions. So he didn't say a thing as the golems were disassembled, much like the toys the OIA made them build and take apart with their minds.

He turned his head seconds before Ms. Penny ran in. Judgment also saw her get shocked moments before it happened. He screamed to stop before it happened, but all the other voices drowned out his voice. Caught unprepared, the Augur staggered as Kay's familiar presence slammed into him along with Death and the Fool. He fell to his hands and knees. With his powers suppressed, so too went his "vision," leaving him in the dark. He hated the feeling; it was like when he had first woken up. Unable to see no matter how many times he tried to open his eyes.

Mercifully, the Psychic wave began to wane, and Judgement was able to spread his awareness back out. That was when he found the OIA kill team pointing weapons at them. The day was going from bad to worse. He mustered the strength to push himself into a seated position, looking in the direction of where he heard Death's voice. "I'll be fine; I just... need a minute or two." He replied. He then turned his head to Ms. Penny's body. "Is she okay?" He asked, apprehension in his voice.


Nov 3, 2021
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"Miss... Pentendra..." A rattling whisper sounded, breaking from the dry lips of a tall, hunched over figure none of them had seen in weeks.

Moon was dressed entirely in bandages. Face obscured by a billowing veil of steel grey hair, festooned with a few small bows at random. The robe hung off her skinny, skeletonized frame, and she kind of stunk of antiseptic... Just the faint edges of scars between the gaps in the rags, from a slew of surgeries... Still struggling to fix rash, desperate acts of BioPsychokniesis they had performed on themselves in the depths of frenzied horror...

"...P-p-peace...b-b-e still... uh...."

It made sense, why they appeared now, from a psychic's perspective. The brain could piggyback onto others, but for universal moments of overwhelming shock and confusion like that, only personal visual confirmation would do... But the thing was a grim walking reminder of just what could go wrong, and empathic connection said Moon kind of knew it.

The mind floated towards Enkidu, despite the trepidation of the fact the others would be aware of her prodding.

Her senses demanded to know the actual, concrete facts. Was this really just blunt force trauma? Or something more abstract?


Nov 3, 2021
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Through the chaos, Tower still clung to the body of Young Enkidu. Covering over as if to protect the boys body from the other AUGURS. Her mind was racing and the others wanted control, they scratched and itched like the instruments originally used to turn her into the force of nature she could become. Feeling Kay's presence first, she took a deep breath physically. Knowing the others would move in, before long the young Tower gasped for air, looking back to the gunmen, before her eyes, wide and concerned fell to moon. Tears once again flowed down your lightly freckled cheek, looking back to Kay, then to Moon, she took a shaky breath, putting her hands to the turf of the playroom floor, absorbing into the area to tunnel to moons location, slowly popping up near the frail body of her beloved comrade." Moon...you....i...Enkidu.....im...sorry....." tears welled in her eyes once more. Finally stopping and staying still, to ensure the OIA trigger pullers had no reason to do just that.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit's mind was a kaleidoscope of wrongness and Escher paintings, a lingering echo of the psychic stranglehold from her betters. She shook her head to clear it, but the perception of images as her mind melded what had been done into something it could understand.

She moved away from Judge and knelt beside Tower then sat, placing a gentle arm around her shoulder. The OIA gunmen could wait. They were in a den of demigods, and if roused from the slumber of their preconditioned minds, they could've made quick work of them. But such a thing was not possible.

Hermit tried to project calming vibes to Tower, but her empathic abilities were limited. She focused on keeping the Gen l's volatile personalities in check.

She glanced at Death, her eyes sorrowful. "From what you, Fool, and Miss Kay did?" she asked. It was a statement of fact, not an accusation. "Fine. But not this." Not Enkidu, and not Miss Penny. One would live, and one would die. Never to wake and brighten the Playroom again. And thus it would be all the dimmer for it.

The Augurs were family to her, all of them. The Gen l's, the elder brothers and sisters to her Generation. The first batches of ll's, the elders of those younger but of the same generation. An extended family, bound together by shared predicament, purpose, and pain.

She couldn't let Tower see her true feelings, lest they feed into her darker side. Instead, she projected calm.

Calm, calm, calm. But her eyes said it all as she met Death's gaze. It was a brave face for the one she embraced, to shield her from the worst of it.


