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M [NSFW] Testing out the tolerances.



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Jul 18, 2024
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Medusa Subsector - NDC Shard - Sanctuary Star System.
Sirris II, Skylador CIty - McIntosh Apothecary

A few weeks had passed since the fateful meeting in the apothecary and the dinner that followed, Brooke and Heinrich had stayed in close contact as progress on the malt shop additions in the store. New appliances, furniture, fixtures, displays, and even a jukebox, with a myriad of decorations representing Sirrisian and Duskarian tastes. The last team that was supposed to work today had just left as Brooke sat at the front desk flipping through a swatch for wooden countertops sipping on a cup of green tea. Her tail swished back and forth in an idle, content motion as the buzz of a few of the appliances kept the silence at bay.

She had sent a message to Heinrich a few hours before to see if he had time to swing by and see the progress that had been made, she wasn’t entirely sure how it all looked but she was sure he was solid enough of a judge that she could get an honest answer from him. She felt a pang of that familiar fullness that usually meant she needed to pump, sometimes this mod was useful and even enjoyable but the inconveniences during the day was what seemed to irritate her the most. She pushed to the side of her desk and the blinds on the windows closed before she pulled the pump from the spot under the counter. With a practiced few motions her blouse was opened and the whine of the vacuum motion had a blush creeping across her cheeks as her milk began to flow.

As if fate had planned for the timing to be disastrous, the small bell on the door jingled as it opened. Heinrich stepped in from the midday heat, and let the door close behind before he realized what he stepped in on. “Oh… uh, well that explains why it was so fresh,” were the first things to leave his lips as he processed the awkward situation. “Just saying, locking the door may have been a good idea for privacy sake”.

The prince wasn’t sure what else to say as he stood there in surprise, having at first had his eyes drawn to what she had exposed, before locking them with her own eyes. Lacking the will to walk closer towards the counter just yet, Heinrich admittedly with a slight stiffness, turned around and pulled a milk from the cooler… two actually. WAIT WHY WAS THIS IDEA ALL OF THE SUDDEN?!

Brooke sat there in mute shock as her face turned a bright red as two audible wet pops clanged through the room as she fixed her shirt and sat there not knowing where to put her hands. Her face only darkening in color as she saw Heinrich grabbing two of her bottles of milk. “O-oh I'm so sorry prince, please excuse my indecency.” She stammered as two darkening stains formed on her blouse from the milk still seeking a way out.
Internally Brooke was screaming at The top of her lungs. “How the fuck did I allow the crowned prince of the Duskarian's to see me so indecent!?”

Rolling as best as he could with his own misstep, calmly turned around and approached the counter, setting both bottles down before fishing his coin purse out. In addition to the currency, Heinrich produced an absorbent cloth, and a pair of packaged pads as well. Clearing his throat gently, and trying to keep the roseying to a minimum in his cheeks explained, “You’re.. Uh, leaking down your blouse, you can borrow my cloth, and these pads are what I carry as extra for Asteri when she has the same problem. They should keep it from soaking through your shirt any further”.

Brooke looked at the pads and towel, taking them with the upmost care and then just started at him. “What uh..what do I do with pads? Are they sticky or?” She looked a bit more distressed than before as her blouse was straining to keep shut with the one button holding her breasts in. “I'm sorry to ask sir but..would you help me?”

“Then in this moment and situation, I would ask for permission to physically show you,” Heinrich asked apologetically with a small blushed grimace. That button is trying, but it isn’t long at this rate, he thought while he waited for her permission, but already picking up the cloth preemptively. It was by some miracle that he had kept his other interests from showing downstairs, but that was bound to change depending on how far worse this situation got.

She nodded and took a stammering moment to fiddle with the tight button as her breasts all but exploded from the shirt. Milk was streaming down her breasts and chubby little stomach. She looked away as she slipped her blouse off and sat there completely naked from the waste up. All of her freckles on bright display as her whole body seemed to glow with embarrassment.
Her nipples peaked in his presence as another scent started to make itself known, she was more than a little aroused. Didn't help she hadn't laid with a male in nigh on two years. “Go ahead when you're ready” She stuttered.

