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M We're Preparing 'Detect Eldritch' Next Time.



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Nov 3, 2021
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Elenor's ear had drooped and she looked like she'd been dunked multiple times in a bucket filled with slime with how soaked and miserable she appeared to be. But, they had managed to get the last of the damned ingredients. "No more deep one jobs. Not from this client. I am not getting coated in that shit again." Elenor growled to her companion. Lucas was only slightly better, in that it looked like he hadn't been dunked in slime.

"I don't care how much she's paying, I'm not doing that shit again."

“Yeah, not the kind of moist I’m sure you prefer. At least they weren’t exactly dangerous, just gross for the most part. Don’t worry, I’ll wash you down good when we get home to make up for it.”, Lucas commented as they waited for the portal to the meeting place to open. Something that the demon was not even looking forward to as where demonic portals were tolerable. Eldritch and dark being created ones, always made you feel weird, terrible, sick, and dirty without ever actually physically doing so. Which made sense as any such place, was never meant for normal mortals, save those of darker realms such as all the hells.

"Right. Apologies when we step out." Elenor warned, knowing her stomach was absolutely going to revolt to the experience. Between the slime she'd ingested and this... she was going to end up puking. She knew it. But, their client was paranoid enough that the only way to them was via these portals. The pair had never even seen the exterior of the client's chosen meeting place, just the interior. For all they knew, it was a void space that happened to be 'shielded' enough to let life survive in it.

The portal opened, and Elenor took a deep breath, steeling herself as best she could, before stepping through. There was also the fact that order didn't matter on these things... Proximity did. But otherwise? Who knew what order they'd come out in, much less if they'd still be oriented to the ground when they did.

“Yeah I packed the paper bags this time, so just try to hold it until I can pull it out if you can.”, Lucas answered before she entered. Then followed after her, entering the oily black portal that was cold to the skin, and somehow the soul as well. It was almost like taking an ethereal bath in crude oil that was more soup than tar stickiness. Once he came out, something seemed wrong, which became apparent as he realized he was ascending, but in actuality descending. Releasing his wings, he flapped to a float with an awkward flip as he yelped in surprise.

]Lucas was calming himself as he was already whipping out a bag, while also briefly looking up to see if he had to catch Elenor as well. He just hoped that if he wasn’t quick enough, she had at least inherited the balance of a feline enough to land on her feet. Hopefully not on all fours though, as that might be more awkward to watch then anything.

He didn't have to wait long. Though not in the fashion he might have expected, as she came out walking sideways, only for gravity to reassert itself and pull her down. And sadly, she didn't have time to twist in the air, falling onto her side with a gooey 'splat'. Which was promptly followed by a different kind of splatter as her attempt to control her stomach failed with the landing.

fter a few moments, she groaned and began to push herself to her knees. "Ugggh... I hate those portals." She grumbled, voice sounding strained and defeated after the hurling session. "She here yet? I want to get this done and leave by one of


portals back home... I'm not sure I could handle another one of hers."

“Was… that the same color the slime was before… you know what, I don’t actually want to know.”, Lucas answered as he quickly put a pin over his nose to reduce the smell at least temporarily. He stepped around the… oddly colored mess, before helping pick Elenor up, still offering the bag in case there was lingering nausea. Rubbing her shoulders, he walked them around the mess, and forward. “Hey! [unintelligble], we’re here, so we would appreciate being greeted thank you!”

"[Unintelligble]!" Came a... was it a woman's voice? It was hard to discern from the way the voice bounced all over the place, not because of the room they were in, but just with the language being spoken.

"Oooow. COMMON DAMN IT!" Elenor yowled, clutching her head as her brain hurt from trying to process the noise.

"Oh! Sorry! Sorry! Thought you were someone else. So, did you get the tadpoles I needed?" A woman's voice came out, it's owner soon stepping into voice. At a glance, she seemed normal enough, but any deep stare would reveal that she wasn't


normal. First was that she bore no legs, just a mass of black that led to what looked like an off-blue/white dress of a sort. At least until you realized it was as alive as the rest of her. Add in the yellow spots that almost looked like eyes, with pseudopod limbs as well as a pair of arms.

Elenor nodded. "Lucas... Get the other bag ready... Oh god this is gonna suck... At least none of them came out with the first round..." She said, really wishing there'd been other options, but, sadly, of their personal means, the only safe option... had been for Elenor's stomach to be turned into a living holding bag for what they needed.

The priest simply frowned, before flipping open yet another barf bag, “I guess add some antacids and a stiff drink to the aftercare list.” The voice didn’t much bother him, nor the appearance, finding her far better to look at then the queen of his own people. “Do you uh, want help ejecting them, orrrr….?”

Elenor meekly nodded, not sure she had the personal energy or strength left after all of this so far to get herself to fully eject her stomach's contents. "And find a way to make a normal fucking bag that can hold this shit through a eldritch portal without breaking..." She moaned, already feeling her stomach riling up for another round.

Lucas handed her the bag, before taking a cautious step to the side, and helping position her face into the opening of said bag. “Um fair warning, this is…. Not going to feel okay, but it’s going to work better then me jamming my fingers down the back of your throat.”, he added in fair warning before placing his hand spread and flat against her stomach. Whatever he did, she would feel everything in her stomach suddenly churn and well into almost what felt like a muscle induced ball as her whole body went numb, and it all came erupting out and into the bag in one huge go.

