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M [NPS] Coping with Nexus Impact



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - 011023:1 (Charon Station, Kalis System)Nexus Private Security - Main Office

Lilith was staring at the tablet in her hands, eyes closing for a short moment. On it was displayed a figure, not unlike herself, dressed in a very provocative swimsuit, posing in a sly fashion with one of the NPS's submachine guns as a brace on the ground.Normally, Lilith didn't mind if people did things involving her. She expected it. Besides, Lazarus had talked Lilith into doing some morale boosting posters that are still up in the odd spot around the station, as well as recruitment and business posters that managed to hang around UNS space.But this particular thing was not something she'd agreed to. And she was more livid about how many of the 'missions' in this silly little gacha game, were based on real missions that the NPS had taken part in. Nexus Impact was getting around too much, and she was not happy about it.So she'd asked Lazarus to have some time open and either call her to his office or come down to her own, so they could talk about it.In this case, he figured it was best just to visit her, the man walking in dressed as his usual public image. Once the door closed however, he was quick to remove the mask, and take a seat. “So dear, what is so urgent that you needed me to come by? Is there someone I need to airlock?”, Lazarus asked casually as he waited to hear what the deal was that was so important.She placed the tablet on her desk, facing him so he could see the image on the display. "Yeah. Someone's risking our missions getting leaked with this silly little game. And I have an idea of who it is, but I need your permission to take this thing down." She said, a little huffily.“We make so much income off that little game though, from just the currency packs alone, and the skins you can buy instead of earn. It’s insane, how did we not think to market something like it sooner?”, Lazarus replied with excited surprise in how that app had improved business so unexpectedly. “As for missions, it’s not like they look accurate enough to be believable. I’d be willing to take a compromise, but the income is paying for a few expenses that can’t really go unpaid right now. So if you can figure out a way to replace those missions, then I don’t care if you have to literally whip the team into getting it done.”The man gave a shrug, nodding as he gave her his answer, “Just can’t take it down after it’s become such a large part of our budgeting and finances.”Lilith sighed, and shook her head. "Great. I can't really do anything about what they've done. And while yes, the in-game missions aren't close enough to the real missions to be readily identifiable as such, I'm just worried someone's going to notice the similarity from a job they hired us for. Plus, not sure I'm a fan of being the poster girl for the game... Or how much they seem to love using me in some weird outfits ideas." She pointed out.She leaned back and looked up. "I mean, fuck, they didn't even do anything near as over the top for your character. Mine? Has like 6 different skins."“Soon to be 12 actually with the new update, I already have all the previous ones thankfully.”, he idly commented as the boss took what she said in a casual stride. “Plus you’re hot, and a workplace favorite, you make the best morale poster lady we have. As for them recognizing it, I was talking to a couple of the clients, and they just kind of chuckled about it with me. Other then that, I can have asmodaeus make a few disappear if they give us trouble over it.”"Seriously?" She said looking at him like he had grown a second head. "You actually play this thing?" She asked, gesturing to the tablet. "I don't know if I should be shocked, appalled, or just confused now." She stated, sighing in defeat."As for Asmodaeus, I leave that kind thing to you. I'm just trying to avoid having our clients hiring us for work that we're capable of deciding we can't be trusted with sensitive jobs. And I know that some of these missions weren't ever supposed to see the light of day. That's why I'm worried." She said, sighing again."I wish I'd heard about it sooner and could have cut it off before it got out. But according to some of the reports, this thing is out in the NDC and the UNS now."“Of course I’m going to enjoy anything that has you in it. And I’ll tell them to only use the lower classification ratings when making quests for it. Since it’s out, we can’t just drop it, but since launch is over. It’s no longer scraping for material at least, and can be a lot more picky about what gets used as material.” Lazarus didn’t seem to really think this was all that serious of a problem, or at least didn’t give off that he saw it otherwise. She would know that he understood, and that he did understand the severity of the matter.Lazarus did clear his throat a moment before sitting up and adding, “Also I want to mention for the record, that when this was proposed to me. We were in a bit of a spot income wise, I never mentioned it, but the company was actually dipping in the red.” The man gave an apologetic smile before continuing, “It was a gamble, but was an advertising idea from our economic team. I wouldn’t have approved it unless we were actually in a desperate enough spot to need something so ridiculous.”"And I suppose you talked to the Intel team behind my back to get the mission details for the in-game missions." she finished, seeing how this all happened. "Right. So what now? I mean, I see how they changed enough to make the whole thing seem more fantastical, even tweaking personnel used for the characters for the sake of both personal identity protection, and also giving players interesting characters. Since, well, we do have an eclectic list of people in the NPS in every division." She mentioned with a sigh."Fuck."