Nov 3, 2021
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Damnit. If only Magician had been quicker or better at using his psychic will, maybe he could have stopped Miss Penny from getting hurt. As he approached all his fellow Augurs around Enkidu's body, he spoke out loud the thought that had been burrowing in his mind, as he closed off his empathic senses. His grief did not need to compound theirs.

"Why wasn't Enkidu in his tank?" It didn't make sense to him. The Augurs always spent after their days in 'em. Had he come out of it on his own, snuck out? Or had he been taking from his tank, to be....

Shaking his head, from such thoughts, Magician felt for Enkidu's clothes and skin, trying to grasp how long he'd been out. Trying to gleam something that they had missed. Thankfully, he'd worn his gloves by reflex.

"We need..." he started voice shaking, before sighing deeply. "We need to find out who did this. Or what, and why."

"We can't lose anyone else. Not here." he gestured open handed, towards the playroom.


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Nov 4, 2021
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Play Room

The line of gunmen stopped several meters in a line from the group of Augurs as if the distance was any more safe than being across the room itself. Carefully, Black, her emotions strained to the brink carefully took several tentative steps forward.

"Kay, what happened here?" The liquidators words were soft even if her pistol was still pointed at Kays chest.

"Shouldnt you know?" Kay mused, her usual playful mirth entering her tone despite the situation as Fool carefully backed away from Pentendra as two OIA agents grabbed the researcher by the wrists and quickly dragged her back to her line while another peeled off, clearly some kind of medic and began examining her. Miss Penny was alive, they could all sense, but the mundanes lacked their abilities.

"Kay. Are you all stable?" Black asked, not answering the former question.

"We're-" The Fool started to speak before Blacks pistol turned to her. Knowing her specialty that her power provided Blacks reaction was warrented even as she snapped her mouth shut.

"Better than ye, clearly." Kay stretched, seeming bored as Black stared her down before her readable emotions began to settle and she holstered her pistol. Following her example all the OIA agents visibly relaxed and lowered theirs. Several of them began to examine the dismantled Golems while breaking out evidence bags while most of them began breaking out tape and evidence flags and approaching Enkidus body.

Miss Penny, for her part, was sitting upright and trying to push off the medic trying to get her to roll onto a deployed stretcher even as she struggled to her knees trying to collect herself.

"We reset the maintenance cycle every second week when the kids are in their pods and their nothing to watch," Black watched her agents try to carefully hover around Magician and the others to get to the body before backing off at a gesture from Black. "Kay. What happened here?" Black stressed again, well aware that if anyone could have known it was Heirophant.

Kay, uncharacteristically quiet kept looking away, lost in thought.

"Scathach?" Penny asked, managing to wobble over, at least upright now and coming to her faculties as Death moved over to steady her. If having one of the most dangerous of the Augurs support her was any concern to her Miss Pentendra seemed not to care.

At Pennys voice Kay quirked a lip and of all things shrugged.

"Dunno!" She quipped. Right as Black was about to snap Kay interrupted her

"My focus was... Elsewhere." Kay seemed uncharacteristically bashful as even if she could not see that she was doing it her face was flushed red. And while kay could hide her surface emotions none of the Augurs could miss the sudden storm of fluster Death had and could put two and two together that two perpetual early-teens with their hormones never not raging...

"They were with me." La'Gran defended, all but sealing the deal by confirming at least the two of them had been together if nothing else. "We-" She stopped again at Blacks tensing.

Of the three strongest Augurs The Heirophant Kay was known for her otherwordly senses. Death was known as an electrokinetic and part biokinetic who despite his tarot title helped the OIA with advanced medical cases such as those involving the brain.

La'Gran The Fool was a mental receptionist who through simple electrical impulse signals and vocal triggers was the best mentalist of the Columbary and with just her touching you and speaking could put mental impressions into a subject much like modern hypnosis. When La'Gran spoke anyone who knew of her capabilities immediately went on guard. And while she and others of the first generation had assured that the other Augurs could not be influenced by her like normal people it had still alienated La'Gran from most of the adopted family save for a few like Kay.

"What can you tell me?" Black ignored them and focussed back to look at Kay and then Judgement, the both of them sharing a particular skillset. Kay answered first while Judgement was still getting his beirings back.

"His C1 to T1 are all damaged with crushing force which likely caused instant paralysis. Neck is rotated one hundred and ninety seven degrees through extreme force and some kind of intense blunt force trauma was applied repeatedly to his temple. The former injuries and even the latter are survivable for someone like Enki."

Lasering in on the last part Black instantly went back on guard.

