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M Surprise gifts! Pt. 1



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Heaven's Door Gentleman's Club
Skyaldor, 'Red Light District', Sirris II

Ported post - Written by Wolf

Victor Isaac Pine felt nervous walking into the building on the cool Friday night. It seemed harmless enough, well maintained and elegant in its simplicity, but what rattled the young man’s nerves was the fact that this building was in the red light district. And his squad, his brothers and sisters in arms, those brave and stupid bastards had bought him the entire weekend there.

Despite his reluctance, he came nonetheless, with the innate curiosity of any horny teenager.

Steeling himself as if entering another battlefield, he entered through the front door of the brothel.

The reception area which was tastefully done in such a way as to not hide the nature of the building's business, but also make it clear that what it did was not in the front of the building either. Near the back of it, was the front desk, behind which sat a somewhat bored looking woman, wearing a quite respectable gown considering the fact this was a gentleman's club. Not just some random brothel in the district. They prided themselves on their quality!

She looked up as Victor entered. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked, all hints of boredom quickly leaving her posture and face as she spoke, sitting up a little straighter.

Feeling a little self conscious as he only wore his fur lined long coat with a red t-shirt and jeans, he replied, “Good evening, I’m… huh, booked here I believe? I mean, I was told I was paid for a weekend here, I mean.” Nervousness and embarrassment coloured his speech. Not helped by the beauty of the desk woman. Remembering that his squad gave him a note with the name they bought it for. Pulling it out and reading it, he couldn’t help but sweatdrop. “Under the name, ...‘Chad Virginia Wood’?”

Sighing to himself, he couldn’t help but utter, “Really guys?”

Nodding, she tapped on her desk and a holographic display appeared in front of her. "Let me check that name right quick." She says, the display shifting and twisting with her eye movements. "Ah yes. I have you here as being registered for a 60 hour session. You'll be in room 403." She said, gesturing for him to come forward so she could sync his Geist to the room so it would unlock for him.

"I recommend you make full use of the amenities sir, as not very many customers are willing to go for such a length, much less with whom you were paired up with."

Blinking, he couldn’t help but ask, “Amenities? What do you mean?”

The woman chuckled. "The bathroom, and food Sir. We wouldn't want you to be rushed to the hospital or die while on our grounds after all. It's not good for business."

“Oh right.” He could feel his face flush. ‘Idiot, of course you’re gonna need to eat, it’s the whole weekend.’ After chastising himself, he replayed what he heard in his head. With morbid curiosity he asked, “Why wouldn’t they be willing to go so long with who they paired me with?”

Trepidation was beginning to show on his face, what kind of person had his friends paired him with?

"Well Sir, for one, very few guests opt for such a long period, though it's not unheard of. And while she is one of our best courtesans, she's usually in high enough demand that getting that much time is hard, and few are able to keep up with her enough to make it worth the effort. Sir, I need you to step over here so I can get you registered so you can enter the room." She pointed out, what with him having kind of frozen right in the middle of the reception.

Shaking himself out of his stunned state, he followed the receptionist. “I’m sorry, I’m just a tad bit nervous. Thank you for clarifying.”

Smiling, she picked up a bar that had been perfectly fitted into the desk behind the raised lip, and waved it over his arm. "There you go sir. The elevator just over there will get you to the third floor. Your room will be the second on the right."

Nodding dumbly, he started for the elevator before turning, “Thank you miss, I hope you have a good evening.” Victor was taught to always be nice to the waiters and receptionists and janitors. One, because it was polite and two, because they KNOW everything. And thus he entered the elevator to meet his destiny. He just hoped she wasn’t called Destiny. The irony would be too much for him.

The room in question was fairly spacious, with a nicely vaulted ceiling and curtains helping to give an intimate feeling to the room. On one way was a window which looked out over the capital city of the NDC, though the sounds of it seemed to be unable to pass through. No, the only sounds heard was a very soothing and relaxing musical tone playing via hidden speakers, filling the room with an ambiance that encouraged one to let loose and relax, or do what it was that came naturally. Of course, there was one other sound. The occasional 'tak' of a finger on a display.

Sitting in a lounge chair next to a sidetable, was a Vaigarin woman, dressed in a very showy outfit, legs crossed while she read something on a tablet. It was quick to tell she was of the Bahum family with her wings, tail and scales all coated in platinum scales. She glanced up as the door opened, and smiled. "Mr. Wood?" She asked, smiling.

Victor was stunned. He had not expected a Vaigarin, especially a Bahum, to be his ‘pair’ for the night, especially one so… beautiful. While her statuesque shapely body and tight clothes ignited his lust, there was also something there, a sense of strength and coiled danger. It made her beautiful.

Courtroom etiquette training kicked in and he bowed while bending his arms downard with his left leg behind him. It was the greeting NDC ambassadors created to emulate the Bahum greeting without any wings or tails.

"May your scales be graced by the stars.” He uttered in Vaigar, his pronunciation a bit rough, but understandable. Grimacing at her calling him that ridiculous name, he pleaded “Please, call me Victor.”

The smile that crossed her eyes as she watched him perform the greeting was impossible to miss, even as she kept the coy smile on her face. Standing up, and putting down the tablet, she nodded, and performed the same motion, but with the proper use of wings and tail, drooped to the floor with her head down to expose her neck in a form of submission, though she didn't hold it, being she was the one being greeted with such.

