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M Snoot and noodle



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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - written by jack pine

NDC Outer Colonies - Victa(outer farmlands), Kilo System
A barn somewhere in the woodlands, miles from the colony capital.

The man paced, his two compatriots leaned to either side, watching as their boss did so. The rough tiefling like being, was rather scruffy, tribal tattoos covering part of his face. He had called Theron hours ago, it didn’t take this fucking long to follow directions, and time was sensitive. He tightly gripped a salvaged shotgun in his hand, the tip of the bayonet dragging irritatingly loud across hay covered dirt. A lupine female of snow white fur, and red eyes filled with hate, bound to the center beam of the barn.

They had kidnapped this woman, dissatisfied with the local management of the system by the current noble, and now sought a greedy ransom from their catch. It would pay for their needs and pleasures, or at the least, bring the attention of the royal capital government to the area. She wore noble garb, but did not know her as related to any of the local system noble houses. There was no telling how much the bitch was worth, if they could find the right group of dissidents to buy her, or the right family to demand from.

She growled and spit towards them, but saying nothing, not willing to offer the satisfaction of anything that could be interpreted as defeat. She was of certain noble birth as they had guessed, but more from the royal bloodline, much further along it then they had probably bargained for. And would enjoy it with a smug face, as her father put them to the sword for their treasonous crime.

Theron finally arrived at the scene. “You know liam, you know not to call me on sundays, it's the day i rest under my heat lamp remember, cold bloods need to do this ya a-hole” Theron saw the girl, somewhat recognised her but couldnt put his finger on it and as he slithered over he took out his phone and started to look through were he thinks he had seen her before. “What did you even want me here for, I know you're capable of this shit!” he hissed and continued looking through his phone, his tail now wrapped like a coil around him as he ‘sits’ on the stump of his tail.

The woman looked up to him and growled at him as well, before realizing he seemed familiar as well, her head tilting in curiosity. “Aren’t you on Smoking Legends? The chat forum?”, she said finally saying something, asking him with her head tilted still.

The boss of the trio, called Liam, looked to his old lamia companion. “See, ya useful already my old fren.”, he chuckles as the shotgun was propped on his shoulder, “Been tyrna get this bitch to talk all mornin’.” The tiefling-like man, stepped up closer just as he got a fresh wad of spit, launched onto the second hand armor he wore, followed by an angry bark. Liam gave a disgusted angry look before taking the gun in both hands, and ramming the stock into her stomach, causing a yelp from the woman. “Right bitch see.”

Theron, when they weren't looking, nodded to the girl and gestured to her to be silent. He got closer to the girl, and then without hesitation grabbed the shotgun and threw it away, but at the same time grabbed his own pistol to shoot the other lad resting against the barn walls. using Liam's body to block bullets, he shot the last person. After the other 2 had fallen, Theron used his tail to lift him by the neck. “I'm sick of your games…” just as he finished talking to him, Theron snapped the man's neck and let his lifeless body hit the ground. Then he looked at the girl taking out his knife and cutting her bondages.

Shakey to get up from the violent gut check, and still wary of the half serpent man, she eyed him with slight fear. “Why are you helping me? Were they not your allies? I barely know you, so I don’t understand.”, Neera questioned as her delicate hands cradled her bruised midsection. It was still quite hurting, and making her feel a bit nauseous from the abuse.

He softly smiled “Couple of reasons, one I was sick of working for him, and two the fact that they tried to sell off such a lovely looking lady is beneath me.” he said as he pat her on the head with the intent to give her comfort “Would you like a safe place to stay for a while, and I can call the authorities?” He ‘kneeled’ down to her eye level and with a calm face looked her in the eyes.

“A snake, and a charmer, what a dangerous fellowship of traits.”, she chuckles with a small whimper from the soreness flaring as she did. “I’m not sure I fully trust you yet, as you were connected to them. Maybe not now, but in the past, and being even lumped in… Well you are going to have to work just a bit harder for me to fully trust you. That being said…”

She looked between the bodies, seeing that she could have been easily killed if he had the intention to do so. In her mind, he could have done it to keep the money for himself, or to keep her. Her father to show trust was earned, and take no one for harmless, and this man was screaming danger in every rippling serpentine muscle. He had rescued her though, the magic annulment charm on his belt, hopefully soon to be left here.

Looking up to him, Neera conceded with all this in mind, “Seeing as there isn’t much else choice, and I would be dead if my life wasn’t valued in some way. I will at least accompany you for now, and humbly ask for your protection. My family will pay you well for doing so, and getting me out of this….rather unflattering situation.”

He chuckled at the thought of being paid for a kind act, but then he swooped her up off her feet, and held her like the princess she was. “The only payment I need is to see you smile.” He then smiled to himself, and took them to his snake adapted truck, before letting her sit wherever she wanted. After a grueling 4 hour drive, he finally pulled up at his ship and drove in. “What system do you live in dal, I can take you there right away while you can sleep in my quarters.”

“Sounds like a sleazy invite to your nest perhaps. A couch, or cot will do okay, unless it is the only place to rest aboard. I would like to…” She seemed hesitant to say her destination, but had already sent the message after they left the barn. Something he was likely aware of, or was astute enough to know she had done so. But Neera cleared her throat, before saying shyly, “I need to go home to the…. Sanctum system, all the way to Sirris II,... the capital.”