Why…. did she take her whole shirt off? Is she trying to get me turned on?? Trying to ignore that thought at the moment, stealing himself, Heinrich took the cloth and got to work. Gently cupping the underside of a breast gently, the hand with the cloth, dabbed and carefully wiped the surprisingly generous spillage clean. Firm as he wiped over her peak and lower curvature, then setting the cloth down. Trying to keep the blush low and failing, unpackaged the first pad, then taking a caring hold of her breast once again.
“Normally I would say it's a shame to waste all this, but I don’t think you’d want that kind of attention like Asteri does. I am trying to make this as painless as possible for you miss, and I apologize if I end up being any sort of rough,” Heinrich offered in a good humored tone, hoping to ease some of the awkwardness as he worked her breasts like this. Firmly he pressed the pad over her peak, firmly pressing and cupping into the front of her breast with the pad, consequently getting a full feel of it with how he had to apply it. “Well that’s the first one at least…”

Brooke let out a small whimper when Heinrich cupped her breast and a hardly silent throaty moan when his thumb brushed her nipple. At this rate she was gonna cum just from him touching her. God's damn, she really was touch starved she realized as she more felt than anything the pad being applied over her nipple, if Heinrich couldn't smell the arousal on her then he was nose blind, her thighs rubbed together putting pressure between her legs.

“No no, be as rough as you wan-” She blushed so dark she wanted to die. She wanted to find the tallest cliff and throw herself off of it.

“Brooke, why are you making this so hard to stay calm and professional- You’re making it very hard to stay gentlemanly!~” Heinrich bemoaned, before brashfully starting to wipe off her other breasts. Firmly he wiped and caressed the milk away with the cloth across her teat, before plapping the other pad on and firmly pressing it on with the whole hand. There was a tent starting to be pitched in his pants, only challenged in height by the red flags of his cheeks. Unceremoniously with the deed done, popped open one of the bottles of milk before drinking it.
“....well, was that rough enough for you?”

“Not at all~” She was slowly losing control of her tongue and that was a recipe for disaster. “If you were my kind of rough we'd be threatened with the possibility of a clutch” She said with no small amount of sensual mischief. She noticed how he Basically popped a milk shot which satisfied her to no end.
“You like my milk that much Mr. Heinrich?” She purred as she leaned forward on the counter making her cleavage push up and bulge between her arms. “And I wasn't trying To be unprofessional, my boobs just happen to be a major turn on spot”

Having drained the bottle with practiced ease, sat the bottle down with a satisfied reverence before leaning, “Then why do I feel like you’re challenging me to do just that? Before you were so bashful, and now you’re all out in the open, making it clear what you want. His hands sought purchase on her breasts in tandem this time, a rough and firm grip given as he squeezed them, “Perhaps these need a last check to make sure they’ll stay, didn’t think of the size difference and all”. Afterall, on Asteri they look like tissue pasties. But on her, add a string and they’re basically a cotton bikini.
“Your not so subtle egging, is starting to make me think checking out the cabinets was stress testing, rather then decor~,” he quipped teasingly.

Brooke moaned softly as she watched Heinrich Squeeze her breasts, her eyes lifted to his as she bit her lip. “You're a married man, you sure you wanna do this?” She reached a hand down and palmed his erection and made a small “oh” as she realized just how large he actually was.

“Believe me, years ago I might have had that reservation, but with a woman like Gale. Well, she’d be angry if I didn’t accept the opportunity~,” Heinrich explained, encroaching in further to practically hold her close at this point with no refusal being given from her. “Now, the question is, are you going to back up the challenge?~ If you’re not careful, you might just end up a married woman~”.
Leaning in further, hands still firmly on her breasts, he decided to make the gentle advance of a kiss. While his hands roughly worked over her fine bosom, kneading and squeezing, feeling their heft and shape in detail. His lips invited something far more soft, giving her time to still give that refusal if she wished, and well if she didn’t… He wasn’t going to complain.

