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M [NPS] A Lilith by any Other Name, is Just as Secretive.



Staff member
Nov 3, 2021
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Carmelian Expanse - 009015:7 (Veris, Nova System)

Jade Helix Club, 2:00am (3490-GC)

The shift was over, just another day of being an armed thug for some mafia prick’s security. This time it was the Jade Helix, one of the more notoriously known clubs on Veris. It was where most of the crime families did business, where deals were made, and the politics of the underworld were in full swing. Well if one could call it an underworld in a star system where the underworld was the government itself. Left everything out in the open, done freely when the authority was in full support.

Such were the ways of Nova, and particularly Veris for that matter, even to the point that someone like Lazarus was actually respected here. Not for just his casual gun for hire work these days, but for the reputation that got him as one of the UNS’s outer rim’s biggest bounty hunters Not to mention having a hefty bounty on himself in a number of corners even. Sure there had been a few who had tried to collect time and again, but they never lived to realize the mistake in trying. In a way, he was sort of a celebrity among certain circles, giving no shortage of work with his skill set and experience.

Afterall, few could boast having done every sinister deed in the book, lived to brag about it, and still have not gone through most of their life. It was something that often made the man chuckle to think about, even as he checked out of his shift as a “bouncer” for the club. It was decent work, usually spot lighted where he worked for the night, most of the time tending to be the Helix in fact. This place had everything to enjoy after his job was done too, booze, drugs, women, gambling, black market brokers, and halfway decent music.

The man couldn’t complain, though he generally only partakes in booze and black market, it was just a pleasant vibe for the criminal. Something he enjoyed tonight, same as always as he left the back rooms with his pay, and a duffle of his extra gear. A simple vest and his holstered hand cannons remained under the long coat he normally wore as he took a seat at the bar. “Gareth, hit me with the usual, actually make it a double tonight right off the bat. I’ll take a bowl of nuts too, as well as an order of the mozzarella sticks.”, he ordered the bartender and server who had grown used to seeing the man at this point.

Walking into the bar, after some fine toying of the bouncer before he let her in, was a woman of decent height, made that much taller by the pair of laquine ears that rose another foot and a half above her already statuesque 6 feet. She paused only briefly after stepping in, turning her head left and right, looking for something, before making her way towards the bar. She was wearing a tight outfit that readily revealed her shoulders, most of her arms, and part of her thigh, what wasn't hidden by the bottom of her almost leotard-like outfit, and thigh high leggings.

Overall, her appearance was dark in color, white of hair, dark mocha of skin, and black latex of her outfit. Sliding into the seat next to Lazarus, she waved down the barkeep. "One Den of Vice please." She ordered a drink. Not something light that was for sure.

Such a woman seemed to draw varying levels of attention. From the sleazy gangers and even women of the night looking for the target of a good time, as well as those of pimping nature. Not even Lazarus could find himself able to ignore such a presence, bunny features even brought out his predator side just a little. The server dispensed the man's order as he replied to her.

"What would a fine woman such as yourself, be doing in such a den of fashionable thugs such as this? As safe as it may seem, it is most certainly not for one so attractive. You never know what monster of a man you may take a seat next to here.", Lazarus offered as he picked up his drink, gently jostling the glass to let the amber liquid swirl inside.

The woman smiled and ignored the looks others were giving her. "A fine woman? Oh I'm anything but." She remarked, merely glancing over as the barkeep put her drink down. "And I'm pretty sure I know,


] who I'm sitting next to. Lazarus, Freelancer with some, interesting friends." She said, with just a knowing smile. "Was told you'd be here in fact."

“Well, must I be so lucky to have such a seductive looking assassin. So what foolhardy imbecile hired you to claim the bounty this time? I was sure the last idiot was Harrow and Barrow, though I cured that lack of education fairly quickly.”, He said, giving her a dark smile as muscle tensed under the coat, the slight shift barely noticeable. Lazarus tipped back the glass, letting the strong smell of whiskey open his nostrils before breathing in the air. Her smell was oddly familiar, and that actually made him slightly worried to an extent. Had he missed an enemy somewhere, was a grave still empty?

With a disarming smile, she reached into her suit, and pulled out an honest-to-goodness paper card out of it to slide it over to him. "Oh, no effort to claim the bounty. Just an in person meeting." She says. Tapping the card for him to examine. The side that was visible was blank. Meaning whatever it was said was in fact on the opposite side. Should Lazarus look over it, he'd see that it was a simple message.

'I am Lilith Ezrama, and I am your new spymaster.' That's all it said, with a barely visible off-white NPS logo in the corner.

"Well that is certainly a topic of discussion to be had, one better suited for somewhere more private.", He answered, seeming to relax a little bit at that. It was not really what he was expecting to have happen today and it annoyed him this was something his own people had left him out of the loop on.

Lazarus didn't exactly trust her fully yet, but he had his assumptions on the matter, and would definitely have a word with Asmodeus on it later. He turned to the barkeep though and put down an additional stack of currency, "Private booth for two, and we are to not be disturbed. Am I understood?"

The man looked at the generous amount and saw the deathly serious stare, and knew this was a yes only answer kind of situation. "Why of course s-sir, I'll log it immediately….hmm…..booth 12B right over there is unbooked.", He answered as he handed him the key.

Picking up the key, and his order now bagged after finishing off the whiskey, Lazarus stood and offered an arm to Lilith. "Shall we go somewhere more for just us two my dear?", Lazarus said with a grin.

Lilith smiled, and nodded. Standing up, she gave those around a glance to see what others were thinking. Those that let it reach their bodies and expressions at least. She of course, did pick up her drink first. Walking to the booth in question, she paused a moment to check that he was in fact behind her, before opening the door, and stepping in first.

Damn she knew how to subtly hurt a gentleman's feelings when the arm seemed ignored. Lazarus didn't let it get to him though as he followed after her before also stepping in and closing the door. Satisfied he could not hear the outside noise, and only the music from the speaker above, he set the bag on the table and his duffle under it.

"So I guess let's cut to the chase. You claim to be one of my people, yet I obviously didn't get an application across my desk for you. That leaves either two options, you're lying and are a very good spy, or….the lab made you.", He said sitting down across from her with a small sigh. He rested his arms on the back of the bench back rest, his guns on clear display as he eyed the woman down. "So same question for either, why, and what proves I can trust you?"

"Infiltration Life Form Model 001 Experimental, at your service." She said, with a grin once she herself was sure they weren't about to be spied upon, having pulled out a little pen that had a light on the tip of it. It'd remained green the entire time she was sweeping it over the room. "Manufactured as a new style of infiltrator unit. Now assigned to be your spymaster and personal aide. I won't kill myself, or you, if you told me to, but I would merc every person in that bar without a second thought." She said.

"As for proving you being able to trust me, I can't. Not on my own. You can contact NPS to confirm what I've told you thus far. I won't be hurt."

