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[Fallen Shrine] Have WOMANPAD, Will Run


Vaigarin Elder
Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
Medusa Expanse - 011030:6 (Sirris II, Sanctuary System)
Obsidian City (Spaceport)

It was another of the usual days that one could find in the capital. The city bustled with people, as everything was clean and straight laced in its usual utilitarian way. For those who grew up here, or had lived in any sort of well developed NDC settlement, found it simply normal, and somewhat a comfort in being so. In a way, it was a strange way of seeing what their old world could have been if it had continued at its peak, instead of its downward spiral from the war.

Drake, as familiar and at home here, still preferred his nomadic lifestyle of privately contracted work, which brought a familiarity with another kind of reminder of the old world. Some of which were securely packed into several large luggage cases he now wheeled on a hand cart. They had been disassembled and packed in packers of masking gel, then smuggled to the other side of the spaceport processing terminal through access tunnels. Most of it had been useless items or clothes going through, only to refill the luggage in a backloading area, with the gear premeasured to fill the same amount of space.

Weight wasn’t a concern as once through processing, the only concern was unregistered weapons of certain classifications, or foreignly sourced to trigger sensors. For the most part, a lot of what he was now moving wouldn't actually cause problems, but rather would have avoided the paperwork. Even on wheels, there was a bit of heft to the load, almost a little more than he could have sworn there should have been, but rough estimates on memory were always subject to discrepancy. Making sure to quickly get this stuff out of the open, pushed the cart along towards the ramp of the Fallen Shrine. Giving a grunt as he hiked the thing to tilt back, and more easily transition to the incline of the ramp.

“Hey cap, I’m back, or the twins..” Drake called out as he reached the top at the opening of the hold, before giving a mumbled to himself, “Lucine, I’m home. Not that I think any of you care about this stuff anyways.” He had been wanting to set up an armory, which was one he had already planned to start stocking with his own collection. With help from the twins, got the room prepared, though given the size was not going to be filled by only his gear right away. But it would give them room to work with, and better manage their gear for security, and maintenance of said gear.

Soap was reviewing a list of small contracts that could be down within and around Obsidian City and Skylador. Might as well keep the jobs local while she got the new crew settled in and used to the weirdness and craziness that was the New Dusk Conclave. She had opted to do so on the catwalk ringing the hold so she was right there when Drake came in. "Been looking at jobs we can take to cover the cost of materials for turning one of the cabins into an armory like you suggested." She said to him, not even bothering to look up while her leg swayed back and forth gently from the seated spot she was on the catwalk.

"How'd getting whatever it was you went to get go? Customs accost you or anything?" Soap asked, finally looking up from the tablet she had in hand to look at Drake, though her head never shifted in its angle.

“Oh, not really. Pulled a bait and switch, getting the stuff smuggled through, while I just went through will filler junk like any civilian traveler”, Drake answered as he began to slip off his Hawaiian shirt and straw fedora, having a more sleek muscle shirt on underneath. After a couple months ago, when he had to weld his own forehead back together, took precautions now for any other unexpected events that would cause him to possibly lose his shirt. Noticeably, the scarred mess of a temple in question, was back to how it used to be now.

“Also got a regen treatment for the scar, figured it would cause too much curiosity for my usual tourist cover. Was worth spending those saved up med points for.” Came his further explanation with a small grin of pride, as if pretending his forehead was now the most handsome thing on the planet. “Besides, a bad day of getting shot in the head, ain’t gonna ruin my good looks”, he added jokingly.

"Considering that it was a shirt button that injured you, I'm still surprised you didn't decide to keep it purely for bragging rights." Soap replied, shrugging. "So, what goodies did you bring us to start with?" She asked him, putting the tablet down and looking more fully at the cases he'd pulled aboard the ship. She figured they were probably disassembled to be fitted into them, and to have as many as Drake seemed to claim he was interested in bringing on board.


Meanwhile, back home….

“What the hell could I have been mailed large enough that I have to get in the lobby?” Kayla questioned out loud with some minor sense of annoyance as she did. Having made the descent down from her floor, she was greeted at the desk by two rather large cardboard boxes, that as rough as they looked, were recently and hastily packed then taped shut. Like an absolutely inappropriate amount of tape, where they had just taken the tap gun, and ran a grand prix around the box more than a few times. “Um…. Who left these?”

“Some woman had a drone drop these off, or at least that’s what it said. It also said "courtesy of the dark haired man?” The receptionist machine didn’t really seem shore, the AI’s sprite putting a hand to the bottom corner of their projected face in thoughtful confusion. “Isn’t your husband dark haired, and son? There is a tag on it, but I haven’t bothered looking. I can have a cart readied to help you move these though.”