Then he tried to give the traditional greeting. His accent, well, it needed work. A lot of it. "I think we'll stick with the NDC common. Your Vaigar is... Not quite what I'd call good for what we will be doing." She said, giggling a bit. "And Victor huh? A nickname perhaps? No matter. I am Galestrix Bahum. I have been set up to be your companion for the weekend. How would you like for us to start?" She asked, gesturing to the room around them. He was the client, so his wishes were what were to be followed.

Of course, he would have caught the hint that she was not wearing any underwear underneath the flowing gown as she had swung her crossed leg off to stand.

“Apologies, I haven’t used Vaigar in a… while...” he said, having noticed her lack of underwear. Feeling his face burn like an inferno, Victor couldn’t help but stutter. “S-Start?”

It hit him, the clarity of his entire situation. He was in a brothel, regardless of how classy it was. This woman was payed to fuck him. And despite his loins approval of the beauty before him, he couldn’t do it. Not like this.

“I’m sorry, I… I don’t know what to do now. I mean, I know how sex works, and where the stuff is supposed to go… But I’ve never done this.” he admitted sullenly.

"Oh, I see." She replied, bringing a hand up to tap with one finger at her cheek. "A virgin then. Rather brave of you to arrange such an experience for having your cherry popped dear." She said, smiling as she lowered her hand and stepped forward. "Well, let's start slow then. How about I give you a blowjob then?"

Nevermind that the house matron wouldn't refund the poor boy, so at the very least, Gale wasn't going to let him leave this room without having his cherry popped in the best way possible. Meaning with such a big goofy smile on his face, people would think he was high on some drug.

“Well, I didn’t buy this. My crazy friends did.” he said, as he watched her approach, unable to tear his eyes from her form. “Blowjob?! Wait, hold up! Time out!”

Running his hand through his spiky black hair, Victor looked at Gale. “I just can’t. Not like this. I mean, you are beautiful beyond belief, I have eyes. I can see that. But I just can’t do it like this. Can we just… I don’t know, talk for a bit? Just get to know each other?”

Gale sighed, and settled on the edge of the bed. "Very well. Come over and sit next to me then. And stop being so frightened. Unless you ask me to, I have no intention of hurting you. Even then I wouldn't hurt you more than you'd be willing to be hurt." She pointed out.

Nodding, he sat next to her. “Okay. My name actually is Victor, by the way. It’s nice to meet ya all things considered.” he said, offering his hand to shake.

With an amused giggle and roll of her eyes, she took his hand and shook it. "I'm not yet sure if the same could be said from my end, if it's nice to meet you yet." She replied, letting go of his hand once they'd finished shaking.

“That’s fair, I suppose.” he said, wondering what to talk about. Deciding for an icebreaker, he inquired, “Got any hobbies? Something you do while you’re not doing ‘this’?” He waved his arm around the room.

Gale smirks. "I mean, this is kind of a hobby of mine." She says, completely honest. "But since you're asking what I do when I'm not being a slut, I tend to watch some shows, play some games, and read. I'm not gonna say much more than that though." She says, pointedly.

Raising his hands in surrender, he relented. “That’s completely fair. And I have to admit I have some of those interests myself. Including sword fighting.” he said with a knowing smirk. “I’d wager a hand and a half sword with a straight blade.”

Looking him over, she snorts. "I don't imagine you've a hand and half in your pants." She said, smirking as she pointed to his crotch. "Not that you seem willing to show me after all."

Stumped, he couldn’t help but accept his defeat, sighing. “Damn, and here I was hoping to look cool… C’mon it’s your turn. Ask me something, anything.”

"Okay, is there a problem? I'm just curious. Most guests I've gotten have been so eager to lay the dragon that they barely wait to let their clothes hit the floor. Would you rather a male companion for your time?"

“What? No. I… just never really measured it. Never saw the need for it.” he said. He scratched his faint eye scar. “I was always a bit shy. Don’t even shower with my squad.”

"I see. Well, you do realize that I'm the only one here, right? And that no one can see into the room." She says, smirking as she eases herself closer, before swinging a leg over his lap and settling into it.

"So, do you want to keep being shy, or do you at least want to see if you'll enjoy the experience?"

Stiffening as he felt her leg on top of him, he considered his position. “How about this, we can try if you just answer me this one question. And I’m sorry if it’s personal and you can choose not to answer it.” He paused, looking her in her eyes. “Why do you do this? Why do you have this hobby?”

Gale smiles, and settles herself more firmly onto his lap. "Because I enjoy it. I'm being paid, very well, to do something I enjoy doing anyways. Do you really think if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't?" She asked, smirking as she was now firmly in his lap, and had both arms on his shoulders, hands clasped behind his head.

This close to him, he couldn’t help but smell her fragrance. Vanilla with a wood smoke tint. “You smell good.” he said, as his arms wrapped around her waist as if by their own volition. Entranced by her, he couldn’t help but ask, “May I kiss you, Galestrix?”

"I'd consider myself slightly slighted if you didn't." She replied, smiling as she leaned forward, now pressing her chest against his. "At least if we kiss now, you don't have to smell your spunk in my breath." She teased, as she placed her forehead against his own.

Snorting, he leaned forward and captured her lips with his, gently. He tentatively felt her lips, how soft and inviting they were. He wanted to feel more. Boldly, he teased her lips with his tongue seeking entrance inside, wanting more of this woman’s taste. He liked how she tasted.

She rode into the kiss, opening her mouth for him to joust his tongue with her own, it's length not quite enough to coil around his, but enough to make his efforts certainly challenging. Of course, her hips were far from idle, drawing herself closer to his hips, and soon pressing her hungry core against his bulge.