"I already am actually, and the file seems to check out. I have a feeling there's more to your duties then what you've listed. For a spy master and an aid, they wouldn't have so thoroughly….customized you so." Sure, even he had to admit it would be effective for spy work, the way her appearance was. Yet it was still a touch too loud, and to boot, far too seemingly tailored to his preferences. That was just his thoughts though as he indeed checked the file with his neural connection to the NPS database.

"I am completely under your authority. I am intended for you to use however you wish, alongside the roles I've already said. I am yours to use, abuse, or adore. To send away and rarely see, or to be on my knees in worship of you." She says, giving a warm smile.

"Well, I hope you do not view yourself as a slave. As I will not treat you as such. You are under my total authority yes, but I expect you to also act of your own accord, and to let me know of any needs you wish fulfilled. Give me your loyalty, and you shall have mine." He seemed to rub the bridge of his nose a little as if annoyed, already planning a


with whoever designed his new aid. Lazarus sighed softly, before adding, "What is something you desire Lilith? Name anything, be it an item, or something you wish done, or to do."

Lilith chuckled lightly. "I am whatever you want me to be." She says, giving him that warm smile again. "As for what I desire, I want to make sure you are pleased with this situation, as unwanted as I am certain it is for you."

This man was not normally one to care for others, or to be so hung up on how he considered someone else who had a place in his life in some way. But the idea that one of his own, made someone to basically be what he hated having been made to be, infuriating. Lazarus hid it well, but it also took a backseat for how responsible he now felt for this woman. Who was he to tell her no, when she seemed to consentingly wanted this job.

Taking a moment to think of how to phrase his response, he then looked her in the eyes with a serious fixated stare. "Then prepare for the highest expectations I'm about to give you then. I want you to be more then the job description, and what they made you to be. I want you to be my lover, my trusted partner, and someone I can care for. It may not be what you were expecting, but it's what I want, and what I need from you outside of your normal tasks. Can you handle that?"

"Then I'll do so to the absolute best of my abilities." She stated very simply, as though he had merely asked her the time of day. For her, it is very much just that. He told her how he wanted her to be to him. And she would do so as best she could. Sure, she had his psyche profile, sure she had his history... But an instruction like this, well, it would require more than just rote memorization.

With a much warmer smile, she cocked her hip and tilted her head slightly. "So, how shall we get started on things?" She asked, curious to see what he would decide.

"Well first off, I want to inspect your design fully. I want to see the figure that's going to be in bed next to me every night. And any other features you want to show me.", He said hiding his not so small smirk. His consciousness was cleared, not to enjoy and explore his new companion.

The smile turned into a sultry smirk, as she reached up and undid the clasp holding the suit on, and with a simple twist on the latch, the suit lost it's second-skin like appearance, before she began to casually take it off, as though this was as simple to her as breathing. But her movements made the entire thing a show of motion, like she was dancing for him and him alone. Which, considering, she was.

Once the outfit was on the floor, and the few weapons hidden on her person were thrown atop it, she continued to smirk, hands on her hips, not a hint of shame in her, even as she was clearly damp with arousal.

He whistled softly as he admired her bare mocha skin under the dark neon light. The figure she boasted, as well as her finely crafted breasts, and her wide nice thick hips and thighs. The zipper of his jeans was already feeling stressed, even as he slipped off his gloves with a grin. Losing the jacket and holsters next before patting his lap, "Let's get those beautiful bare feet off the floor, this place doesn't deserve to be graced by them."

With a nod, she strode forward, a dancer's grace to each movement, before she easily lifted herself onto Lazarus' lap, making sure to press her lower lips against that clearly straining bulge in his pants, knees bent to keep her feet off the floor. "Like this?" She asked, a coy grin on her face as she settled in. Her being a half foot shorter than him made the position quite interesting, even if her ears did make her taller.

Of course, with her bountiful DD bust, and hourglass figure, she practically oozed her sexuality, even if it was now meant for one person, and whomever else he decided to point her towards.

His hands were on her sides now, feeling her smooth youthful skin, as he followed the curves of her figure. It was almost hard to believe that she was meant for him, or that his lab team was studying his habits and preference this hard. That talk was definitely happening, but the also lab creation, couldn't exactly be too angry at them in their success.

"I'm going to be upfront with you, I hope they built you fairly sturdy. I'm assuming you've done your homework and know why I say that?", Lazarus asked as he rubbed her sides. Hands slid further and further down until they rested on soft thighs which were given a gentle squeeze. He would have also hated to admit right now, just wanting to see her try on various clothes for a show as his entertainment.

To strip, change the accentuating outfit to frame her body, then do so again as she teased him with it over and over again. That made her seem like a doll in his mind, but she was his doll, his precious doll and lover.

Lilith smiled. "I have, and I can handle it. I had to be able to 'hang', as they said, with the Fenrir's first and foremost. While I'm not as good as them in direct combat... I make up for it in other ways. Especially those that might require use of my body." She says with a sly smile. "Tell me how you want me. How I dress. How I act... I want to be your perfect lover." She whispered as she leaned close to his ear, pressing her chest against his clothed one.

"I could pierce my body with decor for you. I would replace limbs if that's what you wanted." She continued. "I would wear nothing in public if that's what you desired. Teach me what would make you happiest."

"I want you to keep those limbs, just the way they are. Piercings and clothes, well you can put on a show for me later, try em all on. I'll see what you in, gets me going, or lack of even." He gave back, a slight seductive growl tinting his words in her ear. He wanted her to know that despite his civility, he was still an animal at heart.

Hands slid around to the meat of her ass, fingers pressing in as he began to feel and knead them. Spreading them even to let her conform to his bulged lap. Lazarus nipped at the curve of her ear with his lips before adding, "I'm marking you as mine tonight, so that everyone knows you're my baby. Though I may have to share you later with my sister, and any others who join as my partners. I've got to make sure you have enough playmates to never be bored."

"Sounds like a plan. But I think you're still too clothed to mark me properly yet." She teased, rocking her hips in a method to leave her rubbing her slit against his crotch. She enjoyed his nibble at the base of her ears at the top of her head. "So long as they understand that I only submit myself to you, unless you tell me to submit to them specifically that time around." She said, her breathing growing heavy as she got more and more into the moment.

"Then you better start taking them off then. I want to see just how bad you want it.", He answered before nipping again, but this time on the side of the neck.

With a pleased grin, she adjusted her head to give him the most skin possible to nibble at. "Challenge accepted then." She replied, her hands sliding from around his neck to have one remain there while the other trailed down his chest, past his abs, and to his zipper, deftly opening it, and without once letting her gaze move away from watching his reactions, slipped her hand in to fish him out, spearing herself upon his cock in almost the same moment, her hips and gut moving in such precise motions that her torso never stopped pressing against him, nor her legs moved more than a few centimeters to make it happen.

Very quickly he could feel himself bottom out inside of her, all in a singular thrust of her hips down. "Ready?" She asked, rhetorically, as she began to work her hips in such a fashion as to fuck herself on him without needing his doing anything. Of course, while this happened, she finally removed her other hand, and used it to begin divesting him of the rest of his clothes, one piece at a time in a slow, sensual dance that was perfectly synced to her riding him.

