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M [Eselberg Station] Coven Conventions?! Oh no.



Vaigarin Elder
Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - Eselberg Station, Kalis System
Administration Section

For all the happy feelings she got from the experience, plus the fact that she wasn't the only one suffering the condition, the absolute headache and a half that the swelling of her stomach and breasts were having from the pregnancy were driving her crazy. Nevermind the struggles it made getting around at times. Oh right, and the weird cravings. Gods, how had her mother put up with all of this?! Nonetheless, she was busy waddling, since that was probably a pretty apt description for how she was moving, up to the administration section of the station. Setsuya had called for her to provide some 'expert advice' concerning a matter that'd come up, and so she was on her way to do just that.

As it was, Lucina was back in Herrick quarters enjoying the comforts Abigail was giving the both of the pregnant women. Probably one of the biggest benefits of having a servant of some kind to help out. That being said, she soon opened the door to the Station Administrator's office, and looked at the other nekomata that helped to run the whole mess that was Eselberg. "What's up Sets?" Elenor asked as she stepped into the room.

“You mean other then my hopes that you owe me one for these long months, since someone decided to have an orgy without me? Just my blood pressure for the most part”, came the sarcastically bitter reply of said nekomata who gave Elenor a slight pout as the pregnant woman entered. Her desk was the spitting image of how much of the slack had shifted her way, as the desk was piled high with everything from parchment, paper mail, and even mana crystal prisms with recorded correspondents. “As for why I called you here to waddle the new motherly filling up to my office. I’ve gotten a rather concerning request forwarded to me, and while I am the admin, this is more something for your consideration sadly.”

Elenor rolled her eyes. "I never intended to take part in one, but when the demon queen who just so happens to be the patron being of your pacted partner shows up and decides to get frisky, you don't exactly say 'No.' to her face." Elenor shot back, grinning as she waddled over to a chair and lowered herself into it. Oh god, how her ankles ached from the weight already.

Of course, her head tilted in concern as Sets laid that out to her. "And what, pray tell, might this be a concern? Please tell me it doesn't involve those cultists, sorry, 'Priestesses' of Equilibria. I don't need the heavens or hells getting into a new pissing match over the station." Elenor said, groaning as she thought about how much of a headache that kind of issue would cause.

“Oh no, far worse, distant… relatives I guess are the closest. The sisterhood called, all of it… every coven. They want to hold a convention here on the station as part of the fact, that you have us advertised as neutral ground.” Setsuya gave a long sigh as she rubbed her temple for a moment, before sliding a small basket of some of the crystals. It was a small but deep basket, holding 75 of differing colors. Likely in some form of identification, yet the feline woman hadn’t come to understand such properties of these sorts of things yet.

"Oh crap." Elenor groaned. "Also, the covens aren't exclusively female. Shit, I see a few of the more stable cults in that pile too..." She muttered, taking the basket, and starting to get a sense of what was in there. "Fuck no. Not a chance in absolute hell are we letting them here." She said, picking up one crystal that was in a rich blue. "I don't care if they're on good terms with the government and have a seat on the Council, I am not dealing with them." She said, putting that crystal to one side.

There was a tsking sound that Setsuya made like a chastising mother, before going “No no no no”. The nekomata admin sat up, before turning fully towards Elenor, leaning forward to clasp her hands seriously. “Now Elenor, who was it who decided this was a neutral station? If you expect that to remain true, then you’ll have to put up with them coming dear.” The woman gave her a stern look, before gently plucking the crystal from the preg cat’s mitts, and tenderly placing it back on the pile in emphasis. Gods damn, that felt good as a bit of petty revenge, still internally pouting at being left out of the baby roulette.

Elenor groaned more. "Fiiiine, but you get to keep on top of the Sweet Tooths. I am not playing babysitter to a group that likes to trick kids and people into their lairs and gobble them up after a long fattening." She stated, pointing at Setsuya. As it was, she didn't really seem to find much else too troubling of the requests. "I guess we'll be able to get the main assembly hall a working out with this... Most of these are sizable groups. And since more than a few have really bad blood, we'll need to get Klaus to keep extra eyes on the visiting covens and cults to avoid that." She finalized. She'd never activated any of the crystals, but that was due to her being a native of the UNS, and so the very fine writing on each one and the color were enough to help her know who was who.

"I almost want to have this, 'convention' of theirs be after I've had these little hellions if only so I have the energy to actually be a good host." She said, then paused. "Better yet, I better not. I don't want to give the Godparent Coven the ammo to hound me...." she bemoaned, pinching her nose.

“You say that like they won’t either way”, Setsuya said simply with a small grin. “With how exasperated you sound about them a bit, I doubt they’d be all over the fact you have kids, whether after or during either way. Also you sure you want to host, because I expect you to be fair and even with all of them if you do.” The cat woman hadn’t let up, her being as strict as possible with this.

Leaning forward a little more intensely, she added, “Also don’t forget you owe me for all of this my dear. When you’re back to work, it’s my turn for an extended vacation, and I want a tot too.”

"Unless you intend to become a Witch of the Herrick Coven, before you ask, until a coven or cult gets a 'theme' it's named after the head of its members, I have to, since a convention like this is going to require that the host be not only familiar but also an expert in some field of magic. If only for self-defense." She explained, shrugging. "And while the shortest path to Witch-dom would be pacting with either an agent of the Heavens or the Hells, I'm not sure I want to push you to that."

"As for the work, I'm still working. I'm just not as fast on my feet anymore. Orias and Lucina managed to get me... very heavy...." She grumbled. "I did a scrying. I've a certified litter in my gut, and they're definitely mixed breed. But who's who's is... uncertain." She pointed out.

“I still want one”, Set said bluntly. “Plus I hear Lucas was none too happy about being beaten to the punch either, especially with him being surprisingly reserved.. After… well, whatever that thing was between you a while back that seemed to have shook him a little.” Her eyes had narrowed in even feline fashion, her inner fuzzy asshole raising its hackles slightly. She still hadn’t been told the details, but knew something had gone down to get the two acting awkwardly for a time. “At least it's kept Luci’ from causing mischief.”

"I'm honestly surprised Klaus hasn't knocked you up at this point." Elenor replied glibly. "The way I hear it, you don't let him get much rest with how hungry you are for his planting of seeds." She teased, before sobering some. "As for that... Let's just say we're being a lot more careful about doing jobs for eldritch beings." She stated firmly, shivering in recollection. Then she finally paused. "Okay... this isn't one I admit to having ever expected."

Holding up one, she examined it closely. The markings were much more refined than she expected, definitely a proper arcane college, especially with the bosing the edges of the crystal had. "Ael'Yst, Master of Summoning from the Bibliotequa Aenarium... Getting a request from one of the major arcane colleges for such a thing is kind of unheard of."

“Hey hey hey, don’t use Klaus as a scapegoat to get out of that conversation missy. How many times have we cuddles, pet, and shared a bed. And you still didn’t invite me, but you handed out, and got handed free babies! Where the fuck is mine?!” Setsuya was almost fuming, livid at being given a run around, and not giving her a straight answer. “THEN YOU HAD THE MOTHERFUCKING GALL TO DROP THE WORKLOAD ON ME! Oh hell no, he’s giving me another, but you also are checking into the free vacancy of my baby motel… Elenor”, she practically demanded, somehow having crawled over the desk at some point to now loom over the pregnant fellow nekomata.