He chuckled but understood, “I have a foldout lounge in the main hall” he started to dial in the coordinates and then began to leave the atmosphere. Once they had done so, Neera heard on the ship's mic. “Please sit down, or hold onto something, entering hyperspace in three, two, one.”, at the count of one, the ship entered hyperspace and was on its way to neera’s system.

The woman would find the pull out bedding as directed, happy to just lay down and rest, not caring of her state of dress. Her poor formal dress, dirtied by hay and a bit of dirt from how she had been treated, the threading of elegant black lacing now frayed in places. A few seams even saw slight tearing, her ears drooping as it all settled in, at just how much of a mess she appeared to be. Letting the ache of her bruises to dull, and letting the call of sleep win, she laid down to slumber deeply. Wondering as she dreamed, how this almost week long trip would be like, with such a dangerous seeming stranger.

Later on, Theron came out and saw she had fallen asleep. Covering her with a blanket and tucking a pillow under her head, as he smiled softly while feeling her silky hair. “Who could ever harm someone like you.” He sighed and went to his own room, laying back under his heat lamp to take a nap.

Hours would pass, most of a day in fact, before the lupine woman would stir again. Raising from the pillow she did not remember grabbing, Neera rose from the bed, and found herself to be unattended. Taking careful steps at first, before casually walking about with curiosity driving each soft shoe fall, explored the ship to an extent. Having passed the time by exploring each deck, found herself at the end of the journey, looking at wayward stars from the view of the bridge.

She dared not touch anything, partly due to lack of knowledge of such workings and operation, but also to keep her host amicable. Taking a seat though, she sat for a time, and just watched the streaks of warped starlight rain by as if raining light in a curtain past the ship. Neera cared, and worried not, when Theron would arrive and find her there. She simply enjoyed the peace, finding the stars to be such a calming force in helping her mind leave the thoughts of her recent torment.

Theron would find her on the bridge while he brushed his teeth “Did you sleep okay miss?”, he said before continuing to brush his teeth and fangs. He then handed her a plate of bacon and eggs, and while doing so he saw the ruined clothes and went to his room, grabbing a long baggy shirt that could act as a temporary dress. “Here it's washed.” He left the bridge to spit out the toothpaste, looking in the mirror, almost about to cry thinking about all the horrible things he used to do before he got on his meds.

She seemed almost surprised, not by his casualness, but by both things offered. The food was looked upon with a reluctant appreciation, the shirt even less so though. A slight redness was present as she understood how she would look in just this oversized shirt. “I guess it can be expected to be at a loss of pants….for obvious reason. It… will have to do though, while I clean and mend my current attire. I can’t very well come home looking like, well….”

The woman left what was on the tip of her tongue unsaid, it not needing to really be spoken, even as she took the offered food. “Thank you nonetheless, especially for the food. Don’t you dare peek though after I change, otherwise I will roast you.”. She said, making her warning at the end clear. Neera was a bit embarrassed as she was quick to eat what was given, then taking the shirt and walking back to the restroom compartment.

Returning shortly later, the folded royal garb laid on her borrowed bed, she returned to the bridge. Hands clenched at the shirt’s hem, holding it down, even as the cycled air caused the bare fur of her legs to waver faintly. Neera was even redder now as she indignantly waddled back to the other chair on the bridge, sitting down quickly, and avoiding direct eye contact with Theron. “Say nothing about this… I mean it.”, she slightly growled embarrassed.

He chuckled and left the room and later he brought her some tea and opened the door. “Brang you some tea” he casually said looking her in the eyes and raising an eyebrow leaning against the door frame. “At Least the shirt looks good on you.” he said, surprisingly charming for neera.

“Of course you would say that about your own shirt being adorned by a half naked woman. Very smooth.”, came her sarcastic response with a stuck out tongue. It had the effect of deepening her reddened face however, the woman was absolutely mortified to be in such a state of dress. Neera could feel the faux leather under her bare ass, finding it to feel strange as it were, never having been in any seat with no pants, or even panties on. It felt…. Vulnerable, and somehow unbehaved to do so, sending a tingle through her at that thought. “You have a way of making a princess act very unprincess like don’t you. Though I guess that can be a rare achievement to boast about, to whatever comrades of yours are still alive.”, the lupine girl offered in what almost sounded like honest congratulations.

He sat down next to her in his seat and sighed, “And you have a way of making people not want to help you, but I'm just that nice.” He chuckled, but to the comment about comrades he looked sad. “The only thing I have close to a comrade anymore is myself.” he took a deep breath and shivered a little, trying his best not to cry over the fact he had to kill people he knew his whole life.

Neera wasn’t a total bitch, the signs of his discomfort still registering to her, and suddenly finding a lot of her guarded aggressiveness melted in shame. Even as a princess, and despite that, the statement had been way uncalled for she realized now. “I’m… sorry, you didn’t deserve that. I apologize, I just have always… I have been taught to never trust strangers, much less those who would view my family as enemies. I hope you understand my guarded nature, and the thorns I throw up, but I felt it needed.”, she stumbled out vocally, understanding her folly very well in how it emotionally struck. “Father was always teaching us to be strong, cautious, and to train a silver tongue. Forgive me please Theron, even though I know I can’t take it back.”

He nodded, “It's fine, but I don't hate you, or your family. And the whole not trusting strangers thing, nobody trusts strangers these days, so that doesn't bother me either. But I've had nobody to talk to on this shit for months now, well. Till I found you.” he softly smiled without looking at her and relaxed in his seat rubbing his neck.

