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AW [OPFOR BLUE] Deny The Noose.

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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Char

Ten long years of war; Built up to a climax of but a few hours to decide the fate of a world and a people. For ten long years the armies of a world now fragmented and shattered into Apocolypse converge onto the heart of Babel itself.

Millions of soldiers from almost every nation in the world lay carrion upon endless fields; Their homes now little more than ash as their comrades pick them clean and push towards the only goal they have left. Less than a million of them march uncontested into the outskirts of a city ablaze. The final funeral pyre for a pointless war that claimed the lives of


Winning near every battle but now facing the loss of the war itself the Babel Armed Military Forces; BAMF, fight desperately the first days to deliver shock and awe as the millions who call the city home flock and funnel into the great tower with salvation at its peak.

After days the great military of Babel, once strong enough with its technology and unwavering guile gives ground to overwhelming odds and reckless abandon as mindless and soul-broken enemies throw themselves at the defenders.

And now, in the final hours before the departure of the very last ship once meant to ferry all of mankind into the future, the frenzy enters its final stage, and a million mindbroken lunatics push towards the heart of the city, to what ends unknown.

Across the great city of Babel, BAMF forces fight tooth and nail to give every last civilian and employee of the Conglomerate as much time as they can to flee towards the tower. Not many make it as breakthroughs and artillery savage the rout, but they stand their ground of give only inches when their enemies demand miles.

In the final hours, as day turns to night, and a city alight with the fires of destruction illuminate it once more a group of survivors flee towards salvation. Their origins all different and their paths never crossed they now share one common goal; Survival.

A mere kilometer from the tower; Impossibly close as it is, even now the fittest of them gives in to fatigue and the group manages to take shelter inside a stairwell leading down into the now collapsed metro tunnels. A soldier; Just one scout leading a group of civilians and soldiers alike, ushers them down and out of sight as he alone stays near the top.

Despite the sounds of a city at war, the stairwell offers a buffer of peace broken only when the first of the group finally catches its breath.

"Repack your mags while you can."

A BAMF soldier states nonplussed despite the hollow look in his eyes to those armed. With shaking hands he pulled a handful of bullet casings from a dump pouch and after flicking away the empty casings that fell in began loading the few meager rounds he had left into an empty magazine.

Another remarked, shrugging off a pack and dumping magazines of ammunition, already loaded, onto the ground while BAMF marines and armed civilians with looted weapons began scooping up magazines. "Didn't have time to unload them before now!" He finished defensively as one of the civilians gave him an accusing look.

"Does anyone have any water?" A woman asked hoarsely, changing the topic. One by one questions, demands, and remarks spewed out of the group as the building tension of the past weeks, months, even years vented itself around that very moment.

An older woman, not yet elderly but going on in years took advantage of a moment of forced silence as an explosion somewhere too close for comfort silenced the group momentarily.

"My name is Callista" She stated, breaking the silence. Many giving her odd looks. "I used to clean this very stop not too long ago. Lady knows these old bones of mine sure could use that tram right about now!"

She laughed at her last remark, kicking out her feet and turning them left and right to stretch them as at least a couple in the group gave a restrained chuckle.

"Your turn." She nodded at a soldier in BAMF fatigues, much to his dismay.

"G'day, Callista, ma'am." He stuttered out before gaining his confidence. "Names Horus, with 44th, I was pit crew for one of the Griffins; The gunships, ye see. At least I was before our terminal got glassed the other day!" He ended with a growl before nodding to the next person, eager to shed the spotlight.


"Caelus Kaur," said the young, white-haired man in what would have been a nice suit if it hadn't been dragged through hell and back. The wear and tear didn't seem to diminish his mood or business-like charm.

"I work - worked? - in weapons development," he continued. "A lot of the ordinance you see getting fired or lobbed at the enemies came through my department. Before everyone gets all excited, I'm not the engineer type. I could


you just about everything you'd want in a situation like this, but that doesn't do much good when there's nothing left to sell."

Positioning himself as a salesman didn't really do justice to what he'd been involved in before, but he didn't really feel like getting into the details. It would do for now.

He opened up one side of his coat, revealing a pistol tucked inside of a concealed holster. "I'm not much of a fighter - nothing like you lot," he motioned to Horus as he let his suit coat fall closed, "but I know how to use the pistol beyond, 'Point at enemy and pull trigger'. I'm eager to get out of this alive, as we all are, so you can count on me should things go any more sideways than they already have."

"Pleasure to meet you all," he finally said, flashing them a smile.


Listening to the group make introductions, reminded the pale skinned young soldier of simpler times. "I am Alphaeus Nasica, A contractor assigned to the BAMF 1st recon, few years back we got hired on to do scouting details for main elements of the BAMF in our sector." he sighed, re packing his ammunition, keeping his DMR close, before field stripping his sidearm, cleaning it quickly, only packing the few magazines he had left. his gloved hand gripped the rifle again chuckling to himself, mostly out of disbelief." So this is the end of the world? I guess the rules of engagement change?" pulling a paper map from his bag, Alphaeus turned the headlamp he had on his hard-suit on, illuminating the topographical map. pointing to a street within the Shattered city, his finger slid several blocks down the paper. finding its mark on a new grid square." If we keep moving down the main road, we wont last long. We need to continue through the alleyway here to the left. If.... and I do mean IF we are lucky....the warbands haven't reached the inner city. if they have....well for you civilians. save a bullet for yourselves.


Čehrāzād had only hours ago been evacuated from her home within the deep chasms and canyons of her native city of Qadesh. It had been one of the last sieges to succeed and one of the last to fall as madness descended and all reason amongst the rest of the world had become forgotten. The city had been carved into the very rock of one of the great chasm walls. Well and above the roaring sandstorms that would whip through scouring the ground below clean and pristine time and time again. As the war between the world powers raged and came to their shores, those leaders within her community had begun to lay civil defense supplies. Stockpiles of food, water, and medicines. Policies for entering the place had become more stringent as time wore on due to the sensitivity of the work and citizenry within the confines of the underground metropolis.

Research in the fields of medicine, electronics, and software, and sources of energy for their potential use therein. It had also been a place for manufacturing high-tech components for a variety of purposes both civilian and military.

While all were essentially employed within the Conglomerate, many would sometimes flock to Qadesh for the opportunity to attend the schools, primarily its colleges and universities because of her home's specializations within the research and manufacturing community. At its fall, many had evacuated, those that did not have either remained behind out of their own choices or simply had been unable to reach transport in time.

And now here she was. Having been hunted and attacked along with this ragtag mix of BAMF security forces as they tried desperately to reach safety and the remaining colony ship in orbit. She had watched those very same laboratories she'd spent her time in burn along with the manufacturing facilities. They couldn't leave anything of sensitive nature behind for fear of what could've been done with it as was policy. Two copies had been made before they had detonated thermal charges amongst the copious databanks. One she carried, another had been sent skyward toward their waiting salvation. However much had been uploaded she couldn't say for certain so she had made this hard copy kept close to her chest and beneath her attire to keep hidden.

As the businessman and scout introducing themselves after a few brief chuckles had been shared at the old woman's introduction and remark she to allowed herself a brief if small smile. Replying she'd sometimes come this way before the war had begun when she'd been naught but a kid. And for the older woman's benefit, added she'd found her stop well maintained. Even agreeing that a tram would be lovely right then and there. If not to make their escape easier, just to rest sore muscles and feet and let the thing do the work.

Yet the silver-blonde-haired woman narrowed her eyes in utter disapproval at the 'scout' and his final remarks. Instinctively her copper-skinned arm seemed to tighten slightly on the child clutched before her. A stark contrast to the one holding her. Where this adult was coppery of tone with her hair and startling sapphire blue eyes and definite Qadeshi build and facial structure placed her in that subtle category of what constituted as comely or better amongst them. The one clutched protectively to her was pale in comparison, alabaster where she was copper, strawberry blonde where the other had been silver with a lighter blue shade to their eyes. A child of no more than the eight to ten age bracket. Both the child and coltish adolescent standing close by with a firm scowl in place. Sharing much in common with the girl to the point it was apparent they were siblings was lighter of hair, darker of the eye with a peach tone against the pale skin.