"I never gave anything! All of it was put on me!" Elenor pointed out. "So I didn't give out anything! I got dumped with a pregnancy as did Lucina! And Orias too from Lucina using Lucas' tool..." She pointed out, before tailing off into a mutter. "And on top of that, the time dilation of the pocket dimension was thrown all outta wack! As for the workload, I've not dropped anything onto you! Not since you took the position. I'm still handling the magical matters as usual, if just not as fast as before. Running the rest of this place was already your workload!" She hissed, standing up and pointing a finger at Setusya, her fur standing on end in her anger.

"And how the hell am I supposed to 'check into the free vacancy of your baby motel'!? I don't even have a way of sticking a dick into a girl!" She continued.

Two pregnant demonesses says otherwise…. You’re only proving my point, because someone had too, out of three women. Surely one of them whipped out some unholy girth from you to get the job done. Gib, gib me, gib me the fill El’y!”

"Orias fucked me and Lucina, knocking us up, then Lucina fucked Orias and knocked her up!"

Lucky bitches….”, Setsuya grumbled, turning away to pout. “No fair, absolutely not fair, how come they can pull that kind of trick from their cock sleeves.”

With a slide of the door, another entered the room, her equally round belly soon brushing Elenor’s arm as they leaned on her. “So what has your chakras upside down sweet? I could feel the anger from the living room. And what’s this about tricks from cocksleeves, I want to be privy”, came the somewhat invitingly sultry words of Orias, the supposed source of the Elenor’s grievances.

“You!!! Give her your cock, I want a baby!” Setsuya said, demanding, having whirled around as she recognized the voice. Which only blindsided the demoness to be stunlocked with confusion for a moment. “Wut? But she can just use her own, as my follower, she has one by default. I guess Lu and Lu, never taught yo-... Oh right, I never taught him that, late to the patronhood, right”, Orias responded in her confusion, which trailed off into the realization that there was some instruction lacking.

Elenor just groaned as she felt the hand on her stomach, which felt very nice no arguing there, but also on her shoulder. And the voice told her exactly who it was. Never mind the feeling of her body heating up. Then Setsuya made that demand, getting a confused blank expression from the space witch as well. "Wut?" She said simultaneously as Orias did. Then Orias said what she did. "WUT?!" Elenor yelled in a confused tone.

Orias seemed to hook on the new question as a snap back to focus, “Well of course. Silly girl, I’m your patron, so my tricks are your tricks as long as you can be taught or figure out how to use them. How do you think I have so many children?” She said this almost matter of factly, in a somewhat proud and confident tone, forgetting who it was she was actually talking to. “The specialty of a succubus is in matters of lust and pleasure, which includes flesh shaping to fit the tastes of our muse.”

Well normally prey more than muse, but turning good lovers into dead raisins was far less satisfying. It was a waste of good sexual energy, and bedfellows. “So, why not. Turn the tables, she’s consenting more then a enough too, so free plap and bab.”

Elenor just stared at Orias with her jaw hanging. "I'm... I..." She stammered, trying to process what she was being told. Oh, and also wondering just how Klaus would kill her if she did fuck and knock up Setsuya. There was a part in the back of her mind that screamed she should do it anyways, but that was a small part. The majority was going 'PUT A BRAKE ON THE TRAIN NOW!'

The sound of a rabidly patting tail on desktop was unmistakable in the utter awkward silence as Elenor stammered to find a full response. “Why do you seem so conflicted child, is she not a mate of yours? Think of the pitter patter of mitts on… well station deck I guess. Is there even carpenting here?” Orias seemed to let herself wander with the side thought, almost purposely to avoid being too directly centered in the conversation. “Would more to your coven, not bring more joy to you? Just look at the many ot- oh hey, that one’s from Ael, such a good student he is. Wait, sorry, seeing his in there distracted me. Anyways, bend her over already geez, I want to pamper more kiddies too”, the demoness finally added.

"I just don't want to get Sets' husband out to kill me. Because she's a friend of mine, and wait, why the hell did you call her my mate?! We're not mates! We're not married! We're friends!" Elenor stammered, though she was managing to regain her mental facilities, with some of what Orias was saying. Turning to Setsuya, she put up a hand to try and suggest to the other neko to stop. "Come on Sets, think about Klaus! How would he feel about this?!"

“But he already lets me sleep with you, much like he does with Lucina sometimes, so why would he have a problem?” Setsuya seemed puzzled by the question, but also by her saying she wasn’t a mate. It was enough to get her to slow at least, but she still hovered a bit.

“Wait, so you sleep with her, but don’t consider her a mate? I swear your mortals and your distinctions on things, baffles me sometimes”, Orias chimed in, rubbing a temple as she tried to piece that one together. “I feel like I’m missing more to this, or her husband doesn’t understand that sleeping with someone brings the possibility of consensual pregnancy?”

Elenor looked between Setsuya and Orias, trying to think of some way she could get out of this situation, if only because she was trying to avoid even more issues with things. "but... but...." She stammers, looking at Setsuya with pleading eyes to try and help back her up on this, even as that small part of her mind was growing louder and louder the more they disputed this. Especially thanks to Orias' presence causing the nekomata witch to feel herself heating up from the proximity. Her nipples even begin to press out against the front of her altered gown.

Setsuya gave a great sigh, before sitting back atop the desk in what seemed like a state of defeat. “Fiiiiinnne, would it settle it if we got klaus in the conversation to verbally give his approval in person”, she questioned, a small disappointed pout on her glossed lips. Leaning forward and resting her chin in her hand, elbow on her stocking clad leg and knee, waited for Elenor’s reply.

"I'm just trying to avoid trouble Sets..." Elenor moaned, pressing her hands to her face. "Especially if we're both pregnant. Gods above, who knows what kind of stupidity would run amok if we were laid up like that?!" She said, even as she felt herself twitching in place. Orias leaning against her wasn't helping either, especially with those massive motherly mammaries against her back. Which was leading the nekomata to continue squirming. "And, we still need to consider the issue of the convention, right?" She asked, looking up, trying to smile even as a haze of lust was beginning to cloud her eyes.

“What are you talking about, I said earlier that I wanted it after the pregnancy remember? I’m no fool to know the kind of trouble we'd have with every person of authority pregnant. Which is probably not great that most of us, are or all can be women now that I think about it in hindsight”, Setsuya reiterated, clarifying her earlier begging, but also bringing up the random realization from the topic.

“Look at the bright side I guess, and see that it’s mended things with Lucas at least'', Orias added in idly, as if trying to be encouraging, despite having kept quiet for the last bit of back and forth.

