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M Getting Help From the Former Paladin



Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - Eselberg Station, Kalis System
Herrick Coven Space - Arcana Row - Expansion Sector

Elenor was once more working on the facets of the coven that honestly, only she really could work on. Oh sure, technically speaking, Lucas and/or Lucina could help, but she had to do this herself as the matron of the coven. Actually, considering the way the coven is looking to shape up, 'matron' was probably the wrong title. More likely she'd be a 'Mother Superior' if her reading into the positions of clergy and what have you were to go by. "Uuuugh, why does this have to be so complicated?" She muttered. To one side of her was a not even tenth completed ritual circle, with a lot of seemingly random notes on it pointing to the layers of rings inside of the spell.

As it was, to the other side of the table Elenor was working at, was a bunch of mannequins dressed in a few outfits. Several were half-unfinished, each of them 'prototypes' for possible garbs she herself would wear (once her pregnancy was over and she was able to get her stomach nice and trim again), but the majority were the finished recreations of the old clergy wear that Lucas had once had his, well, corrupted clergy nun's wear. She wasn't sure why there didn't seem to be much in the way for men, but then again, considering their luck, she had a feeling that their first few covenites (or would they be neophytes?) would be female anyways, so it wasn't like there was a huge rush for it.

“Well, well, well. What’s this I hear? Seems like a grumpy cat.” came the amused voice from seemingly nowhere. Then, as a shimmer of illusion magic faded, there was Melissa, metal heels echoing off the stone floor.. Her hat and sword absent from her person, displaying her armored yet skin tight suit fully. Despite being unarmed she still carried that edge of danger present in all great fighters. “Seems you’re enjoying the perks of power.”

Elenor looked over as Melissa approached, and snorted. The tomes hovering in the air, pages opened with bookmarks draped over them forming a sort of 'display' for her, whilst many more tomes lay on the desk, and piles of parchment was all over the entire affair. And a nearby waste basket wasn't quite yet full. While the whole stone structure space would have not looked out of place having torches or candles lighting the rather large room, far larger than the space it actually occupied outside would have suggested, it instead was lit from 'sourceless' magical lights that hung below small ritual circles carved into the arched roof.

"More like suffering its bite. Trying to figure out what convents I want to magically enforce, which doctrines I should establish, and how I want to structure our means of operation. I could just declare I'm expanding my coven and figure it out as I go, buuuut, owing to who suggested this, I figured I'd be better off working out the important details early, before announcing the expansion." Elenor explained, gesturing to all the work she had going on. "About the only thing that's really been quick on turn-around are those." She finished, her gesture shifting to reference the nun habits that hung on display for their eventual wearers to collect.

Melissa gave quite an unlady-like snort at that. As she glanced at the outfits however, she hesitated. Something shifted in her demeanor, something more… unsure and guarded. “Oh. I have not seen these in a long time… I hope that you intend to alter them.” She asked, her face now stern and neutral.

"You'd have to talk to Lucina. She and Abigail have been working on them since we decided to go through with this. They're trying to figure out something fitting for a 'Mother Superior' since it wasn't something that ever came up during Lucas' tenure. Hence the varied unfinished ones next to the finished nun habits." Elenor said, shrugging as she looked over them. She'd not asked many questions, figuring this was one place that the demon she was pacted to knew far better than herself what was going to be involved in those.

“Right…” Melissa mumbled, eyes still looking at the mannequins, before turning back to Elenor as if nothing happened. “Well, at least they seem to be making them a bit more tame. Say what you will about succubi, they know how to make as little as possible qualify for an outfit.”

"I mean, you and Lucina both seem the sorts to prefer more compared to the norm of succubi." Elenor remarked, smiling. "So, what kind of memories did seeing the habit's bring up?" Elenor asked, figuring since it seemed that Melissa had a pretty strong connection to the outfits.

Melissa regarded her with a raised eyebrow, “What kind do you think?” she asked sharply, before gesturing towards the outfits of see through mesh and cloth. “The morning sermon, obviously. Or was it the evening orgy? I suppose it was all the same in the end. Me and my sisters and former brothers cumming our brains and our souls out. That’s what I was reminded of.” The swordswoman bit out each word, her knuckles creaking beneath her gauntlet. Her eyes closed as she breathed deeply.