Moaning, Victor tightened his hold on her waist, able to feel her loins through his pants. While he had no experience, he compensated for enthusiasm as he duelled her tongue. Before long, his lungs cried out in need and pulled back from her lips, a saliva trail connecting them.

With ragged breath, he said, “I can’t help but notice that I’m a bit overdressed, may I be excused to rectify that, m’lady?”

Smirking as she pulled back, and then stood up, she looked at him. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever gonna bother. I wouldn't have complained, it would be the first time I fucked while clothed." She replied, though she did lower herself to her knees while she waited for him to do so.

Standing up from the bed, he approached a nearby coat hanger. He removed his longcoat, noticing how warm he felt for the first time. He hesitated for a bit before removing his shirt, revealing his slim, fit form. And his scars. They were healed from long ago, but they stretched across his body like a roadmap. Sighing to himself, he turned to the Vaigarin. “If they make you uncomfortable, I can leave.” he said, quietly.

She rolled her eyes. "You should see some Quetzo's. It doesn't bother me. It's just a sign that you survived whatever faced you." She stated, continuing to politely wait on her knees for him to return to the edge of the bed. She still had to give him a blowjob.

“Sorry, I haven’t shown these scars to a lot of people, so I’m a bit nervous.” he said, smiling despite himself. Bending over he removed his boots and socks. And then he returned to the bed and sat down again, facing Gale. “Now what?” he asked, expecting her to climb on top of him again.

Gale smiled, and slid forward, before beginning to work open his pants. "Now you get that blowjob." She replied, smirking as she worked on it. Soon the buckle on his belt was undone, which was followed by the zipper being pulled down by her teeth. All the while her gaze remained on Victor's face as she worked.

Eyes widened, Victor yelped as this scaled temptress worked his jean pants. And yet, he offered no protest, letting her take the lead as he stared in her amber slitted eyes. They showed no fear, no shame, no self-doubt. They were beautiful.

Then she pulled down his boxers and his erection sprang free, nearly slapping her in the nose. Blushing sheepishly, he uttered a simple, “Sorry...”

Gale smiled, and patted his leg. "It's quite alright." She said, before beginning to pepper his cock with kisses and licks, her gaze now focused on his cock in all its glory. Her hands were not idle either, one drifting to fondle his sack lovingly, while the other came up and began to stroke and apply pressure to various points on the shaft even as her tongue and lips focused their ministrations on the head.

Pleasure spread like a white lightning across Victor’s nerves, electrifying him and draining at the same time. He could feel a fire building up inside him, a burning need that burned delightfully. He gasped as his member was almost worshipped, gripping the sheets of the bed tightly to hold on. His eyes never left Gale, unable to tear themselves away.

Soon she had worked him into a nice firmness, and then began to engulf him in her mouth fully. Her tongue worked around, teasing all the parts of his cock as she descended on it, steadily taking more and more of it into her mouth, until Victor soon could feel the back of her throat. At which time she adjusted where she was kneeling, and glancing up, gave a smile, before working him even further in, her throat beginning to squeeze.

It took every ounce of Victor’s willpower to not release as he felt her tongue and throat ease his cock inside. It was warm, wet and tight and it felt so good~.

“Galestrix~” he moaned, unable to help himself. His heart felt ready to burst.

Feeling his throbbing in her throat, she just smirked, and worked her throat just a little bit more, while the hand on his balls fondled them more firmly, working him to losing control and releasing into her mouth. Her entire posture practically told him she was likely to milk him dry by the weekend's end, and he was ill-suited to stopping her.

“Fuck!” he said, as his resistance shattered and he released. He came, and came, and came even more. He’d never cum so much before, but then again, he never had a blowjob before. While his seed didn't have a particular taste, it wasn’t as bitter as it could have been.

Of course, until she began to pull away, she couldn't taste his cum, though she let him work through several of his body's clenches before she began to do that. Pulling off of his cock, Galestrix smacked her lips together and smirked. "My, quite backed up were we? You should take better care of that." She said. Of course, now that she wasn't bent over, Victor could see just how stiff her nipples were, as they had begun to press against the soft fabric of the Vaigarin's top.

“I never came so much before...” he said, amazed and dazed at this experience. Then he remembered something, “It didn’t taste too bad, I hope? I drank a lot of pineapple juice today.”

Despite himself, he couldn’t help but catch a glance of the Bahum woman’s breasts. He became aware of two things: One she was aroused as well and two, she had her nipples pierced. Victor didn’t understand why, but he could feel his throat dry at the sight.

Feeling emboldened he said, “Gale, I… ah, do you think you could teach me to do this? I mean, the oral part, but for you, I mean. It’s not fair if only I get to have fun.”

"Oh no, I'm having plenty of fun. I can teach you after. For now though, you're getting all the focus." Gale replied, smirking as she inched herself closer, and settling in between his legs. "I want you to have as good a first time as possible after all." She continued, as she lifted herself up enough to now settle his erection between those lush breasts. "Now, for a boobjob, with you being all properly lubed up first." She explained, before lifting up, leaning forward, and dropping so that his cock slid right into the cleavage between those mounds.

Once she let him settle on the sensation, she began to work her breasts up and down, letting the tip of his cock peek out the top, whereupon she'd give it a little lick of encouragement.