"Now now, don't you know it's common courtesy to lube before you take it in. Can't skip the basics, and I want to see how you do it, without setting a foot on the floor." She made the mistake of showing just how flexible and limber she could be, his lip bit as she took him in with a designed tightness. This was his way of putting her to the test, to see what feats of pleasure she could surprise him with.

Lilith grinned as she continued to rock for a few more moments. "Ah, but being lubed enough on my own isn't enough for you? I suppose I could work on that." She says, before lifting herself up and off, and then using her flexibility to move herself to be upside down, connecting her feet above Lazarus' head, bent so that she was exposed to him in her full glory, all while she began to do vertical push-ups, his cock in her mouth as she does so. Her tongue worked the shaft and head with practiced ease, as though she's been doing it for decades, and not once did he leave her mouth with each repetition. Add in the suction she added to the experience, well, it was certainly proof of the depth of her training.

He groaned with pleasure as she sucked him off at the top, her womanhood wet and still spread open before him. "Don't be shy to take as much of it in, I know it can be a mouth full.", Lazarus chuckled as he admired the bounce and hang of those upside down breasts of her's.

Having already had his shirt removed by his lover, he was free to partake of her flower without worry of mess. Leaning forward, he let his hands glide across her thighs as she continued her dick-ups. With a swipe of the tongue he ran it across her juicy opened sex, letting his tongue fall into the opening more or less to taste her.

Oh she had worked his entire cock once, twice, thrice now, having taken it all in without even a hint of gag reflex. And she happily moaned and let her throat vibrate around him, adding another facet of pleasure to the experience.

"Alright~..hngh~..Chokers are going on your wardrobe list.~" Lazarus got out as he stifled a moan, feeling how her throat pulsed and milked him better then any fleshlight. He buried his next moan into her pussy as he buried it tongue first into her, an arm wrapped around her waist. Just enough to keep from instinctually thrusting, something not to be done lightly with his hips.

His cock was hard, the enhanced muscle almost to literal rock stiffness as she was quick to bring a climax peaking to his tip. A few more moments later, and she felt the thick white sperm on the very balls he felt her nose touching. Filling her throat with his creamy arousal as both hands now squeezed her cheeks firmly in his shuddering orgasm.

With barely a pause, she took it all in, swallowing each blast of a load with ease. And still she continued to work over it. He hadn't told her to stop yet, and since he was tonguing into her cunt, well, no reason to rush to spearing herself on this mighty pole once more until he was well and truly ready. She was already there. She was practically a pool of arousal and lubrication as his tongue dived into her.

Giving her sex lips a kiss and a relieved sigh from his release, Lazarus gave her a firm pat on the ass. "I think you've earned that ride, how about we resheathe it where it was before, and you give me a kiss."

Pushing herself up, and thus letting his cock fall out of her mouth, she grinned, and once more, without letting her feet touch the floor, righted herself, and smoothly pushed herself down on the cock that had just moments ago been in her mouth and throat.

"But of course." She says, as she leans forward against him to give him a long deep kiss, the lingering hint of his cum on her breath as she does so, tongue probing against his lips.

He fully invited her tongue in, his head tilting as he drew her in close. His hands then found those luscious breasts, fitting the curve of his index fingers to thumbs, under her peaks. Before, spreading the rest of his fingers over them.

Rotating his hips on the bench, he helped her ride, feeling his still slick length forcing its way in and out of her tight wet core. Lazarus gave a hum of a soft pleasured groan, her perfectly fitted tightness, gripping him like a vice.

Giving a happy moan into his mouth as she let her tongue duel with his, Lilith's hips began to once more rock and roll on his lap, meeting each and every one of his thrusts, small they might be, that simply meant that each drop of her hips into his, her clit would press and rub against his groin.

Her arms would wrap around his neck, helping to hold the pair of them close. Breaking the kiss for a moment, her breathing heavy and husky, she grins. "I hope you don't mind me leaving my thong with you... and walking out of here with your load filling my outfit as I leave..." She teases, wondering how he'd feel about the image of her doing just that.

Lazarus looked her in the eyes and gave a sly smirk, "You say that like it wasn't my plan from the get go. That is why I'm going to fill you front and back, where they'll see it dripping down your thighs and know. That you are my lover."

"Ride me until you're full then I'll give you the second filling with my pleasure. I'll even give it to you in the position of your choosing." He added as a hand left her chest to run through her hair.

Grinning, she continues to gyrate her hips on his lap. "Well, you've gotten the first fill in. Unless you're saying the blowjob wasn't one?" She quipped, tilting her head into the hand running through her hair. It wasn't overly long right now, maybe only shoulder length, but the raven black lengths were silky smooth to his fingers.

"That was just the sample, I'm going to fill both your holes between these legs until it's oozing out of the crotch of that tight little outfit of yours." He growled non-threateningly as he continued to enjoy her figure, and just the hypnotizing show of her body moving. He watched how her labia flexed and pulled with each motion, the bounce of the breast in his hand, and the slight flop of those rabbit-like ears. "You're going to have to work harder for that baby batter my dear. And when that hole is done, I think between those thighs and breasts could use some too.", He said grinning hungrily.

Lilith smirks. "I see. Well, anal isn't as fun for me, but I suppose I could accept it this time." She remarked, bringing one hand up to curl her fingers until her index remained extended, upon which she tapped him on the nose as she finished her sentence.

"We'll have to see about the rest though I think... Depends on how well you work me, Master." She said. Testing the waters so to speak on how he felt about being called that.

"Well I'll figure out a solution for that hang up that we both can live with. Also I slightly take that last line as a challenge my dear.", Lazarus said finding that to be a small disappointment on anal, but he could figure a work around later. Arms wrapped around his new lover, lifting with ease as he stood up, as if she weighed nothing at all. She'd find herself now under him as he turned around and laid her on the booth seating. "Even if I don't have you work yourself, I will.", He said leaning in over her close before giving a kiss.

"Oh my! So assertive!" She said with a giggle, grinning as she was repositioned for his planned use now. "And I might have meant it that way, Master." She said, in response to his saying she spoke of a challenge. Of course, anything else she might have wanted to say was lost as she happily returned his kiss.

Pushing her legs straight up so her hips rested between his thighs, he put his knees on the bench. He was in so much deeper now in this mating press position, easily hitting into the entrance to her womb.

"Then let me show you your place, can't have you being too rebellious my dear." He said as he had her firmly pressed into the booth, his hips rocking as he thrusted into her with pleasure. She was already so nice and slick, hot, and yet still so tightly wrapped around his cock. Lazarus had no trouble pushing into her already filled flower, over and over again, seeking to pollinate it with his seed yet again.

With her delighted moans as she was firmly and fully mating pressed by her master, Lilith began rocking her hips what little she could to really draw him in and fully slam into her with each and every one of his thrusts.

Her ears were laying flat on the back of the booth, though it seemed her face was busy being twisted in pure delight and ecstasy as she was used to Lazarus's wishes.