"I'm sorry. I didn't intend to upset you. I, imagine what all I'm doing is hitting too closely to really feel like it's a step apart from what you remember." Elenor said, bowing her head in apology, as she realized just how strongly Melissa felt about the entire thing with that statement. And admission of some of what happened who knew how long ago.

Releasing the breath she held, Melissa composed herself. “It is fine. It was long ago. And you are trying to make it better. This was going to happen, sooner or later. None can escape their past. Not even demons. But let us put that aside, what are you working on?”

Elenor shrugged, and pushed the chair she was in back a bit. "The rules and regulations that will be established to affect how the coven acts and in what ways." The sigh she unleashed was deep and exhausted. "Admittedly, the worst part is the whole damn near legaleze that needs to be established for the full strictures, so that it has strong, valid bindings. Which is what most of this is." She finished, gesturing to the books in front of her. "Well, all but that one." She temporized, pointing to one of the floating ones. "That's mostly on religious structures and traditions. Since we're basing it on the old clergy, not the standard witch coven patterns."

“Right, got to balance so it isn’t just coven nor just clergy. What about if somebody joins but after awhile changes their mind? How would their departure work?” The swordmaster inquired. “Would joining be permanent even?”

"That's part of the whole legaleze bit. It includes clauses and allowances for leaving the coven." She said. "Some things will be permanent, mostly concerning any unique spells, formulas, potions, etc, we might discover or development, but it's basically the same as an NDA. Just magically enforced." Elenor explained, putting a hand on one of the sheets of parchment. "I wouldn't make joining the coven itself permanent. I've seen a few that do and it gets... ugly."

“Good. You are already better than some covens I met. Fucking despicable hags, every last one of them. Remind me to tell you how I got my hat sometime later.” Melissa said, a sharp smirk on her face. “So what do you need on the clerical side? I wasn’t the most traditional priestess but I still remember all my hymns.”

"Well, figuring out how to bloody well handle the, well, 'ranks' so to speak. In covens, you got Covenites, Witches, and Matrons." The Nekomata explained, holding up thumb and two fingers. "But I'm not sure that works as well with Clergy. Since there's so many variants and oh yeah, some positions have their own title separate from the normal positions and what have you. Otherwise, I mostly need a sounding board for some of these tenants. Mind, this are the intended spirit/purpose of them, before they get buried in the word mumbo-jumbo to form a properly, fully binding contract." She said, offering Melissa the current draft.

So far, she had a statement about the use of their magic to not make problems, they encourage personal relationships between the pact holder and the pacted being, and that contraception is advised, but is up to the member to decide if they would. Those were ones that seemed to be firmly decided. But there was nearly a dozen other ones listed under 'maybe?' in Elenor's very neat and exacting handwriting. Which was probably a result of her having to have extremely good calligraphy and drawing skills to create the ritual circles correctly.

Melissa quickly parsed through the draft, eyebrows raising at some of the more… unusual denied tenants. She nodded or snorted at some more and returned the draft. “It seems you are giving this due consideration. That is good. It seems less likely that I shall have to kill you.”

A silence grew between them.

“That was a joke.”

Elenor snorted as Melissa added the 'joke' bit. "Sure it was. And I'm the Queen Bitch of one of the Universities." She replied, shaking her head. "But I am trying yes. I don't want this to be some half-assed thing, and I definitely don't want to give Lucas and Lucina cause for concern over the direction things are going." She continued, after sobering up some. "But all my knowledge about how any of this sort of thing is done is purely book-learning. I've never been part of a coven, much less discussed the functions of how to establish one."

“That is good. You are unbiased then. Free to choose the path unburdened.” Melissa replied. “This coven will be its own beast with its own problem. Better someone who is wary of the unexpected than aware of the expected. It’s not about how it begins, but how it grows.”

"Yeah, and if I do this right, it'll be able to grow once I've stepped down from the top spot and set the precedent for how we do things, though I also imagine some will verve well away from that since I won't be there to hold them to it." Elenor admitted, shrugging. "So, any of these stand out to you?" She asked, gesturing to the tenants. "I still need to talk to Lucina about what our magical focus will be, so it might have to hold off on any solid tenets going forward. Unless you have some thoughts on that?"