Setting the bag down gently, he made sure to hold her almost limp figure up, as he helped Elenor take a seat. “I basically made you feel a level of drunk and disoriented enough to induce….. Very nuclear levels of violent motion sickness.”, he quickly explained before picking up the now laden sack, and slowly walking it over to the client.

"Ah good! Good! The coating worked as intended!" She replied, clapping her hands happily as she took the sack. Opening it a moment, she peered in, and nodded. "Very good. All accounted for and in perfect condition. Give me a moment to get your reward." She said, before sloshing away to a different part of the building.

The ground was almost entirely spotless, sans where Elenor remained on hands and knees, groaning as she struggled to keep herself upright. And there was a small occasional wisp of smoke as the woman moved away.

"I'm not sure about the clothing she offered... but the gems would be of some benefit. If not for buying reagents and materials, but also paying some of the bills we've managed to rack up with our shit." Elenor managed to groan out, almost in a croak as she spoke. Her voice was raw and very painful, but she seemed to be stabilizing.

“Welllll even if you don’t want the clothing, I’d take it. Might learn something for my textile work. The gems will likely need to be sold through particular markets anyways to get anything monetary out of them.” He wasn’t really debating with her, but just selling stuff off from an eldritch being tended to be very obscure in the markets, for obvious reasons. It was a one in a million kind of probability of finding a buyer, but worth it when you usually did.

"We'll see. I mean, I can't imagine what reason an eldritch being like her would have for clothing..." Elenor mused, looking over as the sound of the client began to approach.

"Sorry for taking so long. So so very long." The being said, holding in her hands a large box. "I have the gems in here." She said, smiling as she put the box down and opened it, revealing a large assortment of gems. Some the typical diamonds, sapphires, emeralds... but others were more unusual. "You specified 10 lbs of gems, correct?" the being asked, smiling. "Oh, and the item I insisted you take as well." She said, pulling out... A choker? A weird leather/latex choker?

“Oh, most of those will be sellable straight out, nice. We could maybe use the others in her for work.”, Lucas answered, a bit pleasantly surprised, expecting a box of soul crystals or something equally strange. However, the choker was an odd item to offer, giving a raised eyebrow at it. “Is it enchanted or such, I can’t imagine someone of your standing, just handing over a normal choker. There has to be something special about it?”, he added before accepting both sets of items, and bringing them back over to Elenor to see as well.

Elenor examined the gems. "I think there's a few soul gems. And a couple of Abyss Orbs. Those are gonna be hard to sell." Elenor said, picking up an orb that was almost like an absence of visual elements. As though it were like a black hole, you saw it for the 'lack' of presence your eyes could see. "At least there aren't many of them." She said, nodding.

Putting the orb back into the box of gems, she picked up the collar as the client smiled. "Not enchanted no. Just one of my projects. I figured you two could make for a good advertisement of my work. Eldritch clothing made by a being of the Eldritch! Something that I imagine a lot of mortals would at least be curious about! Especially since it's not just something that looks eldritch."

Lucas suddenly shivered and somehow even for his dark charcoal skin tone, grew very pale suddenly. He slowly began to reach towards the choker, “El.. Put it down very slowly, I don’t think tha-” Lucas didn’t get to finish his words as what he suddenly feared would happen, suddenly did, as the choker seemed to writhe in Elenor’s grip. Wiggle and quiver, before opening itself into a small creature looking anything like a choker, then leap itself onto her neck from her hand. It wrapped around and squiggled, grappling on before reforming into the choker, now worn around her neck.

“By Satan’s Nutsack, what the nine rings is this thing?!”, he exclaimed in shock and surprise as he moved to see if it would even come off.

Elenor's hands were already trying to find some way to get her fingers under it to pull it off, rubbing all around the top and bottom of it around her neck. "The fuck!?" She exclaimed, finding none. "How do we take this off?!" She asked, getting a confused look from their client.

"Why would you? I mean, it's soulbound to you now dear. I didn't expect it to find a compatible soul so quickly though. Interesting. Very interesting." The shoggoth said, tapping her lips in contemplation.

Lucas took a knee with a defeated look, “That is not coming off if that is the case….” A twitch in his eye revealed a much darker feeling, his irises narrowing into slits, “If this hurts you in any way, I am going to kill her.” It was somewhere between a growl, and it’s own unnatural echo. To say the least, the Father wasn’t feeling very holy at the moment, and had more unholy ideas in mind as his anger welled. “You better have assurance that this is not going to harm Elenor.”, Lucas added with a very pointed look at their client.

The shoggoth couldn't help but laugh. "Why would it? It needs her alive as much as anything. What benefit would it get if it killed her? She dies, it dies. Besides, I'm sure she'll get some benefit out of it as much as it gets from her. And it'll do what it can to ensure she lives as long as possible after all." She pointed out, acting like this was as mundane as the weather.

Elenor shook her head. "Great. Just... Great." Elenor grunted, shakily pushing herself to her feet. "So what now? Since it seems it ain't gonna come off..." she muses, feeling the material as best she could. "Any


surprises we should be aware of?" She asked, eyeing the eldritch creature more.

"Not that I can think of. But then, it is also very much alive, so it could do some things that not even I know to expect."

