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Therwood Clan Ship


Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Tarkus walked through the ship, exploring his new home. As he passed, he could hear the sounds heavy machinery being worked on. Poking his head in he found Sachiko hard at work.

Knocking on the bulkhead and clearing his throat, he made his presence known to the engineer.

Sachiko placed down the tool she’d been using and blew into the hole she’d opened up once she saw that her work was done she was about to close it when she heard noises. She poked her head out and saw it was their new medic. “Oh, hi! I’ll be right with ya!” she said as she closed the hole and replaced the screws, sealing it up. Her hand went to the communications. “Ok, try it now,” she said into it and watched as the machine she just repaired began working.

She grinned with pleasure at the sight before her, then turned her attention to the medic as she placed her tools back into her toolbox. “So I heard we’ll be getting another medic to work alongside my auntie,” she said, picking up the box and walked to him. “I’m Sachiko Therwood, I’m Klaus and Setsuya’s, daughter.” She replied to him.

The doctor nodded and took in Sachi. Now that he looked closer he saw a passing resemblance to Klaus...

"That's right, Dr. Tarkus Zoren at your service." He said, placing a hand over his heart and bowing from the hip. "I owed your father a favor so I came to offer my services. He replied, offering a gloved hand to her.

Sachiko smiled with pleasure, knowing that he knew her father. “I’m glad you’re here, my father is the best daddy in the universe as far as I am concerned,” she said, taking his hand and shaking it with her gloved hand. “I have some skill with tech, so I’ve made myself the ship’s engineer, and when we get to our new home, wherever that is, I’ll be helping to build if I need to.” She said, “I love working with technology and the things I can do with it are neat too... Oh! Did you get to meet Whiskers?’ she asked him.

Tarkus's eyebrow quirked. She had quite the bubbly personality, quite the contrast to his own. Yet he didn't find it aggravating, it was actually refreshing.

Laughing he replied, "No I dont think I have..."

Sachiko just smiles “I’ll have to introduce you to her, she’s kind of a gatekeeper to the clan.” She chuckles. “She’s a sweetie, I made her myself,” she said with some pride as she removed her gloves.

Tarkus chuckled, like an old man humoring a child. "Sure, why don't we go meet her then." He replied standing up straight. "You must be quite the inventor." He added.

Sachiko smiled “I just like building stuff, ” she said as she led the way out of the engineering section. “I’m also interested in other styles of creation if it's possible.”

The doctor clasped his hand behind his back as they walked. "Is that so? What other styles are you curious about?" He asked.

Sachiko held her toolbox close as she walked. ‘There was one that caught my interest, I think it's called Artificer. “ She told him as she looked up. “I got the technology right, but I gotta learn magic, something that could help since artificers use a combination of technology and magic. So I hear”

"That's right." He replied. "Artificers are very brilliant mages who can invent awesome feats of engineering and magic. Guns that don't need ammo, automatons that dont need to recharge, shields sigils, etc..." Tarkus explained as they walked.

Sachiko nodded her head. “Yeah, that’s true! If I can make something for the others to defend themselves or the ship that would be great. I’m very interested in doing something for Whiskers too.” She added in as they walked.

"Is that so? What did you have in mind. I can see about finding you some Artificer tomes." He said as he added the task to his long mental to-do list.

Sachiko nodded her head’ Yup! Something to help with her power source, I mean she’s technically an Automaton though more advanced. Maybe something for her other abilities too now that I think of it.” She said before smiling as he offered to find her some Artificer tomes. “That would be awesome! thank you so much!” She said with a big smile.

The doctor gave a slight smile. "It's no problem at all. I'll see what I can find for you then." Tarkus replied. "I have a few contacts that I can try and get ahold of." He added

Sachiko found herself very pleased that he was willing to help her get things for her extra study. The Nekomata Elf hybrid found herself excited. “That sounds good, ” she said happily, as she turned to a stop in front of a large door which opened to reveal a jungle setting, though one that has seen fires and burns. There also appeared o be dead bodies also burned and damaged. Some appeared to be dressed like the fabled pirates.

In front of the two was a dog munching on a bone. “Whiskers, are you being a good girl? Yes, you are defending us from pirates!” She said with a grin as the dog looked over and ran to her mistress and licked her with a wagging tail. Then she’d introduce him to their new doctor and Whiskers approached and sniffed him.

Despite the environment, Whiskers isn’t harmed by the flames.

Tarkus stayed still as Whiskered sniffed him. His meetings with animals tened not to go well, being undead and all... however he still tried all the same.

"Hi Whiskers." The doctor said calmly

Whiskers sensed his undead state, but she also sensed something else too, her family being one, and that this guy was a good person, a doctor. She sensed his emotions, and the calmness in which he spoke before finally, his hand was licked causing Sachiko to smile. “She approves,” she said and gently pets her dog.

