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AW Party Time at the Blitz Cabana

All welcome


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Maylis, the mistress, and supreme ruler of the dimensional plane known as the Blitz Cabana was pleased with her club’s success. They had multiple openings, in the NDC, from their capital system to their industrial colony, where Securo operates from and where her firstborn daughter grew up. She also had a spot in the Capital of the UNS, and was looking forward to when the two nations could meet. Who knew of the possibilities there?

Maylis was looking over budget reports, when suddenly, she got a tingle, an unfamiliar one, and she knew from said tingle, someone new was on their way. She didn’t recognize the feeling she got, or the location of her door, which meant someone had found a way without using the various spots she owned.

Her eyes closed as she focused, and rather than the doorway the unknown being expected, they would find themselves entering through the front like a common visitor. “Leyla, seems someone or someones new is arriving, please greet them politely wouldn’t you, darling?” Her voice entered the mind of one of her waitresses. “It shall be done, m’lady!” Layla said as the waitress made her way toward the entrance of the Blitz Cabana club. Maylis leaned back in her seat, with a smile, Layla was one of her most trusted employees, after Ulric. She knew she can handle any danger given the training she received and the enhancement when she changed her species.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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When the door opened, it was a startling sight. A tall woman, about 6 feet, wearing a slick dress. The dress looked ancient, like it had been robbed from the tomb of a hundred year old pharaoh. It was probably originally black, but instead it was only a muted grey. There was a tear in it around her upper belly, with purple-brown stains around it. Blood? But clearly old enough it was hardly recognisable as such. Dissuading any suspicion that there was blood on her dress, well. There definitely was. Besides the fist-sized tear, there were also fresh blood splatters all around her. Some on her breast, some around the bottom-hemming, and some near her hips. The blood was most obvious at her chosen tools of destruction, though. She had long, talon-like claws at the ends of each of her fingers, each of which had red stains all around them, which travelled in faint blotches up her jett-black wrists. This drew attention to her skin. At the ends of her limbs, it was black, then mottled black on albino white, before becoming fully white with the occasional black freckle as it travelled up. Upon squinting, it was clear that the entirety of her skin was riddled with patches of snake-like scales.

That was not all that was snakey about her. A thick, long tail stretched from underneath her dress, trailing behind her on the floor. Looking up at her face was cause for the most alarm. Snakes for hair, all dangly and slithering about, each one equally as sentient and peering as the last. It was a venomous mantle for her face; Two wide, dagger-like, reptilian eyes on a face that was otherwise typical. Full cheeks, a small nose and muscly jaws. Her lips were luscious yet succinct, a soft escape from her judging eyes. Behind her head, a pair of large, black and white feathered wings rose from some place near her shoulder blades. She was barefoot, and her right hand was holding a weapon. It was a long javelin-like thing, tipped with an intricate; silver spearhead. The engravings on it seemed magical in some way. Some sort of demonic seal. Blood was dripping from the tip. She set the spear to her side of the doorway. Her tail whipped briefly, swaying the red curtains behind her that were blocking the view of where she came from.

“I am The Dealer. Do you offer housekeeping services? I am in need of a maid.” She sneered in a moderately pitched, heavily accented, and feminine voice.

A forked tongue whipped itself from between her lips and licked the air before making a hasty retreat. Soon after, all the snakes sprouting from her head were repeatedly doing the same. She was straight to business, commanding, and her body language gave the impression she owned every establishment she walked into. Even still, she clearly did not seem to have any inkling what kind of place she was in. Housekeeing? In a night club? Regardless of if it did, anyone who knew it was a night club would not ask such a question.
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Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Leyla raised her eyebrows as she watched the woman enter, and took in the woman’s entire appearance in full disbelief. To the waitress’s observations, she thought the woman was injured based entirely on the damaged outfit, and what might actually be blood, though some seemed to be dried enough not to be called it. Her nose flared as she took in her scent, and her eyes looked her over. The weapon was noticed immediately and watched as it disappeared, clearly to where the woman came in from.