At least that knowledge was enough to calm him down, but Lucas was still far from smiling, “Would very much appreciate being up front about something like that in the future. But as much as I am very peeved at this surprise, I suppose I should thank you. If it’s something that will protect her, then I can’t really pull myself to hate it too much.” It was also a lot better then driving him into a fight with a Shoggoth at that, something he was not even sure he had a chance at winning.

"I mean, isn't that how clothes work?" The shoggoth asked, tilting her head.

Elenor pinched her nose. "No, they aren't alive, and they aren't bound to us at the level of our soul." She said, getting a confused look from the shoggoth.

"That's so inconvenient. Give me some time and I could make you both some wonderful clothes that are so much better than those... things, you've taken to covering your body with. I can't even bring myself to call them clothes! No benefits! What kind of idiot thought that was a good idea?"

“In all honesty, I think it would be best to give this one a trial run first before using anymore. We need to be sure that she can handle it, and see what it can actually do. It’s also…. Probably going to take a lot of adjusting to.” Lucas wasn’t sure how he felt about knowing that thing was latched onto Elenor, in the bed with them every night. He just hoped it didn’t speak, or….


, stares. He looked to Elenor to get her thoughts on it, hopefully agreeing to convince their client to hold off on showering them in more.

Elenor gave Lucas a look that told him enough. She wasn't happy about this, but, well, too late to really say no... Much less remove it. She didn't know what kind of effects it was going to have, but they would have to find out as they come. "Let's hold off till we know if we're, uhhh, satisfied with this first. Definitely. Since it's gonna take some time to adjust to having it." She said, trying to brush some of the slime still clinging to her body off.

"Oh fine... but when you're ready for a wardrobe upgrade, let me know! You have my, oh how do you mortals phrase it? Oh right! You have my number!"

Elenor just, nodded. They didn't actually. The shoggoth had kind of just appeared in front of them one day and said she had a job offer. But she sure as hell wasn't going to ask to clarify that if she could help it.

“Then I think with that, we’re done for today. I’m taking El home now, see you some other time.”, Lucas picked up the small hefty box, and handed it to Elenor, before picking her up. “You are getting a ride home after all that, I’m not going to make you walk when you are doing this bad.I think I promised a bath and such as well, which I’m sure you’re going to want as soon as possible.” Without another word, only listening as he carried her away to see if the Shoggoth had anything else to add as they did. Lucas himself, was pretty much ready to just go home and try to forget the day at this point, and if that meant pampering poor El who had it the worst, then he was happy with that.

As bad as the job had been... Elenor was fully on board with a little pampering. "Yes, yes you did." She said, snuggling against Lucas's shoulder.

"If I have another job that needs your skills, I'll ring!" The shoggoth said, smiling as she gave a cheerful wave.

"Home please... Oh god please."

“Trust me, on the double it will be.”, Lucas said with a small smile as he took a knee to free a hand. He pulled out a rolled up piece of cloth before tossing it up to float down and lay spread upon the ground. It had a magic circle sewn into it as well as what looked like a welcome mat with their coven sigil in the middle. It suddenly smoked, then ignited along the stitching in a blitz of sizzling sparks. A door suddenly rose up from the smoke of the cloth, even as said fabric still burned, putting this portal on a timer.

Standing once again, he walked forward, and tapped the door with the toe of his shoe to get it to lazily swing open. Once inside, the door would close, then be consumed in the fire of the cloth as it finished burning up. He sure as hell wasn’t leaving a portal to home behind just anywhere, especially not there in that thing’s place.

With a sigh of relief, Lucas sat Elenor on a stool, “I’ll go get the water running, and some tincture for your stomach that should clear what lingers of the effects from my spell earlier.”

"Thanks." She said, only mildly amused that Lucas' portals, when they used them, seemed to always take them to the kitchen. She wasn't sure what that said about his mind, but she wasn't going to complain. For now, she just moaned and let her head rest on the box after she put it on the table in front of her. She barely heard when Lucas came back after getting the water ready and the tincture he promised. Blearly lifting her head as he nudged her, she blinked a bit. "Void, did I pass out?" She asked, surprised she'd been that out of it.

“Not surprising with how tired you look. Try not to fall asleep in the tub, I was taught to be a priest, not a lifeguard.”, Lucas said with a soft chuckle as he set the tincture down on the table. “Go ahead and drink, then we can get you out of that mess, and into the tub proper. I even got a new one of those sponge scrubbers you like, the ones that have the alchemic soothents and moisturizers.”

Elenor smiled, or tried to. Nonetheless, she took the tincture, and with a deep breath, downed it, face twisting only slightly. Rarely did such things go down pleasantly, but she could already feel her stomach settling some. "I'm never looking at roe or caviar the same. Or with my stomach not flipping." She stated bluntly as she now worked on getting herself to her feet, wobbling slightly on them as she leaned against Lucas for support.

“Who needs over priced seafood anyways, never was that into the weird foods anyways. Though if I’m honest… after dealing with that thing, I’m not sure I can look at pudding, or gello the same ever again.” He bantered with her, scooping her up again, letting her get every ounce of rest and taking it easy that she could get. Carrying her to the bath, which was spacious, a tub large enough for four, a shower for three. The counters were tiled in marble, the floor fine ceramic, with most fixtures being polished and coated wood with silver detailing.

