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Nov 3, 2021
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Imported post - written by jack pine

Medusa Expanse - Victa, Kilo Star System
CS Herminia Engineering

Harrumphing as she pulled herself out of the space in the engine cowling, the canid woman flicked her ears in irritation as she grabbed ahold of a nearby towel and began scrubbing her hands clean of the oil and hydraulic fluids that coated them. Sports bra struggling to hold in her bust, she wore it and a pair of 'hot pants' that left her thong in clear view. Walking to a nearby intercom panel, she slammed the button with her elbow. "Alright, you should have the jump drive again. But if you break it, I swear to whatever god picks to listen, I will break you! We don't have the parts for another MacGyver job like this." She growled, flinging the towel aside as she pulled her elbow away from the transmit button.

Jun grumbled from his cot up in the crew quarters, or also fondly referred to as his “captain’s suite”. It was just a cargo bin that he had slung a hammock in, and added bins for his personal effects, and a wardrobe cabinet. Nothing special by any means, and hardly livable, but he got by on having it until he could pay to retrofit the old girl. The CS Herminia was basically home, when he wasn’t staying at his “Apartment” that was in Jose’s garage.

The very same old girl that had won him said race, and was being worked on by his lupine companion down in the garage. The elven man was not big on yelling, not when he was this tired, which was anytime he wasn’t in the cockpit on an adrenaline high. So with only a mutter, rather than using the intercom, walked down to the shop himself. “Oi, it’s not like I can help she’s old gal, now can I. I do what I need, and only push when I need to do more. Or if more can be gained, and I got us a nice bonus with the last job. It paid half the bills anyway, so next job will pay for a parts restock, you have my word.”

Josephine rolled her eyes. "Ha! You say that. But we still have twelve overdue bills. So either you stop lazing in that hammock you call a bed and get us work, or I can't promise we'll be able to get anywhere outside the system without potentially turning into a meteorite." She said, having pulled on a leather jacket and her boots while he worked his way down. If it wasn't for the wolf-like ears atop her head and the wolf tail behind her, most would have mistaken her for a human or the like. Of course, that's if they could get past 'biker bitch' first.

"Speaking of work, what's the word on that?"

“I grabbed two possible, from two separate job boards. Together, they’ll cover the remaining bills, but that’s it. I’ll have them done tomorrow, so I will likely take a trip into the colony to see what’s shaking.” Jun gave a bored yet cocky grin, his usual fair when talking about the boorish details of work. Stretching for a moment, he continued as a hand brushed his messy blonde hair, “So I’m going to go shake things up, and see what falls into my lap. Maybe if I'm lucky, work will find me, especially since the comms bills was one of those paid.”

Jose sighed, and pinched her nose. "What are those jobs? And you better not be thinking of going to Club Neutron. Again. That's one of the bills we still owe. And you know they won't let you add to the tab." She pointed out. "Hell, not even if I go with you will that change. Just because of you. Remember the bar fight you got into last week? Yeah, we still owe the club the damages for that." She continued.

Giving him a look over, she sighed. "Fine. We'll go to a new club. But I'm controlling the tab this time. Got it?" She stated as she saw the dejected look Jun had began to give her, of course, she finished it with a pointing of her finger at him.

“Why would I find work at a club? I said I was lucky, not smart.”, the elven man grumbled, before relenting to give up the details on the two jobs already acquired. “The first job is a delivery, to Dan Giono, the guy who owns Club Neutron. Simple right? That’s where the complicated part comes in…”

Jun knew she wasn’t going to like the next part, but hey, it was legal and technically a government gig. “So that clears our debt, but the second job is a bounty hunt. The target…. Dan Giono…”

Jose stares at Jun for a long two minutes, her face warring between disbelief, insulted, and aghast at what he just said. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!?"

