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AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

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Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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The waitress blinked her eyes, she had to admit Antoienette was right, there was something about the Dealer that was odd, but she found herself concerned over Antoinette’s behavior, so far the Dealer was behaving so she would be left alone. But she hadn't expected her rapid questions, the truth was she didn’t know who she was, just that she was someone powerful. “She’s someone that’s powerful I mean she didn’t enter the normal way is a sign, wait, multiple?’ The Waitress asked, and soon realized as Maylis, and Leyla had. “Hive mind..” She said.

Maylis sensed the snake’s lack of personality, and how they seemed to be parts of a whole, which led her to believe that the Dealer was a being of many, rather multiple beings in one, a hive mind as her waitress voiced verbally to Antoinette. Still, it didn’t tell her exactly how she got here. “Indeed, I want to know, ” she sent back, as she turned to make her way towards the VIP stairs. A glance to the waitress was all that was needed. “Maylis said she’d speak with you later, if you’d like to” the woman told Antoinette.Leyla stepped back. “If theres anything more, I’m just a thought away, ” she told the dealer, passing her boss.


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Nov 3, 2021
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"A hive mind of what?" Antoinette asked, confused. Noticing that the Dealer had been alerted, she simply told the waitress "She knows..." without elaboration on what she meant. The telepath turned to look at the waitress, confused at the offer of speaking to Maylis. "Maylis?" Anne asked, but quickly discerned that she was the owner of the club by reading her thoughts. "Why?" The tall woman was suspicious, she didn't know why the owner would suddenly want to talk to her, or how she found out she was the telepath. She attempted to probe the waitress for information on if she knew why Maylis wanted to talk to her.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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The waitress blinked her eyes, she had to admit Antoienette was right, there was something about the Dealer that was odd, but she found herself concerned over Antoinette’s behavior, so far the Dealer was behaving so she would be left alone. But she hadn't expected her rapid questions, the truth was she didn’t know who she was, just that she was someone powerful. “She’s someone that’s powerful I mean she didn’t enter the normal way is a sign, wait, multiple?’ The Waitress asked, and soon realized as Maylis, and Leyla had. “Hive mind..” She said.

Maylis sensed the snake’s lack of personality, and how they seemed to be parts of a whole, which led her to believe that the Dealer was a being of many, rather multiple beings in one, a hive mind as her waitress voiced verbally to Antoinette. Still, it didn’t tell her exactly how she got here. “Indeed, I want to know, ” she sent back, as she turned to make her way towards the VIP stairs. A glance to the waitress was all that was needed. “Maylis said she’d speak with you later, if you’d like to” the woman told Antoinette.Leyla stepped back. “If theres anything more, I’m just a thought away, ” she told the dealer, passing her boss.
The Dealer took a less flattering swig of her drink, clearly unamused by the goings on. She gulped, then sharply turned towards Maylis as the woman passed Leyla. The Dealer made direct eye contact, with a stoic expression that said she was holding her cards close to her chest.

“Les murs ont des oreilles… Les murs ont des oreilles…” The Dealer whispered under her breath as she approached Maylis confrontationally.

“Why come to me? We ought to be in a private booth, yes?” She spoke out-loud with a shallow smile. To a chump it would seem pleasant, but Maylis knew those teeth had venom.

There were few voices thinking in the Dealer’s brain as she said that, but there was an overwhelming, negative presence. ‘Ptolemais’, specifically. The Hateful One was quietly seething, tongue poised to hiss, fangs clenching, toxins dripping onto tongue. The fact no other thoughts were commenting on it perhaps meant that the Dealer’s complete consciousness had deemed these feelings justified. Whatever secrets she was holding, they were hard earned, and she must treat their continued secrecy professionally. The kind of ‘professionally’ that people kill for. Although, it seemed unlikely the Dealer would hurt Maylis physically. If the woman suitably ’inconvenienced’ her, and the Dealer were to find a weakness in Maylis’ armour, she may try to make an emotional strike. Yet then again, plenty of patrons would do as such.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Maylis allowed herself to smile in return for the Dealer’s smile. But she indeed knew, someone whom had snakes instead of hair, wouldn’t be that easy going. “Why not darling, someone who could easily found hr way here, without the use of the official portals is someone that I would like to come to.” he said with the pleasant smile remaining. She didn’t know the woman, but she knew she’ll figure her out soon enough. Perhaps Maylis might find use for her, if she is willing.