“Um no? They sent the paper to my desk and asked directly, but they knew you would shoot it down. So given the situation, I made an executive decision and approved it. As much as you hate it Lil, I’m not joking when I said we were dipping into the red.” He said, trying to explain why he did what he did, not expecting her approval or anything. At the end of the day, it was their company, but executive decisions were still his to make. “Personally, they also kinda fear you, and most wanted to remain anonymous to avoid execution. Telling you at the time, would have revealed who was part of the design team. So I’m sorry for that.”"I'm aware Lazarus. And I can't now. Because I've also seen the uptick in intel quality and capacity since it started. Not from the game itself, but from people willing to talk more around the game. I just..." She pointed out. "I'm just worried about the repercussions." She finished."Besides, the artist is good. I have to admit that. I didn't realize how good I could look white and dark hair." She said, gesturing to the swimsuit wearing version of herself on the screen.“I mean if I was gonna make you the front page, you can be damned sure, I’m getting the best to pen up my wife. As for repercussions…” Lazarus said with a smile, before letting the topic hang in the air for just a moment before finishing, “We have ways of making them disappear, and if need be, I will take care of them personally. Anything bad coming of this thing, I will deal with, because they’re on me if they do.”“You run a tight ship, so anything going wrong is not worth falling on you in terms of blame, or dropping on your plate. I know you’re not some delicate flower, but I’m willing to take it for you if I need to.”Lilith chuckled. "Maybe, but you're supposed to be the only one who doesn't get touched by the messes we make." She pointed out, smiling. "So, it seems like we might be at a bit of an impasse here. I guess the only thing we can do, is make sure it actually, at least, is coherent and not utter drek. I've seen how some of these... 'games' get." She pointed out.“Hey now, I’m used to getting my hands dirty, gotta have my fun somehow. And besides, as much as you guys keep me out of trouble, I’d be remiss not to do the same.”, Lazarus chuckled with a grin. He sat back with the same grin, but wider, “Yeah we avoid doing the gimmicky shit too hard. Also with how big of a staff we have here at Charon, we have one hell of a play testing sample to work with.”"Considering that somehow everyone but me was involved in this little escapade," She pointed out, "I can't say I'm not surprised we have one of the largest QA teams for this sort of thing." She said. "So, am I gonna get any say in what they dress me up in next? Much less have more of an idea of what the fuck they've already put me in?"Lazarus took on a smug and mischievous look, “Who else is gonna model and act as reference for them. I’m sure you can pick out a nice selection for your next round of skins. You’re a premium character, and can only be won along with any of your skins, in events or direct purchase.”Lilith snorted. "Really? Is that how it's gonna be? So my whole being in this bikini outfit is the event?" She asked, gesturing once more to the tablet. "Guess I got a lot more to learn about what you have all been doing around me." She said, laughing."Besides, I feel like most of these must have used 'reference material' you've supplied at least some part of." She teased.“I mean… It’s not like we’ve been quiet about what we do in our quarters, here, my office, or even the random corridors at times. Much less what you wear for me on occasion. So I didn’t even have to hand them anything.” He teased right back with a smile, saying how much he liked the idea that someone had done her outfits around what he had fucked her in. It had him chuckling quite a bit, and wondering what outfit they’d catch him stripping her out of next.“I would think you’d prefer more, um, modest ways of picking event outfits instead.”"I would. I've also noticed you haven't shown me what outfits they've already put me in." She needled him, grinning as she leaned forward. "Since, after all, you've mentioned you've collected all of them up to the next update."He gave a scoffing sound playfully, “In a romantic way, one of them is the outfit that you wore when you and I met. Another was actually that latex suit you wore to a recent meeting. One I know was ad-hoc, a suit of our combat gear, and the other was some superhero costume bullshit.”