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Tears in the Rain


Dec 12, 2022
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The NDC Cemetery is a solemn place, a testament to the sacrifices made during the Century War. Rows upon rows of graves, both simple and ornate, stretch across a landscape that bears the weight of a century of pain and loss. Ty Sibo stands amidst the gravestones, his cybernetic hand clutching a small bouquet of flowers. His eyes, a blend of humanity and machine, glisten with the weight of memories.

Whispering low so not to disturb those resting here "David, Eleanor... I miss you both every day. Not a moment goes by when I don't wish it was me instead." He bends down to place the flowers on their graves, one for his wife, and another for his young son. His hand lingers on the cold stone as if trying to bridge the gap between the living and the departed.

"You should have seen the man your father's become, David. A machine on the outside, but every bit human on the inside." he says proudly

He takes a moment to compose himself before turning to face a larger memorial, dedicated to his entire platoon.

he changes his attention to all of them. "And to my platoon, both ResurrectiTech cyborgs and humans. We fought side by side, and I remember every one of your faces." He clenches his mechanical fist, a silent tribute to the camaraderie they shared and the sacrifices they made.

with a softer tone he directs his attention further down the large memorial of stones to one in particular. "Some of you taught me what it meant to be human again... even after I became more machine than man." slowly he traverses the distance to a specific grave one he knows all to well. Whispering, his voice filled with emotion he holds back something inside that his sensors are unable to recognize. "Johnny, you took a bullet that should have killed me, but you... you took it instead. You taught me how to live again, how to connect with people, how to be more than just a killer."

Ty reaches into his satchel and pulls out a bottle of whiskey. He pours a generous amount onto the ground, a silent offering to his fallen comrade. lifting the bottle to his own lips
As Ty raises the bottle to his lips, he looks at the gravestone, as though sharing a long-lost conversation with an old friend as Ty takes a sip of whiskey, the liquid burning in his throat.

"You would be proud, my friend. I run an orphanage now, and I lead a small security team made up of other ResurrectiTech cyborgs and humans. I teach them the same lessons you taught me—about sacrifice, courage, and what it truly means to be human. I'll keep your memory alive, Johnny, and make sure the lessons you taught me are never forgotten. You're still a part of this world, just as much as the living. I'll see you again someday, my friend.

that feeling building up inside starting to make him feel worse dispite unable to grasp what it is. looking around The NDC Cemetery, once a place of remembrance and solace, now feels like a haunting expanse to Ty Sibo. He stands among the gravestones, his once-resolute posture now slumped with the weight of a grief that never seems to abate. The quietude is stifling, broken only by the distant hum of the wind. In a hushed, mournful tone he speaks to himself. "I've outlived them all... Eleanor, David, my platoon... and even you, lieutenant." He looks at the gravestones surrounding him, his gaze moving from one to another. His eyes, now more machine than human, are clouded with sorrow.

with a heavy heart he laments. "There was a time when I wished for death, just to reunite with you all. But I'm still here, haunted by the memories and the losses."
kneeling down by the private's grave, as if seeking solace from an old friend, vulnerable and raw he continues. "It's an eternal struggle, Johnny. I'm drowning in sadness and grief, surrounded by the echoes of those I've lost. Every day, I ask myself why I continue these high-intensity missions. Part of me hopes that one day, someone will put me out of this misery."

Ty touches the cold stone with his cybernetic hand, as though trying to feel the warmth of a connection long severed.

Bitterly he looks down at his bottle tossing it to the side. "But it's not that simple, is it? I made a promise to protect those who can't protect themselves. It's a responsibility I can't shake, even if I've tried. Its hard wired into me, or im just to stubborn to let my mistakes happen again." looking up at the sky, his eyes glistening with despair.