Brooke accepted the kiss and tilted her head to make kissing her easier. She placed a hand on his, guiding it, showing him how she liked to be touched. “Hmm~ Married life has a nice ring to it, but~” She Flicked his nose with a mischievous smirk. “Alright Mr. Heinrich, I'll bite.” She got up and grabbed his collar and kissed him hard and fast. “I want you to stuff my pussy and milk me for every drop of milk my tits are worth~”

He didn’t need any further invitation then that, his free hand undoing his shorts, letting the clothing fall to the shop floor and freeing his erection for proper display. Firmly kissing her deeply, his hand that never left her chest worked with a new determination in the way she had guided, the other was now undoing her own pants. “On or over the counter~” he asked after parting the kiss for a moment, as they were further bared to one another.

She helped him get her clothes of by shimmying her hips and baring the slick wetness between her thighs. “On. Gotta give you something pretty to look at while you stuff me~” She mused as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “Get these things off my boobs so you can play~” She whispered against his mouth as she guided a hand to her dripping lower lips.

Both pantless, the prince suddenly hefted Brooke up, both hands leaving their previous places for the moment to grab her by both cheeks as he lifted the shopkeeper. Planting her on the new counter, both hands soon found their next targets, fingers finding purchase before tearing off the pads. With one last kiss, his lips took their new place around her leaking breast, while hands spread her legs for his erect dragonhood to find entrance. Once guided in, one hand returned to her available peak, while the other remained on her ass for leverage as he pushed in deeper.

She groaned at the fullness she now felt between her thighs, her hips bucked and angled so he would have an easier time pushing as deep as he wanted. She placed a hand on the back of his head and leaned back, her body heating to near dizzying temperatures as Heinrich suckled on her breast. A moan escaped her as she gripped his hair and used her free hand to prop herself upright. “Ahn~ Easy, it's all for you~”

His long draconic tongue wrapped around her stiff perked tit as he tugged with each drink of his mouth, the muscles of his jaw helping squeeze to get the most generous return. Meanwhile he slowly pushed in every ridge of his Vaigarin manhood, pressing into her lap and core until he could feel his balls in her lap. That is when Heinrich began to buck his own hips, to start thrusting in earnest. Feeling the pull and give of her pussy as he did and grunting around her tit, he gave harder pushes with his hips, adjusting his force for how tight her sex was to work with.

Brooke cried out as his ridged cock scraped against her inner spot of pleasure and her whole body shuddered as she laid back fully and allowed Heinrich on top of her in full missionary. She placed both her hands on his rear urging him to move faster and harder “Harder~!” She cried as she met his thrusts with those of her own. Her gasps and moans filling the room as the sounds of their love making got ever louder.

Her noises were music in the moment to him, as the two Vaigarin got down and dirty on the new counters they’d never look at the same again. He already couldn’t look at her the same way after this, having crossed a line that couldn’t be undone. Even in the heat of the moment, his hunger had purpose, his oral ministrations soon changing peaks to keep matters fair for both tits. As he latched onto his next drink, her cries were answered as his hips drove her into the counter with more pressure, their position almost edging into a mating press if there had been more length to said counter.
Sweet, lush, rough, and eager for a challenge. A dream girl most guys would daydream about back in my highschool, figures all the perfect women were the ones not even human~, Heinrich thought to himself. The repetitions of spearing deep into her core continued, feeling her clitoral ring roughly hitch on each and every ridge of his length, as it elastically stretched around his girth.

Brooke by this point was drooling uncontrollably as a small bump on her lower stomach stretched out at every thrust. She clenched Heinrich's member as tight as her walls could manage as she ran her hands around to his back racking her claws down him in a very personal, very claiming fashion. She leaned her head forward and bit into his shoulder to keep herself from shouting at the top of her lungs as he speared her to completion thrice in close succession.
Her body was trembling by the time the fourth completion found her, her thighs trembled at Heinrich's side as her loins felt the blissful ache of their love making. “Oh~ I could get used to this~♡” She moaned as her claws made another pass down his back.

The way she absorbed him into her folds, and deeper into an intimate embrace, had the prince intoxicated with the lust she inspired in him. Heinrich had drank deeply and forcefully from her breasts, but found him releasing them to migrate that particular attention upwards. Sated lips now nipping with a kiss across her chest and up to her cheek, leaning her back as he pushed more and more into mating pressing her. Striking deeper and deeper, vibrating the counter further with thudding impacts of their deepest connection. As his lips finally met her’s, locking deep into a kiss, her milk still traces on his lips and tongue.
Heinrich picked up the pace with vigor, feeling the building of pressure in his balls as each vice grip pulled his climax closer and closer. The first of possibly a few he’d bury deep in her sex, as well as certainly aiming to fill the womb even at their current intensity. His manhood only throbbed and grew harder, hotter, and tender in the relentless spearing of her core.