The man gave it more force, making her ass bounce and jiggle jarringly as he started to test just how tailored she was. He wasn't going hard enough to break anything, but just enough to be thrusting in deep, straight to the womb. Lazarus also wasn't trying to knock her up yet, but he was certainly going at her like he was almost. It definitely was a future goal with her now, especially since few women could have withstood what he'd already done. Even more so with just how built she was to milk him of baby batter, that she had to have been made with carrying his children in mind as well.

That was a weird thought to cross now, if all times, but damn did the idea of a pregnant bunny woman get him working harder. He was practically rocking her into the booth cushions, the thumps quite loud from the seating meeting the wall over and over again.

She was happily taking the entire thing in stride, enjoying every moment of it. And if there was any hint at just how well designed she was, it was that she was hardly phased or even apparently harmed by how they'd been going at it, even as the room itself was faring slightly less well.

He gave a pleasured groan as he continued to plunge into her repeatedly, his cock hard and throbbing with another load before long. He pressed her into the booth hard, getting in as deep as possible before he filled her even more, her stomach starting to expand just a bit. He was going to make her leave looking pregnant at this rate. But he still had more loads to give, either inside her, or to be splattered over her.

With a low long moan, Lilith enjoyed feeling him begin to bloat her even that slight bit. As they settled into place, she gave a small laugh. "Feeling better Master?" She asked, smiling as she lay there, legs bowed over her shoulders still.

"The smile on my face should answer that, but I'm far from done with you. I'm doing another so you're walking out, looking like you're pregnant. Then putting a load between those breasts, those clappable cheeks, and then making good on the back door. Gotta make sure everything is molded to me, just to specification." He grinned like a predator enjoying their prey. She had him keyed up, aroused, and his heart thumping. He was a starved wolf who'd found his rabbit.

Lilith chuckled. "Well, I guess I should get to work then." She replied. "Of course, it'll be easier if I'm not bend over like this." She pointed out, grinning even as she felt him still holding her in place, and filling her quite well.

Lazarus flipped them around, swapping places as he took a seat now, Lilith lifted into his lap. “Then I guess you should, as there are many places left to fill with my...appreciation. I guess you could say this is a load test.” Sure it was shitty humor, but he was enjoying himself too much, loving every slick slosh and slap of her ass into his lap. Fully ready to fill her the rest of the way, then cover her in his seed, before filling her ass too. This woman was going to be so runny, that her suit would be soaked through.

Smirking Lilith began to bounce on his lap, letting each and every sound of the act echo. The slick slurping of her pussy, the slap of her ass cheeks with each bounce. All for Lazarus. "One more in my cunt before we load my ass?" She asked, lifting her arms up and starting to sway and dance with only moving her torso, arms and head in it, all while her hips and legs worked away on his cock.

She had been taking him with hardly a sound of pain or discomfort, and if anything, she seemed wired to perfectly accept him inside of her. There was the slight bulge of his cock visible in her lower abdomen, now that she was moving and not bent over double backwards.

The notation to preferred detail, was honestly to a small degree, disturbing. Lazarus would have to remember to talk to the lab people less, and have his new spymaster keep a personal information block about him to them. But that was for later, the current things at hand, providing a much wanted distraction. With surprisingly gentle fingers, felt up the bulge created by his cock deep inside her, feeling the stretched curve of her stomach and navel area.

“Yeah, I’m willing to give you enough to replace this bulge with that of my cum. You’re very limber for a bunny, I plan to make you a bit fluffier before you leave tonight.”, he said with a smirk, as a hand reached around and began to fondle her fluffy tail.

Lilith smiled, and continued, though she did slow a moment as she felt her own internal muscles clench and shudder as she moaned heartily, feeling herself climax a tiny bit at his instructions. "Of course Master." She breathed out, arching herself forward to entice him with her breasts, and of course, offering him a better angle with which he could reach her tail and her ass. As every part had been made to be resilient, and combat ready as any fenrir, and limber and sleek enough to be an excellent spy, all of it had clearly been tailored, mind and body alike, to hit on all of his favorite points.

"I hope beyond hope that I can perform my duties to your satisfaction. All of them." She moaned, not specifying anything, since he was her whole reason for being.

“Well you’ve already got a good headstart on that, so keep it up, and you may just become my favorite subordinate. I have a feeling, my company is only going to grow in influence with you next to me. Not only will you be one of my greatest assets, but I hope you’ll be my best friend and maybe prove to be more.” That was about the best heartfelt anyone had ever gotten from the man since the conception of his daughter.

The hand around her tail stayed where it was, feeling up the prominent curve and crevice of the top of her ass. The other grabbed a handful of breasts, squeezing as the nipple was pinched between thumb and index. This was his new playground, and by the void, he was going to play in every inch of it. Enjoying the show as he began to ram his cock in deep again, watching the bulge of her stomach practically jump with each deep tap of her womb.

With a happy giggle, she smiled as she continued to sway and shift, letting his hands dictate her more vigorous movements, or in this case, lack thereof so that his hands could maintain the contact he wanted with her body. Of course, she was more than happy to do as he wished. To be his toy, to be his scalpel, his friend and lover. Even if he told her to be his rival, she would do so for him.

But for now, she was here to be fucked into a cum bloated mess, and she intended to do that to the absolute best of her ability. Meaning making sure he was enjoying every single little moan, gasp, motion and shake of her body. As well as her shudders as she found herself reaching little climax after little climax as she felt her body take him as it was designed to.

Lips would find her still free breast, sucking on the generous and firm bosom, his tongue tracing the edge of her nipple. His hand getting a firm grip on the top of her ass, used it as leverage to rock her pelvis down on his lap harder, and more firmly. If he was going to put one more load in her cunt, he was going to give it as deep as possible, to the point of bringing her womb close to bursting. He was ravenous in his hunger for her body, the chocolate bunny he always wanted, and happy to give her all the creamy filling he could.

Feeling him take her untouched breast into his mouth, she pressed it forward, giving him even more of a taste and a feel for the texture of it. Even as he pulled her down for a harder grind of her clit and pussy against his body and pushed his cock into her as far as it could go. She reached around and wrapped her arms around his head, and hugged him to her breast, making sure her toned stomach rubbed against his chest as well, letting his roughness rub against her soft, pliable skin.

She was the perfect cock sleeve, and baby maker for him, and for that he couldn’t be too mad at the lab boys. Lazarus would still discipline them, but he’d let them live at least, but not before making it clear that he was not a fan of being spied on. The only person he’d let even have the honor of examining his life, was the fuck bunny now speared on his cock, as his custom made lover. And by the void, he was going to put every part of that description to work, especially for the future of his- No, their company.

“So how does your pregnancy work, and how often can I expect them to be possible? I need to know all your limitations, both in and out. I know you can take my dick just fine, so that’s half the equation not needing to be worried about. But if you’re going to be helping me run things as my second, I need to know you’re prepared to help carry on the longevity of this company.” Lazarus asked, letting her tiddy pop out of his mouth, before burying his face in her neck as he pressed her close for firmer fucking.