“I believe we did just establish that yes. But wait, think of it, we will literally be out of all debt! And I don’t have to stare at his sneering mug again, granted we don’t somehow get shot in the process. It’s a gig from the police themselves, law enforcement backup even, they want this guy bad.” Hands were raised in part warding and his own defence, knowing yeah this was crazy, and a gamble. It also was his thing for gambles, because those kinds of jobs had much higher reward. Clearing his throat, he calmly continued, “Aren’t you disgusted how that pig looks at you every time we go? We also won’t have him on our backs anymore, not to mention the fresh start. I may be fucking stupid, but jose baby, this is the break we’ve been desperate for.”

Jose stepped forward, picked up Jun and slammed him against the wall. "And let me remind of why the police don't usually fuck with Dan... Remember that hot shot bounty hunter? The one with over a hundred secured Class-S bounties? Johnny "Red Sam" Gregorian? And how we had to drag his corpse to the local star from the club?" She growled, letting that sink in. One of the best bounty hunters in the whole area had ended up a barely recognizable mangled corpse when Dan was done.

Letting Jun go, she growled more as she began to pace. "I don't like that he wanted to break me and turn me into one of his little show girls, sure, but I also know not to fuck with a guy like that. He's not your normal crook Jun. You know it, I know it, fuck, even the police know it." She said, "And yes, you're lucky, but I don't think you're that lucky. Not enough to deal with whatever little tricks that ugly bastard has up his sleeves."

“Well A, we’re invited in because, the first job. B, I have a plan to deal with him afterwards, the guards will be our biggest problem after that. We just need to basically hold out for the police to move in once Dan is deader then his sense of humor.” Jun said this all with a reassuring shrug, if one ever could be from him. Rubbing a shoulder from being slapped into the wall, it wasn’t nearly as soft as the one in her bedroom, but at least she wasn’t putting him through the wall instead. Brushing himself off though, he wasn’t deterred, “I’m not saying you have to go with me. Hell, if things get a bit rough, I'll need the ride home. Trust me when I say I have a plan.”

Jose sighed, and shook her head. "Fuck. Your bottom tonight if we live through this." She said, turning and jabbing a finger at him. "Because like hell am I gonna let you walk into there on your own. You suck in a fight, you know that, right?" She said, a hint of a smirk on her lips as she said that. "Let's just... Hope you aren't unlucky this time."

Jun gave her a grin to further reassure the feisty lupine woman, “I haven’t died yet, and I’ve done some crazy shit in my life. Let’s just make it another one to cross off the bucket list then, aye. I got it all prepared too, just trust that it’s gonna be good, because I need you to be as unexpecting as everyone else will be for it.” Now for his turn to be cheeky, the man as he took the hand and kissed it, “Also if that’s the terms, who’s riding who this time if i’m on bottom?”

Jose rolled her eyes. "I'm mounting you. That's why you're bottom. You get to take all of my meat into your sorry ass." She stated simply, walking through the hanger on the public spaceport towards the parking area to get on her hoverbike. "Got that?" She called behind her as she walked.

“Count on it, just make sure you’re good and full tonight! Also wear that one thong I bought you, all I ask!”, he called back, enjoying the view of her leaving. Oh yeah, he was going to be one happy motherfucker tonight if they lived, all the more reason not to fuck things up. He just hoped he had enough of the plastic explosive compound left over, from that one asteroid cracking gig some time back. Not to mention the price of certain other supplies needed, which may have been the reason for one of those bills still being overdue, not that he’d ever tell Jose that.

Swinging her leg over the bike, she snorted. "I plan on it. Knot and all." She said, grinning as she turned on her hoverbike, and 'peeled' out as best one could on such a machine. Sure, she could have opted for a classical ground vehicle, but the hoverbike served her better than something that needed tires. Even if she lost the benefit of having burning rubber as she got the engine to give a nice hearty roar. Or buzz as the case of the electrical engine was anything of an equivalent.

She didn't usually bother with a helmet, enjoying the breeze as she drove. Her first destination was her home, so she could at least make sure she had some protection if they had to fight their way out like she expected they'd have to.

Once she was gone, his grin faded, his lethargic nature coming back to some extent. He was still plenty peppy, the fear of fucking up, giving him a little bit of adrenaline. There was still work to be done, preparations to be made. All for tonight…. Fuck he wished his luck really did hold out. “Alright June Jun, old boy, better get moving on it.”, he grumbled to himself before going back into the ship.