All three looked dirty and sweaty. Rock dust from the ceiling of the underground city of Qadesh had showered it thanks to the repeated shelling against the unyielding reinforcements they'd had in place to ensure it had not collapsed. Yet they all wore clothing suited for the journey and they had packed light enough to not be encumbered badly. Seemed the adult had planned for the occasion since she'd also carried one of the military sidearms usually used by BAMF forces. The thing had seen use, the still silent woman hadn't been shy when she'd had to rise in defense of their party regardless of the fact normally her people were mostly coming off as pacifistic in their dealings. Slow to anger, and even slower to forgive if pushed to that point. But she had proven fierce enough thus far in her dealings to show some capability. Pulling forth the sidearm, she ejected the magazine, whispering to the child and showing her what to find amongst the clatter and mess of full mags.

"I am Čehrāzād, however, I would see it as a kindness if you merely referred to me as Sherry if you are unfamiliar with my tongue." it wasn't said unkindly but an offer of an alternative as this ethnic group sometimes fell back on lengthy, complicated and sometimes overinflated or overly spiritual names. And often seemed bemused that sometimes those outside had difficulty emulating the lilting quality or accent correctly. Dipping her head, she continued.

"I am a researcher. A scientist for the BTS." leaving it there as if it were readily apparent just what this meant. "The two with me are Anaïs," gesturing to the young tyke rifling through what munitions were on offer with a determined if slightly fearful glint to her eyes. The recent events had been hard on everyone, and it seemed to have been showing in various ways. Sherry then tossed her head, using it to gesture to the older, and taller of the two children who now seemed to be taking a drink from a bottle with the Conglomerate logo on it. "And this is Margot. My younger sisters."

Whether this was true or not, the Qadeshi were known to sometimes blend the DNA of multiple partners and carry the resulting 'customized' mixture to term thus making it difficult to tell from where one began and ended when it came to family.

"Our father was a captain, a part of the Fourteenth BAMF Security Cavalry Regiment the 'Copperheads', Second Division. We were at Versailles when it came under attack by the enemy. Crazed as they were. Little better than hayawan. Animals. I saw the flicker of fear and sadness in his eyes as he left to join his troops in its defense. But I knew that if he could stand my mother," a somewhat smug expression marring her otherwise passive countenance that this was some great feat he'd accomplished. "He could handle them. And he proved that point. Many survived not only because of him. But also those under him and those beside him." it earned her a little nod amongst a few and even a slight twitch of the lips that despite the loss they'd done damage and had held the line for long enough that the cityfolk had mostly evacuated.

"We made it this far because of his sacrifice. And that of those with us now." Sherry said with some conviction on the matter as she went to the woman who asked for a drink. Holding the bottle to her, she watched a moment before her offer was considered and taken. Qadeshi, for their faults, had a bit of an altruistic streak in them when it came time to pull together for the benefit of everyone. And a strange love for odd drinks. Sherry had in her possession something outsiders had taken to calling the haymaker's punch for its thirst-quenching wallop and odd lemonade taste despite the fact there wasn't a single drop of the juice in it. The bottle had condensation to it as well, as did that of the other girl she'd introduced which meant the things had likely had some sort of built-in system to keep liquids cold. Anaïs returned with a few fresh magazines as she took the bottle back with a little nod and kindly if mysterious smile as she watched the hopefully somewhat thirst quenched woman seemingly trying to taste what she'd drank again.

Quiet now, the trio huddled up again for a moment, the woman, having taken the magazines returned the one she'd shown the strawberry-blonde child to the grip having racked the slide back and let it go to chamber a round in the chamber. Sparing a moment, the BTS scientist pulled a handkerchief out, offering it to the two to wipe at the sweat beading their brows and then her own before she loomed over the contractor's shoulder to see what he had been referencing on his map.

"Does this not place us in narrow spaces?" her accent taking on the attentive, modulated tones native to the city their father had died in. Thankfully it made her far easier to understand. It had been a silly and obvious question. But it was also one of concern considering the possibilities of such places. Though from her tone it seemed she was resigned to the fact it may be necessary as far as common sense went as a bit of challenging and protective maternal heat had built near the end of her question.


"It does, but the last place we want to be is on the main thoroughfare right about now.", Horus answered Sherry's question with a casual remark, not even glancing at Alphaeus' map.

"EI; That's Enemy Infantry." He explained "Will be flooding down the main roads towards the tower. The 2nd Shock corps; 'OPFOR BLUE' under cap'n Eurydice, and the Special Projects Group under cap'n Pitohui are all holding major intersections and crossings, and right about now if they aren't mining the roads and building they'll be digging in for the big push.

Most groups of refugees might be flooding the main roads, but if we can help it the guide groups; That's us, are taking alternate routes to not only keep the civi traffic down but to keep the most people out of the line of fire for when the lines break."

There was little concession towards withholding the weight truth. The war had been long and hard and by that point, it had reached and affected everyone in the Conglomerate. Qadesh had been an outlier in how long it held but was not the only great city to have fallen.

Thebes, Alexandria, Thermopylae, Olympus, Prospero; All great and powerful cities ahead of the curve in their own fields and just as ready as Qadesh had fallen one by one under the savage hordes. Powerful and advanced as BAMF was, there just wasn't the manpower or material to literally fight the entire world.

One by one the great fortress cities fell under artillery, airstrikes, even nuclear hellfire in the case of Prospero. And millions had flooded in and greedily seized all that remained to send back to crippled or burning home nations desperate for BTS technology to make up for their crumbling kingdoms and nations situations brought on by their governments own greed and hubris.

"Time to move." The lead scout at the top of the stairs gestured and urged the group up one by one.

Through the burning streets, the group advanced, dashing from cover to cover in staggered waves. They were swift and determined but their progress was opposed at every turn by not only collapsed or burning rubble brought low by artillery but by scattered pockets of overextended enemies bearing a rainbow of different colored uniforms now united in a singular purpose.

These pockets, small as they were, were costly in not only time but manpower as ambushes and breakthroughs whittled down their escorts and even unfortunate members of the group by gunfire or thrown explosives.

Elderly Callista was one such casualty. Staggering behind the group she simply collapsed and never got back up when the crack of a sniper's rifle ended her without so much as a whimper.

Horus fell not long after turning a corner ahead of the group and ran into an enemy fireteam; His warning shout being his last act in life, saving most of the group in the process as unseen men unloaded their weapons into him.

The group refused to be stymied though and fought on; every step forwards a battle in itself, every inch bought with blood. They redoubled their efforts and with time had made a zig-zagging path to the erected metal walls surrounding the Tower Of Babel. Contrast to their earlier struggles, the tower's proximity was overflowing with BAMF soldiery ranging from the occasional mech striding along its perimeter; Their great weapons mounted to their fuselage hardpoints casually swiveling left and right as they peeked over the rooftops, all the way to fortified holdout positions with dozens of BAMF marines scrambling to fortify windows and cover armored vehicles with debris as their guns trained down long streets to fire the occasional burst of scattering fire at distant targets.

Few paid them any heed, and more than a few of the groups escorting soldiers seemed to ween off into these fighting positions, or back the way they came in search of more vulnerable groups in need of protection or resuce. With only one way left to go, the group continued on until they reached one of the great gates of the tower.

Massive bunkers and erected metal towers overlooked a metal gate and breastworks easily fifty meters high. Streaming in and out of it a mass of marines and armored vehicles parted occasionally for the random refugee group like theirs. It quickly became clear from the soldier to civilian ratio that in all likelihood they may possibly be the very last group to arrive; The still distant but closing sounds of warfare leaving a starke likely hood to all those now cut off and behind enemy lines and what their fate entailed.

Allowed entry without a fuss the group was ushered into the massive, kilometer-spanning base of the orbital space-elevator and into a lobby where civilians and wounded soldiers alike were being loaded onto a massive platform.

Still, a ways distant, their group and a handful of others were cut off, much to the dismay of many, as shutters began to close and the crowd on the elevator; Packed like sardines as it was, began to rise at speed and up towards the heavens like a bullet.