“But I- nhggh~” he grunted as whatever form of protest he had on his mind, died out in the face of pleasure. He was extra sensitive as he’d already cum once again, so he was engorged quickly and he felt Gale’s breasts wrap around his stem. ‘If I didn’t know any better I’d say she’s a succubus!’ he thought as he felt her tongue lick him.

She could quickly feel him grow ready to blow, and smiled. She continued working his cock in her breasts, intent on making sure he was just shy of poking out of the top of them when he released, so that there would be a lovely 'eruption' from between her breasts to coat them with. All so Gale could further tease him.

The constant sensations took their toll on Victor as he came quicker than before, covering the dragon’s top in his semen. He almost came again just from the sight of this woman covered in his seed. “Crap… I’m sorry about your clothes.” he said, embarrassed.

Without missing a beat, she raised a hand, and scooped up a helping of the cum now flowing down her breasts, and sucked it clean. "Whatever for?" She asked, letting him slip out of her bust to spurt a few last dredges onto her stomach. "I did say you were going to enjoy this first time." She pointed out, once more, as she stood up.

"Now, with the foreplay out of the way, are you ready for the main event?" She asked, once more placing her elbows on his shoulders and clasping her hands behind his head. She hadn't straddled his lap yet, but it was clear that she was about to.

Victor felt indebted to her, he wanted to give back what she gave to him. He wanted to learn how to make this woman cum. But he knew that he wouldn’t have any luck pressing the matter. So he resigned himself to being milked dry by this statuesque stunner of a woman. How unfortunate.

“Yes, but… you’re still dressed.” he faced her, still a bit flushed. “I want to see all of you. If you allow it.”

She smiled. "Oh, you'll get to see all the pores of my body afterwards, but for now, enjoy yourself. Revel in the feeling. Don't let yourself be sucked in by sight alone." Gale replied, now lifting herself to straddle his lap, and unlaced one hand to reach down, and direct his cock, which soon was engulfed in her pussy as she descended fully, moaning all the while. "Oh yes, you are quite the filler..." She moaned.

Once she was fully settled on his lap, his cock all the way inside of her, she smiled. "And now, I'll begin to move. If you feel the urge to thrust, don't hold back. Let yourself go wild."

“I.. huh… promise, by the end of this weekend, I’ll make you cum more than me. Or I’ll dehydrate myself trying.” he said, as he finally lost his virginity. He eased himself into her wetness, marveling at how much more it felt compared to the mouth. It was tighter, wetter, and softer. It gripped him like it didn’t want to let him go.

Something changed in Victor. His eyes shone with lust, as he grabbed Gale’s buttocks with his hands. He pulled her down onto him, just as she lifted herself off of him. He leaned forward and kissed her exposed neck, raw lust and excitement driving him. He wouldn’t fight her motions to lift herself, but he would keep his grip on her supple backside to pull her back down.

She didn't bother listening to his promise or assurance, she just rode the sex as it happened, happily moaning as she did, her breasts rising and falling into Victor' face, the fabric helping to further tantalize him as she did. Her tail curled around to wrap his waist, and pull him even closer, her hips rocking eagerly.

Every thrust, every withdrawal, every rise, every fall. Galestrix’s scent, her moans, the feel of her breasts (a bit wet with his release), all of it, sent Victor into a frenzy. He kissed and suckled this woman’s neck, not wanting to cover her mouth and the pretty sounds of encouragement she made. All his nerves were aflame as he devoted himself to fucking this woman. He wanted to make her cum, more than anything in the world, more than water to drink, more than air to breathe. This was his drug now, his addiction. And so, he sped up his thrust upwards, trying to hit her as deeply as possible.

"Oh yes, yes yes!" She cried out, feeling him come alive under her. Instead of the shy, uncertain young man, now she was riding an eagerly bucking drane, seeking to lay claim to her, if not as a mate, at least to get their primal urges sated properly. And she was more than eager to be his drale in return.

Victor felt mighty. He felt indomitable as he listened to Gale’s sweet moans. He wanted more. With a smirk, he nibbled on Gale’s neck as he reached across her back for her tail. He remembered reading in bio class that it could be a bit ticklish and sensitive at the base. Time to find out.

He gripped the tail gently, feeling its texture and went for where the flesh met the scales and tried to emulate the way she had fondled his member with the base of her tail.

Her back arched as his hands began to tail up her hips, to her waist, then behind her. Only for her to gasp and clench strongly, as his fingers found one of those few spots many a Vaigarin had that was extremely sensitive. For some it was like being stung, or others, tickled. For Galestrix however, it was like being electrocuted in the most pleasurable way, her breath hitching and coming out in gasps as she rode the pleasure that brought.

Of course, her tail's base was vastly thicker than his cock had been, large enough he'd need his arms to circle them properly, though he'd touch his own shoulders while doing so. So it was much harder for him to 'fondle' it, but his fingers quickly found that at its top, where her tail's 'fin' began to trail down her tail from her spine, was one of those most sensitive spots. as well as the base of it, where her tail met her asscheeks was just as much. The rest seemed more like skin as far as sensitivity went, but those two spots were practically erogenous zones on her form.

"Careful now, I might do something we both regret if you continue." SHe said, gasping, not having slowed down one bit despite what he'd done.

“It’d be worth it.” he growled, as he felt his release approaching from her clenching. “I’m close. I-” On a gamble, he gripped her buttocks again and lifted her up, only to bring her down as deep as he could as he erupted. Quickly he reached for the top and base of her tail with each hand, and pressed down on them at the same. All while blindly thrusting through his orgasm.