Elenor nodded slowly. "Fair... At least we have good subordinates, right?" Elenor said, smiling. "And I don't see the issue with that. So long as there isn't a station-wide orgy that leaves us with everyone in authority pregnant." She pointed out, even as her tails began to swish back and forth behind her. "I just... I'm nervous about this pregnancy okay? I've never been, and so this is all new to me. Lucina's been a great help, as has Abigail, but I'm just so out of my depth. And the thought of you being so as well... I don't know what things are like for you, before you coming here. I don't want to dig. So I haven't the slightest idea if this is something you've done before." She admitted, hoping it wasn't as whiny sounding to Sets and Orias as it did to herself.

“Elenor, I have Sachi, I am a mother already. As for before, well it… was hell, and not a place for a family. I still can’t remember details, but it was a life of military servitude, and one that led me to even being a prisoner at one point. I remember things… having been done to me, my body maimed, parts removed out for being disobedient, or struggling back.” There was a sort of glazed look that crossed her eyes, lips seeming to move slower and slower as some of it came back, the vivid sensations she had endured. “It’s why I hold everyone here so dearly, and why I want to be so intimate with such people I trust. I need to remind my body what being touched right felt like again, and freedom and pleasure my body lacked”, Setsuya added, tail having finally fallen silent.

“Everything feels different here, but I feel safe in everyone’s arms. I used to be a fighter, now I’m not even sure I can say that with full confidence anymore.”

As the woman curled up a little, Orias left Elenor’s side to join Setsuya’s, before putting a reassuring and comforting pair of arms around her. “That is something she shares with Lucas quite deeply, as I’m sure you know. Such things leave gashes in the soul that are hard to heal, a constant stutter to their flames, that stunt their shine. He was a slave to betrayal, to save the most precious thing to him, so he for a long time had a deep distrust of his own feelings.” The demoness pulled her close into a hug. “You mortals shine bright at times, but you can be such fragile embers. Even with all the time in the universe, it takes a few trusted souls to actually heal with some wounds”, she added finally.

Elenor sighed, and leaned forward. "He wouldn't talk to me about that. Admittedly, I never much bothered to ask, since it felt wrong to do so. He's... opened up some about it, but not much. We met one of his... disciples. A while back. He felt he needed to explain some of it to me after." She admitted, shrugging. "I'm guessing I'm just the luckiest of us here. Only trauma I really got was feeling like I never amounted to anything, until I summoned Lucas. Then I did a stupid and nearly died for it were it not for him. So compared to you Sets... I'm sorry." She said, standing up and walking... Waddling over as she could, and hugging her friend. And okay, sometimes lover. But primarily friend. "If you still want, we can discuss me fucking you pregnant, okay? I just... let my nerves get to me. Especially with how much you seemed desperate to have it happen now."

Elenor was still that timid and shy young idiot at times that thought forging a pact with a being from heaven or hell would fix them. Sure, they could hold their own better than they used to, but there were still moments where it came out. "Even if it means I gotta ask Orias here for a little 'booster'." She joked, grinning a bit to try and liven up the mood some.

“Yeah, I’d like that, sorry you had to see that vulnerable side of me”, Setsuya apologized, relaxing a bit in the shared embrace she was being enveloped in by both pregnant women. If things hadn’t gotten so emotional, she would have been enjoying that fact a fair lot more. It wasn’t everyday after all, that she got a group hug from pregnant milfs.

Orias cleared her throat a little for a moment, before speaking up for a brief interjection. “I’ll pull you aside later, my child, and fill you in on the matters involving Lucas’s history. I want you to understand his pain, and why the.. Incident with your new accessory, made him distance himself”, she said.

Elenor chuckled. "I think we both got to see a lesser seen part of the other just now. So, do you really want me to fuck you pregnant right here right now?" Elenor asked, smiling as she spoke, simply giving Orias a nod of understanding. "Just wanting to be sure before I suggest we go back to getting through the mess of the potential convention here on the station." Nevermind that her nipples were fully visible as lovely bumps on the cups of her dress, with the scent of very aroused cat filling the air.

“I swear you are as silly as you are forgetful. After your pregnancy remember, but I’d still take you in bed regardless”, Setsuya answered, booping the other cat on the nose as she brought her best smile back to her lips as much as she could. “Your nips are showing though, so I think everyone might catch on to you not wearing a bra.”

"None of them fit right now, so nya." Elenor said, sticking out her tongue at the other neko. "And if you really really want that kiddo, I'll give it to you. I've lodged my concerns, but it's still your choice." She replied, returning the boop. "And I'm sure Orias would love to see us having fun, since it seems to be her kind of thing." She pointed out while eyeing Orias with a big ol' grin. "Though, I've heard about your stores you've got scattered around the UNS. Surprised you haven't asked us to let you open one here."

This got a ruckus giggle from the demoness, “And you know who’d be some of the first pair of ladies that people would suggest buy some. I don’t think you realize the level of lustful thoughts you ladies evoke, to where some would wish to see you in far less fabric on the regular.” This absolutely tickled her, knowing full well how much of a mine that would be to bring here, and the crowd both main families of the station were. But it wasn’t a terrible idea on either account, she just hadn’t considered it until overhearing said desires from a certain ex-pastor they knew.

“I’m not complaining, you have very nice nips. But are you sure you’re up for anything vigorous? Might have to keep it to foreplay until the babs are born”, Setsuya commented, not at all denying Orias’s claims. “That being said, you in less fabric, maybe some garters, straps, sexy witchy things, and a nice silk thong wouldn’t be a bad wardrobe change I think. Gotta dress to impress with those new mom curves you’ll have.~”

Elenor snorted. "There's a reason I figured Orias would be willing to help with a booster of some kind. Besides, being around her is leaving me eager for something vigorous. I blame my connection to her via Lucas." She joked. "As for less fabric, trust me, you'll see plenty of that in the convention. I'm actually considered pretty prudish by most in the field." She replied. "But I like what I wear. It's comfy. Besides, Lucas has never once complained about it." She finished.

"Now, since I feel like I'm damned near in heat again, we doing this? Or should we kick Orias out so I can calm down and we focus on work?" She asked, looking between the two.

Both of the other two women were actually looking at one another as Elenor commented on her own current wardrobe. “Nah”, both said in unison as they shook their heads together. “Suga’ he’s the most mentally vocal for less, he just is too polite to voice it outloud. That boy thinks of you in as much fabric as three strings, and a magical stick thrown in if you’re lucky on one of his more calm thoughts”, Orias added in explanation with a cackle at sharing the truth of the matter.

Setsuya let Orias have her fun at trying to embarrassingly clue the other neko in, while she herself began to remove layers. Her desk soon draped in her formal wear, leaving only her gartered stockings, lace open crotch thong, and the open cup bra that was soon left to drop from a finger.

Elenor snorted. "Till he says it himself, I'll just take it as an opinion from one who means well." She said, grinning as Orias pointed out Lucas' thoughts. As it was, she was smirking as Sets stripped down, figuring she might as well work on some of her own layers. Reaching down, she slipped her hands up into the skirt of her gown, and soon began to wiggle and pull out the clearly soaked thong she'd been wearing over the stockings and garters she was wearing.

Letting the garment fall, she settled herself in front of Setsuya, and looked over at Orias. "Alright, how do I do this?" She asked, since this was all new to her. And though she was certain her pregnant belly, which looked like she was in her third trimester already despite it being just barely into her second, could make the logistics of this an interesting challenge.