He was curious to know if he was expecting a child at any time he crammed her full of cum, or if she did it only on specific command. Her having free thought was great, and seemingly undying loyalty, but he needed to know how far that loyalty to him went.

Taking a few moments to catch her breath, she smiled. "My fertility is set to either off or on. I would need to ingest a specific pill to switch it, and it would only last for a week before being fully flushed from my system." She said, though it was punctuated with gasps and deep breaths as he continued to pound her. The fact that she'd managed to actually keep functional enough to answer him, fully and not with brain addled wording was a testament to her 'design'.

"So, when you want a child, let me know, and we'll be able to. Beyond that, I don't know. There were no tests on how pregnancy would go for my line." She pointed out, pulling one arm away from him so she could use it to lift her breast better for him to enjoy.

“Good, then expect me to be shooting for one soon, but maybe not tonight. Our company will need an heir in the future when I’m gone some day. I also don’t want to drag my existing daughter into doing it either, as she’s better being where she is now.” He said firmly as he mating pressed her into the booth again, his mouth finding those succulent tits again. He sucked and pulled on them, switching as he went back into full speed of pounding her into the booth. He didn’t really care if the soundproofing wasn’t up to par, more reason for people to know she was his.

Lazarus grunted a moan at how tight she was even now, and knew with how hard they were going at it, and roughing up the booth seating. He was sure as hell hoping that the lab boys had designed some bed reinforcement to go with her.

Alas, said lab boys were genetic engineers and biologists, not structural engineers. But, that just meant work for another department. Or some company in the NDC. There was some start up working on beds for one of those new races they'd met decades ago wasn't there?

As it was, Lilith was grunting as hard and as much as he was, enjoying what she'd been made to be able to do. Well, part of it anyways. After all, she was meant to be


fuck bunny. And that meant she was gonna be able to enjoy it all, as much and as hard as he wants. So what if a few benches were utterly wrecked? Lazarus paid well enough when he came in to cover their repair anyways, on top of being a damned good bouncer and merc.

So for Lilth, the only thing she said, was a simple "Yes sir!" Moaning out her acknowledgement of his instruction. Seems one of them would need to talk to the boys about one of those doses. She just hoped they hadn't fucked up and dumped them all.

“Good, make sure to see about getting those doses then. I only need to do it once.”, he breathed after coming up for air from his face being buried in her tits again. There wasn’t much he could do left to hold the last building load back, before releasing it into her overflowing sex again. The other half of the test drive would begin, making her his chubby love bunny before they left the club that night. Lazarus was going to enjoy taking her back to the apartment he had bought out here too, filling the bed from being empty other then him from now on.

As Lazarus finished fucking her cunt, having left yet another load in her, she happily slumped back and let herself just breath right now. She knew that she needed to get every breath she could before the next event. She was sure he'd enjoy it, but she wasn't as sure about herself. She'd practiced, but she just never really got into anal. She didn't hate it, but she just kind of, accepted it was a thing.

The man slid all the things on the table to the side, before thinking better of it with what he was about to do. Setting them on the opposite booth, before coming back to easily lift her as if she weighed nothing. “I’m bending you over the table for this one.”, was all Lazarus really said before laying a couple of cushings to put on, then doing so.

She chuckled as she was lifted and moved, only to oof as she was bent over the table presenting herself to him in a new fashion. She could have handled the bare table, but she supposed him showing measure of care was appreciated. Especially since he had plans for her down the road it would seem.

Best not to anger the hand that feeds and all. And this one planed to do more than just feed her after all!

Lazarus grabbed both of her cheeks, kneading the round crash pads she called an ass. Groping them as he shifted them around, then spreading them before pushing his cock in. Seeing as how she fit his cock from the get go in the vagina, he was not slow about sliding in this time. Still pleasantly tight to his pleasure though, feeling those large generous cheeks almost clap the base of his cock.

She mmmphed a bit as he began to thrust in, shifting her hips and butt a bit to better fit him in, but otherwise, she mostly took it. Just as with her training, yeah, she just felt neutral about this. Wasn't exciting, nor was it a hard nope. Just, meh. Damn. She had hoped that maybe, just maybe, it being Lazarus would make it enjoyable, but nope.

She did try at least to keep from being a limp fish for him though, since that'd just be off putting to him as much as it would be to her.

Her ass offered the perfect recoil for each thrust, feeling those cheeks simply bounce him back to pull. One hand firmly held her at the waist, while his other played with her tail, feeling the fluffy cotton ball of an appendage. The fur was so nice and soft, the skin so firm around it’s base, that it was just a delightful little thing to play with regardless of sex or not. Lazarus was definitely rocking the table though, able to go even a bit harder then before.

The fucking between the two lasted for another couple of orgasms, Lilith still managing to get one once Lazarus starting to work on her breasts and clit while he continued to slam into her ass. Of course, at one point the table ended up buckling under them and crashing to the floor, not that either really noticed when the only thing holding her up in his arms, were just his arms. Of course, that meant he had even more free access to her breasts as they swayed under her while they fucked.

After filling her with another three loads, Lazarus was pretty well spent, though still able to stand at least. Perk to having artificial musculature at least, as it didn’t tire, even when actually was. Pulling out with a really wet plop from her ass, she was as full as he could fill her. He stepped back to plop his ass down on the booth, which noticeably rocked some now when used, letting his fuck bun aly against him as he cradled her.

“Top rating, definitely keep you forever. So let’s go home, and just… fuck I don’t know, cuddle I guess, I’m too spent to think right now.”, Lazarus chuckled with a pant, as one hand still rubbed her breast, the other just feeling over the massive bulge in her stomach from all the cum. Proud to have someone to handle that load, oh yeah, he was keeping this one.

Lilith smirked and laid her head back against Lazarus' shoulder. "If we're gonna go home, I should probably get dressed." She mused, looking at her pile of clothes nearby. "Will be quite the 'walk' for all to enjoy seeing as I make it..." She said, voicing the image Lazarus had been having since they started fucking.

Still, she gently pried his hands off her, as she walked over to the pile, and started with the part most likely to help catch much of the mess. "Should I give you a show while I dress up, or are you fine with me getting it done?"

“Considering I can get it any time now, no need to give a show right now, and I need to collect myself for a moment. I need to find wherever I tossed my shirt and jacket…”, Lazarus said as he looked about for each, finding the jacket easy enough, but not the shirt. At first he figured it might be under the table, but it wasn’t and he was utterly befuddled now. Looking up in a sigh, he blinked, as it was hanging from the ceiling fan, “Dafuck?”

Lilith casually reached up as she stepped forward and plucked it from the fan, before tossing towards him, grinning as she looked back doing so. That done, she reached down and plucked up the body of her outfit, and slipped herself into it, triggering the 'vacuum' effect of it, causing it to wonderfully tighten upon her body and highlight everything, without giving away too much detail. In addition, it now helped in keeping all the fluids inside of it. Mostly.