Over the protests and cries of the majority of the crowd a BAMF lieutenant; Incredibly young for his rank, attempted to soothe the crowd until a weary and wounded sergeant with a pistol fired several shots into the air, silencing the crowd. Admonishing the gathering with a sweeping gesture of his pistol in one hand, more attention was drawn to the empty and pinned up the sleeve on his other arm as he nodded towards the young officer to continue.

"Y-yes!" The young officer sputtered, clearly uncomfortable now compared to before, but quickly composed himself. "The elevator was filled to capacity and we had to send it up just now! It will reach the counterpoint in roughly one hour and offload, and should be back in half the time with no passengers to consider the G-forces!

In the mean time we have a collection point for anyone who is wounded, and anyone who-"

"Anyone who wants to earn that spot on the next, and last lift can take up arms and join us in the defense while you aint got nothing better to do. Only the 2nd and SPG are left to load up, but there's a pisspot full of us and the lady expects us all on that ship!" The sergeant cut in, sensing the unease of the younger officer and taking over much to the man's chagrin.

"We have enough weapons, And ye'aint gotta hold the wall. Just post up and be ready to cover the pull-back and the rush when we gotta do the bug-out-boogie an' load our boys on."

The NCO and Officer both looked expectedly, at the group. But before any could speak up the gruff man interrupted one last time with a statement of "The kids can stay here if you got any. They'll be the first on, lady would take my other arm herself if they weren't."

An uneasy murmur started around the group. Most of the BAMF and mercenaries now a part of their little rendevous silently or with little fanfare staggered or marched in various degrees of confidence towards the man and a nearby stockpile of weapons and ammo behind him. But the civilian group, with no contracted obligation like those in BAMF, and having experienced so much just to get there still seemed undecided.


Čehrāzād stared down her nose one-armed Sergeant. Clutching the smallest of her siblings close as the pistol cracked several times in the air. Discarded cases ejected at each retort causing the child to jump. Even by her people's standards, she was tall. Moving the duo forward, Sherry stood before the gun-toting one-armed man, sapphire eyes having gone flinty as she stared down at him. The normal gamut ran within the five to five-ten range for women, and six for men. And she stood nearly a head taller while scooting her sister Anaïs off to the side. Had it been another time, another place, it'd have been a matter of honor to hold the safety and sanctity of life hostage. Instead, Čehrāzād leaned down just enough to be at eye level with the man her eyes intense and held just that meaning behind them. Qadeshi were slow to anger, slower to forgive, and dangerous to rile.

"Ao jāhor gūrogon bona spot hae sȳrī, lua issa hāeda us ȳgha." she hissed at him (You will earn that spot as well. Keep my young ones safe.) to those that understood it for what it meant her tone laced with all challenge she could muster despite being tired. The oldest of the two, Margot grinned a little in that way all adolescents did when dealing with authority as her elder sibling unceremoniously reached within her shirt, the glint of a metallic chain evident against the sweat sheened coppery skin and ample cleavage. Pulling it up, past her hair, the BTS scientist took a moment to liberally wipe it clean with a little sanitation wipe and dangled it at the Sergeant. With the press of a button and a little 'click' a device popped forth from the protective housing. It seemed made of some sort of iridescent metal with pulsating powder blue lines running through it before it disappeared again. One of the desert dwellers' new data storage mediums they had developed to store copious amounts of information in hard copy form. The blue coloration itself was indicative that the thing had been at capacity and the logo on its side meant just where it had come from, a BTS office. With so many of the fortress cities had fallen, it was unknown just how much of their hard work had survived and been transmitted. Her own city had done much the same, using what they had left of their communet to beam information up into orbit before it had been unceremoniously carpet-bombed.

With an unceremonious sniff of contempt, the native Qadeshi knelt to the little strawberry blonde girl and murmured in her own native tongue. Anaïs made little plaintive noises as she allowed the chain to be placed around her neck, and then hidden in her shirt. Kneeling down, Čehrāzād kissed her forehead and pulled something from her boot. It was a short-bladed, soot-black knife she pressed in the girl's hand. And with a moment's instruction of stabbing, and slashing motions, Sherry seemed satisfied. Margot received the same, albeit longer, and hadn't needed instruction. She'd made sure the girl had begun attending the schools for the more partial precept of her religion. In this case, not for war, but for defense and survival.

Standing erect, Sherry ushered the two forward where the tired Sarge indicated before crossing the distance to the pile of weapons in a much shorter time than the others. Wearing a frown, the Qadeshi scientist picked up a rifle, the thing looking foreign in her hands as she found matching magazines for them after trying several. Satisfied, the two girl's elder sibling unceremoniously placed her own pack between them and then strode to the young Lieutenant.

Holding it out to him, she'd made her there was no magazine within it, and had it held out by the butt and barrel. "You will show me how to use this weapon, yes?" her voice had lost the hard edge as she stared down at the young man. "I do not know its use. Just the pistol." standing beside him now, Sherry had the good sense to hold the weapon aloft, barrel in the air while waiting expectantly for an explanation.

It went without saying that the one-armed sergeant took Sherry's demand seriously as his stature tightened and he looked down on her. Not in a way of disrespect but as his intense gaze locked onto hers there was no sign of hostility or disregarding her courage.

Just the stern nod of a tired and proud man.

"Inshallah; Should the lady will it." he responded with a casual tone that was lost on his serious posture as he casually led not only her siblings but a handful of other non-combatants and those too timid for a fight.

The lieutenant for his part had a much more animated series of responses to Sherrys demands. As he tried to beg off, clearly uncomfortable it seemed initial estimations of his age and bearing were slightly off.

The usually tight-fitting and well-worn BAMF officer's uniform seemed somewhat loose on his frame at the gut but seemed the opposite as it practically strained against his barrel chest and broad shoulders; The infantrymans build. The nametag on his chest read faded as

Alexander III
while his other identification labeled him as an officer of the 2nd shock corps, routinely known by its unit name; OPFOR BLUE.

While his age seemed rather vague without directly asking his face, despite switching between gaunt and concern at Sherry's insistence still had the roundness of youth mixed with the barely perceptible plumage of stubble a day late of a shave.

His battle was lost when a few others came over to observe with the same concerns as Sherry.

The course ranged from overly complicated descriptions of not-needed lore about the weapons origins and features to awkward displays as Alexander attempted to shyly avoid physically touching sherry while correcting her posture. Occasionally he would turn sharply to address a myriad of others concerns and almost smack someone with his maneuver gear that most knew the purpose of by that time in the war as the massive accelerated jumps that bordered on almost flying in some units like the 2nd was known the world over for its devastating use in formation breaking shock and awe attacks when the propulsion reversed and heavily armored BAMF marines would casually smash into their enemies with disorganizing attacks before bursting up and away just as fast.

When the lesson seemed like it was finally reaching its end the young lieutenants entire bearing seemed to make a complete change from his cute if annoying timidness around sherry when he suddenly tensed beside her, His bones audibly cracking and the fabric of his uniform straining as his shoulders set back and his chest seemed to jut forwards in a way that made him look older beyond his years as if he mirrored the sergeant from before as he sensed a change invisible to everyone else.

"Its time we move." He stated in a soft if commanding tone to the group as a moment later and without warning the armored shutters of the outside entrance slammed down to cover all but a singular airlock. The look in his eyes as he passed by the group and collected his own rifle was chilling in the way that the young man practically looked


the people around him in a disconcerting manner to most that left no room for argument.

The few who paused in confusion started and jumped as the distant sounds of warfare suddenly exploded just outside as if they had been deaf before. The sounds of slightly distant weapons responded to by the closer and heavier crack of BAMF rifles and grenades as the partially visible chaos outside showed BAMF marines on the walls scrambling and firing at something out of view.

Before the group followed alexander away from the elevator platform and down the hall in the same direction as their noncombatants stray rounds and rockets caused the armored glass of the shutters to erupt in a series of spiderweb-like patterns as the world descended into the sounds of pops, cracks, and explosions outside; Shaking the very base of the tower around them.

They had only walked partially down a long and straight corridor that ended in a thick and armored-looking pair of double doors when Alexander abruptly stopped and started pulling up tabs on the metal-plated floors. Each tab unlocked and could be pulled upwards as chest-high metal barricades easily large enough for two men abreast to take cover behind started to lock into place at staggered intervals.