“I feel honored, I guess, that you would seek to confide in me. It is the duty of a princess, to be in touch with her people after all, and this can be said to be part of that. You would have hurt me long ago, if that had been the intention anyways, I just… couldn’t be sure at first.” She admitted this honestly, letting the words flow as she released her thoughts, the apology still lingering on her tone as she did. The redness left her cheeks, being less tense as she relaxed as well, letting her figure conform more to the chair. The shirt tented on her plentiful peaks, speaking of the generous figure underneath, something she all together just stopped being mindful of.

Neera felt no reason to keep up her hostilities, and only that she could find this person as just that, not some veiled stranger in dangerous unknowns. The lupine princess looked to him, taking his saddened visage into account, as her mind thought of ways to diffuse the attention. “Neera Pine, lady of the royal family. I never shared my name with you, something else I’m sorry that I felt necessary to do. Please, what is your name?”

He would turn his seat around with a button, and look her in the eyes. “I'm Theron Belmont”, He said while masking his pain as best he could. “Thanks for not being so mean anymore, didn't know how much I could handle before I broke” The man said with a chuckle, handing her the tea he forgot to pass before.

“Few earn less snark, though everyone gets the sass equally. Consider yourself honored, you may have just made friends with a princess. Keep this up, and you might just become a trusted member of the inner circles.” This was given with a giggle, something foreign in nature, and unheard from her. Her face lightened up as a small smile began to creep across her soft, canine and humanoid face, her black nose wiggling slightly. “A pair of weird questions that I hope you don’t mind. First, can I call you Theo? Also, do you have a smoke spare? My nerves are everywhere after that whole Sunday shitshow.”

He smiled at the comment about the inner circle, not to fuss if he is in it or not. “Yes you can call me Theo, aslong as I can call you pup.”, he said with a cheeky grin across his face, as he passed her a cigarette and lit his own then hers. His tail was also relaxed and not coiled around something, this being rare for him, nobody has made him let down his guard like this before.

“Don’t push it, and not in public, I still have to be ladylike and princessy in public. Keep that for behind closed doors, but I’ll likely still call you Theo everywhere, unless in a formal setting. Also get a longer shirt please, for the next time we do this.” A snort was given as Neera replied, finding it laughable, even if annoyingly so. She took a few puffs to get a taste for her cigarette, then slowly took drags as it hung from her full lips again. “You’re probably the only man to catch me this unlady like in clothes. Ugh, my luck sucks some days.”

He scoffs at the lucky comment, “So meeting me was unlucky, that's nice to know.” Theron said teasingly as he puffed his cigarette. “And I'll make sure I get a bigger shirt just for you aight? Pup?” The pup's comment was to tease her further as he gave a cheeky grin at her.

“Oh sod it, you’re the luckier one here, like. Who can say they got to see a princess in just their t-shirt, and to see fluffy princess thighs for like a week? I just got beaten and kidnapped, but hey, it wasn’t all bad. I met this smart aleck smooth talker of a serpent. Good smokes, not an asshole, and he gave me my favorite food. So yes, make sure you do, otherwise pup will roast you….. Baka.” She didn’t bother to look at him, trying not to let the friendliness rub in too quickly, or see his reaction to the last part of that, which felt a bit cringe on her part.

Theo could be seen picardo facepalming and chuckling to himself, being reminded of some anime characters similar to this girl. “Well to be fair, fluffy thighs are a pretty big plus in my opinion” he said with his cigarette still in his mouth and his tail unknowing to him had gotten closer to neera. “Glad i met you, you’re actually making life tolerable right now.”

“I knew you were a perv, now I know you’ve been staring at them. And good, because you’re stuck with my snarky ass….. I regret saying that, you’ve probably been checking it out too.” The banter back and forth was nice, especially as there wasn’t much else to do at all. So the lupine beauty leaned forward, giving just a peek at said ass. Flipping the few switches she recognized, turning on the QWC to some outer range rock radio. “I’m a professional smart ass, kinda cringe, and fluffier then I have any right to be. I’ll make your puddle jealous, just so you know the bag of annoyance you just got stuck with.”

He looked over shocked as a joke and gasped, “How dare you think of me that way, I am so shocked.” Theron would blush deeply as he saw her ass just a bit, his hemipenes wanting to come out because of it, but he keeps his seal under check. “Hey, being stuck with you is fine by me, I could use the company.” The serpentine man smiled at her with a light blush, as he slightly bobbed his head to the music.

The lupine woman smiled at him, before saying more, having rolled this idea for a good minute. “Good, because I tend to keep you around for a while. I even want you to work for me, as my personal entourage and guard. Father has been pressuring me to get one for a while, but some stiff board is annoying to tote around. So I’d rather have someone I like, and can actually talk to.” Neera even thought it was better to have a close friend in such a position, as even if not professional in behavior, it meant it would be a job with a lot more personal value to it. She may have even blushed slightly at the thought, but unsure why.

Everything screamed at her to open up to him like a book, to let him read every page of her life and emotions. It was strange, new, and something she was unsure with how to proceed on for now. That being said, she knew she wanted him close, and by her side as someone to stand with. Maybe other ideas could be entertained once she knew where she stood, and understood her own feelings. “I think of you that way,.. Even though I am partially joking, I like you that way, and hope you stay as you are now. I feel like I’ve found a diamond in the rough as my father once said.”