"Then what killed him?" She asked, looking down at the two Golem; Both unsure if alive with some of the trauma done to their braincases.

"A Gol is capable of all those feats." Death joined in on the conversation, walking around Enkidus body but without touching him yet. "I can perform an autopsy to get a better picture if you'll lend me Kay or Judgement." He offered.

Black seemed to sit on the thought for a moment before comming to a descision.

"The lady Tiamat must be appraised of this. Protocol dictates flooding the columbary with nerve agent and then sending in callsign Witchtrip to secure all subjects into stasis until a full liquidation team can be brought in." It was said as if the liquidator herself had not just said she was about to painfully paralyze them while the OIAs team specially fielded to deal with hypergeometry like the Augurs or the Moloupar they had come up with in the BTS facility months early.

La'Gran herself had been just about hunted down by them and a BAMF team weeks prior after she had been presumed AWOL and had been brought back in a literal box just barely bigger than she was that she had been flash-frozen in, still conscious and not sedated.

"Lady Tia is currently attending to Lady Persephone at the Qadeshi settlement in Rheshep. It will take at least a few hours for the relay stations to get a message to her by the normal means with a dark-storm currently over chaldea."

With that, Black turned away from the psychics and started back towards the vault-like door while her men carried off most of the two golems. Black turned only briefly to look at Penny who had yet to move away from the Augurs before making an order to one of her men who removed his Gasmask and put it on the floor at his feet.

The door had swung shut and the bolts slid out to lock not even a few seconds before the first gens started acting.

"Gran." Death ordered as the augur was already half way towards the first set of doors towards the dorms, already shouting warnings to the other Augurs who would hear her soon enough to prepare for a paralitic.

"Moon, Tower scour the area for anything you can find-"

"What about-"
Miss Penny asked, the odd one out as to why she stayed. When the Columbary filled with nerve gas soon the Augurs would feel it all the same and could manage but to a mundane like her it would be excruciatingly painful.

"Magician and hermit check Enki's room." He finished before looking at Penny. He spoke softly even as with a stomp of his foot and flexing of his will a table shot up from where it had been recessed into the ground nearby.

"You and judgement help me with the autopsy. Kay-"

The hierophant waved a dismissive hand and sat down on the ground, flexing her mental will all around them.

"We've got minutes at most, Move people!" Death shouted as he scooped up Enkidus body and placed it on the table and loomed over it.


Nov 3, 2021
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The play room

So much she wanted to day, yet the only thing Tower could muster was a nod, lifting walls around Heirophant, Death and poor Enkidu."I can't watch him being dissected. Tears still trickling from her cheeks, as the girl took a moment to compose herself, the immense pressure of fighting back all of her personalities, was starting to become exhausting.

"Moon, let's go, we can fan out and try to detect anything within the play room, various tools, footprints, doors...anything. it's the least we can do for him.." as she spoke, her hands were already starting to press into the floor, a liquid like ripple rolling through, as the ground began to change color, focusing on any heat or various chemicals or metals. Not common in the Columbary. It may be a stretch, but all of Towers effort was focused on this. The boot prints below the OIA agents began to glow, along with Ms.Penny's, those of the group who had on their uniforms, began to glow slightly, but the slippers did not. The pressure of the entire situation, pressed the young girl into focus. She was determined to find something....anything.


Nov 3, 2021
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Play Room

Judgment stood from his position on the floor, his face set in a neutral expression. The situation went from bad to worse. Now the OIA was going to gas them all. He followed behind Death and approached the table with Penny. Then, Tower erected walls to surround them and Hierophant. He was grateful to her, as he didn't want the others to see what he and Death were about to do.

Looking down at the boy and now hidden from the others, Judgement was hit with an overwhelming sense of wrongness. Enkidu shouldn't have been down here, out of his tank in the first place. They were supposed to be safe here. Enkidu was too young for something like this to happen. It wasn't right. He gripped the edge of the table until the wave passed him, which to Penny and Death only lasted a second. "I'm sorry, let's proceed." He said finally, turning his head to look down at the body.

He took in the battered form of Enkidu. "There were two assault Golems when we first arrived at the scene. The others said one of their claws was dripping with blood." He narrowed down his focus to only Enkidu, everything around him and the dead boy slipping from focus.

In Judge's mind, he laid out everything they knew so far. The cervical vertebrae were crushed. The neck was twisted. Finally, the temple was repeatedly struck with a blunt object. What they didn't know were the events that led to this point. Moreover, why would Enki leave his pod?