Walking in, he pulled over one of the stools they had by wall mounted faucets for rinsing after baths. With gentle hands he began to help her strip from her slimy and messy clothes, scooting them a decent bit away on account of the smell. Once all she wore was that damned choker, Lucas placed her in the tub, “I’m going to throw those in the wash on heavy, along with mine from getting it on me, then bring a platter before helping get you clean.”

Elenor nodded, sighing happily as she settled into the water of the tub. After the bone-chilling cold of the lake they'd had to dive into to get into the underwater settlement for the tadpoles... Elenor was happy to let that chill leave her limbs and bones, as well as feeling the slime starting to break away. "I'm thinking we'll need to do a couple of empty and fills before I actually am clean enough to properly soak." She joked, watching as the water was already turning oily from the slime.

Returning in just a towel, and with a closed platter and wine that he set aside upon entering. Lucas took a couple of the aforementioned sponges that he talked about before. Before taking one of the bottles of mixture off the top rack. “Well that will be partially true, I don’t mind pulling out a few stops for this occasion. Being repeatedly dunked in water has its own tiresome drawbacks.”, he commented before coming to the side of the tub and resting against it as he looked at the oily waters.

Popping the cork of the bottle, he poured the contents into one corner of the tub, that looked like liquid crystal in a way. The heat caused it to mix and swirl almost lazily, but seemed to also be drawing in all the oily substance that slowly broke away from Elenor’s body. Looking at the progress it made, he was for the most part pleased as it all condensed into a large crystalline clump of the mixture and oils. “Hmm, I might actually need to use another, that slime is really pervasive.”

Elenor chuckled. "I had wondered if we were ever gonna find a use for that... I'd completely forgotten about it actually." She admitted, watching his work with that bottle. "So I guess we won't have to worry about emptying and refilling the tub." She mused, and just let more of herself settle in. One of the nice things they did with this bathroom - A properly


tub. Being deep enough for all four in it to get fully submerged and not spill any water, though it'd be damned close!

Now with the water up to her chin, she began to purr quietly as her ears flicked atop her head, just enjoying the feeling of the heat seeping into her.

After a second bottle was used, then a bottle of supplemental solution, Lucas barely gave the difficulty of replacing such high grade mixtures a second thought. Gathering the sponges again, he set aside his towel before climbing in next to Elenor, before beginning to sponge her down gently. He smiled as he cleaned, letting her lay back as he scrubbed and rubbed, getting everywhere as he went. A free hand rested at the small of her back, just to make sure she didn’t sink from her exhaustion. “You know, we should probably do this more often, minus getting almost drowned in muck first. Or dealing with oil beings from the abyss of darkness, but just to relax like this more.”

Elenor smiled. "I'd like that. Maybe we should take a vacation? I don't know how many of those gems will actually be worthwhile, but it should be enough to tide us over a week, at least, right?" She asked, happily letting him sponge her down to clean her up. Her purr was now definitely audible, a happy thrum of noise from her chest.

Feeling her pleased through the satisfied vibrations of her chest, was partly it’s own reward for him as he smiled more. “You know, that sounds really nice. There’s this mostly aquatic world in this system, maybe we all go for a beach vacay. Might even consider it a trial run for turning it into a hotspot in our little system.” He chuckled at the ideas, still finding it weird that they were owners of a system, when they just moved into an empty station as a home.

Granted that home wasn't entirely there, in technicality. He wasn’t going to tell them that though, and just enjoyed rolling with it all. Also if that idea took off, it was more funding, and therefore more vacations to get away from jobs like these. “Hmmm?”, Lucas said with a pause as something pulled him from the thought.

He looked at her neck with a look of

oh gods no, not this shit again

that should have screamed something was wrong. “Um… El, it’s moving again.”, he said with a deep tone of concern, as the choker now writhed and wiggled again.

Elenor's purring paused for a moment as she opened an eye to look at Lucas. "I mean, I imagine it would, it's a piece of living eldritch crap." She pointed out, not feeling the collar begin to extrude things almost like straps that began to wrap around her body. "But even if it was, I'm not feeling anything." She pointed out a bit more testily than she normally would have, closing the eye again and settling back in to relax, the purring resuming.

“Well it put you in a kinky suit while you were just saying that, straps, and more straps, are now wrapped around to frame very certain areas.” Lucas said, as he slipped a finger under one, and gave it a slight tug to demonstrate. As well as hopefully pulling her attention to it, as it was already bizarre she didn’t feel any of that, on top of how agitated it was starting to sound like from her. Lucas idly went back to scrubbing, now getting to his favorite parts, those of a more intimate nature as he waited for her reply.

She once more cracked an eye and decided to humor his statement, only to have both widened at the fact that the collar had done exactly as he had said it did. "The fuck? I swear to the Void, I didn't feel it doing


!" She said, straightening up in surprise. "Stupid fucking damned Eldritch bitch!" She hissed, before the purrs resumed as Lucas was getting to the spots that tended to be relaxing and fun for the both of them. "Hmmm... that feels good..." She says, grinning as her eye's grow half-lidded as she pressed her body into his motions.