He would blush rather deeply at the offer and the confession that she liked him. “T-thanks, nobody has ever liked me that way before haha, so i think i'll accept your offer with the highest of gratitude” his tail would end up softly wrapped around her legs without him noticing, but when he did he got flustered and moved it away, “I'm so s-sorry” she buried his face into a hand out of embarrassment.

Neera giggled uncontrollably at that, finding him so cute when he wasn’t trying to be charming. “One kind offer and you melt like putty, it’s adorable Theo! Despite looking so dangerous when we met, you’re rather cute when acting all bashful. I might have to tease you more regularly to get that side out more.” She soon brought herself under control, no longer drowning out the rock with her joyous noises. “I know you love my thighs, but try to ask before wrapping me, it’s a bit startling if unexpected. Though, I can’t say it’s unpleasant otherwise.”, the woman added, enjoying herself still as she covered her smile with the back of her hand like some aristocrat noble.

Theo would pout a bit before saying, “Well can I wrap you with my tail and hold you close?” He asked bashfully, as he took peeks of her figure before looking away shyly, “I would really like to know how soft your fur is.” He put his hand over his seal, trying so hard now to hold them in.

The man was so shy, and absolutely nothing like the stoic charmer he was before. The pup was enjoying this, as well as her new toy for teasing that she found in him. It made her feel mischievous, and even though modesty should have been present, it just took a back seat by force as she wanted to enjoy his shyness to the fullest. Getting up from her chair, the wolf woman scampered around before throwing herself into his lap, arms held around his neck to hang off of. “How’s this for an answer, especially if it gets you this red. I’m enjoying this far too much to say no.”, Neera said with a giddy giggle.

As Theo had to grab her in his arms, his two rods bursted out stiff in all their 9x3 inch glory ashe shyly wrapped her with his red belly black snake tail “May i say you are really attractive Neera, I'm sorry that they popped out i tried to hold them in...” still holding neera she was able to see the both of them throbbing and leaking precum.

She felt the dual whap before she heard it, moving a leg over to see them, as they now stuck up between the gap of her legs. “Oh… uh.. Uhhh.. um… there’s two of them… I,.. was not expecting this.”, Neera replied, now the flustered one, and stumbling for words. Things were going out of control, and in a direction that had never crossed her mind, much more so even for the fact that she had never had sex. Or even seen a penis in person, ever in her life. The lupine woman gulped, and blinked at the twin towers now warmly rubbing her furred thighs, “Where, were you… even hiding those?”

He softly groaned, feeling her thighs with his 2 dicks. “They have their own sleeve like most reptiles, im sorta new to this so um… do you want one in and one out oor both in…?” he asked with a shy stutter as his dicks now rubbed against her inner thigh, soaking it with precum, making her fur look like she just came out of a shower but just1111111 for her thighs.

“I don’t actually know, porn usually has a few extra steps, like sucking on them, or rubbing them between…. Things.”, Neera said, beating red, a cherry like pinkish red through all the furr. She wasn’t sure how to iterate, or word what she meant, so the princess simply closed her legs. Pressed between thighs, the lupine woman began to shift and run them between her soft, warm, silken thighs. Letting the precum fully lubricate, it made it very easy, and the two penises stroke between them easily. Pausing for a moment, she realized this was already far beyond a line, so there was no point in turning back now.

“Take your shirt off if we’re doing this.”, Neera simply said before pulling the one she had on off, then discarding it to the other seat as her breasts now swayed freely.

He blushed deeply as his cocks were rubbed and more pre came out. Just as Neera asked him, he took off his shirt, some of his past scars were now visible. "Dammit I think I'm gonna cum early, been holding it in so long I can barely handle it", he said as his cocks throbbed upwards towards her entrance while being massaged by her lovely thighs, and without thinking theo grabbed both of her breasts and started to fondle them with love and passion.

The pup panted as she suddenly had her breasts so thoroughly, Neera finding his pre running all over her lap, and knowing what would soon come next at least. She just never imagined it would be all over her, or that she would be having her first time so suddenly. “Just keep cumming, don’t hold back. If we are doing this, I want the full experience for my first time.”, she half pleaded as she squeezed her thighs harder, a finger wiping some pre up to taste as well.

Theo started to groan more and more just as Neera got to taste his pre, before leaning back as massive amounts of cum came out of both dicks, and covered her with the warm sticky fluid. Just as it happened, Theo laid her on the ground and continued to fondle her breasts while now having his dicks lined up on either hole "Are you ready for no mercy pup~" he said as he poked both holes.

Being corner tends to trigger certain animal instincts, and he would find her aggressive behavior was not limited to just snark. A low growl being admitted before grabbed him and reversed the positions, “No, I have much more to put you through before you get to try that fruit. I want every once, and in every way possible before the last stop on this ride. And you are going to give it to me, in every way for the first time. You did the thighs, not fucking shove those milk rods between my jugs, I want it everywhere.”

He blushed as she put both of his dicks between her breasts while kissing their tips, he hit the deck with his fist in pleasure as he moaned and wrapped her with his tail again, "so soft~ haah~" he blushed as he looked at the pup covered in cum from head to toe, "if you want everything you have to hunt for it~!"

“Remember, you’re talking to a predator, a carnivorous meat eater. You joke, but you’ve just added yourself to a permanent menu.”, she said with a toothy grin, giving her smile a different, more intense light to it. Wrapping an arm around her rack, the lupine wild woman began to tightly stroke as she raised and dropped her chest. Not even sucking yet, oh that was after, for now wanting a geyser of cum between her tits.