A bit later, Kayla was back in her apartment, the boxes now more than taking up the top of her coffee table. The tag was only slightly sticking out of the inside of the box, only further vindicating her assumption on how hastily this was done. “Louis better not be sending me dirty bomb components to hide again..”, she grumbled as she got a box cutter to start peeling all this tape away from the boxes. The last time, I had to hide the cores in a couple of unmentionable pockets, and I couldn’t sit right for a week!

Once they were open however, she was met with multiple…Launchers? She thinks anyway, before finding the tag. “From son with love… Please don’t pull triggers, or hide these like last time mom”, the tag read in an oddly feminine handwriting as she read it a few times very confused. Better ring Drake about this, as something was a bit suspicious even for him.


Back on the Fallen Shrine….

Drake was about to make more jokes about the soft new skin of his temple before his mother started to ring him on the Geist. “Oh, hold that thought a minute cap. The mom is calling”, he explained before taking the call.

[*Mom*]: “So uh, hey, why did you mail me these?
[Me]: Mailed you what?
[*Mom*]: {photo received!} “Well these things. They look like launchers. So what am I supposed to be doing with them?
[Me]: “Uhhhhhh, those should be with me right now. I just packed them to haul onto the ship. I know I only own that many, so how did y-... Wait, you said these were mailed?! BY WHO?!”
[*Mom*]: “First off, lower your tone please. Second off, HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW?! I thought your father sent them at first!”
[Me]: “................Don’t worry about it. Call you later. K, love ya, bye!!” {Connection Terminated}

The merc had begun to visibly sweat a little towards the end of the conversation, having a very bad feeling as things seemed very not right. Stepping back over to the cart, he pulled the last luggage contained off, before laying it on the floor on its side, to stand it up vertically. Rolling the dials of the lock, clicked it open, before freeing the latches and pulling the inner zipper along. Stepping behind it, he gave Soap a look like she needed to be ready, before slowly pulling the lid to swing up and open.

Seeing the expression Drake had as he was talking via that Geist in the back of his neck, his irises glowing being the telltale sign, then how he promptly moved to check one of the back-most cases... She reached down to flick the strap buckle off, then off with her thumb before making sure her grip on her pistol was steady while she gave him a simple nod. Then the case was opened.

Feeling the latch release, as the zipper finally came undone, Olyv stood up, pushing through the lid of the luggage container, gasping loudly for air." You know, I wish I had time to add oxygen! Where are we off too now?" The freckled deermod looked around at the ship, then to her partner, before quickly clocking the foxmod on the upper deck, as golden orbs locked onto her." Who's the pretty thing with the anti deermod pistol? And why is she looking at me like I'm lunch? Was this another one of your sexcapades?" Her tone began to change, her eyes never leaving Soap.

“Olyv…. I have questions. First, why did you send them to mom? Secondly, why not just follow me normally?” Drake gave a sigh of relief, having been ready for something far worse, at least then he would have had simple solutions or just you know dying outright. But now he had to deal with a clingy girlfriend, which was far more complicated, and less likely to kill him, so much as more likely to maim him… maybe. “Apologies cap…. This is… my girlfriend, Olyv. So yep, that’s introductions, so while you two catch up, or try to kill each other, I’m going to get something figured out for getting those launchers here….again”, Drake added before tossing the empty luggage bag off to the side to get it out of the way, initiating a call as he pushed the cart to the side as well.

Soap merely gave a small nod to Drake, eyes never leaving Olyv's, pulling her pistol out of the holster and 'politely' pointing it at Olyv. "So, you got 30 seconds from the time I stop speaking to tell me why the fuck you're here, why you decided to get on my ship via Drake's luggage, and tell me in no uncertain terms why I shouldn't put my finger on the trigger and pull, leaving it to my crew to clean up and repair the damage." She stated very deadpan, the ice in her voice very clearly heard by all in the hold at this moment. Soap had a lot of experience with deermods, oftentimes being on the receiving end of a deermod charge or assault. About the only benefit she has right now over Olyv is that she had a whole deck of height between her and Olyv. And she knew the second that Olyv tried anything, well... Soap didn't have nearly the kind of strength to combat her, especially if she was a Hassani Vet.

The young woman's leg muscles began to tighten, before a distinct pinging sound could be heard from the deck, before a blur of red curls made its way to the top catwalk, a porcelain finger slipping behind the trigger in the trigger guard. Her golden orbs locked onto the foxmod as she leaned in, their noses touching." I don't think you understand the position my man has put you in…Captain. But my family is extremely knowledgeable about this revolver. And of what you can do." Her hand flexed around a small palm sized blade tapped against the cheek of the fox mod." I am far more useful than you think. You stay out of my man's affairs, and I won't give you flashbacks of the war." A deadpan expression turned into a cynical smirk waiting for the foxmods expression.