Meanwhile the waitress continued to be at Antoinette’s side. “Don’t know, of what kind, but based on her appearance, not insectoid. And what does she know? “ She asked also confused. But she had begun to suspect that Antoinette was a telepath. “Indeed, she was curious about you as well, like why you aren’t using our currency to sample our drinks, for example.” she said, pointing the pouch, which since Antoinette hadn’t looked at, would find it filled with odd coins.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Maylis allowed herself to smile in return for the Dealer’s smile. But she indeed knew, someone whom had snakes instead of hair, wouldn’t be that easy going. “Why not darling, someone who could easily found hr way here, without the use of the official portals is someone that I would like to come to.” he said with the pleasant smile remaining. She didn’t know the woman, but she knew she’ll figure her out soon enough. Perhaps Maylis might find use for her, if she is willing.
“Well?~” The Dealer insisted expectantly.

Her smile was growing larger, eyes squinting, and a plethora of sharp; needle-like teeth glistening from behind her lips.


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Nov 3, 2021
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"Most drinks are... not good for the mind," Antoinette remarked. "Though... do you have anything low in ethanol content?" she inquired. Meanwhile, she could sense the shift in tone inside of the Dealer's mind. She suspected she had angered the snake hive, and out of paranoia assumed the Dealer was mad about her in some way. It was difficult to tell what the Dealer was intending to do at the moment, and Anne did not like it; most of the time she could predict what someone would do by sensing them plan their intentions ahead of time, so it was an unwelcome challenge whenever they became more guarded.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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The waitress nodded her head, then pointed out some drinks ”those are low, and those there, don’t have it as part of the recipe” she informed Antoinette. “though, if you’d like my advice, this drink here would be perfect, since it doesn’t have that.” She finished, and waited to see what Antoinette ordered.

Meanwhile, Maylis lifted her hand and snapped her fingers, and around them, the scene changed, to a new more private area, where they won’t be seen and heard including through telepathic means. Maylis sauntered over to a seat, before she sat down. “We’re in private now” she told the Dealer with a smile on her face, as she observed the other.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Meanwhile, Maylis lifted her hand and snapped her fingers, and around them, the scene changed, to a new more private area, where they won’t be seen and heard including through telepathic means. Maylis sauntered over to a seat, before she sat down. “We’re in private now” she told the Dealer with a smile on her face, as she observed the other.

The Dealer's mannerisms flipped like a switch. Her smile dropped into a mild; tired frown, and her shoulders slumped. She flapped her wings twice, before sauntering over and sitting opposite Maylis. She swished her cocktail, took another sip, crossed her legs, and began talking. The tension in her head was relaxing, and the voices were starting to chatter quietly.

"Well, now that we are done wasting time... I will tell you everything."

She looked at Maylis in the eyes. Her slit-like pupils were ice cold, but there was a tiredness around them that she had stopped hiding. Her snakes writhed and coiled around each other anxiously like seaweed on an ocean floor.

"The Dealer's Machine is a... An ancient vessel, I suppose. No one knows where it came from, dear~" The Dealer explained, "Legend had it, it was a... Time device or what have you."

She waved a hand non-chalantly, "Not one that tells the time of course. If it were that simple I would not had almost got myself killed trying to acquire it. Or... Well."

A smile crept up on the Dealer again, tugging at the corners of her lips. "I suppose I did get myself killed! Mhmhmhahahaha!!~" She laughed egotistically.

