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P [NPS] Sour Elves and Dark Buns



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - 011023:1 (Charon Station, Kalis System)

Nexus Private Security - Main Office

Standing by the docking bay, the tall rabbit woman was looking down at a tablet in her hand, reviewing the report sent to her by her agents on the ship now approaching the station. Since the entire place was owned and run by the NPS, she wasn't worried about 'disguising' herself.

And so, she was wearing a tight, almost too tight, dark grey with red highlights latex bodysuit that happened to have been designed to highlight, emphasis, and make distinct her body's features. Her long legs sheathed in the shiny material that made her legs look like they climbed for days thanks to the tall heels she wore. Her firm, heart shaped bubble butt, with the cheeks separated in such a way that you could almost make you want to pull them apart, capped with a tuft of hair and fur of her tail, though the coloration of that was a strong white.

Continuing up the outfit, it even seemed to sink in and highlight her belly button, which was on a firm stomach that sat above a pair of lovely hips that, were she walking, would sway in a hypnotizing fashion. Further up were her breasts, each in their own little 'pocket' of latex, highlighting their size and firmness, the latex creaking with each breath. Her shoulders were slim, and her arms and hands were elegant, almost dancer-like. Her fingers past the first knuckle of her hand were exposed, revealing a rich mocha coloration with finally manicured nails that were unadorned.

As for her head, it was elegant, with just that barest hint of pout on her face with her slightly plush lips. Her shoulders were covered by white hair that grew down to about her nipples in length, but was parted to expose her whole face. Her nose was just ever so slightly upturned to give it an adorable look. Her eyes, a rich blue that stands out in sharp contrast to her skin and hair, which one could now tell had hints of blonde and silver mixed in, making for a shimmering look to it. Atop her head, a pair of tall rabbit ears stood up, nearly the length of her arm above her. The fur which coated it was the same as her hair and tail.

She also stood at an impressive 2.14 meters, with her ears, a firm 2.25 meters in height. As the alarms to indicate a docking ship was in progress, Lilith smiled and looked up, looking out at the freighter which was bringing back one of her field teams, who's report she'd been reading. She was rather interested in meeting the pilot of the freighter which had done so much to help her team, but also impressed the team leader, not an easy thing owing to the standards which Lilith held all of the NPS Spy Network to.

The ship that landed was at first glance an old luxury craft that had seen better days. It was sleek aye, but it wasn’t as polished and the paintjob had begun to fade. An astute eye could tell this ship had been heavily modified. Still there was a certain beauty to this retrofitted freighter. An inscription could be seen proudly at the front of the ship.

Freedom’s Glory

An entry ramp was lowered and with it the pilot and sole owner of this fine ship came down. An elf standing at 185 cm came down the ramp, the heavy thuds of her mag boots announcing her. She wore a pilot’s jumpsuit, grey and utilitarian, but still her voluptuous form could be glimpsed. A green scarf cape surrounded her pilot’s helmet, specially designed for elves and their pointed ears. The helmet’s visor was opaque obscuring the woman within. She noticed curiously, the latex clad woman with bunny features awaiting her. Approaching her, with a hand on her hip near the holster of her gun, the pilot addressed her, “Can I help you with anything, Ma’am?” The pilot was glad for the helmet. It hid the way her ways were glued to the bunny woman’s figure. Then she saw the logo in her suit.

“NPS, huh? Guess you’re checking on your team?”

Lilith smiled, and nodded. "Yes. The person in charge of the team you've brought on board wishes to speak with you." She said, whilst gesturing to the team stepping off the boarding ramp behind the woman. "If you'll follow me?"

Giving a nod to the team as she turned around, she began to walk further into the station. Indeed, her hips gave such a lovely sway to them as she walked, giving the woman a lovely view of just how well the outfit clung to her curves, and yet allowed them to bounce enticingly.

“Rightttt.” the pilot said as she followed behind the woman, her hand never straying far from her holster despite her casual stride and occasional whistling. As the passengers left her ship, she clicked a few buttons on her wristpad and the ship’s ramp lifted. Orange lights highlighted the entry points to the ship as they locked. Didn’t want anyone taking her baby from her.

"You can take off your helmet, you know." Lilith said, glancing behind her. They were walking through a fairly busy part of the station, being it was one of the more 'public' sections of the station. Soon they reached a door that was higher security, with a guard who was checking people coming in.

Once they were through, it was clear that this was more operations and organization of the NPS's activities, before they turned to a side passage that was much quieter. A door opened near the end of the hallway, and they were in a well appointed office. "If you'll take a seat ma'am."

“I did get paid, so I guess I can strip a little” she joked as she removed her helmet. Black hair came out in a spiky style with purple highlights. Two eyes were revealed, one purple, the other yellow, a cybernetic eye. The 3 scars lining the left side of her face seemingly are the cause for the cyber eye. Smirking, she sat down while propping one of her feet on the table, her pose completely casual. “So what does your boss want with little ol’ me?”

Lilith smiled as she walked around the desk and settled into her seat behind it. "Oh, not my boss. He leads the NPS. I run the intelligence arm of it. What I wish to speak to you about, is the potential of joining that arm properly." She stated giving the woman in front of her a few moments to process that.