Soap's eyes twitched as Olyv moved far too fast for a Deermod like she'd faced. Of course, as Olyv tapped her blade on Soap's cheek, she couldn't help but smile a bit. "Maybe, but I've also faced off against your kind way too many times." She said, having realized she'd have no time to fire and so had drawn her own combat blade, which was admittedly much larger than Olyv's, made in a tactical kukri-style, so the inner curve was resting firmly against Olyv's chest. "So I'd say we're probably tied in that respect." She stated simply. "As for his affairs, I got enough trouble to worry about with this crew than who he fucks or doesn't fuck."

Olyv chuckled, leaning in closer, "Good, and I promise you, next time- I know where you keep that blade; I have an iron trap like my mother. And her experience became mine growing up." Her piercing gaze finally snapped back to a relaxed look as she stepped back, flicking the cylinder release latch for the three barrels of the captains 'revolver'. Before leaning against the railing. "Well, cap…need things nabbed or found, I like shiny things and need to keep an eye on my man. Since you don't have an interest in him, I'd happily help out where I can ... for a fee, and any additional shinies…of course." Tossing the tactical style watch up and down while tossing the foxmods wallet back into her lap before smiling coyly.

“She’s always like this, and she follows me whenever she can, even when she sends an AT launcher to your mother in the mail. I guess I should be thankful you apparently took some time to rebox them at least,” Drake commented from the side of the hold, where he had just finished negotiating the transfer of them to the ship once more. This time it would be by drone, since it was just the two boxes. One that would take some time to get there through the understructure of the city. Gods, today was costing him more than planned.

“I’m going to have to pay the Syndies almost as much as it was just to get all this past the terminal, to get those MANPADs sent all the way here for the second time”, he grumbled out loud as he began spreading out the other luggage containers and opening them up to show off the contents. The first was sidearms and attachments, the second being compact PDWs and a few shotguns, the third being explosive devices and spare components, as well as additional ammunition for everything. The fourth case was all compact rifles, magazines, and some other parts. The fifth they already annoyingly knew now, “I can’t tell if you’ve just got a grudge with the cap, or want to show off”.

Olyv whipped her head back to smile at her partner.” me? I'm just being friendly my dear, as for the expenses…just charge mom. Considering it was originally her idea to put me in the luggage…but…that might have been a joke now that I think about it…huh…” she paused in thought, her lips pursing for a moment.” oh well! It's all handled and you can't get rid of me that easily, what do you think you can get rid of me that easily? My darling money machine of a boyfriend, your brains are all in your muscles sometimes.”

Soap collected her things as Olyv returned them. "I see. I'm sure I should be glad that all you did was take them out of my pocket and off my wrist, but I'm more concerned about the fact that you're starting to get on my nerves." Soap replied, holstering her pistol, and grabbing her tablet, standing up. "Unless she's planning on staying aboard Drake, she's your problem." She stated, walking towards the hatch, and pausing. "Give back my bra too, you little gremlin."

Olyv looked back with a big smile, the black sports bra tucked into her jacket pocket.” How observant Miss, I didn't think there was enough for you to notice.” Pulling the bra from her pocket, slingshotting the garment onto the foxmods head and ears with an innocent giggle. “ I will say.. Not much for some but I'd say they are nice and perky Cap.” Olyv said in jest.” now… where is our bedroom, my dear troublemaker of a boyfriend?” she flopped her head backward once again, her long brown ears entangled in her reddish curls.

“And she makes jokes about me getting in women’s pants all the time.” Drake waved the captain down to come see the wares he’d brought. “Room is on the second deck, closest to the prow on the port side. That elevator can be used to go between decks, or the stair accesses to either side of it”, he answered to Olyv, already embarrassed by the commotion his girlfriend was making. “Cap, if I could borrow you for a distraction once you're decent again. I got the stuff spread out here you want to see for the armory.”

Grabbing her bra, Soap just grumbled, and stuffed it into her thigh pocket for now. Sure, she could have put it back on, but that'd require finding a room, taking off her jacket, taking off her shirt, and putting it on. She wasn't sure just how the hell Olyv managed to take it off her so cleanly and without overly jostling her clothes. Still, instead of going to her quarters as planned, she might as well. "Let's see what toys you brought home." She stated, in some small way actually happy about this. Sure, she wasn't a gun nut, but having options? That she was all for. Not bothering with the ladders at either end, nor the stairs down, she just hopped the safety rail and landed with plenty of knee bend to avoid significant injury.

Walking over to the first case, she started eyeing the weapons on display, and picked up a couple to do a quick safety check and operations check of them as she did, the motions smooth and highly practiced, having been long ingrained into her psyche how to do things. "Not bad, not bad... I think I remember some of these, but more than a few are new to me."

Olyv whistled watching the Captain jump the rails. “Careful with those landings or you'll end up with knees like my mom’s instead of Drake’s,” she joked before leaning against the rail, watching the two go over the weapons Drake had brought. “Would you like a hand putting those away? Since I'm here and might as well make myself useful to some degree?” she asked her partner in a playful tone while still leaning against the railing.