Layla looked at the sign and saw question marks instead of the usual departure city names. Then the sign changed to the name of the place "The Dealer's Machine". Her eyes were red and glowing as she looked. “My dear, guest, this is a nightclub, we only offer, great drinks, music and dance, and certain games. But..” she said and lifted her right arm, and immediately the purple-brown stains and blood came off floating off as if by gravity which pooled and formed a sphere.

Then a snap of her fingers, and a strange circle floated up the Dealer’s body, fixing her outfit and repairing it. “We can fix things, if the guest is a VIP, my mistress has been expecting your arrival, and so willing to allow this. Now if you please follow me, I’m obligated to take you to our token station.” The waitress said, and immediately began leading her to a machine. “If you have currency with you, please insert them here, as the night club, the Blitz Cabana has its own special currency. and everything is priced in Tokens.”

It was clear by the waitress’s demeaner that she didn’t seem frightened by the newcomer’s appearance. She seemed to be all business as she did her duty. Once the money was exchanged, she began leading the newcomer to the stairs towards the VIP section after she told her exactly where she was taking her.
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Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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The Dealer seemed a little surprised by the sudden use of cleaning magic. She did not seem impressed, but there was a sigh of relief when the quality of her dress was restored. It was now dark as the night, with subtle; swirling patterns in a lighter black. The Dealer followed in observant and expectant silence while the waitress escorted her. Once they had reached the token machine, she quietly reached a claw towards her snake-hair. A snake wyrmed its way out of the tangled mess. It had a small, golden coin in it's mouth. She pinched the coin with her fingers and took it from the snake, which gave it up obediently.

"Thank you, Chrysanthe." She whispered delicately as she offered the coin to the machine.

It was not just gold, but glimmered with dazzling jewels and diamonds. On the face that Leyla could see, it bore the symbol of two winged snakes coiling around each other. It seemed like it was the only currency the Dealer had, yet it was likely an antique worth millions.

Then, she remarked in a bratty tone as she continued to follow. "If I knew this would be a nightclub I would had brought some heels... Mhmhmhm~"


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Nov 3, 2021
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Almost immediately after the Dealer had started following Layla, another figure stepped in the door. This new person in fact did bring high heels, as well as apparently a tattered white dress. At first, the step of her high heel inside was elegant, but it quickly turned into a stumble. The 6'1 woman blinked with her red eyes and looked taken aback, clearly surprised by something. She had a cybernetic collar around her neck and long brown hair. She looked around as if looking for something or someone in a paranoid way. "Where am I..." she muttered, except she didn't say anything. Her speech was purely telepathic and could be heard by anyone nearby. Something was wrong, the amount of minds she could feel had very suddenly dropped from before she had entered.

"Who did this?" she asked, shooting a piercing gaze at the Dealer. Despite the strangely warm feeling in the club, the other tall woman struck her as immediately suspicious; she could sense that somehow, there were several voices coming from her at once. She was about to step towards the Dealer and confront her, but just then, she received a telepathic greeting from Maylis. The girl in the tattered dress froze, this voice must be the cause of this anomaly, the reason something felt so strange here and how somehow it didn't feel like she was in the city anymore. Almost immediately in response, Maylis could feel a very powerful mind latching on to her, it felt like Antoinette was glaring at her without even being in sight. She was trying to pry for information on how this club existed, why it was so strange here compared to the city. "You. You are the one who did this, aren't you. Where is this place? How did you bring me here?" the newcomer asked Maylis telepathically in an accusatory tone. This time, only Maylis could hear her telepathic message.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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Leyla watched as the snake on the Dealer’s head brought out a coin,it made her wonder, if she had coins in her head. Nevertheless the machine glowed, and then a tray materialized before the dealer, and on it, coins appeared, and likely not ones that the dealer has seen before. But there was a large stack of what Leyla had called tokens. “Indeed, ” she said simply as she led her up towards the VIP section. “But based on how you entered, it is understandable, what kind of city is The Dealer’s Machine?” she asked the dealer politely.