Several hours passed as he got what he needed put together, a rough plan and his form for the bounty filled. Jun prepared it as a timed data package, set to send to the police when they were already in. Time was going to be of the essence, and they were going to be sitting ducks until the police sweeped in afterwards. The elven man packed three expensive exported cigarette packs into his jacket, and picked up the package for the delivery job. Placing it in his buggy’s hold, it was now time to pick up his date for the evening.

Jose had taken a long shower. She wanted to be sure to get all the signs of her working on the ship out of her hair, fur and off her skin. Especially since they were going into a club, and wouldn't be entering via the employee entrance. Meaning she at least had to look clean. She was still gonna be dressed like the punk she was. Leather jacket, a crop top that didn't cover her shoulders, thus letting people see the straps of her bra. Bare stomach for all to see, letting her toned abs be clear to all. Hips hugged by the straps of the straps of the thong that Jun suggested she wear (It was the last clean pair she had, so it wasn't like she wanted to wear it), as well as a pair of tight latex hot pants that gave her arse and highlighted her thighs nicely, along with a pair of 'fuck you' boots with a stiff high heels while still looking like a pair of combat boots that climbed to her knees.

To top it all off, she pulled on a wrap that hugged hips and legs, draping down one side. Which just happened to help hide the massive pistol she was going to be taking. One of the few benefits of doing jobs for Dan... 'Workers' like her and Jun didn't have to hand over weapons when coming in. Which is why she also had a combat kukri strapped to the small of her back.

As it was, she was just stepping out of the door to her apartment when she saw Jun's buggy pull up. "The cost of fuel for that thing is one bill we're never getting rid of." She grumbled at him as she settled into the passenger seat.

Jun wasn’t dressed any different then he had been earlier, no weapons that were obvious on him either. Dressed in the same leather racing jacket, white tank top, jeans with added leather cargo pockets, and roadie boots. The only thing missing was his usual shades, but thought best to leave them at home, and he didn’t actually own a gun currently. It was all working towards the angle though, to come off as the least likely threat as possible.

Kicking the buggy into gear, and driving away, the trip through the colony was loud as usual. The grumble of the engine though, almost canceled it out in a way, allowing them to hear each other at least. “Yeah but sometimes reliability is worth the price, besides, your bike can’t carry the number packages my buggy does on the usual.”, replied back over all the noise, not bothering to worry if she brought enough firepower.

The trip there was fairly quick, traffic more or less designed to flow in the city, and the club built the best part of such a flow. Yet it was strange how such a public place of business and entertainment was as rotten as the fruit in the slum markets. Pulling into the lot, Jun was quick to hop out and grab the package, before getting close to Jose. “Just wait for the go, can’t miss it, then you just gotta keep that door to his office secure.”, was all he said before leading the way inside.

Jose quirked an eyebrow at his instruction, but shrugged. Let him figure that shit out, since this was supposed to be his plan. If things went south though, well, she was the better fighter. Came with being a military gear head before going into the private sector. And now stuck with this goof. Ah well.

As they approached the front door, the bouncer stepped in front of them, while the crowd in line jostled a bit to get a better look. The pair looked more out of place owing to the fact that this club was more of a raver's gig than what the two looked like dressed as they were. The guy was big, burly, and oh yeah, had a pair of horns indicating he wasn't your typical big muscle type. Never mind that they were never as dumb as people mistook them for. Dan didn't skimp on his security. Ever.

“Here on a job, Dan wants this package. Call him and tell him that Jun and Josephine are here.”, Jun said as the bouncer stopped them, also just bothering to go the extra mile to show the order and delivery form. It was a medium sized case, wrapped in securo-tape, legitimizing that it had not been tampered with. Normally the elf didn’t care for procedure, Dan was always grumpy regardless, but it was better than taking longer by arguing.