“Yeah, if you would please babe”, Drake answered before adding “We’ll go through each set then set them on the cart. Once I’ve gone through them with the cap, we can stow them in the new armory.” Resuming where the captain had started, the merc picked up one of the bullpup compact rifles. “This is the SR-1 Sickle, which comes in single, three burst, and auto. Was an old design that got a revamp post war, pre-exodus. It’s the first one that was chambered in the standard 6mm cartridges the legion uses. I’ve got standard, AP, and PCT which are the glowing blue tips. Blocky type is the multispectral digital sight, and ammo counter.”

Picking up the next rifle which was a standalone of one, which was a bit thicker, but also a compact bullpup. “This one is MR-2 Bear, an upgraded marksman version of those old 308 cartridge full-autos from the war. 20 round magazine, holographic magnifying sights, with recoil pad and counterweights,” he explained before setting it down, and picking up one about the same size, albeit not bullpup for once. “The designation is too fucking long, but its called an Avenger. Fancy lil’ plasma rifle, full auto suppression, with a 100 shot fuel pack. This covers all the rifles.”

Soap quirked an eyebrow as he presented the various arms. "I see. Guess the NDC is big on compact designs inspired by the CQC freaks." She mused, taking the Sickle in hand, and giving it a basic test run, though no rounds were fired. She wasn't that stupid in her own ship. Feeling the weight, the controls, the balance of it... She even did a few ready drills to see how it felt to plant into her shoulder from various points. "Hmmm, I admit, feels lighter than I'm comfortable with, but then, the Beast was basically what we got, and as you said, 308 hefty bitches those were." She stated, offering the Sickle over to him.

“Well a lot of that became obsolete with the PCT rounds. Each one of those blue monsters are a plasmatic charge that, even as small as it, slags armor and causes flesh to explode ionized, steaming of the moisture. Pretty messy stuff, and they get good range despite their size, so doing more with less kind of a thing I guess.” Drake had seen what they do more than a few times, which is why he never wore white for work clothes anymore, but it sucked how much more those rounds cost though for understandably good reason. “I can get them at regular intervals, but they should either be mix-ins with magazines, or saved for when they’re really needed”, he added as a side note.

Olyv leaned into one of the containers, quietly humming to herself.(never a good sign.) before looking back up to the pair.” the bright blue ones make a fucking mess. Not like normal bullets, I had to offer Drake one of my shirts once. The smell is certainly not great.” Olyv admitted shuddering for a moment, before going back to rifling through the containers.

Soap nodded, picking up the Bear. "So, this is supposed to be what replaced the fucking piece of shit we used huh?" She asked, going through the motions. It wasn't clean, but it was serviceable for a string of checks. It was obvious she didn't usually use bullpup weapons often, but had some familiarity with them. Enough to know the steps at least. Doing similar as she had with the Sickle, she nodded. "Nice. Despite its size and weight, it feels solid enough to me." She stated, handing it over. "Might stick with the sickle though. Unless I'm dealing with a deer." She said with a firm tone. And also a side eye at Olyv.

"You sure it's safe to let her rifle through your things like that? And I don't mean just for her." Soap asked, returning her focus to Drake.

Drake was handing her the Avenger when he looked, “Explosives, components, and ammo case? I mean if she fucks around in the wrong way, we won’t exactly have to worry about finding out at least. Silver linings?” The weapon was a bit heavier, but definitely set up more as a squad support weapon. “Just don’t mess with anything that has a little yellow ring painted on the outside, or has rough outer casing that isn’t just a smooth cylinder. Anything else other than those, should just be non-lethals. Oh and especially nothing with something that has buttons, or a display.”

Olyv continued rummaging, humming to herself.” watch it Cap, i may seem like an airhead, but most of these are simple enough to operate. And weapons aren't much for my personal flavor. However, mama didnt raise Bambi.” she chuckled contact juggling a live grenade from the back of her hand to the palm before rolling the grenade from her shoulder to her opposite hand." I'm more than a nice ass and a pretty face.”

"Clearly." Soap said, finally picking up the Avenger. "This holds weird." She said simply, shaking her head. "Like, it feels like it's supposed to be a rifle, and yet it doesn't." She remarked, handling the weapon in question, and was being rather cautious as she tried to work out how to do a check over for its parts and safety status. "Shit, where's the fucking safety on this thing?" She grumbled, trying a few things except for pulling the trigger since that was liable to be a problem all its own.

Drake gestured for the rifle before shouldering it and holding more like one would a squad support weapon. “This one has two stage safety, with one being this pad shaped switch that’s pressed as you properly grip, the other being this switch at the back of the receiver, which is a breaker. It’s a magnetic energy weapon, so it has kick, but also obviously wouldn’t work like any ballistic weapon mechanically. So the safety system is designed with that in mind, with it requiring you consciously have the power system primed and the rifle properly gripped for intentional use.”