She wanted to ask, to learn something new and potentially help Maylis gain new entrances to her club to make things easier. Though she was uncertain of the Dealer woman, but she had lots of money, Maylis liked that as much as people.

Maylis on the other hand, had her attention on the other newcomer to the club. She shifted position while remaining seated, her chair brought her to her file folder where she looked to see whether Antoinette had been mentioned before or there were rumors about her. “You have come here yourself, darling, likely entered through one of the entrances set up outside in a random city. The club is in an interdimensional plane separated from the planet, let alone a city. I control everything bout this spot, its atmosphere, everything. You are free to stay, and sample the drinks and the music to your hearts content, of course you may need to exchange your money for the Blitz Cabana's money.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Leyla watched as the snake on the Dealer’s head brought out a coin,it made her wonder, if she had coins in her head. Nevertheless the machine glowed, and then a tray materialized before the dealer, and on it, coins appeared, and likely not ones that the dealer has seen before. But there was a large stack of what Leyla had called tokens. “Indeed, ” she said simply as she led her up towards the VIP section. “But based on how you entered, it is understandable, what kind of city is The Dealer’s Machine?” she asked the dealer politely.

She wanted to ask, to learn something new and potentially help Maylis gain new entrances to her club to make things easier. Though she was uncertain of the Dealer woman, but she had lots of money, Maylis liked that as much as people.
"...City?! Aaahahaha!~" The Dealer exclaimed, highly amused. She began laughing haughtily, her tongue lolling out from behind monstrous teeth. It was a vicious; malign cackle, though Leyla could tell it was likely force of habit for the Dealer, rather than being proof of ill intent.

"Ooo brother!~ You are too much!" She hissed as she began to elaborate, "it is a machine, and I own it by right. Alas... Les murs ont des oreilles, yes? You could say the Dealer has a few tricks up her sleeves."

She wiped a tear from her eye as the pair got to the beginning of the stairs.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Antoinette was rather angered by the notion that Maylis was in complete control here, but at the moment she couldn't do anything about it. Still, she needed to know how much control Maylis could exercise over this space. "And just how much control is everything," Antoinette requested to know, sounding bitter in her mind. Meanwhile, the amount of information on Antoinette was sparse, but there were no doubtedly several rumors of her violent nature. While she wasn't wanted in the NDC, there had definitely been rumors of her extremely violent tendencies. Those who knew of the bounty hunting jobs she had been hired for had most certainly known of the messes she left behind.

Yet, unfortunately for her, those bounty hunting jobs were not necessarily a very stable source of income. She did not have any job outside of occasionally being hired for bounty hunting, and she hadn't gotten a lot of bounty hunting jobs recently. She did not have a lot of money to spare for this at the moment. "Right... my money..." Maylis could hear her think in an almost disappointed and annoyed way, still over the telepathic connection. Although the atmosphere and the decreased amount of minds was better than in the city, she was still not entirely satisfied with this place-- knowing that it was under someone's control and that there seemed to be some abnormal telepathic phenomenon happening here, either in the atmosphere or the patrons, or maybe both.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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“They do, indeed, especially these walls, ” she commented, confirming she understood what she had said. Her comments previously had apparently made her laugh, which meant she was amused. She was certain that Maylis would be happy she amused someone. Either way, she didn’t speak until they’d arrived upstairs, andLeyla showed her to a seat, which was quite comfortable, perhaps the most comfortable seat she’d ever sat in if that was possible

A Menu appeared in her hands, which had then been handed. “Please take a look, we have many local drinks including some unique ones, including the house special, which I’ve been told not to recommend those whose bodies are similar to a human.” she said and the Dealer saw an image of a human, with an X over the image. “It is after all a very… strong drink. Anyways, I’ll get your order once you’ve picked something, and if theres any other requests I’d be happy to fulfill.” She finished.

Antoinette had a different experience. When she asked just how much, Maylis thought it a chance to show off. The lights changed their hues and coloring, the décoralso changed, to something a demon would like. Instead of comfort and warmth it was suddenly cold before everything went back to normal how she had it. “Everything, ” she told her simply.