He would have found it difficult, but not impossible, to move as her cunt clenched tightly upon him as he began to spurt jet after jet into her waiting cunt. It's a good thing he lacked a knot, or they would have had a much different experience. It was certainly one of the things women found very early on in trying to bed a Vaigarin male. While they didn't have the muscle instincts to clench a knot tightly to hold in the release, they often found that male's could still make fitting it an interesting experience.

As for Gale, well, she just rode the explosion with all the aplomb she could muster, though even she succumbed to her own release as she continued to ride that eruption inside of her. As they both began to come down, she smiled and leaned forward, pressing herself more firmly against him, resting her head on his shoulder. "So, how was that for your cherry ride?" She asked.

“Exhausting. Exhilarating. Awesome.” he said between gasps. Heart drumming in his ear. He felt like he sprinted a marathon. He moaned a bit as he still felt her clench around him. A sudden thought came to his head. “Wait, you’re on birth control, right?”

Galestrix laughed. "Oh gods yes, but only when I know I'm going to be hosting a Vaigarin." SHe said, reaching a hand up and booping him on the nose. "We don't cross-breed, much like how humans don't crossbreed with the animals they've domesticated."

“Oh right. Forgot about that.” he said, chuckling. “In my defense, my world was rocked hard by this absolutely stunning woman. Nearly made me go blind.” Despite himself, he began yawning.

“This thing, it’s for the whole weekend, right? Wanna nap and continue tomorrow?” he asked.

She chuckled. "I am fine with us breaking for now. But we've only been going for an hour." She said, smirking as she lifted herself off and stepped back. There was practically no drain out of her. Either she had good muscle control, an expansive womb, or it was just purely instinct to keep it all in, Victor would be hard pressed to tell.

“What, really? Felt like an eternity.” he said, glancing at the nearby watch. He stiffened as he felt her leave him, even now her tightness gripping him tightly. He noticed he still had his jeans around his ankles, kicking them off. “Guess you’re the overdressed person now.” Lifting himself off the bed, he grabbed a nearby pitcher of water and filled a glass that was quickly emptied. Fill, drink.

“I have to admit, I’m a bit sleepy, but I feel I shouldn’t waste a single second.” he said looking at Gale. “I really want to give back to you. I want to learn. I want to share this amazing feeling.” smirking, he continued, “And I want to see that face you made when you came again.”

"Sex is called 'Nature's Tranqualizer' for a reason dear. Especially when you've gone thrice in about 45 minutes." She said, plucking the pitcher from his hand and pouring herself a glass of water and drinking it. "As for overdressed, we shall see. After all, you've still got plenty of time." She pointed out. "Normally I only have a guest for an hour, maybe two. And so yes, we would have skipped plenty of the fun we've had thus far." She explained, while settling on the chair she'd first been in again.

"But I like to take a different tack when I'm given the chance. I like to tantalize, to tease, to drive wild the guest I have if I can. And keeping some clothing on, I have found, does wonders for such things, especially when I make sure that said clothing does nothing to hinder the play in mind." Galestrix continued, grinning ear to ear.

"As for paying me back, don't worry. I'll be giving you a very in depth series of lessons in the art of sex and pleasure that hopefully some of it remains in that head of yours when we finish at the end of your paid time."

“Well, I’ll certainly remember those two spots on your tail.” he retorted, eyes glued to her figure as she sat down. Remembering something, he smiled, “So was I a hand and a half?”

Galestrix smirked. "Not quite." She said, mirth rich in her voice. "I'd say just above a hand and a quarter."

“I’ll take it!” he said, smiling widely. He approached her and sat in a chair opposite to hers. “Ask me two questions. I’ve been nosy and asked you two, so let’s make it even.”

"Oh fine. I don't usually bother beyond finding out how my guests want me. If your name isn't Chad Virginia Wood, am I correct in assuming friends or colleagues put you up to this?" She asked, wanting to get his answer on this first and foremost.

“Yeah, my friends, my squad. They are the most filthy, obtuse, annoying, psychopathic, kleptomaniac, degenerates I’ve ever met.” he went for a couple of more minutes describing how utterly nonsensical they were. Victor looked to the city line, full of glittering lights and smiled. “And they are the best friends I could ask for.”

Smiling as she listened to him, she would nod on occasion, though there was the odd giggle here or there. "I see." She said, thinking a few moments for the 'second question'. "So, what brought up the whole sword comment? Seemed kind of off the cuff." She said, pouring herself another glass. She had also picked up the tablet and set about ordering dinner for them. "Oh, anything special you want for dinner? Ordering it ahead of time."

“The callous in your hands mostly. They reminded me of my old sword instructor. He was obsessed with hand and a half swords.” he said, grinning. He began sweatdropping as he admitted, “And the straight blade was mostly conjecture.”

He mulled over her question. “If it’s not too much trouble, a beef steak with loaded potatoes. Huh, and some pineapple juice.” He had a feeling this woman was gonna be tasting him again soon, he should make sure it tasted okay, at the very least.

She quirked an eyebrow. "Okay, I do practice the blade some. But not the hand and a half straight. At least not since the NDC arrived. I practice with the katana now." She pointed out. "Also, you do realize that 'trick' doesn't actually work, right?" She said, referring to his request for pineapple juice. She did however, enter his order for the food. So long as it wasn't anything too crazy or wild, it was covered in the costs of the period he had paid for.

"And that's dinner ordered. I set it up to come in about 3 hours time. I figure you'll be hungry then."