“How do you do what exactly?” Orias wasn’t sure what the woman meant, after having recovered from her full giggle outbreak. “If you mean the tool, I thought that was waiting? You that eager to show off your pregnant mate to the other covens”, the demoness questioningly teased until Elenor explained.

"Yes, the tool woman! I'm horny as fuck with you present, and Sets here has chosen to enjoy it!" Elenor replied, giggling a little bit. "And I'm sure I'm going to be getting plenty of 'showing off' to the covens as it is. After all, I think I'm the first to create a truly neutral place that even the Heavens and Hells will abide by. Especially with me carrying at least 6 of yours in me!" She pointed out, tails lashing out behind her.

“And people say I’m a rush”, Orias said in a faux sigh, before thinking on how to best explain how the ability worked. “Well to start, imagine a growing power in your loins, and imagine in your head how such a tool would look. Use your hand if you must, to feel out the shaping of it, mold your body with the new addition. Good start for beginners, and after getting used to having it, can just draw it out hands free.”

“If we’re doing that, shouldn’t I be the one down there, to give it the proper polishing while on my hands and knees first?”, Setsuya asked lustfully, a little hooked on having watched that soaked thong fall from around Elenor’s legs.

Elenor nodded while Orias explained, though her focus stuttered a moment at Setsuya's suggestion. "I mean, if you want? I admit, you kind of do have the face that would look good around a cock... But I'm not sure how easy that'd be with this..." She said, rubbing the underside of her belly, but still unable to help imagining Setsuya on hands and knees giving a hell of an amazing blowjob. Klaus has got to be one lucky bastard considering.

Still, she tried to return her focus to the forming of her tool, following the instructions Orias laid out. And soon, a rather robust feline rod was beginning to emerge from just above Elenor's pussy, though the bow of it was pressed down by the roundness above it. It wasn't like Elenor expected this technique to work on a pregnant belly too, right?

Setsuya guided Elenor into taking a seat atop the desk instead, before she got on her knees as promised. A hand gently felt up the new shaft in awe, finding the skin soft and new, as the girth already began to radiate warmth of its owner’s arousal. The other hand cradling the new pair of balls that went with it likewise. She licked her lips, despite her own sort of deer in the headlights expression, before closing her eyes and leaning in.

Glossed lips began to kiss on it and her orbs, before they spread further and further, soon suckling on where they landed. Her shiny lipstick left puckered marks wherever they went, coloring their trail as they appreciatively pampered Elenor’s new found rod.

“Did you want any of me suga’, or shall I just observe”, Orias asked politely, a pleased look on her face at the worship taking place. Yes, very pleased indeed, enjoying her follower getting more then satisfying results from the new skill so immediately.

Elenor gasped in surprise at just how good it felt to have Setsuya 'polish' her tool, especially as she worked her way up and down it with a skill that spoke of plenty of experience. "Fuuuuuck... Klaus must have you do this a lot you naughty kitty." She moaned, gripping at the desk under her, and only getting handfuls of Sets clothes. Looking over as Orias spoke, she gave a lopsided smile.

"Hell yes. You helped to make this happen, you're getting involved you sexy she bitch." Elenor just said, before unable to stop herself giggling at what she'd literally just called Orias. "Okay, I think that's the horny talking." She remarked, a snort escaping her attempts to prevent it while giggling. Still, she was reaching up and undoing the transparent hooks that helped keep her top in place with the neck section, and thus letting the cups fall and expose her breasts, revealing teats that'd begun to leak a bit.

“So how would you like me then?~ My hands, or my meat, maybe both?~” Orias cooed the question practically as she sauntered closer within reach of the feline witch. She was taking a more passive approach this time, being as she wanted them to enjoy each other, and enjoy them doing so. “I do agree though, it's almost as if she's always hungered for your cock”, the demoness further cooed.

Meanwhile, Setsuya had not let up with her ministrations. It was practically worship, with how she left not an inch unmarked by her glossy lipstick. Shiny rouge marks like lipstick hickeys, and the firm pull of them to make sure they would be. She got eager and hungrier, kisses becoming suckling, as lips grabbed Eleanor's new orbs in them to tease and suck. She wanted the batter in them, and enjoy the bliss of getting first taste of these new organs.

Elenor's breath hitched as she felt one particularly strong lick by Setsuya, that slightly rough tongue of a nekomata trailing up the length of her rod. "Oooh, hands to start. I'm sure I'll get some of that meat later." She said, smirking as Orias approached. Gods damn this felt good. And sexy. Even as she was shifting her hips to better thrust her rod forward and against Sets mouth. "Actually, you can use your mouth Orias. I swear I feel my breasts getting too heavy with their bounty." She instructed.

All that being said, she soon grabbed her new rod, and angled it down, and with her other hand, guided Setsuya's mouth back onto it, and began to gently facefuck her friend. No wonder Lucas was such a quick shot. This thing between her legs was so sensitive she was surprised she wasn't just blasting a load here and now!

With the invitation, Orias descended on those teats, her own deep chocolate lipstick soon leaving their own marks. With a firm grip of her lips, began to suck on the leaking nips, tongue teasing more of the sweet milk out. Her hands were getting hands full of ass and the other beast in equal measure.

The receiving nekomata, gave a muffled sound of surprise as the member was thrust deep into her mouth. Submitting however, she let that girth be rammed down her gullet over and over, her lips dragging as she sucked hard on each pull back of Elenor’s hips. She began to curl her tongue underneath her friends orbs, pulling on them with wet tugs, and laps of that tongue per thrust.

Moaning in pleasure as she felt the tension in her bust begin to be relieved, Orias was certainly getting quite the mouthful of milk with each and every pull of suction. "Oh Gods, this feels so damned good... Why does it feel so good?!" She said, breathless as she felt herself hitch her hips slightly upwards on one particularly strong pull. Of course, if she was talking about getting milked by Orias or blown by Setsuya, it was hard to tell, but maybe she was speaking of both.

She gripped at the hair of her friend between her legs a little tighter, helping to give Sets a little extra effort. She'd even lifted a leg and hooked it onto her shoulder to get more comfortable as she did. The feeling of this whole thing was so delightful it should be sinful. Oh wait, she was having sexual relations with the demon queen of lust. Guess the whole 'sinful' thing was basically a given now. Oh well, at least it felt good!

“You should give her your first facial, get that satisfaction of seeing a beautiful woman between your legs. Your seed dripping down her face, breasts, and lips~”, Orias offered after releasing the current peak with a pop of her lips. Letting that suggestion hang, her eyes seductively consuming every expression Elenor made of pleasure.

Hands gripped her hips though, holding on as much as pulling the cock more tightly down her own throat for Elenor. Setsuya bobbed her head as she worked that tongue around the shaft, lewd sucking sounds as she gurgled the full length. Her eyes were full of lust, lost in the delicious throat full she was enjoying, from a friend she never knew she should have fantasized about them doing this.