Antoinette would hear a sound as if someone was sighing, before suddenly a pouch appeared floating before her. “Enjoy yourself, darling, but do behave and not act violent in here. I don’t care how you act outside though.” The voice of Maylis said as she closed the folder.

“Bounty hunter huh, wonder if she works for little Lazarus.” she said as she returned to her desk. “Alright, looks like budget is good, could use more entrances though. Might send someone to Kalis System.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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“They do, indeed, especially these walls, ” she commented, confirming she understood what she had said. Her comments previously had apparently made her laugh, which meant she was amused. She was certain that Maylis would be happy she amused someone. Either way, she didn’t speak until they’d arrived upstairs, andLeyla showed her to a seat, which was quite comfortable, perhaps the most comfortable seat she’d ever sat in if that was possible

A Menu appeared in her hands, which had then been handed. “Please take a look, we have many local drinks including some unique ones, including the house special, which I’ve been told not to recommend those whose bodies are similar to a human.” she said and the Dealer saw an image of a human, with an X over the image. “It is after all a very… strong drink. Anyways, I’ll get your order once you’ve picked something, and if theres any other requests I’d be happy to fulfill.” She finished.
She leaned back, lounging in her seat. Her tail flopped out the front of the seat between her legs, which she then crossed. She seemed to take the comfort completely for granted. It was almost like if it were any less comfortable, she would had barked at the nearest waiting staff for it. Taking the menu, she began perusing it. While she flipped the pages, her snakes were swaying, nosily gazing at the other guests. One snake at the back of her head was especially perceptive. It never seemed to look at the same thing twice, flicking its tongue eagerly while it shifted its gaze from each of the exits; then to staff entering or leaving the room; then each seated guest one by one.

The Dealer was looking at the ingredients of each of the drinks before her. She did not seem awfully impressed with any of them.

"Rum and cola... Vodka with veradicium lime... Feilata extract...? ...Ha! This one may as well be dirty bathwater with a side of hangover. Is there anything other than hootch...?" She began orating subconsciously.

She skimmed the ingredients a second time, this time in silence, before spotting something that caught her attention. "Brainroach infested turler slug?"

The Dealer read it a second time, then a third, then a fourth. To the more typical patrons, the mere concept of the drink that had been named the 'Dead Shuffle' would have them dry heaving within the second, but it was the only thing in the Blitz Cabana so far that seemed to impress her. She set down her menu and waited patiently to be attended.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Anne observed all the things Maylis was changing, but she wasn't convinced this was the extent of her power. She took the pouch, confused why it appeared, and continued listening to Maylis's thoughts even when Maylis thought the connection had ended in an attempt to discover more about her motives and anything that revealed the real reach of her power. She wasn't surprised that the strange club owner had come to the conclusion she might act violent. "I do not work for Lazarus, no," she suddenly replied to Maylis. Even though Maylis did not say it directly to Antoinette, she could still hear it, apparently. The tall woman also looked around, attempting to locate where this club operator was.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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It hadn’t been the extent, but as Antoinette hadn’t actually done anything wrong, she decided not to have her transferred to the detention area. So she simply left her with a pouch inside of which was the club’s currency so she could try things out in the club. When she replied with her thoughts, it surprised her. She realized she must be a telepath of some kind, and a part of her thought that would or could be useful. “I see, independent then.” She replied simply, then with a focus, her thoughts would soon be blocked to Antoinette. Meanwhile, the menu was retrieved, and the drinks that the dealer desired, were placed before her. Though Leyla would admit, she’d love to see if the Dealer woman would be able to handle a drink such as the Blitz, something thus far, only the Vaigarin like their bartender, and demons could handle.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Antoinette was miffed that Maylis blocked her thoughts from her. It was very rare that someone was able to do this. No-doubtedly then, Maylis had some powerful mental abilities as well. The tall red eyed girl had to find her now. She started sifting through the thoughts coming from everyone in the club, attempting to discern anything indicating where Maylis was. This was straining to do, the amount of thoughts she could hear constantly was already maddening and now she was searching through several at a time for information. At the least, this was something she had experience with. In the storm of minds, she decided to sit down at a table so she wouldn't have to be standing around to do this.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Meanwhile, the menu was retrieved, and the drinks that the dealer desired, were placed before her. Though Leyla would admit, she’d love to see if the Dealer woman would be able to handle a drink such as the Blitz, something thus far, only the Vaigarin like their bartender, and demons could handle.
The Dealer held her cocktail glass by the stem, pinching it deftly between her clawed fingers. The drink inside was a smooth, putrid sludge. She took a practiced sip. The Dead Shuffle was a noxious nightmare. Meaty, musky and bitter all at the same time, with the familiar punch to the nose which was liquor. The texture was slimey and slick, like a mucus that had somehow inherited the qualities of oil. It would run through every corner of one's mouth and coat it in its disgusting flavour and aromas... The Dealer drank it like it was ambrosia, and there was no indication she was faking it.