“Wait, what?” he asked befuddled. Realization hit him. “That lying conniving piece of...”

Sighing, he looked at Gale, deadpan. “Remember what I said about loving my friends? I take it back. Well, not much is lost. I actually do like pineapple juice.”

Galestrix sighed and chuckled. "Well, it does seem to be a long standing myth that just never seems to be fully dropped despite being debunked on the regular." She says. Still, she was surprised he didn't comment about her changing weapons. Some would have said she was being silly for it, others would try and convince her to change back.

“I suppose there are worse things to drink.” he said, looking over Gale, once again marveling at her figure, both powerfully muscled and seductively voluptuous. “So a katana then? It’s a good weapon, if you know how to use it. I’m more of a messer person myself.” Victor was pleasantly surprised, that despite the circumstances he was enjoying conversing with Gale.

"I mean, it's about as good as my straight blade, but it let's me do more graceful shifts in stance than straight." She said, shrugging as she got a small rag and wiped at her top a few moments. "So, we've three hours before food arrives. Care to start that education?"

“Yes!” he said excitedly, before settling down and trying to not show too much enthusiasm. “I mean, sure. If you wanna.”

"Dear, I'm being paid to give you this education now." She said, smirking as she stood up from the chair, and stepped over. "Now, as a note, don't assume all of what I'm teaching you will work on every girl you meet." She says, settling herself in his lap once more, but making it very clear she had no intention of sliding him into her.

"Let's start with foreplay." She said, smiling. "My giving you a blow job and boob job could be considered a form of foreplay, but in some ways, they are after that as well."

“Okay” he said, gently grasping her waist for support. He really liked how she felt in his lap. “So what sorta foreplay comes before?”

"Well, it depends on the girl. Some like things a little more rough, others more gentle. But generally, gentle is a good start point. You can always get rougher to their tastes. It's harder to remain in the mood if you start rougher and have to tone back." Galestrix said, now grabbing his hands, and starting to guide them as she spoke. "Gentle brushes of the fingers on the things. Outer usually, but if you manage to do well, inner is good too." She said, letting him feel how little his fingers were actually touching her skin and scales.

Taking one hand now, she guided it from her leg to her hip and waist. "The same is true here and here. The goal is to make them seek your hands more. To feel more than a graze of your finger on their body."

“Alright,” he uttered, focusing on his hands. He grazed her skin, marvelling at his softness and the texture of her platinum scales. While one hand wandered her waist, touching a section where skin met scales, his other hand held on to her midriff, idly rubbing it with his thumb.

"Now, you would do this for a bit, until the girl starts giving you more leeway. We'll skip that part, since I'm already all for this." She says, smiling. "Some take time, others are like me, eager to get into action." She pointed out, as she began to let his hands press against her, fully, while guiding the one on her waist up to her bust. "Most of the breast can be sensitive, but the really sensitive spot, the one that can be useful in furthering the play, is the nipples. Now, it's important you do this right." She says, guiding one of his hands under her top to feel the flesh of her breast in his hands.

"If you hear them hiss in pain, stop. Do not continue. The trick here is to make her gasp and lightly moan. Hissing is bad."

“Understood,” he replied in slight awe as he felt a breast for the first time. It was supple and perky. This strange alluring mix of pliant and resistant. And then he felt it. He shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d seen it pressed against the cloth of her top. But feeling and seeing are two different things. “You have a piercing.” he finally said, feeling dumb by stating the obvious.

"I do, and do like things rougher than some, but we're educating you on general foreplay, not just me specifically. So try and follow my instructions hmm?" She pointed out. "There are a couple of tricks and signs to look for to help you tell if you're on the right path." She said, now picking up the hand still on her thigh, and bringing it up to her arm. "You'll never feel them on a Vaigarin, but on at least more, 'human' women, if you're doing well, you might just feel their arms up to the elbow's covered in, I believe they were called 'goosebumps'. A silly name if you ask me."

“Right.” He felt like a sponge, absorbing knowledge like it was water. “So, what about Vaigarin? How can I tell with them?”

"That's advanced stuff bucko. We're sticking to the basics. Now, gently, GENTLY, rub your thumb over my nibble in a slow pass. Nothing fancy, no rotating, just a gentle rub." She stated, leaving it to him to figure out the right amount of pressure on this step.

He obeyed with a word, feeling nervous like he was back in school. He gently rubbed it, feeling the metal beneath the flesh. It was a ring piercing he believed it was called. A sudden desire to gently tug it barrelled into his brain. He ignored it and continued his actions, slowly working the nipple over. “Like this?”

Gale nodded. "Yes. Now, for the most advanced of basics." She said, once more taking his hand off her arm, and now guiding it between her legs. "I am well aware of the difference in anatomy between Vaigarin and others. What I am about to show is very much 'guesswork' on my part." She says, smiling. "But we're gonna show you how to tease a girl's nethers. I lack a clit like your kind, since mine's inside as a ring. But I can at least give you the basic of basics."

“So that’s what I felt down there...” he said, he’d been curious at the time too, but it had been overshadowed by primal lust. She guided his hand down into her nether regions, until he felt it. The mound where just before he’d bucking into like a wild animal. His erection came back with a vengeance, pressing against one of Gale’s cheeks. “Sorry...”

"Oh don't worry, once we get through this course, you'll get to find some more release. But first.." She says, smiling. "Most races seem to have the clit about here." She said, guiding his fingers near the 'front' of her mount. "Usually just forward, or above as the case may be, of the urethra. It's purely smooth for me, so that's not gonna be much help. But the rule of thumb, is the same as the nipple. You gently rub it. Usually in a circle if you can manage it, or in a sawing motion forward and back if not. But do not go crazy with it. It's one of the most sensitive spots in the woman."