The big guy eyed the pair, then seemed to gulp a few times. Tilting his head ever so slightly away from the crowd to his left, he kept his eyes on the pair. After a few moments, he nodded. "Boss wants to see you immediately. No stopping at the bar for drinks or trying to woo someone." He growled, stepping aside for them, too much complaining from the line. Which another bouncer handled.

Josephine shrugged. She didn't have any plans but getting through the night right now in one piece. As they stepped in, she silently wished she'd had been able to get away with her rifle... 'bout the only she could be sure would at least stagger those big fuckers. "So, money on them being demons, or some kind of genemod?" She asked quietly to Jun as they walked.

“They could be space orks for all I care, still not someone we want to play roughies with. Personally, my money is on demons, they’ve been around the blocks more lately.” Was all Jun would say as they went on their way through the building, thankful for the idle chatter to distract from the tension he felt. This plan had to be clutch, and he was really hoping it was, because he was the first one boned if things went south. And not in the pleasant way he wanted, like with the doll of a babe next to him as they approached the office.

The door was open where two personal guards in suits waited, one holding open the door, both stern and mean as hell looking. Once the pair was in, the door was closed, where they took their place to either side. What sat behind the desk, was a fat sack of shit if a human could ever count as one, because Dan was the lowest quality of person. If they weren’t in his company, Jun would be vomiting from the thought of this asshole, but here they were. He just hoped this got the guy out of their lives forever.

“I’ve got the package you wanted Mr. Gioni, and as a celebration of clearing the tab as promised, I bought some of those fancy export ciggies you like. I hope you don’t mind, but I got one for your personal guard too.” As the package was set gently on the desk for Dan, Jun gently and slowly pulled out the packs so as not to come off as making a move. Sure enough, in his hands were three packs of gold leaf covered packs of Midus Omega brand cigarettes, two of which he handed to Jose to give to the guards.

“I hope this makes up for the trouble I’ve caused ya boss, I really do, and this paycheck is gonna help me and Jose do so much more work now. We can even run more things to other systems again.”, Jun said with a cheerful voice full of thankfulness. Sure he was probably horribly overexaggerating it, but Dan didn’t need to know that, and backup would be on the way soon.

Jose kept quiet, keeping her focus on Dan, even as she felt his eyes, even if they weren't directly on her, clearly enjoying the idea of making her one of his. Which she had zero intention of doing. Fuck that noise with a giant spiked unlubed dildo. As it was, she was just keeping herself tense enough to act in a hurry, but relaxed enough to not give away her tension.

Of course, being handed the packs, she eyed Jun a moment, before rolling her eyes and turning around to hand the two goons the packs in question.

Thankfully she had enough control of her emotions to keep them from showing in her fur or the movement of her tail. So as far as anyone watching could tell, she was just bored and ready to get out of here.

Being the late person she was, Cloe would kick the door open screaming and yelling, “Jun! Why dont you ever tell me where the fuck you are you fucking twat!”. Her tail slammed against the door to close it as she grabbed the smaller man by the collar and lifted him up, “You’re lucky I don't hate you y’know!” She was visibly mad over the fact that he ran off without telling her his plans again, knowing how much trouble he can get into.

Even as Jose handed out the packs, he could hear the growl of the POS behind the desk, “Um, Cloe hon, maybe not the best place to do this right now. We’re kinda doin’ business and paying off my debt, so please don’t hoist me over the boss’s desk.”

“Hurry up the parade and get out Jun, otherwise ma bois are gonna carry you out the hard way. The ladies are fine to stay, I insist.~”, came the annoyed but suggestive and snappy remark from Dan Gionni.

Jose barely managed to avoid getting hit by the door as Cloe barged in. She wasn't sure where the hell the dragon woman figured out where they were going, since Jose knows she didn't leave any notice behind at the hanger or her apartment. Nonetheless, the packs were handed out, with the goons seeming as confused as Jose felt, but she settled in near the big conference table dominating the room while she waited to find out just what kind of mess they were about to get thrust into this time.