With that part done, she settled on the back of the other couch, as the seat was, too flimsy now to really hold still as she worked on the mid-thigh high boots back on.

“Zip locked for freshness I see, good to know that your flavor stays the best.”, the boss said with a chuckle after having slipped the rest of his clothes back on. Then stepping over and wordlessly helping her slip her boots back on. It was strangely kind from someone with his reputation, but then again, no one really knew him on any sort of personal level, save for one man he had a long history of working with. Even then, he and Craig usually kept to themselves on anything of a private, or too personal nature. Lilith was likely one of the first, if not only, people who got the chance to see what no one else was ever allowed to.

"And of course, to keep the juices stirred up." She teases, wiggling a bit to show how the suit actually managed to help keep the bulge, but it was much reduced. Of course, there was still a partially audible sloshing sound. Though, admittedly, a small amount of the fluid did escape the suit, starting a small river down her legs as she, with Lazarus' help, finished putting on the other boot. "Think I look suitably dressed now?" She asked, smirking as she happily clapped her own ass. She might not enjoy anal, but she had no problem with flaunting the perfectly crafted ass she had.

“Perfectly wrapped candy begging to be stripped from it’s wrapper again. I think I’d prefer you nude when it’s just us at home my dear, maybe even buy some ornamentation for certain assets.” Lazarus chuckled with a slight smirk, thinking of the polished gold chains he could hang off that chocolate body. He would wait to see how she felt about that though, or if she voiced any preferences for such things. Perhaps some nipple and clit piercings, with a tri-chain linked to them to lead his pet bunny around at times. But he would be more satisfied just having her nestled between his legs, or in his lap when relaxing, or even just pressed against him in bed.

His mind was starting to run around with ideas now, a few on the more absurd side of things, like morning wake up blowjobs. Though with her creation, attitude, and personality in mind, that actually sounded a lot more realistic now to what he could expect.

Lilith grinned as she paused at the door. "I blame having successfully fucked your brains into a stupor, but I do recall saying that I wanted you to dress me however you wanted. Even nude. And if you wanted alterations, well, I'd replace limbs and add permanent fixtures if you so want." She said, the grin clearly showing she had no issues with it. Sure, she was wired, coded, even intended to be willing to do as he wanted. But part of what he wanted, was her to be her own person. In some ways, she'd probably go against his decisions. But in most, she'd take what he said. Besides, she'd have her own ways to do things that were probably better that he not know about, once she got started actually running the intelligence side of things.

“I will not entertain agreeing with that, for the sake of pride anyways, but privately I will say they made you the best. You’ll be a good wife, and I plan to do my best to make you the best looking one at that.” Lazarus only commented after a slight ‘pffftt’ sound, before continuing. “Nipple and clit piercings, with a custom ordered chain. I’ll have Asmodaeus put in the order, along with some designer wear and dresses for you. I think I’ll wait on the ring for now.” He said the last bit with a chuckle, before looking her over again.

“More of… whatever that is you're wearing definitely. I’ll have a nice selection of jewelry imported for you as well, so pick out some nice ones for earrings and such.” He continued as he hoisted his bag and followed her out the door of the booth. Wiring his payment for the damages to the bar owner, he grinned as the stories were bound to get around. He did not want to deal with some crabby ass guy about it right now though. “I need to find the best for the ring anyways.”

Lilith nodded, ignoring the stares the pair got. They'd been in there for a good couple of hours, and it was clear a good part of it had been heard. And judging by the glares Lazarus got from several of them, they were definitely jealous of his success in bedding the sexy secret agent bunny. And had his arm around her waist. Though few of them would realize the two of them were probably, as a pair, the most dangerous people in the room right now. And the looks only got more so when they stepped out the doors.

"So, your place or my hotel I'm in?" She asked, as they walked towards the parking lot. "Oh, and I have a rental, so keep that in mind."

“Mine obviously, it’s yours now too, no need to pay for hotels anymore. I’ve got an apartment in the city.”, was all he said as he looked about at the mention of a rental. He was either expecting something fancy, or non-descript in terms of vehicles. To be fair, he was used to walking, or running everywhere as it was far less easy to track him that way. Kept him in shape with his line of work, as a decent form of exercise for what little of him even still required such things anymore.

This made it all the more laughable that someone had made a lover who could actually work him over in bed til out of breath. As much as he would like to keep it to bed, she was just too tantalizing of a partner to not think about just bending over a random bench and fucking silly. Lazarus grinned to himself a little bit at just how much his rep was gonna take a degenerate turn with her around now.

"Of course. Just wanted to know where to park. And before you ask, no, I'm not leaving the rental here." She pointed out, walking over to a car that screamed 'unimportant'. But as the doors opened, Laz could tell easily had been up armored, uparmed, and upscaled inside. Thing was comparable to most luxury vehicles, but the elements that clearly meant it intended to get out of combat not by running away, but by slamming through the enemy in a bull rush.

"Good company, overpriced, but short of bringing some NPS kit, best option for rentals of a similar vein." She explained, punching in the address he gave her, and pulling out of the parking lot deftly.

“Can’t say no to a car ride with someone armed enough to level a police precinct. I wasn’t gonna say leave it anyways, I walked.”, he chuckled yet again after getting in with her. Seeing as she was a woman to use some expensive connections, well at least they gave her the usual spy mentality. Kinda made it feel too much like he got stuck in one of those weird John Ben espionage flicks though. “You don’t always rent an APC of a car do you?”

"Nope. But when I was looking at the threat indicators for the region, I figured better safe than sorry. Especially since, while I might be comparable to a Fenrir, I don't have the suit they do. So, instead of ruining character with combat gear, I just made sure I had warm fuzzies while driving." She explained, smiling. Utterly ignoring the ping of rounds impacting the vehicle.

"So long as none of the idiots out there have anti-tank capacity, I'm not worried. And if they do, well, I can at least fight back." She stated, watching the spark of a round literally skip off the windshield.

“You really know how to take a guy on a date, a woman after my own… almost nonexistent heart. That being said, I think you’d be pretty hot as a gun bunny.” The skip of rounds off armor was like listening to the rain for him, a very familiar sound to hear at the least. It brought an odd sense of comfort, though he did find it odd that so many were being trigger happy tonight. Maybe there was a gang war, or rebellion he missed on the news this morning before work. In either case, it was a bit surprising all the same, but not really concerning.

“I sure as hell wouldn’t mind seeing you in one of our hardsuits and strapped with a sickle. Half tempted to make you our poster girl with a body like that, even give my sister a run for her money. Definitely think a photo shoot might be in order, especially once we get you all those piercings and new clothes in.” Lazarus said with a half smug smile, and a playful wink towards his new partner in crime, and voluntary protector.

Lilith chuckled. "I do look good in them. I will agree there." She said, turning to the left instead of right when a trio of local PMC APC's actually screeched to a halt and began to unload a platoon's worth of troopers. "Wonder who pissed off the heat?" She asked in a mildly interested fashion. "No matter, just means a detour."