“Like those two spots on your tail?” said Victor with a bit of pride in his voice. He copied the same motions he used on her nipple and tried to pleasure her imaginary clit. He could feel how warm she was.

"Not quite. My tail is more like my nipples. Sensitive, and if used in conjunction with other things, able to help bring me to orgasm, but alone no." She said, nodding as he practiced. "Alright. I think you've enough practice now..." SHe said, grinning as she slid forward, moving from around midway on his thighs to pressing herself against his erection.

"Ready for round two?"

It was tempting, but he wanted to learn everything he could. “Can I try using my fingers down there first?”

"Nope. I need to rock your world again and see how much of this stuck." SHe replied, a predatory grin on her face as she deftly took him inside of her again.

With a groan, he was consumed once again by this dragoness. This time he was ready. He let her take the lead as his hands sought out her body. One went to her waist, while the other went to her breast. It was slow and gentle, his approach. He grasped her tit under the top, feeling the nipple between his fingers. As she came down on him, he rose up and captured her lips once again.

She gently moaned into Victor's mouth, beginning to rock her hips atop him. He could feel his last release still inside of her, being churned up yet again as she moved, working them both into a frenzy once more.

She was still tight as before, egging him on to plunder her insides. He pulled from her lips as the need of air grew. He lifted his other hand up, reaching for her other breast. He found an identical nipple, pierced like the other, and began working both breasts at once. He started gentle, teasing, but began to tighten his hold and grope her bosom without shame. Her top made it difficult to get a secure grip.

Unable to stop herself, she began to happily moan as he began to work both of her breasts, even as she continued to rock on his lap, hips moving forward, back, up and down to really work him inside of her. And each shift meant he was hitting that ring inside of her, exciting her further.

"Stars yes, yes yes!" SHe moaned, breathing getting slightly ragged as she felt herself nearing her climax of this session.

Victor grunted as he felt how close Gale was to cumming, by how tight she clenched him. As she rose from him he squeezed her breasts and in a moment of clarity, remembered she said she liked it rough. Thus he pressed both his thumbs gently into her pierced nipples as she came down upon his cock.

Moaning even more as he began to work on her nipples, his hips thrusting up to really slam home, she was riding the experience to orgasm. Her tail had begun to curl around to wrap his waist to help hold her to him, even as she arched backwards slightly at the pleasure of her nipples being toyed with.

“Cumming!” Victor nearly roared as he felt his orgasm impacting, driving himself deeper into Gale than before, dragging her down by her breasts onto him. Knowing her hotspots by now, he pulled back one of his hands from her chest, and curved it around her, reaching the top of her tail, teasing it in unison with her nipple.

Galestrix cried out, fully tightening down upon him, both inside of her, as well around his waist, letting it all flow into her and leave her insides feeling extra warm and full. Panting as she came down from her climax, she smiled down at Victor. "I think you did quite well, but I imagine that was more due to the freshness of the instruction." She said, with a teasing grin on her face.

Chuckling, Victor replied, “I just think I've got a good teacher.” He pulled back both hands, leaving a gentle squeeze, of her buttock and breasts respectively, before settling them down on her waist. “Gods know, I’d have paid more attention had I had a teacher that looked like you. On second thought, I’d be even more distracted.”

Gale smiled, and pulled herself off him, sure he would make some sad noises as his hands left her body. "I think now, is worth getting cleaned up. You'd be surprised how much exercise a good session of sex can be. I'll let you shower first so that you can settle in and think of what you'd like for us to do once I've showered after you." She said, reaching forward and tapping him on the nose.

“Can’t we do it together?” he asked. “I mean, I don’t want to be wasteful with the water.” Victor himself couldn’t tell if he really believed that or was just bullshitting to touch the dragoness more.

Gale laughed, and shook her head. "Nope. Showering separately. Maybe later in your time paid we'll do so, but for tonight, separately." She instructed, grinning the whole while. "I wouldn't want to have this whole thing fall apart because you worked yourself into a stupor because you kept going."

“Alright, that’s fair.” Victor said, lifting himself off the chair. “You know, this just further supports my theory you’re half succubus. Which I don’t even know if it’s possible.”

As he approached the bathroom door, he said, “I’ll try to be quick.”

Gale laughed. "No, no I am not related to a succubus. I've just enough Abree in me to give me the sex drive and pleasure of it as one of that Family." She said as she walked to the door. She had an honest smile on her face, clearly fine with that little fact. Most NDC were still trying to get the hang of the different Family's, with their both straightforward, and yet, complex relationships and views of each other. As well as how each family group differs from others.

“Well, that explains it. I’ll back then, Sensei.” Victor said, teasing her.

The bathroom was like the rest of the room, designed to give intimacy. The shower could easily fit 4 humans and there was even an additional bathtub. It also seemed this was where all the lube was stored. Victor ignored all that and took a simple shower. If there was anything the military taught you, it was how to shower quickly.

10 minutes later, he came back, spiky hair slightly wet and feeling oddly refreshed.

Galestrix smiled, and walked past Victor, her clothes dropping as she walked in such a fashion as to tease him and give him mental images to, well, imagine to while he waited on her to shower. She didn't even bother to close the door behind as she stepped into the shower and cranked the hot water on to full, causing a thick heavy cloud of steam to start billowing out of the open door.

