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The Chorus of Decay: Abandoned factory - Beau and Zotar


Dec 12, 2022
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Beau walked through the ruined hallways of the abandoned factory, the floors were covered in dirt and debris while the walls barely held with scores of crack running along them. He was convinced when he first came over the ridge and saw the factory, it would collapse and kill him within minutes of him entering, but his luck held out. Slowly he moved from room to room searching each with the thoroughness he picked up from his time investigating crime scenes when his badge still mattered. With each door he opened or corner turned Beau was convinced there would be some trap or another scavenger waiting to ambush him but still his luck held. Finding no traps or signs anyone had been in the concrete building since the devastation left him even more on edge.

After searching most of the facility Beau finally conceded to his aching joints and chose to rest. Finding what used to be the onsite cafeteria. Three of the four walls of the room were covered with window frames that had been shattered allowing small animals to enter and make several nests inside the room. Ignoring them he headed into the kitchen and pulled out a bag of trail mix. Sitting down with his back against the wall he started eating.

Wondering around the factory after managing to find a set of jumper cables among other things for his pickup truck, Zotar decided it was best to celebrate his findings with a couple bottles of beer and protein bars. Heading to the onsite cafeteria for security. He would stumble in before seeing the other person inside. “Uh you know what ill just head to the cafitera area to eat and drink sorry for bothering you.”

Beau almost dropped his trail mix while reaching for his knife surprised by Zotar. Awkwardly jumping to his feet and ready for a fight he paused at the apology from the half-orc “No, no, it’s fine. What’s your name?” he asked lowering his knife “Are you here scavenging too?”

Tanking a seat on the floor. “Im Zotar, i used to be a mechanic. So currently I was just scavenging parts for my car and supplies…” opening the beer bottle with his swiss army knife. He offered it to Beau. “It may not be cold but im sure a beer could help ease the tension.” he offers after opening his own.

Beau eyed the mechanic for a long second he reached out and took the offered bottle “Thanks, it’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of a beer.” he said before taking a drink “I’m Beau, used to a detective before everything went to shit.” he continued a little more relaxed

Zotar nodded. “Well you havnt bashed my head in or given me crap for being a orc or a half breed orc. So far as I’m concerned your probably one of the better cops.” he stated before taking a bite from his protein bar and sip of a beer. “You know we could stick together strength in numbers.”

“Maybe, the last people I ran into tri..” before he could finish a loud noise of something metallic falling and hitting the floor. Looking back at the interior of the building where the sound came from Beau put his hand on the hilt of his knife “Did you see anyone else on your way in?” he asked standing up.

Pulling out His .38 special. Zotar checked the Cylender Beofre aiming low on the doorway. “No I didnt, However I didnt see you come in when I was scavenging so it could be more scarves…why expecting something?” he said looking to Beau

“I hope it’s noth…” another crashing sound interrupted the ex-cop, muffled shouting could be heard now coming from inside the building. Beau moved forward towards the door and pressed himself to the side of it before taking a look. Pulling back he looked to Zotar and motioned for the half-orc to come closer to him.

Moving closer to the ex cop, Zotar listened before looking to the Beau. “By the sounds of things other people seemed scared.” Zotar stated. Before chomping down the last of his protein bar.

“So whats the plan?” he said in a hushed tone.

“Well if it’s raiders, I think we should book it.”

“Right, well if we need to book it lets go I got a working pickup truck.”

Beau nodded his head “I’m not looking for a fight so let’s go.” he motioned for the mechanic to take the lead. The sound of someone approaching caused him to look back down the hallway. Seeing what looked to be two scavengers like him and Zotar at least until he saw the necklace of human teeth one was wearing while the other had what looked to be a skull screwed onto his motorcycle helmet. Each of them was packing more firepower than the human and half-orc, the bigger of the two had a double-barrel shotgun hanging in his hand while the smaller had a submachine gun “These guys look like trouble. Let’s go.”

Zotar peeks where the trouble is. “Damn they are too close, we move and were swiss cheese.” Zotar paused for a moment before passing Beau the keys to the pickup. “Once you take a left around this corner head straight until you see a garage ment to store vehicle supplies inside there is a red pickup with a blue divers door start her up ill be right behind you.” turning in the direction of the two problems. “Im going to rip off a few rounds at the one with the smg before we book it.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Beau said getting ready to move on Zotar’s mark.

Turning the corner Zotar aimed steadying his breathing. “Its them or us, its them or us.” he whispered to himself under his breath. Aiming for center mass on the one with a smg he took a deep breath and began to exhale. Firing off two shots of his revolver the first one being a little too high but the second one hitting its mark. Zotar didnt stay to see if he went down however. “Now run!” he stated as he ran ahead leading in the direction of the truck.

Beau took off heading towards the truck, the screams of the man that had been shot trailing after them. He could almost make out the other one calling after them and hoped that instead of chasing them stopped to take care of his comrade. Ducking and weaving through cluttered hallways and ruined rooms of the destroyed building it was clear the raiders were now aware of them. The ex-cop could hear screaming and yelling as he caught glimpses of figures out of the corner of his eye trailing them but no gunfire.
“Please tell me it’s not much further?!” he called to Zotar trying to ignore the feeling his legs were on fire form runnings so long while carrying a heavy load.

Rounding multiple corners with Beau behind him he eventually made it to a section of the factory with rusted out or scrapped car parts near the broken door to the area was a old beater of a pickup truck whos truckbead was filled with various supplies. Passing Beau the keys from his pocket he shouted out. “Start her up im going to make sure these guys dont get to us.” He stated grabbing a old looking jerrycan from the back giving off heavy sloshing of gas and something else within it, taking out the small guarding troll and rough toilet paper he would wrap it down the hole of the hand trowel before slotting it in the top of the jerry can before placing it by the door they just came to the room from. Running back to the truck he popped out the cigarette lighter on the truck and ran over to start lighting the makeshift fuse.

Finally rejoining Beau. he shouted. “Alright lets go that gives us 30 seconds or so!”

Beau threw his bag of supplies in the back and opened the driver's door. Getting in he turned the key and revved the engine, it sounded better than he expected filling him with a sense of relief. He counted the minutes as he anxiously waited for the mechanic to arrive. Finally seeing him return from setting the explosive and getting in the passenger seat. "Gotcha!" He said gunning the engine and sending the truck away from the oncoming explosion. Turning onto the road of the burned-out city and relative safety.

Leaning over to the window he looked over to beau, “So, I guess this is a yes to working to survive together now?” he asks mildly hopeful. Thinking to himself he noted how its been rather hard doing this thing alone and with a second person would make things easier.

“I guess does, yeah.” he asked driving through the roads and keeping an eye out for anyone that could be following them. Quietly, Beau was celebrating that he finally didn’t have to walk everywhere anymore, maybe it was time to finally time to move on from what happened when the world went to shit. “Let’s find a place to hide out and maybe see about looking for more people we might be able to join up with.”