"Use these and stay here." He ordered in the same commanding tone, cutting off anyone about to start asking questions. "The rest of your loved ones are down the hall and through those doors. You have fifty meters of the hall to fire down and this is the only way in. There will be an alarm when the elevator is only a few minutes out, sergeant Peri will lead them and you to the elevator just after."

A few people started to object, assuming the young officer was going to stay with them but most of their protests went on deaf ears as the young man started off back the way they had come. Eventually he passed out of sight as the double doors they came from swung closed behind him with a slam and a loud clunking sound made it evidently clear they had locked behind him.

Despite the assurances of those with time-keeping devices, it had felt like Alexander had been gone for a short eternity when something changed in the ebb and flow of the combat outside. The constant shaking of the tower had started to die down to a trickle and had devolved into just distant but unceasing gunfire.

Through a series of porthole-style windows in the hall a few people were able to discern that their portion of the elevator terminal they were in was at least twenty feet off the ground and overlooking an open space between the terminal and the wall.

Most of them shrunk back or outright jumped away when entire hordes of identifiably hostile soldiers continuously stormed through breaches in the walls and into the outer-terminal. The only change to this was when one of the towering mechs of BAMF swayed past with its heavy gate, casually swatting or stomping the teams of hostiles who fired up at it ineffectually. For the briefest moment those who looked through the porthole could see the silhouette of the pilot inside casually turn their way before the hall shook has the massive autocannon on its lower fuselage opened up at something out of sight; The very vibrations of the weapons enough to feel in any of their skulls before it swayed out of sight.

As if answering the sound of the weapon a new series of sounds came from the end of the hall as visible


could be heard intermixed with the sound of heavy BAMF rifles cutting short abruptly one after the other until in only a few seconds all had gone quiet. As most of the group of some twelve refugee militia stood stalk still or looked between each other a shape passed by the tinted window-slits of the doors.

For the briefest moment it was seen, its silhouette was something other than human. For anyone in BTS like Caelus or Sherry, or with combat experience like Alphaeus they knew on an instinctual level what it was.

There was no time to warn anyone, however, when as soon as it had passed the shape seemed to slide back to the doors and stand just on the other side. Casually at first the doors clunked as it tried to push them open, causing someone in the group to choke down a sob. Then with a crash of gridning metal an armored

ending in claw-like


for fingers punched through it like it was made of tissue paper.

The frame of the doors started to buckle and warp as the


on the other side began to push through.


Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Whisper

Caelus had a new found appreciation for the people who used his department's toys, he decided. The events of the last several hours - days? - were a blur that he was certain he'd be having nightmares about for years to come. He was a paper pusher. A very good one. One of the best, he thought.

There wasn't a lot of paper here to be pushed. Just the barricade that he was up against with the others and it didn't need his help getting around.

The weapon in his hands was warm. They'd usually been cold when he'd touched them before, he thought. He'd never had enough reason to hold on to one long enough for it to warm up to the heat from his hands. Just one more reminder of how royally fucked this all was.

He started to say something, just to relieve the stress, when the doors at the end of the hall decided that they just weren't up to the job.

"Well, shit," he muttered. He hefted the weapon up and into place. It was woefully under-spec for the thing working its way through the doors. He knew because he could rattle off all the specs on just about everything in the room. Not that it was currently doing him any good.

"You know," he said casually, summoning all his bravado to keep his voice charming and calm. Only the teeniest bit of nervousness snuck through, too strong to be held at bay by skills that had been polished in boardrooms and not war zones. He continued. "- it's probably just as scared of us as we are of it."

He gave the others a smile, knowing how bad the joke was but needing something,


to lighten the mood.

When the doors were finally removed after what felt like an eternity, he opened fire.


Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Soresu

Sherry could only nod as the one-armed sergeant herded those under his protection further in. When things had finally seemed to die down, the tall Quadeshi could only marvel as the once lanky youth seemed to swell and disappear beyond the exit to the sound of gunfire and screams which eventually died off with an abrupt silence. Yet the rending of metal and the screech of protest as it gave away along with the groan of overworked servos gave way to a horror she'd only ever seen but once or twice. Once in-person as a deactivated (Dead) unit, the second as a form of simulation and object lesson of the cruelty that cybernetics could be used to forge. The sob only served to reinforce those two harrowing moments of fear, disgust, and pity she'd felt for the poor souls trapped within those metal shells.

For the first time since arriving to the Tower, Sherry felt a shuddering breath escape her as she tried to figure a way to just make this... thing go away. Perhaps a prayer to her foreign gods for salvation or the devil's luck. But neither came to pass as the saleryman beside her cracked his (to her ears) terrible joke on the possibility of their impending doom. She felt her knuckles whiten on the foregrip of the cutdown Caliburn, more a carbine configuration than full rifle. Hell. She had no idea just what in the name all that was holy the thing had been loaded with. But that once shy young man in his BAMF uniform had given her a run down on the weapon thankfully. To her fellow BTS employee, the taller woman hissed at him over the man's stuccato gunfire. "Head! Neck! Joints!" the obvious spots. Harder to hit of course. Especially if the thing got to moving. But with none of the more traditional means of taking one down available to her. Chief among them a nice explosive or even strapping EM pulse weapon one had to make do with what one had.

Leveling the weapon, her voice raised over the sound of fire beside her she practically screamed at the metal monstrosity now being fired upon. "Self-identify! Nation! Affiliation! Rank!" perhaps it was a fruitless endevour as she asked and even rattled off her ident number in some vain hope it was one of theirs, it was one of the Conlogmerates dirty little secrets that they had some of the pitible creatures on ice as a 'Just In Case' measure but so did others of the collapsed world powers. A force multiplyer and demoralizing weapon of war. Over time they lost themselves. Unable to feel the wide range of human sensation. A once helpful technology meant to better the human condition and let them live a normal life once more twisted into a weapon of war and torture.

Pain and pleasure was lost upon them. Taste and smell. Things taken for granted by the vast majority of humanity by and large gone. Replaced by years, decades or more of naught but slaughter and blood and gore. Even so sometime one could be found with enough sense left of self to even have some remote memory of the phantom sensation of humanity and memory left within. Dim as it may be depending on their age and years off ice. Trying to connect with a Gol was ever with risk. A toss of the coin or roll of the dice that could end peacably enough or in tears and blood. For one to be used here and now. The other nations of their quickly dying world were truly desperate. And had she the time would have reflected on just how they'd damned themselves and caused this tragedy and their misery upon the rest of them.

Sherry repeated her words with the warning that she too would open fire if the unit didn't acquiese.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Char

"Identification... Kongou Rhosihaya... Thousand Yue... Yuen Logmartial Jannisariat... Second-service unit" The cold and emotionless monotone came out slow, clipped, and distorted by the hum of damaged speakers in its helmet as it fulfilled the command query.

It was not uncommon but was certainly little as advantages went. All Gol had certain public commands all related to information such as what was requested and more. But none could or would sway its path from any save its masters, owners, overlords, etc.

As it walked and introduced itself it opened its arms in what might have appeared exaltation and simply... Stood. Its masked head tilted onto one side.

For a moment nothing happened. And then it drew its arms inwards in a self-embrace and from its wrists each a blade unfolded. The blades faced the wrong was; And pointed towards the elbow, but was just as menacing when the image of the Golems claws swiping by and the bladed forearm to the elbow neatly severing flesh as a second blow or covering a missed swipe.

While it embraced itself and started to bend and crouch the stupor that had overtaken everyone else fell a moment too late as the Golem coiled like a spring and propelled itself easily ten meters in a single stride as it launched itself forwards. It did not scream, did not make so much as a sound as the front most refugee-rifleman snapped out of it just in time to depress on the trigger.

And lose half his head down to the jaw from a backhand with the blade following as the rifle with its safety still on clattered to the floor. Without missing a beat or even hesitating the Golem pivoted and propelled itself off the wall and drove both its taloned hands through the stomach of an older man who was just as slow on the uptake.

Then the firing started.