“The firing system is single and auto, but there is no selector. It’s pulse charging primer of sorts, so it charges up for rapid fire, so holding the trigger is auto. While a single firm press is single. Really good for anything armored, shielded, or just deciding to make you spiteful. Fuel packs over all, are also cheaper than a full size box of the PCT 6mm too”, he further clarified before passing it back for her to get a feel for the controls he’d explained.

Drake looked at the next case now that they were done with the rifles, before deciding the one of sidearms and attachments would be the next quickest. There were only three, with like before, two being ballistic while the last was also something new and harder to acquire. “Pieces like that Avenger, the PCT ammo, the launchers on their way, and some of these others. Are kinda hard finds on certain markets, either due to price, or public availability”, he explained idly as he moved between cases, trailing a hand over Olyv’s shoulder as he passed by to move around her.

His hand trailed her shoulder as the deermod’s small tail began to flick back and forth as she leaned back slightly.” Are you done showing the cap your big toys? I can move them wherever they need to go.” her words trailed off as she closed her eyes just enjoying the moment before returning to her inventory list of the weapon systems that made it.” I've categorized and Itemized everything you have, so it will be easy to organize in the armory from these cases. Each system has its own place of course.” she spoke confidently as she smiled brightly.

"Oh right, we need to get the twins to actually turn one of the cabins into an actual armory. They've got a basic thing set up, but I'd like some actual lockers and security measures for it. Ship for some reason didn't have one. I think they were talking about working with Cate on setting up a security system for it based on UNS tech." Soap said, shrugging while she put away the rifle. "I won't complain about you showing her where the armory is, and maybe you two can hash out a better setup than we got currently." She said, watching the whole thing between Drake and Olyv.

“Hmm, what about the rest of the spread? Didn’t you want to look them over? Or did you mean while her and I go and store what we already have”, Drake asked as he looked back up to the Captain. Maybe she just wanted a break from Olyv after their tense introduction, which he could understand considering the beef their lines had with one another naturally. But it also felt like being shooed off with Olyv, at least if Soap was any normal person to try and read into that way. Sometimes, he could only but hope to speculate on what her thoughts might even remotely be at times.

"Oh I do, but better put this stuff away as we finish each case." Soap said in response to his question about checking over the rest. And she also wanted to get Olyv out of her sight for a moment, before she tried to do something stupid and cause a fight between themselves in the hold.

Olyv's eyes narrowed for a moment, her large golden eyes returning shortly thereafter," Drake let's get these cases in there, wouldn't want any more of your toys going awry" She giggled bumping into him, picking up two of the cases straining slightly-" lead the way!" She said again with a jovial, almost clueless tone, ignoring the tension on the hold.

Picking up one of said cases to lighten her load, took point as he led the deermod into the more crew oriented part of the lowest deck they now stood on. “It’s not far at all thankfully, just out into the crew quarters section, and around the corner on the left”, Drake explained as they walked off into the corridor. It was indeed a short trip, only taking a minute or so, before the merc opened up the second crew compartment on the left side of the ship. The beds had been removed from built in frames, but the foot lockers and such were kept.

The racks were simple, but there were enough of them, and shelves for other things. However, all he had even brought, would clearly not fill all of them even by half probably. “Let's set these on this shelf and just pack the rifles into the racks, and we’ll put the magazines into the locker on that side.”

Following close behind, Olyv observed the ship in the brief moments she was moving to the modified crew quarters. Setting the case down, quickly organizing by rifle and ammunition adjacent.” In all seriousness Drake… you were going to take this job and not tell me?” Olyv gently set another rifle in the rack pausing for a moment. Her demeanor changed, showing a more emotional vulnerable side.”I know staying as far from the apartment and mom is for her, and for your sanity….but you could have told me…I’d follow you anywhere.” her shoulders began to sink, keeping her back to her partner.” I know it's only been a year and a few months, but….I..” her breath was shaky not wanting to truly know the answer.” I'm not just another one of your conquests right?” The deermod waited with bated breath, for the response, good or bad.

Drake paused for a moment himself, giving this halt of loading a rifle into the rack, as he considered how to put his mess of being him into words. Anything elegant fell short for how complicated things could be, but blunt wouldn’t get him through this for once, but she was one of the few people who ever deserved the truth of how he felt. “None of it is ever a conquest, I don’t have that kind of power in my life to consider claiming anything with this paltry influence that is my life. No,.... those are me looking for some amount of comfort with someone who will be in that corner when I come around next. But to answer your question, you are far more dear to me than that, but that’s all the more reason I never wanted to drag you into this kind of life.”