Cloe annoyingly put jun down and rubbed her eyes “Listen boss, i'm not really in the mood for this, i get ur the boss but like. Tone it down yaknow.” she would then sit on a chair next to Jun and cross her legs and look at Jun with a soft smile.

Clicking something in the pack, as Dan turned his enraged eyes towards Cloe, Jun tossed the pack of cigs to the man. “What did you say whore!!!”, Dan half yelled as he fretfully caught the pack, and as Jun took a few hurried steps away from the desk. What followed next, was the sound of three very wet and echoing claps, which were followed by blood misting from three different directions.

“Jose hold the door, police are on their way, we just need to hold out! Cloe…. Yeah sorry about the gore bath.”, the elf frantically called to Jose before turning to the now red drenched Cloe with a pause. He knew what would happen, but seeing it coating the room… yeah… That was a gambit he was only ever doing once.

Jose barely flinched at the detonations, instead clenching her jaw as she let the mist settle. "Jun, you dumb mother fucker..." She growled. "We didn't confirm if we got paid by Dan before you blew him up." She yelled, pointing to the now in shock man holding onto the stump of an arm as he took shuddering gasping breaths. "Now you stabilize him while I deal with the mess you're dropping on top of our heads!" She ordered, walking to the goons, and picking up their weapons, since they'd pocketed their pack next to their hearts. Good to know that a bomb at their heart could kill a demon. Still, their hand cannons were fucking massive. Practically a rifle in her hands. So she did the simple thing.

"Cloe! Catch!" She barked out, hucking one of the massive things to the dragon woman as she fished out spare magazines for said firearm. If anyone was going to at least not lose an arm firing the damned things, it was her. Herself, well, bodies made for great cover. And fresh bodies more so. They also made excellent doorstops. So her first goal was getting them into place as just that, while she settled in behind the conference table furthest from the door to put as much cover between her and it.

Cloe would catch the gun, load it and “Ha, big shiny gun is always good fun, Jun. We are talking later about this.” Cloe would swing the door open laughing with a sinister look on her face as she obliterated the guard in the hallway running to the room, after throwing a nade down the hall after being tossed to her she closed the door and barricaded it with the couches and bodies.

Jun just grabbed the gun off of the still stunned Dan’s desk, before pointing the barrel of the expensive looking weapon at his head. “Dan, pay for the job, or bite it here son. If you want to live, make the transaction now.”, he barked at the mob boss with frantic annoyance.

“F-f- fine, just fucking put the gun down!”, the man said with a pained cringe as he swiped the transaction option. A beep in Jun’s pocket on his device confirming the man had, and for a moment, he really considered pulling the trigger. Weighing the options, and knowing all he said to Jose earlier about wiping the slate clean, he decided to pull the trigger.

Their best option involved Dan dead, leaving no room for reprisal later, and dispersal of the guards with no employer. They weren’t getting work from again anyways, and with the blood loss of that stub, his life was on a timer anyways. “Alright, job’s done, so we hold out here until the police come. They should be entering the building now roughly.”, Jun called up to the girls, even as the smoke escaped the hole in Dan’s noggin.

“So… Plans working more or less so far.”, was all he added as he took cover behind one of the few remaining couches nearby.

Jose snorted. "Sure, working. Next time you want to raid a mob boss's sanctum, I'm not bailing your ass out if you fuck something up again!" She growled. "Fuck, for this mess your bottom for two nights!" She stated, as banging could be heard against the door, and several gun shots occurred. Each one tearing through the door, and punching through the wall behind Dan's corpse. "FUCKING HELL! The kind of fucking caliber are they using!?" She growled, hunkering down more as she waited for enough of an opening to return fire through.

She only hoped the police were better prepared than the trio were, because if not... IT was gonna be a very bloody battle to rescue them. Because by her guess, those things were firing something a touch bigger than a normal anti-material rifle fired, if the holes were anything to go by.

Cloe would snarl at the bullets punching through and would throw a flashbang through a hole in the door where glass used to be and when it detonated she would jump out the door and blow fire down both of the hallways and the guards were still dazed. And while being distracted by literally being on fire she would gun them all down “You coming or what!”