Zoren smiled and gave pets to Whiskers, "Good girl." He said standing back straight again. "I guess there's a first time for everything.

Whiskers performs the dog version of a smile as she was petted. Sachiko smiled “She’s the best girl, ” she said as she watched the interaction between the two of them. Now that Whiskers got to meet him she found herself happy and glad that there will be peace.

The doctor nodded, then looked back to Sachi. "Now then, since we're here I need to do a quick check up. I'm doing one for everyone on the ship... I'm leaving the twins for last..." he added, already dreading the prospect of giving those two a check up

Sachiko blinked, then nodded her head “ah, I understand, ” she said also understanding why he was saving the twins for last. “should we go to the medical bay?’ she asked him after a final petting of Whisker’s head.

"That would be the easiest way." He remarked, moving to lead the way over to medical.

As they entered, he gestured to one of the stretchers. He moved the bed so it was sitting up. "Have a seat. This won't take long."

Sachiko followed him, followed soon by Whiskers, who had to burn a clearly not dead pirate to make sure. The dog and Hybrid followed him to the medical where Sachiko hopped onto the stretcher, and sat there comfortable, as Whiskers lied down.

As she laid down, Tarkus nodded and began to examine her. Looking in her ears and mouth, and pressing on her stomach. "One more test. I have to poke your finger but it will only sting for a second." He said taking a small Lancet and holding it over her thumb.

Poking quickly, he extracted a drop of blood and put gauze on her finger.

"Analyze." He whispered, the blood glowing softly before disappearing as the spell finished.

"Well you have a clean bill of health from me. Your blood work is normal." He finished patting her on the shoulder.

Sachiko was a good patient for him, as he checked her ears, which were a mixture of cat and elf. She opened her mouth wide for him to check inside her mouth. Then it was time for her blood work, and Sachiko nodded her head” ok” she said and prepared herself for the pain that the prick would surely give her.

She blinked as it poked, but it didn’t hurt too bad. She blinked as she saw her blood glowing after he whispered something that sounded like analyse. The tech savant smiled as she was told she had a clean bill of health and that her blood work was normal. “Awesome, I’m glad!” She said. “By the way were you using magic with my blood? it sounded like you said analyse and my blood glowed.

He nodded. "Its true, I did. I specialize in blood magic. I can learn things about people from their blood. I can also create thing with blood." Taking off his glove he bit his finger and blood began flow in a stream around the room.

After making a loop around the room it flowed into his hand and became a crimson rose.

He passed it over to her, and as she touched the stem she found it hard like iron.

Sachiko listened as he explained and confirmed what he had done, and she observed him using his skills for her. She was timid at first, but she touched the stem and found that it was hard like iron. She knew of course that iron could be in the body, but to make it here that was new. “that’s so cool!” she said and grinned.

He smiled, a little more genuinely this time. "Thank you." Tarkus replied. The Rose in her hand, flowed back into his thumb before the hole closed up. Pulling his glove back into his hand, he explained "I can use my blood or someone else's to perform magic instead of mana."

Sachiko continued to smile before she learned more about his skill in magic. “Oh, so there're different ways of magic that won’t require mana?’ she said before adding, “mana is what is used for magic right?”

"There is. People can draw many from different sources. Some people can draw from nature, and some draw from their own mana. Artificers use sigils to imbue an object with mana. Each rune channels that mana to do different things like recharge batteries or to trigger a spell." He explained.

Sachiko listened intently and the more she listened the more she thought that Artificers would be the right choice for her. “That sounds very neat. It feels to me like Artificers are the right choice for me to try and learn.”

Turning to a bookshelf, Tarkus pulled one of the dusty tomes out and blew some of the dust off. Passing it to her he said, "Here this should help get you started. It's a tome on the fundamentals of magic. You'll need to understand this before you go trying to make runes. Otherwise you might blow something up and I'll have to fix you." He said cautioningly. "No explosions. Got that?"

Sachiko smiled as he passed her a formerly dusty tome and she saw like he said that it was a tome on fundamentals of magic. The hybrid solemnly and seriously nodded her head “Yes, no explosions, I’ll start small and work my way up. I promise that the only moment I am going to do anything explody will be if you or my magic tutor decided I am ready.” She said.

He smirked and rubbed the girls head. "Good. Now get on out of here. You have studying to do." He said making a shooing motion with his other hand.

Sachiko nodded as her head was head rubbed. It felt different to her to have someone other than her parents and Vivi to do that. “Ok’ she said, hopping down from the stretcher and stretched as the stretcher wasn’t that comfy before she left the medical bay and feeling some excitement. Whiskers walked after her with a glance back at the medic before she turned her attention to her owner.