Brooke cried out as she fully submitted to his will, taking each spearing thrust and meeting it with her own rolling hips. Her lips found his and claimed them, luxuriating in a kiss that smelled of him, but also the scent of her as well. The knowledge of her scent on him aroused her even more as placed her hands on his ass and frantically urged him to fill her up just like they both wanted.
“Heinrich~♡!” She cried lustily, her thighs were becoming red from the force Heinrich was exerting but she didn't care, she loved that sweet burn as much as the constant flicking and rubbing of her clitoral ring. “Oh gods fuck me up~”

She could probably feel it building, coming, as his climax welled to bursting as he’d held it in the last few thrusts. Her pleas for what she wanted would not go unanswered, as with a few more, Heinrich finally relented and released. Giving a moanful sigh of release, his arms locking on her tight as he pulled Brooke in as far he could into his embrace. He came, that baffling illogically possible amount that Vaigarin men did given their bodies contained the same amount of fluids that their full dragon form did. So his cock shuddered and pulsed with an orgasmic flex of the muscle, as ushered every bit of that into her and what her humanoid form could possibly hold of it. Hilted in deep, he let her feel every shudder of pleasure as he flooded her with something so hot and intimate from his balls.

Brooke raked her claws down Heinrich's back one final time as her walls clenched with a vice grip. Her own fifth climax rising in a wave to meet his. She rode the waves out with him enjoying the sweet numbing bliss of release. She panted against his neck as her womb was not only filled but expanded her lower stomach a little.
“oh- such a messy boy you are~” She said in a sleepy satisfied lull.

Heinrich, catching his breath from the intensity of their first act together, continued to cradle her body against his chest. “Whose got time for manners when a beautiful woman needs passion with no filter? I may make messes of my queens, but happily cleaning up after is a price gladly paid. If we were at the manor, I’d even give you a nice sensual wash~,” He offered in tease back, giving a small lighthearted chuckle. “You want to keep going?~”
Even having the knot in, failed to stem the leakage completely, feeling his still warm seed run down between her legs from around his cock. The sting of her scratches was oddly pleasant as well, feeling how she had dug into him so roughly as she held on dearly. He was only worried at the pure flow he’d let free if he pulled out now.

Brooke smirked with unfiltered satisfaction, her itch had been scratched but who complains when the one scratching wants to keep going? “Sure stud, just let me drain out when you're done. People might start thinking I'm expecting” She chuckled. She kissed his chest and gave his ass a hardy Slap. “Get back to work pleasuring one of your queens~” She said as she nipped at his bottom lip.

“You sure about draining, you’d look pretty, round, and pamperable if you looked like you were expecting~,” came the prince’s own chuckled return, teasing her mostly. Gripping her hips, he pulled her a little, just enough to where her ass was hanging off the counter. With a gentle turn, he rotated her around his buried tool until on foot was on the ground. However, Heinrich pulled the other leg up to rest stretched against his shoulder, and enjoying this view of her legs spread so wide to see all the supple area between.
Once he had her fully in this position, he started to move again, first pulling his knot free once again before starting to thrust all over again as before. Here she could rest on the counter, let him do the work, and he could hit her core just as deeply.

Brooke squeaked as she not only felt herself being turned but the absolutely heavenly pleasure of his knot popping out and his cock pumping into her like a jackhammer. Her plush body jiggled in every way it could as she cradled her head in her arms and moaned softly as her tail found itself wrapping around his leg. “Oh FUCK-!” She exhaled, her voice becoming a low sensuous murmur. “Well Mr.- Hmph Heinrich, after this mnh! Gods!- can I call on you to fuck me from time to time?” She looked up at him with something like admiration, but there was still a lot of lust there as well. “Ofcourse, all the milk you can drink is yours as well as the unimpeded access to my hole~”