“They seem reasonable enough, as far as magical sacred prostitute coven rules go.” The swordmaster said, sitting on a vacant spot on the desk. “If I must admit trepidation it would have to be with this one.” She said, pointing a clawed finger at the ‘Personal Relations are encouraged between pactee/pacter’ tenet. “Perhaps some specification on what ‘personal relations’ is would be better.”

Elenor shrugged. "I mean, basically the idea is that we can't have the pact pair acting like one's the master and one's the slave. I won't let that happen. I don't care if the pair are little more than friends, but I don't want one side or the other dictating and controlling the entire pact on their own whims." She explained. "I, doubt it'll be easy to make happen, but that's my hope."

“Hope is a cloud. That’s why we prepare for rain.” Melissa quoted. “Well, it’s the small things like this that make me happy I was never part of the higher-ups. Just give me a sword and an enemy and I’m happy as can be.”

"Yeah, I get to worry about all of this." Elenor replied, sighing as she leaned back and rested her hands on her belly. "Though, I can think of something you can help with." She mused, carefully. "We're gonna need help training the new members in things. And besides Lucina and Lucas... You're the only one we know of who has the knowledge and the skills to train them, especially if we're busy handling other things."

“Ah, passing the job along to someone else. You’re really growing into the leader role, Elenor.” Melissa chuckled. Her clawed fingers cupped her chin. “You must understand I wouldn’t be much of a teacher, right? I’m a warrior first and foremost. And that doesn’t seem like the type of people you’re recruiting.”

"No, but me and Lucina can't devote ourselves to teaching them everything all the time. So having you to help with the load isn't the worst thing." Elenor pointed out, shrugging. "And I'm pretty sure Lucas isn't gonna want to go the same route he did with you and the others of your clergy from way back when. Sure, you're a warrior, but honestly, having your knowledge and experience is too valuable." She said, then paused. "Wait, what do you mean magical sacred prostitute coven?!"

“Some deities, mainly fertility, sexuality, love and such, have taken up the practice of prostitution as either holy rites, money gathering or a mix of both. I felt the comparison was apt given one of your tenets.” the woman shrugged. “As for the offer… I will have to consider it carefully.. I hope you understand.”

Furrowing her brow, Elenor picked up the list of tenants, and reread the tenets, and sighed. "I mean, I had put them down as suggestions more due to the nature of Orias, the demon queen whom we're connected to. I figured I'd at least consider such a thing. I wasn't thinking about it seriously!" She said, sighing. "I mean, the contraception is just making sure we don't get blamed out of hand for anything happening. And seriously wished I'd had a chance to use it myself before I found myself mothering Orias' children.”

“Ah yes, I do believe that’s one of the consequences of dealing with sex demons. Thankfully I never had to worry about that and never will.” Melissa said, arms crossing in front of her chestplate. “I just never saw the appeal.”

Elenor snorted, shaking her head. "I think if you hang around us long enough, you might end up having to worry about it sooner than later." She pointed out, considering what Lucas/Lucina was... And who their boss was.

“Demons can control their own fertility. And the few demons that are strong enough to bypass such things, know better.” was Melissa’ simple reply. “Do not forget little neophyte, I am as old as Lucas, and I have not been idle.”

"I was more meaning dealing with sex demons." Elenor pointed out. "I wasn't referring to the pregnancy."

“Oh, that.” A hungry glint entered Melissa’s eyes. “Don’t worry. I know their tricks. Pleasure is a weapon like any other. And I’ve learned to use it and how to avoid it. My mind won’t be addled thusly ever again.”

Elenor giggled and shook her head. "I see. Well, don't let me tell you how to handle things. If you were to help us with this, you'd be teaching me as much as the new members of the coven. Since, well, I'm the utter idiot who's supposed to run this show." Elenor said, putting the parchment back onto the desk and leaning forward to tap her quill upon it in thought.

A moment passed by, before Melissa leaned forward, curious. “So, why did you get hitched with Lucas? Beyond the pact, I mean? Was it his big demon dick?” she asked, bluntly as a warhammer.

Her humor sobered some, but not enough to wane the smile on her face. "I mean, been with him a decade. We kept it mostly professional for that entire time, though he did help me out on

occasion with the heats I experienced monthly." She explained shrugging as she considered it. "As for his dick, I mean, it certainly helped, but it wasn't the only thing. We just worked well together and watched each others backs and keep things moving cleanly as we worked."