Her enjoyment of the establishment was beginning to fall under the shadow of her appreciation for this drink, so she stood up. She was quiet and venomous, almost gliding across the VIP lounge like a ghost while her tail trailed behind, despite walking on her feet. The Dealer stopped and leaned forward on the railing, gazing down at the lower area. She took another sip, the snakes in her hair lazily wiggling in sloth-like excitement. She flipped pages with her eyes, observing the people below her. Each of them was of mild amusement to her, like watching birds eat seeds dropped at her feet. This gave the Dealer a big, mean, toothy grin.

Eventually, her eyes rested on a lady sitting down at a table. She looked weirdly tall, but it was probably just perspective. Actually, no, she was definitely tall. Now that she really looked, it seemed like she had red eyes, too. Was she... sweating? What kind of human sits down in a place intended for relaxation and starts sweating? The Dealer watched intently, the malicious pride on her face slowly being replaced by curiosity. Of a morbid degree, perhaps.


Antoinette would feel a shiver down her back, hairs standing on end... Something was watching her. Something... Unearthly. Soon after, Antoinette would find treasure other than what she was digging for. A small pocket of peculiarity in the psyche-soil. It was quiet compared to the other voices, but once she noticed it, it was the most jarring thing she had heard from the sea of minds so far.

"What is she doing, would you think?" Hissed a feminine, reptilian voice.
"Do you think she needs the bathroom?" Hissed another... No. The exact same voice, but in a different tone.
"No, Sophia. Something is prying at her." A third of the same voice spoke in utter confidence. This one almost sounded omniscient in how it spoke.
A powerful voice, lacking humility but high in spirit, "Ophelia never ceases to amaze."
"Oooo~, she is right. I am picturing something supernatural!"
This fifth voice was more snobbish than the others, but yet again just the same.
Haughtily, "That peasant? O, please. Xeno, what do you think?"
"...Concern with others... But not of empathy... She is sifting... Eavesdropping...? No..."
Said the same voice yet again, in a way something ghost-like.
Now, cold and calculating, "...Eudocia was right. This is a psychic."

A slightly louder uproar of whispers erupted. Antoinette could count at least twenty voices. All of them, coming from the same person.
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Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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The floor below was full of activity, dancers, enjoying the music, patrons enjoying their drinks. A wild man expressive in his arm movements disappearing in a bright flash, and those close by laughing, as if amused. The song played would be familiar, at least to those living in the New Dusk Conclave, as it was a song by Nytemare, aka Kolorsha. Its melody echoed throughout the club, but was quieter up in the VIP section. Perhaps to allow those above to think or talk and discuss things. Observing the Dealer’s movement, Leyla shifted the weight off of her feet, and moved to follow her, in hopes of doing something further to assist the other woman, a result of her orders.

Her mistress was intrigued by the woman, and as they interacted, she knew that Maylis was watching, observing her. Just as she was with the other, it wasn’t everyday that someone capable of reading minds entered her club, and one that would be allowed to hear her mistress’s thoughts. Leyla glanced down to the woman, that had the Dealer’s attention. She noticed that the pouch seemed to be unused, if Antoinette had opened and looked in, she’d find coins of some kind. Another waitress appeared at Antoinette’s side. “Miss, can I get you something to drink, or eat?’ She was asked, potentially distracting her.

