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  1. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Moon winced as they stepped out of the VTOL and felt the full force of the cold embrace them, fragile stomach turning, and light little bones chattering.... Of course, it was their own fault for trying to sleep sideways in the restraint-seat, clinging onto one side of Miss Black's rollbar in...
  2. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Quite the opposite of being on edge, Moon was worryingly pleased with being led out onto the windswept roof. It was like an abyss in all directions, meagre lamps of the facility below lost in the glare of the landing pad's high-beams. It felt like they had stepped into outer space... But the...
  3. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    "...Don't worry... For all that alters us marrow, we were bonded in those depths..." Moon still kept Tower's hand through the whole exchange, combfertable with being led about depite their head-to-shoulder height differance. The looming silver haired ghost's face continued to be obscured, but...
  4. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Moon had remained in the corner, facing the wall during a lot of this idle non-talk, seditious subtext. Occasionally banging their head against the metal panels was less a deranged compulsion and more a lunatic form of practicality, using the dull pain to force their consciousness out of a...
  5. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Moon sat sideways in multiple layered robes as the formal instruction took place. Exchanging their normal distant demeanor with failing to reveal their face at all. It was strange feeling so certain of something, for a creature who's emotions were normally so mercurial. But the obviously false...
  6. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Play Room A discombforting feeling of omnipresent static broke Moon's corrupted soul free from the swirling depths of dread, disconnecting them from reality whilst the nerve gas bit into constantly regenerating skin. She didn't even consider how long she might last. On paper a biomancer would...
  7. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    Play Room and Surrounding Area Moon, rather unsurprisingly at this point, merely seemed to stand idly and simply sway a bit on the spot at first, regardless of any surrounding panic or turbulent emotions. Tower could feel the distorted tendrils of empathy trying to touch them from that...
  8. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Charades

    "Miss... Pentendra..." A rattling whisper sounded, breaking from the dry lips of a tall, hunched over figure none of them had seen in weeks. Moon was dressed entirely in bandages. Face obscured by a billowing veil of steel grey hair, festooned with a few small bows at random. The robe hung off...
  9. LavaLung

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    N-14's optical sensors coldly observed the man's subtle mood signifiers in infra-red, trying to decipher his honesty in this situation. Perhaps his unit had some relation to that great cataclysm that landed them all here, but... Well, frankly, it had become such an all-consuming trauma for such...
  10. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    If Moon's actions were not already entirely beyond reason, the concept she might have been shot by the other survivors might have given her pause- As it was, the enraged, animalistic struggle of fighting these things kept her entirely occupied. Her bleached pink stature had become horridly thin...
  11. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    "Augurs..." Was all Moon had time to say, processing the weird correlation of their collective name, the tools that were apparently being used to fight the enemy, and the disgruntling fact that they had been laid into some kind of deep, pseudo-physical pit possibly intentionally. She actually...
  12. LavaLung

    AW [OPFOR BLUE] True Dark

    Morgan sprinted and danced through the dark world's ash-coloured sands, increasingly using gravity as their plaything as the concept of acting human slowly faded into memory. They liked that Motts had used their actual name- But being in such a different environment made it feel like the old...
  13. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Deeper into the void, Moon's ears grasped at the distant sounds, bodily drifting towards the electronic-clad walls. The inexplicable spores were dusting every surface here, so she didn't actually plant her face against it, instead just drifting her head around in a slow figure of eight, looking...
  14. LavaLung


    Underground Ares' death march into combat, followed by the immediate violence with the macro-golem, had given Morgan little time to stop and consider the flow of the situation. But now that the world had gone quiet again, they were struck by a sudden emotion, like the cold light of day- For...
  15. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    "N-N-Normal l-l-life!?" Moon stuttered after listening to Justice's tirade, her face now wide-eyed, her mouth struggling to hold back laughter... It failed. She burst out with a shrill, lunatic laugh. So intense, it silenced itself by threatening to choke her. "I-s-sisisis it not obvious! H-he...
  16. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Moon's eyes had been open the entire time, though glazed over, thrown into a state of utter confusion by the blow to the head she had suffered a moment before. Visually she regarded Judgement with appreciation for saving her, but the words hung in their throat. She ended up just patting him on...
  17. LavaLung


    Underground Morgan's joints trembled and wheezed as they jolted back into attack position, throwing their blade-leg against the wall behind them so that the teeth would give them the instant traction they needed. The sideways lunge was not the impeccable work of violent ballet that the first...
  18. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Overcome with invasive waves of revulsion, Moon was slow off the mark, not quite sure if they were somehow mentally connecting to the walking obscenities, or simply receiving the rest of the team's abhorrence like a sort of mental echo chamber. Frozen in place, it took a great deal of willpower...
  19. LavaLung


    Underground It shouldn't be a surprise that the midnight blue-clad ragdoll offered no name. One could have expected such a hunter killer to act in a way that was fast and ruthlessly methodical. But while this heavyweight enemy was strangely refined and sombre, the war that ate the earth whole...
  20. LavaLung


    Underground "Oh, I'll process some Golems, alright!" Morgan cackled out loud, at this point embracing the backseat driving that their command sub-processor was overriding their conscious mind with... Upon entering the room, however, they found themselves to be the only scarecrow with a ghost...