It was too late, however, as the Gol lifted up the still alive but dying man and used him as a shield to soak up fire; The few penetrating shots not even making it flinch or even so much as denting its torso. Rushing forwards it tore both arms apart and dissected the corpse, the top half of the bullet ridden body shrugging over its shoulders while the lower half fell away gruesomely. The scene was too much and someone in the back of the group wretched and vomited where they stood.

By the time the Gol reached the third victim people had begun to scream and panic, by the fourth the volume of fire died off to a trickle as shaking hands and minds frozen in shock failed to comprehend or successfully reload. By the fifth...

By the fifth only six seconds had passed since the fight began and a third of the refugees in the hall were dead.

With the last bullet plinking harmlessly off the warmachine it turned towards the sixth and coiled itself again, arms held to its chest and ready to explode in a scissor-like motion.

The sixth and next victim was an older sister of two, a tech for BTS, one of the bravest and the first to volunteer for the protection duty.

The sixth victim in line was Sherry.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by A bibor farkas

The Hallway barricade.

Hearing the distinct metal on metal sounds of the cybernetic....monstrosity came too late. Alphaeus, racked the bolt of his rifle after removing the magazine, the staccato beat of seemingly useless fire cracking against the Gols armor. The tired marksman, changing out the barrel on his rifle, to a manageable size. Taking a moment to load the rifle, The Merc grabbed the collar of the Qadeshi Scientist pulling her out of the immediate strike range of the Gol. before firing a heavy burst into the pelvic girdle of the now mechanical monstrosity. "Move, and head to the hallway, ill hold this damn thing off as best I can!" The mans voice sounded tired, yet the gravel attached easily showed a level of desperation that was contrary to the Mercs usual demeanor. Beads of sweat fell from his face, onto the well worn Hard suit, partially covered by a tattered green scarf. Alphaeus knew there was only a brief shot to kill This especially deadly Gol, and an even higher chance, that here, at the final point. all the years of mindless, soul crushing combat. day after day. would end with such a pathetic end.

Having no additional family made moving a bit easier, though now seemed to be an odd time to reminisce, and reflect. As the memories came in and out of his field of view, small moments, lulls in combat, as well as the child he helped evacuate, two years prior. seeing him turn the corner, before hearing the same eerie sounds or lack thereof. Another Gol, His first experience, that ended with 60% casualties on the outskirts of the main city. the poor child clutching his green scarf, when his body was found later on after their skirmish. A bitter memory but the experience of dealing with one Gol, will hopefully guide his hand in his current efforts. the scene before him was one of an almost pathetic last stand, Hoping that all of the militia who were so easily quartered and strewn about the barricade and hall way. Alphaeus stood, across hall firing again now doing his best to work down the armor protecting its shoulder.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - written by Char

The hall - Everyone

Alphaeus timely intervention was able to save Sherry from a near beheading as the lightning-fast drive of the Golems forearm blade cut a deep groove in the siding where she had just stood. As if overcompensating for a micro-adjustment followup attack they where both spared by mere inches when the blade and arm simply kept travelling; The torso and spine spinning in a complete three hundred and sixty degrees around to deliver a second swipe aimed at Alphaeus' back.

Luckily his burst of fire, while ineffective stuttered the war machine and its momentum.

It was all for naught, only buying them a handful of seconds before the clawed fingers of the Golems other hand reached out and jabbed forewards with the intent of puncturing through the back of the brave mercenaries head.

But for a split second before the first blade would have perforated him, Alphaeus and Sherry were saved when an object moving too fast to track flew by them and impacted against the Golems head with an audible clunk; Staggering it.

At the end of the hall, a familiar one-armed BAMF sergeant was already awkwardly reloading the underbarrel grenade launcher on his rifle with another 40mm grenade; The first failing to reach its minimum detonation distance but having strategically impacted against the Golem with enough force to visibly stagger it.

"MOVE!" He shouted at the already fleeing group of makeshift-militia filing into the terminal behind him.

The sergeant started forwards, letting out a controlled burst of automatic fire at the Golem with surprising stamina considering his missing apendage. The Golem, for its part, was shielding its armored visor with both arms crossed in an X formation while stomping towards them at a sedate but purposeful pace.

After the last two; Sherry and Alphaeus had passed him, the sergeant began to carefully backpedal towards the doors a step at a time until finally his weapon clicked empty.

The sound, impossibly loud was all the Golem had been waiting for as it uncrossed its arms and-



40mm grenade to the face; It too failing to detonate but staggering the monstrosity back a few precious feet.

Tossing his rifle aside, the Sergeant pulled a well-worn sidearm from the holster at his belt and kicked the door closed behind him. There was no hesitation from the two surviving BAMF marines who wordlessly began piling up debris against the double-doors and locked the bolts closed.

They had barely even started to cover the doors when the sound of a pistol barked once, twice, three times.

And then was silent for the briefest of moments before a loud


sounded against the doors and the tip of a blade poked through a few inches; Blood dripping off the point before it was retracted.

The terminal was silent then. Too silent as those present took stock and found themselves virtually alone; The maintenance tunnels between this terminal and the next open and all the refugees already evacuated down the narrow hatch in the floor.

No more than eight militia now remained, more than a few looking around the clear dead-end they found themselves and towards the hatch where possible salvation awaited. But the two marines, resolute in their resolve never looked away from the double doors and the imminent threat on the other side even once.

They neither consented to nor condemned the three militia who threw their weapons down and practically threw themselves down the hatch and the three hundred feet they would need to crawl to the next terminal. They knew that for every second the Golem wasnt delayed was another refugee it was able to run down in the maintenance tunnels that it could traverse faster than any mortal of flesh and blood could. Golems were made for such scenarios after all.

For those that remained their only options were to follow their fellows in flight and take their chances or to stand their ground and join the thousands of others in finding a death worth dying...


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Lavalung

Golem Fight On The Surface

BAMF Hunter-Killer GOL unit N-14 didn't really have much of a sense of location, or even a particular set of mission instructions handed down to them. They just followed the navigation vectors through brick-strewn alleyways and factories with their rooves missing, for all intends and purposes sleepwalking through this shattered hellhole that had once been called paradise. The simple repeating melody of the mentality repression code was looping in their ears, and at this point they quite enjoyed it's bleach-like scouring of any irregular thoughts and emotions.

Having a soul required the correct context for it. Their human self could not have continued to exist here anyway.

The sharp whip-sting of new calibration data hit their neural cortex, filling up their mental capacity for a moment with the brute-force pathfinding program. A new destination had been sent down the command line. Their reflex rate had been increased to 180%, making their heavy metallic body suddenly fluid and flexible.

Reacclimatized, their right leg pushed off, propelling them at speeds fast enough to make solid titanium feel elastic. One bound after another, they followed the waypoints through gutted stores and over car wrecks. Near the entrances to one of the maintenance tunnels, another Golem stood. Variable form bladed arm system. Yue construction, the actuator type suggested.

Mission tag; Exterminate enemy unit.

"This bug-man?" A slippery spark of emotion hit them, the personal freedom surprising them as much as their suddenly lax synthetic muscles. Underneath the six-eyed, beak-like mask, a smile threatened to brew. "Is he one of those recon types? I bet he can really jump..."

There wasn't any hatred or conflict in there. At this point, enemy Gols probably had more in common with her, than most other humans. But they both understood what Gols were ultimately for. They both understood the various ins and outs of their technology that could equal victory or death.

Morgan bolted up into the air first, doll-like body spreading out all of it's limbs straight outwards- Except the rifle that made up their right arm, which arced forwards and spat an arcing stream of lead downwards at them, as well as shattering the concrete all around the enemy's feet- The first task was always to try and limit movement, before the enemy could go on the offensive...


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Whisper

Caelus had done his best to do the brave thing, firing at the enemy Gol until his pistol only clicked in response to his mechanical pulls of the trigger. The shock of seeing people eviscerated before him not once or twice, but six times - well, something had to give. Sure, he'd seen kills like this on


plenty of times. Hell, he'd given presentations using this exact type of material.

He'd just never been a part of it.

It was certainly a different perspective. The blood spray that had thoroughly coated the parts of him that hadn't been concealed behind the barricade had barely registered.

And still - the pistol

click click clicked

as he tried to force some semblance of order and rationality back into the world with the empty pistol.