The suggestion from Orias certainly got the witch thinking. And imagining. "Gods, you tempt me with such a good image." Elenor remarked, smirking. "What do you say Setsuya. You want a lovely faceful of spunk?" She asked, grinning as she looked down at Setsuya with half a mind to do so anyways, whatever she might say. As it was, she reached over to hook a hang around Orias' neck, and pulled her in close. "Now get back to sucking woman." She said, grinning.

Setsuya only gave a deep needful moan, vibrating Elenor's cock in her throat. The nekomata woman was practically drooling around this meaty thing Orias had taught her to summon. All while the demoness herself dutifully continued on the other breast, serpentine tongue curling around nip, as it pulled and tweaked it.

"Well then." Elenor said, already feeling close to the edge. Pulling Setsuya back from her cock, she began to stroke herself the last few times she needed before she groaned and felt herself tense up strongly. Then came the first thick load splashing upon the other nekomata's face, quickly being followed by several more. "Shiiiit, this was more than worth it..." She said, smiling with a lustful stupor, nipples still spurting and leaking milk.

Setsuya opened wide as it came spurting out, the hot cum of her best friend running down her face. Licking it off her own lips, leaned back in before licking up what still dripped from Elenor's tip. It covered her face and chest generously, running off her lips, chin, breasts, and even down her cleavage across her body. Once all that remained was cleaned by tongue, Setsuya took it upon herself to start on her next load.

Hefting her D-cup breasts, sandwiched it between her tits to give Elenor her first paizuri. Squeezing them together, El’s own cum made the perfect lube as it was stroked within her squished cleavage.

Elenor wasn't sure which side had it better yet, but damned if it wasn't a damned near matched race for the genders and sex. Of course, as Sets began to give her a boobjob, she grinned, leaning back a little more. "You are one hell of a naughty kitty. More than I am, and I'm the one pacted to a 'cubi!" Elenor joked, grinning as she looked over to Orias on her nipple. "You sure you ain't having an influence on the situation?" She asked.

“Nope, only letting your desires drift to the top, a side effect really. Passive as something you my follower get to enjoy, she just is that slutty”, Orias replied with a pleased smile, her words honest. “I dare say even, this may become a regular bonding activity for you both, as friends of course.” At least until they decide to be more honest with each other that is, but in due time.

"I see." She mused while letting Sets continue her paizuri. "Just hard to imagine this being something I just get to enjoy happening more. Then again, it might also explain Abigail..." She pondered, giving a small chuckle that soon paused as she felt a particularly strong hitch in her breathing of a near release of her new masculine bit, but managed to avoid going off too early. No point wasting too much of it right?

As it was, she was pretty sure Orias was having some effect, since her breasts didn't seem to be losing nearly as much pressure from the suckling as she normally felt when Lucina would help her release some of the milk building up. Not that she was complaining overly much, since it felt nice having the demon queen suckling her teats.

Set felt the throb, and squeezed her breasts together harder, tightly working over the shaft between them. A lustful mischievous grin on her face like a shark smelling blood, or in this case just a slut smelling cum…. Well more cum. She flicked her feline tongue over the tip on each vigorous gyration, teasing the pre out of Elenor’s tool, as she played hardball with the witch’s endurance. She wasn’t leaving this office until her whole body dripped and was coated in her friend’s thick spunk.

"Oh damn it Sets, you keep being naughty and I'll just have to treat you like the neko in heat you're acting like." Elenor warned, hips jerking in rough thrusting fashion as her friend continued her teasing and playing, drawing Elenor closer and closer to a very 'messy' present. Not that Sets seemed at all worried about it. "Fuck, how does Klaus keep up with you!?" She bemoaned, her grip on Sets' clothes tightening as she felt herself nearing the edge yet again.

“You are what you eat, and you are oh so filling~”, Setsuya moanfully cooed to Elenor, feeling things ramp up. “Naughty neko in heat, nah I’ll be your onahole anytime dear.~”

"Let's not go quite that far yet. Lucina would get pouty if I did that and I bet Klaus wants to have that honor." Elenor said, laughing a bit before it died in her throat to be replaced with the kind of grunting that typically preceded a release of tension in the male form during sex. Thankfully, Elenor wasn't really the sort to scream her release, it was more of a quiet groan with a firm thrust to emphasize it. And since the shaft *just* peeked over the top of those lovely orbs that surrounded it, the jets of semen were soon launching into the air and splattering upon Sets.

Even as it ran down her lips and face, running over her squeezed bosom, Setsuya smiled. “Little late for that El. Who was it who’s plugging one in my womb tonight again? Miss big dick kitty, who’s going to show her best friend how to properly ride her broomstick~”, the raven haired nekomata said with a mischievous smirk, full well knowing what they were getting up to, and how far things were already going. “So let me be a good black cat and get in thick with your toil and trouble.”

Elenor snorted as Setsuya spoke, instead of the deep laugh she wanted to do, she was left in a breathless giggle fit. "I see you're not gonna let that go huh?" She said, once she'd gotten her breath back under control. As it was, she opted to, for the moment at least, to start petting Setsuya's cum-splattered hair. Then her hand drifted down the side of her face as Elenor sat up, before it cupped under Sets' chin, lifting it up to look her in the eyes.

"But if we're gonna do this, you're gonna bend over and wiggle that ass for me, tails raised like you clearly want to be fucked like the nekomata in heat you are." She instructed, grinning. Since Sets was set on this tone, Elenor was gonna let it happen. Letting go of the chin, she turned to Orias, and pulled her up off breast sucking duty. "And you dear Patron, are gonna join her. If you're gonna be a teasing being, and tempt me with all this, I'm gonna get a chance to pound you down like a nekomata too!"

“Oh my dear sweet girl, aiming for the bed of the queen so boldly.~ Good thing I’ve grown so fond of you, and this particularly delicious dommy mommy energy you’ve discovered~”, Orias cooed in delighted surprise, before giving the witch a firm kiss, then joining Setsuya as instructed.

Both women went full submission for their new top of the night, Chests and elbows to the floor, as asses and tails were raised in delightful submission. Starting out with legs extended, but ready to go knees to the floor for getting it rough if Elenor so chose, the holes before her, already leaking in anticipation for their soon filling.

"Nah, I'm just being presented with two slutty cats needing fucking is all." Elenor said in response to Orias, as she watched the pair settle into position in front of Setsuya's desk. Easing herself forward, and slowly, but steadily, moving around behind them, she grinned. Setsuya was practically a flood between her legs. She clearly was desperate for this. Orias just seemed to be wet like this was all the norm for her. And it probably was.

As it was, Elenor decided she'd take care of Sets first, lining her feline prick up with the waiting feline pussy in front of her, and with a quick test thrust to make sure she was properly lined up, slammed herself full in. "Oooh Gods, you feel fucking purrrrrfect!" Elenor moaned, vocalization taking a bit of a feline tick as she did, and soon began to thrust slow but steady. All the while, she now reached over to begin rubbing at Orias' own slit, using her hand to tease and better prepare the demon queen for her turn.

Orias playfully joined in the purring, mimicking that of a pleased feline as her lips and snatch were worked by a pair of fingers. Her insides pulled and coaxed on them, more then simply inviting her fingers into her sex, but begging for the best pleasure they could offer.