As he lays there, forced to take it as he gasps while already getting close, and even leaks a little. Trying to hold it back to surprise her, "I'm close again pup~!" He said tightening his grip on her as he started to sweat and get harder looking at her lovely bod.

Her panting grew heavier, her tail wagging harder, as she was so erotically active. Every carmel instinct, craving and demanding more, Theo having released a pent up sexual animal on himself by accident. “Good, give it, then I can suck it after you bath me in more. Then you can do one in my throat and one between my breasts.”

The temptation was too much for him, he let his cum go and it went all over her face and breasts, making her fur rather flat from the liquids, "still more to go, I've got more stored in this pot" he said panting as he looked at her dom him, theo not much thinking he would like being a sub, but he still wanted to try being a dom.

“Two more rounds of my desires, then you can pin me to the floor for the last two goes. You’ll even be on top for this.”, She said heavily as it just ran down her front, long strings of seed hanging from everywhere. Laying on her back after turning around, Neera took one long cock and lined it up with her throat, while the other was led solo to her breasted valley.

He smiled at the lovely sight, and started to fuck her face while his other cock glided up to her jaw. Traveling up and down the valley, "I think I want to try something~" Theo softly choked her, but not enough to stop her breathing, "is that good pup~?" He continued as he got rougher and faster.

The wolven nature of his partner showed further, her throat rumbling in a growl as he choked her a bit. The throat was a weak point, and one had to be gentle with them, or face snap reactions. She still happily took his girth down her throat, as her canine tongue lapped and wrapped it, all while sucking it deeply. Her breasts would envelope and massage their charge with her firm, yet soft outside of her bosom.

Theo panted and sighed, as he continued. Even used the tip of his tail to play and tease her clit, going as far to pull it hard, and when he came in her mouth. Cumming so hard, that his cum came bursting out her nose and mouth. He pulled out and sat next to her while she got up.

"Damn, that's an amazing hole that one…"

Neera still looked at him rather hungry, before moving to straddle him, both of his cocks pressed against her stomach with her hands. The woman began to bounce on his “lap”, stroking them against her stomach, “So it’s your favorite then? Next is between my ass cheeks, and in my ass. Then both holes at once, are all yours to plough after eating me out.” She said this with a purring giggle, ending on an aroused mewl.

Theo grunted at her bouncing and moans softly at the rubbing of his dicks on her belly. “And what if it is huh~? Maybe I'll like every hole just as much as the last~” He smiled, winking at her and reaching a hand up to grab one of her breasts as they jiggled up and down majestically.

She gave a “Mmph!”, as her chest was handled, bringing her legs together more as her hands pressed his pillars to her stomach more firmly. “I like these in general, and all the sperm you cover me in.~ If i’m giving my virginity, then I couldn’t have asked for a better first time.~”, Neera said with an erotic tone of quivering excitement. Feeling such rough hands on her, and even harder cocks too, as the cum slid down her body from every movement, as she felt the still lingering taste of it on her tongue.

He would chuckle at the compliment and sigh as he got close to cumming, “you know if you like it this much, how about we just seal the deal and be a couple. I mean if we have gotten this far then why not~? So what do you say pup~?” Just as he finished talking he came, his stringing cum shooting onto her belly and her underboob.

One eye closed as it splattered on her face a bit by her eye with a surprised squeak. Neera was just so covered now, taking some on the hand to lick up, as she casually considered the offer. It wasn’t exactly what she was expecting, not by a long shot, even if it did make a kind of sense.

A “Hmmmm” left her lupine lips before they were licked to clean them of sperm. “I’d be okay with being in a relationship as partners. I already view you highly enough to be my bodyguard and helper, I don’t see why lover can’t be added to that list.”, she said, as she rubbed both of his cum covered cocks in her hands.

He smiled and pulled her in for a kiss “Well that's good to hear~ I would hate to miss a perfect gem like you~ you are just my type too~” theo would kiss her even more with his twin rods still throbbing on her stomach, “So what do you want next my pup~?”

“Well your type wants to be eaten out before you stuff her full. So how about sampling this nice untasted fruit of desire I have.”, she said with a smug seductive smirk, hand reaching down to spread her dripping lips. Neera was so wet, waiting to be licked deeply, and then deflowered.

Theo would grab her by the thighs and lay her down on a seat, and with his long snake tongue coming out and making an appearance. He started to lick around her nice furr clit, while kissing her pussy, “You taste great pup~” Then he stuck his tongue inside of her, letting it swirl around deep inside her, while lapping up her juice. Pinching her clit as he pulled it with his fingers.

She groaned from the pleasure, her insides so sensitive that she was gushing with each lap of his long tongue. It made her shake and quiver, a vibration down her spine even, as he so lovingly consumed her fluids. Neera was panting as he went on, a shaky hand laying on his head, fingers running through his hair as his head bobbed from his consumption. A small whimpering moan left her lips as he did, feeling herself teetering on orgasm. “Fuuu~ I want to ride that face sometime, and be eaten out like this all the time!~”

He would smile as he continued, and with his fangs he softly and carefully scratched the outside of her pussy, while his tongue continued to have its own adventure inside of the cute virgin pup. Feeling that she was close to orgasm, he got rougher with his tongue and became more intense on her clit teasing.

