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Golden band episode 3.1: training day


Dec 12, 2022
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It had been a month since the Golden Band's beachhead mission, and they were still recovering from their botched battle strategy. The Enemy forces seemed to be licking their wounds as well, giving the Golden Band some much-needed breathing room. In response, the command team made the decision to improve their combat prowess by recruiting veterans of the war in heaven, who had once fought against the Legion of the Forgotten.

But even with these experienced additions, there was still much work to be done. The recruits were still raw and untrained, and it fell upon the command circle to whip them into shape. After much thought and strategizing, they decided to conduct training operations on this world, with the help of both the Neldan freedom fighters and the veteran recruits.

The Neldan freedom fighters graciously offered their training grounds, both in the lush jungle and unforgiving desert, for the Golden Band to use. Meanwhile, Op4 was mainly comprised of veterans, supplemented by a skilled group known as the Neldan Ghosts. To round out their ranks, the recruits would also receive additional support from the Neldan freedom fighters.

It was not only a tactical move but also a way to win over local hearts and minds. By working together and improving their combat effectiveness, they hoped to pave a path toward victory in this ongoing war against the Enemy.

Parade grounds

As the sun began to rise over the horizon, the sound of bugles echoed through the air, signaling the start of another day of training for the golden band. The parade grounds were bustling with activity as a motley crew of soldiers gathered, their faces showing a mix of determination and trepidation. Among them stood a grizzled group of veterans, led by Ty Sibo and a tall, imposing man by his side. Ty watched silently as roll call was taken before pulling out a datapad and passing it off to his companion.
"Listen up maggots! My name is Frank Sterling and it has come to my attention that you all need to be whipped further into shape. Clearly, your previous drill instructors were too soft on you," Frank stated with a hint of disdain in his tone.
Despite hating this tough drill instructor persona, he knew firsthand what the Legion was capable of during the War in Heaven. And if these recruits had any chance at surviving their trial by combat in service of the golden band, they needed to be broken down and built back up. His robotic nature allowed him to carry out this task with efficiency, but it still weighed heavily on him.

"For the next several weeks, myself and other veterans from the War in Heaven and 100 years war will serve as your drill instructors and opposing forces for training operations. Even the Neldans and their elite Ghost units have graced your miserable existence with their presence and are generously allowing us to use their training facilities," Frank continued.

"I won't sugarcoat it for you, the next several weeks will be miserable and it's going to suck. But as the Neldans have persevered through 75 years of fighting for their people, so must you endure. You will address us as 'sir' until we see fit to call you our soldiers. Forget about your cushy lives up until now. Forget about any nicknames or callsigns your friends may have given you. Until this training cycle is complete, you will be referred to by your rank and last name. And even that, I feel, is too nice for you all. Do I make myself clear?"
Frank bellowed, his eyes scanning the recruits for any signs of defiance.

With a sly smile, he then posed a challenge to the recruits. "Now, who thinks they can take me on?" Frank asked, ripping off his shirt and stepping down from the podium, daring anyone to try their luck against him.


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May 10, 2023
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Samantha stood beside her wingman Snowblind on the parade grounds in attention and was dressed much like the others in the Golden Bands PT clothes. She looked at Frank and thought finally someone who looks proper military. She was not impressed by the band so far and even made arrangements to leave the planet entirely if things became unfavorable or they tried to kill her off next. Her two mechs however would be lost however but it was a loss she was willing to take.

"Sir yes sir." She yelled out in unison with the others, some where a little to short in responding in time. Samantha watched as Frank ripped his shirt off and made the challenge. "That's a waste of a shirt." She thought to herself. She had a devious idea and gathered mana in her throat before parting her lips slightly. "I will." Came Snowblinds voice. Samantha may not have been good at throwing her voice but her goal was to draw attention over to him. Snowblind made a sound of like what the fuck and looked at Samantha who stood staring straight ahead.


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Sep 4, 2022
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Among the ranks of regimented recruits, there was a tall young man made even slightly taller from the black light power armor of unknown brand and origin yet surely made by humans and from current designes. A well built body given the frame of the power armor, his face tanned and slightly scarred, blue eyes and black hairs, the only symbols visible in the power armor was a single insigna, an hexagonal eye with two wings and under it the name Kaius Mulder, placed on the left side of his chest plate. His expression was serious like the one who knew why he was here and what he had to do.

Other than that he had a bullpup, high caliber sniper rifle magnetically attached to his right flank, a pair of submachineguns with silencers on his hips and a squared metallic backpack. He held a closed helmet with s V visor, on his flank. A very martial posture, and surely giving the vibe of someone who was trained in warfare not the likes of many of the golden band.

"Sir yes sir!" He shouted being one of the first to rapidly respond to Frank. But when the man in charge wanted to show off, Kaius remained silent, still looking straight towards him, like many others. He better knew to never challenge a man who is old in a job were you die young like his father for exemple. Frank was surely of the same breed, but he also gave the vibe of a man who would rather humiliate one to prove a point, and Kaius even if in his own mind understood the motivations he didn't want to prove himself yet.

When a male voice made itself volunteered to the challenge only a thought runned on his mind "Poor bastard."


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Jun 25, 2024
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My original reply I have sent with the location == Training yard===
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Jun 25, 2024
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== training yard ===

The war of the Golden Band has raged on for an exhaustive three months, plunging its participants into a harrowing series of engagements. In the final phase of the battle, the enemy forces were controlling a crucial area where an unexpected heavy assault was launched from a fortified artillery position. Amidst the chaos, Lance Corporal Whitehorse, a brave soldier, was injured during a fierce battle with enemy forces. While fighting alongside her infantry division in the campaign's final phase, she faced various challenges, including encounters with robotic enemies, constant artillery bombardments, and dangerous encounters with enemy soldiers on the beach.