"Hey... Lucas, I don't know why, but..." She starts, grinning and purring even louder as she moved in the tub to settle on his lap and place her hands on his shoulders. "Maybe before you scrub me more... We fuck." She said, grinding against his lap a moment to emphasis, though there was a hint of her not really giving him a choice by the tiniest of growls in her words.

He did say he was going to pamper her, so Lucas didn’t bother to question it, simply grabbing her by the ass and lifting. Lining up, she was already wet from the bath, so there was no wait for just inserting. Which he did as he mounted her down his length, already pretty stiff from giving her a scrub down so far, only making him grunt pleasantly as he hilted her. “Ask, and I will gladly give.”

"Mmmmmm, and you'd better give." She said, that purr in her voice making the growl she added carry an oddly sexy quality to it, her hips already rolling and rocking, moving up and down on him, feeling him in her in a way that was just 'right'.

Elenor couldn't place why, after all, they'd fucked before, but this time, for some reason, it felt right that she ride him like this. Being on top and in charge. "I think my breasts could use a bit more lathering... Could you handle that?" She said, smirking ferally. To an extent, it was like she was in some kind of pseudo heat. She wasn't nearly as outright needy about getting fucked like she would have been, even then, she was pretty submissive as she was just craving a good dicking and filling. No, this was definitely an odd twist to her desire to have sex. Sure, she could do the dominant thing on occasion, but this was different.

“Um sure…”, he answered, feeling something off about this and feeling a bit odd in the situation. It didn’t seem negative, but it definitely wasn’t her time of the month yet, and it was starting to confuse him a decent bit. Lucas just hoped it was her wanting to try something new, even as his concern steadily grew about the whole thing. If things got to an extreme, or much more aggressive, he’d let her conquer Lucina instead as that was more her slutty thing.

Adding a bit of soap to his hands, while his hips still bucked along with her movements on top of him, took her strapped mounds in hand. Squeezing, firmly kneading, and rubbing around their great roundly curved shapes. He worked the soap into her bust, fingers rubbing in her nipples firmly as he did, circling the areola before pressing the peaks around. He settled back a bit as he did, to give a bit more room to work with, and let her properly sit on his lap.

Smiling, she continued to rock on his hips. "Hmmmmm that's a good boy." She murmurs, letting her hands drift down his torso to rub at his stomach, feeling the toned contours of his abs, loving how they didn't bubble up against her hands like some men went with. "Sooo good I might even think of giving


a treat, if you make me a happy kitty." She teased him, eyes having a glint of aggression.

She continued to work on him, mewling on occasion that was made cuter by her purring, but she slowed her hips and purrs, glaring at him any time he tried to do something she didn't ask or tell him to do. She was asserting herself upon him in a very drastic way.

Lucas was growing very concerned, to a very uncomfortable degree as she exerted more and more control over the situation. He didn’t stop, as something told him that it might become a lot more violent if he outright did. The idea of handing the reins to Lucina was growing more and more appealing, as she had a much higher tolerance and preference for such things. But he was very much not comfortable with how this was going, and was starting to remind him of the damned queen, a thought that made it a tad worse.

Elenor seemed to be noticing something. "What is it?" She demanded, pausing in what she was doing. It seems she wasn't


far gone, seeking her own pleasure at his expense, but she was definitely prioritizing it at the moment. "Are you not feeling up for it?" She asked, sitting straight up on his lap, cock still deep inside of her, as she put her hands on her hips.

“I think other me would be better for this, and what you want right now to be honest.”, he answered, trying to keep all the negative things out of his tone. And doing it well, he did have ten millennia to practice veiling his thoughts, he just never thought he’d have to with Elenor of all people. To be honest, the attitude was scaring him, to the point of making his skin crawl from the vibes it gave. In a way, it was being at the foot of Ezeldria’s throne again on the day he gave up everything for his sister, including his humanity.

Something passed over his eyes for just a second, the thought triggering so many things, and feeling so many more again. He let Lucina take the reins at that point, the figure under Elenor growing far more shapely, even if attached to the same cock still deep in her. “Hey momma, so I heard you wanted a good girl.”, Lucina said as her face became a grin, resuming in Lucas’s shoes as she retreated to their mind.

Elenor smiled. "I suppose a good girl is just as well as a good boy." She said, letting her hands slide down to slide up Lucina's waist enjoying the feel of that succubus's soft skin under her hands, all wet from the bathwater, before they began to cup and squeeze the breasts presented. "Hmmm, so tell me, how do you plan to be a good girl for me?" She asked, giving one of those purring growls as her hips began to work on that cock once more.

“Doing whatever momma wants, and making her feel good as she wishes for her special occasion.”, came the sultry reply from the now woman under the nekomata. Feeling each other's chests still, her hips now buck harder then before with so much more enthusiasm. Lucina lived to be the submissive slut, and domineering sex queen as needed, her mischievous nature enjoying all the pleasures that mortals have to offer.

She fully planned to cram her dick into Elenor until she was screaming, pleased with the pleasure her good girl gave her. “Does momma want anything special, you only have but to ask.”

Elenor smiled, and leaned down and slowly drew a trail on Lucina's cheek with her tongue before pausing while their nose tips touched. "Then I think you should be a good girl and make me feel good. Ah, but with me being the one deciding how. You are


good girl right now, and I plan to enjoy every. Single. Second." She said, before taking Lucina's mouth in an aggressive, demanding kiss, even as she began to slam her hips down onto the cock as it was pushed up in counter.