“My very existence is a risk for my family, so I’m not sure how I’d ever settle down and find peace, without risking a major gambit. I love my family, but I hate the other parts of them that feel like they led me to this. Dad’s a walking criminal charge, and I’m the smoking gun he’s been sheltered, and mom just throws herself around to every corner, and my siblings all came from more normal parents who get to sit home and cushy.” It was an emotional dump, but after all, Olyv had always been the first person to ask, to really want to dig into the meat of why he lived the way he did.

“I love them all, and I love you, but that is why I keep my distance from most. I don’t want to lose any of you, I don’t want to lose home in case I get that gambit someday. Olyv,... I’m rolling the dice, and I can’t tell if I'm winning, or if I’ve already rolled Ahsapa eyes…”

Olyv looked to her partner, her soft Golden eyes, resting on Drake.” I was already in this world Drake, it didn't matter if you wanted me in this life or not. I can't just sit at a home you will never slow down to and wait for you to come back. We can keep on the move and find a nice quiet place at some point. I don't mind this life, so long as I'm with you, this world seems a lot less shitty.” she chuckled softly.``Plus who else would you find that knows what kind of hideous Hawaiian shirts you like huh?” a tear subconsciously trickled down her cheek as she turned around again.

Having walked to the ramp while waiting on the two to finish, Soap pulled out of her jacket a pack of cigarettes. Admittedly, she was impressed with the fact the deermod didn't knick them like she managed to do with her bra, somehow, but she couldn't complain too much. Sure, it wasn't the same as the ones they'd get shipped on occasion in training, but it was probably a luxury good all the same being a brand that focused on trying to recreate the cancer sticks of Hassan.

The foxmod just couldn't get herself to enjoy the new Sirrisian versions of brands with their dayglo colors and multicolored smoke. Plus the, well, 'taste' was all wrong to her. So she ponied up a little extra from her own cut of the earnings for her more 'classical' brands. Pulling out the lighter once she had a stick in mouth, she flicked at it to try and get a light going.

Meanwhile the merc finished slotting in the rifle finally, before turning around and stepping behind Olyv. Stooping just slightly to lean over her shorter stature, wrapped his arms around her from behind. Nuzzling her hair, Drake pulled her in close yet gently, “I appreciate that, and much the same, thank you for joining me. Through it all, and even my stubbornness, you’ve put up with it.” His lips gently graced the top of her head, giving that soft physical show of affection to show his honesty. He never wanted to make her cry, but his own emotions and worries, along with how he lived. Tended to make things complicated, both for himself, but also for those who had to deal with the mess he was underneath.


Cate muttered to herself as she disconnected the glowing strands from the converter, tapping the holopad in front of her idly as she waited for the system to finish converting to quantum. As the magical threads retracted back into her wrist, she pulled out the makeshift converter that was attached to the bottom of the pad, setting it on the shelf and idly flicking it, sending it spinning further into the mess that Cate called her tools.… Granted, they were actually probably the twins’ tools, buuut…Still. Cate used them a helluva lot too… maybe because she constantly moved back and forth on uninstalling and reinstalling components.

ANYWAYS. Cate looked upwards as Ferrol came scuttling out of the wireworks, chittering as he presented his side to her, flash drive inserted. Cate gave a world weary sigh as she pulled out the stick, and turned around to rummage through the various makeshift converters, finally managing to come across the right one. As she inserted the converter, then the stick, into the holopad, she idly commented to Ferrol: “We’re gonna have to get you outfitted with some sort of way to read the NDC’s qubit technology.”

Ferrol’s snappy and disgruntled beeps caused her to glance his way. “What? From what I can tell, NDC really specializes in miniaturization- y’know, the big deal with quantum technology? Yes, I’m aware that currently we have to go through a weird stepping system to get from Ether to quantum, it’s not like you’ll be running solely off of quantum.”

Beeeepbeepbeeepbeep click beeeepbeeeepbeeeep click beepbeepbeeeeep click… Cate’s head jerked up and snapped to Ferrol as she heard what he was saying. “What? Are you high?” More beeping. “Alright, alright, calm down. Just think about it like this- you can finally run Ari Aru Forest modded to your heart’s content.”

That caused Ferrol to shut up, and jump up and down in joy, causing Cate to sigh and mutter: “Lecherous robot..” A high pitched beep alerted the aasimar that the holopad had finished its conversion. Unplugging the external devices, Cate began tapping on the device, motioning to her companion with her head. “C’mon. Let’s see what Soap’s doing.”

The woman walked out of engineering, and upon rounding the corner, she noticed a light coming from the second crew quarter, frowning, she took a couple steps toward it, until she heard Drake’s voice. Lips screwed, Cate wondered for a moment, before shaking her head. She could ask Drake later- right now, she wanted to splice and decode the transmission the fusion generator was giving off. The aasimar shrugged, and turned around to move to the elevator.