“When we have a perfectly good room to hold out in?! We’re likely to get shot by the po if we just run out there!”Jun yelled after Cloe went rampaging through the door. They needed to stick together, and as gunfire could be heard throughout the building, this seemed like the best place to just wait. The elven man did however, spare a glance at the case he had delivered, wondering what the now ownerless container had within. Grabbing the case, he’d find out later, or pop it open to see if it was useful incase of a final hail mary being needed.

Jose grunted, as new rounds began to tear into the room from a direction different from the door. "FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!" She growled, rolling to the side and starting to push the table over. Behind her was the large tinted one-way window looking out into the club as the sight of people fleeing while police tried to move in, but caught between getting people out, fighting the demons, and trying to secure the cooling corpse of Dan... So the window shattered in pretty spectacular fashion as the 20mm bullet-shaped RPGs flew through them. And detonated above the club floor.

"Jun! I hope you got a new plan now, because we're running out of options!"

Cloe seeing that nobody was coming up since the hallways collapsed to her fire she would run to the others and start stripping “Sorry about this, i know i don't do it often because i look ridiculous!” after all her clothes were off but her bra and panties she tossed her shirt and short to jose and bolted out the window and started to free fall a little above the main area, turning into her wyvern form, stomping and breathing fire to rid of any people, after they had been dealt with she hastily let her partners climb onto her snout and then helped then down to the lower floor and turned back into her humanoid, taking her shirt and pants back to put them on while running.

“Jose grab Dan, I got the case! I’ll take her clothes too since you have to carry him!”, Jun called out before taking the clothes too and hopping down onto the shifted cloe. Instead of making her wait for him to lower, he slid down her neck and off her back like a slide. Firing his pistol at anyone who threw pot shots their way from side doors, and halls. Once Jose was down too, and Cloe changed, he handed the clothes off as they made their exit.

Once they were all outside, breathing hard from the escape, Jun took the moment to catch his breath as he tossed the case into the buggy’s rear bin. “Okay so, that was more hectic then planned, but we came out on top.”, he said as one of the nearby officers dragged Dan’s corpse away. As his device beeped again, the elf gave a smile, “See, paid, and a clean start to boot. Also Cloe, what the fuck, you could have been killed for charging into the lair of a mob boss. Girl, Jose thought I was crazy, hahaha.”

Josephine grunted, moving over and grabbing the obese corpse from his chair, the weight way more than she signed up for to handle, but she wasn't going to drop him. Of course, jumping out the window to land on Cloe's head, and not even bothering to try and recover herself beyond making sure she could slide down the Vaigarin's neck in a controlled slide.

Once on the ground, she groaned as the weight pressed on her, slowing her significantly, but it seemed that the police were able to tell pretty quickly that she wasn't the typical 'goon' right now, especially since she was lugging a corpse missing most of an arm and with a fairly sizable hole in the head as well. "OUT OF THE WAY!" She growled at a pair of officers in her way, trying to get out of the line of fire as fast as she could.

Dropping the body next to a police cruiser, she was left gulping air as she tried to get her breath back after that miserable run. Stumbling to the buggy, she slumped against the side of it. "You both are fucking crazy." She gasped out.

Cloe would blush seeing some of the police officers blushing at her direction, before they all turned away from her and focused on moving into the building, Cloe would go over to Jose and give her a soft hug “Hey I know you don't mean that~” she would nuzzle the top of her head when they were in safety, Cloe would then walk over the Jun and chop him across the top of his head with her hand, “What did i say about leaving without giving me the plan.” she sighed and then rested her head on his chest. “I was worried about both of you…”

“Why am I always the one getting jack slapped, it’s not my fault things were desperate! Plus you haven’t been in the shit like me and Jose, so you would have been in more danger. I’d rather gamble with less then the full stack.” He’d been shot at, had his girls insulted, and been in debt up until now. So why was he always the fall guy? It wasn’t very endearing, he was doing what they had to get by.