Setsuya on the other hand…. Well even when she was down, she was sort of on top. Legs wrapping around Elenor’s sides to yank her thrusts in harder, arms offered back for pulling on as she was rutted. Her breasts and face were happily pressed into the floor, showing just how much of a power bottom she liked to be. “Don’t be gentle.~”

Elenor reached down, and instead of grabbing her arm, she instead grabbed a fistful of Sets' hair, giving it a strong pull back. "Oh, I don't plan too, but I also intend to enjoy this my way Sets. You wanted the kid. I'm giving you the kid. But I'm gonna have my fun in the process." She said, her thrusts ongoing with little evidence of slowing or stopping.

Her fingers of course were working Orias hard, making sure the demon queen got some while the witch focused on the pleasure she was getting from each and every single one of her thrusts into her friend. And all the while a deep throated purr was starting to fill the air around them as Elenor couldn't help with how pleased she was right now.

Setsuya let herself mewl indignantly with every rough blow of those hips and cock, feeling herself be pushed into the floor firmly with each impact which caused her cheeks to bounce and jostle. “Then own me, put me in my place, like a good kitty should be~”, she cooed defiantly, trying to egg Elenor into being rougher. A smug smirk on her face, as she looked over her shoulder at her friend in the eye. “Just a fair warning, you keep it this good and I might make this be a regular thing!~”

Orias was simply enjoying the display, her tail having taken up where Elenor hadn’t with Setsuya’s arms. Her tail wrapping around those wrists as she pulled her arms back firmly, as the raven haired nekomata was repeatedly piked into the floor like a sassy brat. It was very amusing for the demoness, enjoying people like her who gave zero fucks for sexual manners, restrictions, or filtering. Those who spoke their desires bluntly with stern confidence, always had her deepest respects.

Even as she heard Sets egging her on, those tauntings, she kept her pace her own choice, a steady hardy pounding that left little question of her using the full range of thrust she could get to perform such solid impacts. Elenor was sadly not enough of a sadist to reach the kind of masochist urges that Sets apparently had, so it was unlikely she'd ever get to the level that the other neko wanted.

Never mind that she soon felt herself tensing up and doing a short deep thrust, feeling the first spurts of a release into her friend. But she didn't let that stop her, soon resuming her thrusting and letting the barbs help churn up the ejaculate that was now lining Sets tunnel, the occasional spurt being pressed deep in to splash onto the cervix. "Fuuuck, you are one hungry bitch aren't you?" Elenor groaned, having picked a slightly faster pace, though still going with the full depth of thrusts.

The feline member of the orgy was drooling on the floor, her insides stirred and rutted pleasurably. She gave no lip or sass, no egging remarks now as she was simply humped into a good obedient girl. Feeling that pillar of meat be thrust into her stretching insides to accommodate her best friend’s new gock. Orias cooed in pleased observance, lips finding anything to leave her lipstick on, or show her years of skill between. Free hands felt along while squeezing plump pregnant thighs and breasts, her tail intertwining with the feline witch’s as they went about such a sinful gathering.

Elenor smiled, glad that Sets had finally gotten enough of a hammering to not shoot back with quips. As it was, she herself was enjoying Orias' touch on her body, even as her continued to work her fingers in and out of the queens snatch, hoping to churn her up enough that once she was finish fucking Setsuna, she could just slide in and get right to it. "Gods, making me feel all kinds of loved and desired here, despite being a balloon." She commented to Orias, smiling.

“Well of course I do my dear, you are mine, and a mother of my children.~ I hope you feel the same, here with our child I carry”, Orias said grinning, with a sincere energy to those lips that curved with a pleased sort of pride. Her own meat was draped over Elenor’s forearm, as the witch’s hand currently worked her hole. “What patron elder, or wife would I be if I did not cherish my dear and beloved followers?”

"Probably a pretty poor one if we wanna ask that legitimately." Elenor replied, smirking a bit, before her breath shuddered and she groaned as she felt herself dumping yet another load deep into Sets. "I think you'll need to let me know when this takes... Want to make sure she gets what she wants before I give you this thing too!" She declared, continuing to thrust and pant as she went. "Then I want to hammer into you like I'm gonna knock you up more."

The demoness’s grin became one of wicked thoughts and mischief, “So you want to put another in me so soon?~” She wasn’t going to tell her it had already taken, as she just wanted the feline mess on the floor to get as much as she could from her foreseeable, now more then a friend. Plus she would be lying if she said she wasn’t throbbing at possibly rutting her pregnant witch, or even both of the very pretty kitties who she was sharing this moment with.

"I doubt I'd be able to put one in you, but I'd love to bang you like a gong with this. Especially since I haven't had a dick like this for a little over a decade." Elenor replied, grinning as she kept hammering away at her friend with benefits. One of her hands had begun to trail up Sets back, before getting a good fistful of hair, and pulling back, gently but firmly. She didn't want to rip out hair after all. And she wanted to really watch those tits bounce with each thrust.

A firm but dainty finger would boop Elenor on the nose, “That is where you are so cute, thinking reason governs any inch of me. I am a being of another dimension, where madness is reason, and every common choice is a mirror into the dark. I could have another with a kiss, a soft caress of the cheek, a simple whisper in your ear.~” Orias leaned in with an increasingly shortened distance between them as she said it, her smile growing as she did. “Fair warning, that goes both ways.”

Elenor blinked and shook her head, pulling backwards a touch as she did. "Oi, no booping da nose while I'm fucking!" She said, huffing. Still, she wasn't stopping, and also groaning as she felt a third load getting poured into Sets at that moment, holding herself tightly to her friend's hips, hand in her hair forcing her to arch as she did.

“Give me something else to boop then dear~”, Orias chortled softly, giving a nice firm pat to the feline woman’s rear still on the edge of the desk. The other hand playfully hefted a large breast, that had slowly gotten a bit more so with the pregnancy as milk was being made. If it was her choice, she would gladly be on her knees as well, or even giving the two a nice double ride. However, this was more personal, and understood she should be more content with a backseat involvement, literally if Elenor even so wished.

Setsuya was a quivering and begging mess now, being contently slutty in her friend turned lover filling her so generously. Even as he moans grew incoherent, her body never stopped moving even to at the least minimal movements. Even as her hair was pulled, it only seemed to egg her on, edging her further into what she had growingly accepted as her masochist slut side.

"Oh I'll be giving you something to boop soon enough. That being the floor!" She taunted, grinning as she started to ease up, wanting to make sure to save some for Orias too. Letting Setsuya's hair go, she smirked as she eyed the demon queen herself. "Now, how 'bout you get on your hands and knees and show me how kittenish you can be huh, 'Queen'?" She both instructed and teased, grinning the whole while. Sure, she was slowing down in Setsuya, mostly to give her a chance to come to some level of senses before Elenor planned on having Orias take her place for at least one load.

Orias almost seemed taken aback by the demand made of her, but not in any sort of defense. If anything, it was amusing to her, but still caused her to jokingly tsk at the pregnant catwoman. “This is about you giving her a nice baby to cherish alongside her fellow mother.~ I would not wish to deprive such a needy slut all the seed she can fit, without equal compensation.~ Just think, being dicked this well, she may go into withdrawal if we stop you destroying her pussy this soon!~”, the demoness teasingly jested, even if only half jokingly.