Her panting became heavy breathing with a gasp, feeling him wiggle deep inside of her, and his teeth brushing her soft skin. It felt almost dangerous to have those near her privates, but was feeling way too good to even complain. It kept on like that for a couple minutes, restraining herself to make it last, then giving a sharp exhale with a mewl as she burst her pleasure from her sex.

Theo would sit up and smugly smile at neera as he licked his lips and let go of her clit “You really do taste so good~ And on top of that your eyes look like a pair of mesmerising rubies~” he said while stroking her sides and looking her in the eyes the look of love in his eyes.

“Compliments after intercourse? That’s like teasing dinner after already having dessert my dear.~ You’d be better off just showing me, and I’m waiting for you to deflower me already.~`` Her sass filled replies would be followed by as much of a seductive smirk as possible, with her shaky arousal shaken lips. Legs spreading further, as in invitation of his next act to come.

Theo would roll her over, and start to poke and prod his lower shaft on her butt’s entrance. “hey pup are you ready~? I'm going to start pushing in soon~”, he said while slumped over her, nibbling her ear and wrapping his tail around her, so he had something to lean on other then the cold floor. Even wrapping his tail around her breasts just a bit.

“Be gentle and slow with it, I’ve never stuck anything in myself before, much less my ass. Get yourself nice and seated in too, before going at it please.”, Neera asked as she felt him line up, and his tip started to press into her tight pink hole. She was actually drooling slightly in expectation, wanting to feel it get in there, and feel it deep inside.

Making sure he was in a good position, he started to push it deep inside of her slowly, with his second dick squishing in between her cheeks. “Haah~ wow, it's so tight…”, he gasped. After getting his dick all the way inside her ass, he sighed and panted softly while starting to move slowly at first. “Does it feel good at all, pup~?”, he asked while squeezing her breasts with his tail a bit more as he did.

“You’re so goddamn dummy thick in the dick, my insides are having a hard time fitting all of yuuooouuooo~”, she said with strain as he somehow managed to fit all the way in. There was not a millimeter of wiggle space to be felt, all of her insides tightly wrapped to the dick up her ass. It caused Neera to tightly clench her anus, as well as her cheeks on his cock between her cheeks. Her drooling, was now intensified as he began to move, feeling her whole insides shake and be worked so deeply.

He raised an eyebrow at her comment and chuckled, “Well it's a rather average size for my race pup~” Said with a sense of modesty, as he sped up his pace just a little, and continued to fondle her breasts with his tail. Theo gave into the urge to cum, Shooting it inside her body and on her back. “Shall I keep going, Neera?”, he had stopped to ask her, believing she might want to change things up, but if she didnt he was fine going another round inside her like this.

“Alreadyyy~? Too soon, now let’s fucking gooo~!”, she said while squirming, wanting him to continue already. She almost sounded kinda spoiled and bratty, but she didn’t care, the princess airs were out the window while in bed. Neera wanted more of it, and quite frankly, wanted it now. She wasn’t going to let the taking of her anal virginity, which was already somewhat uncomfortable, end so shortly. “Give me at least a double before you take my real virginity hon~.”

He would blush, and then continue just a tad bit rougher then before. While fucking her ass he went in to kiss her lips, since she had licked up all the cum off her lip. He closed his eyes and would even pat her on the head a bit, hoping that she likes the head pats. Theo was rather close again, being inside a girl for the first time is making him rather quick in his orgasm.

Her tongue would curl around with his, meeting his kiss very passionately, tail wagging against his abdomen. Neera took his hands, and laced her fingers with Theo’s, holding tight as he railed her ass. Feeling the bounce of her cheeks between them, and his sticky seed sliding down her soft fuzzy back.

Theo right there on the spot fell deeply in love with the fluff ball herself, and with all he could muster without hurting her, went rougher and faster. As he wanted the next load in her ass to be a nice one. When he came he stopped and panted. Flipping her over, he towered over her with his hand on either side of above her shoulders. Still holding her hand, his dick still in her ass, but his other one now resting upon her pelvis and slit. “Are you ready, my sweet?”

She herself was already drawing a slight pant of breath from her lungs, giving him a nod to proceed. Bracing herself for the new experience, Neera spread her legs more, and brought them up to Theo’s sides. Feeling his tip at her entrance, she knew she would bleed a little from this at the least, waiting for the pain of her hymen being torn. A small part of her made her think of if this was a good idea, but she had made her choice, and the princess trusted in the trust she had placed in Theo as a person.

Theo would smile and kiss her more, as he slowly pushed into her virgin body. At the same time, he was ‘becoming a man’. When fully in he stopped to see if she was okay, seeing that his dick was making a lump in her stomach and pelvis, “Doesn't hurt too much does it?” He would slowly pull out and back in with all his length, moving slowly at first to get her used to it.

The princess clenched up, feeling her virgin sex, spread open and forced open to accomadate his girth. Her hands locked in his, squeezed very tightly, whimpering slightly from the overwhelming feeling. It was really goddamn thiccc, much thicker feeling as it was crammed into her pussy, which was far tighter then her ass had been. Neera’s thighs clenched at his ‘hips’, holding on tightly in order to hold on to his body tightly.

Theo would start to hump faster as it became easier to slide in and out of her tight sex. He loved the feeling of her being stretched, with her body clamping down on his dick. “I swear I'll try to make this amazing okay~?”, he breathed with his dick ramming so deep into the womb, he couldn't help but moan and continue to kiss her. He was also holding back for a massive load, enough to make her belly rise from it.