Grumpy, he just wanted to go home at this point, and sleep off the splinters and breathed in drywall dust. So he climbed into the driver’s seat, “I’m sorry, but can we just go.”

Josephine sighed and settled into the front passenger seat. Buckling in her seatbelt, she laid her head back into the headrest. "Let's just get to the garage." She said, waving an arm forward, since of course the police were going to take ages to process the bounty and everything involved.

Cloe would happily sit in the back seat and start to pat Jose’s head and smiled at her before buckling in her own seatbelt and slowly relaxing in the backseat “I'm beat…” on the ride back, Cloe would mostly stay silent, feeling too much awkwardness in the air to even think about what to say.

Once the police were out of the way, Jun drove them all home, more than happy to be there once they had arrived. With the buggy parked by the garage, the elf stretched after climbing out of the vehicle. With a pop of the joints, he then grabbed the case from the cargo bin, “I am getting a cold beer, and possibly a nap. Then I might find out whatever this damned thing is, might be worth something to offer a bit more padding. We’ve got a clean slate, and I plan to keep it that way.”

Flipping the case with a whistle as he went, he gave the girls a salute as he walked inside. The case was heavy, and more than the needed amount of securo-seal tape around it. Whatever was inside, had been very important to Dan Gionni, gods rest his soul.

Josephine just walked up to the living space in the garage above the garage itself, and settled onto the couch up there, and flung her boots onto the coffee table as she pulled up a display to play up the news, just to see how they treated the whole mess at Club Neutron.

Cloe on the other hand would flop onto the lounge and almost pass out, all the adrenaline now left her body. While resting, to the other two she was adorable, sometimes annoying to deal with but still adorable. “I'm so tired… Jun when you take a nap can you take me into bed as well, I'm small enough… to carry…” before she could finish talking she passed out.

“Seems a little late for that one, so I won’t disturb her.”, Jun simply said before walking into his room. It was not the biggest space either, but Jose gave him a cot, bed, and desk. The minifridge was a pick from a salvage job, the tv from the last race he’d won, not that there had been another held for some time now in the area. It wasn’t much, but it was home for now when he wasn’t living out of his ship, the CS Herminia.

Placing the case, and the newly acquired gun on the desk, Jun began to strip off his jacket and boots. With a sigh of relief, he decided to save the nap for just a bit, and figure out what was in the case. Pulling up the chair, he pulled a knife out of the desk drawer, before working at the tape. Shit was sturdy and hard to cut as hell, so it took him a while, his arm growing sore from the effort until it was done.

Sucking in a breath from the tiring effort, the elf flipped the now freed latches, and slowly lifted the case lid open. The man’s jaw practically would have fallen off, his surprise more then visible, despite being alone for it to even be seen. “Maybe my luck really is the best, this… this is good for us… real good.”, he quietly said to himself before sitting back in the chair.

Jose looked over, quirking an eyebrow. "And?" She asked. She also didn't want to point out that Cloe kind of just slept wherever she damned well pleased which often meant someplace in the garage. "Don't leave us in suspense."

Jun simply padded into the lounge with the girls, and set the case on the coffee table. Turning it around, he slowly opened the lid for Jose to see its contents, a case with protective filling around two very magical in nature gems. “Just a jackpot of the strange and valuable baby. Think you might be getting that parts money, much sooner, rather than later.”, he said slyly with a cocky grin. “As long as we find the right buyer for this.”

Jose narrowed her eyes as she leaned forward. "The fuck is that shit? Looks like a couple of fancy gem." She said, reaching forward and picking up one of the stones that were in the padding. "What was Dan doing with these? Grind 'em up and snort them?"

“These are extremely magical… so i definitely wouldn’t recommend doing that. Might get some magical vanieral disease after he grew one.” Jun waved a hand dismissively before waving a hand over the other gem, and feeling it hum strongly under his palm. Something made him pause after doing that, “Call me crazy, but I think these are alive.”

Jose quirked an eyebrow. "Alive? How the hell do stones come to life?" She asked, hefting the stone a few times, including a couple of small tosses to really get a feel for the weight of it. "And I dunno, I think he would have been better off wasting away from one of those things. Besides, I didn't know you were a mage. Thought you were just a pretty face that gets into trouble." She said, grinning.