"Oh, I want to get one load in you. I only received it the last time you visited. Then I'll go back to pounding Sets here till she's happy." Elenor said, smiling the whole time. OF course, she was also gently running a hand idly along the length of Setsuya's tail, while also gently thrusting away to keep her feeling well worked inside of.

“Then you better be willing to cash in another pregnancy today, because if I ride, I get the white tide too”, Orias stated while cupping the witch’s chin for a moment. Giving a kiss, she lowered a hand to rub Elenor’s soft pelvis around the base of her gifted tool. The demoness couldn’t remember the last time her own gift had been used on her, only those that had been uniquely gifted as their own. “Seems fair, to appease two need sluts instead?”

"I suppose I shall have to accept that price for the chance to use this on you at least once." Elenor replied, making a big dramatic, but honestly well intentioned, sigh as she did. As it was, she was now beginning to gently brush Setsuya's fur on her tail. "As for you, Miss Therwood... I'm gonna take a pause in giving you what you want right now, to get this one thing done, then I'm going to make sure your husband has to work hard on getting your pussy familiar with his dick again per your request." She stated simply, though she did take the hand brushing the fur to reach forward and flick Sets on one of the ears to make sure she was listening.

“Keep talking so proudly and I’ll make sure that it never forgets this pussy.~” Setsuya had managed to regain some composure now, purring deeply in between pants of being worked over so roughly as her tail tried to curl around the stroking hand possessively. “I want you as my wife too, and I’ll fight for it if I must. So start thinking of names for our child while you rail that demonic slut, while I take a napp firrsstt~”, she trailed off saying, before letting her tired body rest, body starting to relax against the floor a little as Elenor extracted her tool from her.

Orias had begun to giggle which became an amused chortle, rather entertained by the bold resurgence of the feline woman’s spirit after being masochistic for this long. “Oh my, if I didn’t know better, I would almost think you’re trying to contend with me on getting around. Swooning hearts and loins like a budding pro, and here I thought that was a succubus’s calling~”, she teased flirtatiously, being intentionally antagonistic in a playful way to get some of that fire too. This witch was quite spicy, and she adored it about her, as well as the devotion she seemed to garner.

"Oh that's it, you're getting a spanky little missy!" Elenor declared, 'rolling up a sleeve' as she took the two steps it would take to get her over to Orias. "Now, bend over!" She instructed, making sure to slap the still turgid meat she bore upon that motherly ass of Orias. "As for you little kitty, we'll see how it turns out in the end!" She finished, before adjusting herself. Once she was properly settled into place, she made sure to rub her hands a moment before applying the flat of her hand to the demon queen's rear, at the same time she thrust forward, nearly orgasming right then and there as she entered Orias.

“I think you already know how that ends dear, best to live with the consequences of your own actions~”, Orias said, stifling a moan as she was penetrated so roughly. Her tail curled around Elenor’s waist, mindful of her pregnant belly, but firmly anchoring her with a challenging smile. Jostling her rear as she rode it, the demoness was enjoying this, “I’m starting to see where she’s coming from too, perhaps I should get some of this too.~”

"Oh please, I've been living with them for a decade." She said, continuing her thrusting, and trying very hard not to cum, not yet anyways, but Gods above, she could see why it was so hard to 'resist' Orias... She just sucked you in and made you feel like you were in a pillowy heaven with every moment inside of her. "Fuuuu, I ain't gonna last long like this..." She groaned, basically holding onto Orias' hips as she did, as though hoping that by 'grounding' herself with that grip, she could hold it off, but it was quickly looking to be a lost cause already.

“Glad to hear you accept us then, I’m sure she’ll be quite happy to hear that”, Orias said with a cheeky grin, feeling the growing ebb of her partner’s orgasm approaching. She had said one load, but it was coming too quick, and the queen was not going to be satisfied by that. With a bit of magic, Elenor would find herself pulled back into a laid back position gently. Orias likewise followed to where she was now squatting atop her, riding the cock still, “Sorry but I can’t let this end so soon, you need to please your mistress as much as she pleases you.”

Elenor made a bit of a sound of complaint as she was moved around to lay on her back on the desk, but considering it was now much easier to keep from unleashing a load like this, she wasn't going to complain overly much. "Yeah well, owing this is only the second time I've really gotten to know you, I'm not sure I'm what I need to do to please you." She pointed out, though she was busy fondling and feeling up the succubus queen, having a great time with all of this.

An amused chuckle chortled from the demoness, “You make me out as such a fickle woman it feels like. I assure you dear, I am rather simple at heart. Stick it in, and stir well… as easy as baking~” she cooed. Caramel cheeks bounced in the feline witch’s lap, as she rode her new toy, letting her sex give Elenor’s tool a nice firm gripping. “It’s not so much the technique, so much as the uniqueness of the personal tool used to do it with that I get off on. Every single one is a new and different experience unique to the individual, just like the seed they empty into my craven snatch.~” The queen worked it, offering no rest or reprieve as she firmly took to a rough riding, taking Elenor as deeply as she could drop down over and over again.

Elenor moaned as she was being ridden by the demoness queen, the vastly more experienced being was giving Elenor a more than excellent experience for her, well, second time using her new cock. And the sensation was enough that she was soon unable to stop herself from unleashing a new load. The drawn out groan by the feline as she tensed and clenched, her hands gripped tightly to the demoness' legs, feeling that plush flesh and muscle.

"Fuuuuuuuuu...." She says after several moments, mildly upset with herself. She hadn't intended to pop so suddenly, but she couldn't help herself. Orias was just so damned good to fuck. And Elenor couldn't resist. She was unprepared for just how good fucking a demon could be. Now she understood why so many people fell to the whole thing. "Have to wonder if angels are as good..." She muttered idly.

“Welllll, I know of one, but its a man… So, open to try if you wish, and he isn’t a dick like a certain other arch you’ve had to deal with”, Orias casually offered as she continued her rough riding. A small smile on her lips at feeling a creampie already, but not letting that stop their fun just yet. She had her loins squeeze tighter, grow warmer, and coax with each tugging flex of her walls on Elenor’s length. She wanted more, and to help build the cat woman’s stamina through endurance if she could get away with it.

Elenor huffed, feeling herself not grow any softer, if anything, she felt like she was getting painfully stiff and raring to go for a second round. "Oh hell, you aren't gonna let me just do the one are you?" She managed to groan out, feeling that old instinctual need to hump arise once more. Sure, she'd never used it back when she was a man, but fuck, she was sure getting a chance to use it now.

“Oh by whatever do you mean dear?~ Just one load in me, or just more then one carnal adventure?~ I’m just happy to feed into the sexual curiosity of someone so bold~”, Orias asked giggling, more then certain which it was already. However, she had a bit of imp in her that never let her miss the opportunity to tease, even if it mostly came out as flirting.

Considering the situation, Elenor was certain she couldn't have stopped Orias if she wanted to. "Arrrrrg...." She groaned, continuing to squeeze those thighs even as they helped Orias work herself on the poor feline. "Fuck, really regretting never using this before meeting Lucas." She said.