Neera whimpered slightly as she felt her hymen tear, hoping that would lessen, the next couple times they would likely go at it in the future. She was at least aware of it enough, to have been slightly prepared for it, and instead egged Theo on. “Then you make me cum hard, and more then once.~ I want you to work me regularly if you keep this up.~”, she said, biting back the pain from her taken virginity. But pleasure replaced the unpleasant feeling soon enough, panting as he drove himself in deep, shivering on each impact of her cervix. Oh yes, the princess was quite enjoying this, possible consequences be damned.

Theo would blush as he heard her whimpers turn into panting and moaning. The snake man would get faster and harder, now fondling her breasts as well, "well then I'll make sure you do pup~ I'll make you go crazy~". With those words coming out of his mouth, he came the largest load yet, and made her belly rise from all the cum. While also shooting massive strands into her ass.

“Good~ Now keep going, and don’t stop until I'm laying in a puddle of your sperm!~”, Neera commanded defiantly, playing the part of the dom even while pinned to the deck plate. She moaned, and arched into him, pressing her breasts into his hands firmly. All the princess’s floof was causing a decent amount of heat, something that would be well enjoyed in colder climate. Her thighs and legs were still clamped hard around his waist as well, feeling the pressure in her abdomen rise from its filling of cum.

With the size of his dicks, barely any of the cum was let out at her belly as it jostled from the motions. Theo started to get a lot more horny from her moans, and now went as rough and fast as his body let him. "Ah fuck~ You’re amazing Neera~!", He yelled out in his blind pleasure.

He would grip her breasts tighter, and would kiss her once again. Before circling the both of them in his tail, making sort of a snake nest for her pleasure.

Her moans were muffled in his mouth, as his tongue wrapped around her’s, deeply tasting each other in their arousal. Not quite in erotic shock anymore, she actually shifted her body, with the use of her legs as anchor to his body. Helping him by assisting in her ride on his dual penises, her nipples lactating hard, stiff with stimulation under his palms. Each plunge he made, gave her a sharp gasp of ecstasy.

Even though he had cum.many times before, he wouldn't stop his unrelenting fight to please her, even after she started to assist him. Theo came with a load, just as big as the last, though since there wasn't enough room. It now gushed and forced its way out, puddling at her ass.

"Bet you want more don't you pup~", he said confidently as his dick twitched inside her as they moved.

“Mmmm, yes.~ I want it all over me, in me, and in my coffee in the morning.~ The last load you can even give, I want you to ejaculate all over me.~”, Neera stated, her lust for his seed apparently deep. She was a slutty kind of dom, a pure animal of sexual desire, and he had so greatly pleased her. Theo must have known by now, just how deep he’d gotten himself into things now, and how strongly he had activated her sexual desires.

Theo indeed did know this as soon as she practically begged for his cum, and to answer her plea, he somehow got rougher. Still he fucked in and out of her cervix as he said, "I'll make sure my last loads, fill and cover you up nice and good pup~!" More blood pumped into his dicks from the amount of pent up sexual energy he had, and it made his dicks harder and slightly larger.

She continued to moan deeply, feeling him go at it hard, even if getting more on the rougher side then she liked. “You’re almost panting harder then me, and I’m the one heat, hehe.~ How about you lay back, and let me do the riding for a bit?~”, the princess asked as her body shook from the punishment of having both holes railed deeply. Neera had already orgasmed several times, the puddle full of her feminine fluids as well, even as his spearing dicks made her squirt more.

Theo would blush more and continue to pant, while complying to his dom he let get be on top. With his hands now on her thighs, he seemed hypnotized by the look of her breasts, still looking at them as his dicks stayed at maximum stiffness. "you look amazing~"

Those breasts would keep his gaze falling and rising, watching as her chest bounced and jostled. All while now riding his dual girth, impaling herself on them repeatedly, enjoying the ride with a look of utter satisfaction. Neera drooled slightly, and even squirted as she dropped to the base of his twin pillars. “You feel amazing, and I don’t mind showing off for that.~ I hope you don’t mind having a sticky lap.~”, she breathed between moans, feeling them both move inside her, their girths’ rubbing each other inside her.

He would just lay there and have all the pleasure done for him. He always thought he was a pure dom, but this girl made him realize he likes the sub life just as much. “I don't mind at all~ I think I could get used to this rather fast~”, Theo said, rubbing her thighs as she continued to bounce up and down majestically. It wasn't too long before he would cum yet again, and just as much as the last. “Getting a bit full there pup~?”, he smiled while biting his lip slightly with one eye closed.

Another kiss was given, as her gut ached to accommodate the new burden on them. “I am, so I expect you to help me get around. You’re making a delicate thing like myself, quite plump from all this.”, Neera added teasingly as the cum leaked out of her. The plaps of her thighs against his body grew wetter as she rode with even more semen lubing her vagina.

Theo rubbed her thighs as she rode him, giving a sigh as the feeling of this would forever be in his memory. He wanted to keep the pup all to himself, and he vowed to himself to not let any harm come to her. “Well I think you love being plumped up like this don't you pup~.”, he teasingly grinded and chuckled back at her words.

