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AW [Therwood Clan] Arrival to Eselberg Station

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Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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As the Messenger-class starship, the

Sadistic Spriggan

pulled into the dock, Sparrow Therwood felt every dent and bent of the ship's hull rumble and shake. She sighed, not feeling much better as the long faded scars on her body ached; Chief among them the raw scartissue-flesh remains of her left arm, the sleeve of her hardsuit hanging limp and pinned to her side. The third attempt to enter the dock had thrown her across the airlock several times already, her armored hardsuit had barely absorbed the force of each impact leaving what she could tell would be a nasty bruise over her ribs from the most recent attempt.

"Tomoe." Sparrow growled into her comm-mic, grasping for a handle to steady herself as the Spriggan pulled away ever so slightly to reposition again causing the ship to jolt.

"We're working on it!"

"We're working on it!"

Two identical voices snapped back at the same time as the twins at the proverbial helm of the ship; Tomoe and Komoe, continued to fight the vessel.

What seemed like an eternity later, however, the ship finally managed a solid docking, and through her hardstuit Sparrow could feel the airlock begin to match the pressure of the umbilical attached to the dark form of the station.

Silently and with her usual absolution, Sparrow strode through the opening airlock door and into the umbilical; The helmet lights of her hardsuit illuminating the dark corridor until she came to the station's exterior airlock.

Her carbine maglocked to the side of her suit and ready at a moment's notice she pushed inside.

Hours later, the all-clear was sent to the ship after, with some guidance from her niece, Sparrow was able to navigate the stations interior and find a central power bank and with some instruction get the station auxiliary batteries up and running; Giving much-needed power to the station and its life support systems.

The space station was not much better than a wreck. The main passages were apparently functional, but several decks had already been punctured and all instruments destroyed. However, there was a hangar large enough for the Spriggan and the ship was moved to it much easier than the affair with the umbilical.

She met the ship there, helmet maglocked to a port on her hip to expose the eternal deadpan-displeasure always present as her default expression even as the Spriggans elevator decended to dispatch her beloved clan and their allies to their new home.

Owing the hanger was one of four that the station housed inside it's asteroid frame, it was a surprise they were functional at all, considering the way things looked. It wasn't so much left in a hurry as just, left. Of course, the station seemed to have atmosphere. Which was coming from somewhere else in the station by the feel of it.

The area the Spriggin landed in appeared to be intended for offloading ore and other materials for processing. Several cranes hung over head, and additional umbilical's waited to extend to help offload whatever might be here. The emergency lighting was on. In another hanger space, a ship hung. It looked like it was in much better shape than the station. Pirates or the like maybe?

There was a glass space that looked intended to help direct craft and equipment inside the hangers near the back. To one side, the right if you had entered the hanger from the exterior, was a door, leading deeper into the station. It was only after passing a refinery and storage bay that a door was found that had hte feel of air pushing out of around the cracks. It wasn't a significant amount of air, but enough that you could feel a breeze.

Exiting the elevator was Klaus, her brother-in-law. A white-haired, blue eyed elf, he too carried a carbine, although in his hands instead. Another distinguishing trait, was the katana he carried at his hip. The young man turned towards Sparrow and spoke.

"You alright, Sis? Must've been a bumpy ride." he slowly examined the hangar. He noted the other starship and grew alert. "Seems we're not the only ones here. How do you wanna play this?"

Sachiko sat at her station in the engineering section. Her eyes were on the screens in front of her. Her body shook as the ship had and frowned as she pulled up the info about the inertial dampers she hoped the ship had. The screens also brought up how much damage the ship had sustained due to the bump. “Alright.. that should be fixable... Provided there are pats. ” She mumbled to herself and once things settled, she detached herself from her seating, and moved to a whimpering dog which as soon petted and checked out.

Now cheered up, the dog licked its owner’s hand. “Alright, come on girl, let’s see about our new home. “ She said and walked to the elevator and soon the Hybrid and robodog found themselves where Klaus was. As she passed a window, she spotted the ship too, and she found that she couldn’t recognize its class but it wasn’t large. “Yup, we might not be alone. That appears to be a shuttle, at least it seemed like it. Hopefully, they are friendly. We could use friends since this place seemed like it’s new and not familiar.

As the ship began to rumble and shake, the ship new doctor growled trying to keep medical supplies from falling to the floor. "Can't the kids fly straight..." He murmured. Doctor Tarkus Zoren ran a hand through his snow white hair. As he did, his hand brushed by a pair of dark horns which sprouted from his forehead. The demon was still questioning how Klaus had roped him into coming aboard, but finally just sighed and stood once the ship finally docked.

Tarkus grabbed his go bag, which contained necessary medical equipment, and made his way over to where the others were gathering. He had a large caliber revolver strapped to his hip as he walked up to the others. "Let's hope I don't have to fix anybody..." The grumpy doctor said to no one in particular.

A shorter and less curvy woman, came aboard as well, the youngest of the three sisters. She looked about at the creaky plates of the station, already feeling homesick, something unlike her usually cool demeanor. All the while, her eyes looked about with an analyzing gaze, even if not in the sense she used to have. "I already hate this place, and great if it is pirates, but I hope not for.... slavers. Feels too small of a presence though, so at most, a small outlaw, or smuggling team.", came Kyoko's response as she joined the others, carrying only a normal pistol herself.