“They wanted to switch development up and be more lowkey since if you played, you’d know they’d been watching, and on the look for them afterwards.”, Lazarus added on return, “You’ve trained your people almost too well I’d say.”"Yeah well, now they're working on it with, taciturn approval from me. Suffice to say, I expect them to work on more than just my own skins if they're gonna do this shit." She says, grinning. "I hope they don't mind thinking of some other characters. I'm curious to see who all got slotted in now, since I doubt they have our entire staff. We're too large a crew to squeeze into such a small app."“You’d be surprised, I think they have 50 so far, even I’m in it as the boss. As well as actually me but gender bent like they did to poor Craig. Except i’m actually hot.”, Lazarus countered with a very pleased grin, the idea of a female him actually being honestly amusing to him. “Aries is in there too.”"Oh fuck. Please tell me they mellowed Aries out." She said, wincing visibly at the idea of her being in the game. Though admittedly, the idea of Lazarus and Craig in it, gender bent was kind of amusing. But that image of Aries... Nope. Not happy thought making.“Nope, she’s a 5 star with insane DPS and fire based abilities. She’s like the only character who’s a completely accurate depiction, well….. They may have exaggerated her figure to distract from the fact she’s batshit insane sometimes. She also acts like a fucking milf in her dialogue!” He was laughing pretty good now, finding what they had done to his sister, absolutely hilarious."Oh my fucking god..." She said, groaning at the image in and of itself. "Alright, since I imagine you have all these things, show. Now." Lilith instructed, waiting to see just how some of the NPS staff had been depicted.Lazarus pulled out the closest thing to a cellular device he had on him, and logged in before sliding it across the desk. “Take a peak, and yes, I have all of them. I.. get bored in my office.”Lilith looked up at Laz and shook her head, before checking things over. She paused several times, shaking her head and chuckling. "Okay, I can see how some of these work like this. And how others more fit their personalities." She admitted. Then stopped at one."Yes, you are in fact hot." She admitted, looking at the clearly sexpot look of the female Lazarus. In some ways, it reminded Lilith of her own body. Which, considering those eggheads down in the Fenrir production labs...."Something tells me they decided to use me as a template for you, since it's what you liked so much." She concluded, after seeing the rest of the characters. Handing it back to Lazarus. "Didn't expect to see Edric in there, since they're a male-presenting herm."Lazarus raised an eyebrow at that, “Well two things, about all of that. First being, this Edric sounds like someone I might like to play with, and someone my sister has likely made passes at already. Also, you sound like you could get me flipped like that.”Lilith chuckled. "Visit the outfitters. Edric handles Intel kit and specialist suits. They're damned good at their job. And have an eye for making things fit right that you'd miss otherwise." She said, "As for making passes, I can't say. I don't watch like a hawk what my people do in their off-time." She said, raising a hand in a fashion as to say she was speaking under oath of truth."Anyways, for getting you flipped, I have gotten word of a few things that could do so. One has gotten more substantial material to build up a case for looking into than others. But I'd need to talk to some contacts in the UNS for it. Since talking to witches is... not exactly simple or straightforward."“If I was normal, or sane, I might have been turned off by the idea. But after seeing me like that, I can’t help but be very vain about it.”, Lazarus said with a deep chuckle, seeming completely fine with getting gender bent. Then something clicked for him, “Wait witch? You know I have a sister who’s a witch right? Also yeah I will go down there, see if Edric can fit me of a different sort.”"Yeah. Some group of witches, uhhh..." She started, pausing as she worked on pulling up the information on the subject in question. "A 'Coven' called Vaindom. They, according to the material my people have gathered in the UNS, specialize in making items that are focused on physiological improvements or alterations." She said, clearly quoting a description given to her by one of who knew how many eyes and ears she had."One of their more common services is gender flipping items. Some are temporary, but there is a note here about at least 3 being permanent. I've been working on finding enough material to make a case to see about them supplying materials I can use for some of our deep op teams." She said, shrugging."And while I know your sister is a witch, I'd rather not have whatever we get blow up in our faces." She pointed out, smiling. "As for Edric, well, don't mind if they get a little indepth with the measurements." She warned, thinking of how the outfitter in question was able to get near skintight suits to work without making it look out of place. Though a touch of lubricant is needed on occasion.