A soft sniffle could be heard as she chuckled, softly pushing Drake back to the other side of the makeshift armory.”Don’t you get all soft on me now you big scary merc.” she chuckled drying her eyes, the thin metal frames of her glasses pressing up to her forehead continuing to place the rifles in their new home. Finally finishing what items were in the cases,Olyv turned back to the door, seeing a glimpse of the Aasimar in the hallway. “Hey! Boobies… you are the one that shot my man, right?” Her eyes narrowed for a moment. Two fingers point from her narrowed eyes back to the woman in the hall, repeating the motion before pulling back into the armory. ”Drake, let's get back to the Cargo hold, I'm sure we need to grab more of your stuff.”

Drake apologetically waved to the Aasimar as he was dragged from the armory, before gesturing as well to follow. “We still need help moving stuff Cate, if you can lend a set of hands”, he called back to her as they made their way back. Re-entering the hold though, Drake was brought to a stumbled stop as Olive would finally stop, halting her own momentum then he possibly could. “Okay cap’, where were we?”

Soap looked up and back from the ramp, and gestured to the crates. "Pretty sure we got most of it tried out, so unless there's some special extra toys you got in that lot for me to check over before you bring it on board, I figure it's just moving it crate at a time." The foxmod said, the cigarette in her mouth bobbing slightly as she spoke. All the while she pushed herself to her feet and walked back over to the crates to see what was next on the docket.

Cate blinked upon hearing this woman call her… boobies. That comment sent Ferrol chittering- snickering was the better term. She bristled, before forcing herself to calm down, looking at Drake, though she paused, slightly startled, when the woman then made the I’m watching you gesture. Twice. “Who the fuck are yo-... And there they go.” The…deer girl. Considering what she knew of Drake- and Soap- probably this NDC’s version of what’s called a “deer-mod.” Because apparently NDC didn’t have shapeshifters or werebeasts. Ferrol’s opinion was more prominent, however, as one of his LED lights flashed red, and his string of beeps caused Cate to wince.

“What do you mean, she’s a red flag?”

She did brighten up a little as Drake gave his apologetic wave, and she nodded as the invitation was sent, and she trotted along behind them. She stopped upon entering the storage, giving a glance everywhere, before asking Soap: “So, what’d we order?” As she was asking that, she moved to examine a crate- no way she was going to open it yet, but hey, packages normally had some markings of what they were, right?

“All of this is weaponry Cate, so be careful as just a heads-up”, the mercenary warned the Aasimar, before stepping around to look at what remained. “So Cap, what do you want to go over next? We got a few other long arms, sidearms, grenades, even a couple of unique pieces you don’t see too often on the open market.” Drake rubbed his hands like he was eyeing a high end buffet, but that was just his inner gun nut showing, as someone who very much admired weapons. An understandable personality trait that complimented his profession.

Long red curls strewn about pale skin as golden orbs bounced around the cargo hold, leaning on another crate, just barely out of reach of Soap's grasp. Plucking the cigarette from her lips, taking a deep drag before holding onto the cylinder.”Cap, will we be needing his…handy work? And if so, I'm serious. I'm not just a freeloader. I will hold my own if I need to." The eager anxiousness that comes with prepping a ship for departure was still hard to contain.

Unfortunately the cigarette did not help on that front, but it was an easy way to prove her use once again, casually twirling the gray familiar undergarments. Looking over to Drake to attempt to calm her nerves, but the idea of him alone in danger only made the anxiety worse. With a huff Olyv draped the sports bra onto Soap’s head sauntering back to her boyfriend, the cigarette placed, now half burnt through…back into the mouth of the unsuspecting Foxmod before she picked up another case to continue her work.

Soap sighed, stuffing her sports bra into a pocket. "If the rest of these are like the first ones we checked, we should be good to skip. I especially don't want to be doing any testing of grenades around the spaceport." She said, especially seeing Cate join them. "That said, definitely going to want to have our UNS folks go through a familiarization course on stuff with all this NDC kit we're bringing on." She muses aloud.

"Also, Olyv, if you're gonna do that, you really should bring your own smokes. You ain't gonna bum off me forever." she declared flatly. She didn't say Olyv couldn't join the crew. Honestly, having a rogue-ish little shit like her would be useful in a lot of places.

“With how frequent that’s becoming, and how skilled you're doing it. Do you normally enjoy looting women’s underwear Olyv? Like are you secretly into women too?” Drake decided to tease, even as he peaked over the cases again. “That being said, on the whole getting in the know cap. Should I take that as getting everyone a sidearm if they don’t have one, and getting them up to speed?”

“Maybe, if you keep track of them better then you do the louder ones. I brought your manpads sweetie”, came a familiar voice to at least the resident merc, and deermod. A loud knock on the metal hull by the cargo ramp signaled the source, as a curvy blonde woman was standing at the top nearby with similar crates. “Drake honey, maybe don’t mail me stuff like this, it looks weird. Thankfully I was able to talk passing through with them, as a favor of someone I know.”