After several long seconds, Judgement turned to Penny and Death, his expression one of concern. "It wasn't the Golems... or if it was, they weren't acting alone." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "I have narrowed it down to two hypotheses. The first was that someone Enki knew planned to meet here in the playroom while we were all in our tanks. Then, the attack occurred. The second was that someone on the staff brought Enki out of the pod under some guise and led him to the playroom. Then, the attack occurred." He turned Death. "Someone tricked Enki out of his pod, then they killed him. That is the only explanation I can surmise from all the data I have on hand." He said, the concern on Judgment's face giving way to anger.


Nov 3, 2021
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Normally Magician have delighted at the chance of gossip and teasing Kay, but such delight felt wrong and guilty here. He nodded at Death's order. "Roger."

Before he turned away, he spared one last glance at Enkidu's body. Not turning away, he spoke, "I was gonna teach him how to play poker..."

Turning with his fist clenched, he turned towards Enkidu's room.

"Let's go Hermit. The game is afoot," he declared, smiling cheer as transparent and brittle as cheap glass.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit had fallen silent as things went on. After getting to her feet she followed after Magician biting back a retort on teaching someone poker. In a world full of Augurs she had no idea how that would have ended.

"Saying that was a warcrime,"


Nov 3, 2021
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Play Room and Surrounding Area

Moon, rather unsurprisingly at this point, merely seemed to stand idly and simply sway a bit on the spot at first, regardless of any surrounding panic or turbulent emotions. Tower could feel the distorted tendrils of empathy trying to touch them from that direction, but it might as well have been a ghost.

Internally, Moon was trying immensely hard to focus on remembering the last few minutes clearly- And all of the invisible, churning emotions at work-Remembering how you felt ten minutes ago was difficult- Remembering how two dozen people felt was incredibly obscure.

But it could be an incredibly crucial lead, couldn't it? Did one of their kin stand out, from the normal shock and terror? Did one of the Gol units give off emotions, unexpectedly?... She should have touched one of the brain cases whilst she had the chance...

A flash of the mind, a bloody claw...

"...The... T-the bladed hand... is not a 'blunt' object..." A whispered suspicion, and a sudden reason to actually open their eyes and engage with reality. Hands raised, she lumbered forward quickly, but very awkwardly. They wanted to comfort the weeping girl, but couldn't bare a connection with that kind of sorrow right now- and so their hands remained just above, as if warming on open fire. "Tower... Tower... please don't feel... we... we should find... the object... of anger... I... I..."

"I am not sure... this was the Gol..."

Despite being sluggish to follow them, she changed tactic completely now, from people, to environment, too- Visually and metaphysically examining the walls, floor, ceiling and furniture for further unexplained signs of damage. Any unexplained holes or blood splatters.

Could she mentally map how the fight had gone down in the play room, by the direction of the room's disfigurement?

Perhaps it could literally be as simple as finding a discarded, heavy, bloodied object under one of the chairs...


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Nov 4, 2021
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Play Room

Judgment, Death, and Pentendra all arrayed around Enkidus limp form examining it. While the first two psychically inspected every inch of the deceased Augur, Miss Penny; Still a psychotherapist in BTS with a background in child psychology and pharmaceuticals carefully peeled his eyes open.

She came to the conclusion after Death and Judgement but while the two psychics knew they had both come to the same conclusion it was Penny who actually vocalized it.

"Oh, lady... He wasn't killed by the Gol." She sounded shocked, her followup diagnosis each a nail driven into their hearts even if the logic was all there.

His neck had been twisted with such sudden force with equal symmetrical force as if his very head had been encompassed and turned with finality. Likewise, there were no bruises or lacerations from either of the Golems clawed hands that each ended in a pencil-like point.

His eyes too were dialated in such a way that one of his very pupils bled out. The force of something lobotomizing him through a small pinprick of blood in the center of his forehead the entry point easy for anyone but them to miss. The blood that had been pouring out of his sinuses the likely cause of the blood on the Gol when they inspected him making sense too.

Enkidu had been disabled by a sudden and extreme telekinetic force and then near instantaneously lobotomized in a way that only one group of individuals knew hypothetically how to perform in such a short period of time.

Tower and Moon too confirmed it when the trail of the Gol led right up to where Enkidu had been and nothing more as they had only reacted to something and then entered to see a corpse...