“Ah, well. It seems I won’t haven’t to give you the sex is not everything speech. Good. Be thankful that Lucas mostly maintained his humanoid form.” she said, before wriggling her fingers in front of her face. “Tentacles.” She explained.

“He’s the one that turned you into a nekomata, isn’t he?” she nearly declaredred.

"Don't need to tell me twice. Sure, they can be fun, hey, I've experimented, but it's nice to have familiar. Though admittedly, the tentacles I've dealt with weren't precisely demon to begin with." Elenor said, and at Melissa's narrowed eyes, shrugged. "Eldritch beings. As for the nekomata thing, yeah he did. To save my life though, because I was an idiot who tried to summon a second entity to pact with not realizing that it was a one time arrangement." Elenor said, ears drooping a little bit as she remembered the herself of the time.

“Ah, the magician’s folly. A tale as old as time. Consider yourself lucky you are alive and sane, young one. A mistake is always the first step, but only to the foolish is it the last.” The old warrior said. Quietly, she stepped off the desk and approached Elenor. Her hand reached out and… began patting her head. An impish smile grew in Melissa’s face. “Good girl, good girl.”

Elenor's ears flattened as Melissa began to pat. "I'm not a dog ya know." She grumbled, though her tails swayed behind her in a slightly content fashion, appreciating the physical contact.

“Indeed, I believe I have heard that elf boy who first greeted me that is often referred to as a dog.” Melissa said, hands continuing the smooth motions. “You on the other hand are a cat, a grumpy little fluffy cat. Do you want me to stop, Elenor Herrick?”

"Only if you plan to keep calling me a good girl." She pointed out, crossing her arms atop her belly and kind of under her bust. "Any other probing questions you wanna ask? I figure you have some since I wouldn't put it past you trying to gain what you can about what Lucas has been up to to make your judgement with."

“Ah, you are a bad girl I see. A very bad, bad girl.” Melissa chuckled, as she kept petting Elenor’s luxurious ears. “The judgement isn’t in the questions. Those are to merely satisfy my curiosity. It has been a thousand years since I’ve heard of anyone that knew me from so long ago. Despite… certain feelings, I still grow curious.”

"I'll show you bad." Elenor huffed, fur bristling just a touch, but mostly, there was the hint of a purr in her throat as she was continued to be petted and sritched. "I figured I'd ask, since I wasn't sure if that was the intent." She explained herself. "And should I be worried about those feeings causing us trouble?”

Melissa paused. “I would like to say that my honor would never allow such a thing. That whatever I hold good or bad, I reserve for Lucas alone. But I would also be lying if I have not thought of punishing him through indirect means.” A hand, trailed a finger down to Elenor’s neck. “How easy… It would be to do to you what was done to me. To use pleasure like a axe and split your mind asunder and mold it to my whims. To give him a taste of what his victims felt.” Melissa’s breath grew sharp, and her eyes narrowed to pinpricks. “You would be mine and mine alone~.” she whispered, images of desire and need carried with her voice.

A heartbeat passed, a moment where Melissa looked ready to do the horrible thing she said. But then she drew back, closing her eyes and taking a step back. “But if I did so, then I truly would have lost my honor. And I can’t give the carrions of Hell that victory.”

She sighed. “I am sorry.”

"Sorry for what? Not doing it? I don't see why you should be apologizing for that." Elenor pointed out, shrugging as she said there. Sure, the touch had been really nice, she was too much of a neko now to deny that much. "Besides, if I understand some of it correctly, he, kind of did already. When he did his 'final' payment to the demon that made him into a demon. And apparently also introduced Lucina to the universe at large." Elenor explained, hoping to help with things.

"Besides, who the hells knows, maybe some of these... neophytes? Might legitimately be interested in that."

“… It really is going to be a pervy coven, isn’t it?” Melissa whispered in horror, as she clutched her forehead. Straightining up, she continued,” Yes, but regardless of who they are they’ll need to prove themselves to be worthy of the Friendship of Thighs.” She said, casually patting her flank.

Elenor gestured to herself. "Considering who our ultimate patron is, are you really that surprised by it?"

"As it is, I'm leaving it up to the individuals to decide that sort of thing. I am not gonna get sucked into the potential mess that could make by having it be a standard facet. fair?"