All the while Elenor's hands were squeezing and rubbing Lucina's breasts, giving those lovely hardened peaks some extra attention with some flicks and focused rubbing on occasion. She was rarely rough or brutal, just, very aggressive and dominant.

Lucina moaned into her lover’s mouth, giving what she was given, and more. She worked those breasts, as her tongue played with Elenor’s, and her hips railing as best she could in this position. The water was actually splashing a lot from the motions, but only a tiny bit actually being splattered out of the tub. If Elenor kept dominating her cock like this, she was bound to cum pretty soon, balls tapping her ass in a sloshing smack.

Elenor was fine with that. She was determined to get everything she could, but without the goal of hurting or abusing her lover for the moment. Letting her mouth press deeper against Lucina's own, she opened her mouth to tease those lovely lips with her tongue. Sadly, unlike Lucina's own tail, Elenor's were little more than things to kind of rub against with. She liked the fine motor control needed to do more than rub them against Lucina's thighs as she rode that cock like a professional amazon.

Lucina soon came, moaning for her domming queen, still thrusting through her cum as it filled the womb. She railed and railed, stuck under her and doing this as many times, and giving as many creampies as possible. The sounds of plapping skin was loud, as the riding went on, Lucina happy to be used as the slut she was.

After several minutes of this, with multiple releases into her, Elenor finally relaxed, slumping against Lucina. As she did so, her hair matted to her face from the sweat, the collar retracted the straps it'd formed, returning to being just that, a collar.

As she caught her breath, she winced as she pulled herself up enough to let the cock slip out of her. "Ow...." She muttered. "I'm, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just, needed to be satisfied, and wasn't going to take no... I really am sorry Lucas." She said, rolling off Lucina and hugging herself as she did so. It was so unlike her to do something like that.

“I’m sure he heard you, but I don’t think he’ll be saying much for a bit.” Came Lucina’s reply as she got off the bottom of the tub, taking a washcloth to scrub her length before deforming it. Taking the time to scrub herself down now after all that, she swaggered out of the tub, then to the towels to wipe off. “He’s not doing too great at the moment.”, came her casual reply like it wasn’t a major issue or anything.

"Void... Fuck!" She said, cursing herself out as much as anything. "Fuck... I'm so sorry Lucas... I think... I think the collar caused that, lapse. That, not me to act." She said, sighing and sinking into the tub more. It'd become lukewarm in the meantime, but in some ways, Elenor wished it was colder. Enough to have kept her out of whatever that mental state had been.

“You know, that’s probably not the best place to sulk right now. You’re going to make yourself all pruny, then you’ll only feel worse later. Come out there dear and wipe off, you can lay in bed and do that, while we catch our breath.” Her words were offered kindly, but still with honest concern for the other woman. Lucina walked over with a towel, and waved her out, “Come now, don’t dally.”

Elenor sighed, and climbed out of the tub. "I suppose..." She said, taking the towel and beginning the vigorous scrubbing she usually did to make sure she was dry. Even if it did mean it caused the fur on her tails and ears to poof out cutely. Once she had gotten the most damp parts cleaned up, she wrapped the towel around herself, and looked at her reflection in the mirror. The collar looked the same it had when she and Lucas came in... A nondescript band of some kind of shiny latex/leather hybrid material around her neck.

One would never be able to tell at a glance it was a living thing. "Really wishing we hadn't accepted that job." She said, for more than one reason.

“Can’t know what you can’t know, so not like it can be something to fuss over. Stop whipping yourself and relax, you know now and can adjust.” It was blunt, but the demoness had a point as she wrapped an arm around Elenor, and pulled her close before they walked back into the bedroom. Lucina hadn’t bothered to wear a towel, no shame in being completely bare to the world, or in this case. The underworld as it were, given where this pocket of space resided in actuality.

Taking a brush laid upon the counter, Lucina sat her lover down, and began to work on unfuzzying her hair. “Also it tends to be worse when turning an eldritch away, so it was a better risk, then a possibly lethal reward. I’m sure there is some positive in all this as well.”

Elenor settled onto the chair by the vanity and she couldn't help but idly wonder if this really had been gotten for her, as much as she used it, or this female Lucas. It wasn't like Elenor was going to ask outloud. She was busy focusing on all of what was going on. "I mean, sure, you're right Lucas, but it doesn't mean I have to like what happened. Especially since it caused you to swap yourself to cope." She said, "If there's anything positive, I'm not sure what it could be. I don't think becoming a sexual predator is exactly what I'd call a positive."

She was letting the succubus version of her friend and companion... No, her other really, brush out her hair and fur. Elenor still didn't get why she liked when the bristle brush was used on her fur, beyond it just seemed to get some tiny part of her mind happy about how it felt during and immediately afterward. Of course, when it came to her regular hair, the normal brushes were good enough. Even with her hair as it was.

“You calling me Lucas is odd, as we’re not really the same. You could say I’m his wild and far less modest side. I came out of the very thing that bothered him with this.”, Lucina idly explained somewhat vaguely. “We are indeed the same person, but not of the same mind per say. In a way, I’m the part of the bitch who made him this way, that rubbed off on his soul. It wasn’t you who upset him directly, but he was reminded of her by how that thing made you act.”