"The spritely bastard tricked me. Waited until I was inside The Machine, trapped me with seals, then stabbed me in the heart. He must had been one of those morally righteous... Shits. It was a suicide mission, see. When I woke up, I scared the poor mortals that had found me sick. They started trying to kill me too, but they did not have the last person's tricks. Which is why I would had liked some cleaning services..." She trailed on like the whole thing was the world's greatest inconvenience.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The telepath looked at the drinks the waitress pointed out, and seeing the last one, said "I will have that one then." From what she could sense, it seemed like the Dealer had just vanished. "What happened? Where did she go?" she suddenly asked. Antoinette looked up at the VIP area to see if she had really disappeared. This club was nerve-rackingly anomalous, it seemed to be constantly messing with her telepathy in new ways.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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The queen of parties noted the immediate change in the dealer’s expression and mannerisms which told the princess ranked demon that that she would soon be able to learn new information. Her observations showed her how tired she seemed to be, and as she soon learned of the Dealer’s Machine, her fingers triangled touching each fingers of her hands together as she listened. “hmm fascinating.. I have heard of other ancient vessels but none like your own’ she said and pondered if she should have a ship made, would be interesting as a mobile base of operations.

Her mood that the dealer could see didn’t change all that much as the dealer regailed her with her story of discovery and betrayal.


“Excellent choice!” she said as she marked down what Antoinette had chosen to drink then blinked as Antoinette asked about the dealer. “she’s gone.. oh I feel my misstress had a hand in that, probably took her to a private place, either connected or maybe a pocket dimension unconnected. “


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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“hmm fascinating.. I have heard of other ancient vessels but none like your own’
“Well, it is hardly ordinary, is it not? I figure that by just coming into the possession of the thing, I must be a deity, if I were not already!” The Dealer let out a light, mischievous giggle.

Having not received the barrage of questions she was expecting, she simply raised a reptilian eyebrow.

“That was not all you wanted to know, was it?~” She asked, sounding more concerned for Maylis’ lack or curiosity than like it were a genuine question.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Antoinette blinked, it took her a moment to realize the waitress was saying somehow Maylis had transported the Dealer someone else. "She can... do that?" she asked. There had to be at least some truth to it too, otherwise she would still be able to hear the Dealer. "How?" Perhaps Maylis really was as powerful as she let on, she clearly had more powers than just party tricks if she could do this. The tall girl looked around to confirm she was still in the club and that nothing else had changed.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Maylis chuckled “my dear if you were truly a deity, I’d know it” she said with an amused look on her face. “Perhaps your dealers machine, was built by the precursors or some other advanced society. “ She said, though she doubted the Dealer was a Shadowkin, she didn’t feel like one to the demon. “Mostly yes” she said detecting the concern in her tone of voice, and smiled. “but almost mostly how you managed to get here, using that. Must be some powerful magic, or technology.” she commented outloud.

The waitress blinked her eyes in both shock and confusion at Antoinette’s question. “your definitely new here aren’t you?’ she replied with a question.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Maylis chuckled “my dear if you were truly a deity, I’d know it” she said with an amused look on her face. “Perhaps your dealers machine, was built by the precursors or some other advanced society. “ She said, though she doubted the Dealer was a Shadowkin, she didn’t feel like one to the demon. “Mostly yes” she said detecting the concern in her tone of voice, and smiled. “but almost mostly how you managed to get here, using that. Must be some powerful magic, or technology.” she commented outloud.

The Dealer sunk into the table between the two. Her body almost looked as liquid as a snake's in how far she sunk. The tiredness was returning to her eyes.

"I would offer to show you, but truth be told we might never return. I cannot control the thing, see..." She rambled on with her honeyed tongue.

"...It has many instruments that defy any sense... Levers... Colorful wheels... Doohickeys and... pokies." Her tongue lolled for a moment as she stared longingly at the drink that was now parallel to her head, as she rested both on the table. She slid the glass over to her, and began chugging the remaining cocktail.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The red eyed girl rather quickly grew annoyed with the waitress just commenting she was new. The waitress was judging her, daring to question her. After a pause and crossing her arms in displeasure, the telepath merely said "... Shut up."


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Maylis watched as the dealer sunk into the table, taking in how she appeared to her, almost liquid-like snakes she’d seen in the millennia she’d been alive. The woman if she could call it that appeared tired, prompting Maylis to lift her right hand and snap her fingers, as a drink of some kind appeared hovering above it. It lowered itself as her hand had, and soon found its way to the dealer's side. An extra drink should she want one, and one that would perk her up from the tiredness that Maylis was seeing.

The waitress blinked and realized she might have just insulted her. “oh, my apologies” she said “I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was insulting you” she told her.