Not long after leaving the district in which Lazarus' favored bar resided, with it being clear it was about to get a lot busier by the sheer number of armored man carriers streaming into it, they paused at an intersection of a much quieter state. "So, Lazarus, tell me, any preference for what I call you in general? I don't feel quite comfortable calling you Lazarus outside of normal talking with people."

“If we’re working, I’m using my persona, so Apostle. If it’s among the inner circle, call me Lazarus. If it’s casual, call me Laz, but never refer to me as Pine.”, he answered, a little bitter when referencing his legal last name. But not really giving a shit what she called him, other then based on the situation. “Casual, I’ll call you Lil, or Lili. Formal will be Lilith, and business will be Ezrama.”

"Got it. Just didn't want to call you the wrong thing when more on the clock type work rears." She said, nodding as they finally pulled up to his house's parking lot. "Of course, depending on the mood, I might on occasion call you Master in private." She said, grinning as she waited for him to explode in some form on her for that last quip.

The man didn’t really explode persay, giving an irritated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t really get you to stop saying that can I? I guess at the least, you aren’t calling me daddy. Kinda would prefer a pet name at some point, isn’t that what normal couples do?”, Lazarus groaned before pulling his duffel up from the back seat. He was starting to question if she was just messing with him, or purposely trying to get under his skin at this point. “Well at least the ones that don’t kill people for a living I guess.”, was all he added before getting out and walking towards the apartment building.

Lilith chuckled. "Yes boss." She said, stepping out of the car and closing it up. Now she followed him to the door. "I don't plan to call you that too much by the way. Just on extremely special occasions, or when you want to do that kind of play." She pointed out. "Speaking of, thoughts for food?"

The sudden realization that he hadn’t actually eaten any of what he ordered back at the bar, actually made his stomach growl. It didn’t help that sex had worked through what little had already been in his system, so now he was very hungry in fact. “Well we’re definitely not going back out into whatever the fuck was brewing back that way. So, let’s just order a pizza? Most of the places that count as fast food are pretty shit, but there’s a mom and pop pizzeria that no one bothers.”

The building was pretty unassuming for the most part, but there was security at it’s entrance. Lazarus simply waved his card at them to show he was a resident, before leading them to the elevator. Once they were up to the fourth floor, it was pretty quiet with some muffled ambient noise from a few of the other apartments. Music and parties, to bumps and thuds that he wasn’t entirely sure were fun night fucks going on. His door was opened after he stopped in front of his own, opening the door for his companion.

The apartment, despite all appearances of the building, was actually pretty decent, as it was clearly thoroughly cleaned. There were some simple decorations that at least made it not feel spartan in nature. The stack of hard cases containing gear, as well as a side table covered in ammo and other work items, was probably the main thing that stood out though. “Place wasn’t much when I bought it, but it’s soundproofed, and got it cleaned pretty good too.”

Lilith nodded, giving it a look over. Pulling out her little pen again, she did a sweep, and soon grabbed one of the knives he had as it began to glow red. Soon working on the spot the pen had gone red at, she pulled out a little device and did a brief look over it before crushing it. "Let others in often?" She asked, after the rest of the apartment had come up green.

He just looked at her unamused as she did a security sweep of his home, “Not unless they’re leaving rolled in carpet usually. If there is even that much to roll up left.” Lazarus walked over and gently took the knife, looking at that particular one. “Was a gift for a personal job done, guess I owe him another visit this week. Not sure what he’d expect to get out of using a bug, I haven’t killed anyone here since almost half a year before getting this. I obviously don’t talk to myself either, about evil schemes or something ridiculous of that nature.”

Lilith chuckled. "Idle chatter, listening to your habits, or as that one was, piggy backing off a wireless communications signal node." She said with a shrug. "You'd be surprised at the sort of things some people say or do in private when they think no one can see or hear them." She explained.

“I guess people are just fucking strange then. Why waste words on ghosts if no one cares to even be around to hear them.”, her bosses said with a miffed shrug, before walking to the fridge and grabbing a beer. A remote order was started for the pizza, “Shower is to your left in the bathroom if you want to use it. I’ve got drinks in the fridge, just tell me what you want. Also what are we getting on the pizza?” This was oddly casual of him, but it was one of the few times he actually was able to be, given business required him to be someone else. A man who was posh and proper under a mask with a cane, which albeit fun, was rather tiresome in it’s own way.

Lilith nodded. "Carnivore special if possible." She says, putting her things down and already starting to work off her clothing, leaving a short trail leading to the bathroom. "As for drinks, whatever you got I'll have one of." She called out, not looking behind her as she stepped into the bathroom now to start getting cleaned up. While there was some droplets from where her suit lay to the bathroom, the amount that had been in the crotch of her bodysuit had been quite a bit.

A second beer was pulled out of the fridge, but he quirked an eyebrow as he finished the order. “Wait, I thought rabbits ate greens and not meat?”, he suddenly muttered to himself in a whisper. Shaking his head, he finished it and sent it with payment for an all meat pizza, still wondering about her choice. Then it clicked as he picked up the suit, oh right, she was made to his preferences.

Tossing her cum filled outfit into the wash, Lazarus simply pulled out one of his large shirts for her, placing it on the counter in the bathroom. “Got a shirt out while your clothes wash. Gonna take a bit to wash out all my cum.”, called into the bathroom with a smirk, enjoying the silhouette behind the shower’s glass shell. With him satisfied on the tease, he grabbed his beer and kicked back on the couch, having stripped off his shirt and jacket to his bed.

The shower lasts a bit, probably because she was working on cleaning herself completely, including a fair bit of the excess from inside of her. Stepping out of the shower, she pulls on the shirt with hardly a pause in her step, as she glides over to the couch and settles in next to him. "And I do eat greens, but I wasn't based only on a lawnmower." She said, grinning as she twitched her ears a moment.

“Good to know, I was wondering if I should start learning to bake carrot cakes. Your beer is on the counter next to you by the way.”, Lazarus quipped back with a


thrown in for the chuckle it gave. Looking over, he had to admit, she looked good in only his t-shirt and how it would look in the future with the chains hanging out. “Guess that makes you more of the devil rabbit from Panty Bython and the Holy Cup.”

"Oh you better not. Not only do I not see you as Volia Babies, but you do


want to find out what happens with a rabbit and carrots. It's like giving a squirrel an energy drink." She shot back, smiling as she grabbed the beer and popped it open. "And maybe I am. I've the right color of hair and fur." She said, lifting the now open bottle in a cheers motion.

“Now even as sadistic as you probably know I am, I will admit that you hopped up on energy sounds like a fun night if I’m honest. But I’ll refrain and save that for a special occassion or something. Besides, I think my carrot is enough for now.” He replied before clicking his can with her’s and slippinging in a kiss. “That shirt is yours to sleep in now, because it looks too damn good on you. Just take care of it, will ya, it was a gift from my daughter.”, Lazarus added as he felt her bare thigh with a squeeze since they were out there.