The brushing continued, gentle and delicate, slender fingers working out the kinks like a pro. “He’s told you all about it before, what she did to him, how she took his humanity. It was the price he paid for getting what he was desperate for, but it’s not something he could forget.”

Elenor nodded slowly. "I know, I know... I just... In some ways, it felt like it was me, but in others, it was like I was a passenger in my own body. And I don't know which one was real." She admitted, sighing. "I just... I'm worried he's going to treat me with the same kind of disdain he gave me when we first met. Like he wanted nothing to do with me again. I don't want that to happen, not after all we've done and been through since then."

“Let me let you in on a secret then, as he would have just walked out the door at that point then. But he gave me the reins, and sat through it. He let you enjoy yourself, even at his own expense, because he wants nothing more then to make you happy.” Lucina thought that was such a dumb mortal thought, as people were people and almost always acted on their feelings. Demons were rather blunt like that too, generally not ones for mushy breakdowns, or emotional masks.

Her tone gave a slight sigh when she said all this, half blowing off the dumb notion of her other self just walking away so easily. “This is barely a struggle for him, a mere tip of the emotions, nothing compared to what he went through back then. Both of us only have your well being in mind dear, and he would rather burn then give you up.”

Elenor snorted, and sighed. "Sorry. Don't mean to be so doom and gloom. I just hadn't seen him freak out like that in... well, years. Not since he did what he had to to save my life way back when, that made me like this." She said, taking a deep breath. "Anyways, let's just, try and see if we can't figure out what we're gonna do now..."

“Cuddle in bed with a glass of wine, and a platter of cheese, while we relax and forget about it? Nothing much else that can be done, if only such matters of the abyss could be so simply solved.” Came her impromptu hairdresser’s cooing voice, as the work with the brush was finished, her hair looking almost professionally brushed and smooth. A kiss was given on her cheek with a wink, “Might as well since we went through the effort to make it up to you for having to do most of the work today.”

"Fine. But how about in front of the fireplace instead? As much as the bed sounds nice, I'll admit I'm not sure I'm in the mood for cuddles that involve it for, I think, the rest of the evening." Elenor replied, smiling. After all, usually when she was dealing with the female version of Lucas, it tended to get touchy-feely pretty quickly. At least with the living room, they had the excuse of being in separate chairs.

“Only if you use my lap as your chair, and I see that look you’re giving me. He would do the same thing, and we do it for a damn reason. Besides, I don’t want to just sit around, I live in the lap.” Lucina grumbled with a pout, grumpy she was trying to be ditched after just getting let out a bit ago. Lucas was not coming back any time tonight without coaxing, and she wasn’t really feeling like being kept at arm's length.

"So long as you don't do anything lewd, fine." She replied, smiling. Okay, there was something to be said for Lucina's personality. Sure, she was more eager to get to the lewdness of life, but she also was just, from what Elenor had experienced thus far, more relaxed and more open about things. "Lemme just get dressed first." She said, standing up and turning to walk to their walk-in closet.

The succubus groaned out loud, “I will never understand you mortals and your weird need for cloth over you. The gods molded your body for a reason, and you share them with a lover anyways, why bother wasting the time over giving bare affection? He feels you up in the tub, and I get called lewd.” The utter sass was definitely a difference too, as Lucina strutted her nakedness over to the chair and sat defeated in being sexy blocked.

"He feels me up only on occasion. Nearly every time you've come out, you've felt me up."

Elenor said, chuckling as she left the door open. "And unlike you, I don't like the idea of being completely bare all the time. Sure, I don't sleep in anything anymore, but even just lounging around relaxing, I'd rather have


on my body to cover my nudity." She continued, picking out a rather basic lingerie set. Nothing overly provocative, but enough to be 'sexy' in look.

Elenor wasn't going to completely 'block' Lucina. She just wasn't sure about getting sexual again today after the experience with the bloody collar.

“Back in my day, we went to the satanic store in just our birthday suit.

Didn’t help the fire kinda just burned any cloth away anyways.

Weird mortals and your cold places.” Came her quiet grumbles from the other room, not really trying to fuck her all over again. “My hands make a good bra, you know.”

Elenor chuckled, stepping out of the walk-in closet chuckling. "I'm quite aware they are. And yes, our side of things is cold. But you like it too because it makes it so much more fun to tease us all the same." Elenor pointed out, both to the hand bra comment and her pointing out how cold the mortal worlds were.

"Now come on. I think it's time to settle down in front of a nice roaring fire together. Besides, I'm open to you picking what we relax to. Yes, you get to pick the music and if we watch or read."

Lucina was eager to pull her girlfriend down into her lap, hugging tight and close, as they settled into the chair. “Last time I was in front of a roaring fire, Cerberus sneezed while we were playing catch, and a wandering soul had the bad timing to cross.”, the succubus giggled as further teasing to Elenor and her comments back. “And the only music I need is your heartbeat, and that soft pat of smooth skin when you move, the soft breath you have when relaxed. That purr when I scratch your ears, or the base of your tails. So I vote for watching you cheer the hell up, and maybe to your favorite movie you like so much.”