“Then I’ll want to make love to you like this everytime!~ So of course!~ How about next time, we make it a proper romantic occasion, all the extras and trim.~ Candles, rose petals, a bed of silk, fine wines, a herbal bath together, and all the aftercare~,” Heinrich confided, occasional grunts as he worked his hips to keep pace with driving his ridges in deep. He wasn’t using his knot yet fully, a pleasured groan however, as periodically he did plough it in. The prince was saving it being in on each thrust, for their third round, as he planned to give the counter its true stress test.
“You’re going to find I have a terrible habit of spoiling and pampering my ladies, sparing no expense.~”

By this point Brooke was holding onto sanity as tightly as she could but the occasional dips of his knot were chipping away at what remained. Her whimpers heightened in volume and pitch “Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop”. A free hand cupped one of her breasts, kneading it herself and pinching her nipple. Milk was leaking onto the countertop til there was milk dripping off into the floor. “Fuuck breed me already”

“You can endure a bit longer, the build up is the best part, and I haven’t even hit full tilt and hilt yet~,” the prince groaned with a small smirk, making her hold out for a few minutes more of this. As he felt the pressure build again, he could only think of how much of a lovely mess he was making of her. She wanted to be bred, and he was going to make sure she was, fully and with generous fertility. His thoughts interrupted as he felt the swell begin, just before he plunged his knot into her sex roughly again, shoving in tight and her into the counter as he came again.
However, the initiative was still his, and he was going to keep the momentum up without her getting a break. Firmly turning her over further again, Heinrich now pressed her into the counter front down as she twisted around his buried knot once more. With her ass up, tits down pressed into the counter pressed himself down on her back as he began to buck his hips hard. This time he was going knot in on each thrust, plowing her poor lips open as they were spread for its girth over and over even as he still ejaculated the current orgasm.

“H-heinrich wait-!” She squeaked as she felt not only his knot push her open even farther but the belly swelling amount of his seed. She whimpered as he kept plowing her deep and rough, she liked it make no mistake but she liked being able to see her partners. “Oh fuck oh fuck of fuck” she panted. Her belly grew with the amount of his seed now poured into her womb. Her own release found her explosively as she for better lack of a term squirted like a porn star. Two years of skipped mating seasons would do that she reckoned, he had scratched her itch and in a moment of sobriety realized that the long afternoons talking had made her come to realize that this male was one she could see herself spending the rest of her days with. Raising children, fucking like rabbits, and many other things a female desired.
She looked back at him with a sirens smile, “Keep it up big boy~ Fill my tight little pussy up~”

Heinrich rocked into it, pushing forward even physically, as he pressed his body against the back of her’s. His hips driving the rutting onwards, the prince sided his face against hers with a kiss, a free hand grabbing her by the horn for leverage this time. “I think we’re beyond filling dear.~ But I’ll keep drowning it in my cum all you want, and hey, with how much you’re stretching, draining will be easy even if I wished we’d keep it all in you~,” he panted back in between thrusts, bodies stroking together as he used his whole body for each movement.
The other hand grabbed hers, before clasping it on top of her breast, squeezing it as he did her hand. “How about next time we do this, I take you on a proper date shopping in the capital?~”

Huhng!” She looked back at Heinrich and smiled wickedly as she threw herself back on him doing her level best to spear herself on his member. She panted with the effort of giving him as good as she was getting.
Milk flowed between their fingers as she guided his hand and squeezed her breast in a teaching way, showing him how she liked it and allowing him to get used to the feeling of her breasts. Most thoughts were beyond her but there was one shining like a beacon through the fog of her euphoria, and that was the feeling of his hand on her body and the copious amount of pleasure he made her body feel.

If his hands had not been on her chest, guided into every squeeze and fondle… The prince had been tempted to pull both her arms back, and give her the full brunt of his hips driving it in aggressively deep. Each thrown back taking of his plunged knot, however did drive them forward again just as hard. It caused his hands to knead her breasts in his grip harder just for leverage.

He was becoming lost in her pull, almost as she was mind numbing in his throttling. Panting exertion aside, he'd almost missed the sound of the shop door bell. A Tumnisian and vaigarin pair entered together, both meeting his determined yet somewhat surprised gaze. Both taking in the sight for a brief moment before the shelves seemed far more fascinating out of the blue. Heinrich made no attempt to stop what they were far too gone into doing, settled on thoroughly finishing even as their forgotten folly led to these witnesses.