One of the soldiers shook him in response to the sergeant's yell of "MOVE!". He looked at the soldier with empty eyes, but the shake was enough to pull him out of his stupor.

"R-right. Gotta move. Gotta-" he stumbled backwards, his eyes glued to the unfolding battle as the new Gol entered the fray. If it was a friend, then they might have a chance - some distant part of his mind recalled the specs of both units and started doing the math on who might win. He wasn't an engineer, but a businessman; had lived cost/benefit analysis nearly ever day. His business happened to be war and, until he'd been dragged into it, business had been going rather well as of late.

His feet shuffled back, then he peeled his eyes away and broke out into a run with the others.


had to be done about this. Somewhere in the future, he had to force the world to not allow something like this to occur again. He had to -

Well, he had to live long enough to try.

He gave an apologetic smile to one of the other runners as they bumped shoulders. It was forced, of course - who could smile in this hell? - but the other person gave an accepting nod and that was good enough.

With the promise of a new world ahead, Caelus promised himself one thing - he wouldn't be just another cog in someone else's machine this time. He'd grab the world by its reins and force it to be sane. The alternative was living through another day like today; that simply wouldn't do.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - Written by Soresu

Čehrāzād for all she was worth tried to herd the remainder of those that had survived the brief, but vicious onslaught to safety. The moment had passed, quick as it was the scientist had, had the idea to confuse the Gol. More specifically, to force it to attempt to remember itself. Its past, passions, loves, family, things that made one human. Her work had dealt with several fields. Primarily those her city had been known for. And if even this Gol had been 'young' by the standards of construction there had been no telling what inhibitors and scripts had been loaded into its grey matter. No psychologist, dealing with them was a tenuous prospect at best. Gruesome and deadly at the worst. When it had been identified, Sherry had suppressed the urge to sneer.

The Yue had not been well-liked among her people. Their practices as the nations of the world began to degrade had made them anathema to the Qadaeshi people. And while she felt sympathy for the one known as Kongou, the matter had been all but settled once it had begun its slaughter. The way it had moved with a dancer's grace, unnaturally so and slender form. The penchant for bladed weaponry. It had likely fallen under one of the reconnaissance sub-types. Or they had somehow developed a more advanced model. There wasn't time to quibble or analyze.

Sherry's longer legs soon placed her dead run beside Caelus, her strange tongue thick with her native accent urging him on:


(Hurry up!) spurring him on. Sparing a look over her shoulder at the sound of an inhuman shriek, the BTS woman saw a second Gol appear. It lasted but a second before her eyes went back to what lay ahead.

If she had been right, Kongou, the Yue Gol would've been lighter of armor. But even so, Gol were built tough regardless of their subtype. Whichever nation this second unit belonged to she offered up a silent prayer to the Creator above that it occupied the killer long enough for them to get to safety. Or at the very least to a better position hopefully with support. Anaïs, the younger of her two sisters soon found herself scooped up with a yelp of surprise. The child looked fearfully at whom had caught her before releasing just a little tension from her small form. And so Čehrāzād surged ahead of Caelus, a child tucked under one arm little legs dangling, a carbine held in the other.


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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - written by char

While refugees scrambled so painfully slow into the shaft to escape to the next terminal the shooting started. Through the doors the stomping of metal feet was met by a hail of heavy automatic fire that left a cascading and zig-zagging line of holes in the door and frame causing more than a few to scream or duck for cover.

Following that a cascade of sounds that were terrifying in the fact that without seeing them mesmerized and startled all those that heard them. The sound of a chainweapon, the combined sonic shrieking of two machines of war, followed by moments of terrible silence, automatic gunfire, the distinct sound of tearing metal and bodies smashing against walls.

It continued on for almost a solid minute before going dead silent.

The two marines at the door shared a hesitant look before looking back at the refugees who had equally paused due to the silence as all stared apprehensively at the doors. One of them made the mistake of tempting fate when he dared to ask

Is it over?

The words had only just left his mouth when the nearly combined weight of almost a ton crashed through the door like it was as sturdy as an aluminum can when two Golems; Intertwined in a hectic melee crashed through the door and slid across the floor, tearing up tiling and spreading sparks as they skipped and kicked and thrashed about while people began screaming in abject horror.

Kongou, for his part, was holding up better than should have been expected from a scout-type against a superior hunter-killed gol. One of his lower arms was forcing Morgans machinegun arm up and away from her while another was holding a death-grip on her chain-leg; locking it from cycling and tearing off another one of his arms leaving him only three.

The smaller Golem managed to straddle her and despite Morgans freehand, delivering non-stop kidney punches that were leaving a large series of dents he used his one free hand to grab the conglomerate golem by the mask and began piston-pumping the back of her head into the floor with machine-like motions over and over without pausing until her head was fully submerged into the plating with only her neck-up showing.

With her neck exposed and a rare and crucial chance to decapitate the hunter-killer, Kongou pulled his bladed lower arm from where it was leveraging the assault weapon and raised it for an overhead chop.

It was all the opening Morgan needed. Even without seeing where his head was, Morgan was able to bring her assault arm up and unload directly into the other Golems face point blank with automatic fire. It wasnt enough to penetrate the slanted titanium armor of the war mask. But it was enough to send the golem reeling back as he arched his spine to pull his face out of the line of fire.

Just like Kongou had, Morgan was now presented with an exposed throat and while pulling her head out of the floor wrapped one leg around the Yue-gols' waist and flipped him over until


was the one on top.

With her weight advantage and the still staggered Golem beneath her Morgan was able to press her chain leg against Kongous neck and with a horrible sounding whirr of metal on metal severed its head from the rest of its body until the only resistance left was when her leg started gouging out of the floor.

With a yank by the hair the head ripped free and hung loose in her grasp like a macabre fetish. Distorted machine-tinted sounds came from the helmet and died shortly after as the enemy gol, seperated from its body and main power source already began trying to reserve backup power in its stasis unit and shut the Golems consciousness down.

No longer powering the powerful magnets and seals that kept the mask connected it slipped and fell to the ground with a heavy clank. The face beneath was anathema to the killer it belonged to with kind eyes and a youthful face with round cheeks and thin mustachios.

The literal light in its eyes dimmed Kongous final shreds of consciousness and power faded; His mouth hanging slack with a whine of machine sound as he tried to manage some kind of last statement or perhaps was just the dying sounds of its damaged speach unit.

The moment was routinely ruined when one of the marines began shouting again and forcing refugees into the tunnel. The other was some distance away and both had their rifles leveled at Morgan as a precaution but did not fire.

Within minutes all the refugees and militia were crammed and crawling in the tightly packed tunnel. The marines entered last after practically


Morgan away back the way she came.

Half way down the tunnel a sound more dreadful and alerting than even the fight of the Golems sounded as a long alarm chime sounded once; The returning elevator for the final call.

Most pushed on with renewed vigor in a desperate attempt to make it on time. The other terminal was luckily abandoned and as the first refugee surfaced they began the trend of sprinting with madness and desperation behind them back towards the main shaft. By the time Sherry and the other militia exited they could hear and practically


the vibration and whine as the shaft descended and slowed down.

"Dont stop, RUN!" The last of the two marines started pushing them, practically throwing off gear and weight while they ran to go faster to make it in time.

Morgan for her part had a much less hecktic stroll back the way she came. The halls were abandoned and it was a clear shot back to the shaft where the recall order had surfaced. The Golem entered to find a massive platform packed full of bodies like sardines as men threw crates and gear and stripped armor to fit as many as they could from a sea of marines clearly too many to fit.

The wounded had already been loaded on first in the center and were stacked practically like cordwood followed by the medical staff, pilots, junior officers, the youngest marines, and so forth. A familiar figure caught Morgans eye as

, a fellow BAMF golem pinged her where he stood on the platform and was standing over a wounded officer protectively despite missing one of his arms and most of the shoulder.

"N-14." He stated casually with a nod as Morgan sidled in next to him and watched the controlled chaos.

When the platform was clearly full to the point men were practically standing off the edge of it over a hundred men still stood outside of it with grave expressions. A few cried or raged at the situation. Most just stood somberly and kept respectful eye contact with those on the platform; Many of which either returning the look with grim acceptance or looking away unable to match them.