In Maylis’s office, budget books were put away, and Maylis exited her office and entered her club. The lights in the club danced, over her, and her skin as much as anyone else. She glanced around, spotting Antoinette then her eyes shifted upwards to the VIP section where she spotted Leyla, beside the Dealer. Her mouth moved, speaking, but no sound came from it, perhaps muted by the music below, but Leyla spoke then but it wasn’t her voice. “I hope your enjoying your drink, Miss Dealer, and the atmosphere. “ Leyla? said to the woman. “My dearest Leyla is attentive, skilled to various needs so don’t hesitate in asking her” Leyla? said to the woman.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Antoinette was distracted for a moment when the waitress approached her. Alcohol could potentially interfere with her cognitive functions and would most likely pose a distraction. She didn't even bother looking at the menu, so she didn't know what the options were anyway. She did, however, catch that there was someone watching and talking about her, or maybe multiple people? No, this was all from the same person. She seemed unresponsive to the waitress for a moment, taking a moment to glance up at the VIP area balcony. That's who was watching her, the same person she saw earlier. She then looked at the waitress and telepathically asked her "Tell me... who is that?" Rather than physically pointing to the Dealer and making it obvious she had noticed her, the waitress could feel something indicating where to look. It was like an invisible, silent ping, indicating she was talking about the person in the VIP area.


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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In Maylis’s office, budget books were put away, and Maylis exited her office and entered her club. The lights in the club danced, over her, and her skin as much as anyone else. She glanced around, spotting Antoinette then her eyes shifted upwards to the VIP section where she spotted Leyla, beside the Dealer. Her mouth moved, speaking, but no sound came from it, perhaps muted by the music below, but Leyla spoke then but it wasn’t her voice. “I hope your enjoying your drink, Miss Dealer, and the atmosphere. “ Leyla? said to the woman. “My dearest Leyla is attentive, skilled to various needs so don’t hesitate in asking her” Leyla? said to the woman.
The Dealer was looking down at Maylis when she started speaking. When Leyla spoke in her voice instead, her head snapped around and gawked for a moment. Within a handful of seconds, she put it all together. A brief chuckle escaped her before she continued looking on, smiling.

"Well, yes. Your menu leaves much to be desired but I found the good stuff, in the end."

The alien woman's thoughts continued as she gazed on:

A bestial, impulsive voice growled and hissed, "I like the creatures down there. They look fun."
"Do you think they are aware of their in-autonomy? They drink and holla exactly as an animal does when it finds illicit substances. Beast-like recreation, based entirely from urges." A gentle, silver-tongued one spoke. She sounded like an expert, like you could believe anything she told you.
This thought was interrupted by something hot and burning, yet slow and patient. A voice so vindictive and hateful that it motivates every. Single. Thought. "No, Eulalia. These are 'rational' frauds. If asked they would explain their behaviours away like petty little charlatans. They would be embarrassed to be compared to what they really are. Mindless beasts."
This passion was tempered and cooled by one more, who rolled over her like a soft; cooling; wave on a beach. "Yes. And look where you stand now, Ptolemais. Standing over them like you are something more. We are lounging in an area designated to beings that see themselves as in an upper hierarchy. If you think they are despicable, we should see the ones on our floor."

The snake on the back of the Dealer's head once again looked at each of the people on the VIP lounge. It had no strong thoughts about them.

"...Then what about the one who is not drinking?" Antoinette could feel that once again, the voices were thinking about her. This one was calm as the emptiest reaches of space. Almost unthinking in how calm they were.
"We already know, Eirene. She is hunting." That one was Ophelia once again; the one that felt 'omniscient'.