“I mean that’s kinda what I was hoping for, and hey, I won’t disagree on the matter of my sister however. She’s been known to send a few dolls charged with lightning crystals to people who vex her. So blowing up in faces is not out of the norm for her.” Lazarus said before standing up to stretch, giving a small grunt as he popped a shoulder. He gave a sigh as the muscle released, mumbling about needing more field time, before standing normally again. “Keep me in the loop on when your package is set to arrive, and i’ll make sure the invoice is paid. I’ll get an appointment with Edric setup and all that good shit. Other then those things, was there anything else you wanted to discuss?”Lilith shook her head. "Not off hand. Intel shop's running as it should, so we've been keeping the feed steady for the field teams." She mused, thinking. "Honestly, I could probably close shop for the day and let them work themselves." She pointed out, doing so. "So, any plans?"“Not really, other then maybe leveling up some characters. Have something in mind, since you’re asking?”, he answered, having a grin on his face. Either she had a plan, or just wanted to ask, she was the intel head after all. If anyone was allowed to know where he was at all times, it was her."Just thought I'd ask. I'm not sure I feel comfortable yet even giving it a try. All I've done is just put it on a burner tablet just in case I needed to throw it into a fire in a hurry." She said, referring to the game. "But, since you seem to enjoy it... I suppose I could watch you play."“Well when you do decide to play, it does have coop.”, her master added with a wink, before coming around the desk to kiss Lilith. An arm slipped around her back to pull her up into a hug, “Now isn’t that normal of us, hanging out like a couple normies, playing video games and getting cuddly.”Lilith snorted, amused. "Are we now? I thought you liked the idea of being some badass mercenary with an entire company to back you like some anti-hero character." She joked back, walking with him out of her office. "As for coop, I wonder how well you can focus if I'm bouncing on your lap?" She mused, as they began the long tedious walk out of the intelligence section of the station. Three different checkpoints, some might call overkill, but for Lilith, it was as much as she'd managed to talk Lazarus into letting her have.“Glad I had Craig interviewed to renew his ID in the system, I can’t imagine going through these everyday. Ugh.”, her boss groaned, hand holding her rear as much as his arm was around her back. “Also I was more thinking of having you railed on your back while we played. There’s this game called bash brothers bar, and the feel of sex I hear makes a good rumble feature replacement.”Chuckling lightly as they went, Lazarus was happy for this, the chatter and banter. He didn’t care about the fact he was groping her right in the hall, not like the staff hadn’t seen it before, or much less cared. Hell, his sister Aries was much worse in going down on people in the hallway. Okay… maybe he was guilty of that one a few times in all honesty.Lilith smirked. "Yeah well, it's one of those things that's only done once a year. And I wanted five checkpoints to help keep Intel secure. But someone talked me down to three." She said, grinning. She didn't care he was groping her in public as they walked. "And we'll see. You know I'm not much for video games like you are. Though I admit to enjoying some of the same things." She mused. "Oh, you did make sure to have someone watch Lilia right?" She asked, looking at Lazarus with a serious look on her face.“Silvana is watching her, like a good big sis. I trust her safety to her, more than I do with the drones here, even though there isn’t really much danger here.” Lilia was another one of his precious things in this fucked up thing he called a life, of course he would make sure she was looked after. “You know, has anyone ever told you that you look really damn hot as a mom. I’m thinking those milf energies have settled in really well.”The smirk on Lazarus's face was teasingly deep, more than happy to remind her of said milf status. Not to mention the fact that it now made him an honored, mother fucker.Lilith chuckled. "Good. I know I could have arranged it, but I don't mind sharing the duty of parenting with you." She said, grinning as she gave his arm a good natured punch. "As for me, well, I think the eggheads did a good job making sure I didn't get the wrong MILF energies if you're anything to go by." She pointed out as they walked. "I'm just glad she hasn't gotten into Nexus Impact yet honestly. Not sure I want to expose her to that kind of manipulative system just yet." Lilith admitted though, the hint of the mother she'd become showing, even if to most people, she was the hard-ass dominating bun that ran Intel. And who was more than happy to on occasion punish those who'd displeased her with some things that some might wonder if they were really punishments at times.“Excuse me?”, he said with mock incredulity and feigned shock at the slight accusations. “I will have you know my other daughter has turned out to be a fine young lady you hear. She’s a sweetheart, and has even moved up in the world. So I think they gave you the right milf genes thank you, unless you want to get that item from the witch, and try to prove me wrong somehow.”It was a dumb challenge, and completely mindless in what he asked in doing so, but he was more so joking to make a slight point. “We made a damn fine kid, and you are far more dependable than her mom was.”"I hear a challenge and I think I'd like to take that up." Lilith replied with a huge grin as they walked. "I think I could fit you into one of my tight bodysuits. I can just imagine how much you'd make everyone on the station drool at the sight." She teased, grinning. "Oooh, maybe I should opt for a permanent one so that we don't have to worry about it fading away. Give the game two poster ladies!" She continued to tease, enjoying it maybe a little too much.She hadn't had this much, just, well, off the cuff fun with Lazarus in a long while. Between their schedules and taking care of their five year old daughter, it was no surprise. "And I know I work too many hours as it is... I just hope she doesn't grow up to resent it. I try not to sink into work, but some things just, well, they need me to take care of because while yes, I have good people, sometimes they can't see the forest for the trees."