Elenor laughed. "Ha! You know me, I'd rather game than watch a movie." She said, grinning. "But I also know that they bore the ever loving hell out of you, so I try not to bore you, or Lucas alike, too much with it." She said, settling into Lucina's lap and making sure that the succubus could feel that while the lingerie was more basic, it was probably one of the pairs that were more fun, due to being fairly lacey, and oh yeah, one of Lucas's first sets made for the nekomata witch.

“That’s a bold assumption for someone who’s never even asked us if it did. Also why do you tease me this way, saying no lewd when you’re wearing the first lingerie I made you specifically for that. Are you sure our roles are not switched here?” The succubus kissed on her lap kitty, stroking her ears as well. She may not be able to be lewd, but she was still going to love the woman, quite vigorously if possible at that.

"Hey, they're comfortable." Elenor replied, chuckling as she wiggled a bit in Lucina's lap. "Besides, I didn't go the full ensemble. Just the basics." She clarified. "As for the gaming thing, I just figured you wouldn't care because it's just a hobby I do, not anything related to witchcraft or demonology. So I kept my playing my games quiet to avoid upsetting you." She pointed out.

“You remember I used to be human too right? Witchcraft and demonology were things I got dragged into. I still like doing normal things like reading, music, entertainment, and just going out to have fun with everyone.” Lucina actually pouted a little bit, not only at the subdued sexy getting to her, but thinking of her like a dem-..... Okay maybe that was accurate, but exempt the fact of who she was inside being such a being. “Hell i’d be your mouse pad if you asked, or at least player 2.”, she grumbled.

Elenor snorted. "Big tiddy mouse pad huh?" She teased, picking up a wand off the coffee table, and flicking it, opening the cabinet to reveal a TV with several game systems hooked up.

"Buuuuut, I think consoles are more fun with friends." She said, now floating over a couple of controllers. "Just don't let it get out I'm a big fucking geek and nerd, and I'll have ya join me for more. Deal?" She asked, offering Lucina the second controller.

"Oh, and how do you feel about RPGs?"

“Deal, but I say we do it nude next time, at least for me. Lu would probably suggest PJs, coffee, and cakes or some sweetheart suggestion like that.”, Lucina answered as she flicked the controller on, the other arm hugging Elenor more at first just to do so. She also did it to actually get the other arm to her controller, thankful that Elenor had a decently slender waist. She paused however at the second question, “RPGs? Aren't we basically living one?”

Elenor snorted. "I mean, sure, I suppose you could say we are. But I meant more fancy swords and sorcery stuff." She said, smiling. "Unless you like space RPGs? Otherwise, I got some shooters, a few horror games, some relaxing city builders, a few action games..." She said, mentally going over the list as she gave a few genres.

She didn't mind at all that Lucina had to wrap her arms around her waist to grab her controller. After all, Elenor was in Lucina's lap, so this was expected. Even if Lucina did rub her stomach a bit more than was maybe necessary.

“Indeed, though I don’t mind fantasy. Final Phantasm tends to be very cute and sexy, on top of having fantastical settings. I last played Final Phantasm XXV, which brought back the road trip mechanic that I liked from a previous game.” The demoness bantered on with her, cooing as the started getting into specific games now, finding her selection to look pretty interesting so far, and quite so enjoying the rubbing of Elenor’s belly like a good kitty.

"I mean, sure, it's a thing. But I'm kind of tired of how the mainlines keep flip flopping on what they want to do. Nevermind when they try and 'remaster' some of them. They weren't that great in the first place." She replied, shrugging. "I got Dragon Rider Legends 5 if you wanna give that spin. It actually has couch co-op." She said, purring once more as her tum was getting rubbed gently by Lucina.

"Unless you want to play Ring 10. Decent shooter, but I know a lot of people bitch about how it hasn't really changed the formula since the fourth main-line game."

“Oh you mean like Roar of Service, and their 50 titles of reskinned graphic linear shooters with the sweatiest community this side of the divide?” Lucina answered as she spared no amount of sass from being used in talking about


game series. “I’m down for either of those personally. At least Ring: Retreat had a better view of the story and world.”

Elenor rolled her eyes. "I only play RoS for the campaigns anymore, and those are only so-so anyways." She stated, loading up Ring 10, since it better served for in and out co-op. "As for Retreat, I enjoyed it, but I also know it was not what a lot of folks wanted out of it. Which is silly, since you were still a Viking, just not

The Master Sergeant

. Which I know irked people as much as they got irked with ODCS having you be an Orbital Drop Commando Soldier." She said, watching at the title screen booted up. "Myself, both were highlights because I just straight up wasn't supposed to be this super iconic figure, I was just playing some grunt on the ground caught up in the mess." However, she paused as a tablet she had nearby pinged. "Oh hey, my expedition timer on Nexus Impact just finished."

“Gachas are always too grindy, but enough of my ranting, lets go conquer the Conclave, Meld, Backpedalers.” The game was definitely one she hadn’t touched in a while, but if their teamwork was anything to go by, they would do amazingly in the game. Coop campaigns were always a lot of fun, she just never had anyone to do them with before.

Elenor let her tablet sit there while she focused on the play in front of her. And maybe beneath her. Hey, sitting in a succubus' lap was a nice thing! They had lovely thighs to do it on, and well, Elenor was 90% certain her body's overall shape and look was how it was cause of Lucas. Making her a bit of a 'cubi in her own way.