As Ty Sibo remains by the lieutenant's grave, lost in the depths of his eternal struggle, the sky begins to weep. Raindrops, like tears from the heavens, fall gently onto the cemetery. The soft patter of rain on the gravestones and the surrounding earth fills the silence. Whispering to the sky Ty can barely hold back a feeling that's peeking from inside. "Rain... I wish I could feel it, the water on my skin. Something to prove that I'm still human, not just a marionette with the memories of someone else." Ty's voice is a fragile whisper, vulnerable and raw. He looks up at the rain, his cybernetic eyes reflecting the drops like shimmering stars. "I've lost so much... Eleanor's laughter, David's smile. Friends, comrades, and the man you were, Johnny."

As the rain trickles down his face, the feeling thats been building up flows freely as tears Ty thought long since dried up flow down his face. The tears mix with the rain, a silent offering to the memories and the pain he carries. He doesn't sob, but his tears glisten in the muted light. Quietly, as if confessing Ty speaks again. resting his back to the back of the grave of his close friend. " I don't know if I'm still human, Private, or if I ever truly was. But in this moment, with the rain on my face and your memory beside me, I feel something... something that's been buried deep within me."

He remains there, in the rain, allowing the water and his tears to wash away a fraction of the pain and sorrow he carries. The eternal struggle continues, but for a brief moment, he finds a semblance of humanity amid the downpour.

The scene shifts, and we find Ty Sibo and lieutenant Johnny sitting back to back in the midst of a vast, sun-drenched field. The war rages on in the distance, but here, in this small pocket of tranquility, they find a moment to reflect.

Johnny sat there his back to Ty's metalic one. soaking in the suns rays and a smile on his face. "Ty, do you ever think this war will end?" he asks without looking back Ty's response came out with a air of machine quality, short and simple. "I don't know, Johnny. It feels like it's been going on forever."

Johnny, a toned and rugged soldier with a red bandana covering his long blond hair, tilts his head slightly and removes his sunglasses, revealing a pair of intense, crystal blue eyes. "Well, I do. I've got this feeling deep down, you know? That one day, it'll all be over. And when it is, I want you to promise me something." turning his attention he glances over to his friend "Promise you what?"
With a steely resolve johnny smiles "Promise me that when this war ends, you'll keep on protecting people, so this never happens again. Promise me that you'll make sure the innocent don't suffer like this anymore." Nodding his head in affirmation "I promise, Johnny. I'll do everything in my power to protect those who can't protect themselves. I'll make sure the innocent find safety and hope."
Greatfully Johnny smiles, his eyes reflecting both hope and the weight of their promise.

They turn their gaze back to the field, the war still a distant echo. In that moment, a bond is sealed, and a promise is made between two comrades who are determined to make a difference in a world torn apart by conflict.

As Ty gazes at the rain-soaked ground, the memory of the field with Johnny starts to fade. He looks down at the gravestone bearing the private's name and remembers the promise they shared so long ago. A faint smile crosses his lips, and the rain begins to clear, as if Johnny is listening. "thank you old friend." He whispers.
He takes a moment to gather himself, realizing that he's shipping out tomorrow with a group called the Golden Band. The planet of Everan needs help, and he's determined to honor the promise he made with Johnny.

"I'll protect those who can't protect themselves, just like we promised." he reaffirms
In that moment, he feels as though there is a hand on his back, gently guiding him to his feet. A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the field, and Ty sees his entire platoon standing behind him, their smiles wide and filled with pride. The vision fades, leaving only the gravestones, but the strength of their memories remains with him. he offers one final salute to the past before turning to face the future, resolved to honor the memories of those he's lost and the lessons he's learned.

Overwhelmed with emotion Ty can bearly hold back another flow of tears. "You're all here with me, just like you promised, Thank you for the reunion and the talk, my friends Rest one day we will all meet again."

With newfound resolve, Ty walks away from the cemetery, leaving behind the memories of his fallen comrades but carrying their spirits and the promise he made with Johnny into the future, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead as he heads to Everan with the Golden Band.