“I can always bring her to the office with me more often, give her some time with pa more at least.”, Lazarus answered simply, grinning at the challenge. “Also as much as perm bitched sound hot, I rather like my dick, and so do you. So I would like to keep that.”"I'm sure we could find a way to give you one on occasion." Lilith temporized, grinning. "And I don't see why not. It isn't like the company is kept in the dark about her being your daughter. Hell, I imagine it'd be a bit of a morale spike to see her around more. I just can't take her into Intel for, well, a bunch of reasons. Least of which is her running ruckus amongst all that stuff." She said, shrugging."I will keep it permanently and maybe I agree.", He said teasingly, yet still pointedly in a playful way. Lazarus was not keen on losing his baby maker just yet, as he wasn't sure just yet that he was done doing so. Though at this rate, he'll be carrying the next one. "Well she can run amuck in daddy's office all she wants, as it'll be her's some day."Lilith chuckled and hugged Lazarus. "Don't worry, I wouldn't give you a permanent one. I like that thing too damned much myself." She replied with a smile. "And I'm sure she'd love that. As would some of the staff." She said on the subject of Lilia in Lazarus' office. Fairly soon they were in the living quarters section of the station, walking past personnel who were off duty."Alright, so you're gonna show me how this Nexus Impact actually plays when we get home, right?" She asked, smirking. "And let's be honest, I'm hoping they didn't get me too wrong with personality.""Well I can tell you she doesn't have people under her nearly as often to be accurate.", He rebuttals as they walk in, Silvana having greeted them in the hall before taking her leave. As they did, a very happy platinum haired with black streaks, child ran up to the pair excitedly."Mommy, daddy, big sis taught me about the ocean today! Can we go someday?", Came the sweet voice of Lilia who Lazarus scooped up gently on the way to the couch.Lilith smiled, and reached over, and gave her daughter's head a quick rub, making sure to avoid squashing those lovely ears sticking up from her head. Lilith wasn't sure how it happened, at least the exacts of it, but Lilia had somehow come out as a rabbit like Lilith was."Maybe. Depends on if we can find one that is as amazing as Silvana described to you!" She said in response to her daughter's question. "So, you wanna join us? Daddy's about to show mommy some stuff that he's been keeping quiet from me." She said, with a big grin for her daughter's sake."Ooooh, you mean the game he plays when you're at work?" Lilia asked, beaming."Of course he is." Lilith says, pinching her nose a moment."I did say I was playing it in my office, of course I get bored sometimes at home too.", Lazarus pouted as his own daughter threw him under the bus. But he still gave her a kiss on the forehead all the same, impossible to be ever annoyed with her.As the less then innocent family took to the couch, and pulled out his device again. Casting his screen to the flat screen in the living room, the intro music of angelic nature began, game title hanging over a standalone doorframe. "So, where to start."Lilth settled onto the couch with Lilia in her lap. "Well, let's start with just showing me how it plays. I mean, most of these gacha games I've heard about tend to do fantasy stuff. The idea of this one doing a contemporary one with all the mess that modern gear brings? I'll admit, I'm curious."Lilia giggles. "Oooh! I know I know! What about that big fight you were talking about daddy?"And of course she would go straight to that, as she had been daddy’s girl on every aspect about the game that involved killing enemies. “So what she is referring to is, a boss in a dungeon raid I’ve been trying to tackle. That is a bit more for later though, and it best to just start you at the beginning.”, Lazarus answered as he added an account and started the tutorial. It played through, and then offered the choice of a male or female character, with the two being twins."I see they chose to go with the default Fenrir for the protag." She said, chuckling at the image of the near identical looking characters. "Guessing no difference between which one you pick? Or do you even control them in the game?"“One is air, the other water, and it does affect their dialogue. They act as your sort of pseudo stand-in despite having canon names you learn later. Also are your first character to start with.”, Lazarus explained as he chose a female this time, since it would be Lilith’s account when they were done. As the game started in earnest, he handed her the control with a grin. “Perfect time to start teaching you.”