"Thats all of them, sir." A sergeant off the platform spoke casually to the junior officer next to him as if their world wasnt about to end. "Make the call, sir."

"Not yet." The young man with the nametag Alexandar intoned as he looked off towards a particular terminal with a grave expression. Only N-14 had come back from that way with clear battle damage that could only have been brought about by one of its own kind. The thought that he sent those people to their deaths, some of them children...

He paused, and resigned himself to give the last order of his command when a group on the platform started shouting and pointing. From a neighboring terminal a steady stream of clear refugees started flooding in and pooling outside of the platform. Out of breath, they looked at the full platform and many collapsed in futility at the unfairness of it all. When the Militia and the two marines filled in and it became clear there were no more Alexandars elation sank again even after seeing Shelly and her sisters.

Many of the marines on the platform knew what their arrival meant and began shouting.

"I can carry the kids!" One marine shouted and gestured at Sherry.

"We can fit six if we evict the Golems!" Another pleaded with the lieutenant. For his part, Alexandar shook his head slowly much to the dismay of both the marines and the refugees who all began to wail or plead in turn misunderstanding the meaning. The sergeant next to him started shouting down the hundreds left on the platform with surpising ease as Alexandar, not even quivering in his tone but with grim determination started to speak.

"Logan, Hergile, Kota, Terediles" He started sounding out names one by one. As he called them Marines showed various displays of emotions as they stepped off the platform. Realizing what was happening refugees started flooding onto the platform and trying to squeeze into the marines who held onto them to keep them from falling off.

Only a few fought or tried to stay on when they were called. But they were overwhelmed and forced off where they were held by the already disembarked marines until the only ones left from the refugee group were the two marines. Alexandar wrestled with his next choice but called out two more names and then nodded at the two marines.

He never saw the look the two shared with the sergeant next to Alexandar as the two, much to Alexandars confusion performed a quick game of Rock-paper-scissors, and the winner nodded at his fellow sadly. Before Alexandar could ask what was going on a set of arms was wrapped around him in a chokehold and despite the younger mans clear muscular bulk over the sergeant was quickly choked out. The winner of the game shared a look with the sergeant and dragged the lieutenant onto the platform where he and a few others held onto his unconscious body.

With another nod a marine sent the signal and the platform began to rise agonizingly slow. Just slow enough for everyone on the platform from marines to refugees to watch over a hundred castaway comrades pick up their rifles and start off towards the entrance to the space elevator and back into the war raging beyond. None of them looked back...

The trip up the elevator was fast and uncomfortable at the increased g-forces until finally, it started to slow and eventually reached a terminal station where everyone was greeted to the sight of vast windows showing the great void.

Pulled away by the last remaining staff and watchers over a long umbilicle into what could only have been the last great ship the war of the heavens was fought over none of them would ever see the bomb loaded onto the elevator platform and sent back down. They would never know in the hours to come as they were loaded into cryo-sleep statis units of the bomb that destroyed the tower hlaf way down and sent it falling back down to the planet. They would never see or know the millions it killed or how it doomed their entire planet to an eternal winter and just how few would survive it...

Sherry and her sisters, Alphaeus, Caelus or any of the others would only have seen the very edge of the horizon of their world covered in smoke and clouds from perpetual warfare that it was before they too sucumbed to the drugs in their systems and drifted into a cryogenic sleep for the next few decades.

Morgan, Areas, and many of their kinds were awake longer and could roam the halls of the great ship until their world was just one more distant light out of a window and it was clear not a malcious soul had snuck onboard. They too were placed into bays and secured tightly like cargo before they were put into a long shutdown and dreamless sleep. More than a few of them had the thought that with the exodus into the stars one way or another they would never wake or be woken again.

For everyone on the ship, regardless of their expectations, dreads, fears, or dreams they could never have known or guessed the truth that was to come or their part in it...



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Nov 3, 2021
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imported post - written by Soresu

Čehrāzād awoke from the long, dreamless slumber. Pieces of that vision returned to her, sensations sounds and images thick as chains weighted around her neck. As if a noose had been placed around it. The in-between, the world between worlds. Of the waking and the dreamer. The twilight the false awakening. Her mind, dead, black, the little death of being frozen for decades. The process of awakening, of neurons, firing and the heart begins to pump blood which had been replaced with a foreign cocktail within her veins to prevent cell death.

She had been so very afraid... her life had been in the hands of the Creator. Those she had loved had been reduced to but two. Clinging to her in desperation while ascending to the stars, the waiting ark in orbit. Terror, sweat, and sobbing had made the air rank with the ash of the dead, dust from crumbling works once standing proud. And on the horizon of their world, the land had glowed. Not with the lights of cities, of civilization. But the open wounds of a world dying. Its children ripping into it in a mad frenzy of greed, lust, and desire for power. Once white clouds replaced with ink stains that had marred the skies. An orange fire raged across their continent and beyond. Once blue seas seemingly dead.

And then on that mockery of a view a detonation. Bright fire, a small star in the distance. Blue fire pushing back the clouds, the fire, and likely the masses that fought over the remains, the scraps left behind in the exodus. It had been a detonation. Pure energy is released as a ball of cleansing fire. Bellowing forth it had cracked the land, visible even so far away that distance had not mattered. Even to her eyes. It had been her city. Her home. Hidden away from the vulgarities of those other nations. Protected by a skin of thick stone, composites, and bones cast from titanium. A city built within the earth itself.

The reactor had been an achievement. A breakthrough in clean energy using fuel readily abundant and distilled from the waters now choked with radioactive fallout and who knew what else. The fractional might of a star, fusion energy brief and beautiful and the death knell of those that had remained. They had done it. They had killed themselves. Taking the accumulated knowledge of generations with them in that brief flare of defiance. That final stand and gesture to a world on its knees. Her people would not go quietly. A bold statement was made. And rendered. To see such a thing again as her mind came to life. The dream, the memory ending in confusion as she lurched forward from the pod.

Hands had grasped her, words fallen on deaf ears as she keened. Towering over some, Čehrāzād felt weak but strong enough to have shoved one of those monotoned drones aside in her confusion.

Her arm was afire from where an injector site had drawn the substance out, and blood flowed in. Warmth had returned. And it had felt like that star on the horizon. Bright and furious. Something had come up, something they had given her. Made her drink. Even for her palette, it had been the vilest thing she had tasted. And now it coated the interior of her mouth, tasting as if it had curdled in the desert sun for a season or more. But it went back down even as she felt that hunger begin to cause a fierce pain in her stomach.

Dressed now, a line moving slowly, Sherry felt dead inside. Even with food before her, familiar yet so very foreign she simply stared at it. Hands in her lap as her mind turned over just how everything had turned out so wrong. Why the world had turned on itself. Foreign power against a foreign power. The ancient tale of a titan, a being of colossal power feasting on its children out of fear of what was to come to pass. And for an unceasing hunger threatening to consume the titan lest they continue.

And then as quick as her modified form allowed, a copper-skinned fist slammed into the table out of frustration and hurt. Her tray emitted a little rattle as the utensils clattered against it. Why had things turned out as they had?

"Hayawan!" she cursed in her native tongue. Thick with hate. Animals she had said. For those that had bothered to ever learn her language. Now endangered to extinction for the ignorance and avarice that had held a world in thrall causing it to end.


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Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score

Imported post - written by char

While refugees scrambled so painfully slow into the shaft to escape to the next terminal the shooting started. Through the doors the stomping of metal feet was met by a hail of heavy automatic fire that left a cascading and zig-zagging line of holes in the door and frame causing more than a few to scream or duck for cover.

Following that a cascade of sounds that were terrifying in the fact that without seeing them mesmerized and startled all those that heard them. The sound of a chainweapon, the combined sonic shrieking of two machines of war, followed by moments of terrible silence, automatic gunfire, the distinct sound of tearing metal and bodies smashing against walls.

It continued on for almost a solid minute before going dead silent.

The two marines at the door shared a hesitant look before looking back at the refugees who had equally paused due to the silence as all stared apprehensively at the doors. One of them made the mistake of tempting fate when he dared to ask

Is it over?