The younger sister was quick to keep close to the other two, mostly too Sparrow though. She was willing to be near the man at least now, but she still couldn't bring herself to like her brother in law. Looking at the remains of Sparrow's arm, she wished that it wouldn't make things too difficult for her. "Try not to overdo it sister, your father, and our mother would be quite cross if you did a stupid while missing a limb. I'm surprised neither argued you going aboard to begin with."

"Because I think they are as lost as we are. None of us remember how we ended up here, we need to find a place to call home while we figure things out. Whatever we face here, we have each other, and a ship to go where we feel like. I am still weak and shaken, so I hope we can make this place work, or at the least not have to search for somewhere long." Setsuya was firm yet somehow managing to still come off as quiet, joining the others, but minus any sort of weapons. The nekomata could not pull herself to touch one again, much less put herself in a combat role, which she hated herself for.

The woman felt weakened, and like a burden, not even able to remember what had shaken her so terribly. At times, her skin tingled, and her eyes grew sore. It was rather aggravating, and worrisome at the same time, but it didn't stop her from wanting to be with the rest of her family as they forged ahead. "I hope Alex will be along soon, and that the twins will be okay with just the doctor, as well as Vivian aboard. They should have enough weapons aboard, and be ready to depart if something goes wrong."

"I am fine." Came the simple and deadpan tone of Sparrow to all the misplaced concerns about her status and well-being. It bothered her how any of her kin would want to dote on her of all people. It was her job to take care of them after all as the 'Supreme Matriarch' of the clan.

At least until Set was better...

Thoughts of her precious older sister prompted a side-eye glance at her through the peripheral of her helmet. Sparrow was neither keen nor very observational but even she could see the flinching in her sister's posture and could hear the... The 'some kind of emotion that people make when they are scared or perhaps hurt but did not want to show it' she decided, not herself knowing what such a feeling that she herself had never experienced would be called.

She wanted to grab Kyoko and Set and bring them close and hold them and weep as sisters should. It's what she did with her plushies when she was sad or needed to let out her bottled-up emotions. It helped.

But Kyoko was on the wrong side of her; The side now lacking an arm. And Sparrow saw the way Setsuya flinched away from any sudden physical contact.

Instead, she stayed stern and imposing as always; The bulwark of the clan, the unbreakable wall that would shelter her kin until they found their way once again.

There was a cool quote in there somewhere, or perhaps the makings of some iconic saying but was quickly lost on the rather dull Nekomata.

"Not pirates. Not slavers. Those are illegal." She statued with the innocent and absolute certainty that was signature to her.

"For now, stay with the ship where it is safe." She said to nobody, or perhaps everybody, and casually started forwards.

And then promptly stopped and looked around, unsure of exactly where to go. Eventually settling on a set of doors pried and left open she activated the headlamps of her helmet and started towards the interior of the station...

Meanwhile, the deck was left remarkably quiet save for the aggressive clomping of Sparrow hard metal-plated boots. The bay was less than spartan and had debris and detritus all around, and clearly a shuttle or ship of some kind of unknown origin or consequence. To follow the stalwart but simple crusader to secure their new home or secure the homefront there was plenty to do.

Which was reinforced when the ship's elevator, having since retracted, now began to lower again and filled the bay with the echoes of whining and argumentative tones as the


descended from the belly of the ship. The two identical and remarkably


humans in their last teenage year went silent as the elevator clanged upon the deck.

"So who's going to pay for the dents in our ship?!"

"So who's going to pay for the dents in our ship?!"

The two shouted in perfect unison, looking expectantly for an answer at everyone present in a remarkably haughty display of crossed arms and somehow managing to look down at everyone from the bridge of their noses despite being the shortest beings present.

The doctor's eye fell on Sparrow as she began forward, and to the missing arm. So this was his patient... Tarkus had feeling she'd be a stubborn one. Tying his long hair into a ponytail, he fell into step besides her. "So you're the one Klaus brought me in to fix." He whispered so only she could hear, as he pulled the glove off of his right hand.

Bringing his hand to his mouth, he bit down on his thumb and torn open the skin allowing his blood to start flowing out. However, instead of falling to the ground the blood pooled together into a ball that hovered in his hand. "Now hold still." He ordered, placing his other hand on Sparrow's shoulder. "This won't hurt, but will feel odd." Before she had a chance to protest, he spoke. "Blood creation magic..." his eyes beginning to glow. The ball of blood in his hand flowed out towards the stump where her arm used to be. The blood ball touched her arm, feeling warm and smelling of copper. As everyone watched the blood began flowing down into the shape of an arm. It was an exact replica of her the appendage she had lost, however the "arm" was crimson and looked almost liquid. Yet, if she touched the new limb, it was as solid as deck plating.

Smirking Doctor Zoren pulled his glove back onto his hand, not a stain to be seen on his white glove. "This isn't a permanent fix. Just something to hold you over till we have more time to properly regrow that arm." He patted her on the back before adding. "Now go be the protector your family sees you as... and don't make more work for me." He said stepping aside so she could lead on.

Klaus looked over his shoulder, to Setsuya, his wife. It pained him to see her like this. Doubting herself, pushing herself. She didn't have anything to prove to this family. But it was that will, that determination that made her so beautiful in his eyes. He met her gaze.

I will be your weapon, always.

"Don't worry, Setsuya. We'll figure it out as it goes." he said, as he watched Sparrow stalk forward, inten on taking on the whole universe. Before he could interject, he watched as Tarkus, the demon doctor that had joined them, step up and give Suzume an entire new arm.

Stepping to her side, he asked, "You fully operational, Sparrow?" He wanted to ask if she was alright, but he knew that if he wasn't blunt and professional she'd think he was pitying her.