She didn't take a short one, being in there for nearly 45 minutes, but it was possible she was cleaning her scales and her insides of their activity as well in the process.

It seemed despite all the activities they had done together, Galestrix still had the ability to make him blush like a schoolboy. Settling down in a chair with a tablet for some light reading, Victor began feeling a bit drowsy. As time went on,a light rest of the eyes turned into a quick nap.

Soon she stepped out, calmly rubbing a towel over her body to dry off, while another was wrapped around her head to help her hair dry that way. She chuckled at seeing him nap. Considering he looked like he was military, he probably was used to doing that whenever he could, if what Gale had heard some NDC officers mentioned to her doing.

"Victor." She called out calmly, pausing as the door was knocked upon. Smiling, she walked over, opened it, and accepted the tray with two covered plates on it. "Thank you." She said to whoever was outside, before walking to the table and setting the food down.

"Victor, food's here." She said.

Blinking awake wearily, Victor took stock of his situation. A soft female voice called out to him, the aroma of warm food wafted through his nose. His sleepy mind, still numb from exertion, made him say something he’d regret until his dying days.

“M’hhm, be there soon Mom.” he mumbled. His eyes opened and as he saw Galestrix, he could only say one thing.

“What the fuck, brain?!”

Galestrix chuckled. "Been called a lot of things, but 'mom' is definitely not one I usually hear unless the client asked for it specifically." She says, settling into her own chair next to Victor, while opening the covering for her tray. "So, a lot of mom dreams huh?" She asked, smiling.

Victor’s expression changed. Shame was replaced with a stone cold expression. It made the jovial young man look both older and younger. He affixed his golden eyes on her. “Galestrix Bahum. Please stop that line of inquiry.”

Galestrix shrugged. "Very well. I'll not push." She said, not willing, or more likely, unwilling to anger Victor. After all, he was still technically the one who'd hired her for the job, not the other way around. So until the agreement assembled for this was finished, it wasn't her place to ask or judge Victor for them.

Sighing and passing a hand through his face Victor fixed her with an apologetic look, “I’m sorry. It’s just… It’s personal stuff. Stuff that happened years ago. Please forgive me.”

Galestrix shrugged. "I'm not pushing. You asked I stop, I am." She pointed out. "Let's just enjoy the dinner and then we'll get back to the reason you came here." She said, gesturing to the food on the table. "So, anything else you'd like to talk about instead?"

“Right…” Victor said, feeling a bit flustered. Approaching the table, he considered what topic to broach with Gale while they ate. “Mhmm, about a hypothetical question? You can even ask me a question back. What would you see yourself doing for a living, that wasn’t this?”

"Fair enough." She said, thinking on it. "I mean, depending on how long I live, I would see myself as the Bahum Elder." She replied. "But if you mean before that? Well, I wouldn't be against exploring what's out there. No on Sirris II, but out there, from where your people came from." She said. "Space was always something we Vaigarin wondered about, but never could be sure of what we were seeing beyond the inky blackness and the pinpoints of light." She explained.

"As for my question to you, what is it you seek to do? Not just here in this room, but in your own life."

As he took a bite of his meal, and listened to the dragoness, he couldn’t help but smile at her tone. He chuckled, “Space, the final frontier. It will always lure everyone out of their planets with whispers of adventure, exotic worlds and unfathomable mysteries.”

Downing a bit of the cool pineapple juice, he pondered. “I really don’t know. I might still stay in military service. Or maybe I’ll open up a little analog book shop.”

Galestrix chuckled. "An analog book shop?" She asked. "What's that? I know what a book is, before you go into that mess. As I have lived here long enough, and books are quite common. But how do you make a analog book?"

“Physical books, I mean.” Victor explained, in between popping fries in his mouth. “Since the invention of the Geist, digital books have become easier and more accessible than physical books, making them a pricier, heftier and more niche choice for books. But you can still find some hardcore fans here and there.”

"I imagine those fans have loved the access to our world's libraries. Since we've not even begun to convert to digital." She said, smirking. She was enjoying her own meal, and savoring the flavors. The cook had finally managed to get Vaigarin cooking right, so the food was just growing better and better to eat.

"I don't see why we don't just open a new printing office for any books that they wished made. It'd be easy and cheap for us." She pointed out.

Rubbing his chin, the young man made a note to contact one of his numerous family members later and suggest to them this printing office idea.

“So, you’ve never been outside of Sirris II? Guess that makes you a space cherry.” Victor teased.

"Nope. Not even on one of the NDC's open flights. My grandfather has though. To help christen one of those stations your people began to build in orbit. A shipyard I think it was?" She mused, chuckling. The image of old Uledor in space was still amusing, since he had continuously expected to fall through the floor of the ships and then the station.

"I don't see why that's so impressive. Only a small number of those from Sirris II have been to space."

Victor whistled, “Your grandfather must’ve been high ranked if he went along with the Elder Bahum to Space. Should I start calling you princess?”

“You’ll understand once you pop your space cherry.”

Galestrix laughed. "He is quite important to the Bahum, yes." she said, figuring might as well not dispel the young man's illusion. "And we'll see. I don't imagine I'll be going there soon myself. But who knows." She admits.

Soon enough, Victor’s plate was emptied and his energy restored. “So, what do you want to do now?”

Gale smirked. "Well, I figure we've got enough time for another round or two before you've been sufficiently exhausted to sleep. So I think we ought to get to that. With some more instruction along the way."