"Oh, lady." Penny recoiled a second time coming to the same conclusion they did. Even if she didnt say it the turmoil in her emotions and the look in her olive eyes when she looked from Judgement to Death to Moon and Tower was missed only by Kay and Judgment who couldnt see it but could feel the reproach as she subconsciously looked at her students in a new light that had never before entered her mind despite knowing what they were capable of.

Enkidu had been killed by another Augur.

And from the suddenness of his death as one of the First generation; Not at all a slouch in the psychic department as a biokinetic, Enkidu was one of the hypothetically hardest to kill Augurs due to his biokinetic hypergeomeotry making it possible for him to heal just short of... Exactly what had happened to him.

What's more the only evidence Tower could find to confirm this was obscured in the signatures of every other augur who had flooded into the playroom to obscure the evidence.

As The Fool returned with the gasmask she, reluctant to touch Miss Penny started coaxing the shocked researcher to put the mask on. While it had not reached them yet the composition of the air had changed and a heavier schematic signature was mixing in rapidly above them from pencil-thin tube grates.

They could withstand the agent for several minutes before it wore them down with constantly changing gas mixtures and one by one they would black out they knew.

Kay and La'Gran, both being of the first generation had a weaker baseline than them and would go quicker. Death, being a biokinetic would last as long as most of them with Moon likely being the last to succumb.

Even with the mask Miss Penny wouldnt last long. The nerve agent would be painful for a mundane like her as it caused muscle spasms and intense pain. If she removed it she would at least mercifully black out long before then; Blacks gift of a mask more of a curse for the woman than an actual relief.

Enkidus Room

Enkis room was much like their own; Spartan but for a locker, a sensor deprivation pod, a hamper for laundry, and a standing desk with a networkless terminal. Right away the signs were clear, Lacking any of the condensation or moisture on the floor that would have come from leaving his pod any time soon it was clear Enkidu had not been in seclusion like the rest of them.

Gas had already filled the room being a smaller area. The pod, still sealed at least gave some indication that while they Augurs could be sealed inside of it from the outside as the OIA would likely do that most of their fellows would no doubt seal themselves inside their pods to avoid the gas; An easy Augur-in-a-pod that the OIA would then secure.

Hermits skin immediately began to prickle as her body broke out in goosebumps to the foreign chemical agent entering her pores. She could withstand it for a time while she began searching but in the tighter confines of the room she wouldnt last long as every breath would wear her down that much faster.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Hermit felt goose prickles run along her arms, not so much from the gas she knew was coming as from the sound of its hiss through the vents. "Alright Damien Mørkeblod," she whispered to Magician, "Gas is coming in." She shuffled toward the pod, her robe covering her as much as possible, but it was not much of an effective deterrent against the OIA's cleverness. Even those like her, who specialized in the shaping and reconstruction of organic matter, would fall. The more experienced would last longer, the First Generation perhaps still more from sheer force of psychic might, unless they'd already begun to comply.

She popped open the pod and peered inside, the bioluminescent glow of her Augur eyes illuminating the dark depths. The scent of moisture, and water, wafted out from the opening. She leaned down and touched the liquid pooling in the pod with a slender finger, expending energy in this way perhaps foolhardy given the current situation, but it allowed her to "taste" the contents. Physical contact, she'd learned as a baby biokinetic, helped in the shaping of things, as some of the older First Generation of her classification teased.

She kept her findings to herself. Shaking the dampness from her index finger, she placed a still-dry towel about her face. It would do little, an optimistic mind might've counted on it adding minutes, but she knew it was only seconds. The same for the robe. No sure protection. Seconds nothing more.

She waved at the boy with her hands hidden inside the bathrobe. "Check the nooks and crannies," she said, her voice muffled. Her first stop after the pod was the hamper. She used her robe-covered hands to rifle through its contents, still mulling over the pod itself.


Nov 3, 2021
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Magician suprised himself, snorting at Hermit's pun. He thought, it was odd that he could still feel such things. Shouldn't he be sorrowed, bereft of joy and laughter? Bah. Even his inner thoughts were turning morose.

At her warning, he nodded simply, mouth shut. While still an Augur, he was the lesser of the bunch. As Hermit commanded, he went about searching for any hidden spots, either natural or matter shaped. There had to be some clue. The detective novels always talked about how the victim's last few days were what mattered.

'Lady, what if we could have stopped this?' his traitorous mind offered. Damn it all.