“As much as I love seeing that mischievous, shit eating grin of yours, you reptilian rogue. Which is to say, very deeply, as deep as you are now in me.~”, was Neera’s sassy quip in return, wiggling to jostle his dicks inside. Every curve and move was teasing, seductive, and egging for more. One would almost not take her for a sexual amature, but perhaps it was largely due to her letting her body take the lead by instinct. “So how much more you got in ya’, or is it ejaculating time?”

He smiled more, and to have a little fun, he let go of another load. “I say one more will have me beat, how about you pup~?”, with that said, he would push her down with hands still on her thighs. Thrusting his hips up as he did so, to make the pleasure more intense for her. Theo himself lucky to have found someone who can last just as long as he can.

The wolven woman shuddered, as their combined orgasms came squirting from the miniscule gaps her relaxed pussy and ass, left around his bases. This would cause her to arch back with a moanful whine of pleasure, baring the still cum splattered valley of her breasts to Theo. Neera panting a bit, composed herself before replying, “Then I take it you’re ready to lay me down, then masturbate until you cum the last load all over me then?~”

Theo nodded and layed Neera down, before pulling both of his girthy rods out, and beginning to stroke both. “I hope you enjoy the show~”, he said with a panting breath from the effort, as he worked both to spray her. It took him a little while before he could get close to cumming again, but when he did get close he chuckled, “Get ready pup it's coming~”. As The snake-like man came, both of his dicks let out a plethora of seed out onto her body. Thick enough to goop and become quite sticky, covering her body like syrup being poured over a stack of fresh pancakes.

Her mouth was open, and she basked in the slimy wet substance now covering her all over. It was on her face, breasts, stomach, and legs. With a happy expression, she looked up to Theo as it was licked up, enjoying the taste. “Yes, I am definitely enjoying this. I may want smoothies of it, and to cream my coffee in the morning.~”, Neera said in a deep state of erotic arousal, before blushing deeply. “Your rough manners seem to have rubbed off on me a bit. I seem to have become quite slutty.”

Theo chuckled and seemed nervous over the fact of having his seed in drinks for her, he wasn't against it, just felt a little strange and new to him. “Are you sure the slutty nature isn't just something you have been hiding~?”, he would ask while picking her up in his arms, before slithering off to the showers with her. First, pressing a button on his captain's chair, before leaving to let some cleaner bots free.

Opening the shower door, it was very spacious since it needed to accommodate the size of his body. Theo then turned to shower on hot, but not too hot where she couldn't handle it. Normally he puts it on hot full blast, to heat his tail, but he knows only other snake people can handle that kind of heat. “I know there isn't much room on my bed, but would you like to sleep with me tonight?”, he asked politely as he helped her clean his seed off her fur and hair.

“Well we can’t leave the bed out of the loop, now can we. It will be lonely without a pair of lovers to fill it, where the deed is normally done. So yes, it is only right that we do, and I was going to ask anyway,” Neera answered in a relaxed state, letting him scrub over her figure to help her. “Or I would have just snuck into it anyways, because my man should never sleep alone okay.”

It was so exhilarating to the princess, to feel so sexually free, especially on her first time. She was proud to accept how he made her feel like a cum slut, and a wild animal of a woman. Neera was quite pleased indeed, even if her choice in men was surprising to even herself, and she could only imagine her father’s reaction.

Despite Theo's looks, he was a very kindhearted person, so that factor could have been what made neera so attracted to him. When the both of them were clean, the snake man took out some towels for the both of them, and he handed some to Neera. “You think you can dry my tail for me? It's a pain, and maybe as a trade, I can trim your hair for you~. I do have some electric clippers.” He would start to dry his hair and torso as he made his tail straight as possible, to make it easy for her.

“Is there something wrong with my hair?”, Neera questioned confusedly, unsure if he thought her hair was too long for some reason. Also the kind heartedness was only a small part of what attracted her, as the list contained a few other points she was quite fond of, but she would leave it to him to try and figure out what each item was. As the princess waited for his answer, Neera took the offered towel and began to help dry his tail before she even dried herself.

He shook his head, “No, nothing is wrong with your hair, But what I mean is I can imagine it's a pain to trim yourself when your furr gets too long right? So maybe I can help you trim and you help me dry my tail”. He would give her a kiss on the cheek and smile, “Anyway, how did someone like you end up in a place back there before?”

“Perhaps some time later, it doesn’t need one right now.”, she replied before starting to towel herself off now, wringing out her longer amounts of hair. When wet, it was all just tightly hung to her frame, giving a full sense of her figure, as it was nowhere near being any sort of fluffy. Neera tilted her head however at the question asked, “Hmm? I was coming to the Kilo system as a sort of PR and diplomatic meeting, but I was suddenly grabbed off the street some time later. And I was sure my disguise was pretty good too.”

He would blush looking at her frame and look away embarrassed a little bit, before he would dry his hair. “Well you won’t need to hide with me around, I'll just stop anyone who tries to hurt you. But I wonder if I'll just get arrested, the second I show my face with you in my ship.” Theo would sigh before giving Neera a hug, and kiss on her neck.

“Not if I stop anyone from doing so, my knight. You single handedly took down a group of renegades, and returned me home, safe and sound. If anything, you’re due a hero’s welcome, and a promotion. Hope you don’t mind being an officer.” She was being sly and cheeky in how she said it, but not posing it as a question of any sort either. Neera more or less, was subtly saying he didn’t really have a say on the matter, and that he would be her knight. Kissing him back, she would take his hand and drag him back to the beds, “Now we still have a lot of time left, so let's make it cozy.”