The words had only just left his mouth when the nearly combined weight of almost a ton crashed through the door like it was as sturdy as an aluminum can when two Golems; Intertwined in a hectic melee crashed through the door and slid across the floor, tearing up tiling and spreading sparks as they skipped and kicked and thrashed about while people began screaming in abject horror.

Kongou, for his part, was holding up better than should have been expected from a scout-type against a superior hunter-killed gol. One of his lower arms was forcing Morgans machinegun arm up and away from her while another was holding a death-grip on her chain-leg; locking it from cycling and tearing off another one of his arms leaving him only three.

The smaller Golem managed to straddle her and despite Morgans freehand, delivering non-stop kidney punches that were leaving a large series of dents he used his one free hand to grab the conglomerate golem by the mask and began piston-pumping the back of her head into the floor with machine-like motions over and over without pausing until her head was fully submerged into the plating with only her neck-up showing.

With her neck exposed and a rare and crucial chance to decapitate the hunter-killer, Kongou pulled his bladed lower arm from where it was leveraging the assault weapon and raised it for an overhead chop.

It was all the opening Morgan needed. Even without seeing where his head was, Morgan was able to bring her assault arm up and unload directly into the other Golems face point blank with automatic fire. It wasnt enough to penetrate the slanted titanium armor of the war mask. But it was enough to send the golem reeling back as he arched his spine to pull his face out of the line of fire.

Just like Kongou had, Morgan was now presented with an exposed throat and while pulling her head out of the floor wrapped one leg around the Yue-gols' waist and flipped him over until


was the one on top.

With her weight advantage and the still staggered Golem beneath her Morgan was able to press her chain leg against Kongous neck and with a horrible sounding whirr of metal on metal severed its head from the rest of its body until the only resistance left was when her leg started gouging out of the floor.

With a yank by the hair the head ripped free and hung loose in her grasp like a macabre fetish. Distorted machine-tinted sounds came from the helmet and died shortly after as the enemy gol, seperated from its body and main power source already began trying to reserve backup power in its stasis unit and shut the Golems consciousness down.

No longer powering the powerful magnets and seals that kept the mask connected it slipped and fell to the ground with a heavy clank. The face beneath was anathema to the killer it belonged to with kind eyes and a youthful face with round cheeks and thin mustachios.

The literal light in its eyes dimmed Kongous final shreds of consciousness and power faded; His mouth hanging slack with a whine of machine sound as he tried to manage some kind of last statement or perhaps was just the dying sounds of its damaged speach unit.

The moment was routinely ruined when one of the marines began shouting again and forcing refugees into the tunnel. The other was some distance away and both had their rifles leveled at Morgan as a precaution but did not fire.

Within minutes all the refugees and militia were crammed and crawling in the tightly packed tunnel. The marines entered last after practically


Morgan away back the way she came.

Half way down the tunnel a sound more dreadful and alerting than even the fight of the Golems sounded as a long alarm chime sounded once; The returning elevator for the final call.

Most pushed on with renewed vigor in a desperate attempt to make it on time. The other terminal was luckily abandoned and as the first refugee surfaced they began the trend of sprinting with madness and desperation behind them back towards the main shaft. By the time Sherry and the other militia exited they could hear and practically


the vibration and whine as the shaft descended and slowed down.

"Dont stop, RUN!" The last of the two marines started pushing them, practically throwing off gear and weight while they ran to go faster to make it in time.

Morgan for her part had a much less hecktic stroll back the way she came. The halls were abandoned and it was a clear shot back to the shaft where the recall order had surfaced. The Golem entered to find a massive platform packed full of bodies like sardines as men threw crates and gear and stripped armor to fit as many as they could from a sea of marines clearly too many to fit.

The wounded had already been loaded on first in the center and were stacked practically like cordwood followed by the medical staff, pilots, junior officers, the youngest marines, and so forth. A familiar figure caught Morgans eye as

, a fellow BAMF golem pinged her where he stood on the platform and was standing over a wounded officer protectively despite missing one of his arms and most of the shoulder.

"N-14." He stated casually with a nod as Morgan sidled in next to him and watched the controlled chaos.

When the platform was clearly full to the point men were practically standing off the edge of it over a hundred men still stood outside of it with grave expressions. A few cried or raged at the situation. Most just stood somberly and kept respectful eye contact with those on the platform; Many of which either returning the look with grim acceptance or looking away unable to match them.

"Thats all of them, sir." A sergeant off the platform spoke casually to the junior officer next to him as if their world wasnt about to end. "Make the call, sir."

"Not yet." The young man with the nametag Alexandar intoned as he looked off towards a particular terminal with a grave expression. Only N-14 had come back from that way with clear battle damage that could only have been brought about by one of its own kind. The thought that he sent those people to their deaths, some of them children...

He paused, and resigned himself to give the last order of his command when a group on the platform started shouting and pointing. From a neighboring terminal a steady stream of clear refugees started flooding in and pooling outside of the platform. Out of breath, they looked at the full platform and many collapsed in futility at the unfairness of it all. When the Militia and the two marines filled in and it became clear there were no more Alexandars elation sank again even after seeing Shelly and her sisters.

Many of the marines on the platform knew what their arrival meant and began shouting.

"I can carry the kids!" One marine shouted and gestured at Sherry.

"We can fit six if we evict the Golems!" Another pleaded with the lieutenant. For his part, Alexandar shook his head slowly much to the dismay of both the marines and the refugees who all began to wail or plead in turn misunderstanding the meaning. The sergeant next to him started shouting down the hundreds left on the platform with surpising ease as Alexandar, not even quivering in his tone but with grim determination started to speak.

"Logan, Hergile, Kota, Terediles" He started sounding out names one by one. As he called them Marines showed various displays of emotions as they stepped off the platform. Realizing what was happening refugees started flooding onto the platform and trying to squeeze into the marines who held onto them to keep them from falling off.

Only a few fought or tried to stay on when they were called. But they were overwhelmed and forced off where they were held by the already disembarked marines until the only ones left from the refugee group were the two marines. Alexandar wrestled with his next choice but called out two more names and then nodded at the two marines.

He never saw the look the two shared with the sergeant next to Alexandar as the two, much to Alexandars confusion performed a quick game of Rock-paper-scissors, and the winner nodded at his fellow sadly. Before Alexandar could ask what was going on a set of arms was wrapped around him in a chokehold and despite the younger mans clear muscular bulk over the sergeant was quickly choked out. The winner of the game shared a look with the sergeant and dragged the lieutenant onto the platform where he and a few others held onto his unconscious body.

With another nod a marine sent the signal and the platform began to rise agonizingly slow. Just slow enough for everyone on the platform from marines to refugees to watch over a hundred castaway comrades pick up their rifles and start off towards the entrance to the space elevator and back into the war raging beyond. None of them looked back...

The trip up the elevator was fast and uncomfortable at the increased g-forces until finally, it started to slow and eventually reached a terminal station where everyone was greeted to the sight of vast windows showing the great void.

Pulled away by the last remaining staff and watchers over a long umbilicle into what could only have been the last great ship the war of the heavens was fought over none of them would ever see the bomb loaded onto the elevator platform and sent back down. They would never know in the hours to come as they were loaded into cryo-sleep statis units of the bomb that destroyed the tower hlaf way down and sent it falling back down to the planet. They would never see or know the millions it killed or how it doomed their entire planet to an eternal winter and just how few would survive it...

Sherry and her sisters, Alphaeus, Caelus or any of the others would only have seen the very edge of the horizon of their world covered in smoke and clouds from perpetual warfare that it was before they too sucumbed to the drugs in their systems and drifted into a cryogenic sleep for the next few decades.

Morgan, Areas, and many of their kinds were awake longer and could roam the halls of the great ship until their world was just one more distant light out of a window and it was clear not a malcious soul had snuck onboard. They too were placed into bays and secured tightly like cargo before they were put into a long shutdown and dreamless sleep. More than a few of them had the thought that with the exodus into the stars one way or another they would never wake or be woken again.

For everyone on the ship, regardless of their expectations, dreads, fears, or dreams they could never have known or guessed the truth that was to come or their part in it...
