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M The Coming Storm



Nov 3, 2021
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Conference Room
Refinery Vessel Alchemist

A cloud of smoke filled the air in the packed room, light from the many displays casting shadows amongst those assembled. The room held a long wooden table with a display screen built into its center. Screens on all four walls displayed what the table was currently showing. A ball of ice and rock hovered in the center of the display, with a massive blue gas giant as the backdrop.

For those assembled in the Alchemist's holds, it would be their new home.

"Shall we get this meeting underway then, my lord?" A woman said, standing from her seat. Her uniform was neatly pressed. A grey coat with silver trim, adorned with a white fur collar. All of those in attendance wore the same uniforms. The woman's bright red hair shined in the light, pulled back into a bun. Her emerald eyes looked at the man at the head of the table.

Another cloud of smoke billowed forth from the man's mouth. "I don't see any reason not to." He replied. "Start us off then, Captain Vogel." He was dressed in a similar uniform as the others; however, the trim on his uniform was gold. The man's skin was pale, with white hair and crystal blue eyes. He held a cigarillo in his hand, gesturing to Vogel with it.

Captain Vogel nodded and placed a hand on the map. It zoomed out from the planet and gas giant to show a white dwarf star. "We have arrived in the Omicron system and are en route to enter Maelstrom's upper atmosphere. We will reach it in approximately 32 hours if we don't change our course or speed." She turned to those assembled in the room. "As you all know, the Omicron system is rather small. Only two celestial bodies are large enough to call planets. The larger gas giant, designation Omicron Prime is the largest. Its moon Maelstrom is a tundra world, dense with minerals and geothermal vents for energy. However, its primary appeal is all the frozen water. The asteroid belt and Omicron Prime are also rich in resources." Vogel explained.

"Then why has no one else tried to settle this place before!?" A portly man from a corner of the room called. "If it's so rich, then why didn't…"

"Watch your tongue, Mr. Donald." Another man warned, standing next to the captain.

"I'm only asking a question, Knight Commander Stein." Mr. Donald argued.

Varrick Stein's steel gray eyes bored into the man. He was a tall, muscular man with fair skin and silver hair. His stoic face threatened to break into a frown before the man at the head of the table spoke once more.

"People have tried before, Donald. However, they were unprepared for what Maelstrom had in store." He said before tapping the table, bringing the planet back into focus. "The temperature planet side stays below freezing. Constant snow storms are blanketing the planet, and to top it all off, the land closest to the geothermal vents is unstable." He explained.

"Then I must question your judgment, my lord. Why have you chosen such an inhospitable place to build your home." Mr. Donald scoffed.

Before the captain and the knight commander could object to the man's blatant disrespect, another billow of smoke blew into Mr. Donald's face, causing him to cough. "Ye of so little faith. I chose this planet because I am prepared to weather Maelstrom's storm. I have learned from the mistakes of those who came before." The screen zoomed in on Maelstrom's surface. "The settlers who came before settled too close to the vents, which caused their building efforts to be hampered by the unstable ground. They also didn't truly comprehend just how much effort it would take. They couldn't offset the costs with their meager gains forcing them to abandon the endeavor." He waved a hand in Vogel's direction. "It's why I choose not to have warship as my flagship. The Alchemist will be able to supply us with all we need to get the ball rolling."

"Lord Storm, if Mr. Donald is done complaining, may I continue?" Captain Vogel asked, cutting off Donald's reply.

"Of course, Melissa, please continue." Alexander Storm replied.

"Thank you, sir." Captain Vogel highlighted a region on the map. The most notable feature was a large crater devoid of snow ringed by mountains. A small plateau could be seen on the mountainous crater's northern edge. "This is where the Baron has chosen our landing point. It is far enough away from the vent to stabilize the ground but close enough to access the vent with geothermal fracking. The surrounding mountains will shield us from the worst of Maelstrom's storms while we begin excavation for our base."

"Here is where we begin our conquest of Maelstrom. Prepare your people; we make planetfall in 32 hours. You are all dismissed." Lord Storm ordered.
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Nov 3, 2021
Reaction score
Planet Maelstrom

Much had occurred in the several months since the colony ship landed on the plateau. Several large holes had been drilled from the surface, creating covered landing pads. On the surface, that seemed to be all that was done.

However, inside the plateau itself was a much different story...

Inside the plateau itself was where the city truly was, shielded from Maelstrom's constant storms. A large central chamber had been excavated and acted as the city center. Branching out in all directions were smaller caverns designated for one purpose or another. In the heart of the Central chamber stood the planetary capital building. To the outside observer, the building looked much like an average skyscraper. However, the top four levels of the building were set aside for Baron Storm.

Here, the Baron waited, reviewing reports in his private study. Behind Alexander's desk was a large screen showing the plateau's surface. To either side were ornate bookshelves lined with all manner of books. A fireplace crackled on the far wall. A chime sounded from the speaker in his desk. "Pardon the interruption, sir, but the council meeting is preparing to begin." Came the voice of the Baron's AI assistant.

"Thank you, Cypher." Storm replied, standing from his desk and moving to the door.

The Baron descended the elevator and arrived at an ornate double wooden door flanked by two guards who saluted as he approached. Alexander nodded to the pair as one moved and opened the door for him.

The doors opened up into a large circular room surrounded by marble columns. In the center of the room was the circular table, the center of which was open, where a holographic projector stood. The ones standing around the table were aids to the council members who were already seated. As he entered, those assembled in the room all turned his way and attempted to salute him. Alexander waved them off and moved to his seat. "Thank you all for coming. Let's get the meeting underway."

"Yes, sir." One of the men said from his position to Alexander's right. He was short and slender in appearance, with a pair of round glasses sitting on his gaunt face. This man was the colony's administrator, Mr. Benard Johanson. "As things stand, we are ahead of schedule on our construction efforts. Our hydroponics farms are up and running, and construction of the manufactories is proceeding well." He summarized.

Mr. Donald, the finance minister, was seated next to the administrator. "Our first shipment of materials has already been sent to the core. Once the manufactories are up and running, we should see an increase in our profit margin. As it stands, were are just barely in the black."

Alexander nodded to the man. "That's to be expected." He then turned to Melissa Vogel, who had been promoted to Commodore. She had been placed in command of all space assets. Once they had some anyway. For now, the title was honorary. "How is the mining coming along?" He asked.

The Commodore nodded. "Going well. The Alchemist is currently processing the ore we have been mining from the asteroid belt. I would request some more mining drones once we can obtain some; otherwise, we are fine."

The Baron nodded. "I see what I can do." He then turned to his Knight Commander.

Stein returned the gaze, then finally spoke. "As things stand, the guard is stretched thin. They are also very green. However, I will have them whipped into shape. Not to worry, my lord."

Alexander smirked. "I understand. I will try and find more recruits for you. I'll also try and find some combat veterans so you aren't saddled with all the FNGs." He replied, which earned a polite chuckle from the assembled group.

He looked around the room to see if anyone had anything else to add. When no one else spoke up, he sat back in his chair. "Excellent work, everyone. Keep up the good work. You are all dismissed."