Ruler of the UNS, Guildmaster of the Mining Guild
Nov 3, 2021
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The waitress felt her thoughts, but if she was startled by this she didn’t indicate so, and Antoinette didn’t feel her surprise in her thoughts either. She subtly glanced to the VIP section after having felt the sensation of where to look. “Oh, the one to the left is Leyla; she’s kind of the senior waitress around here. But beside her, that’s the Dealer; my boss is intrigued by her, as she found this place without using the main portals like you have. What’s your interest I her? Arousal attraction or other?’ The waitress asked Antoinette. The Waitress noticed Maylis has left her office. “oh, she’s outside”

Leyla/Maylis smiled as she heard her response. “I’m pleased you have found what you like. Though I do accept not everyone will like everything in the Menu.” She told her, before Maylis, looked towards the dealers ‘hair’ and took note of the snakes, before she smiled. Yes, they are fun indeed, I too like the creatures The snakes would hear.


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Nov 3, 2021
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The tall lady was a bit surprised that the waitress thought she meant Leyla. Perhaps the other voices in the club were making it hard to concentrate and indicate a specific target to look at. "That... Dealer. Something is strange about her. And she's-" Antoinette telepathically told the waitress, but she cut herself off. At first, it was to avoid disclosing that she knew she was being watched, but that was quickly waved away by anger. It seemed like the Dealer was calling her a mindless beast at first, but then she was... different?
Her confusion was only added to by the waitress noticing Maylis. What was she supposed to do now? On one hand, she could now locate the person in control of this club who appeared to have either psychic abilities or psychic-countering abilities. On the other hand, she was being actively watched by the stranger of many voices. Worse, she was being judged by the stranger. The Dealer was difficult to read, she seemed to have conflicting thoughts, constantly. Antoinette didn't like it. She asked the waitress something that would be confusing to someone who couldn't hear all of the Dealer's voices like she could. "Who is she? Who does she think she is? Why is she talking like that, like she's... multiple?"


Houdini Star Queen
Dec 24, 2021
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Leyla/Maylis smiled as she heard her response. “I’m pleased you have found what you like. Though I do accept not everyone will like everything in the Menu.” She told her, before Maylis, looked towards the dealers ‘hair’ and took note of the snakes, before she smiled. Yes, they are fun indeed, I too like the creatures The snakes would hear.

There was a chilling silence after Maylis telepathically communicated with the snakes. One of the snakes looked down towards Maylis, raising in an upright position and fanning out a pale; white hood from its neck. This was the same snake who had commented that they 'like the creatures'. Meanwhile, the Dealer simply continued calmly looking on at the patrons down below, while the voices rambled on.

"That was none of us." One of them dutifully reported.
"Well, ladies~ ...It was not one of my tricks." Said a show-womanly voice.
In a matter of fact tone, "It was the same voice as the one who just spoke to us. Therefore..."
Then, as Sophia once again, "...More psychics."
The first one that spoke dutifully, raised themselves again. "We're being listened to, watch what you think."
"...Ask and you shall receive... We are now entering lockdown..."
Said the calm one, right as a cool mist of tranquility washed over every last one of the voices. Many of them went silent, and the ones that weren't, were speaking with surgical precision.
"You came out to interrogate me about how I got here, did you not?" Thought the honey-tongued one; Eulalia.
Then, interrupted by the dutiful one again, who rather intriguingly seemed to be doing a lot of heavy lifting after Maylis messaged them. "Do you think she is an interceptor?"

She was clearly referring to Antoinette. Maylis could feel the exact train of thought that led to this conclusion. Leyla had asked about sensitive information, which the Dealer disclosed as such, so the club owner sent a psychic (it seems the Dealer had not put together that Maylis was the owner just yet), to which another psychic was planning to intercept to obtain the confidential knowledge. It made sense, though perhaps severely paranoid.

Though, after the bizarre response to her mental message from the snakes, Maylis could start piecing together something of perhaps more value to her: Something was off about how these "snakes" were thinking. None of the "snakes" had full personalities... It was like they were caricatures... Or... Manifestations of parts of a person's psyche. In the end, there was no need to telepath with the snakes directly rather than the Dealer herself. They were not the Dealer's snakes... In fact, there was no voice that seemed to closely match the Dealer's mannerisms, despite all of these voices having the same timbre as her. Together, the snakes were the Dealer.
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