As the awkward browsing toed around the blatant sex, finally ended in the pair sort of at the messy counter. Products broached to be bought, as the shop owner was being rotted out of her mind. Looking over the labels, Heinrich freed a hand to casually ring them up. “That will be 29.85 in script, or-”, he began to breathe before money was generously produced, and the pair speed walked out.

Brooke was mind blown on the table, she had nothing on her mind except the blissful slipping in and out of Heinrich's cock and the widening of her entrance as his knot played her clitoral ring like a one string instrument. Milk and drool Mixed on the counter as her climaxes now totaled ten and the eleventh building in her core. Two seasons of no sex and while Heinrich was definitely the largest she'd had, this moment of euphoria blossomed something in her that there last few months had only hinted at.
Her tail twitched as she writhed against his ministrations, if she wasn't bred after this she would have been surprised in the aftermath.

Where for her it was a question, for Heinrich it was a desire and hope. The prince was fully enraptured in her seduction, wanting nothing more then to see her plump in a fertile manner and happy. Even as Brooke slipped further under and the third tide of seed approached, the prince decided it was all in for a grand finale.
Grabbing her arms and firmly pulling them back, he pressed her hips against the back of the counter. With the control of leverage, Heinrich gave her everything he could at full brunt and pace. His knot speed bagging her entrance before a final shove into the deep of her sex. With a gasp of release, he gave the next large addition to her filling, resting forward as he pressed into her figure, shivering from yet another climax.

Brooke cried out in a final crescendoing wave of pleasure. Her belly by this point made her appear to be a few months pregnant even getting a spray of milk that covered the counter in a dripping rain. She clenched hard on his cock as her tongue fell out of her mouth. Brooke collapsed on the counter once Heinrich had finished pumping into her; she spent a minute gathering her thoughts before looking back at Heinrich and wiggling her butt with him still inside.

“I want this dick on call~” Her eyes fluttered as she spelled a few words with her hips in a few teasing motions earning a few moans As the ridges inside her rubbed her deepest parts. “Thanks for the wild ride Stud~ If you wanna keep playing with my body then let it be your playground~”

“How do you feel about anal, or play around this area?” Heinrich cupped a generous cheek before giving it a squeeze. “I wouldn’t mind filling or fingering, nibbling these cheeks, or having you sit on my face in either way~,” the prince added, giving the focus of his grip a firm pat with a smile. He was really looking forward to that proper date now, and wondering how much being seen was going to bother her, or if maybe she liked that kind of thing.
“Also I don’t think you noticed, but… well you had two customers a moment ago, and I think they enjoyed the show,” Heinrich informed her, pointing out the money still on the counter. “I hope you don’t mind the talk about us this will likely start, unless you don’t mind being claimed in such a public fashion?~”

A blush crept across Brooke's cheeks at the mention of their love making being such a public spectacle. She shook her head and separated their bodies so she could look upon him fully. “I'm not much for being an exhibitionist, so any of our future encounters should be private.” She reached out and cupped his cheek and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
“Furthermore, no you may not do anal. First of all gross, second of all that's one of the quickest ways to get your favorite part cut off~” She may have said it sweetly but the claws putting pressure on his manhood were anything but sweet.

Not shying away from the threat at his goods, he simply leaned in and returned the kiss. “Understood, figured I’d ask. Better to check then find out the wrong way. So what now? Maybe close the shop for a bit, and we go somewhere private after I clean this up, and I give you a sponge bath, hmm?” They had made quite a mess, and she was too after their wanton session. “Will give a relaxing chance to unwind, and maybe plan that proper date,” Heinrich offered with a hopefully disarming smile.

She released his member and strode away from him swaying those full hips in a way that would drive any person insane. Oooh that little temptress, she knew what game she was playing and she was in it for keeps. “Sounds like a plan to me, though I’ll warn you, I do enjoy warm baths. I can stay in for hours, once you clean up the shop we can lock up and head to that private place~” Her tail swished playfully about her heels as she disappeared into the back room.