The caramel elder milf gave an exaggerated huff, smacking her rear down harder, and vice versa the member inside her likewise. “How rude to ignore my offers and questions, I guess as your mistress I’ll have to be sterner”, Orias pouted as she refused to let up as punishment, feeling the feline cock deep in her churn that last load in preparation for even further filling. As punishment, she was now determined to work every last drop from those new balls of her underling’s. “I just suppose we’ll have to fix that won’t we!~”

"FUCK!" Elenor cries out in surprise as Orias gets aggressive about milking her for everything. "I wasn't planning on this being the only time! I only wanted one load in you this time!" She cried out, trying to answer Orias' question for earlier, even if she couldn't stop herself from continuing to thrust into the demoness desperately.

“Okay, and! What about the other one, miss want to try a church pigeon too while she’s at it!”, Orias grunted as she began dropping hard on her. It was even making the desk audibly thump loudly at this point, Setsuya having rolled over to rub her clit, as she watched the two so aggressively go at, wishing she was being slammed into the desk like that.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST SAYING YOU KNEW ONE!" Elenor cried out, between gasps and moans as she felt herself nearing the edge of yet another orgasm. She was already dribbling over the front of the desk with her own juices, and then there was the combined juices of her and Orias now all over her hips. "Fuck fuck fuck!" She cried out, unsure what was about to happen next.

Orias plopped herself down and began grinding herself into Elenor, making it be churned inside her. “Sooooo, you want to try them or not, it’s not an offer I make likely and they’re the only one I’d ever even risk asking my precious girl~”, she groaned, dripping with aggressive instigation. The queen wanted desires to fulfill, and her underling was making her frustratingly yank answers out of her for one possibly. “You want to give ‘em a try, for curiosity, maybe even have something under your belt to offer bragging rights about.~ Come on, tell me deary, and I’ll cater to what’s within my power to satisfy you… and your curiosity.”

"I admit it! I wouldn't mind fucking one, but I was more wondering if a female angel would feel anywhere near as good as you!" She quickly got out, nearly crying in ecstasy as she felt herself tipping over. And then clutching tightly to Orias' thighs as she unleashed another load. She was putty in Orias' hands, and both of them knew it. And heck, Setsuya was able to see that much right now, owing the normally implactable nekomata witch was as much a plaything to the demoness as Sets herself had been to Elenor just now.

“Then how about giving him a try, and I’ll look for a tolerable cutie for you to try too.~ Besides, I think you two will have much to discuss outside of bed, maybe even as pillow talk afterwards”, she said, finally easing up with a giggle, but continuing again at a more casual pace. “Such a good girl.~ I’ll have to find a good one for female angel as a reward.~” Orias was pleased with the answer she had been given, and knowing some things that would make it more interesting, but kept her lips sealed for now. Well…. One set of lips at least.

Oh, one set of lips were being sealed in a different way alright. Especially with the second load of kitty juice now beginning to drool out of them and down the shaft stuffed fully in. "I almost worry about what you're going to get up to make either of those happen..." She managed to groan out, her grip still firmly tight on the woman's thighs as her hips have yet to cease their thrusting. "I'm thinking I should finish up with Sets though... Both this next load of cum and also the convention thing. It's gonna be a whole mess of prep to get done after all." She said, as an attempt to diplomatically 'extract' herself from Orias' ministrations for the moment.

“Oh, don’t worry, he’s family though for courtesy sake, I may have you meet him on his turf instead. As for the other, I don’t know but I wouldn’t worry about it… too much, I have my ways.” Extricating herself from her mounting, slowly pulled herself off, letting her sex tightly drag every inch as they were worked out. With an almost audible wet pop, and dribble of escaping spunk she wiggled away with a smile. “Breed your new wife well, remember to make a new coven and take it by the ovaries, also don’t be shy about telling me any future adventurous desires”, Orias said quickly almost as an addendum, before just as quickly leaning back over and kissing the feline wicken. “Also out of curiosity, how long will your interaction with your church pigeon toy last perhaps? You aiming for a long term, or short adventure of curious exploration?”

Elenor blushed as Orias gave her bit of 'advice' and instruction. She couldn't help but feel her cock grow even more stiff and desperate for another hole to plug away at. Of course, she looked over at Sets and gave her a nervous, well, more embarrassed smile. Though the question about how long to have an angel... "We'll see how it goes? See what feels best. A exploration of what it's like, before we decide if we go longer term." She said, not wanting to think about the whole 'coven' thing. She'd worked hard to avoid getting sucked into the whole mess of them and the rules decided by others.

As it was, she gestured for Sets to come over and have her fun since, well, Elenor was certain she had a least another load in her, if not more, and afterwards they did need to work on the work of preparing to host a convention of the many different magical groups that had sent requests to do so from around the UNS.

Setsuya crawled over before starting to clean Elenor’s length, Orias patting the other feline’s head as they did. “Don’t avoid the coven topic though, it’s better if you start one on your own terms and rules before another tries to force theirs on you. Plus with all these little ones of yours on the way, well… you kinda already have one”, the demoness explained sternly. Setsuya gave an affirming nod and hum, muffled by the cock that was now in her mouth. Letting them talk that out, got back to that, before licking it all over again. Once she had, the milf climbed up and mounted Elenor in a reverse cowgirl, eagerly sliding herself down it once more.

At least she was mellowed out now on her masochistic nature, and was now just lovingly enjoying intercouse with Elenor. With a pleased look of arousal, rode her worked pussy on it, hands grabbing handfuls of her lover’s pregnant breasts.

Elenor moaned as Setsuya climbed onto her, enjoying the moment of having the other feline once more on her cock, and the whole thing was a ride of it's own. She honestly didn't have any plans to start a coven, but Orias did have a point... She probably should consider if not establishing one herself, at least be aware of what would need to be done to avoid it... Especially considering the children she was carrying, and the ones that were in Lucina... and Orias... Fuck... Even more things to worry about on top of this convention she was preparing the station for.

“That will be nice, you getting to teach our child magic alongside their siblings~”, Setsuya admitted as she was squat thrusting herself on Elenor’s cock. “I’d be happy to make a whole class with you at this rate, hmm? Maybe want to go for a litter… or two?~” She partially meant it jokingly, but she was also being serious at the same time too.

That even got a surprised and pleased expression out of the demoness, “Oh my, seems you’ve got her addicted now. Maybe I should follow her example, and make sure Lucina does the same. We can’t be outdone by the newest of your harem so soon.~” Orias began giggling with a smirk, leaning over to kiss Elenor more, before beginning to rub the feline woman’s ear affectionately in a pampering fashion. “The coven of matrons, and their superior mother Elenor. I think I like the ring of that, what do you think? Maybe a nice theme spin to being a hot collection of magical milfs in training.”

"I'll think about it, alright? I'll think about forming a coven." Elenor finally gave in, busy focusing herself on the pleasure of fucking Setsuya on top of her, eagerly trying to get Elenor to fill her with even more babies at this moment. "As for how many litters, we'll see how things go." She stated simply.