Whitehorse also struggled internally while dealing with the external turmoil. The loss of her right hand in an enemy explosion led to her receiving a cybernetic replacement. Despite the expectations of her superiors and fellow soldiers, adjusting to the cybernetic hand proved to be a significant challenge for her. As she navigated through the complexities of battle, she not only faced external threats but also dealt with the profound inner turmoil that came with her altered physical state.


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Mar 4, 2024
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Standing in line with his fellow comrades, Faris maintained a uniformed presentation. Despite being dressed and equipped in the long outdated gear, he was comfortable. His signature smirk painted a confidence that some others would struggle to even fake. This was routine for the soldier, he had over a decade of experience in war. 'What difference was this one', he thought.

He too would exclaim affirmation with the rest of the troop when commanded to reply. Though before he could voice his interest in the challenge himself, he had heard the voice of another fellow warrior speak up. Pitching in their challenge to the behemoth that was their instructor. Not one to be outdone, Faris' voice boomed across the line as he exclaimed, "Aye! I'll take you, instructor!" Making it clear to everyone else that the man with the eternal smile had a confidence comparable to a death wish.


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Nov 17, 2021
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One month from the initial attack found Aaron standing with what was left of the golden band survivors, on a particularly hot day on the parade/training grounds. And people wonder why some prefer space….

At least this group looked more like an actual fighting force than the sorry mess that had emerged from the beachhead landing. Yes, they had managed to hold out, but the entire operation was a clusterfuck from one end to the other, something that was conveniently left out of the victory speeches the Nelden government regularly broadcast, though said speeches were quite useful in drawing in new mercenaries and recruits, so there was that.

The staggering casualties weren’t the only thing realized that day either, as equipment had been destroyed at almost an equal rate, prompting desperate scrambling for everything the government could beg borrow or steal…

At least the equipment issues were mostly solved at this point, though it was still trickling in piecemeal for most units. Not true for the golden band however. Turns out, Ty had an almost bottomless pit of favors to call in as much as the cash for it all. Advantage of being around for a few centuries it seems. Between Ty and Aaron’s own network, some of the more….costly and controversial equipment was brought in, and working mostly outside of government channels, no one really asked questions about it.

Back to some of the so called “instructors” Ty had brought in though….

Aaron sighed. “Gods, this guy sounds full of himself…” he muttered, knowing full well Holly would hear him, as his fellow genemod was standing at rest next to him.


Dec 12, 2022
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The petite fighter, Snowblind, gazed up at the towering figure known only as Frank. A sly smirk played across her lips as she couldn't help but think to herself, "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." With a burst of determination, she dashed forward and crouched low, aiming a punch at his knee in an attempt to bring down the giant. But as her fist connected with his solid frame, it felt as though she had struck steel. The pain shot through her hand, causing her eyes to water and leaving her momentarily stunned.

Frank's hand closed tightly around Snowblind's hair, yanking her up to her feet despite her frantic struggling. With his other hand, he clenched his fist and drove it with full force into her gut. The impact knocked the wind out of her and she doubled over, gasping for air as she vomited the blood from her recent meal. she was unable to keep it down and the metallic scent filled the air. Her vision blurred and she fought against the pain, but Frank held her in his grip like a vise.

Frank would release her from his grip, allowing her to crumple into a heap at his feet. He looked over at the nearby medic, urgently gesturing for them to come and tend to her injuries. Turning to face Faris, he boldly called him forth. "I will not hold back, nor will our enemies. But I have great respect for those who dare to step forward and challenge me," he declared with a steely determination in his voice. His stance was strong and unwavering, ready for whatever came his way.

Holly's voice was filled with frustration as she turned to face Aaron. "I want to believe that, but he could still hold back enough not to kill anyone. That guy is a highly trained NDC Operator, for those who aren't aware." She glanced over at Snowblind before continuing. "He's a Heavy Combat Frontline and Shock Troop android." Without hesitation, Holly rushed forward to help Snowblind up from the ground before carefully lifting her into her arms and carrying her away from the danger. The sound of their hurried footsteps echoed through the parade grounds.

Standing at attention with the rest of the group, a Neldan warrior towered over Kaius as his battle buddy. His gear was reminiscent of trench warfare, heavy and well-worn from years of combat. A thick leather trench coat hung from his broad shoulders, adorned with various patches and symbols. With a flick of his wrist, he let the coat fall to the ground, revealing a long trench style Imperial Army uniform underneath. Clicking a few buckles on the large object strapped to his chest, a loud thump echoed through the air as an autocannon hit the ground. The warrior's hands were covered in leather gloves, their grip tight and powerful. "I'll take next," he hissed through clenched teeth, a hint of a sinister smile creeping across his face. Each tooth was sharp and serrated like that of a shark's jaw.


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Nov 17, 2021
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Aaron snorted. “Maybe, but look around, Holly. I find it hard to believe anyone’s going to hold back here…” the Genemod started, before Holly went off taking the downed soldier to the medical wing, leaving him alone among the group nearest the Golden Band’s newest instructor.


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Sep 4, 2022
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Kaius remained calm, he expected it. Frank's behavior was true to his abilities, and such was a confirmation of his instinct. A lynching of this level though, because the onesided fight could only be described as that, for him was useless and a waste of medical supplies, this was his personal opinion on the whole thing. As the towering figure of a neldan showed up the only thought was *Maybe this guy can put some sort of challenge, let's see what type of strategy he will take*.

Overall, he was silent and still waiting for this whole thing to reach a point.