“There’s a difference between expectation and foreboding realization.” Melissa jested, before smiling. “Let us keep both in check, my friend.” She removes her gauntlet, offering her bare hand to Elenor.

Elenor eyed the offered hand for a few moments before taking it in one of her own, and shaking. "Agreed. And this is why I very much need help. I ain't go a bloody clue where the landmines are in this mess. Besides, you aren't half bad of a looker, and I'll bet good money you could make me look a fool in bed. I'll be honestly surprised and impressed if Lucas is able to avoid oogling or even touching you once he's back fully."

“Oh? Are you courting me, Elenor Herrick?” Melissa mock gasped, voice far too innocent. “My perhaps the devil’s touch is truly in you, to try and seduce me with thine wiles.”

"I mean, if I was gonna court you, I would be more blatant about it. I'm just acknowledging a fact." She said, shrugging as Melissa took on that innocent tone. "I'm just stating that I rather do enjoy looking at you, and your own words imply you have a lot more sexual experience and knowledge than I could hope for for a long while." The nekomata explained. "I figure I might as well be as honest about this as you have been about your own words."

“Ah. A compliment. But one made pure by candor. Thank you.“ Melissa said. “You know, I’ve had many students over the centuries. If you’d like, one day I might take you on as a pupil. I won’t teach you any grand spells, but you'll be better at using them in a pinch.”

"Except I use ritual circles." Elenor pointed out. "And while it's possible for me to learn a different method, it will never be as clean or powerful as my circles are." She gestured to the incomplete circle nearby. "Mind, it can take time to get the circle done right, but I can prepare uses of it ahead of time." She continued, smiling.

“But what if you’re caught without them?” Melissa asked, putting on her gauntlet. Her silver arms surged into the air, tracing a triangle inside a circle in the air, glowing lines drawn with magickal energy. She slammed her hand into the finalized design and a small fireball appeared. “Not as powerful as ritual circles, but they’re fast and relatively easy to make.”

"That's why I carry a rifle with me." Elenor replied primly. "Generally just point and shoot. Sure, it has it's own flaws, but that's true of basically any supplimental method I take." Elenor continued, shrugging now.

Melissa’s rolling eyes let Elenor know what she thought of guns in general. “Fine, the offer still stands. Though I must admit, I am more of a spellcaster by technicality, than anything else. Kill enough witches and demons and magickal monsters, you learn a thing or two.”

"Which is fair." Elenor said, leaning back in her chair to take some of the weight off her ankles from her sitting up properly. "I had no magical talent of any kind until I pacted with Lucas. So I had to figure things out as I went. Especically since I didn't join a coven to get taught that way." She clarified, sighing in contentment as she felt herself relaxing from the tension her sitting up had been applying.

“Such is the path of the self taught.” Melissa said, eyes passing over Elenor’s relaxing frame. As always, the struggle came back. The demon in her, rooted deep by those eons of corruption, calling forth to take this cat witch and show her delights unimagined. To take and corrupt and mold. To bring out her lusts and wants and use them as pathways into her mind and heart. To make her cum again and again and again until all she can think of is desire. Not even as revenge against Lucas. Just because she could. Because this needy cat witch slut would love and so would she, just like all those years ago…

‘No.’ said her soul, her last scrap of will she had nurtured all those years ago. ‘It is not who we are. Not anymore.’

Of this internal battle, nothing showed on Melissa’s face. Why would it? It was just another day. She was used to it now. The struggle. The long, long struggle.

“Let me help you with that stack, Elenor.” she said. Choosing to be better than before.

"Thank you." Elenor said, utterly unaware of what transpired in Melissa's mind and soul. "I should probably think about getting a bite to eat soon too. Been in here since breakfast." She said, sitting back up with a small groan, and checking her paperwork to hand the stack of heavily scribbled upon parchments to Melissa.

Yes, Elenor could have been doing all of this on standard printer paper, but when she does the actual full contract sheet, it would have to be on parchment anyways. So she basically used parchment all the time since it was what contracts were written on, and it gave her rituals just that extra little omph.

It was likely just a placebo matter, her convincing herself that parchment gave her rituals more power when written on them for quick use acts. But it worked for her, and so she had reams and reams of parchment paper to work with.

Paperwork was never fun. But it could be bearable. As long as one had a friend to whom share the misery.