“Ah, so that’s what you meant. I’ll admit it, you got me.” Mithra said, as she smiled at the woman. Her smile dropped, as she said, “Why should I join you, though? I mean, don’t take it personally, the payment was good, your team was actually nice and the ride over here?” She wolfcalled shamelessly. “But none of that gives me a single reason, why I, Mithra Freewind, captain of the Freedom’s Glory, Nebula Rider and other grandiose titles, should join a bunch of core world privateers.”

Lilith smiled and shrugged. "I won't try to appeal to your honor. You seem the sort who would rather get things done than be all holier than thou about it. I won't appeal to your greed. You make plenty I imagine, and freight always needs to move, so you never worry about work. But I will appeal to your skills." She said, raising fingers as she spoke.

"First, you were able to operate above and beyond the requirements the team leader hired you for, for the sake of the job. Second, you were not only as skilled as you claimed, but more so. And Third, you impressed my team leader. He's not easy to impress. To give you a hint, he's only ever recommended I recruit someone, once. You are that once." She said. "He's been working for me for nearly as long as I've been running this. Which, if I recall correctly, which I tend to do on the regular, has been nearly a decade."

Lilith smiled. "So, if he's willing to recommend you to join our ranks, and you're the first person who's ever managed to impress him enough to do so in nearly a decade of service, that speaks extremely highly of your skill and capability."

“Ha! If I wanted to hear compliments all day, I’d go to a brothel. What’s in it for me?”

"A chance to continue to prove that you're that damned good." Lilith said. "I recruit the best possible people I can get, and someone who's willing to do what you do, is worth the effort if you've the skill to back it up. And you do. The pay is worthwhile as well, if you're concerned about that. And of course, you'll operate with people to the same skill as the team you helped on the last job."

It did sound appealing. Going full pro was appealing. No more hauling bootleg tech to sell, or handling passengers who didn’t know the meaning of the word hygiene. And working with this woman who seemed to have been sculpted to perfection was very, very appealing. But still…

“What’s the catch? There’s gotta be some limitations and other stuff.”

Lilith nodded. "There are. You work for me. Even if you take on other jobs while operating as you normally do, you still work for me. So if you have intel I can make use of, you will be expected to report it to me." She said, "In addition, if we have a mission for you, you will perform the mission. We'll try to avoid ruining your reputation or any jobs you are actively involved in, but sometimes we don't have a choice." She continued.

"Oh, and finally, you can't announce that you work for NPS publicly." She finished.

Damn, it was not as bad as Mithra thought. She mused before asking, “Can I refuse a mission if I disagree with it?”

"If you sign on? No. You can disagree with it, you can argue against it, but if I'm handing you a mission, it's because you're the best person I have available for it at that time." She said, Lilith was trying rather hard to bring up the woman's past as possible. She had, of course, done some 'light reading' on the women's history before she'd arrived after all.

Sighing, Mithra got up. “Look Ms. Sexy Mystery Bunny Lady, I’m really touched by all this trouble, I really am. But I just gotta be free, you know? Gotta see every system, try every drink, taste all the


So thank you, but no.” Turning around, the pilot headed for the door.

"You'd be assured protection against those who've been hunting for you since you broke free of their bonds." Lilith pointed out as the pilot reached the door. "Maybe even get chances to give them a further tasting of their own medicine."

Mithra froze at the words and their sweet promise. She’d been on the run for years, nearly a decade, running from job to job, never staying in any system too long. They called her Freewind because she followed the winds. What a joke. She wasn’t free. She was running, like an animal running from a persistent predator.

Turning back, Mithra’s eyes glared with emotion. “Start talking. Now. I don’t care if you’ve got a million credit ass, I will pummel you.”

"I run an intelligence operation on a interstellar private security company." She said, smiling. "I do my research. Your past is not an open secret, but neither is it overly difficult to find if you know what to search for. We won't sell you out. Bad for business. But we also won't protect you if they do find you." She continued, much colder and more blunt.

"Simply put, Miss Mithra, I'm offering you a chance to finally be able to

stop running

. Do I want to hire you on? Yes. Do I think you'd be a perfect fit? Yes. Did I want to throw this in your face? No." She stated simply. "Because in the end, it amounts to me blackmailing you. I look to recruit people and have them be loyal because they know I won't stab them in the back, or force them to play my game."

“Well fuck.” she finally said. Mithra pondered, wandered a bit through the office before sitting down. The woman that looked back was not the jovial devil may care pilot. It was a tired woman who hadn’t known the safety of a home in a very long time. “I’d ask if you could promise this, but I know the NPS’s reputation. Or rather the lack of reputation. I’m not a greenhorn, I know that information is platinum in the right hands. But you guys, you guys are a ghost story. If anyone could do it’d be you.”

She closed her eyes and smiled. She opened them again. “There are two conditions. One, nobody touches my ship without my permission. And Two, I’m gonna need your name.”

Lilith smiled. "Lilith Ezrama. And I can't promise we won't offer you support and improvements to it. But if you are dead set on no changes being made without your say-so, that I can agree to." She replied. Now she reached out a hand over the table for Mithra to shake if she agreed.

“You already know it, but it’s tradition. Mithra Freewind.” she said. She grasped Lilith’s around but instead of shaking, she brought herself low to a bow and kissed the offered hand. Gazing up, with a small smile, she said, “Thank you Lilith Ezrama.”

Lilith smiled. "Welcome to NPS Intelligence. I hope you don't have anything scheduled for the next couple of months. You've some training to do now." She stated, smirking.