Soap paused in what she was doing as she looked over at Drake with a very suspicious look on her face. "MANPADS? Seriously? I really don't think we're gonna have to deal with anything that's gonna need that kind of fuck off weaponry."

Cate, at first, had a red face upon seeing this Olyv just… produce Soap’s bra out of thin air, before she managed to calm herself, and resigned herself to just raising an eyebrow at the deermod’s antics. Eventually, the aasimar just shook her head, gesturing to Ferrol to start scanning. As the small spider-legged droid skittered away to begin its internal sorting, Cate trotted over to the cargo, and began taking the stream of data her companion was sending her, and began physically sorting it, rather than just digitally.

Though, Cate’s head did snap up at Drake’s comment to Olyv, and she gave a strained croak- if this deermod showed her affection via stealing bras, Cate did not want to see how she showed dislike. Because based on how Olyv just.. Casually.. Threatened her in the hallway, Cate did not want to have that encounter rate doubled. She was blissfully pulled from her internal pessimism, thanks to… Another woman? That Drake knew? Was the entire crew just females aside from Drake? How…

Wait, she called Drake ‘sweetie.’ …And manpads? Surface to air missiles? The aasimar turned her head to look quizzically at Soap first, letting an incredulous: “Is someone planning on shooting down a planetary defense fleet?” Rubbing her forehead, Catelyn just sighed, and returned her mind to the more immediate puzzle to solve. Well, at least superficially. Which was ‘who the hell was this woman?’ Sweetie. Honey.

Drake had a mother? Well, a living mother? Well, that was a novel idea to her. Looking back and forth between the golden haired woman and the black haired man, Cate furrowed her eyebrows as she attempted to reconcile the idea of this woman being the mother of… well, Drake.

Olyv’s head slowly turned as her shoulders bunched slightly. ”Ohhhh hey there mom, what..are you doing here? He..he..he. Gee what a weird coincidence seeing you here? Ahhh…oh man this is soo crazy.'' She slowly began to walk away working toward hiding behind cargo crates.

Looking over at Olyv and narrowing her eyes, Soap sighed. "Oh for fucks sake..." She said, reaching a hand up to pinch her nose. "Also, Drake, I want to be sure everyone can at least protect themselves. So get started on drafting up a range schedule for them." She stated, lowering her hand and walking over to the man in question. Before reaching an arm up and around his shoulders, forcing him to lean over as she brought her head close to him. "Also, why the actual fuck were you planning on bringing a MANPADS onto my ship huh?" She hissed in question.

“Surely I’m not that wrinkly yet am I? Everyone is skittering off to corners as soon as I arrive”, Kayla pouted slightly, even if only teasingly. “Also yes daughter, maybe we can talk, given how fast you vanished this morning from our tea break after breakfast. I know your mom taught you better then to dine and dash on your future mother in law.”

Meanwhile as the captain had yanked the mercenary aside, he almost gave a surprised grunt from the strength in which she craned him down firmly to her level. It left him at an awkwardly stooped stance, feeling her dainty yet powerful arm cage him in next to her. “First off, careful, the mountain peaks are a bit rough this time of year. Also, you and I, both know… only one of those gods damned tubes, has anything in them. So we have an option B, if that rather generous bluff gets called. No one will expect the cargo hold manpad, and I fully volunteer my own ass to shake out the door to fire them off in that situation.”

"I don't fucking care if my nips are fucking cutting your chest into ribbons right now. And you know how fucking hard getting a VLS is?! Those things are restricted for a reason!" She hissed, before letting him go. "Just, give me more warning next time, alright?" She said more normally, before walking back over to the woman who'd brought the MANPADS for Drake. "I'm sorry about all this ma'am."

“Not a bad way to end a career cap’n, and don’t worry, they’re bought legit on a hunting license”, Drake said with a cunning smirk.

“I’m not running off into a corner, am I?” A small series of Ferrol’s chittering made Cate snap her head to glare at the robot. “What do you mean, ‘I couldn’t fit in the corner!?’ Of course I could, and-.” Cait blinked. “Wait, seriously?” The aasimar crossed her arms underneath her chest, and hefted them up slightly, slightly eyeing Drake’s mother, before a small blush crossed her cheeks, and she turned to face Ferrol.

Or at least, where Ferrol was. The robot had decided to start skittering towards the blonde woman; Cate already knew what the perverted robot was planning on doing, yet was unable to stop him as he practically leaped towards Drake’s mother. More specifically, her mammaries.

Olyv nervously chuckled as she moved in between the crates and cargo, trying to scoot farther from the purview of the group, specifically the blonde…problem now talking with the crew. ”Drake is going to kill me…” she Bemoaned softly to herself, leaning against a crate hoping she was far enough from kayla.