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  1. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Forever influenced by the impulses of others, Moon followed Tower without any deliberation... Though the intensity of their time deadline was also starting to weigh heavily on them, Blue's eyes feeling like daggers as they no doubt shot the pair a disapproving look. "Briskly we must act...
  2. LavaLung


    Warehouses -> Golem Lab <"Sergeant Mott, Woodsman, be advised, active medium mech at my location."> The onyx-skinned doll weapon was beginning to feel like the entire globe was just black dirt and warehouses, forming long alleyways and flat open spaces. Plus it wasn't their job to get in a...
  3. LavaLung


    Despite an absence of what you could really call 'hot blood' inside of them, it took a few moments for Morgan N-14 to realign their connection with reality. Barbarically shredding apart human body parts was such an insanely grotesque affair that her brain dealt with it in the same way as one...
  4. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    First Floor Moon moved silently as a ghost, the pale woman expressionless and ghastly as they became slaved to the collective will of the group. If the focus was any stronger, they might well have started floating along behind them like a summoned demon. "I sense the motive force. A human is...
  5. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Moon's attitude switched on a dime, directly affected by Hermit's single minded force of will. Even the act of lifting the tall woman off the ground was surprisingly easy, perhaps because the notion that it should happen, which made Moon's own internal powers assist in the action. The...
  6. LavaLung


    Plateau Morgan cursed Mott's lack of specificity. They didn't know if that order specified avoiding damage to the enemy, or themselves. Either way, staring up into the rain on low power mode, without all of the extra-sensory chatter or target reticules... Black sky and black earth, just the...
  7. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Expecting Moon to stick to a plan was maybe a bit much- They were channelling everyone else's emotions as always, and since the team was irate, fearfully damp and disgusted, it all formed a sort of grotesque murderous soup in the ghostly, feyish woman's brain. Somehow knowing what Hermit was...
  8. LavaLung


    Morgan N-14 remained frozen as a corpse. It wasn't a test of their mettle or character. They knew their body was designed for noisy, blood-strewn terror, and not silent assassinations. It was Motts' order not to engage, a situation of command structure protocol their augmented brain was...
  9. LavaLung


    Morgan tensed up and then shrugged when the two silhouettes walked away from Sherry, despite themselves. Even before the orders, they were simulating the various plays in their head, trying to decide the approach with the most confusion and plausible deniability. They had stealth because of the...
  10. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    The more that Moon glimpsed about the nature of the creature, the less she felt like it was a good idea that Justice was even touching it. This had gone way past the point of feeling like one of those hoax horror recordings supposedly recovered from a dead body, and right into the territory of...
  11. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Moon seemed the most attached to Hermit's approach, looming behind them forebodingly, and attempting to backseat-sense what psychic waves the smaller woman was projecting. BioPsychokniesis and clairvoyance actually felt weirdly similar; Both were based in quantum pockets of constant, rolling...
  12. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Office Moon had been quiet as the dead since the shocking contamination of the unseen entity had washed over them. Them, plural- She absorbed the emotions of the group, tuned in to every aspect of boiling despair and fear under the surface. It was quite possible she was picking up the total...
  13. LavaLung


    Foundations... Or Graves? Morgan was further into the middle of the field than the others, but faster on foot. Thus, the obvious dilemma became 'Do my footprints look human enough to arouse suspicion?...' Not really any time to dwell on it. Hopefully the rain would provide fast obfuscation...
  14. LavaLung


    Morgan's expression had become more and more distant as the march progressed, becoming burnt out by the monotony of grey soil and pallid, empty lands. There wasn't much to talk about. Without chumming up to the humans, or pulling an enemy apart like yarn from a knitted sweater, there wasn't...
  15. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    For the majority of the trip over, Moon was simply doing their best to hide an overwhelming delirium and nausea. She didn't want to appear quite so useless, before they even reached the damn facility itself. Fortunately the rear of the APC was quite dimly lit, and the sound of the rain on the...
  16. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Garage "...Stabilizing fin, discarding physics." Moon milled the bullets around in her fingers, still inside the baggie. She was tempted to screw with their shapes pre-emptively, but then they wouldn't fit in the gun anymore. It took time, but the continued contact with the others centred...
  17. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Garage? Moon tried to listen to what Tower had told them, mentally grasping at the annoyed sentiments, only to have them slip through her fingers. They were like ants for ignoring the things below them... Except ants were the things that were below them?... Weren't they? Oh, that was an Earth...
  18. LavaLung


    Road The manner in which the vehicle's metal simply crumpled rather startled N-14, betrayed by her muscle memory, from a time when such materials didn't behave like warm butter in her grasp. Immediately afterwards, the feeling of coin-sized impulse control units buzzing around inside the the...
  19. LavaLung


    "Affirmative, Sarge!" The Golem saluted with their left arm, in lieu of putting their gun-arm directly at their own head. They sounded super relaxed, but that kind of just made it obvious that any emotion they outwardly expressed was for the benefit of allied humans... Clasping their glossy...
  20. LavaLung

    AW [Secret World] Luminocity

    Moon froze on the spot upon the approach of the Golems, visibly regarding them as a dog might a bad piece of taxidermy. The way they mechanically strode in, utterly devoid of emotion, was anathema to her empathic powers, making them feel somehow stationary and moving at the same time. They just...