"That explains the 'Bitch's favorite dad' line." She quipped, grinning. "By the way, I believe Nora has taken charge of a colony world. Andraeste I think." She said, sure he'd heard the news, but it didn't hurt to mention. As much as the family as a whole didn't care for Lazarus himself, she knew that he still cared for his kids.

"As it is, we just gonna chill watching a blank screen, or do you got something on queue for us to pass the time away with until time for us to get back to proper work?" She asked, settling in against Lazarus and settling her head on his shoulder.

“100 shows and flicks, and the news, so name your preference. We got a couple days still until flying back to base for normal work. Sure Asmodaeus is tired of me having all the fun while I’m gone, and him filling in on the paperwork.” Lazarus took the chance to cuddle the bunny, even as he turned the vid screen on, and started tabbing through playlists of entertainment. He was not shy about where he put his hand either, holding her close, feeling strange to have someone filling the empty part of the couch now. The monstrous man had to admit he had a small soft spot, one she succeeded in itching, and thought he could get used to this.

"Hmmm, wouldn't be against an action comedy." She said, smiling as she felt his hand settle. She wasn't gonna tell him no, because honestly, she liked it. "And hey, some of that paperwork won't ever touch your desk again when we get back, since a chunk of it will go to mine." She pointed out, as Lazarus mentioned paperwork.

“That’s it, I’m bending you over my desk when we get back. I can’t deny the hunger when you talk sexy like that.” Black sheep of the Pine family, or not, he definitely had the sex drive of one. Clicking on some action comedy, he pressed her into the couch in a body hug now. “I hate paperwork and desk work, as I was trained to kill, not shill some sales pitch on paper. But with you around the office, work just might be fun again.”

Lazarus felt her body up while she was under him, face pressed into her neck as they laid there on the couch, watching the movie through the gaps in her platinum hair. “That pizza better arrive soon, because I’m hungry, and I need food instead of just drinking you. My little devious bun, of the gun and run.”

"And the brains to keep your shit in check." Lilith added to his little list, grinning. "You did make sure to place the order, instead of just ogling me in the shower, right?" She asked, wrapping her own arms around him and enjoy the cuddle session. Since that was definitely what this was. And it was nice.

“Whhaaaa, but I thought people loved my batshit crazy personality?! I only kill every third person I meet, isn’t that normal enough?”, Lazarus asked with mock disbelief, mostly joking…. Mostly. “Hell, if keeping my shit in check means I have a wife this hot, yeah I could be a little saner for that.”

“Also your better then tv when you shower, hell I was tempted to join.”, he threw in as the intro credits finished rolling, knowing that the pizza should be there soon with how far into the film they were so far. Lazarus wondered just who answering the door of the two of them would be more amusing when it did, but for right now, he was content having his face full off chocolate bunny right now.

"Yeah, but then we'd use up all the hot water if you joined me." She pointed out, grinning at the image. Of course, the door just then rang as the pizza arrived. "So, me or you?" She asked, gesturing to the door, wondering who gets to shock the pizza delivery this first time. She could probably confuse and arouse the poor sucker, while Lazarus would frighten them half to death. A difficult decision since either way, they'd be able to get a laugh about it later.

"If I had to vote, I'd say me." She offered, as the doorbell rang again.

“Definitely you, because then I get to watch that ass sway all the way to the door. Make sure to wiggle your tail for effect, just to confuse them more.”, he chuckled, getting up to let her get out from under him so she could answer the door. Pausing the movie as she got up, he gave her another kiss and a firm smack to her bouncy rear, sad in knowing the pizza person would never hear it past the door.

She giggled, schooling herself mentally. "Ditzy slut or serious bitch?" she asked, turning around to look at Laz as she walked, waiting to hear what kind of 'gal' they wanted to shock the pizza delivery with.

“Ditzy slut, because I like the naughty, and two I want to see just how red you make them. Besides, they get enough of me as the brooding tower in the doorway everytime.” Was the answer she got as he called to her on her way to the door. Lazarus leaned over, propping an elbow on the coffee table with a sadistic grin as he waited and watched.

Lilith smirked, and nodded, schooling her features and movements to reflect the trope. She even took a few moments to adjust the shirt so that it looked like she had been in the middle of a hell of a fuck when the pizza arrived. That done, she put on the biggest, goofiest smile she could, and opened the door.

"HAAAIII!" She said, looking the pizza deliverer over. "Oooh, our pizzas! Right? We ordered a pizza?" She called back, turning to give them an excellent view of her nearly bare ass.

“Is it already paid for? I can’t remember after getting pressed into the couch so hard.”, Lazarus answered as part of the show. He gave a lopsided grin of someone fucked senseless, “If it is awesome, worked up a hell of an appetite baby!”

Turning around, Lilith looked at the pizza deliverer. "Has it been paid for? Oooh, maybe a tip would be in order?" She asked, smiling like she was gonna enjoy blowing him.

“Oh! Uh muh, nah! That won’t be uh necessary?”, the poor young man stammered, shaky now as he offered the pizza box. It was clear he was trying to not be too obvious about ogling the woman, but not missing the hints of hips and peaks under the fabric. “It’s alr- already paid for um ma’am.”

Lazarus was trying not to chuckle, already spotting the boner rising from the other side of the apartment. He was almost tempted to walk up and flip her shirt up, but was satisfied to watch and enjoy whatever Lilith decided to do.

Lilith smiled and gave a little jump. "Oh goody! I still think you need a tip though..." She maued, putting a finger to her cheek. "Oh! I know! Lemme show you my boobies!" She said, reaching for the bottom of her shirt, and pulling it up enough to gave the man a good show. Mentally cracking up, she let him stare for a few moments before lowering the shirt again, and taking the proffered box. "Thanks cutie!" She said, bumping the door close with her hip. And once it clicked closed, she cracked up laughing out loud, walking over.

"Okay, that was a ton of fun." She said, setting the pizza on the coffee table.

“Pretty sure I smelled a nose bleed as you were closing the door. That poor boy was traumatized from losing his visual virginity so hard. Now relax as we eat, your peaks are looking a little stiff.” He played with her bare ass as she bent over to set the pizza down, clapping them again for the jiggle before pulling her down into his lap. Clicking the film back on and flipping the box open, he grabbed a slice as they settled back in. “Maybe fucking with pizza people should be a hobby of ours?”

Lilith snorted. "Only if we get to have fun with them beyond just messing with their heads." She teased, grinning. She also took a slice and took a hearty bite out of it as she watched the last of the opening credits for the movie. Something by a Team Blue Diamond she was sure she caught.

Of course, she made sure to get nice and comfy on his lap. After all, she had no plans for the next couple of days.

“If it’s another guy, I don’t mind holding the stop watch while we see how long he lasts. If a woman, well they get the challenge of double trouble.”, Lazarus chuckled before digging into his food as well, and settled in with her shapely ass conformed to his lap nicely. This, this was the life, and by the void was he damn well gonna live it up with her beside him. “Just remember to share your playthings, and you can play slut bunny all you want.”