The elf stuck a tongue out at her, before running a hand through the different colored hair at the front of his head. “I’ll take that as a compliment, and no, I’m not trained in that mumbo jumbo, but I’m sensitive to it. Very much so, makes me tingle around mages weirdly, like I had one too many beers at the bar. Shit is wild to be around.”

Gently, he took the gem from her hand and put it back in the protective padding. “That being said, it best not to handle them too roughly, otherwise weird shenanigans be afoot.”, Jun added after slotting it back in, and letting the lid drop perhaps a little too loudly then he should have. “Best to keep them secure until we can find a buyer.”

"Great. Now we have to find someone who's willing to buy illicit magical artefacts in the NDC. I don't know a single group willing to do that, since they'd rather do it legitimately via actually reputable sources. Not a band of down on their luck delivery bitches." Jose said, crossing her arms.

From the loud bang of the lid, it would jolt Cloe back awake and with a tired motion she would enter the room and hug Jun and wrap him with her wings, “Mmmmm… did we make enough to get a better bed…?” to Cloe the most important things were sleeping, and her two lovers.

“Now, to be fair, since we did the job. And now that he’s dead, it’s legal salvage, not to mention being best confiscated anyways if he wanted.” Jun was cut off from saying more as he was suddenly enveloped from behind by the Vaigarin woman. He was far from about to complain about the boobies not pressed into his back, he liked the soft cushioning. “Oh hey Clo’, nap well?”, he simply said after she laid on him.

“I got some people I can poke, hell Cloe can probably poke some of the families on it. This stuff is a market all it’s own, so there has to be more than a few who would shell out for it. It’s not local either, meaning it has research value.”

Jose snorted. "Getting the Vaigarin's involved is asking to get fried. Most of what I've heard 'bout them is, while yes, they're civilized and shit, they're still fire breathing flying lizards who could just as easily go on a rampage and tear out a chunk of a city block before getting knocked out." She said, shrugging. She wasn't really familiar with the Vaigarin people herself, being she was colony born and bred. Never did a tour in Sirris II, so the only Vaigarin she's met personally has been Cloe.

Cloe would calmly look to jose “I can call my grandfather, he's the elder so i’ll be able to have this stuff sold to the highest bidder. Since this stuff is hard to come by and has a very niche market.” she would hug jun tighter and open up one wing for jose to come and join “We can finally live comfortably you know~?” Cloe would smile and close her eyes, happy to love these two so deeply.

Josephine rolls her eyes at the whole open wing thing. "I'm fine. Besides, someone owes some time under me." She says, grinning as she looked at Jun with a wolfish grin. "Two nights as my bitch wasn't it?"

“I mean, a deal was a deal. Guess I can consider it a vacation, because I’m sure as hell not walking anywhere for a few days, not after you have your knotty way with me.” Jun answered, hands reaching back to feel Cloe’s sides, not at all minding the closeness. “Also… you know, like… yer welcome, since my crazy fucking plan made this sell possible.”, he added with a stuck out tongue.

Cloe would chuckle and blush “Well since our little pup seems to have you on the sub side, i don't mind being your sub for the time she's domming you~ so you don't get out of practice~” she chuckled more, knowing full well that she will never dom in her life, being a hard sub.

Jose grinned. "Good. First and foremost... You're gonna give me a massage to get the stress out of my shoulders. We'll see if you earn your first filling after." She said, rolling her shoulders like they were stiff, to help emphasize her point, which merely had the benefit of making her breasts move up and down in an enticing fashion with the combo of wool-like shoulderless top and the leather jacket combo.

Jun would kiss Cloe in sweet victory, before getting up to go give Jose her much deserved work over. Getting in there and working his hands into the muscles as he worked to loosen her back a bit. “You’re lucky I like being this pampering, and being the bottom bitch on occasion.”, he chuckled while getting to work, and removed her jacket to give him access.